# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This file implements features required for IDE support.
## Due to Nim's nature and the fact that ``system.nim`` is always imported,
## there are lots of potential symbols. Furthermore thanks to templates and
## macros even context based analysis does not help much: In a context like
## ``let x: |`` where a type has to follow, that type might be constructed from
## a template like ``extractField(MyObject, fieldName)``. We deal with this
## problem by smart sorting so that the likely symbols come first. This sorting
## is done this way:
## - If there is a prefix (foo|), symbols starting with this prefix come first.
## - If the prefix is part of the name (but the name doesn't start with it),
## these symbols come second.
## - If we have a prefix, only symbols matching this prefix are returned and
## nothing else.
## - If we have no prefix, consider the context. We currently distinguish
## between type and non-type contexts.
## - Finally, sort matches by relevance. The relevance is determined by the
## number of usages, so ``strutils.replace`` comes before
## ``strutils.wordWrap``.
## - In any case, sorting also considers scoping information. Local variables
## get high priority.
# included from sigmatch.nim
import algorithm, prefixmatches, lineinfos
from wordrecg import wDeprecated
when defined(nimsuggest):
import passes, tables # importer
sep = '\t'
#template sectionSuggest(): expr = "##begin\n" & getStackTrace() & "##end\n"
template origModuleName(m: PSym): string = m.name.s
proc findDocComment(n: PNode): PNode =
if n == nil: return nil
if not isNil(n.comment): return n
if n.kind in {nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr, nkObjectTy, nkRecList} and n.len > 0:
result = findDocComment(n.sons[0])
if result != nil: return
if n.len > 1:
result = findDocComment(n.sons[1])
elif n.kind in {nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn} and n.len == 2:
result = findDocComment(n.sons[1])
proc extractDocComment(s: PSym): string =
var n = findDocComment(s.ast)
if n.isNil and s.kind in routineKinds and s.ast != nil:
n = findDocComment(s.ast[bodyPos])
if not n.isNil:
result = n.comment.replace("\n##", "\n").strip
result = ""
proc cmpSuggestions(a, b: Suggest): int =
template cf(field) {.dirty.} =
result = b.field.int - a.field.int
if result != 0: return result
cf scope
cf prefix
# when the first type matches, it's better when it's a generic match:
cf quality
cf contextFits
cf localUsages
cf globalUsages
# if all is equal, sort alphabetically for deterministic output,
# independent of hashing order:
result = cmp(a.name[], b.name[])
proc symToSuggest(conf: ConfigRef; s: PSym, isLocal: bool, section: IdeCmd, info: TLineInfo;
quality: range[0..100]; prefix: PrefixMatch;
inTypeContext: bool; scope: int): Suggest =
result.section = section
result.quality = quality
result.isGlobal = sfGlobal in s.flags
result.tokenLen = s.name.s.len
result.prefix = prefix
result.contextFits = inTypeContext == (s.kind in {skType, skGenericParam})
result.scope = scope
result.name = addr s.name.s
when defined(nimsuggest):
result.globalUsages = s.allUsages.len
var c = 0
for u in s.allUsages:
if u.fileIndex == info.fileIndex: inc c
result.localUsages = c
result.symkind = byte s.kind
if optIdeTerse notin conf.globalOptions:
result.qualifiedPath = @[]
if not isLocal and s.kind != skModule:
let ow = s.owner
if ow != nil and ow.kind != skModule and ow.owner != nil:
let ow2 = ow.owner
if ow != nil:
if s.typ != nil:
result.forth = typeToString(s.typ)
result.forth = ""
when not defined(noDocgen):
result.doc = s.extractDocComment
let infox = if section in {ideUse, ideHighlight, ideOutline}: info else: s.info
result.filePath = toFullPath(conf, infox)
result.line = toLinenumber(infox)
result.column = toColumn(infox)
result.version = conf.suggestVersion
proc `$`*(suggest: Suggest): string =
result = $suggest.section
if suggest.section == ideHighlight:
if suggest.symkind.TSymKind == skVar and suggest.isGlobal:
elif suggest.symkind.TSymKind == skLet and suggest.isGlobal:
if suggest.qualifiedPath.len != 0:
when not defined(noDocgen):
if suggest.version == 0:
if suggest.section == ideSug:
proc suggestResult(conf: ConfigRef; s: Suggest) =
if not isNil(conf.suggestionResultHook):
proc produceOutput(a: var Suggestions; conf: ConfigRef) =
if conf.ideCmd in {ideSug, ideCon}:
a.sort cmpSuggestions
when defined(debug):
# debug code
if a.len > conf.suggestMaxResults: a.setLen(conf.suggestMaxResults)
if not isNil(conf.suggestionResultHook):
for s in a:
for s in a:
proc filterSym(s: PSym; prefix: PNode; res: var PrefixMatch): bool {.inline.} =
proc prefixMatch(s: PSym; n: PNode): PrefixMatch =
case n.kind
of nkIdent: result = n.ident.s.prefixMatch(s.name.s)
of nkSym: result = n.sym.name.s.prefixMatch(s.name.s)
of nkOpenSymChoice, nkClosedSymChoice, nkAccQuoted:
