blob: 30f407792ae9470388b12caf9fb208a8ee56fe93 (
plain) (
# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
iterator myParentDirs(p: string): string =
# XXX os's parentDirs is stupid (multiple yields) and triggers an old bug...
var current = p
while true:
current = current.parentDir
if current.len == 0: break
yield current
proc getNimbleFile*(conf: ConfigRef; path: string): string =
## returns absolute path to nimble file, e.g.: /pathto/cligen.nimble
result = ""
var parents = 0
block packageSearch:
for d in myParentDirs(path):
if conf.packageCache.hasKey(d):
#echo "from cache ", d, " |", packageCache[d], "|",
return conf.packageCache[d]
inc parents
for file in walkFiles(d / "*.nimble"):
result = file
break packageSearch
# we also store if we didn't find anything:
for d in myParentDirs(path):
#echo "set cache ", d, " |", result, "|", parents
conf.packageCache[d] = result
dec parents
if parents <= 0: break
proc getPackageName*(conf: ConfigRef; path: string): string =
## returns nimble package name, e.g.: `cligen`
let path = getNimbleFile(conf, path)
if path.len > 0:
return "unknown"