# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
import ast, renderer, msgs, options, lineinfos, idents, treetab
import std/[intsets, tables, sequtils, strutils, sets, strformat, hashes]
when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
import std/assertions
# IMPORTANT: notes not up to date, i'll update this comment again
# notes:
# Env: int => nilability
# a = b
# nilability a <- nilability b
# deref a
# if Nil error is nil
# if MaybeNil error might be nil, hint add if isNil
# if Safe fine
# fun(arg: A)
# nilability arg <- for ref MaybeNil, for not nil or others Safe
# map is env?
# a or b
# each one forks a different env
# result = union(envL, envR)
# a and b
# b forks a's env
# if a: code
# result = union(previousEnv after not a, env after code)
# if a: b else: c
# result = union(env after b, env after c)
# result = b
# nilability result <- nilability b, if return type is not nil and result not safe, error
# return b
# as result = b
# try: a except: b finally: c
# in b and c env is union of all possible try first n lines, after union of a and b and c
# keep in mind canRaise and finally
# case a: of b: c
# similar to if
# call(arg)
# if it returns ref, assume it's MaybeNil: hint that one can add not nil to the return type
# call(var arg) # zahary comment
# if arg is ref, assume it's MaybeNil after call
# loop
# union of env for 0, 1, 2 iterations as Herb Sutter's paper
# why 2?
# return
# if something: stop (break return etc)
# is equivalent to if something: .. else: remain
# new(ref)
# ref becomes Safe
# objConstr(a: b)
# returns safe
# each check returns its nilability and map
SeqOfDistinct[T, U] = distinct seq[U]
# TODO use distinct base type instead of int?
func `[]`[T, U](a: SeqOfDistinct[T, U], index: T): U =
proc `[]=`[T, U](a: var SeqOfDistinct[T, U], index: T, value: U) =
((seq[U])(a))[index.int] = value
func `[]`[T, U](a: var SeqOfDistinct[T, U], index: T): var U =
func len[T, U](a: SeqOfDistinct[T, U]): T =
func low[T, U](a: SeqOfDistinct[T, U]): T =
func high[T, U](a: SeqOfDistinct[T, U]): T =
proc setLen[T, U](a: var SeqOfDistinct[T, U], length: T) =
proc newSeqOfDistinct[T, U](length: T = 0.T): SeqOfDistinct[T, U] =
(SeqOfDistinct[T, U])(newSeq[U](length.int))
func newSeqOfDistinct[T, U](length: int = 0): SeqOfDistinct[T, U] =
# newSeqOfDistinct(length.T)
# ? newSeqOfDistinct[T, U](length.T)
(SeqOfDistinct[T, U])(newSeq[U](length))
iterator items[T, U](a: SeqOfDistinct[T, U]): U =
for element in (seq[U])(a):
yield element
iterator pairs[T, U](a: SeqOfDistinct[T, U]): (T, U) =
for i, element in (seq[U])(a):
yield (i.T, element)
func `$`[T, U](a: SeqOfDistinct[T, U]): string =
proc add*[T, U](a: var SeqOfDistinct[T, U], value: U) =
## a hashed representation of a node: should be equal for structurally equal nodes
Symbol = distinct int
## the index of an expression in the pre-indexed sequence of those
ExprIndex = distinct int16
## the set index
SetIndex = distinct int
## transition kind:
## what was the reason for changing the nilability of an expression
## useful for error messages and showing why an expression is being detected as nil / maybe nil
TransitionKind = enum TArg, TAssign, TType, TNil, TVarArg, TResult, TSafe, TPotentialAlias, TDependant
## keep history for each transition
History = object
info: TLineInfo ## the location
nilability: Nilability ## the nilability
kind: TransitionKind ## what kind of transition was that
node: PNode ## the node of the expression
## the context for the checker: an instance for each procedure
NilCheckerContext = ref object
# abstractTime: AbstractTime
# partitions: Partitions
# symbolGraphs: Table[Symbol, ]
symbolIndices: Table[Symbol, ExprIndex] ## index for each symbol
expressions: SeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, PNode] ## a sequence of pre-indexed expressions
dependants: SeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, IntSet] ## expr indices for expressions which are compound and based on others
warningLocations: HashSet[TLineInfo] ## warning locations to check we don't warn twice for stuff like warnings in for loops
idgen: IdGenerator ## id generator
config: ConfigRef ## the config of the compiler
## a map that is containing the current nilability for usually a branch
## and is pointing optionally to a parent map: they make a stack of maps
NilMap = ref object
expressions: SeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, Nilability] ## the expressions with the same order as in NilCheckerContext
history: SeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, seq[History]] ## history for each of them
# what about gc and refs?
setIndices: SeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, SetIndex] ## set indices for each expression
sets: SeqOfDistinct[SetIndex, IntSet] ## disjoint sets with the aliased expressions
