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path: root/compiler/cgen.nim
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#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This module implements the C code generator.

  ast, astalgo, hashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp, options, intsets,
  nversion, nimsets, msgs, std / sha1, bitsets, idents, types,
  ccgutils, os, ropes, math, passes, rodread, wordrecg, treetab, cgmeth,
  condsyms, rodutils, renderer, idgen, cgendata, ccgmerge, semfold, aliases,
  lowerings, semparallel, tables, sets, ndi

import strutils except `%` # collides with ropes.`%`

from modulegraphs import ModuleGraph
import dynlib

when not declared(dynlib.libCandidates):
  proc libCandidates(s: string, dest: var seq[string]) =
    ## given a library name pattern `s` write possible library names to `dest`.
    var le = strutils.find(s, '(')
    var ri = strutils.find(s, ')', le+1)
    if le >= 0 and ri > le:
      var prefix = substr(s, 0, le - 1)
      var suffix = substr(s, ri + 1)
      for middle in split(substr(s, le + 1, ri - 1), '|'):
        libCandidates(prefix & middle & suffix, dest)
      add(dest, s)

when options.hasTinyCBackend:
  import tccgen

# implementation

proc addForwardedProc(m: BModule, prc: PSym) =

proc findPendingModule(m: BModule, s: PSym): BModule =
  var ms = getModule(s)
  result = m.g.modules[ms.position]

proc initLoc(result: var TLoc, k: TLocKind, lode: PNode, s: TStorageLoc) =
  result.k = k = s
  result.lode = lode
  result.r = nil
  result.flags = {}

proc fillLoc(a: var TLoc, k: TLocKind, lode: PNode, r: Rope, s: TStorageLoc) =
  # fills the loc if it is not already initialized
  if a.k == locNone:
    a.k = k
    a.lode = lode = s
    if a.r == nil: a.r = r

proc t(a: TLoc): PType {.inline.} =
  if a.lode.kind == nkSym:
    result = a.lode.sym.typ
    result = a.lode.typ

proc lodeTyp(t: PType): PNode =
  result = newNode(nkEmpty)
  result.typ = t

proc isSimpleConst(typ: PType): bool =
  let t = skipTypes(typ, abstractVar)
  result = t.kind notin
      {tyTuple, tyObject, tyArray, tySet, tySequence} and not
      (t.kind == tyProc and t.callConv == ccClosure)

proc useStringh(m: BModule) =
  if includesStringh notin m.flags:
    incl m.flags, includesStringh

proc useHeader(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
  if lfHeader in sym.loc.flags:
    assert(sym.annex != nil)
    let str = getStr(sym.annex.path)

proc cgsym(m: BModule, name: string): Rope

proc ropecg(m: BModule, frmt: FormatStr, args: varargs[Rope]): Rope =
  var i = 0
  var length = len(frmt)
  result = nil
  var num = 0
  while i < length:
    if frmt[i] == '$':
      inc(i)                  # skip '$'
      case frmt[i]
      of '$':
        add(result, "$")
      of '#':
        add(result, args[num])
      of '0'..'9':
        var j = 0
        while true:
          j = (j * 10) + ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0')
          if i >= length or not (frmt[i] in {'0'..'9'}): break
        num = j
        if j > high(args) + 1:
          internalError("ropes: invalid format string $" & $j)
        add(result, args[j-1])
      of 'n':
        if optLineDir notin gOptions: add(result, rnl)
      of 'N':
        add(result, rnl)
      else: internalError("ropes: invalid format string $" & frmt[i])
    elif frmt[i] == '#' and frmt[i+1] in IdentStartChars:
      var j = i
      while frmt[j] in IdentChars: inc(j)
      var ident = substr(frmt, i, j-1)
      i = j
      add(result, cgsym(m, ident))
    elif frmt[i] == '#' and frmt[i+1] == '$':
      inc(i, 2)
      var j = 0
      while frmt[i] in Digits:
        j = (j * 10) + ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0')
      add(result, cgsym(m, $args[j-1]))
    var start = i
    while i < length:
      if frmt[i] != '$' and frmt[i] != '#': inc(i)
      else: break
    if i - 1 >= start:
      add(result, substr(frmt, start, i - 1))

template rfmt(m: BModule, fmt: string, args: varargs[Rope]): untyped =
  ropecg(m, fmt, args)

var indent = "\t".rope

proc indentLine(p: BProc, r: Rope): Rope =
  result = r
  for i in countup(0, p.blocks.len-1):
    prepend(result, indent)

proc appcg(m: BModule, c: var Rope, frmt: FormatStr,
           args: varargs[Rope]) =
  add(c, ropecg(m, frmt, args))

proc appcg(m: BModule, s: TCFileSection, frmt: FormatStr,
           args: varargs[Rope]) =
  add(m.s[s], ropecg(m, frmt, args))

proc appcg(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, frmt: FormatStr,
           args: varargs[Rope]) =
  add(p.s(s), ropecg(p.module, frmt, args))

proc line(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, r: Rope) =
  add(p.s(s), indentLine(p, r))

proc line(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, r: string) =
  add(p.s(s), indentLine(p, r.rope))

proc lineF(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, frmt: FormatStr,
              args: openarray[Rope]) =
  add(p.s(s), indentLine(p, frmt % args))

proc lineCg(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, frmt: FormatStr,
               args: varargs[Rope]) =
  add(p.s(s), indentLine(p, ropecg(p.module, frmt, args)))

proc linefmt(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, frmt: FormatStr,
             args: varargs[Rope]) =
  add(p.s(s), indentLine(p, ropecg(p.module, frmt, args)))

proc safeLineNm(info: TLineInfo): int =
  result = toLinenumber(info)
  if result < 0: result = 0 # negative numbers are not allowed in #line

proc genCLineDir(r: var Rope, filename: string, line: int) =
  assert line >= 0
  if optLineDir in gOptions:
    addf(r, "$N#line $2 $1$N",
        [rope(makeSingleLineCString(filename)), rope(line)])

proc genCLineDir(r: var Rope, info: TLineInfo) =
  genCLineDir(r, info.toFullPath, info.safeLineNm)

proc freshLineInfo(p: BProc; info: TLineInfo): bool =
  if p.lastLineInfo.line != info.line or
     p.lastLineInfo.fileIndex != info.fileIndex:
    p.lastLineInfo.line = info.line
    p.lastLineInfo.fileIndex = info.fileIndex
    result = true

proc genLineDir(p: BProc, t: PNode) =
  var tt = t
  #while tt.kind in {nkStmtListExpr}+nkCallKinds:
  #  tt = tt.lastSon
  if tt.kind in nkCallKinds and tt.len > 1:
    tt = tt.sons[1]
  let line =

  if optEmbedOrigSrc in gGlobalOptions:
    add(p.s(cpsStmts), ~"//" & & rnl)
  genCLineDir(p.s(cpsStmts),, line)
  if ({optStackTrace, optEndb} * p.options == {optStackTrace, optEndb}) and
      (p.prc == nil or sfPure notin p.prc.flags):
    if freshLineInfo(p,
      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#endb($1, $2);$N",
              line.rope, makeCString(toFilename(
  elif ({optLineTrace, optStackTrace} * p.options ==
      {optLineTrace, optStackTrace}) and
      (p.prc == nil or sfPure notin p.prc.flags) and >= 0:
    if freshLineInfo(p,
      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "nimln_($1, $2);$n",

proc postStmtActions(p: BProc) {.inline.} =
  add(p.s(cpsStmts), p.module.injectStmt)

proc accessThreadLocalVar(p: BProc, s: PSym)
proc emulatedThreadVars(): bool {.inline.}
proc genProc(m: BModule, prc: PSym)

template compileToCpp(m: BModule): untyped =
  gCmd == cmdCompileToCpp or sfCompileToCpp in m.module.flags

include "ccgtypes.nim"

