# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# included from sem.nim
discard """
hygienic templates:
template `||` (a, b: expr): expr =
let aa = a
if aa: aa else: b
a, b: T
a || b || a
Each evaluation context has to be different and we need to perform
some form of preliminary symbol lookup in template definitions. Hygiene is
a way to achieve lexical scoping at compile time.
TSymBinding = enum
spNone, spGenSym, spInject
proc symBinding(n: PNode): TSymBinding =
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
var it = n.sons[i]
var key = if it.kind == nkExprColonExpr: it.sons[0] else: it
if key.kind == nkIdent:
case whichKeyword(key.ident)
of wGensym: return spGenSym
of wInject: return spInject
else: discard
TSymChoiceRule = enum
scClosed, scOpen, scForceOpen
proc symChoice(c: PContext, n: PNode, s: PSym, r: TSymChoiceRule): PNode =
a: PSym
o: TOverloadIter
var i = 0
a = initOverloadIter(o, c, n)
while a != nil:
a = nextOverloadIter(o, c, n)
if i > 1: break
if i <= 1 and r != scForceOpen:
# XXX this makes more sense but breaks bootstrapping for now:
# (s.kind notin routineKinds or s.magic != mNone):
# for instance 'nextTry' is both in tables.nim and astalgo.nim ...
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
markUsed(n.info, s)
# semantic checking requires a type; ``fitNode`` deals with it
# appropriately
let kind = if r == scClosed or n.kind == nkDotExpr: nkClosedSymChoice
else: nkOpenSymChoice
result = newNodeIT(kind, n.info, newTypeS(tyNone, c))
a = initOverloadIter(o, c, n)
while a != nil:
incl(a.flags, sfUsed)
addSon(result, newSymNode(a, n.info))
a = nextOverloadIter(o, c, n)
proc semBindStmt(c: PContext, n: PNode, toBind: var IntSet): PNode =
for i in 0 .. < n.len:
var a = n.sons[i]
# If 'a' is an overloaded symbol, we used to use the first symbol
# as a 'witness' and use the fact that subsequent lookups will yield
# the same symbol!
# This is however not true anymore for hygienic templates as semantic
# processing for them changes the symbol table...
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c, a)
if s != nil:
# we need to mark all symbols:
let sc = symChoice(c, n, s, scClosed)
if sc.kind == nkSym:
for x in items(sc): toBind.incl(x.sym.id)
result = newNodeI(nkEmpty, n.info)
proc semMixinStmt(c: PContext, n: PNode, toMixin: var IntSet): PNode =
for i in 0 .. < n.len:
result = newNodeI(nkEmpty, n.info)
proc replaceIdentBySym(n: var PNode, s: PNode) =
case n.kind
of nkPostfix: replaceIdentBySym(n.sons[1], s)
of nkPragmaExpr: replaceIdentBySym(n.sons[0], s)
of nkIdent, nkAccQuoted, nkSym: n = s
else: illFormedAst(n)
TemplCtx = object
c: PContext
toBind, toMixin, toInject: IntSet
owner: PSym
cursorInBody: bool # only for nimsuggest
proc getIdentNode(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
case n.kind
of nkPostfix: result = getIdentNode(c, n.sons[1])
of nkPragmaExpr: result = getIdentNode(c, n.sons[0])
of nkIdent:
result = n
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil:
if s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam:
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
of nkAccQuoted, nkSym: result = n
result = n
proc isTemplParam(c: TemplCtx, n: PNode): bool {.inline.} =
result = n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skParam and
n.sym.owner == c.owner and sfGenSym notin n.sym.flags
proc semTemplBody(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode
proc openScope(c: var TemplCtx) = openScope(c.c)
proc closeScope(c: var TemplCtx) = closeScope(c.c)
proc semTemplBodyScope(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
result = semTemplBody(c, n)
proc onlyReplaceParams(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
if n.kind == nkIdent:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil:
if s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam:
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
styleCheckUse(n.info, s)
for i in 0 .. <n.safeLen:
result.sons[i] = onlyReplaceParams(c, n.sons[i])
proc newGenSym(kind: TSymKind, n: PNode, c: var TemplCtx): PSym =
result = newSym(kind, considerQuotedIdent(n), c.owner, n.info)
incl(result.flags, sfGenSym)
incl(result.flags, sfShadowed)
proc addLocalDecl(c: var TemplCtx, n: var PNode, k: TSymKind) =
# locals default to 'gensym':
if n.kind == nkPragmaExpr and symBinding(n.sons[1]) == spInject:
# even if injected, don't produce a sym choice here:
#n = semTemplBody(c, n)
var x = n[0]
while true:
case x.kind
of nkPostfix: x = x[1]
of nkPragmaExpr: x = x[0]
of nkIdent: break
of nkAccQuoted:
# consider: type `T TemplParam` {.inject.}
# it suffices to return to treat it like 'inject':
n = onlyReplaceParams(c, n)
let ident = getIdentNode(c, x)
if not isTemplParam(c, ident):
replaceIdentBySym(n, ident)
let ident = getIdentNode(c, n)
if not isTemplParam(c, ident):
