# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# This module implements the symbol importing mechanism.
intsets, strutils, os, ast, astalgo, msgs, options, idents, rodread, lookups,
semdata, passes, renderer
proc evalImport*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode
proc evalFrom*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode
proc getModuleName*(n: PNode): string =
# This returns a short relative module name without the nim extension
# e.g. like "system", "importer" or "somepath/module"
# The proc won't perform any checks that the path is actually valid
case n.kind
of nkStrLit, nkRStrLit, nkTripleStrLit:
result = pathSubs(n.strVal, n.info.toFullPath().splitFile().dir)
except ValueError:
localError(n.info, "invalid path: " & n.strVal)
result = n.strVal
of nkIdent:
result = n.ident.s
of nkSym:
result = n.sym.name.s
of nkInfix, nkPrefix:
if n.sons[0].kind == nkIdent and n.sons[0].ident.id == getIdent("as").id:
# XXX hack ahead:
n.kind = nkImportAs
n.sons[0] = n.sons[1]
n.sons[1] = n.sons[2]
return getModuleName(n.sons[0])
# hacky way to implement 'x / y /../ z':
result = renderTree(n, {renderNoComments}).replace(" ")
of nkDotExpr:
result = renderTree(n, {renderNoComments}).replace(".", "/")
of nkImportAs:
result = getModuleName(n.sons[0])
localError(n.info, errGenerated, "invalid module name: '$1'" % n.renderTree)
result = ""
proc checkModuleName*(n: PNode; doLocalError=true): int32 =
# This returns the full canonical path for a given module import
let modulename = n.getModuleName
let fullPath = findModule(modulename, n.info.toFullPath)
if fullPath.len == 0:
if doLocalError:
localError(n.info, errCannotOpenFile, modulename)
result = InvalidFileIDX
result = fullPath.fileInfoIdx
proc rawImportSymbol(c: PContext, s: PSym) =
# This does not handle stubs, because otherwise loading on demand would be
# pointless in practice. So importing stubs is fine here!
# check if we have already a symbol of the same name:
var check = strTableGet(c.importTable.symbols, s.name)
if check != nil and check.id != s.id:
if s.kind notin OverloadableSyms:
# s and check need to be qualified:
incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, s.id)
incl(c.ambiguousSymbols, check.id)
# thanks to 'export' feature, it could be we import the same symbol from
# multiple sources, so we need to call 'StrTableAdd' here:
strTableAdd(c.importTable.symbols, s)
if s.kind == skType:
var etyp = s.typ
if etyp.kind in {tyBool, tyEnum} and sfPure notin s.flags:
for j in countup(0, sonsLen(etyp.n) - 1):
var e = etyp.n.sons[j].sym
if e.kind != skEnumField:
internalError(s.info, "rawImportSymbol")
# BUGFIX: because of aliases for enums the symbol may already
# have been put into the symbol table
# BUGFIX: but only iff they are the same symbols!
var it: TIdentIter
check = initIdentIter(it, c.importTable.symbols, e.name)
while check != nil:
if check.id == e.id:
e = nil
check = nextIdentIter(it, c.importTable.symbols)
if e != nil:
rawImportSymbol(c, e)
# rodgen assures that converters and patterns are no stubs
if s.kind == skConverter: addConverter(c, s)
if hasPattern(s): addPattern(c, s)
proc importSymbol(c: PContext, n: PNode, fromMod: PSym) =
let ident = lookups.considerQuotedIdent(n)
let s = strTableGet(fromMod.tab, ident)
if s == nil:
errorUndeclaredIdentifier(c, n.info, ident.s)
if s.kind == skStub: loadStub(s)
if s.kind notin ExportableSymKinds:
internalError(n.info, "importSymbol: 2")
# for an enumeration we have to add all identifiers
case s.kind
of skProcKinds:
# for a overloadable syms add all overloaded routines
var it: TIdentIter
var e = initIdentIter(it, fromMod.tab, s.name)
while e != nil:
if e.name.id != s.name.id: internalError(n.info, "importSymbol: 3")
rawImportSymbol(c, e)
e = nextIdentIter(it, fromMod.tab)
else: rawImportSymbol(c, s)