# ------------------------------ Manager of temporaries ------------------

proc rdLoc(a: TLoc): Rope =
  # 'read' location (deref if indirect)
  result = a.r
  if lfIndirect in a.flags: result = "(*$1)" % [result]

proc addrLoc(a: TLoc): Rope =
  result = a.r
  if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(a.t) != ctArray:
    result = "(&" & result & ")"

proc rdCharLoc(a: TLoc): Rope =
  # read a location that may need a char-cast:
  result = rdLoc(a)
  if skipTypes(a.t, abstractRange).kind == tyChar:
    result = "((NU8)($1))" % [result]

proc genObjectInit(p: BProc, section: TCProcSection, t: PType, a: TLoc,
                   takeAddr: bool) =
  if p.module.compileToCpp and t.isException:
    # init vtable in Exception object for polymorphic exceptions
    includeHeader(p.module, "<new>")
    linefmt(p, section, "new ($1) $2;$n", rdLoc(a), getTypeDesc(p.module, t))

  case analyseObjectWithTypeField(t)
  of frNone:
  of frHeader:
    var r = rdLoc(a)
    if not takeAddr: r = "(*$1)" % [r]
    var s = skipTypes(t, abstractInst)
    if not p.module.compileToCpp:
      while (s.kind == tyObject) and (s.sons[0] != nil):
        add(r, ".Sup")
        s = skipTypes(s.sons[0], skipPtrs)
    linefmt(p, section, "$1.m_type = $2;$n", r, genTypeInfo(p.module, t,
  of frEmbedded:
    # worst case for performance:
    var r = if takeAddr: addrLoc(a) else: rdLoc(a)
    linefmt(p, section, "#objectInit($1, $2);$n", r, genTypeInfo(p.module, t,

  TAssignmentFlag = enum
    needToCopy, afDestIsNil, afDestIsNotNil, afSrcIsNil, afSrcIsNotNil
  TAssignmentFlags = set[TAssignmentFlag]

proc genRefAssign(p: BProc, dest, src: TLoc, flags: TAssignmentFlags)

proc isComplexValueType(t: PType): bool {.inline.} =
  let t = t.skipTypes(abstractInst)
  result = t.kind in {tyArray, tySet, tyTuple, tyObject} or
    (t.kind == tyProc and t.callConv == ccClosure)

proc resetLoc(p: BProc, loc: var TLoc) =
  let containsGcRef = containsGarbageCollectedRef(loc.t)
  let typ = skipTypes(loc.t, abstractVarRange)
  if isImportedCppType(typ): return
  if not isComplexValueType(typ):
    if containsGcRef:
      var nilLoc: TLoc
      initLoc(nilLoc, locTemp, loc.lode, OnStack)
      nilLoc.r = rope("NIM_NIL")
      genRefAssign(p, loc, nilLoc, {afSrcIsNil})
      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = 0;$n", rdLoc(loc))
    if optNilCheck in p.options:
      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#chckNil((void*)$1);$n", addrLoc(loc))
    if != OnStack:
      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#genericReset((void*)$1, $2);$n",
              addrLoc(loc), genTypeInfo(p.module, loc.t,
      # XXX: generated reset procs should not touch the m_type
      # field, so disabling this should be safe:
      genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, loc.t, loc, true)
      # array passed as argument decayed into pointer, bug #7332
      # so we use getTypeDesc here rather than rdLoc(loc)
      linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "memset((void*)$1, 0, sizeof($2));$n",
              addrLoc(loc), getTypeDesc(p.module, loc.t))
      # XXX: We can be extra clever here and call memset only
      # on the bytes following the m_type field?
      genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, loc.t, loc, true)

proc constructLoc(p: BProc, loc: TLoc, isTemp = false) =
  let typ = loc.t
  if not isComplexValueType(typ):
    linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = ($2)0;$n", rdLoc(loc),
      getTypeDesc(p.module, typ))
    if not isTemp or containsGarbageCollectedRef(loc.t):
      # don't use memset for temporary values for performance if we can
      # avoid it:
      if not isImportedCppType(typ):
        linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "memset((void*)$1, 0, sizeof($2));$n",
                addrLoc(loc), getTypeDesc(p.module, typ))
    genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, loc.t, loc, true)

proc initLocalVar(p: BProc, v: PSym, immediateAsgn: bool) =
  if sfNoInit notin v.flags:
    # we know it is a local variable and thus on the stack!
    # If ``not immediateAsgn`` it is not initialized in a binding like
    # ``var v = X`` and thus we need to init it.
    # If ``v`` contains a GC-ref we may pass it to ``unsureAsgnRef`` somehow
    # which requires initialization. However this can really only happen if
    # ``var v = X()`` gets transformed into ``X(&v)``.
    # Nowadays the logic in ccgcalls deals with this case however.
    if not immediateAsgn:
      constructLoc(p, v.loc)

proc getTemp(p: BProc, t: PType, result: var TLoc; needsInit=false) =
  result.r = "T" & rope(p.labels) & "_"
  linefmt(p, cpsLocals, "$1 $2;$n", getTypeDesc(p.module, t), result.r)
  result.k = locTemp
  result.lode = lodeTyp t = OnStack
  result.flags = {}
  constructLoc(p, result, not needsInit)

proc getIntTemp(p: BProc, result: var TLoc) =
  result.r = "T" & rope(p.labels) & "_"
  linefmt(p, cpsLocals, "NI $1;$n", result.r)
  result.k = locTemp = OnStack
  result.lode = lodeTyp getSysType(tyInt)
  result.flags = {}

proc initGCFrame(p: BProc): Rope =
  if p.gcFrameId > 0: result = "struct {$1} GCFRAME_;$n" % [p.gcFrameType]

proc deinitGCFrame(p: BProc): Rope =
  if p.gcFrameId > 0:
    result = ropecg(p.module,
                    "if (((NU)&GCFRAME_) < 4096) #nimGCFrame(&GCFRAME_);$n")

proc localDebugInfo(p: BProc, s: PSym) =
  if {optStackTrace, optEndb} * p.options != {optStackTrace, optEndb}: return
  # XXX work around a bug: No type information for open arrays possible:
  if skipTypes(s.typ, abstractVar).kind in {tyOpenArray, tyVarargs}: return
  var a = "&" & s.loc.r
  if s.kind == skParam and ccgIntroducedPtr(s): a = s.loc.r
  lineF(p, cpsInit,
       "FR_.s[$1].address = (void*)$3; FR_.s[$1].typ = $4; FR_.s[$1].name = $2;$n",
       [p.maxFrameLen.rope, makeCString(normalize(, a,
        genTypeInfo(p.module, s.loc.t,])
  inc p.blocks[p.blocks.len-1].frameLen

