# The Nimrod Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# module for calling the different external C compilers
# some things are read in from the configuration file
lists, ropes, os, strutils, osproc, platform, condsyms, options, msgs, crc
TSystemCC* = enum
ccNone, ccGcc, ccLLVM_Gcc, ccCLang, ccLcc, ccBcc, ccDmc, ccWcc, ccVcc,
ccTcc, ccPcc, ccUcc, ccIcl, ccGpp
TInfoCCProp* = enum # properties of the C compiler:
hasSwitchRange, # CC allows ranges in switch statements (GNU C)
hasComputedGoto, # CC has computed goto (GNU C extension)
hasCpp, # CC is/contains a C++ compiler
hasAssume, # CC has __assume (Visual C extension)
hasGcGuard, # CC supports GC_GUARD to keep stack roots
hasGnuAsm, # CC's asm uses the absurd GNU assembler syntax
hasNakedDeclspec, # CC has __declspec(naked)
hasNakedAttribute # CC has __attribute__((naked))
TInfoCCProps* = set[TInfoCCProp]
TInfoCC* = tuple[
name: string, # the short name of the compiler
objExt: string, # the compiler's object file extenstion
optSpeed: string, # the options for optimization for speed
optSize: string, # the options for optimization for size
compilerExe: string, # the compiler's executable
compileTmpl: string, # the compile command template
buildGui: string, # command to build a GUI application
buildDll: string, # command to build a shared library
buildLib: string, # command to build a static library
linkerExe: string, # the linker's executable
linkTmpl: string, # command to link files to produce an exe
includeCmd: string, # command to add an include dir
linkDirCmd: string, # command to add a lib dir
linkLibCmd: string, # command to link an external library
debug: string, # flags for debug build
pic: string, # command for position independent code
# used on some platforms
asmStmtFrmt: string, # format of ASM statement
props: TInfoCCProps] # properties of the C compiler
# Configuration settings for various compilers.
# When adding new compilers, the cmake sources could be a good reference:
# http://cmake.org/gitweb?p=cmake.git;a=tree;f=Modules/Platform;
template compiler(name: expr, settings: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
proc name: TInfoCC {.compileTime.} = settings
compiler gcc:
result = (
name: "gcc",
objExt: "o",
optSpeed: " -O3 -ffast-math ",
optSize: " -Os -ffast-math ",
compilerExe: "gcc",
compileTmpl: "-c $options $include -o $objfile $file",
buildGui: " -mwindows",
buildDll: " -shared",
buildLib: "ar rcs $libfile $objfiles",
linkerExe: "gcc",
linkTmpl: "$buildgui $builddll -o $exefile $objfiles $options",
includeCmd: " -I",
linkDirCmd: " -L",
linkLibCmd: " -l$1",
debug: "",
pic: "-fPIC",
asmStmtFrmt: "asm($1);$n",
props: {hasSwitchRange, hasComputedGoto, hasCpp, hasGcGuard, hasGnuAsm,
compiler gpp:
result = gcc()
result.name = "gpp"
result.compilerExe = "g++"
result.linkerExe = "g++"
result.buildDll = " -mdll"
