# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2020 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# included from cgen.nim
## Code specialization instead of the old, incredibly slow 'genericReset'
## implementation.
proc specializeResetT(p: BProc, accessor: Rope, typ: PType)
proc specializeResetN(p: BProc, accessor: Rope, n: PNode;
typ: PType) =
if n == nil: return
case n.kind
of nkRecList:
for i in 0..<n.len:
specializeResetN(p, accessor, n[i], typ)
of nkRecCase:
if (n[0].kind != nkSym): internalError(p.config, n.info, "specializeResetN")
let disc = n[0].sym
if disc.loc.r == "": fillObjectFields(p.module, typ)
if disc.loc.t == nil:
internalError(p.config, n.info, "specializeResetN()")
lineF(p, cpsStmts, "switch ($1.$2) {$n", [accessor, disc.loc.r])
for i in 1..<n.len:
let branch = n[i]
assert branch.kind in {nkOfBranch, nkElse}
if branch.kind == nkOfBranch:
genCaseRange(p, branch)
lineF(p, cpsStmts, "default:$n", [])
specializeResetN(p, accessor, lastSon(branch), typ)
lineF(p, cpsStmts, "break;$n", [])
lineF(p, cpsStmts, "} $n", [])
specializeResetT(p, "$1.$2" % [accessor, disc.loc.r], disc.loc.t)
of nkSym:
let field = n.sym
if field.typ.kind == tyVoid: return
if field.loc.r == "": fillObjectFields(p.module, typ)
if field.loc.t == nil:
internalError(p.config, n.info, "specializeResetN()")
specializeResetT(p, "$1.$2" % [accessor, field.loc.r], field.loc.t)
else: internalError(p.config, n.info, "specializeResetN()")
proc specializeResetT(p: BProc, accessor: Rope, typ: PType) =
if typ == nil: return
case typ.kind
of tyGenericInst, tyGenericBody, tyTypeDesc, tyAlias, tyDistinct, tyInferred,
tySink, tyOwned:
specializeResetT(p, accessor, skipModifier(typ))
of tyArray:
let arraySize = lengthOrd(p.config, typ.indexType)
var i: TLoc = getTemp(p, getSysType(p.module.g.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyInt))
linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "for ($1 = 0; $1 < $2; $1++) {$n",
[i.r, arraySize])
specializeResetT(p, ropecg(p.module, "$1[$2]", [accessor, i.r]), typ.elementType)
lineF(p, cpsStmts, "}$n", [])
of tyObject:
var x = typ.baseClass
if x != nil: x = x.skipTypes(skipPtrs)
specializeResetT(p, accessor.parentObj(p.module), x)
if typ.n != nil: specializeResetN(p, accessor, typ.n, typ)
of tyTuple:
let typ = getUniqueType(typ)
for i, a in typ.ikids:
specializeResetT(p, ropecg(p.module, "$1.Field$2", [accessor, i]), a)
of tyString, tyRef, tySequence:
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "#unsureAsgnRef((void**)&$1, NIM_NIL);$n", [accessor])
of tyProc:
if typ.callConv == ccClosure:
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "#unsureAsgnRef((void**)&$1.ClE_0, NIM_NIL);$n", [accessor])
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "$1.ClP_0 = NIM_NIL;$n", [accessor])
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = NIM_NIL;$n", [accessor])
of tyChar, tyBool, tyEnum, tyRange, tyInt..tyUInt64:
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = 0;$n", [accessor])
of tyCstring, tyPointer, tyPtr, tyVar, tyLent:
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = NIM_NIL;$n", [accessor])
of tySet:
case mapSetType(p.config, typ)
of ctArray:
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "#nimZeroMem($1, sizeof($2));$n",
[accessor, getTypeDesc(p.module, typ)])
of ctInt8, ctInt16, ctInt32, ctInt64:
lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = 0;$n", [accessor])
raiseAssert "unexpected set type kind"
of tyNone, tyEmpty, tyNil, tyUntyped, tyTyped, tyGenericInvocation,
tyGenericParam, tyOrdinal, tyOpenArray, tyForward, tyVarargs,
tyUncheckedArray, tyProxy, tyBuiltInTypeClass, tyUserTypeClass,
tyUserTypeClassInst, tyCompositeTypeClass, tyAnd, tyOr, tyNot,
tyAnything, tyStatic, tyFromExpr, tyConcept, tyVoid, tyIterable:
proc specializeReset(p: BProc, a: TLoc) =
specializeResetT(p, rdLoc(a), a.t)