proc localVarDecl(p: BProc; n: PNode): Rope =
  let s = n.sym
  if s.loc.k == locNone:
    fillLoc(s.loc, locLocalVar, n, mangleLocalName(p, s), OnStack)
    if s.kind == skLet: incl(s.loc.flags, lfNoDeepCopy)
  result = getTypeDesc(p.module, s.typ)
  if s.constraint.isNil:
    if sfRegister in s.flags: add(result, " register")
    #elif skipTypes(s.typ, abstractInst).kind in GcTypeKinds:
    #  add(decl, " GC_GUARD")
    if sfVolatile in s.flags: add(result, " volatile")
    add(result, " ")
    add(result, s.loc.r)
    result = s.cgDeclFrmt % [result, s.loc.r]

proc assignLocalVar(p: BProc, n: PNode) =
  #assert(s.loc.k == locNone) # not yet assigned
  # this need not be fulfilled for inline procs; they are regenerated
  # for each module that uses them!
  let nl = if optLineDir in gOptions: "" else: tnl
  let decl = localVarDecl(p, n) & ";" & nl
  line(p, cpsLocals, decl)
  localDebugInfo(p, n.sym)

include ccgthreadvars

proc varInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym)
proc mangleDynLibProc(sym: PSym): Rope

proc assignGlobalVar(p: BProc, n: PNode) =
  let s = n.sym
  if s.loc.k == locNone:
    fillLoc(s.loc, locGlobalVar, n, mangleName(p.module, s), OnHeap)

  if lfDynamicLib in s.loc.flags:
    var q = findPendingModule(p.module, s)
    if q != nil and not containsOrIncl(q.declaredThings,
      varInDynamicLib(q, s)
      s.loc.r = mangleDynLibProc(s)
  useHeader(p.module, s)
  if lfNoDecl in s.loc.flags: return
  if sfThread in s.flags:
    declareThreadVar(p.module, s, sfImportc in s.flags)
    var decl: Rope = nil
    var td = getTypeDesc(p.module, s.loc.t)
    if s.constraint.isNil:
      if sfImportc in s.flags: add(decl, "extern ")
      add(decl, td)
      if sfRegister in s.flags: add(decl, " register")
      if sfVolatile in s.flags: add(decl, " volatile")
      addf(decl, " $1;$n", [s.loc.r])
      decl = (s.cgDeclFrmt & ";$n") % [td, s.loc.r]
    add(p.module.s[cfsVars], decl)
  if p.withinLoop > 0:
    # fixes tests/run/tzeroarray:
    resetLoc(p, s.loc)
  if p.module.module.options * {optStackTrace, optEndb} ==
                               {optStackTrace, optEndb}:
    appcg(p.module, p.module.s[cfsDebugInit],
          "#dbgRegisterGlobal($1, &$2, $3);$n",
         [makeCString(normalize( & '.' &,
          s.loc.r, genTypeInfo(p.module, s.typ,])

proc assignParam(p: BProc, s: PSym) =
  assert(s.loc.r != nil)
  scopeMangledParam(p, s)
  localDebugInfo(p, s)

proc fillProcLoc(m: BModule; n: PNode) =
  let sym = n.sym
  if sym.loc.k == locNone:
    fillLoc(sym.loc, locProc, n, mangleName(m, sym), OnStack)

proc getLabel(p: BProc): TLabel =
  result = "LA" & rope(p.labels) & "_"

proc fixLabel(p: BProc, labl: TLabel) =
  lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1: ;$n", [labl])

proc genVarPrototype(m: BModule, n: PNode)
proc requestConstImpl(p: BProc, sym: PSym)
proc genStmts(p: BProc, t: PNode)
proc expr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc)
proc genProcPrototype(m: BModule, sym: PSym)
proc putLocIntoDest(p: BProc, d: var TLoc, s: TLoc)
proc genAssignment(p: BProc, dest, src: TLoc, flags: TAssignmentFlags)
proc intLiteral(i: BiggestInt): Rope
proc genLiteral(p: BProc, n: PNode): Rope
proc genOtherArg(p: BProc; ri: PNode; i: int; typ: PType): Rope

proc initLocExpr(p: BProc, e: PNode, result: var TLoc) =
  initLoc(result, locNone, e, OnUnknown)
  expr(p, e, result)

proc initLocExprSingleUse(p: BProc, e: PNode, result: var TLoc) =
  initLoc(result, locNone, e, OnUnknown)
  result.flags.incl lfSingleUse
  expr(p, e, result)

proc lenField(p: BProc): Rope =
  result = rope(if p.module.compileToCpp: "len" else: "Sup.len")

include ccgcalls, "ccgstmts.nim"

proc initFrame(p: BProc, procname, filename: Rope): Rope =
  discard cgsym(p.module, "nimFrame")
  if p.maxFrameLen > 0:
    discard cgsym(p.module, "VarSlot")
    result = rfmt(nil, "\tnimfrs_($1, $2, $3, $4);$n",
                  procname, filename, p.maxFrameLen.rope,
    result = rfmt(nil, "\tnimfr_($1, $2);$n", procname, filename)

proc initFrameNoDebug(p: BProc; frame, procname, filename: Rope; line: int): Rope =
  discard cgsym(p.module, "nimFrame")
  addf(p.blocks[0].sections[cpsLocals], "TFrame $1;$n", [frame])
  result = rfmt(nil, "\t$1.procname = $2; $1.filename = $3; " &
                      " $1.line = $4; $1.len = -1; nimFrame(&$1);$n",
                      frame, procname, filename, rope(line))

proc deinitFrameNoDebug(p: BProc; frame: Rope): Rope =
  result = rfmt(p.module, "\t#popFrameOfAddr(&$1);$n", frame)

proc deinitFrame(p: BProc): Rope =
  result = rfmt(p.module, "\t#popFrame();$n")

include ccgexprs

# ----------------------------- dynamic library handling -----------------
# We don't finalize dynamic libs as the OS does this for us.