proc importAllSymbolsExcept(c: PContext, fromMod: PSym, exceptSet: IntSet) =
var i: TTabIter
var s = initTabIter(i, fromMod.tab)
while s != nil:
if s.kind != skModule:
if s.kind != skEnumField:
if s.kind notin ExportableSymKinds:
internalError(s.info, "importAllSymbols: " & $s.kind)
if exceptSet.isNil or s.name.id notin exceptSet:
rawImportSymbol(c, s)
s = nextIter(i, fromMod.tab)
proc importAllSymbols*(c: PContext, fromMod: PSym) =
var exceptSet: IntSet
importAllSymbolsExcept(c, fromMod, exceptSet)
proc importForwarded(c: PContext, n: PNode, exceptSet: IntSet) =
if n.isNil: return
case n.kind
of nkExportStmt:
for a in n:
assert a.kind == nkSym
let s = a.sym
if s.kind == skModule:
importAllSymbolsExcept(c, s, exceptSet)
elif exceptSet.isNil or s.name.id notin exceptSet:
rawImportSymbol(c, s)
of nkExportExceptStmt:
localError(n.info, errGenerated, "'export except' not implemented")
for i in 0..safeLen(n)-1:
importForwarded(c, n.sons[i], exceptSet)
proc importModuleAs(n: PNode, realModule: PSym): PSym =
result = realModule
if n.kind != nkImportAs: discard
elif n.len != 2 or n.sons[1].kind != nkIdent:
localError(n.info, errGenerated, "module alias must be an identifier")
elif n.sons[1].ident.id != realModule.name.id:
# some misguided guy will write 'import abc.foo as foo' ...
result = createModuleAlias(realModule, n.sons[1].ident, realModule.info)
proc myImportModule(c: PContext, n: PNode): PSym =
var f = checkModuleName(n)
if f != InvalidFileIDX:
let L = c.graph.importStack.len
let recursion = c.graph.importStack.find(f)
c.graph.importStack.add f
#echo "adding ", toFullPath(f), " at ", L+1
if recursion >= 0:
var err = ""
for i in countup(recursion, L-1):
if i > recursion: err.add "\n"
err.add toFullPath(c.graph.importStack[i]) & " imports " &
c.recursiveDep = err
result = importModuleAs(n, gImportModule(c.graph, c.module, f, c.cache))
#echo "set back to ", L
# we cannot perform this check reliably because of
# test: modules/import_in_config)
when true:
if result.info.fileIndex == c.module.info.fileIndex and
result.info.fileIndex == n.info.fileIndex:
localError(n.info, errGenerated, "A module cannot import itself")
if sfDeprecated in result.flags:
message(n.info, warnDeprecated, result.name.s)
#suggestSym(n.info, result, false)
proc impMod(c: PContext; it: PNode) =
let m = myImportModule(c, it)
if m != nil:
var emptySet: IntSet
# ``addDecl`` needs to be done before ``importAllSymbols``!
addDecl(c, m, it.info) # add symbol to symbol table of module
importAllSymbolsExcept(c, m, emptySet)
#importForwarded(c, m.ast, emptySet)
proc evalImport(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
let it = n.sons[i]
if it.kind == nkInfix and it.len == 3 and it[2].kind == nkBracket:
let sep = renderTree(it.sons[0], {renderNoComments})
let dir = renderTree(it.sons[1], {renderNoComments})
for x in it[2]:
let f = renderTree(x, {renderNoComments})
let a = newStrNode(nkStrLit, (dir & sep & f).replace(" "))
a.info = it.info
impMod(c, a)
impMod(c, it)
proc evalFrom(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
checkMinSonsLen(n, 2)
var m = myImportModule(c, n.sons[0])
if m != nil:
n.sons[0] = newSymNode(m)
addDecl(c, m, n.info) # add symbol to symbol table of module
for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1):
if n.sons[i].kind != nkNilLit:
importSymbol(c, n.sons[i], m)
proc evalImportExcept*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
checkMinSonsLen(n, 2)
var m = myImportModule(c, n.sons[0])
if m != nil:
n.sons[0] = newSymNode(m)
addDecl(c, m, n.info) # add symbol to symbol table of module
var exceptSet = initIntSet()
for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1):
let ident = lookups.considerQuotedIdent(n.sons[i])
importAllSymbolsExcept(c, m, exceptSet)
#importForwarded(c, m.ast, exceptSet)