# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
os, lists, strutils, strtabs, osproc, sets
hasTinyCBackend* = defined(tinyc)
useEffectSystem* = true
useWriteTracking* = false
hasFFI* = defined(useFFI)
newScopeForIf* = true
useCaas* = not defined(noCaas)
noTimeMachine* = defined(avoidTimeMachine) and defined(macosx)
type # please make sure we have under 32 options
# (improves code efficiency a lot!)
TOption* = enum # **keep binary compatible**
optNone, optObjCheck, optFieldCheck, optRangeCheck, optBoundsCheck,
optOverflowCheck, optNilCheck,
optNaNCheck, optInfCheck,
optAssert, optLineDir, optWarns, optHints,
optOptimizeSpeed, optOptimizeSize, optStackTrace, # stack tracing support
optLineTrace, # line tracing support (includes stack tracing)
optEndb, # embedded debugger
optByRef, # use pass by ref for objects
# (for interfacing with C)
optProfiler, # profiler turned on
optImplicitStatic, # optimization: implicit at compile time
# evaluation
optPatterns # en/disable pattern matching
TOptions* = set[TOption]
TGlobalOption* = enum # **keep binary compatible**
gloptNone, optForceFullMake, optDeadCodeElim,
optListCmd, optCompileOnly, optNoLinking,
optSafeCode, # only allow safe code
optCDebug, # turn on debugging information
optGenDynLib, # generate a dynamic library
optGenStaticLib, # generate a static library
optGenGuiApp, # generate a GUI application
optGenScript, # generate a script file to compile the *.c files
optGenMapping, # generate a mapping file
optRun, # run the compiled project
optSymbolFiles, # use symbol files for speeding up compilation
optCaasEnabled # compiler-as-a-service is running
optSkipConfigFile, # skip the general config file
optSkipProjConfigFile, # skip the project's config file
optSkipUserConfigFile, # skip the users's config file
optSkipParentConfigFiles, # skip parent dir's config files
optNoMain, # do not generate a "main" proc
optUseColors, # use colors for hints, warnings, and errors
optThreads, # support for multi-threading
optStdout, # output to stdout
optThreadAnalysis, # thread analysis pass
optTaintMode, # taint mode turned on
optTlsEmulation, # thread var emulation turned on
optGenIndex # generate index file for documentation;
optEmbedOrigSrc # embed the original source in the generated code
# also: generate header file
optIdeDebug # idetools: debug mode
optIdeTerse # idetools: use terse descriptions
TGlobalOptions* = set[TGlobalOption]
TCommands* = enum # Nim's commands
# **keep binary compatible**
cmdNone, cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToCpp, cmdCompileToOC,
cmdCompileToJS, cmdCompileToLLVM, cmdInterpret, cmdPretty, cmdDoc,
cmdGenDepend, cmdDump,
cmdCheck, # semantic checking for whole project
cmdParse, # parse a single file (for debugging)
cmdScan, # scan a single file (for debugging)
cmdIdeTools, # ide tools
cmdDef, # def feature (find definition for IDEs)
cmdRst2html, # convert a reStructuredText file to HTML
cmdRst2tex, # convert a reStructuredText file to TeX
cmdInteractive, # start interactive session
cmdRun # run the project via TCC backend
TStringSeq* = seq[string]
TGCMode* = enum # the selected GC
gcNone, gcBoehm, gcGo, gcMarkAndSweep, gcRefc, gcV2, gcGenerational
IdeCmd* = enum
ideNone, ideSug, ideCon, ideDef, ideUse, ideDus
gIdeCmd*: IdeCmd
ChecksOptions* = {optObjCheck, optFieldCheck, optRangeCheck, optNilCheck,
optOverflowCheck, optBoundsCheck, optAssert, optNaNCheck, optInfCheck}
gOptions*: TOptions = {optObjCheck, optFieldCheck, optRangeCheck,
optBoundsCheck, optOverflowCheck, optAssert, optWarns,
optHints, optStackTrace, optLineTrace,
optPatterns, optNilCheck}
gGlobalOptions*: TGlobalOptions = {optThreadAnalysis}
gExitcode*: int8
gCmd*: TCommands = cmdNone # the command
gSelectedGC* = gcRefc # the selected GC
searchPaths*, lazyPaths*: TLinkedList
outFile*: string = ""