# fix #2670, consider:
# when b:
# var a = "hi"
# else:
# var a = 5
# echo a
# We need to ensure that both 'a' produce the same gensym'ed symbol.
# So we need only check the *current* scope.
let s = localSearchInScope(c.c, considerQuotedIdent ident)
if s != nil and s.owner == c.owner and sfGenSym in s.flags:
styleCheckUse(n.info, s)
replaceIdentBySym(n, newSymNode(s, n.info))
let local = newGenSym(k, ident, c)
addPrelimDecl(c.c, local)
styleCheckDef(n.info, local)
replaceIdentBySym(n, newSymNode(local, n.info))
replaceIdentBySym(n, ident)
proc semTemplSymbol(c: PContext, n: PNode, s: PSym): PNode =
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
# we do not call styleCheckUse here, as the identifier is not really
# resolved here. We will fixup the used identifiers later.
case s.kind
of skUnknown:
# Introduced in this pass! Leave it as an identifier.
result = n
of OverloadableSyms:
result = symChoice(c, n, s, scOpen)
of skGenericParam:
result = newSymNodeTypeDesc(s, n.info)
of skParam:
result = n
of skType:
if (s.typ != nil) and (s.typ.kind != tyGenericParam):
result = newSymNodeTypeDesc(s, n.info)
result = n
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
proc semRoutineInTemplName(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
if n.kind == nkIdent:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil:
if s.owner == c.owner and (s.kind == skParam or sfGenSym in s.flags):
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
styleCheckUse(n.info, s)
for i in countup(0, safeLen(n) - 1):
result.sons[i] = semRoutineInTemplName(c, n.sons[i])
proc semRoutineInTemplBody(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode, k: TSymKind): PNode =
result = n
checkSonsLen(n, bodyPos + 1)
# routines default to 'inject':
if n.kind notin nkLambdaKinds and symBinding(n.sons[pragmasPos]) == spGenSym:
let ident = getIdentNode(c, n.sons[namePos])
if not isTemplParam(c, ident):
var s = newGenSym(k, ident, c)
s.ast = n
addPrelimDecl(c.c, s)
styleCheckDef(n.info, s)
n.sons[namePos] = newSymNode(s, n.sons[namePos].info)
n.sons[namePos] = ident
n.sons[namePos] = semRoutineInTemplName(c, n.sons[namePos])
for i in patternPos..bodyPos:
n.sons[i] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[i])
proc semTemplSomeDecl(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode, symKind: TSymKind; start=0) =
for i in countup(start, sonsLen(n) - 1):
var a = n.sons[i]
if a.kind == nkCommentStmt: continue
if (a.kind != nkIdentDefs) and (a.kind != nkVarTuple): illFormedAst(a)
checkMinSonsLen(a, 3)
var L = sonsLen(a)
a.sons[L-2] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[L-2])
a.sons[L-1] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[L-1])
for j in countup(0, L-3):
addLocalDecl(c, a.sons[j], symKind)
proc semPattern(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode
proc semTemplBodySons(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
for i in 0.. < n.len:
result.sons[i] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[i])
proc semTemplBody(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
semIdeForTemplateOrGenericCheck(n, c.cursorInBody)
case n.kind
of nkIdent:
if n.ident.id in c.toInject: return n
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil:
if s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam:
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
styleCheckUse(n.info, s)
elif contains(c.toBind, s.id):
result = symChoice(c.c, n, s, scClosed)
elif contains(c.toMixin, s.name.id):
result = symChoice(c.c, n, s, scForceOpen)
elif s.owner == c.owner and sfGenSym in s.flags:
# template tmp[T](x: var seq[T]) =
# var yz: T
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
styleCheckUse(n.info, s)
result = semTemplSymbol(c.c, n, s)
of nkBind:
result = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[0])
of nkBindStmt:
result = semBindStmt(c.c, n, c.toBind)
of nkMixinStmt:
result = semMixinStmt(c.c, n, c.toMixin)
of nkEmpty, nkSym..nkNilLit:
of nkIfStmt:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n)-1):
var it = n.sons[i]
if it.len == 2:
when newScopeForIf: openScope(c)
