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path: root/compiler/semdata.nim
blob: 0d4d3ea48daa74e262b280af11281789239c609c (plain) (tree)






































































#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This module contains the data structures for the semantic checking phase.

  intsets, options, ast, astalgo, msgs, idents, renderer,
  magicsys, vmdef, modulegraphs, lineinfos, sets

  TOptionEntry* = object      # entries to put on a stack for pragma parsing
    options*: TOptions
    defaultCC*: TCallingConvention
    dynlib*: PLib
    notes*: TNoteKinds
    features*: set[Feature]
    otherPragmas*: PNode      # every pragma can be pushed

  POptionEntry* = ref TOptionEntry
  PProcCon* = ref TProcCon
  TProcCon* = object          # procedure context; also used for top-level
                              # statements
    owner*: PSym              # the symbol this context belongs to
    resultSym*: PSym          # the result symbol (if we are in a proc)
    selfSym*: PSym            # the 'self' symbol (if available)
    nestedLoopCounter*: int   # whether we are in a loop or not
    nestedBlockCounter*: int  # whether we are in a block or not
    inTryStmt*: int           # whether we are in a try statement; works also
                              # in standalone ``except`` and ``finally``
    next*: PProcCon           # used for stacking procedure contexts
    wasForwarded*: bool       # whether the current proc has a separate header
    mappingExists*: bool
    mapping*: TIdTable
    caseContext*: seq[tuple[n: PNode, idx: int]]

  TMatchedConcept* = object
    candidateType*: PType
    prev*: ptr TMatchedConcept
    depth*: int

  TInstantiationPair* = object
    genericSym*: PSym
    inst*: PInstantiation

  TExprFlag* = enum
    efLValue, efWantIterator, efInTypeof,
      # Use this in contexts where a static value is mandatory
      # Use this in contexts where a static value could bring more
      # information, but it's not strictly mandatory. This may become
      # the default with implicit statics in the future.
      # Use this if you want a certain result (e.g. static value),
      # but you don't want to trigger a hard error. For example,
      # you may be in position to supply a better error message
      # to the user.
    efWantStmt, efAllowStmt, efDetermineType, efExplain,
    efAllowDestructor, efWantValue, efOperand, efNoSemCheck,
    efNoEvaluateGeneric, efInCall, efFromHlo,
      # Use this if undeclared identifiers should not raise an error during
      # overload resolution.

  TExprFlags* = set[TExprFlag]

  PContext* = ref TContext
  TContext* = object of TPassContext # a context represents the module
                                     # that is currently being compiled
    enforceVoidContext*: PType
    module*: PSym              # the module sym belonging to the context
    currentScope*: PScope      # current scope
    importTable*: PScope       # scope for all imported symbols
    topLevelScope*: PScope     # scope for all top-level symbols
    p*: PProcCon               # procedure context
    matchedConcept*: ptr TMatchedConcept # the current concept being matched
    friendModules*: seq[PSym]  # friend modules; may access private data;
                               # this is used so that generic instantiations
                               # can access private object fields
    instCounter*: int          # to prevent endless instantiations