docSeeSrcUrl*: string = "" # if empty, no seeSrc will be generated. \
# The string uses the formatting variables `path` and `line`.
headerFile*: string = ""
gVerbosity* = 1 # how verbose the compiler is
gNumberOfProcessors*: int # number of processors
gWholeProject*: bool # for 'doc2': output any dependency
gEvalExpr* = "" # expression for idetools --eval
gLastCmdTime*: float # when caas is enabled, we measure each command
gListFullPaths*: bool
isServing*: bool = false
gNoNimblePath* = false
gExperimentalMode*: bool
proc importantComments*(): bool {.inline.} = gCmd in {cmdDoc, cmdIdeTools}
proc usesNativeGC*(): bool {.inline.} = gSelectedGC >= gcRefc
template compilationCachePresent*: expr =
{optCaasEnabled, optSymbolFiles} * gGlobalOptions != {}
template optPreserveOrigSource*: expr =
optEmbedOrigSrc in gGlobalOptions
genSubDir* = "nimcache"
NimExt* = "nim"
RodExt* = "rod"
HtmlExt* = "html"
JsonExt* = "json"
TexExt* = "tex"
IniExt* = "ini"
DefaultConfig* = "nim.cfg"
DocConfig* = "nimdoc.cfg"
DocTexConfig* = "nimdoc.tex.cfg"
# additional configuration variables:
gConfigVars* = newStringTable(modeStyleInsensitive)
gDllOverrides = newStringTable(modeCaseInsensitive)
gPrefixDir* = "" # Overrides the default prefix dir in getPrefixDir proc.
libpath* = ""
gProjectName* = "" # holds a name like 'nimrod'
gProjectPath* = "" # holds a path like /home/alice/projects/nimrod/compiler/
gProjectFull* = "" # projectPath/projectName
gProjectIsStdin* = false # whether we're compiling from stdin
gProjectMainIdx*: int32 # the canonical path id of the main module
nimcacheDir* = ""
command* = "" # the main command (e.g. cc, check, scan, etc)
commandArgs*: seq[string] = @[] # any arguments after the main command
gKeepComments*: bool = true # whether the parser needs to keep comments
implicitImports*: seq[string] = @[] # modules that are to be implicitly imported
implicitIncludes*: seq[string] = @[] # modules that are to be implicitly included
const oKeepVariableNames* = true
proc mainCommandArg*: string =
## This is intended for commands like check or parse
## which will work on the main project file unless
## explicitly given a specific file argument
if commandArgs.len > 0:
result = commandArgs[0]
result = gProjectName
proc existsConfigVar*(key: string): bool =
result = hasKey(gConfigVars, key)
proc getConfigVar*(key: string): string =
result = gConfigVars.getOrDefault key
proc setConfigVar*(key, val: string) =
gConfigVars[key] = val
proc getOutFile*(filename, ext: string): string =
if options.outFile != "": result = options.outFile
else: result = changeFileExt(filename, ext)
proc getPrefixDir*(): string =
## Gets the prefix dir, usually the parent directory where the binary resides.
## This is overrided by some tools (namely nimsuggest) via the ``gPrefixDir``
## global.
if gPrefixDir != "": result = gPrefixDir
result = splitPath(getAppDir()).head
proc setDefaultLibpath*() =
# set default value (can be overwritten):
if libpath == "":
# choose default libpath:
var prefix = getPrefixDir()
when defined(posix):
if prefix == "/usr": libpath = "/usr/lib/nim"
elif prefix == "/usr/local": libpath = "/usr/local/lib/nim"
else: libpath = joinPath(prefix, "lib")
else: libpath = joinPath(prefix, "lib")
proc canonicalizePath*(path: string): string =
when not FileSystemCaseSensitive: result = path.expandFilename.toLower
else: result = path.expandFilename
proc shortenDir*(dir: string): string =
## returns the interesting part of a dir
var prefix = getPrefixDir() & DirSep
if startsWith(dir, prefix):
return substr(dir, len(prefix))
prefix = gProjectPath & DirSep
if startsWith(dir, prefix):
return substr(dir, len(prefix))
result = dir
proc removeTrailingDirSep*(path: string): string =
if (len(path) > 0) and (path[len(path) - 1] == DirSep):
result = substr(path, 0, len(path) - 2)
result = path
proc getNimcacheDir*: string =
result = if nimcacheDir.len > 0: nimcacheDir else: gProjectPath.shortenDir /
template newPackageCache(): expr =
newStringTable(when FileSystemCaseSensitive:
var packageCache = newPackageCache()
proc resetPackageCache*() = packageCache = newPackageCache()
iterator myParentDirs(p: string): string =
# XXX os's parentDirs is stupid (multiple yields) and triggers an old bug...
var current = p
while true:
current = current.parentDir
if current.len == 0: break
yield current
proc getPackageName*(path: string): string =
var parents = 0
block packageSearch:
for d in myParentDirs(path):
if packageCache.hasKey(d):
#echo "from cache ", d, " |", packageCache[d], "|", path.splitFile.name
return packageCache[d]
inc parents
for file in walkFiles(d / "*.nimble"):
result = file.splitFile.name
break packageSearch
for file in walkFiles(d / "*.babel"):
result = file.splitFile.name
break packageSearch
# we also store if we didn't find anything:
if result.isNil: result = ""
for d in myParentDirs(path):
#echo "set cache ", d, " |", result, "|", parents
packageCache[d] = result
dec parents
if parents <= 0: break
proc withPackageName*(path: string): string =
let x = path.getPackageName
if x.len == 0:
result = path
let (p, file, ext) = path.splitFile
result = (p / (x & '_' & file)) & ext
proc toGeneratedFile*(path, ext: string): string =
## converts "/home/a/mymodule.nim", "rod" to "/home/a/nimcache/mymodule.rod"
var (head, tail) = splitPath(path)
#if len(head) > 0: head = shortenDir(head & dirSep)
result = joinPath([getNimcacheDir(), changeFileExt(tail, ext)])
#echo "toGeneratedFile(", path, ", ", ext, ") = ", result
when noTimeMachine:
var alreadyExcludedDirs = initSet[string]()