parent: NilMap ## the parent map
## Nilability : if a value is nilable.
## we have maybe nil and nil, so we can differentiate between
## cases where we know for sure a value is nil and not
## otherwise we can have Safe, MaybeNil
## Parent: is because we just use a sequence with the same length
## instead of a table, and we need to check if something was initialized
## at all: if Parent is set, then you need to check the parent nilability
## if the parent is nil, then for now we return MaybeNil
## unreachable is the result of add(Safe, Nil) and others
## it is a result of no states left, so it's usually e.g. in unreachable else branches?
Nilability* = enum Parent, Safe, MaybeNil, Nil, Unreachable
## check
Check = object
nilability: Nilability
map: NilMap
elements: seq[(PNode, Nilability)]
# useful to have known resultId so we can set it in the beginning and on return
const resultId: Symbol = (-1).Symbol
const resultExprIndex: ExprIndex = 0.ExprIndex
const noSymbol = (-2).Symbol
func `<`*(a: ExprIndex, b: ExprIndex): bool =
a.int16 < b.int16
func `<=`*(a: ExprIndex, b: ExprIndex): bool =
a.int16 <= b.int16
func `>`*(a: ExprIndex, b: ExprIndex): bool =
a.int16 > b.int16
func `>=`*(a: ExprIndex, b: ExprIndex): bool =
a.int16 >= b.int16
func `==`*(a: ExprIndex, b: ExprIndex): bool =
a.int16 == b.int16
func `$`*(a: ExprIndex): string =
func `+`*(a: ExprIndex, b: ExprIndex): ExprIndex =
(a.int16 + b.int16).ExprIndex
# TODO overflowing / < 0?
func `-`*(a: ExprIndex, b: ExprIndex): ExprIndex =
(a.int16 - b.int16).ExprIndex
func `$`*(a: SetIndex): string =
func `==`*(a: SetIndex, b: SetIndex): bool =
a.int == b.int
func `+`*(a: SetIndex, b: SetIndex): SetIndex =
(a.int + b.int).SetIndex
# TODO over / under limit?
func `-`*(a: SetIndex, b: SetIndex): SetIndex =
(a.int - b.int).SetIndex
proc check(n: PNode, ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap): Check
proc checkCondition(n: PNode, ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap, reverse: bool, base: bool): NilMap
# the NilMap structure
proc newNilMap(parent: NilMap = nil, count: int = -1): NilMap =
var expressionsCount = 0
if count != -1:
expressionsCount = count
elif not parent.isNil:
expressionsCount = parent.expressions.len.int
result = NilMap(
expressions: newSeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, Nilability](expressionsCount),
history: newSeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, seq[History]](expressionsCount),
setIndices: newSeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, SetIndex](expressionsCount),
parent: parent)
if parent.isNil:
for i, expr in result.expressions:
result.setIndices[i] = i.SetIndex
var newSet = initIntSet()
for i, exprs in parent.sets:
for i, index in parent.setIndices:
result.setIndices[i] = index
# result.sets = parent.sets
# if not parent.isNil:
# # optimize []?
# result.expressions = parent.expressions
# result.history = parent.history
# result.sets = parent.sets
# result.base = if parent.isNil: result else: parent.base
proc `[]`(map: NilMap, index: ExprIndex): Nilability =
if index < 0.ExprIndex or index >= map.expressions.len:
return MaybeNil
var now = map
while not now.isNil:
if now.expressions[index] != Parent:
return now.expressions[index]
now = now.parent
return MaybeNil
proc history(map: NilMap, index: ExprIndex): seq[History] =
if index < map.expressions.len:
# helpers for debugging
# import macros
# echo-s only when nilDebugInfo is defined
# macro aecho*(a: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
# var e = nnkCall.newTree(ident"echo")
# for b in a:
# e.add(b)
# result = quote:
# when defined(nilDebugInfo):
# `e`
# end of helpers for debugging
proc symbol(n: PNode): Symbol
func `$`(map: NilMap): string
proc reverseDirect(map: NilMap): NilMap
proc checkBranch(n: PNode, ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap): Check
proc hasUnstructuredControlFlowJump(n: PNode): bool
proc symbol(n: PNode): Symbol =
## returns a Symbol for each expression
## the goal is to get an unique Symbol
## but we have to ensure hashTree does it as we expect
case n.kind:
of nkIdent:
# TODO ensure no idents get passed to symbol
result = noSymbol
of nkSym:
if n.sym.kind == skResult: # credit to disruptek for showing me that
result = resultId
result = n.sym.id.Symbol
of nkHiddenAddr, nkAddr:
result = symbol(n[0])
result = hashTree(n).Symbol
# echo "symbol ", n, " ", n.kind, " ", result.int
func `$`(map: NilMap): string =
result = ""
var now = map
var stack: seq[NilMap] = @[]
while not now.isNil:
now = now.parent
result.add("### start\n")
for i in 0 .. stack.len - 1:
now = stack[i]
result.add(" ###\n")
for index, value in now.expressions:
result.add(&" {index} {value}\n")
result.add "### end\n"
proc namedMapDebugInfo(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap): string =
result = ""
var now = map
var stack: seq[NilMap] = @[]
while not now.isNil:
now = now.parent
result.add("### start\n")
for i in 0 .. stack.len - 1:
now = stack[i]
result.add(" ###\n")
for index, value in now.expressions:
let name = ctx.expressions[index]
result.add(&" {name} {index} {value}\n")
result.add("### end\n")
proc namedSetsDebugInfo(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap): string =
result = "### sets "
for index, setIndex in map.setIndices:
var aliasSet = map.sets[setIndex]
let expressions = aliasSet.mapIt($ctx.expressions[it.ExprIndex])
result.add(join(expressions, ", "))
result.add("} ")
