# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2015 Nim Contributors
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module implements Nim's object construction rules.
# included from sem.nim
InitStatus = enum
initFull # All of the fields have been initialized
initPartial # Some of the fields have been initialized
initNone # None of the fields have been initialized
initConflict # Fields from different branches have been initialized
proc mergeInitStatus(existing: var InitStatus, newStatus: InitStatus) =
case newStatus
of initConflict:
existing = newStatus
of initPartial:
if existing in {initUnknown, initFull, initNone}:
existing = initPartial
of initNone:
if existing == initUnknown:
existing = initNone
elif existing == initFull:
existing = initPartial
of initFull:
if existing == initUnknown:
existing = initFull
elif existing == initNone:
existing = initPartial
of initUnknown:
proc invalidObjConstr(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
if n.kind == nkInfix and n[0].kind == nkIdent and n[0].ident.s[0] == ':':
localError(c.config, n.info, "incorrect object construction syntax; use a space after the colon")
localError(c.config, n.info, "incorrect object construction syntax")
proc locateFieldInInitExpr(c: PContext, field: PSym, initExpr: PNode): PNode =
# Returns the assignment nkExprColonExpr node or nil
let fieldId = field.name.id
for i in 1 ..< initExpr.len:
let assignment = initExpr[i]
if assignment.kind != nkExprColonExpr:
invalidObjConstr(c, assignment)
if fieldId == considerQuotedIdent(c, assignment[0]).id:
return assignment
proc semConstrField(c: PContext, flags: TExprFlags,
field: PSym, initExpr: PNode): PNode =
let assignment = locateFieldInInitExpr(c, field, initExpr)
if assignment != nil:
if nfSem in assignment.flags: return assignment[1]
if not fieldVisible(c, field):
localError(c.config, initExpr.info,
"the field '$1' is not accessible." % [field.name.s])
var initValue = semExprFlagDispatched(c, assignment[1], flags)
if initValue != nil:
initValue = fitNode(c, field.typ, initValue, assignment.info)
assignment.sons[0] = newSymNode(field)
assignment.sons[1] = initValue
assignment.flags.incl nfSem
return initValue
proc caseBranchMatchesExpr(branch, matched: PNode): bool =
for i in 0 .. branch.len-2:
if branch[i].kind == nkRange:
if overlap(branch[i], matched): return true
elif exprStructuralEquivalent(branch[i], matched):
return true
return false
template processBranchVals(b, op) =
if b.kind != nkElifBranch:
for i in 0 .. b.len-2:
if b[i].kind == nkIntLit:
elif b[i].kind == nkRange:
for i in b[i][0].intVal .. b[i][1].intVal:
proc allPossibleValues(c: PContext, t: PType): IntSet =
result = initIntSet()
if t.enumHasHoles:
let t = t.skipTypes(abstractRange)
for field in t.n.sons:
for i in firstOrd(c.config, t) .. lastOrd(c.config, t):
proc branchVals(c: PContext, caseNode: PNode, caseIdx: int,
isStmtBranch: bool): IntSet =
if caseNode[caseIdx].kind == nkOfBranch:
result = initIntSet()
processBranchVals(caseNode[caseIdx], incl)
result = allPossibleValues(c, caseNode.sons[0].typ)
for i in 1 .. caseNode.len-2:
processBranchVals(caseNode[i], excl)
proc formatUnsafeBranchVals(t: PType, diffVals: IntSet): string =
if diffVals.len <= 32:
var strs: seq[string]
let t = t.skipTypes(abstractRange)
if t.kind in {tyEnum, tyBool}:
var i = 0
for val in diffVals:
while t.n.sons[i].sym.position < val: inc(i)
for val in diffVals:
result = "{" & strs.join(", ") & "} "
proc findUsefulCaseContext(c: PContext, discrimator: PNode): (PNode, int) =
for i in countdown(c.p.caseContext.high, 0):
(caseNode, index) = c.p.caseContext[i]
skipped = caseNode[0].skipHidden
if skipped.kind == nkSym and skipped.sym == discrimator.sym:
return (caseNode, index)
proc pickCaseBranch(caseExpr, matched: PNode): PNode =
# XXX: Perhaps this proc already exists somewhere
let endsWithElse = caseExpr[^1].kind == nkElse
for i in 1 .. caseExpr.len - 1 - int(endsWithElse):
if caseExpr[i].caseBranchMatchesExpr(matched):
return caseExpr[i]
if endsWithElse:
return caseExpr[^1]
iterator directFieldsInRecList(recList: PNode): PNode =
# XXX: We can remove this case by making all nkOfBranch nodes
# regular. Currently, they try to avoid using nkRecList if they
# include only a single field
if recList.kind == nkSym:
yield recList
doAssert recList.kind == nkRecList
for field in recList:
if field.kind != nkSym: continue
yield field
template quoteStr(s: string): string = "'" & s & "'"
proc fieldsPresentInInitExpr(c: PContext, fieldsRecList, initExpr: PNode): string =
result = ""
for field in directFieldsInRecList(fieldsRecList):
let assignment = locateFieldInInitExpr(c, field.sym, initExpr)
if assignment != nil:
if result.len != 0: result.add ", "
result.add field.sym.name.s.quoteStr
proc missingMandatoryFields(c: PContext, fieldsRecList, initExpr: PNode): string =
for r in directFieldsInRecList(fieldsRecList):
if {tfNotNil, tfNeedsInit} * r.sym.typ.flags != {}:
let assignment = locateFieldInInitExpr(c, r.sym, initExpr)
if assignment == nil:
if result.len == 0:
result = r.sym.name.s
result.add ", "
result.add r.sym.name.s
proc checkForMissingFields(c: PContext, recList, initExpr: PNode) =
let missing = missingMandatoryFields(c, recList, initExpr)
if missing.len > 0:
localError(c.config, initExpr.info, "fields not initialized: $1.", [missing])
proc semConstructFields(c: PContext, recNode: PNode,
initExpr: PNode, flags: TExprFlags): InitStatus =
result = initUnknown
case recNode.kind
of nkRecList:
for field in recNode:
let status = semConstructFields(c, field, initExpr, flags)
mergeInitStatus(result, status)
of nkRecCase:
template fieldsPresentInBranch(branchIdx: int): string =
let branch = recNode[branchIdx]
let fields = branch[branch.len - 1]
fieldsPresentInInitExpr(c, fields, initExpr)
template checkMissingFields(branchNode: PNode) =
let fields = branchNode[branchNode.len - 1]
checkForMissingFields(c, fields, initExpr)
let discriminator = recNode.sons[0]
internalAssert c.config, discriminator.kind == nkSym
var selectedBranch = -1
for i in 1 ..< recNode.len:
let innerRecords = recNode[i][^1]
let status = semConstructFields(c, innerRecords, initExpr, flags)
if status notin {initNone, initUnknown}:
mergeInitStatus(result, status)
if selectedBranch != -1:
let prevFields = fieldsPresentInBranch(selectedBranch)
let currentFields = fieldsPresentInBranch(i)
localError(c.config, initExpr.info,
("The fields '$1' and '$2' cannot be initialized together, " &
"because they are from conflicting branches in the case object.") %
[prevFields, currentFields])
result = initConflict
selectedBranch = i
if selectedBranch != -1:
template badDiscriminatorError =
let fields = fieldsPresentInBranch(selectedBranch)
localError(c.config, initExpr.info,
("you must provide a compile-time value for the discriminator '$1' " &
"in order to prove that it's safe to initialize $2.") %
[discriminator.sym.name.s, fields])
mergeInitStatus(result, initNone)
template wrongBranchError(i) =
let fields = fieldsPresentInBranch(i)
localError(c.config, initExpr.info,
"a case selecting discriminator '$1' with value '$2' " &
"appears in the object construction, but the field(s) $3 " &
"are in conflict with this value.",
[discriminator.sym.name.s, discriminatorVal.renderTree, fields])
let branchNode = recNode[selectedBranch]
let flags = flags*{efAllowDestructor} + {efPreferStatic,
var discriminatorVal = semConstrField(c, flags,
discriminator.sym, initExpr)
if discriminatorVal != nil:
discriminatorVal = discriminatorVal.skipHidden
if discriminatorVal == nil:
elif discriminatorVal.kind == nkSym:
let (ctorCase, ctorIdx) = findUsefulCaseContext(c, discriminatorVal)
if ctorCase == nil:
elif discriminatorVal.sym.kind notin {skLet, skParam} or
discriminatorVal.sym.typ.kind == tyVar:
localError(c.config, discriminatorVal.info,
"runtime discriminator must be immutable if branch fields are " &
"initialized, a 'let' binding is required.")
elif not isOrdinalType(discriminatorVal.sym.typ, true) or
lengthOrd(c.config, discriminatorVal.sym.typ) > MaxSetElements:
localError(c.config, discriminatorVal.info,
"branch initialization with a runtime discriminator only " &
"supports ordinal types with 2^16 elements or less.")
elif ctorCase[ctorIdx].kind == nkElifBranch:
localError(c.config, discriminatorVal.info, "branch initialization " &
"with a runtime discriminator is not supported inside of an " &
"`elif` branch.")