proc isGetProcAddr(lib: PLib): bool =
  let n = lib.path
  result = n.kind in nkCallKinds and n.typ != nil and
    n.typ.kind in {tyPointer, tyProc}

proc loadDynamicLib(m: BModule, lib: PLib) =
  assert(lib != nil)
  if not lib.generated:
    lib.generated = true
    var tmp = getTempName(m)
    assert( == nil) = tmp # BUGFIX: cgsym has awful side-effects
    addf(m.s[cfsVars], "static void* $1;$n", [tmp])
    if lib.path.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}:
      var s: TStringSeq = @[]
      libCandidates(lib.path.strVal, s)
      rawMessage(hintDependency, lib.path.strVal)
      var loadlib: Rope = nil
      for i in countup(0, high(s)):
        if i > 0: add(loadlib, "||")
        appcg(m, loadlib, "($1 = #nimLoadLibrary((#NimStringDesc*) &$2))$n",
              [tmp, getStrLit(m, s[i])])
      appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit],
            "if (!($1)) #nimLoadLibraryError((#NimStringDesc*) &$2);$n",
            [loadlib, getStrLit(m, lib.path.strVal)])
      var p = newProc(nil, m)
      p.options = p.options - {optStackTrace, optEndb}
      var dest: TLoc
      initLocExpr(p, lib.path, dest)
      add(m.s[cfsVars], p.s(cpsLocals))
      add(m.s[cfsDynLibInit], p.s(cpsInit))
      add(m.s[cfsDynLibInit], p.s(cpsStmts))
      appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit],
           "if (!($1 = #nimLoadLibrary($2))) #nimLoadLibraryError($2);$n",
           [tmp, rdLoc(dest)])

  if == nil: internalError("loadDynamicLib")

proc mangleDynLibProc(sym: PSym): Rope =
  if sfCompilerProc in sym.flags:
    # NOTE: sym.loc.r is the external name!
    result = rope(
    result = "Dl_$1_" % [rope(]

proc symInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
  var lib = sym.annex
  let isCall = isGetProcAddr(lib)
  var extname = sym.loc.r
  if not isCall: loadDynamicLib(m, lib)
  var tmp = mangleDynLibProc(sym)
  sym.loc.r = tmp             # from now on we only need the internal name
  sym.typ.sym = nil           # generate a new name
  inc(m.labels, 2)
  if isCall:
    let n = lib.path
    var a: TLoc
    initLocExpr(m.initProc, n[0], a)
    var params = rdLoc(a) & "("
    for i in 1 .. n.len-2:
      initLocExpr(m.initProc, n[i], a)
      params.add(", ")
    let load = "\t$1 = ($2) ($3$4));$n" %
        [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ), params, makeCString($extname)]
    var last = lastSon(n)
    if last.kind == nkHiddenStdConv: last = last.sons[1]
    internalAssert(last.kind == nkStrLit)
    let idx = last.strVal
    if idx.len == 0:
      add(m.initProc.s(cpsStmts), load)
    elif idx.len == 1 and idx[0] in {'0'..'9'}:
      add(m.extensionLoaders[idx[0]], load)
      internalError(, "wrong index: " & idx)
    appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit],
        "\t$1 = ($2) #nimGetProcAddr($3, $4);$n",
        [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ),, makeCString($extname)])
  addf(m.s[cfsVars], "$2 $1;$n", [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t)])

proc varInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
  var lib = sym.annex
  var extname = sym.loc.r
  loadDynamicLib(m, lib)
  incl(sym.loc.flags, lfIndirect)
  var tmp = mangleDynLibProc(sym)
  sym.loc.r = tmp             # from now on we only need the internal name
  inc(m.labels, 2)
  appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit],
      "$1 = ($2*) #nimGetProcAddr($3, $4);$n",
      [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ),, makeCString($extname)])
  addf(m.s[cfsVars], "$2* $1;$n",
      [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t)])

proc symInDynamicLibPartial(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
  sym.loc.r = mangleDynLibProc(sym)
  sym.typ.sym = nil           # generate a new name

proc cgsym(m: BModule, name: string): Rope =
  let sym = magicsys.getCompilerProc(name)
  if sym != nil:
    case sym.kind
    of skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skConverter, skIterator: genProc(m, sym)
    of skVar, skResult, skLet: genVarPrototype(m, newSymNode sym)
    of skType: discard getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ)
    else: internalError("cgsym: " & name & ": " & $sym.kind)
    # we used to exclude the system module from this check, but for DLL
    # generation support this sloppyness leads to hard to detect bugs, so
    # we're picky here for the system module too:
    rawMessage(errSystemNeeds, name)
  result = sym.loc.r

proc generateHeaders(m: BModule) =
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], tnl & "#include \"nimbase.h\"" & tnl)

  for it in m.headerFiles:
    if it[0] == '#':
      add(m.s[cfsHeaders], rope(it.replace('`', '"') & tnl))
    elif it[0] notin {'\"', '<'}:
      addf(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#include \"$1\"$N", [rope(it)])
      addf(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#include $1$N", [rope(it)])
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef LANGUAGE_C" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef MIPSEB" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef MIPSEL" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef PPC" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef R3000" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef R4000" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef i386" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef linux" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef mips" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef near" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef powerpc" & tnl)
  add(m.s[cfsHeaders], "#undef unix" & tnl)

proc closureSetup(p: BProc, prc: PSym) =
  if tfCapturesEnv notin prc.typ.flags: return
  # prc.ast[paramsPos].last contains the type we're after:
  var ls = lastSon(prc.ast[paramsPos])
  if ls.kind != nkSym:
    internalError(, "closure generation failed")
  var env = ls.sym
  #echo "created environment: ",, " for ",
  assignLocalVar(p, ls)
  # generate cast assignment:
  linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = ($2) ClE_0;$n",
          rdLoc(env.loc), getTypeDesc(p.module, env.typ))

proc containsResult(n: PNode): bool =
  if n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skResult:
    result = true
    for i in 0..<n.safeLen:
      if containsResult(n[i]): return true

proc easyResultAsgn(n: PNode): PNode =
  const harmless = {nkConstSection, nkTypeSection, nkEmpty, nkCommentStmt} +
  case n.kind
  of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr:
    var i = 0
    while i < n.len and n[i].kind in harmless: inc i
    if i < n.len: result = easyResultAsgn(n[i])
  of nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn:
    if n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.kind == skResult and not containsResult(n[1]):
      incl n.flags, nfPreventCg
      return n[1]
  of nkReturnStmt:
    if n.len > 0:
      result = easyResultAsgn(n[0])
      if result != nil: incl n.flags, nfPreventCg
  else: discard

proc genProcAux(m: BModule, prc: PSym) =
  var p = newProc(prc, m)
  var header = genProcHeader(m, prc)
  var returnStmt: Rope = nil
  assert(prc.ast != nil)
  if sfPure notin prc.flags and prc.typ.sons[0] != nil:
    if resultPos >= prc.ast.len:
      internalError(, "proc has no result symbol")
    let resNode = prc.ast.sons[resultPos]
    let res = resNode.sym # get result symbol
    if not isInvalidReturnType(prc.typ.sons[0]):
      if sfNoInit in prc.flags: incl(res.flags, sfNoInit)
      if sfNoInit in prc.flags and p.module.compileToCpp and (let val = easyResultAsgn(prc.getBody); val != nil):
        var decl = localVarDecl(p, resNode)
        var a: TLoc
        initLocExprSingleUse(p, val, a)
        linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = $2;$n", decl, rdLoc(a))
        # declare the result symbol:
        assignLocalVar(p, resNode)
        assert(res.loc.r != nil)
        initLocalVar(p, res, immediateAsgn=false)
      returnStmt = rfmt(nil, "\treturn $1;$n", rdLoc(res.loc))
      assignParam(p, res)
      resetLoc(p, res.loc)
      if skipTypes(res.typ, abstractInst).kind == tyArray:
        #incl(res.loc.flags, lfIndirect) = OnUnknown