    ambiguousSymbols*: IntSet  # ids of all ambiguous symbols (cannot
                               # store this info in the syms themselves!)
    inGenericContext*: int     # > 0 if we are in a generic type
    inStaticContext*: int      # > 0 if we are inside a static: block
    inUnrolledContext*: int    # > 0 if we are unrolling a loop
    compilesContextId*: int    # > 0 if we are in a ``compiles`` magic
    compilesContextIdGenerator*: int
    inGenericInst*: int        # > 0 if we are instantiating a generic
    converters*: seq[PSym]
    patterns*: seq[PSym]       # sequence of pattern matchers
    optionStack*: seq[POptionEntry]
    symMapping*: TIdTable      # every gensym'ed symbol needs to be mapped
                               # to some new symbol in a generic instantiation
    libs*: seq[PLib]           # all libs used by this module
    semConstExpr*: proc (c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode {.nimcall.} # for the pragmas
    semExpr*: proc (c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags = {}): PNode {.nimcall.}
    semTryExpr*: proc (c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags = {}): PNode {.nimcall.}
    semTryConstExpr*: proc (c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode {.nimcall.}
    semOperand*: proc (c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags = {}): PNode {.nimcall.}
    semConstBoolExpr*: proc (c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode {.nimcall.} # XXX bite the bullet
    semOverloadedCall*: proc (c: PContext, n, nOrig: PNode,
                              filter: TSymKinds, flags: TExprFlags): PNode {.nimcall.}
    semTypeNode*: proc(c: PContext, n: PNode, prev: PType): PType {.nimcall.}
    semInferredLambda*: proc(c: PContext, pt: TIdTable, n: PNode): PNode
    semGenerateInstance*: proc (c: PContext, fn: PSym, pt: TIdTable,
                                info: TLineInfo): PSym
    includedFiles*: IntSet    # used to detect recursive include files
    pureEnumFields*: TStrTable   # pure enum fields that can be used unambiguously
    userPragmas*: TStrTable
    evalContext*: PEvalContext
    unknownIdents*: IntSet     # ids of all unknown identifiers to prevent
                               # naming it multiple times
    generics*: seq[TInstantiationPair] # pending list of instantiated generics to compile
    topStmts*: int # counts the number of encountered top level statements
    lastGenericIdx*: int      # used for the generics stack
    hloLoopDetector*: int     # used to prevent endless loops in the HLO
    inParallelStmt*: int
    instTypeBoundOp*: proc (c: PContext; dc: PSym; t: PType; info: TLineInfo;
                            op: TTypeAttachedOp; col: int): PSym {.nimcall.}
    selfName*: PIdent
    cache*: IdentCache
    graph*: ModuleGraph
    signatures*: TStrTable
    recursiveDep*: string
    suggestionsMade*: bool
    features*: set[Feature]
    inTypeContext*: int
    typesWithOps*: seq[(PType, PType)] #\
      # We need to instantiate the type bound ops lazily after
      # the generic type has been constructed completely. See
      # tests/destructor/topttree.nim for an example that
      # would otherwise fail.
    unusedImports*: seq[(PSym, TLineInfo)]
    exportIndirections*: HashSet[(int, int)]

template config*(c: PContext): ConfigRef = c.graph.config

proc makeInstPair*(s: PSym, inst: PInstantiation): TInstantiationPair =
  result.genericSym = s
  result.inst = inst

proc filename*(c: PContext): string =
  # the module's filename
  return toFilename(c.config, FileIndex c.module.position)

proc scopeDepth*(c: PContext): int {.inline.} =
  result = if c.currentScope != nil: c.currentScope.depthLevel
           else: 0

proc getCurrOwner*(c: PContext): PSym =
  # owner stack (used for initializing the
  # owner field of syms)
  # the documentation comment always gets
  # assigned to the current owner
  result = c.graph.owners[^1]

proc pushOwner*(c: PContext; owner: PSym) =
  add(c.graph.owners, owner)

proc popOwner*(c: PContext) =
  var length = len(c.graph.owners)
  if length > 0: setLen(c.graph.owners, length - 1)
  else: internalError(c.config, "popOwner")

proc lastOptionEntry*(c: PContext): POptionEntry =
  result = c.optionStack[^1]

proc popProcCon*(c: PContext) {.inline.} = c.p =

proc put*(p: PProcCon; key, val: PSym) =
  if not p.mappingExists:
    p.mappingExists = true
  #echo "put into table ",
  p.mapping.idTablePut(key, val)

proc get*(p: PProcCon; key: PSym): PSym =
  if not p.mappingExists: return nil
  result = PSym(p.mapping.idTableGet(key))

proc getGenSym*(c: PContext; s: PSym): PSym =
  if sfGenSym notin s.flags: return s
  var it = c.p
  while it != nil:
    result = get(it, s)
    if result != nil:
      #echo "got from table ",, " ",
      return result
    it =
  result = s

proc considerGenSyms*(c: PContext; n: PNode) =
  if n.kind == nkSym:
    let s = getGenSym(c, n.sym)
    if n.sym != s:
      n.sym = s
    for i in 0..<n.safeLen:
      considerGenSyms(c, n.sons[i])