it.sons[0] = semTemplBody(c, it.sons[0])
when not newScopeForIf: openScope(c)
it.sons[1] = semTemplBody(c, it.sons[1])
n.sons[i] = semTemplBodyScope(c, it)
of nkWhileStmt:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n)-1):
n.sons[i] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[i])
of nkCaseStmt:
n.sons[0] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[0])
for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n)-1):
var a = n.sons[i]
checkMinSonsLen(a, 1)
var L = sonsLen(a)
for j in countup(0, L-2):
a.sons[j] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[j])
a.sons[L-1] = semTemplBodyScope(c, a.sons[L-1])
of nkForStmt, nkParForStmt:
var L = sonsLen(n)
n.sons[L-2] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[L-2])
for i in countup(0, L - 3):
addLocalDecl(c, n.sons[i], skForVar)
n.sons[L-1] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[L-1])
of nkBlockStmt, nkBlockExpr, nkBlockType:
checkSonsLen(n, 2)
if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty:
# labels are always 'gensym'ed:
let s = newGenSym(skLabel, n.sons[0], c)
addPrelimDecl(c.c, s)
n.sons[0] = newSymNode(s, n.sons[0].info)
n.sons[1] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[1])
of nkTryStmt:
checkMinSonsLen(n, 2)
n.sons[0] = semTemplBodyScope(c, n.sons[0])
for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n)-1):
var a = n.sons[i]
checkMinSonsLen(a, 1)
var L = sonsLen(a)
for j in countup(0, L-2):
a.sons[j] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[j])
a.sons[L-1] = semTemplBodyScope(c, a.sons[L-1])
of nkVarSection: semTemplSomeDecl(c, n, skVar)
of nkLetSection: semTemplSomeDecl(c, n, skLet)
of nkFormalParams:
checkMinSonsLen(n, 1)
n.sons[0] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[0])
semTemplSomeDecl(c, n, skParam, 1)
of nkConstSection:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
var a = n.sons[i]
if a.kind == nkCommentStmt: continue
if (a.kind != nkConstDef): illFormedAst(a)
checkSonsLen(a, 3)
addLocalDecl(c, a.sons[0], skConst)
a.sons[1] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[1])
a.sons[2] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[2])
of nkTypeSection:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
var a = n.sons[i]
if a.kind == nkCommentStmt: continue
if (a.kind != nkTypeDef): illFormedAst(a)
checkSonsLen(a, 3)
addLocalDecl(c, a.sons[0], skType)
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
var a = n.sons[i]
if a.kind == nkCommentStmt: continue
if (a.kind != nkTypeDef): illFormedAst(a)
checkSonsLen(a, 3)
if a.sons[1].kind != nkEmpty:
a.sons[1] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[1])
a.sons[2] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[2])
a.sons[2] = semTemplBody(c, a.sons[2])
of nkProcDef, nkLambdaKinds:
result = semRoutineInTemplBody(c, n, skProc)
of nkMethodDef:
result = semRoutineInTemplBody(c, n, skMethod)
of nkIteratorDef:
let kind = if hasPragma(n[pragmasPos], wClosure): skClosureIterator
else: skIterator
result = semRoutineInTemplBody(c, n, kind)
of nkTemplateDef:
result = semRoutineInTemplBody(c, n, skTemplate)
of nkMacroDef:
result = semRoutineInTemplBody(c, n, skMacro)
of nkConverterDef:
result = semRoutineInTemplBody(c, n, skConverter)
of nkPragmaExpr:
result.sons[0] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[0])
of nkPostfix:
result.sons[1] = semTemplBody(c, n.sons[1])
of nkPragma:
result = onlyReplaceParams(c, n)
# dotExpr is ambiguous: note that we explicitly allow 'x.TemplateParam',
# so we use the generic code for nkDotExpr too
if n.kind == nkDotExpr or n.kind == nkAccQuoted:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil:
# do not symchoice a quoted template parameter (bug #2390):
if s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam and
n.kind == nkAccQuoted and n.len == 1:
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
styleCheckUse(n.info, s)
return newSymNode(s, n.info)
elif contains(c.toBind, s.id):
return symChoice(c.c, n, s, scClosed)
elif contains(c.toMixin, s.name.id):
return symChoice(c.c, n, s, scForceOpen)
return symChoice(c.c, n, s, scOpen)