proc namedMapAndSetsDebugInfo(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap): string =
result = namedMapDebugInfo(ctx, map) & namedSetsDebugInfo(ctx, map)
const noExprIndex = (-1).ExprIndex
const noSetIndex = (-1).SetIndex
proc `==`(a: Symbol, b: Symbol): bool =
a.int == b.int
func `$`(a: Symbol): string =
template isConstBracket(n: PNode): bool =
n.kind == nkBracketExpr and n[1].kind in nkLiterals
proc index(ctx: NilCheckerContext, n: PNode): ExprIndex =
# echo "n ", n, " ", n.kind
let a = symbol(n)
if ctx.symbolIndices.hasKey(a):
return ctx.symbolIndices[a]
#for a, e in ctx.expressions:
# echo a, " ", e
#echo n.kind
# internalError(ctx.config, n.info, "expected " & $a & " " & $n & " to have a index")
return noExprIndex
proc aliasSet(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap, n: PNode): IntSet =
result = map.sets[map.setIndices[ctx.index(n)]]
proc aliasSet(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap, index: ExprIndex): IntSet =
result = map.sets[map.setIndices[index]]
proc store(map: NilMap, ctx: NilCheckerContext, index: ExprIndex, value: Nilability, kind: TransitionKind, info: TLineInfo, node: PNode = nil) =
if index == noExprIndex:
map.expressions[index] = value
map.history[index].add(History(info: info, kind: kind, node: node, nilability: value))
#echo node, " ", index, " ", value
#echo ctx.namedMapAndSetsDebugInfo(map)
#for a, b in map.sets:
# echo a, " ", b
# echo map
var exprAliases = aliasSet(ctx, map, index)
for a in exprAliases:
if a.ExprIndex != index:
#echo "alias ", a, " ", index
map.expressions[a.ExprIndex] = value
if value == Safe:
map.history[a.ExprIndex] = @[]
map.history[a.ExprIndex].add(History(info: info, kind: TPotentialAlias, node: node, nilability: value))
proc moveOut(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap, target: PNode) =
#echo "move out ", target
var targetIndex = ctx.index(target)
var targetSetIndex = map.setIndices[targetIndex]
if targetSetIndex != noSetIndex:
var targetSet = map.sets[targetSetIndex]
if targetSet.len > 1:
var other: ExprIndex = default(ExprIndex)
for element in targetSet:
if element.ExprIndex != targetIndex:
other = element.ExprIndex
# map.sets[element].excl(targetIndex)
var newSet = initIntSet()
map.setIndices[targetIndex] = map.sets.len - 1.SetIndex
proc moveOutDependants(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap, node: PNode) =
let index = ctx.index(node)
for dependant in ctx.dependants[index]:
moveOut(ctx, map, ctx.expressions[dependant.ExprIndex])
proc storeDependants(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap, node: PNode, value: Nilability) =
let index = ctx.index(node)
for dependant in ctx.dependants[index]:
map.store(ctx, dependant.ExprIndex, value, TDependant, node.info, node)
proc move(ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap, target: PNode, assigned: PNode) =
#echo "move ", target, " ", assigned
var targetIndex = ctx.index(target)
var assignedIndex: ExprIndex
var targetSetIndex = map.setIndices[targetIndex]
var assignedSetIndex: SetIndex
if assigned.kind == nkSym:
assignedIndex = ctx.index(assigned)
assignedSetIndex = map.setIndices[assignedIndex]
assignedIndex = noExprIndex
assignedSetIndex = noSetIndex
if assignedIndex == noExprIndex:
moveOut(ctx, map, target)
elif targetSetIndex != assignedSetIndex:
map.setIndices[targetIndex] = assignedSetIndex
# proc hasKey(map: NilMap, ): bool =
# var now = map
# result = false
# while not now.isNil:
# if now.locals.hasKey(graphIndex):
# return true
# now = now.previous
iterator pairs(map: NilMap): (ExprIndex, Nilability) =
for index, value in map.expressions:
yield (index, map[index])
proc copyMap(map: NilMap): NilMap =
if map.isNil:
return nil
result = newNilMap(map.parent) # no need for copy? if we change only this
result.expressions = map.expressions
result.history = map.history
result.sets = map.sets
result.setIndices = map.setIndices
n: PNode
conf: ConfigRef
ctx: NilCheckerContext
map: NilMap
proc typeNilability(typ: PType): Nilability
# maybe: if canRaise, return MaybeNil ?
# no, because the target might be safe already
# with or without an exception
proc checkCall(n, ctx, map): Check =
# checks each call
# special case for new(T) -> result is always Safe
# for the others it depends on the return type of the call
# check args and handle possible mutations
var isNew = false
result.map = map
for i, child in n:
discard check(child, ctx, map)
if i > 0:
# var args make a new map with MaybeNil for our node
# as it might have been mutated
# TODO similar for normal refs and fields: find dependent exprs: brackets
if child.kind == nkHiddenAddr and not child.typ.isNil and child.typ.kind == tyVar and child.typ[0].kind == tyRef:
if not isNew:
result.map = newNilMap(map)
isNew = true
# result.map[$child] = MaybeNil
var arg = child
while arg.kind == nkHiddenAddr:
arg = arg[0]
let a = ctx.index(arg)
if a != noExprIndex:
moveOut(ctx, result.map, arg)
moveOutDependants(ctx, result.map, arg)
result.map.store(ctx, a, MaybeNil, TVarArg, n.info, arg)
storeDependants(ctx, result.map, arg, MaybeNil)
elif not child.typ.isNil and child.typ.kind == tyRef:
if child.kind in {nkSym, nkDotExpr} or isConstBracket(child):
let a = ctx.index(child)
if ctx.dependants[a].len > 0:
if not isNew:
result.map = newNilMap(map)
isNew = true
moveOutDependants(ctx, result.map, child)
storeDependants(ctx, result.map, child, MaybeNil)
if n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.magic == mNew:
# new hidden deref?
var value = if n[1].kind == nkHiddenDeref: n[1][0] else: n[1]
let b = ctx.index(value)
result.map.store(ctx, b, Safe, TAssign, value.info, value)
result.nilability = Safe
# echo "n ", n, " ", n.typ.isNil
if not n.typ.isNil:
result.nilability = typeNilability(n.typ)
result.nilability = Safe
# echo result.map
template event(b: History): string =
case b.kind:
of TArg: "param with nilable type"
of TNil: "it returns true for isNil"
of TAssign: "assigns a value which might be nil"
of TVarArg: "passes it as a var arg which might change to nil"
of TResult: "it is nil by default"
of TType: "it has ref type"
of TSafe: "it is safe here as it returns false for isNil"
of TPotentialAlias: "it might be changed directly or through an alias"
of TDependant: "it might be changed because its base might be changed"
proc derefWarning(n, ctx, map; kind: Nilability) =
## a warning for potentially unsafe dereference
if n.info in ctx.warningLocations:
var a: seq[History] = @[]
if n.kind == nkSym:
a = history(map, ctx.index(n))
var res = ""
var issue = case kind:
of Nil: "it is nil"
of MaybeNil: "it might be nil"
of Unreachable: "it is unreachable"
else: ""
res.add("can't deref " & $n & ", " & issue)
if a.len > 0:
for b in a:
res.add(" " & event(b) & " on line " & $b.info.line & ":" & $b.info.col)
message(ctx.config, n.info, warnStrictNotNil, res)
proc handleNilability(check: Check; n, ctx, map) =
## handle the check:
## register a warning(error?) for Nil/MaybeNil
case check.nilability:
of Nil:
derefWarning(n, ctx, map, Nil)
of MaybeNil:
derefWarning(n, ctx, map, MaybeNil)
of Unreachable:
derefWarning(n, ctx, map, Unreachable)
when defined(nilDebugInfo):
message(ctx.config, n.info, hintUser, "can deref " & $n)
proc checkDeref(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check dereference: deref n should be ok only if n is Safe
result = check(n[0], ctx, map)
handleNilability(result, n[0], ctx, map)
proc checkRefExpr(n, ctx; check: Check): Check =
## check ref expressions: TODO not sure when this happens
result = check
if n.typ.kind != tyRef:
result.nilability = typeNilability(n.typ)
elif tfNotNil notin n.typ.flags:
# echo "ref key ", n, " ", n.kind
if n.kind in {nkSym, nkDotExpr} or isConstBracket(n):
let key = ctx.index(n)
result.nilability = result.map[key]
elif n.kind == nkBracketExpr:
# sometimes false positive
result.nilability = MaybeNil
# sometimes maybe false positive
result.nilability = MaybeNil
proc checkDotExpr(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check dot expressions: make sure we can dereference the base
result = check(n[0], ctx, map)
result = checkRefExpr(n, ctx, result)
proc checkBracketExpr(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check bracket expressions: make sure we can dereference the base
result = check(n[0], ctx, map)
# if might be deref: [] == *(a + index) for cstring
handleNilability(result, n[0], ctx, map)
result = check(n[1], ctx, result.map)
result = checkRefExpr(n, ctx, result)
# echo n, " ", result.nilability
template union(l: Nilability, r: Nilability): Nilability =
## unify two states
if l == r:
template add(l: Nilability, r: Nilability): Nilability =
if l == r: # Safe Safe -> Safe etc
elif l == Parent: # Parent Safe -> Safe etc
elif r == Parent: # Safe Parent -> Safe etc
elif l == Unreachable or r == Unreachable: # Safe Unreachable -> Unreachable etc
elif l == MaybeNil: # Safe MaybeNil -> Safe etc
elif r == MaybeNil: # MaybeNil Nil -> Nil etc
else: # Safe Nil -> Unreachable etc
proc findCommonParent(l: NilMap, r: NilMap): NilMap =
result = l.parent
while not result.isNil:
var rparent = r.parent
while not rparent.isNil:
if result == rparent:
return result
rparent = rparent.parent
result = result.parent
proc union(ctx: NilCheckerContext, l: NilMap, r: NilMap): NilMap =
## unify two maps from different branches
## combine their locals
## what if they are from different parts of the same tree
## e.g.
## a -> b -> c
## -> b1
## common then?
if l.isNil:
return r
elif r.isNil:
return l
let common = findCommonParent(l, r)
result = newNilMap(common, ctx.expressions.len.int)
for index, value in l:
let h = history(r, index)
let info = if h.len > 0: h[^1].info else: TLineInfo(line: 0) # assert h.len > 0
# echo "history", name, value, r[name], h[^1].info.line
result.store(ctx, index, union(value, r[index]), TAssign, info)
proc add(ctx: NilCheckerContext, l: NilMap, r: NilMap): NilMap =
#echo "add "
#echo namedMapDebugInfo(ctx, l)
#echo " : "
#echo namedMapDebugInfo(ctx, r)
if l.isNil:
return r
elif r.isNil:
return l
let common = findCommonParent(l, r)
result = newNilMap(common, ctx.expressions.len.int)
for index, value in l:
let h = history(r, index)
let info = if h.len > 0: h[^1].info else: TLineInfo(line: 0)
# TODO: refactor and also think: is TAssign a good one
result.store(ctx, index, add(value, r[index]), TAssign, info)
#echo "result"
#echo namedMapDebugInfo(ctx, result)
#echo ""
#echo ""
proc checkAsgn(target: PNode, assigned: PNode; ctx, map): Check =
## check assignment
## update map based on `assigned`
if assigned.kind != nkEmpty:
result = check(assigned, ctx, map)
result = Check(nilability: typeNilability(target.typ), map: map)
