# The Nimrod Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# This is the documentation generator. It is currently pretty simple: No
# semantic checking is done for the code. Cross-references are generated
# by knowing how the anchors are going to be named.
ast, strutils, strtabs, options, msgs, os, ropes, idents,
wordrecg, syntaxes, renderer, lexer, rstast, rst, rstgen, times, highlite,
TSections = array[TSymKind, PRope]
TDocumentor = object of rstgen.TRstGenerator
modDesc: PRope # module description
id: int # for generating IDs
toc, section: TSections
indexValFilename: string
PDoc = ref TDocumentor
proc compilerMsgHandler(filename: string, line, col: int,
msgKind: rst.TMsgKind, arg: string) {.procvar.} =
# translate msg kind:
var k: msgs.TMsgKind
case msgKind
of meCannotOpenFile: k = errCannotOpenFile
of meExpected: k = errXExpected
of meGridTableNotImplemented: k = errGridTableNotImplemented
of meNewSectionExpected: k = errNewSectionExpected
of meGeneralParseError: k = errGeneralParseError
of meInvalidDirective: k = errInvalidDirectiveX
of mwRedefinitionOfLabel: k = warnRedefinitionOfLabel
of mwUnknownSubstitution: k = warnUnknownSubstitutionX
of mwUnsupportedLanguage: k = warnLanguageXNotSupported
GlobalError(newLineInfo(filename, line, col), k, arg)
proc parseRst(text, filename: string,
line, column: int, hasToc: var bool,
rstOptions: TRstParseOptions): PRstNode =
result = rstParse(text, filename, line, column, hasToc, rstOptions,
options.FindFile, compilerMsgHandler)
proc newDocumentor(filename: string, config: PStringTable): PDoc =
initRstGenerator(result[], (if gCmd != cmdRst2Tex: outHtml else: outLatex),
options.gConfigVars, filename, {roSupportRawDirective},
options.FindFile, compilerMsgHandler)
result.id = 100
proc dispA(dest: var PRope, xml, tex: string, args: openarray[PRope]) =
if gCmd != cmdRst2Tex: appf(dest, xml, args)
else: appf(dest, tex, args)
proc getVarIdx(varnames: openarray[string], id: string): int =
for i in countup(0, high(varnames)):
if cmpIgnoreStyle(varnames[i], id) == 0:
return i
result = -1
proc ropeFormatNamedVars(frmt: TFormatStr, varnames: openarray[string],
varvalues: openarray[PRope]): PRope =
var i = 0
var L = len(frmt)
result = nil
var num = 0
while i < L:
if frmt[i] == '$':
inc(i) # skip '$'
case frmt[i]
of '#':
app(result, varvalues[num])
of '$':
app(result, "$")
of '0'..'9':
var j = 0
while true:
j = (j * 10) + Ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0')
if (i > L + 0 - 1) or not (frmt[i] in {'0'..'9'}): break
if j > high(varvalues) + 1: internalError("ropeFormatNamedVars")
num = j
app(result, varvalues[j - 1])
of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF':
var id = ""
while true:
add(id, frmt[i])
if not (frmt[i] in {'A'..'Z', '_', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF'}): break
var idx = getVarIdx(varnames, id)
if idx >= 0: app(result, varvalues[idx])
else: rawMessage(errUnkownSubstitionVar, id)
of '{':
var id = ""
while frmt[i] != '}':
if frmt[i] == '\0': rawMessage(errTokenExpected, "}")
add(id, frmt[i])
inc(i) # skip }
# search for the variable:
var idx = getVarIdx(varnames, id)
if idx >= 0: app(result, varvalues[idx])
else: rawMessage(errUnkownSubstitionVar, id)
else: InternalError("ropeFormatNamedVars")
var start = i
while i < L:
if (frmt[i] != '$'): inc(i)
else: break
if i - 1 >= start: app(result, substr(frmt, start, i - 1))
proc genComment(d: PDoc, n: PNode): string =
result = ""
var dummyHasToc: bool
if n.comment != nil and startsWith(n.comment, "##"):
renderRstToOut(d[], parseRst(n.comment, toFilename(n.info),
toLineNumber(n.info), toColumn(n.info),
dummyHasToc, d.options + {roSkipPounds}), result)
proc genRecComment(d: PDoc, n: PNode): PRope =
if n == nil: return nil
result = genComment(d, n).toRope
if result == nil:
if n.kind notin {nkEmpty..nkNilLit}:
for i in countup(0, len(n)-1):
result = genRecComment(d, n.sons[i])
if result != nil: return
n.comment = nil
proc isVisible(n: PNode): bool =
result = false
if n.kind == nkPostfix:
if n.len == 2 and n.sons[0].kind == nkIdent:
var v = n.sons[0].ident
result = v.id == ord(wStar) or v.id == ord(wMinus)
elif n.kind == nkSym:
result = sfExported in n.sym.flags
elif n.kind == nkPragmaExpr:
result = isVisible(n.sons[0])
proc getName(d: PDoc, n: PNode, splitAfter = -1): string =
case n.kind
of nkPostfix: result = getName(d, n.sons[1], splitAfter)
of nkPragmaExpr: result = getName(d, n.sons[0], splitAfter)
of nkSym: result = esc(d.target, n.sym.name.s, splitAfter)
of nkIdent: result = esc(d.target, n.ident.s, splitAfter)
of nkAccQuoted:
result = esc(d.target, "`")
for i in 0.. <n.len: result.add(getName(d, n[i], splitAfter))
result.add esc(d.target, "`")
internalError(n.info, "getName()")
result = ""
proc getRstName(n: PNode): PRstNode =
case n.kind
of nkPostfix: result = getRstName(n.sons[1])
of nkPragmaExpr: result = getRstName(n.sons[0])
of nkSym: result = newRstNode(rnLeaf, n.sym.name.s)
of nkIdent: result = newRstNode(rnLeaf, n.ident.s)
of nkAccQuoted:
result = getRstName(n.sons[0])
for i in 1 .. <n.len: result.text.add(getRstName(n[i]).text)
internalError(n.info, "getRstName()")
result = nil
proc genItem(d: PDoc, n, nameNode: PNode, k: TSymKind) =
if not isVisible(nameNode): return
var name = toRope(getName(d, nameNode))
var result: PRope = nil
var literal = ""
var kind = tkEof
var comm = genRecComment(d, n) # call this here for the side-effect!
var r: TSrcGen
initTokRender(r, n, {renderNoPragmas, renderNoBody, renderNoComments,
while true:
getNextTok(r, kind, literal)
case kind
of tkEof:
of tkComment:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"Comment\">$1</span>", "\\spanComment{$1}",
[toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
of tokKeywordLow..tokKeywordHigh:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"Keyword\">$1</span>", "\\spanKeyword{$1}",
of tkOpr:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"Operator\">$1</span>", "\\spanOperator{$1}",
[toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
of tkStrLit..tkTripleStrLit:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"StringLit\">$1</span>",
"\\spanStringLit{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
of tkCharLit:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"CharLit\">$1</span>", "\\spanCharLit{$1}",
[toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
of tkIntLit..tkUInt64Lit:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"DecNumber\">$1</span>",
"\\spanDecNumber{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
of tkFloatLit..tkFloat128Lit:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"FloatNumber\">$1</span>",
"\\spanFloatNumber{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
of tkSymbol:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"Identifier\">$1</span>",
"\\spanIdentifier{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
of tkInd, tkSad, tkDed, tkSpaces, tkInvalid:
app(result, literal)
of tkParLe, tkParRi, tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkCurlyLe, tkCurlyRi,
tkBracketDotLe, tkBracketDotRi, tkCurlyDotLe, tkCurlyDotRi, tkParDotLe,
tkParDotRi, tkComma, tkSemiColon, tkColon, tkEquals, tkDot, tkDotDot,
tkAccent, tkColonColon,
tkGStrLit, tkGTripleStrLit, tkInfixOpr, tkPrefixOpr, tkPostfixOpr:
dispA(result, "<span class=\"Other\">$1</span>", "\\spanOther{$1}",
[toRope(esc(d.target, literal))])
app(d.section[k], ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.item"),
["name", "header", "desc", "itemID"],
[name, result, comm, toRope(d.id)]))
app(d.toc[k], ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.item.toc"),
["name", "header", "desc", "itemID"], [
toRope(getName(d, nameNode, d.splitAfter)), result, comm, toRope(d.id)]))
setIndexTerm(d[], $d.id, getName(d, nameNode))
proc checkForFalse(n: PNode): bool =
result = n.kind == nkIdent and IdentEq(n.ident, "false")
proc traceDeps(d: PDoc, n: PNode) =
const k = skModule
if d.section[k] != nil: app(d.section[k], ", ")
"<a class=\"reference external\" href=\"$1.html\">$1</a>",
"$1", [toRope(getModuleName(n))])
proc generateDoc(d: PDoc, n: PNode) =
case n.kind
of nkCommentStmt: app(d.modDesc, genComment(d, n))
of nkProcDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skProc)
of nkMethodDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skMethod)
of nkIteratorDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skIterator)
of nkMacroDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skMacro)
of nkTemplateDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skTemplate)
of nkConverterDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skConverter)
of nkTypeSection, nkVarSection, nkLetSection, nkConstSection:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
if n.sons[i].kind != nkCommentStmt:
# order is always 'type var let const':
genItem(d, n.sons[i], n.sons[i].sons[0],
succ(skType, ord(n.kind)-ord(nkTypeSection)))
of nkStmtList:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): generateDoc(d, n.sons[i])
of nkWhenStmt:
# generate documentation for the first branch only:
if not checkForFalse(n.sons[0].sons[0]):
generateDoc(d, lastSon(n.sons[0]))
of nkImportStmt:
for i in 0 .. sonsLen(n)-1: traceDeps(d, n.sons[i])
of nkFromStmt: traceDeps(d, n.sons[0])
else: nil
proc genSection(d: PDoc, kind: TSymKind) =
const sectionNames: array[skModule..skTemplate, string] = [
"Imports", "Types", "Vars", "Lets", "Consts", "Vars", "Procs", "Methods",
"Iterators", "Converters", "Macros", "Templates"
if d.section[kind] == nil: return
var title = sectionNames[kind].toRope
d.section[kind] = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.section"), [
"sectionid", "sectionTitle", "sectionTitleID", "content"], [
ord(kind).toRope, title, toRope(ord(kind) + 50), d.section[kind]])
d.toc[kind] = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.section.toc"), [
"sectionid", "sectionTitle", "sectionTitleID", "content"], [
ord(kind).toRope, title, toRope(ord(kind) + 50), d.toc[kind]])
proc genOutFile(d: PDoc): PRope =
code, content: PRope = nil
title = ""
var j = 0
var tmp = ""
renderTocEntries(d[], j, 1, tmp)
var toc = tmp.toRope
for i in countup(low(TSymKind), high(TSymKind)):
genSection(d, i)
app(toc, d.toc[i])
if toc != nil:
toc = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.toc"), ["content"], [toc])
for i in countup(low(TSymKind), high(TSymKind)): app(code, d.section[i])
if d.meta[metaTitle].len != 0: title = d.meta[metaTitle]
else: title = "Module " & extractFilename(changeFileExt(d.filename, ""))
let bodyname = if d.hasToc: "doc.body_toc" else: "doc.body_no_toc"
content = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar(bodyname), ["title",
"tableofcontents", "moduledesc", "date", "time", "content"],
[title.toRope, toc, d.modDesc, toRope(getDateStr()),
toRope(getClockStr()), code])
if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
# XXX what is this hack doing here? 'optCompileOnly' means raw output!?
code = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.file"), ["title",
"tableofcontents", "moduledesc", "date", "time",
"content", "author", "version"],
[title.toRope, toc, d.modDesc, toRope(getDateStr()),
toRope(getClockStr()), content, d.meta[metaAuthor].toRope,
code = content
result = code
proc generateIndex(d: PDoc) =
if optGenIndex in gGlobalOptions:
writeIndexFile(d[], splitFile(options.outFile).dir /
splitFile(d.filename).name & indexExt)
proc writeOutput(d: PDoc, filename, outExt: string) =
var content = genOutFile(d)
if optStdout in gGlobalOptions:
writeRope(stdout, content)
writeRope(content, getOutFile(filename, outExt))
proc CommandDoc*() =
var ast = parseFile(addFileExt(gProjectFull, nimExt))
if ast == nil: return
var d = newDocumentor(gProjectFull, options.gConfigVars)
d.hasToc = true
generateDoc(d, ast)
writeOutput(d, gProjectFull, HtmlExt)
proc CommandRstAux(filename, outExt: string) =
var filen = addFileExt(filename, "txt")
var d = newDocumentor(filen, options.gConfigVars)
var rst = parseRst(readFile(filen), filen, 0, 1, d.hasToc,
d.modDesc = newMutableRope(30_000)
renderRstToOut(d[], rst, d.modDesc.data)
writeOutput(d, filename, outExt)
proc CommandRst2Html*() =
CommandRstAux(gProjectFull, HtmlExt)
proc CommandRst2TeX*() =
splitter = "\\-"
CommandRstAux(gProjectFull, TexExt)
proc CommandBuildIndex*() =
var content = mergeIndexes(gProjectFull).toRope
let code = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.file"), ["title",
"tableofcontents", "moduledesc", "date", "time",
"content", "author", "version"],
["Index".toRope, nil, nil, toRope(getDateStr()),
toRope(getClockStr()), content, nil, nil])
writeRope(code, getOutFile("theindex", HtmlExt))