proc newOptionEntry*(conf: ConfigRef): POptionEntry =
  result.options = conf.options
  result.defaultCC = ccDefault
  result.dynlib = nil
  result.notes = conf.notes

proc newContext*(graph: ModuleGraph; module: PSym): PContext =
  result.enforceVoidContext = PType(kind: tyTyped)
  result.ambiguousSymbols = initIntSet()
  result.optionStack = @[]
  result.libs = @[]
  result.module = module
  result.friendModules = @[module]
  result.converters = @[]
  result.patterns = @[]
  result.includedFiles = initIntSet()
  result.generics = @[]
  result.unknownIdents = initIntSet()
  result.cache = graph.cache
  result.graph = graph
  result.typesWithOps = @[]
  result.features = graph.config.features

proc inclSym(sq: var seq[PSym], s: PSym) =
  var L = len(sq)
  for i in 0 ..< L:
    if sq[i].id == return
  setLen(sq, L + 1)
  sq[L] = s

proc addConverter*(c: PContext, conv: PSym) =
  inclSym(c.converters, conv)

proc addPattern*(c: PContext, p: PSym) =
  inclSym(c.patterns, p)

proc newLib*(kind: TLibKind): PLib =
  result.kind = kind          #initObjectSet(result.syms)

proc addToLib*(lib: PLib, sym: PSym) =
  #if sym.annex != nil and not isGenericRoutine(sym):
  #  LocalError(, errInvalidPragma)
  sym.annex = lib

proc newTypeS*(kind: TTypeKind, c: PContext): PType =
  result = newType(kind, getCurrOwner(c))

proc makePtrType*(c: PContext, baseType: PType): PType =
  result = newTypeS(tyPtr, c)
  addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType)

proc makeTypeWithModifier*(c: PContext,
                           modifier: TTypeKind,
                           baseType: PType): PType =
  assert modifier in {tyVar, tyLent, tyPtr, tyRef, tyStatic, tyTypeDesc}

  if modifier in {tyVar, tyLent, tyTypeDesc} and baseType.kind == modifier:
    result = baseType
    result = newTypeS(modifier, c)
    addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType)

proc makeVarType*(c: PContext, baseType: PType; kind = tyVar): PType =
  if baseType.kind == kind:
    result = baseType
    result = newTypeS(kind, c)
    addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType)

proc makeVarType*(owner: PSym, baseType: PType; kind = tyVar): PType =
  if baseType.kind == kind:
    result = baseType
    result = newType(kind, owner)
    addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType)

proc makeTypeDesc*(c: PContext, typ: PType): PType =
  if typ.kind == tyTypeDesc:
    result = typ
    result = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c)
    incl result.flags, tfCheckedForDestructor

proc makeTypeSymNode*(c: PContext, typ: PType, info: TLineInfo): PNode =
  let typedesc = newTypeS(tyTypeDesc, c)
  incl typedesc.flags, tfCheckedForDestructor
  typedesc.addSonSkipIntLit(assertNotNil(c.config, typ))
  let sym = newSym(skType, c.cache.idAnon, getCurrOwner(c), info,
  return newSymNode(sym, info)

proc makeTypeFromExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PType =
  result = newTypeS(tyFromExpr, c)
  assert n != nil
  result.n = n

proc newTypeWithSons*(owner: PSym, kind: TTypeKind, sons: seq[PType]): PType =
  result = newType(kind, owner)
  result.sons = sons

proc newTypeWithSons*(c: PContext, kind: TTypeKind,
                      sons: seq[PType]): PType =
  result = newType(kind, getCurrOwner(c))
  result.sons = sons

proc makeStaticExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
  result = newNodeI(nkStaticExpr,
  result.sons = @[n]
  result.typ = if n.typ != nil and n.typ.kind == tyStatic: n.typ
               else: newTypeWithSons(c, tyStatic, @[n.typ])