# XXX: Hmm, I'm keeping this from the previos version,
# but my gcc doesn't even have such an option (is this mingw?)
compiler llvmGcc:
result = gcc()
result.name = "llvm_gcc"
result.compilerExe = "llvm-gcc"
result.buildLib = "llvm-ar rcs $libfile $objfiles"
result.linkerExe = "llvm-gcc"
compiler clang:
result = llvmGcc()
result.name = "clang"
result.compilerExe = "clang"
result.linkerExe = "clang"
compiler vcc:
result = (
name: "vcc",
objExt: "obj",
optSpeed: " /Ogityb2 /G7 /arch:SSE2 ",
optSize: " /O1 /G7 ",
compilerExe: "cl",
compileTmpl: "/c $options $include /Fo$objfile $file",
buildGui: " /link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS ",
buildDll: " /LD",
buildLib: "lib /OUT:$libfile $objfiles",
linkerExe: "cl",
linkTmpl: "$options $builddll /Fe$exefile $objfiles $buildgui",
includeCmd: " /I",
linkDirCmd: " /LIBPATH:",
linkLibCmd: " $1.lib",
debug: " /GZ /Zi ",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "__asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {hasCpp, hasAssume, hasNakedDeclspec})
compiler icl:
# Intel compilers try to imitate the native ones (gcc and msvc)
when defined(windows):
result = vcc()
result = gcc()
result.name = "icl"
result.compilerExe = "icl"
result.linkerExe = "icl"
compiler lcc:
result = (
name: "lcc",
objExt: "obj",
optSpeed: " -O -p6 ",
optSize: " -O -p6 ",
compilerExe: "lcc",
compileTmpl: "$options $include -Fo$objfile $file",
buildGui: " -subsystem windows",
buildDll: " -dll",
buildLib: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkerExe: "lcclnk",
linkTmpl: "$options $buildgui $builddll -O $exefile $objfiles",
includeCmd: " -I",
linkDirCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkLibCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
debug: " -g5 ",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "_asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {})
compiler bcc:
result = (
name: "bcc",
objExt: "obj",
optSpeed: " -O2 -6 ",
optSize: " -O1 -6 ",
compilerExe: "bcc32",
compileTmpl: "-c $options $include -o$objfile $file",
buildGui: " -tW",
buildDll: " -tWD",
buildLib: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkerExe: "bcc32",
linkTmpl: "$options $buildgui $builddll -e$exefile $objfiles",
includeCmd: " -I",
linkDirCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkLibCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
debug: "",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "__asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {hasCpp})
compiler dmc:
result = (
name: "dmc",
objExt: "obj",
optSpeed: " -ff -o -6 ",
optSize: " -ff -o -6 ",
compilerExe: "dmc",
compileTmpl: "-c $options $include -o$objfile $file",
buildGui: " -L/exet:nt/su:windows",
buildDll: " -WD",
buildLib: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkerExe: "dmc",
linkTmpl: "$options $buildgui $builddll -o$exefile $objfiles",
includeCmd: " -I",
linkDirCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkLibCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
debug: " -g ",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "__asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {hasCpp})
compiler wcc:
result = (
name: "wcc",
objExt: "obj",
optSpeed: " -ox -on -6 -d0 -fp6 -zW ",
optSize: "",
compilerExe: "wcl386",
compileTmpl: "-c $options $include -fo=$objfile $file",
buildGui: " -bw",
buildDll: " -bd",
buildLib: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkerExe: "wcl386",
linkTmpl: "$options $buildgui $builddll -fe=$exefile $objfiles ",
includeCmd: " -i=",
linkDirCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkLibCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
debug: " -d2 ",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "__asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {hasCpp})
compiler tcc:
result = (
name: "tcc",
objExt: "o",
optSpeed: "",
optSize: "",
compilerExe: "tcc",
compileTmpl: "-c $options $include -o $objfile $file",
buildGui: "UNAVAILABLE!",
buildDll: " -shared",
buildLib: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkerExe: "tcc",
linkTmpl: "-o $exefile $options $buildgui $builddll $objfiles",
includeCmd: " -I",
linkDirCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkLibCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
debug: " -g ",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "__asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {hasSwitchRange, hasComputedGoto})
compiler pcc:
# Pelles C
result = (
name: "pcc",
objExt: "obj",
optSpeed: " -Ox ",
optSize: " -Os ",
compilerExe: "cc",
compileTmpl: "-c $options $include -Fo$objfile $file",
buildDll: " -DLL",
buildLib: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkerExe: "cc",
linkTmpl: "$options $buildgui $builddll -OUT:$exefile $objfiles",
includeCmd: " -I",
linkDirCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkLibCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
debug: " -Zi ",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "__asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {})
compiler ucc:
result = (
name: "ucc",
objExt: "o",
optSpeed: " -O3 ",
optSize: " -O1 ",
compilerExe: "cc",
compileTmpl: "-c $options $include -o $objfile $file",
buildGui: "",
buildDll: " -shared ",
buildLib: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkerExe: "cc",
linkTmpl: "-o $exefile $buildgui $builddll $objfiles $options",
includeCmd: " -I",
linkDirCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
linkLibCmd: "", # XXX: not supported yet
debug: "",
pic: "",
asmStmtFrmt: "__asm{$n$1$n}$n",
props: {})
CC*: array[succ(low(TSystemCC))..high(TSystemCC), TInfoCC] = [
hExt* = ".h"
cCompiler* = ccGcc # the used compiler
cExt* = ".c" # extension of generated C/C++ files
# (can be changed to .cpp later)
cIncludes*: seq[string] = @[] # directories to search for included files
cLibs*: seq[string] = @[] # directories to search for lib files
cLinkedLibs*: seq[string] = @[] # libraries to link
# implementation
proc libNameTmpl(): string {.inline.} =
result = if targetOS == osWindows: "$1.lib" else: "lib$1.a"
toLink, toCompile, externalToCompile: TLinkedList
linkOptions: string = ""
compileOptions: string = ""
ccompilerpath: string = ""
proc nameToCC*(name: string): TSystemCC =
for i in countup(succ(ccNone), high(TSystemCC)):
if cmpIgnoreStyle(name, CC[i].name) == 0:
return i
result = ccNone
proc getConfigVar(c: TSystemCC, suffix: string): string =
# use ``cpu.os.cc`` for cross compilation, unless ``--compileOnly`` is given
# for niminst support
if (platform.hostOS != targetOS or platform.hostCPU != targetCPU) and
optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
let fullCCname = platform.CPU[targetCPU].name & '.' &
platform.OS[targetOS].name & '.' &
CC[c].name & suffix
result = getConfigVar(fullCCname)
if result.len == 0:
# not overriden for this cross compilation setting?
result = getConfigVar(CC[c].name & suffix)
result = getConfigVar(CC[c].name & suffix)
proc setCC*(ccname: string) =
cCompiler = nameToCC(ccname)
if cCompiler == ccNone: rawMessage(errUnknownCcompiler, ccname)
compileOptions = getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".options.always")
linkOptions = getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".options.linker")
ccompilerpath = getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".path")
for i in countup(low(CC), high(CC)): undefSymbol(CC[i].name)
proc addOpt(dest: var string, src: string) =
if len(dest) == 0 or dest[len(dest)-1] != ' ': add(dest, " ")
add(dest, src)
proc addLinkOption*(option: string) =
if find(linkOptions, option, 0) < 0: addOpt(linkOptions, option)
proc addCompileOption*(option: string) =
if strutils.find(compileOptions, option, 0) < 0:
addOpt(compileOptions, option)
proc initVars*() =
# we need to define the symbol here, because ``CC`` may have never been set!
for i in countup(low(CC), high(CC)): undefSymbol(CC[i].name)
if gCmd == cmdCompileToCpp: cExt = ".cpp"
elif gCmd == cmdCompileToOC: cExt = ".m"
addCompileOption(getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".options.always"))
addLinkOption(getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".options.linker"))
if len(ccompilerpath) == 0:
ccompilerpath = getConfigVar(cCompiler, ".path")
proc completeCFilePath*(cfile: string, createSubDir: bool = true): string =
result = completeGeneratedFilePath(cfile, createSubDir)
proc toObjFile*(filenameWithoutExt: string): string =
# Object file for compilation
result = changeFileExt(filenameWithoutExt, CC[cCompiler].objExt)
proc addFileToCompile*(filename: string) =
appendStr(toCompile, filename)
proc resetCompilationLists* =
## XXX: we must associate these with their originating module
# when the module is loaded/unloaded it adds/removes its items
# That's because we still need to CRC check the external files
# Maybe we can do that in checkDep on the other hand?
proc addFileToLink*(filename: string) =
prependStr(toLink, filename)
# BUGFIX: was ``appendStr``
proc execExternalProgram*(cmd: string) =
if optListCmd in gGlobalOptions or gVerbosity > 0: msgWriteln(cmd)
if execCmd(cmd) != 0: rawMessage(errExecutionOfProgramFailed, "")
proc generateScript(projectFile: string, script: PRope) =
let (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(projectFile)
writeRope(script, dir / addFileExt("compile_" & name,
proc getOptSpeed(c: TSystemCC): string =
result = getConfigVar(c, ".options.speed")
if result == "":
result = CC[c].optSpeed # use default settings from this file
proc getDebug(c: TSystemCC): string =
result = getConfigVar(c, ".options.debug")
if result == "":
result = CC[c].debug # use default settings from this file
proc getOptSize(c: TSystemCC): string =
result = getConfigVar(c, ".options.size")
if result == "":