  for i in countup(1, sonsLen(prc.typ.n) - 1):
    let param = prc.typ.n.sons[i].sym
    if param.typ.isCompileTimeOnly: continue
    assignParam(p, param)
  closureSetup(p, prc)
  genStmts(p, prc.getBody) # modifies p.locals, p.init, etc.
  var generatedProc: Rope
  if sfNoReturn in prc.flags:
    if hasDeclspec in extccomp.CC[extccomp.cCompiler].props:
      header = "__declspec(noreturn) " & header
  if sfPure in prc.flags:
    if hasDeclspec in extccomp.CC[extccomp.cCompiler].props:
      header = "__declspec(naked) " & header
    generatedProc = rfmt(nil, "$N$1 {$n$2$3$4}$N$N",
                         header, p.s(cpsLocals), p.s(cpsInit), p.s(cpsStmts))
    generatedProc = rfmt(nil, "$N$1 {$N", header)
    add(generatedProc, initGCFrame(p))
    if optStackTrace in prc.options:
      add(generatedProc, p.s(cpsLocals))
      var procname = makeCString(
      add(generatedProc, initFrame(p, procname,
      add(generatedProc, p.s(cpsLocals))
    if optProfiler in prc.options:
      # invoke at proc entry for recursion:
      appcg(p, cpsInit, "\t#nimProfile();$n", [])
    if p.beforeRetNeeded: add(generatedProc, "{")
    add(generatedProc, p.s(cpsInit))
    add(generatedProc, p.s(cpsStmts))
    if p.beforeRetNeeded: add(generatedProc, ~"\t}BeforeRet_: ;$n")
    add(generatedProc, deinitGCFrame(p))
    if optStackTrace in prc.options: add(generatedProc, deinitFrame(p))
    add(generatedProc, returnStmt)
    add(generatedProc, ~"}$N")
  add(m.s[cfsProcs], generatedProc)

proc requiresExternC(m: BModule; sym: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
  result = (sfCompileToCpp in m.module.flags and
           sfCompileToCpp notin sym.getModule().flags and
           gCmd != cmdCompileToCpp) or (
           sym.flags * {sfImportc, sfInfixCall, sfCompilerProc} == {sfImportc} and
           sym.magic == mNone and
           gCmd == cmdCompileToCpp)

proc genProcPrototype(m: BModule, sym: PSym) =
  useHeader(m, sym)
  if lfNoDecl in sym.loc.flags: return
  if lfDynamicLib in sym.loc.flags:
    if getModule(sym).id != and
        not containsOrIncl(m.declaredThings,
      add(m.s[cfsVars], rfmt(nil, "extern $1 $2;$n",
                        getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t), mangleDynLibProc(sym)))
  elif not containsOrIncl(m.declaredProtos,
    var header = genProcHeader(m, sym)
    if sfNoReturn in sym.flags and hasDeclspec in extccomp.CC[cCompiler].props:
      header = "__declspec(noreturn) " & header
    if sym.typ.callConv != ccInline and requiresExternC(m, sym):
      header = "extern \"C\" " & header
    if sfPure in sym.flags and hasAttribute in CC[cCompiler].props:
      header.add(" __attribute__((naked))")
    if sfNoReturn in sym.flags and hasAttribute in CC[cCompiler].props:
      header.add(" __attribute__((noreturn))")
    add(m.s[cfsProcHeaders], rfmt(nil, "$1;$n", header))

proc genProcNoForward(m: BModule, prc: PSym) =
  if lfImportCompilerProc in prc.loc.flags:
    fillProcLoc(m, prc.ast[namePos])
    useHeader(m, prc)
    # dependency to a compilerproc:
    discard cgsym(m,
  if lfNoDecl in prc.loc.flags:
    fillProcLoc(m, prc.ast[namePos])
    useHeader(m, prc)
    genProcPrototype(m, prc)
  elif prc.typ.callConv == ccInline:
    # We add inline procs to the calling module to enable C based inlining.
    # This also means that a check with ``q.declaredThings`` is wrong, we need
    # a check for ``m.declaredThings``.
    if not containsOrIncl(m.declaredThings,
      #if prc.loc.k == locNone:
      fillProcLoc(m, prc.ast[namePos])
      #elif {sfExportc, sfImportc} * prc.flags == {}:
      #  # reset name to restore consistency in case of hashing collisions:
      #  echo "resetting ",, " by ",
      #  prc.loc.r = nil
      #  prc.loc.r = mangleName(m, prc)
      useHeader(m, prc)
      genProcPrototype(m, prc)
      genProcAux(m, prc)
  elif lfDynamicLib in prc.loc.flags:
    var q = findPendingModule(m, prc)
    fillProcLoc(q, prc.ast[namePos])
    useHeader(m, prc)
    genProcPrototype(m, prc)
    if q != nil and not containsOrIncl(q.declaredThings,
      symInDynamicLib(q, prc)
      symInDynamicLibPartial(m, prc)
  elif sfImportc notin prc.flags:
    var q = findPendingModule(m, prc)
    fillProcLoc(q, prc.ast[namePos])
    useHeader(m, prc)
    genProcPrototype(m, prc)
    if q != nil and not containsOrIncl(q.declaredThings,
      genProcAux(q, prc)
    fillProcLoc(m, prc.ast[namePos])
    useHeader(m, prc)
    if sfInfixCall notin prc.flags: genProcPrototype(m, prc)

proc requestConstImpl(p: BProc, sym: PSym) =
  var m = p.module
  useHeader(m, sym)
  if sym.loc.k == locNone:
    fillLoc(sym.loc, locData, sym.ast, mangleName(p.module, sym), OnStatic)
  if lfNoDecl in sym.loc.flags: return
  # declare implementation:
  var q = findPendingModule(m, sym)
  if q != nil and not containsOrIncl(q.declaredThings,
    assert q.initProc.module == q
    addf(q.s[cfsData], "NIM_CONST $1 $2 = $3;$n",
        [getTypeDesc(q, sym.typ), sym.loc.r, genConstExpr(q.initProc, sym.ast)])
  # declare header:
  if q != m and not containsOrIncl(m.declaredThings,
    assert(sym.loc.r != nil)
    let headerDecl = "extern NIM_CONST $1 $2;$n" %
        [getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t), sym.loc.r]
    add(m.s[cfsData], headerDecl)
    if sfExportc in sym.flags and p.module.g.generatedHeader != nil:
      add(p.module.g.generatedHeader.s[cfsData], headerDecl)

proc isActivated(prc: PSym): bool = prc.typ != nil

proc genProc(m: BModule, prc: PSym) =
  if sfBorrow in prc.flags or not isActivated(prc): return
  if sfForward in prc.flags:
    addForwardedProc(m, prc)
    fillProcLoc(m, prc.ast[namePos])
    genProcNoForward(m, prc)
    if {sfExportc, sfCompilerProc} * prc.flags == {sfExportc} and
        m.g.generatedHeader != nil and lfNoDecl notin prc.loc.flags:
      genProcPrototype(m.g.generatedHeader, prc)
      if prc.typ.callConv == ccInline:
        if not containsOrIncl(m.g.generatedHeader.declaredThings,
          genProcAux(m.g.generatedHeader, prc)