proc excludeDirFromTimeMachine(dir: string) {.raises: [].} =
## Calls a macosx command on the directory to exclude it from backups.
## The macosx tmutil command is invoked to mark the specified path as an
## item to be excluded from time machine backups. If a path already exists
## with files before excluding it, newer files won't be added to the
## directory, but previous files won't be removed from the backup until the
## user deletes that directory.
## The whole proc is optional and will ignore all kinds of errors. The only
## way to be sure that it works is to call ``tmutil isexcluded path``.
if alreadyExcludedDirs.contains(dir): return
var p = startProcess("/usr/bin/tmutil", args = ["addexclusion", dir])
discard p.waitForExit
except Exception:
proc completeGeneratedFilePath*(f: string, createSubDir: bool = true): string =
var (head, tail) = splitPath(f)
#if len(head) > 0: head = removeTrailingDirSep(shortenDir(head & dirSep))
var subdir = getNimcacheDir() # / head
if createSubDir:
when noTimeMachine:
except OSError:
writeLine(stdout, "cannot create directory: " & subdir)
result = joinPath(subdir, tail)
#echo "completeGeneratedFilePath(", f, ") = ", result
iterator iterSearchPath*(searchPaths: TLinkedList): string =
var it = PStrEntry(searchPaths.head)
while it != nil:
yield it.data
it = PStrEntry(it.next)
proc rawFindFile(f: string): string =
for it in iterSearchPath(searchPaths):
result = joinPath(it, f)
if existsFile(result):
return result.canonicalizePath
result = ""
proc rawFindFile2(f: string): string =
var it = PStrEntry(lazyPaths.head)
while it != nil:
result = joinPath(it.data, f)
if existsFile(result):
bringToFront(lazyPaths, it)
return result.canonicalizePath
it = PStrEntry(it.next)
result = ""
proc findFile*(f: string): string {.procvar.} =
if f.isAbsolute:
result = if f.existsFile: f else: ""
result = f.rawFindFile
if result.len == 0:
result = f.toLower.rawFindFile
if result.len == 0:
result = f.rawFindFile2
if result.len == 0:
result = f.toLower.rawFindFile2
proc findModule*(modulename, currentModule: string): string =
# returns path to module
when defined(nimfix):
# '.nimfix' modules are preferred over '.nim' modules so that specialized
# versions can be kept for 'nimfix'.
let m = addFileExt(modulename, "nimfix")
let currentPath = currentModule.splitFile.dir
result = currentPath / m
if not existsFile(result):
result = findFile(m)
if existsFile(result): return result
let m = addFileExt(modulename, NimExt)
let currentPath = currentModule.splitFile.dir
result = currentPath / m
if not existsFile(result):
result = findFile(m)
proc libCandidates*(s: string, dest: var seq[string]) =
var le = strutils.find(s, '(')
var ri = strutils.find(s, ')', le+1)
if le >= 0 and ri > le:
var prefix = substr(s, 0, le - 1)
var suffix = substr(s, ri + 1)
for middle in split(substr(s, le + 1, ri - 1), '|'):
libCandidates(prefix & middle & suffix, dest)
add(dest, s)
proc canonDynlibName(s: string): string =
let start = if s.startsWith("lib"): 3 else: 0
let ende = strutils.find(s, {'(', ')', '.'})
if ende >= 0:
result = s.substr(start, ende-1)
result = s.substr(start)
proc inclDynlibOverride*(lib: string) =
gDllOverrides[lib.canonDynlibName] = "true"
proc isDynlibOverride*(lib: string): bool =
result = gDllOverrides.hasKey(lib.canonDynlibName)
proc binaryStrSearch*(x: openArray[string], y: string): int =
var a = 0
var b = len(x) - 1
while a <= b:
var mid = (a + b) div 2
var c = cmpIgnoreCase(x[mid], y)
if c < 0:
a = mid + 1
elif c > 0:
b = mid - 1
return mid
result = - 1
template nimdbg*: expr = c.module.fileIdx == gProjectMainIdx
template cnimdbg*: expr = p.module.module.fileIdx == gProjectMainIdx
template pnimdbg*: expr = p.lex.fileIdx == gProjectMainIdx
template lnimdbg*: expr = L.fileIdx == gProjectMainIdx
proc parseIdeCmd*(s: string): IdeCmd =
case s:
of "sug": ideSug
of "con": ideCon
of "def": ideDef
of "use": ideUse
of "dus": ideDus
else: ideNone
proc `$`*(c: IdeCmd): string =
case c:
of ideSug: "sug"
of ideCon: "con"
of ideDef: "def"
of ideUse: "use"
of ideDus: "dus"
of ideNone: "none"