result = CC[c].optSize # use default settings from this file
proc noAbsolutePaths: bool {.inline.} =
# We used to check current OS != specified OS, but this makes no sense
# really: Cross compilation from Linux to Linux for example is entirely
# reasonable.
# `optGenMapping` is included here for niminst.
result = gGlobalOptions * {optGenScript, optGenMapping} != {}
specialFileA = 42
specialFileB = 42
var fileCounter: int
proc add(s: var string, many: openArray[string]) =
s.add many.join
proc cFileSpecificOptions(cfilename: string): string =
result = compileOptions
var trunk = splitFile(cfilename).name
if optCDebug in gGlobalOptions:
var key = trunk & ".debug"
if existsConfigVar(key): addOpt(result, getConfigVar(key))
else: addOpt(result, getDebug(cCompiler))
if optOptimizeSpeed in gOptions:
var key = trunk & ".speed"
if existsConfigVar(key): addOpt(result, getConfigVar(key))
else: addOpt(result, getOptSpeed(cCompiler))
elif optOptimizeSize in gOptions:
var key = trunk & ".size"
if existsConfigVar(key): addOpt(result, getConfigVar(key))
else: addOpt(result, getOptSize(cCompiler))
var key = trunk & ".always"
if existsConfigVar(key): addOpt(result, getConfigVar(key))
proc getCompileOptions: string =
result = cFileSpecificOptions("__dummy__")
proc getLinkOptions: string =
result = linkOptions
for linkedLib in items(cLinkedLibs):
result.add(CC[cCompiler].linkLibCmd % linkedLib.quoteShell)
for libDir in items(cLibs):
result.add([CC[cCompiler].linkDirCmd, libDir.quoteShell])
proc needsExeExt(): bool {.inline.} =
result = (optGenScript in gGlobalOptions and targetOS == osWindows) or
(platform.hostOS == osWindows)
proc getCompileCFileCmd*(cfilename: string, isExternal = false): string =
var c = cCompiler
var options = cFileSpecificOptions(cfilename)
var exe = getConfigVar(c, ".exe")
if exe.len == 0: exe = CC[c].compilerExe
if needsExeExt(): exe = addFileExt(exe, "exe")
if optGenDynLib in gGlobalOptions and
ospNeedsPIC in platform.OS[targetOS].props:
add(options, ' ' & CC[c].pic)
var includeCmd, compilePattern: string
if not noAbsolutePaths():
# compute include paths:
includeCmd = CC[c].includeCmd & quoteShell(libpath)
for includeDir in items(cIncludes):
includeCmd.add([CC[c].includeCmd, includeDir.quoteShell])
compilePattern = joinPath(ccompilerpath, exe)
includeCmd = ""
compilePattern = CC[c].compilerExe
var cfile = if noAbsolutePaths(): extractFilename(cfilename)
else: cfilename
var objfile = if not isExternal or noAbsolutePaths():
cfile = quoteShell(addFileExt(cfile, cExt))
objfile = quoteShell(objfile)
result = quoteShell(compilePattern % [
"file", cfile, "objfile", objfile, "options", options,
"include", includeCmd, "nimrod", getPrefixDir(), "lib", libpath])
add(result, ' ')
addf(result, CC[c].compileTmpl, [
"file", cfile, "objfile", objfile,
"options", options, "include", includeCmd,
"nimrod", quoteShell(getPrefixDir()),
"lib", quoteShell(libpath)])
proc footprint(filename: string): TCrc32 =
result = crcFromFile(filename) ><
platform.OS[targetOS].name ><
platform.CPU[targetCPU].name ><
extccomp.CC[extccomp.cCompiler].name ><
getCompileCFileCmd(filename, true)
proc externalFileChanged(filename: string): bool =
var crcFile = toGeneratedFile(filename.withPackageName, "crc")
var currentCrc = int(footprint(filename))
var f: TFile
if open(f, crcFile, fmRead):
var line = newStringOfCap(40)
if not f.readLine(line): line = "0"
var oldCrc = parseInt(line)
result = oldCrc != currentCrc
result = true
if result:
if open(f, crcFile, fmWrite):
proc addExternalFileToCompile*(filename: string) =
if optForceFullMake in gGlobalOptions or externalFileChanged(filename):
appendStr(externalToCompile, filename)
proc compileCFile(list: TLinkedList, script: var PRope, cmds: var TStringSeq,
isExternal: bool) =
var it = PStrEntry(list.head)
while it != nil:
inc(fileCounter) # call the C compiler for the .c file:
var compileCmd = getCompileCFileCmd(it.data, isExternal)