# we need to visit and check those, but we don't use the result for now
# is it possible to somehow have another event happen here?
discard check(target, ctx, map)
if result.map.isNil:
result.map = map
if target.kind in {nkSym, nkDotExpr} or isConstBracket(target):
let t = ctx.index(target)
move(ctx, map, target, assigned)
case assigned.kind:
of nkNilLit:
result.map.store(ctx, t, Nil, TAssign, target.info, target)
result.map.store(ctx, t, result.nilability, TAssign, target.info, target)
moveOutDependants(ctx, map, target)
storeDependants(ctx, map, target, MaybeNil)
if assigned.kind in {nkObjConstr, nkTupleConstr}:
for (element, value) in result.elements:
var elementNode = nkDotExpr.newTree(nkHiddenDeref.newTree(target), element)
if symbol(elementNode) in ctx.symbolIndices:
var elementIndex = ctx.index(elementNode)
result.map.store(ctx, elementIndex, value, TAssign, target.info, elementNode)
proc checkReturn(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check return
# return n same as result = n; return ?
result = check(n[0], ctx, map)
result.map.store(ctx, resultExprIndex, result.nilability, TAssign, n.info)
proc checkIf(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check branches based on condition
var mapIf: NilMap = map
# first visit the condition
# the structure is not If(Elif(Elif, Else), Else)
# it is
# If(Elif, Elif, Else)
var mapCondition = checkCondition(n.sons[0].sons[0], ctx, mapIf, false, true)
# the state of the conditions: negating conditions before the current one
var layerHistory = newNilMap(mapIf)
# the state after branch effects
var afterLayer: NilMap = nil
# the result nilability for expressions
var nilability = Safe
for branch in n.sons:
var branchConditionLayer = newNilMap(layerHistory)
var branchLayer: NilMap
var code: PNode
if branch.kind in {nkIfStmt, nkElifBranch}:
var mapCondition = checkCondition(branch[0], ctx, branchConditionLayer, false, true)
let reverseMapCondition = reverseDirect(mapCondition)
layerHistory = ctx.add(layerHistory, reverseMapCondition)
branchLayer = mapCondition
code = branch[1]
branchLayer = layerHistory
code = branch
let branchCheck = checkBranch(code, ctx, branchLayer)
# handles nil afterLayer -> returns branchCheck.map
afterLayer = ctx.union(afterLayer, branchCheck.map)
nilability = if n.kind == nkIfStmt: Safe else: union(nilability, branchCheck.nilability)
if n.sons.len > 1:
result.map = afterLayer
result.nilability = nilability
if not hasUnstructuredControlFlowJump(n[0][1]):
# here it matters what happend inside, because
# we might continue in the parent branch after entering this one
# either we enter the branch, so we get mapIf and effect of branch -> afterLayer
# or we dont , so we get mapIf and (not condition) effect -> layerHistory
result.map = ctx.union(layerHistory, afterLayer)
result.nilability = Safe # no expr?
# similar to else: because otherwise we are jumping out of
# the branch, so no union with the mapIf (we dont continue if the condition was true)
# here it also doesn't matter for the parent branch what happened in the branch, e.g. assigning to nil
# as if we continue there, we haven't entered the branch probably
# so we don't do an union with afterLayer
# layerHistory has the effect of mapIf and (not condition)
result.map = layerHistory
result.nilability = Safe
proc checkFor(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check for loops
## try to repeat the unification of the code twice
## to detect what can change after a several iterations
## approach based on discussions with Zahary/Araq
## similar approach used for other loops
var m = map.copyMap()
var map0 = map.copyMap()
#echo namedMapDebugInfo(ctx, map)
m = check(n.sons[2], ctx, map).map.copyMap()
if n[0].kind == nkSym:
m.store(ctx, ctx.index(n[0]), typeNilability(n[0].typ), TAssign, n[0].info)
# echo namedMapDebugInfo(ctx, map)
var check2 = check(n.sons[2], ctx, m)
var map2 = check2.map
result.map = ctx.union(map0, m)
result.map = ctx.union(result.map, map2)
result.nilability = Safe
# check:
# while code:
# code2
# if code:
# code2
# if code:
# code2
# if code:
# code2
# check(code), check(code2 in code's map)
proc checkWhile(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check while loops
## try to repeat the unification of the code twice
var m = checkCondition(n[0], ctx, map, false, false)
var map0 = map.copyMap()
m = check(n.sons[1], ctx, m).map
var map1 = m.copyMap()
var check2 = check(n.sons[1], ctx, m)
var map2 = check2.map
result.map = ctx.union(map0, map1)
result.map = ctx.union(result.map, map2)
result.nilability = Safe
proc checkInfix(n, ctx, map): Check =
## check infix operators in condition
## a and b : map is based on a; next b
## a or b : map is an union of a and b's
## a == b : use checkCondition
## else: no change, just check args
result = default(Check)
if n[0].kind == nkSym:
var mapL: NilMap = nil
var mapR: NilMap = nil
if n[0].sym.magic notin {mAnd, mEqRef}:
mapL = checkCondition(n[1], ctx, map, false, false)
mapR = checkCondition(n[2], ctx, map, false, false)
case n[0].sym.magic:
of mOr:
result.map = ctx.union(mapL, mapR)
of mAnd:
result.map = checkCondition(n[1], ctx, map, false, false)
result.map = checkCondition(n[2], ctx, result.map, false, false)
of mEqRef:
if n[2].kind == nkIntLit:
if $n[2] == "true":
result.map = checkCondition(n[1], ctx, map, false, false)
elif $n[2] == "false":
result.map = checkCondition(n[1], ctx, map, true, false)
elif n[1].kind == nkIntLit:
if $n[1] == "true":
result.map = checkCondition(n[2], ctx, map, false, false)
elif $n[1] == "false":
result.map = checkCondition(n[2], ctx, map, true, false)
if result.map.isNil:
result.map = map
result.map = map
result.map = map
result.nilability = Safe
proc checkIsNil(n, ctx, map; isElse: bool = false): Check =
## check isNil calls
## update the map depending on if it is not isNil or isNil
result.map = newNilMap(map)
let value = n[1]
result.map.store(ctx, ctx.index(n[1]), if not isElse: Nil else: Safe, TArg, n.info, n)
proc infix(ctx: NilCheckerContext, l: PNode, r: PNode, magic: TMagic): PNode =
var name = case magic:
of mEqRef: "=="
of mAnd: "and"
of mOr: "or"
else: ""
var cache = newIdentCache()
var op = newSym(skVar, cache.getIdent(name), ctx.idgen, nil, r.info)
op.magic = magic
result = nkInfix.newTree(
newSymNode(op, r.info),
result.typ = newType(tyBool, ctx.idgen, nil)
proc prefixNot(ctx: NilCheckerContext, node: PNode): PNode =
var cache = newIdentCache()
var op = newSym(skVar, cache.getIdent("not"), ctx.idgen, nil, node.info)
op.magic = mNot
result = nkPrefix.newTree(
newSymNode(op, node.info),
result.typ = newType(tyBool, ctx.idgen, nil)
proc infixEq(ctx: NilCheckerContext, l: PNode, r: PNode): PNode =
infix(ctx, l, r, mEqRef)
proc infixOr(ctx: NilCheckerContext, l: PNode, r: PNode): PNode =
infix(ctx, l, r, mOr)
proc checkCase(n, ctx, map): Check =
# case a:
# of b: c
# of b2: c2
# is like
# if a == b:
# c
# elif a == b2:
# c2
# also a == true is a , a == false is not a
let base = n[0]
result.map = map.copyMap()
result.nilability = Safe
var a: PNode = nil
for child in n:
case child.kind:
of nkOfBranch:
if child.len < 2:
# echo "case with of with < 2 ", n
continue # TODO why does this happen
let branchBase = child[0] # TODO a, b or a, b..c etc
let code = child[^1]
let test = infixEq(ctx, base, branchBase)
if a.isNil:
a = test
a = infixOr(ctx, a, test)
let conditionMap = checkCondition(test, ctx, map.copyMap(), false, false)
let newCheck = checkBranch(code, ctx, conditionMap)
result.map = ctx.union(result.map, newCheck.map)
result.nilability = union(result.nilability, newCheck.nilability)
of nkElifBranch:
discard "TODO: maybe adapt to be similar to checkIf"
of nkElse:
let mapElse = checkCondition(prefixNot(ctx, a), ctx, map.copyMap(), false, false)
let newCheck = checkBranch(child[0], ctx, mapElse)
result.map = ctx.union(result.map, newCheck.map)
result.nilability = union(result.nilability, newCheck.nilability)
# notes
# try:
# a
# b
# except:
# c
# finally:
# d
# if a doesnt raise, this is not an exit point:
# so find what raises and update the map with that
# (a, b); c; d
# if nothing raises, except shouldn't happen
# .. might be a false positive tho, if canRaise is not conservative?
# so don't visit it
# nested nodes can raise as well: I hope nim returns canRaise for
# their parents
# a lot of stuff can raise
proc checkTry(n, ctx, map): Check =
var newMap = map.copyMap()
var currentMap = map
# we don't analyze except if nothing canRaise in try
var canRaise = false
var hasFinally = false
# var tryNodes: seq[PNode]
# if n[0].kind == nkStmtList:
# tryNodes = toSeq(n[0])
# else:
# tryNodes = @[n[0]]
# for i, child in tryNodes:
# let (childNilability, childMap) = check(child, conf, currentMap)
# echo childMap
# currentMap = childMap
# # TODO what about nested
# if child.canRaise:
# newMap = union(newMap, childMap)
# canRaise = true
# else:
# newMap = childMap
let tryCheck = check(n[0], ctx, currentMap)
newMap = ctx.union(currentMap, tryCheck.map)
canRaise = n[0].canRaise
var afterTryMap = newMap
for a, branch in n:
if a > 0:
case branch.kind:
of nkFinally:
newMap = ctx.union(afterTryMap, newMap)
let childCheck = check(branch[0], ctx, newMap)
newMap = ctx.union(newMap, childCheck.map)
hasFinally = true
of nkExceptBranch:
if canRaise:
let childCheck = check(branch[^1], ctx, newMap)
newMap = ctx.union(newMap, childCheck.map)
if not hasFinally:
# we might have not hit the except branches
newMap = ctx.union(afterTryMap, newMap)
result = Check(nilability: Safe, map: newMap)
proc hasUnstructuredControlFlowJump(n: PNode): bool =
## if the node contains a direct stop
## as a continue/break/raise/return: then it means
## we should reverse some of the map in the code after the condition
## similar to else
# echo "n ", n, " ", n.kind
case n.kind:
of nkStmtList:
for child in n:
if hasUnstructuredControlFlowJump(child):
return true
of nkReturnStmt, nkBreakStmt, nkContinueStmt, nkRaiseStmt:
return true
of nkIfStmt, nkIfExpr, nkElifExpr, nkElse:
return false
return false
proc reverse(value: Nilability): Nilability =
case value:
of Nil: Safe
of MaybeNil: MaybeNil
of Safe: Nil
of Parent: Parent
of Unreachable: Unreachable
proc reverse(kind: TransitionKind): TransitionKind =
case kind:
of TNil: TSafe
of TSafe: TNil
of TPotentialAlias: TPotentialAlias
# raise newException(ValueError, "expected TNil or TSafe")
proc reverseDirect(map: NilMap): NilMap =
# we create a new layer
# reverse the values only in this layer:
# because conditions should've stored their changes there
# b: Safe (not b.isNil)
# b: Parent Parent
# b: Nil (b.isNil)
# layer block
# [ Parent ] [ Parent ]
# if -> if state
# layer -> reverse
# older older0 new
# older new
# [ b Nil ] [ Parent ]
# elif
# [ b Nil, c Nil] [ Parent ]
# if b.isNil:
# # [ b Safe]
# c = A() # Safe
# elif not b.isNil:
# # [ b Safe ] + [b Nil] MaybeNil Unreachable
# # Unreachable defer can't deref b, it is unreachable
# discard
# else:
# b
# if
# if: we just pass the map with a new layer for its block
# elif: we just pass the original map but with a new layer is the reverse of the previous popped layer (?)
# elif:
# else: we just pass the original map but with a new layer which is initialized as the reverse of the
# top layer of else
# else:
# [ b MaybeNil ] [b Parent] [b Parent] [b Safe] [b Nil] []
# Safe
# c == 1
# b Parent
# c == 2
# b Parent
# not b.isNil
# b Safe
# c == 3
# b Nil
# (else)
# b Nil
result = map.copyMap()
for index, value in result.expressions:
result.expressions[index] = reverse(value)
if result.history[index].len > 0:
result.history[index][^1].kind = reverse(result.history[index][^1].kind)
result.history[index][^1].nilability = result.expressions[index]
proc checkCondition(n, ctx, map; reverse: bool, base: bool): NilMap =
## check conditions : used for if, some infix operators
## isNil(a)
## it returns a new map: you need to reverse all the direct elements for else
# echo "condition ", n, " ", n.kind
if n.kind == nkCall:
result = newNilMap(map)
for element in n:
if element.kind == nkHiddenDeref and n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.magic == mIsNil:
result = check(element[0], ctx, result).map
result = check(element, ctx, result).map
if n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.magic == mIsNil:
# isNil(arg)
var arg = n[1]
while arg.kind == nkHiddenDeref:
arg = arg[0]
if arg.kind in {nkSym, nkDotExpr} or isConstBracket(arg):
let a = ctx.index(arg)
result.store(ctx, a, if not reverse: Nil else: Safe, if not reverse: TNil else: TSafe, n.info, arg)
elif n.kind == nkPrefix and n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.magic == mNot:
result = checkCondition(n[1], ctx, map, not reverse, false)
elif n.kind == nkInfix:
result = newNilMap(map)
result = checkInfix(n, ctx, result).map
result = check(n, ctx, map).map
result = newNilMap(map)
assert not result.isNil
assert not result.parent.isNil
proc checkResult(n, ctx, map) =
let resultNilability = map[resultExprIndex]
case resultNilability:
of Nil:
message(ctx.config, n.info, warnStrictNotNil, "return value is nil")
of MaybeNil:
message(ctx.config, n.info, warnStrictNotNil, "return value might be nil")
of Unreachable:
message(ctx.config, n.info, warnStrictNotNil, "return value is unreachable")
of Safe, Parent:
proc checkBranch(n: PNode, ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap): Check =
result = check(n, ctx, map)
# Faith!
proc check(n: PNode, ctx: NilCheckerContext, map: NilMap): Check =
assert not map.isNil
# echo "check n ", n, " ", n.kind
# echo "map ", namedMapDebugInfo(ctx, map)
case n.kind:
of nkSym:
result = Check(nilability: map[ctx.index(n)], map: map)
of nkCallKinds:
if n.sons[0].kind == nkSym:
let callSym = n.sons[0].sym
case callSym.magic:
of mAnd, mOr:
result = checkInfix(n, ctx, map)
of mIsNil:
result = checkIsNil(n, ctx, map)
result = checkCall(n, ctx, map)
result = checkCall(n, ctx, map)
of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv, nkExprColonExpr, nkExprEqExpr,
result = check(n.sons[1], ctx, map)
of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr, nkChckRangeF, nkChckRange64, nkChckRange,
nkBracket, nkCurly, nkPar, nkTupleConstr, nkClosure, nkObjConstr, nkElse:
result.map = map
if n.kind in {nkObjConstr, nkTupleConstr}:
# TODO deeper nested elements?
# A(field: B()) #
# field: Safe ->
var elements: seq[(PNode, Nilability)] = @[]
for i, child in n:
result = check(child, ctx, result.map)
if i > 0:
if child.kind == nkExprColonExpr:
elements.add((child[0], result.nilability))
result.elements = elements
result.nilability = Safe
for child in n:
result = check(child, ctx, result.map)
of nkDotExpr:
result = checkDotExpr(n, ctx, map)
of nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref:
result = checkDeref(n, ctx, map)
of nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr:
result = check(n.sons[0], ctx, map)
of nkIfStmt, nkIfExpr:
result = checkIf(n, ctx, map)
of nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn, nkSinkAsgn:
result = checkAsgn(n[0], n[1], ctx, map)
of nkVarSection:
result.map = map
for child in n:
result = checkAsgn(child[0], child[2], ctx, result.map)
of nkForStmt:
result = checkFor(n, ctx, map)
of nkCaseStmt:
result = checkCase(n, ctx, map)
of nkReturnStmt:
result = checkReturn(n, ctx, map)
of nkBracketExpr:
result = checkBracketExpr(n, ctx, map)
of nkTryStmt:
result = checkTry(n, ctx, map)
of nkWhileStmt:
result = checkWhile(n, ctx, map)
of nkNone..pred(nkSym), succ(nkSym)..nkNilLit, nkTypeSection, nkProcDef, nkConverterDef,
nkMethodDef, nkIteratorDef, nkMacroDef, nkTemplateDef, nkLambda, nkDo,
nkFuncDef, nkConstSection, nkConstDef, nkIncludeStmt, nkImportStmt,
nkExportStmt, nkPragma, nkCommentStmt, nkBreakState,
nkTypeOfExpr, nkMixinStmt, nkBindStmt:
discard "don't follow this : same as varpartitions"
result = Check(nilability: Nil, map: map)
var elementMap = map.copyMap()
var elementCheck: Check
elementCheck.map = elementMap
for element in n:
elementCheck = check(element, ctx, elementCheck.map)
result = Check(nilability: Nil, map: elementCheck.map)
proc typeNilability(typ: PType): Nilability =
assert not typ.isNil
# echo "typeNilability ", $typ.flags, " ", $typ.kind
result = if tfNotNil in typ.flags:
elif typ.kind in {tyRef, tyCstring, tyPtr, tyPointer}:
# tyVar ? tyVarargs ? tySink ? tyLent ?
# TODO spec? tests?
# echo " result ", result
proc preVisitNode(ctx: NilCheckerContext, node: PNode, conf: ConfigRef) =
# echo "visit node ", node
if node.kind in {nkSym, nkDotExpr} or isConstBracket(node):
let nodeSymbol = symbol(node)
if not ctx.symbolIndices.hasKey(nodeSymbol):
ctx.symbolIndices[nodeSymbol] = ctx.expressions.len
if node.kind in {nkDotExpr, nkBracketExpr}:
if node.kind == nkDotExpr and (not node.typ.isNil and node.typ.kind == tyRef and tfNotNil notin node.typ.flags) or
node.kind == nkBracketExpr:
let index = ctx.symbolIndices[nodeSymbol]
var baseIndex = noExprIndex
# deref usually?
# ok, we hit another case
var base = if node[0].kind notin {nkSym, nkIdent}: node[0][0] else: node[0]
if base.kind != nkIdent:
let baseSymbol = symbol(base)
if not ctx.symbolIndices.hasKey(baseSymbol):
baseIndex = ctx.expressions.len # next visit should add it
baseIndex = ctx.symbolIndices[baseSymbol]
if ctx.dependants.len <= baseIndex:
ctx.dependants.setLen(baseIndex + 1.ExprIndex)
case node.kind:
of nkSym, nkEmpty, nkNilLit, nkType, nkIdent, nkCharLit .. nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit .. nkFloat64Lit, nkStrLit .. nkTripleStrLit:
of nkDotExpr:
# visit only the base
ctx.preVisitNode(node[0], conf)
for element in node:
ctx.preVisitNode(element, conf)
proc preVisit(ctx: NilCheckerContext, s: PSym, body: PNode, conf: ConfigRef) =
ctx.symbolIndices = {resultId: resultExprIndex}.toTable()
var cache = newIdentCache()
ctx.expressions = SeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, PNode](@[newIdentNode(cache.getIdent("result"), s.ast.info)])
var emptySet: IntSet = initIntSet() # set[ExprIndex]
ctx.dependants = SeqOfDistinct[ExprIndex, IntSet](@[emptySet])
for i, arg in s.typ.n.sons:
if i > 0:
if arg.kind != nkSym:
let argSymbol = symbol(arg)
if not ctx.symbolIndices.hasKey(argSymbol):
ctx.symbolIndices[argSymbol] = ctx.expressions.len
ctx.preVisitNode(body, conf)
if ctx.dependants.len < ctx.expressions.len:
# echo ctx.symbolIndices
# echo ctx.expressions
# echo ctx.dependants
proc checkNil*(s: PSym; body: PNode; conf: ConfigRef, idgen: IdGenerator) =
let line = s.ast.info.line
let fileIndex = s.ast.info.fileIndex.int
var filename = conf.m.fileInfos[fileIndex].fullPath.string
var context = NilCheckerContext(config: conf, idgen: idgen)
context.preVisit(s, body, conf)
var map = newNilMap(nil, context.symbolIndices.len)
for i, child in s.typ.n.sons:
if i > 0:
if child.kind != nkSym:
map.store(context, context.index(child), typeNilability(child.typ), TArg, child.info, child)
map.store(context, resultExprIndex, if not s.typ[0].isNil and s.typ[0].kind == tyRef: Nil else: Safe, TResult, s.ast.info)
# echo "checking ", s.name.s, " ", filename
let res = check(body, context, map)
var canCheck = resultExprIndex in res.map.history.low .. res.map.history.high
if res.nilability == Safe and canCheck and res.map.history[resultExprIndex].len <= 1:
res.map.store(context, resultExprIndex, Safe, TAssign, s.ast.info)
if res.nilability == Safe:
res.map.store(context, resultExprIndex, Safe, TAssign, s.ast.info)
# TODO check for nilability result
# (ANotNil, BNotNil) :
# do we check on asgn nilability at all?
if not s.typ[0].isNil and s.typ[0].kind == tyRef and tfNotNil in s.typ[0].flags:
checkResult(s.ast, context, res.map)