ctorBranchVals = branchVals(c, ctorCase, ctorIdx, true)
recBranchVals = branchVals(c, recNode, selectedBranch, false)
branchValsDiff = ctorBranchVals - recBranchVals
if branchValsDiff.len != 0:
localError(c.config, discriminatorVal.info, ("possible values " &
"$2are in conflict with discriminator values for " &
"selected object branch $1.") % [$selectedBranch,
formatUnsafeBranchVals(recNode.sons[0].typ, branchValsDiff)])
if branchNode.kind != nkElse:
if not branchNode.caseBranchMatchesExpr(discriminatorVal):
# With an else clause, check that all other branches don't match:
for i in 1 .. (recNode.len - 2):
if recNode[i].caseBranchMatchesExpr(discriminatorVal):
# When a branch is selected with a partial match, some of the fields
# that were not initialized may be mandatory. We must check for this:
if result == initPartial:
checkMissingFields branchNode
result = initNone
let discriminatorVal = semConstrField(c, flags + {efPreferStatic},
discriminator.sym, initExpr)
if discriminatorVal == nil:
# None of the branches were explicitly selected by the user and no
# value was given to the discrimator. We can assume that it will be
# initialized to zero and this will select a particular branch as
# a result:
let matchedBranch = recNode.pickCaseBranch newIntLit(c.graph, initExpr.info, 0)
checkMissingFields matchedBranch
result = initPartial
if discriminatorVal.kind == nkIntLit:
# When the discriminator is a compile-time value, we also know
# which brach will be selected:
let matchedBranch = recNode.pickCaseBranch discriminatorVal
if matchedBranch != nil: checkMissingFields matchedBranch
# All bets are off. If any of the branches has a mandatory
# fields we must produce an error:
for i in 1 ..< recNode.len: checkMissingFields recNode[i]
of nkSym:
let field = recNode.sym
let e = semConstrField(c, flags, field, initExpr)
result = if e != nil: initFull else: initNone
internalAssert c.config, false
proc semConstructType(c: PContext, initExpr: PNode,
t: PType, flags: TExprFlags): InitStatus =
var t = t
result = initUnknown
while true:
let status = semConstructFields(c, t.n, initExpr, flags)
mergeInitStatus(result, status)
if status in {initPartial, initNone, initUnknown}:
checkForMissingFields c, t.n, initExpr
let base = t.sons[0]
if base == nil: break
t = skipTypes(base, skipPtrs)
proc semObjConstr(c: PContext, n: PNode, flags: TExprFlags): PNode =
var t = semTypeNode(c, n.sons[0], nil)
result = newNodeIT(nkObjConstr, n.info, t)
for child in n: result.add child
if t == nil:
localError(c.config, n.info, errGenerated, "object constructor needs an object type")
t = skipTypes(t, {tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink, tyOwned})
if t.kind == tyRef:
t = skipTypes(t.sons[0], {tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink, tyOwned})
if optNimV2 in c.config.globalOptions:
result.typ = makeVarType(c, result.typ, tyOwned)
if t.kind != tyObject:
localError(c.config, n.info, errGenerated, "object constructor needs an object type")
# Check if the object is fully initialized by recursively testing each
# field (if this is a case object, initialized fields in two different
# branches will be reported as an error):
let initResult = semConstructType(c, result, t, flags)
# It's possible that the object was not fully initialized while
# specifying a .requiresInit. pragma.
# XXX: Turn this into an error in the next release
if tfNeedsInit in t.flags and initResult != initFull:
# XXX: Disable this warning for now, because tfNeedsInit is propagated
# too aggressively from fields to object types (and this is not correct
# in case objects)
when false: message(n.info, warnUser,
"object type uses the 'requiresInit' pragma, but not all fields " &
"have been initialized. future versions of Nim will treat this as " &
"an error")
# Since we were traversing the object fields, it's possible that
# not all of the fields specified in the constructor was visited.
# We'll check for such fields here:
for i in 1..<result.len:
let field = result[i]
if nfSem notin field.flags:
if field.kind != nkExprColonExpr:
invalidObjConstr(c, field)
let id = considerQuotedIdent(c, field[0])
# This node was not processed. There are two possible reasons:
# 1) It was shadowed by a field with the same name on the left
for j in 1 ..< i:
let prevId = considerQuotedIdent(c, result[j][0])
if prevId.id == id.id:
localError(c.config, field.info, errFieldInitTwice % id.s)
# 2) No such field exists in the constructed type
localError(c.config, field.info, errUndeclaredFieldX % id.s)