if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
add(cmds, compileCmd)
if optGenScript in gGlobalOptions:
app(script, compileCmd)
app(script, tnl)
it = PStrEntry(it.next)
proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
linkCmd, buildgui, builddll: string
if gGlobalOptions * {optCompileOnly, optGenScript} == {optCompileOnly}:
return # speed up that call if only compiling and no script shall be
# generated
fileCounter = 0
var c = cCompiler
var script: PRope = nil
var cmds: TStringSeq = @[]
compileCFile(toCompile, script, cmds, false)
compileCFile(externalToCompile, script, cmds, true)
if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
if gNumberOfProcessors == 0: gNumberOfProcessors = countProcessors()
var res = 0
if gNumberOfProcessors <= 1:
for i in countup(0, high(cmds)): res = max(execCmd(cmds[i]), res)
elif optListCmd in gGlobalOptions or gVerbosity > 0:
res = execProcesses(cmds, {poEchoCmd, poUseShell, poParentStreams},
res = execProcesses(cmds, {poUseShell, poParentStreams},
if res != 0:
if gNumberOfProcessors <= 1:
rawMessage(errExecutionOfProgramFailed, [])
rawMessage(errGenerated, " execution of an external program failed; " &
"rerun with --parallelBuild:1 to see the error message")
if optNoLinking notin gGlobalOptions:
# call the linker:
var it = PStrEntry(toLink.head)
var objfiles = ""
while it != nil:
let objFile = if noAbsolutePaths(): it.data.extractFilename else: it.data
add(objfiles, ' ')
add(objfiles, quoteShell(
addFileExt(objFile, CC[cCompiler].objExt)))
it = PStrEntry(it.next)
if optGenStaticLib in gGlobalOptions:
linkCmd = CC[c].buildLib % ["libfile", (libNameTmpl() % gProjectName),
"objfiles", objfiles]
if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: execExternalProgram(linkCmd)
var linkerExe = getConfigVar(c, ".linkerexe")
if len(linkerExe) == 0: linkerExe = CC[c].linkerExe
if needsExeExt(): linkerExe = addFileExt(linkerExe, "exe")
if noAbsolutePaths(): linkCmd = quoteShell(linkerExe)
else: linkCmd = quoteShell(joinPath(ccompilerpath, linkerExe))
if optGenGuiApp in gGlobalOptions: buildgui = CC[c].buildGui
else: buildgui = ""
var exefile: string
if optGenDynLib in gGlobalOptions:
exefile = platform.OS[targetOS].dllFrmt % splitFile(projectfile).name
builddll = CC[c].buildDll
exefile = splitFile(projectfile).name & platform.OS[targetOS].exeExt
builddll = ""
if options.outFile.len > 0:
exefile = options.outFile.expandTilde
if not noAbsolutePaths():
if not exefile.isAbsolute():
exefile = joinPath(splitFile(projectfile).dir, exefile)
exefile = quoteShell(exefile)
let linkOptions = getLinkOptions()
linkCmd = quoteShell(linkCmd % ["builddll", builddll,
"buildgui", buildgui, "options", linkOptions, "objfiles", objfiles,
"exefile", exefile, "nimrod", getPrefixDir(), "lib", libpath])
linkCmd.add ' '
addf(linkCmd, CC[c].linkTmpl, ["builddll", builddll,
"buildgui", buildgui, "options", linkOptions,
"objfiles", objfiles, "exefile", exefile,
"nimrod", quoteShell(getPrefixDir()),
"lib", quoteShell(libpath)])
if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: execExternalProgram(linkCmd)
linkCmd = ""
if optGenScript in gGlobalOptions:
app(script, linkCmd)
app(script, tnl)
generateScript(projectfile, script)
proc genMappingFiles(list: TLinkedList): PRope =
var it = PStrEntry(list.head)
while it != nil:
appf(result, "--file:r\"$1\"$N", [toRope(addFileExt(it.data, cExt))])
it = PStrEntry(it.next)
proc writeMapping*(gSymbolMapping: PRope) =
if optGenMapping notin gGlobalOptions: return
var code = toRope("[C_Files]\n")
app(code, genMappingFiles(toCompile))
app(code, genMappingFiles(externalToCompile))
app(code, "\n[C_Compiler]\nFlags=")
app(code, strutils.escape(getCompileOptions()))
app(code, "\n[Linker]\nFlags=")
app(code, strutils.escape(getLinkOptions()))
app(code, "\n[Environment]\nlibpath=")
app(code, strutils.escape(libpath))
appf(code, "\n[Symbols]$n$1", [gSymbolMapping])
writeRope(code, joinPath(gProjectPath, "mapping.txt"))