proc genVarPrototypeAux(m: BModule, n: PNode) =
  #assert(sfGlobal in sym.flags)
  let sym = n.sym
  useHeader(m, sym)
  fillLoc(sym.loc, locGlobalVar, n, mangleName(m, sym), OnHeap)
  if (lfNoDecl in sym.loc.flags) or containsOrIncl(m.declaredThings,
  if !=
    # else we already have the symbol generated!
    assert(sym.loc.r != nil)
    if sfThread in sym.flags:
      declareThreadVar(m, sym, true)
      add(m.s[cfsVars], "extern ")
      add(m.s[cfsVars], getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t))
      if lfDynamicLib in sym.loc.flags: add(m.s[cfsVars], "*")
      if sfRegister in sym.flags: add(m.s[cfsVars], " register")
      if sfVolatile in sym.flags: add(m.s[cfsVars], " volatile")
      addf(m.s[cfsVars], " $1;$n", [sym.loc.r])

proc genVarPrototype(m: BModule, n: PNode) =
  genVarPrototypeAux(m, n)

proc addIntTypes(result: var Rope) {.inline.} =
  addf(result, "#define NIM_NEW_MANGLING_RULES" & tnl &
               "#define NIM_INTBITS $1" & tnl, [

proc getCopyright(cfile: Cfile): Rope =
  if optCompileOnly in gGlobalOptions:
    result = ("/* Generated by Nim Compiler v$1 */$N" &
        "/*   (c) " & copyrightYear & " Andreas Rumpf */$N" &
        "/* The generated code is subject to the original license. */$N") %
    result = ("/* Generated by Nim Compiler v$1 */$N" &
        "/*   (c) " & copyrightYear & " Andreas Rumpf */$N" &
        "/* The generated code is subject to the original license. */$N" &
        "/* Compiled for: $2, $3, $4 */$N" &
        "/* Command for C compiler:$n   $5 */$N") %

proc getFileHeader(cfile: Cfile): Rope =
  result = getCopyright(cfile)

proc genFilenames(m: BModule): Rope =
  discard cgsym(m, "dbgRegisterFilename")
  result = nil
  for i in 0..<fileInfos.len:
    result.addf("dbgRegisterFilename($1);$N", [fileInfos[i].projPath.makeCString])

proc genMainProc(m: BModule) =
    # The use of a volatile function pointer to call Pre/NimMainInner
    # prevents inlining of the NimMainInner function and dependent
    # functions, which might otherwise merge their stack frames.
    PreMainBody =
      "void PreMainInner(void) {$N" &
      "\tsystemInit000();$N" &
      "$1" &
      "$2" &
      "$3" &
      "}$N$N" &
      "void PreMain(void) {$N" &
      "\tvoid (*volatile inner)(void);$N" &
      "\tsystemDatInit000();$N" &
      "\tinner = PreMainInner;$N" &
      "$4$5" &
      "\t(*inner)();$N" &

    MainProcs =

    MainProcsWithResult =
      MainProcs & "\treturn nim_program_result;$N"

    NimMainInner = "N_CDECL(void, NimMainInner)(void) {$N" &
        "$1" &

    NimMainProc =
      "N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void) {$N" &
        "\tvoid (*volatile inner)(void);$N" &
        "\tPreMain();$N" &
        "\tinner = NimMainInner;$N" &
        "$2" &
        "\t(*inner)();$N" &

    NimMainBody = NimMainInner & NimMainProc

    PosixNimMain =
      "int cmdCount;$N" &
      "char** cmdLine;$N" &
      "char** gEnv;$N" &

    PosixCMain =
      "int main(int argc, char** args, char** env) {$N" &
        "\tcmdLine = args;$N" &
        "\tcmdCount = argc;$N" &
        "\tgEnv = env;$N" &
        MainProcsWithResult &

    StandaloneCMain =
      "int main(void) {$N" &
        MainProcs &
        "\treturn 0;$N" &

    WinNimMain = NimMainBody

    WinCMain = "N_STDCALL(int, WinMain)(HINSTANCE hCurInstance, $N" &
      "                        HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, $N" &
      "                        LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {$N" &
      MainProcsWithResult & "}$N$N"

    WinNimDllMain = NimMainInner & "N_LIB_EXPORT " & NimMainProc

    WinCDllMain =
      "BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fwdreason, $N" &
      "                    LPVOID lpvReserved) {$N" &
      "\tif(fwdreason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) {$N" & MainProcs & "}$N" &
      "\treturn 1;$N}$N$N"

    PosixNimDllMain = WinNimDllMain

    PosixCDllMain =
      "void NIM_POSIX_INIT NimMainInit(void) {$N" &
        MainProcs &

    GenodeNimMain =
      "Libc::Env *genodeEnv;$N" &

    ComponentConstruct =
      "void Libc::Component::construct(Libc::Env &env) {$N" &
      "\tgenodeEnv = &env;$N" &
      "\tLibc::with_libc([&] () {$N\t" &
      MainProcs &
      "\t});$N" &

  var nimMain, otherMain: FormatStr
  if platform.targetOS == osWindows and
      gGlobalOptions * {optGenGuiApp, optGenDynLib} != {}:
    if optGenGuiApp in gGlobalOptions:
      nimMain = WinNimMain
      otherMain = WinCMain
      nimMain = WinNimDllMain
      otherMain = WinCDllMain
  elif platform.targetOS == osGenode:
    nimMain = GenodeNimMain
    otherMain = ComponentConstruct
  elif optGenDynLib in gGlobalOptions:
    nimMain = PosixNimDllMain
    otherMain = PosixCDllMain
  elif platform.targetOS == osStandalone:
    nimMain = PosixNimMain
    otherMain = StandaloneCMain
    nimMain = PosixNimMain
    otherMain = PosixCMain
  if m.g.breakpoints != nil: discard cgsym(m, "dbgRegisterBreakpoint")
  if optEndb in gOptions:

  let initStackBottomCall =
    if platform.targetOS == osStandalone or gSelectedGC == gcNone: "".rope
    else: ropecg(m, "\t#initStackBottomWith((void *)&inner);$N")
  appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], PreMainBody, [
    m.g.mainDatInit, m.g.breakpoints, m.g.otherModsInit,
     if emulatedThreadVars() and platform.targetOS != osStandalone:
       ropecg(m, "\t#initThreadVarsEmulation();$N")

  appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], nimMain,
        [m.g.mainModInit, initStackBottomCall, rope(m.labels)])
  if optNoMain notin gGlobalOptions:
    appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], otherMain, [])

proc getSomeInitName(m: PSym, suffix: string): Rope =
  assert m.kind == skModule
  assert m.owner.kind == skPackage
  if {sfSystemModule, sfMainModule} * m.flags == {}:
    result =
    result.add "_"
  result.add suffix

proc getInitName(m: PSym): Rope =
  if sfMainModule in m.flags:
    # generate constant name for main module, for "easy" debugging.
    result = rope"NimMainModule"
    result = getSomeInitName(m, "Init000")