result = semTemplBodySons(c, n)
proc semTemplBodyDirty(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
result = n
semIdeForTemplateOrGenericCheck(n, c.cursorInBody)
case n.kind
of nkIdent:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil:
if s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam:
result = newSymNode(s, n.info)
elif contains(c.toBind, s.id):
result = symChoice(c.c, n, s, scClosed)
of nkBind:
result = semTemplBodyDirty(c, n.sons[0])
of nkBindStmt:
result = semBindStmt(c.c, n, c.toBind)
of nkEmpty, nkSym..nkNilLit:
# dotExpr is ambiguous: note that we explicitly allow 'x.TemplateParam',
# so we use the generic code for nkDotExpr too
if n.kind == nkDotExpr or n.kind == nkAccQuoted:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil and contains(c.toBind, s.id):
return symChoice(c.c, n, s, scClosed)
result = n
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result.sons[i] = semTemplBodyDirty(c, n.sons[i])
proc semTemplateDef(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
var s: PSym
if isTopLevel(c):
s = semIdentVis(c, skTemplate, n.sons[0], {sfExported})
incl(s.flags, sfGlobal)
s = semIdentVis(c, skTemplate, n.sons[0], {})
# check parameter list:
#s.scope = c.currentScope
n.sons[namePos] = newSymNode(s, n.sons[namePos].info)
if n.sons[pragmasPos].kind != nkEmpty:
pragma(c, s, n.sons[pragmasPos], templatePragmas)
var gp: PNode
if n.sons[genericParamsPos].kind != nkEmpty:
n.sons[genericParamsPos] = semGenericParamList(c, n.sons[genericParamsPos])
gp = n.sons[genericParamsPos]
gp = newNodeI(nkGenericParams, n.info)
# process parameters:
if n.sons[paramsPos].kind != nkEmpty:
semParamList(c, n.sons[paramsPos], gp, s)
# a template's parameters are not gensym'ed even if that was originally the
# case as we determine whether it's a template parameter in the template
# body by the absence of the sfGenSym flag:
for i in 1 .. s.typ.n.len-1:
s.typ.n.sons[i].sym.flags.excl sfGenSym
if sonsLen(gp) > 0:
if n.sons[genericParamsPos].kind == nkEmpty:
# we have a list of implicit type parameters:
n.sons[genericParamsPos] = gp
# no explicit return type? -> use tyStmt
if n.sons[paramsPos].sons[0].kind == nkEmpty:
# use ``stmt`` as implicit result type
s.typ.sons[0] = newTypeS(tyStmt, c)
s.typ.n.sons[0] = newNodeIT(nkType, n.info, s.typ.sons[0])
s.typ = newTypeS(tyProc, c)
# XXX why do we need tyStmt as a return type again?
s.typ.n = newNodeI(nkFormalParams, n.info)
rawAddSon(s.typ, newTypeS(tyStmt, c))
addSon(s.typ.n, newNodeIT(nkType, n.info, s.typ.sons[0]))
if n.sons[patternPos].kind != nkEmpty:
n.sons[patternPos] = semPattern(c, n.sons[patternPos])
var ctx: TemplCtx
ctx.toBind = initIntSet()
ctx.toMixin = initIntSet()
ctx.toInject = initIntSet()
ctx.c = c
ctx.owner = s
if sfDirty in s.flags:
n.sons[bodyPos] = semTemplBodyDirty(ctx, n.sons[bodyPos])
n.sons[bodyPos] = semTemplBody(ctx, n.sons[bodyPos])
# only parameters are resolved, no type checking is performed
semIdeForTemplateOrGeneric(c, n.sons[bodyPos], ctx.cursorInBody)
s.ast = n
result = n
if n.sons[bodyPos].kind == nkEmpty:
localError(n.info, errImplOfXexpected, s.name.s)
var proto = searchForProc(c, c.currentScope, s)
if proto == nil:
addInterfaceOverloadableSymAt(c, c.currentScope, s)
symTabReplace(c.currentScope.symbols, proto, s)
if n.sons[patternPos].kind != nkEmpty:
proc semPatternBody(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
template templToExpand(s: expr): expr =
s.kind == skTemplate and (s.typ.len == 1 or sfImmediate in s.flags)
proc newParam(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode, s: PSym): PNode =
# the param added in the current scope is actually wrong here for
# macros because they have a shadowed param of type 'PNimNode' (see
# semtypes.addParamOrResult). Within the pattern we have to ensure
# to use the param with the proper type though:
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
styleCheckUse(n.info, s)
let x = c.owner.typ.n.sons[s.position+1].sym
assert x.name == s.name
result = newSymNode(x, n.info)
proc handleSym(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode, s: PSym): PNode =