proc makeAndType*(c: PContext, t1, t2: PType): PType =
  result = newTypeS(tyAnd, c)
  result.sons = @[t1, t2]
  propagateToOwner(result, t1)
  propagateToOwner(result, t2)
  result.flags.incl((t1.flags + t2.flags) * {tfHasStatic})
  result.flags.incl tfHasMeta

proc makeOrType*(c: PContext, t1, t2: PType): PType =
  result = newTypeS(tyOr, c)
  if t1.kind != tyOr and t2.kind != tyOr:
    result.sons = @[t1, t2]
    template addOr(t1) =
      if t1.kind == tyOr:
        for x in t1.sons: result.rawAddSon x
        result.rawAddSon t1
  propagateToOwner(result, t1)
  propagateToOwner(result, t2)
  result.flags.incl((t1.flags + t2.flags) * {tfHasStatic})
  result.flags.incl tfHasMeta

proc makeNotType*(c: PContext, t1: PType): PType =
  result = newTypeS(tyNot, c)
  result.sons = @[t1]
  propagateToOwner(result, t1)
  result.flags.incl(t1.flags * {tfHasStatic})
  result.flags.incl tfHasMeta

proc nMinusOne(c: PContext; n: PNode): PNode =
  result = newNode(nkCall,, @[
    newSymNode(getSysMagic(c.graph,, "pred", mPred)), n])

# Remember to fix the procs below this one when you make changes!
proc makeRangeWithStaticExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PType =
  let intType = getSysType(c.graph,, tyInt)
  result = newTypeS(tyRange, c)
  result.sons = @[intType]
  if n.typ != nil and n.typ.n == nil:
    result.flags.incl tfUnresolved
  result.n = newNode(nkRange,, @[
    newIntTypeNode(0, intType),
    makeStaticExpr(c, nMinusOne(c, n))])

template rangeHasUnresolvedStatic*(t: PType): bool =
  tfUnresolved in t.flags

proc errorType*(c: PContext): PType =
  ## creates a type representing an error state
  result = newTypeS(tyError, c)
  result.flags.incl tfCheckedForDestructor

proc errorNode*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
  result = newNodeI(nkEmpty,
  result.typ = errorType(c)

proc fillTypeS*(dest: PType, kind: TTypeKind, c: PContext) =
  dest.kind = kind
  dest.owner = getCurrOwner(c)
  dest.size = - 1

proc makeRangeType*(c: PContext; first, last: BiggestInt;
                    info: TLineInfo; intType: PType = nil): PType =
  let intType = if intType != nil: intType else: getSysType(c.graph, info, tyInt)
  var n = newNodeI(nkRange, info)
  addSon(n, newIntTypeNode(first, intType))
  addSon(n, newIntTypeNode(last, intType))
  result = newTypeS(tyRange, c)
  result.n = n
  addSonSkipIntLit(result, intType) # basetype of range

proc markIndirect*(c: PContext, s: PSym) {.inline.} =
  if s.kind in {skProc, skFunc, skConverter, skMethod, skIterator}:
    incl(s.flags, sfAddrTaken)
    # XXX add to 'c' for global analysis

proc illFormedAst*(n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef) =
  globalError(conf,, errIllFormedAstX, renderTree(n, {renderNoComments}))

proc illFormedAstLocal*(n: PNode; conf: ConfigRef) =
  localError(conf,, errIllFormedAstX, renderTree(n, {renderNoComments}))

proc checkSonsLen*(n: PNode, length: int; conf: ConfigRef) =
  if sonsLen(n) != length: illFormedAst(n, conf)

proc checkMinSonsLen*(n: PNode, length: int; conf: ConfigRef) =
  if sonsLen(n) < length: illFormedAst(n, conf)

proc isTopLevel*(c: PContext): bool {.inline.} =
  result = c.currentScope.depthLevel <= 2

proc pushCaseContext*(c: PContext, caseNode: PNode) =
  add(c.p.caseContext, (caseNode, 0))

proc popCaseContext*(c: PContext) =
  discard pop(c.p.caseContext)

proc setCaseContextIdx*(c: PContext, idx: int) =
  c.p.caseContext[^1].idx = idx