proc getDatInitName(m: PSym): Rope = getSomeInitName(m, "DatInit000")

proc registerModuleToMain(g: BModuleList; m: PSym) =
    init = m.getInitName
    datInit = m.getDatInitName
  addf(g.mainModProcs, "NIM_EXTERNC N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void);$N", [init])
  addf(g.mainModProcs, "NIM_EXTERNC N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void);$N", [datInit])
  if sfSystemModule notin m.flags:
    addf(g.mainDatInit, "\t$1();$N", [datInit])
    let initCall = "\t$1();$N" % [init]
    if sfMainModule in m.flags:
      add(g.mainModInit, initCall)
      add(g.otherModsInit, initCall)

proc genInitCode(m: BModule) =
  var initname = getInitName(m.module)
  var prc = "NIM_EXTERNC N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void) {$N" % [initname]
  if m.typeNodes > 0:
    appcg(m, m.s[cfsTypeInit1], "static #TNimNode $1[$2];$n",
          [m.typeNodesName, rope(m.typeNodes)])
  if m.nimTypes > 0:
    appcg(m, m.s[cfsTypeInit1], "static #TNimType $1[$2];$n",
          [m.nimTypesName, rope(m.nimTypes)])

  add(prc, initGCFrame(m.initProc))

  add(prc, genSectionStart(cpsLocals))
  add(prc, m.preInitProc.s(cpsLocals))
  add(prc, m.initProc.s(cpsLocals))
  add(prc, m.postInitProc.s(cpsLocals))
  add(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsLocals))

  if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and frameDeclared notin m.flags:
    # BUT: the generated init code might depend on a current frame, so
    # declare it nevertheless:
    incl m.flags, frameDeclared
    if preventStackTrace notin m.flags:
      var procname = makeCString(
      add(prc, initFrame(m.initProc, procname,
      add(prc, ~"\tTFrame FR_; FR_.len = 0;$N")

  add(prc, genSectionStart(cpsInit))
  add(prc, m.preInitProc.s(cpsInit))
  add(prc, m.initProc.s(cpsInit))
  add(prc, m.postInitProc.s(cpsInit))
  add(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsInit))

  add(prc, genSectionStart(cpsStmts))
  add(prc, m.preInitProc.s(cpsStmts))
  add(prc, m.initProc.s(cpsStmts))
  add(prc, m.postInitProc.s(cpsStmts))
  add(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsStmts))
  if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and preventStackTrace notin m.flags:
    add(prc, deinitFrame(m.initProc))
  add(prc, deinitGCFrame(m.initProc))
  addf(prc, "}$N$N", [])

  prc.addf("NIM_EXTERNC N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void) {$N",

  for i in cfsTypeInit1..cfsDynLibInit:
    add(prc, genSectionStart(i))
    add(prc, m.s[i])
    add(prc, genSectionEnd(i))

  addf(prc, "}$N$N", [])
  # we cannot simply add the init proc to ``m.s[cfsProcs]`` anymore because
  # that would lead to a *nesting* of merge sections which the merger does
  # not support. So we add it to another special section: ``cfsInitProc``
  add(m.s[cfsInitProc], prc)

  for i, el in pairs(m.extensionLoaders):
    if el != nil:
      let ex = "NIM_EXTERNC N_NIMCALL(void, nimLoadProcs$1)(void) {$2}$N$N" %
        [(i.ord - '0'.ord).rope, el]
      add(m.s[cfsInitProc], ex)

proc genModule(m: BModule, cfile: Cfile): Rope =
  result = getFileHeader(cfile)

  for i in countup(cfsHeaders, cfsProcs):
    add(result, genSectionStart(i))
    add(result, m.s[i])
    add(result, genSectionEnd(i))
  add(result, m.s[cfsInitProc])

proc newPreInitProc(m: BModule): BProc =
  result = newProc(nil, m)
  # little hack so that unique temporaries are generated:
  result.labels = 100_000

proc newPostInitProc(m: BModule): BProc =
  result = newProc(nil, m)
  # little hack so that unique temporaries are generated:
  result.labels = 200_000

proc initProcOptions(m: BModule): TOptions =
  if sfSystemModule in m.module.flags: gOptions-{optStackTrace} else: gOptions

proc rawNewModule(g: BModuleList; module: PSym, filename: string): BModule =
  result.tmpBase = rope("TM" & $hashOwner(module) & "_")
  result.headerFiles = @[]
  result.declaredThings = initIntSet()
  result.declaredProtos = initIntSet()
  result.cfilename = filename
  result.filename = filename
  result.typeCache = initTable[SigHash, Rope]()
  result.forwTypeCache = initTable[SigHash, Rope]()
  result.module = module
  result.typeInfoMarker = initTable[SigHash, Rope]()
  result.sigConflicts = initCountTable[SigHash]()
  result.initProc = newProc(nil, result)
  result.initProc.options = initProcOptions(result)
  result.preInitProc = newPreInitProc(result)
  result.postInitProc = newPostInitProc(result)
  result.typeStack = @[]
  result.forwardedProcs = @[]
  result.typeNodesName = getTempName(result)
  result.nimTypesName = getTempName(result)
  result.g = g
  # no line tracing for the init sections of the system module so that we
  # don't generate a TFrame which can confuse the stack botton initialization:
  if sfSystemModule in module.flags:
    incl result.flags, preventStackTrace
    excl(result.preInitProc.options, optStackTrace)
    excl(result.postInitProc.options, optStackTrace)
  let ndiName = if optCDebug in gGlobalOptions: changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(filename), "ndi")
                else: ""
  open(result.ndi, ndiName)

proc nullify[T](arr: var T) =
  for i in low(arr)..high(arr):
    arr[i] = Rope(nil)

proc resetModule*(m: BModule) =
  # between two compilations in CAAS mode, we can throw
  # away all the data that was written to disk
  m.headerFiles = @[]
  m.declaredProtos = initIntSet()
  m.forwTypeCache = initTable[SigHash, Rope]()
  m.initProc = newProc(nil, m)
  m.initProc.options = initProcOptions(m)
  m.preInitProc = newPreInitProc(m)
  m.postInitProc = newPostInitProc(m)
  m.typeStack = @[]
  m.forwardedProcs = @[]
  m.typeNodesName = getTempName(m)
  m.nimTypesName = getTempName(m)
  if sfSystemModule in m.module.flags:
    incl m.flags, preventStackTrace
    excl m.flags, preventStackTrace
  nullify m.s
  m.typeNodes = 0
  m.nimTypes = 0
  nullify m.extensionLoaders

  # indicate that this is now cached module
  # the cache will be invalidated by nullifying gModules
  #m.fromCache = true
  m.g = nil