result = n
if s != nil:
if s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam:
result = newParam(c, n, s)
elif contains(c.toBind, s.id):
result = symChoice(c.c, n, s, scClosed)
elif templToExpand(s):
result = semPatternBody(c, semTemplateExpr(c.c, n, s, {efNoSemCheck}))
# we keep the ident unbound for matching instantiated symbols and
# more flexibility
proc expectParam(c: var TemplCtx, n: PNode): PNode =
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil and s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam:
result = newParam(c, n, s)
localError(n.info, errInvalidExpression)
result = n
proc stupidStmtListExpr(n: PNode): bool =
for i in 0 .. n.len-2:
if n[i].kind notin {nkEmpty, nkCommentStmt}: return false
result = true
result = n
case n.kind
of nkIdent:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
result = handleSym(c, n, s)
of nkBindStmt:
result = semBindStmt(c.c, n, c.toBind)
of nkEmpty, nkSym..nkNilLit: discard
of nkCurlyExpr:
# we support '(pattern){x}' to bind a subpattern to a parameter 'x';
# '(pattern){|x}' does the same but the matches will be gathered in 'x'
if n.len != 2:
localError(n.info, errInvalidExpression)
elif n.sons[1].kind == nkIdent:
n.sons[0] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[0])
n.sons[1] = expectParam(c, n.sons[1])
elif n.sons[1].kind == nkPrefix and n.sons[1].sons[0].kind == nkIdent:
let opr = n.sons[1].sons[0]
if opr.ident.s == "|":
n.sons[0] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[0])
n.sons[1].sons[1] = expectParam(c, n.sons[1].sons[1])
localError(n.info, errInvalidExpression)
localError(n.info, errInvalidExpression)
of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr:
if stupidStmtListExpr(n):
result = semPatternBody(c, n.lastSon)
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result.sons[i] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[i])
of nkCallKinds:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n.sons[0], {})
if s != nil:
if s.owner == c.owner and s.kind == skParam: discard
elif contains(c.toBind, s.id): discard
elif templToExpand(s):
return semPatternBody(c, semTemplateExpr(c.c, n, s, {efNoSemCheck}))
if n.kind == nkInfix and n.sons[0].kind == nkIdent:
# we interpret `*` and `|` only as pattern operators if they occur in
# infix notation, so that '`*`(a, b)' can be used for verbatim matching:
let opr = n.sons[0]
if opr.ident.s == "*" or opr.ident.s == "**":
result = newNodeI(nkPattern, n.info, n.len)
result.sons[0] = opr
result.sons[1] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[1])
result.sons[2] = expectParam(c, n.sons[2])
elif opr.ident.s == "|":
result = newNodeI(nkPattern, n.info, n.len)
result.sons[0] = opr
result.sons[1] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[1])
result.sons[2] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[2])
if n.kind == nkPrefix and n.sons[0].kind == nkIdent:
let opr = n.sons[0]
if opr.ident.s == "~":
result = newNodeI(nkPattern, n.info, n.len)
result.sons[0] = opr
result.sons[1] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[1])
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result.sons[i] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[i])
# dotExpr is ambiguous: note that we explicitly allow 'x.TemplateParam',
# so we use the generic code for nkDotExpr too
case n.kind
of nkDotExpr, nkAccQuoted:
let s = qualifiedLookUp(c.c, n, {})
if s != nil:
if contains(c.toBind, s.id):
return symChoice(c.c, n, s, scClosed)
return newIdentNode(s.name, n.info)
of nkPar:
if n.len == 1: return semPatternBody(c, n.sons[0])
else: discard
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result.sons[i] = semPatternBody(c, n.sons[i])
proc semPattern(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
var ctx: TemplCtx
ctx.toBind = initIntSet()
ctx.toMixin = initIntSet()
ctx.toInject = initIntSet()
ctx.c = c
ctx.owner = getCurrOwner()
result = flattenStmts(semPatternBody(ctx, n))
if result.kind in {nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr}:
if result.len == 1:
result = result.sons[0]
elif result.len == 0:
localError(n.info, errInvalidExpression)