  # we keep only the "merge info" information for the module
  # and the properties that can't change:
  # m.filename
  # m.cfilename
  # m.isHeaderFile
  # m.module ?
  # m.typeCache
  # m.declaredThings
  # m.typeInfoMarker
  # m.labels
  # m.FrameDeclared

proc resetCgenModules*(g: BModuleList) =
  for m in cgenModules(g): resetModule(m)

proc rawNewModule(g: BModuleList; module: PSym): BModule =
  result = rawNewModule(g, module, module.position.int32.toFullPath)

proc newModule(g: BModuleList; module: PSym): BModule =
  # we should create only one cgen module for each module sym
  result = rawNewModule(g, module)
  growCache g.modules, module.position
  g.modules[module.position] = result

  if (optDeadCodeElim in gGlobalOptions):
    if (sfDeadCodeElim in module.flags):
      internalError("added pending module twice: " & module.filename)

template injectG(config) {.dirty.} =
  if graph.backend == nil:
    graph.backend = newModuleList(config)
  let g = BModuleList(graph.backend)

proc myOpen(graph: ModuleGraph; module: PSym; cache: IdentCache): PPassContext =
  result = newModule(g, module)
  if optGenIndex in gGlobalOptions and g.generatedHeader == nil:
    let f = if graph.config.headerFile.len > 0: graph.config.headerFile else: gProjectFull
    g.generatedHeader = rawNewModule(g, module,
      changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(f), hExt))
    incl g.generatedHeader.flags, isHeaderFile

proc writeHeader(m: BModule) =
  var result = ("/* Generated by Nim Compiler v$1 */$N" &
        "/*   (c) 2017 Andreas Rumpf */$N" &
        "/* The generated code is subject to the original license. */$N") %

  var guard = "__$1__" % []
  result.addf("#ifndef $1$n#define $1$n", [guard])

  for i in countup(cfsHeaders, cfsProcs):
    add(result, genSectionStart(i))
    add(result, m.s[i])
    add(result, genSectionEnd(i))
  add(result, m.s[cfsInitProc])

  if optGenDynLib in gGlobalOptions:
    result.add("N_LIB_IMPORT ")
  result.addf("N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void);$n", [])
  result.addf("#endif /* $1 */$n", [guard])
  writeRope(result, m.filename)

proc getCFile(m: BModule): string =
  let ext =
      if m.compileToCpp: ".cpp"
      elif gCmd == cmdCompileToOC or sfCompileToObjC in m.module.flags: ".m"
      else: ".c"
  result = changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(m.cfilename.withPackageName), ext)

proc myOpenCached(graph: ModuleGraph; module: PSym, rd: PRodReader): PPassContext =
  var m = newModule(g, module)
  readMergeInfo(getCFile(m), m)
  result = m

proc myProcess(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
  result = n
  if b == nil or passes.skipCodegen(n): return
  var m = BModule(b)
  m.initProc.options = initProcOptions(m)
  softRnl = if optLineDir in gOptions: noRnl else: rnl
  genStmts(m.initProc, n)

proc finishModule(m: BModule) =
  var i = 0
  while i <= high(m.forwardedProcs):
    # Note: ``genProc`` may add to ``m.forwardedProcs``, so we cannot use
    # a ``for`` loop here
    var prc = m.forwardedProcs[i]
    if sfForward in prc.flags:
      internalError(, "still forwarded: " &
    genProcNoForward(m, prc)
  assert(m.g.forwardedProcsCounter >= i)
  dec(m.g.forwardedProcsCounter, i)
  setLen(m.forwardedProcs, 0)

proc shouldRecompile(code: Rope, cfile: Cfile): bool =
  result = true
  if optForceFullMake notin gGlobalOptions:
    if not equalsFile(code, cfile.cname):
      if isDefined("nimdiff"):
        if fileExists(cfile.cname):
          copyFile(cfile.cname, cfile.cname & ".backup")
          echo "diff ", cfile.cname, ".backup ", cfile.cname
          echo "new file ", cfile.cname
      writeRope(code, cfile.cname)
    if existsFile(cfile.obj) and os.fileNewer(cfile.obj, cfile.cname):
      result = false
    writeRope(code, cfile.cname)

# We need 2 different logics here: pending modules (including
# 'nim__dat') may require file merging for the combination of dead code
# elimination and incremental compilation! Non pending modules need no
# such logic and in fact the logic hurts for the main module at least;
# it would generate multiple 'main' procs, for instance.

proc writeModule(m: BModule, pending: bool) =
  # generate code for the init statements of the module:
  let cfile = getCFile(m)

  if m.rd == nil or optForceFullMake in gGlobalOptions:
    if sfMainModule in m.module.flags:
      # generate main file:
      add(m.s[cfsProcHeaders], m.g.mainModProcs)

    var cf = Cfile(cname: cfile, obj: completeCFilePath(toObjFile(cfile)), flags: {})
    var code = genModule(m, cf)
    when hasTinyCBackend:
      if gCmd == cmdRun:

    if not shouldRecompile(code, cf): cf.flags = {CfileFlag.Cached}
  elif pending and mergeRequired(m) and sfMainModule notin m.module.flags:
    let cf = Cfile(cname: cfile, obj: completeCFilePath(toObjFile(cfile)), flags: {})
    mergeFiles(cfile, m)
    var code = genModule(m, cf)
    writeRope(code, cfile)
    # Consider: first compilation compiles ``system.nim`` and produces
    # ``system.c`` but then compilation fails due to an error. This means
    # that ``system.o`` is missing, so we need to call the C compiler for it:
    var cf = Cfile(cname: cfile, obj: completeCFilePath(toObjFile(cfile)), flags: {})
    if not existsFile(cf.obj): cf.flags = {CfileFlag.Cached}

proc updateCachedModule(m: BModule) =
  let cfile = getCFile(m)
  var cf = Cfile(cname: cfile, obj: completeCFilePath(toObjFile(cfile)), flags: {})

  if mergeRequired(m) and sfMainModule notin m.module.flags:
    mergeFiles(cfile, m)

    var code = genModule(m, cf)
    writeRope(code, cfile)
    cf.flags = {CfileFlag.Cached}

proc myClose(graph: ModuleGraph; b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
  result = n
  if b == nil or passes.skipCodegen(n): return
  var m = BModule(b)
  # if the module is cached, we don't regenerate the main proc
  # nor the dispatchers? But if the dispatchers changed?
  # XXX emit the dispatchers into its own .c file?
  if b.rd != nil: return
  if n != nil:
    m.initProc.options = initProcOptions(m)
    genStmts(m.initProc, n)
  # cached modules need to registered too:
  registerModuleToMain(m.g, m.module)

  if sfMainModule in m.module.flags:
    if m.g.forwardedProcsCounter == 0:
      incl m.flags, objHasKidsValid
    let disp = generateMethodDispatchers(graph)
    for x in disp: genProcAux(m, x.sym)

proc cgenWriteModules*(backend: RootRef, config: ConfigRef) =
  let g = BModuleList(backend)
  # we need to process the transitive closure because recursive module
  # deps are allowed (and the system module is processed in the wrong
  # order anyway)
  g.config = config
  if g.generatedHeader != nil: finishModule(g.generatedHeader)
  while g.forwardedProcsCounter > 0:
    for m in cgenModules(g):
      if m.rd == nil:
  for m in cgenModules(g):
    if m.rd != nil:
  if g.generatedHeader != nil: writeHeader(g.generatedHeader)

const cgenPass* = makePass(myOpen, myOpenCached, myProcess, myClose)