if n.len > 0:
result = prefixMatch(s, n[0])
else: discard
if s.kind != skModule:
if prefix != nil:
res = prefixMatch(s, prefix)
result = res != PrefixMatch.None
result = true
proc filterSymNoOpr(s: PSym; prefix: PNode; res: var PrefixMatch): bool {.inline.} =
result = filterSym(s, prefix, res) and s.name.s[0] in lexer.SymChars and
not isKeyword(s.name)
proc fieldVisible*(c: PContext, f: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
let fmoduleId = getModule(f).id
result = sfExported in f.flags or fmoduleId == c.module.id
for module in c.friendModules:
if fmoduleId == module.id:
result = true
proc suggestField(c: PContext, s: PSym; f: PNode; info: TLineInfo; outputs: var Suggestions) =
var pm: PrefixMatch
if filterSym(s, f, pm) and fieldVisible(c, s):
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, s, isLocal=true, ideSug, info, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, 0))
proc getQuality(s: PSym): range[0..100] =
if s.typ != nil and s.typ.len > 1:
var exp = s.typ.sons[1].skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
if exp.kind == tyVarargs: exp = elemType(exp)
if exp.kind in {tyExpr, tyStmt, tyGenericParam, tyAnything}: return 50
return 100
template wholeSymTab(cond, section: untyped) =
var isLocal = true
var scopeN = 0
for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
if scope == c.topLevelScope: isLocal = false
dec scopeN
for item in scope.symbols:
let it {.inject.} = item
var pm {.inject.}: PrefixMatch
if cond:
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, it, isLocal = isLocal, section, info, getQuality(it),
pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, scopeN))
proc suggestSymList(c: PContext, list, f: PNode; info: TLineInfo, outputs: var Suggestions) =
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(list) - 1):
if list.sons[i].kind == nkSym:
suggestField(c, list.sons[i].sym, f, info, outputs)
#else: InternalError(list.info, "getSymFromList")
proc suggestObject(c: PContext, n, f: PNode; info: TLineInfo, outputs: var Suggestions) =
case n.kind
of nkRecList:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n)-1): suggestObject(c, n.sons[i], f, info, outputs)
of nkRecCase:
var L = sonsLen(n)
if L > 0:
suggestObject(c, n.sons[0], f, info, outputs)
for i in countup(1, L-1): suggestObject(c, lastSon(n.sons[i]), f, info, outputs)
of nkSym: suggestField(c, n.sym, f, info, outputs)
else: discard
proc nameFits(c: PContext, s: PSym, n: PNode): bool =
var op = n.sons[0]
if op.kind in {nkOpenSymChoice, nkClosedSymChoice}: op = op.sons[0]
var opr: PIdent
case op.kind
of nkSym: opr = op.sym.name
of nkIdent: opr = op.ident
else: return false
result = opr.id == s.name.id
proc argsFit(c: PContext, candidate: PSym, n, nOrig: PNode): bool =
case candidate.kind
of OverloadableSyms:
var m: TCandidate
initCandidate(c, m, candidate, nil)
sigmatch.partialMatch(c, n, nOrig, m)
result = m.state != csNoMatch
result = false
proc suggestCall(c: PContext, n, nOrig: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
let info = n.info
wholeSymTab(filterSym(it, nil, pm) and nameFits(c, it, n) and argsFit(c, it, n, nOrig),
proc typeFits(c: PContext, s: PSym, firstArg: PType): bool {.inline.} =
if s.typ != nil and sonsLen(s.typ) > 1 and s.typ.sons[1] != nil:
# special rule: if system and some weird generic match via 'tyExpr'
# or 'tyGenericParam' we won't list it either to reduce the noise (nobody
# wants 'system.`-|` as suggestion
let m = s.getModule()
if m != nil and sfSystemModule in m.flags:
if s.kind == skType: return
var exp = s.typ.sons[1].skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyAlias, tySink})
if exp.kind == tyVarargs: exp = elemType(exp)
if exp.kind in {tyExpr, tyStmt, tyGenericParam, tyAnything}: return
result = sigmatch.argtypeMatches(c, s.typ.sons[1], firstArg)
proc suggestOperations(c: PContext, n, f: PNode, typ: PType, outputs: var Suggestions) =
assert typ != nil
let info = n.info
wholeSymTab(filterSymNoOpr(it, f, pm) and typeFits(c, it, typ), ideSug)
proc suggestEverything(c: PContext, n, f: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
# do not produce too many symbols:
var isLocal = true
var scopeN = 0
for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
if scope == c.topLevelScope: isLocal = false
dec scopeN
for it in items(scope.symbols):
var pm: PrefixMatch
if filterSym(it, f, pm):
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, it, isLocal = isLocal, ideSug, n.info, 0, pm,
c.inTypeContext > 0, scopeN))
#if scope == c.topLevelScope and f.isNil: break
proc suggestFieldAccess(c: PContext, n, field: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
# special code that deals with ``myObj.``. `n` is NOT the nkDotExpr-node, but
# ``myObj``.
var typ = n.typ
var pm: PrefixMatch
when defined(nimsuggest):
if n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skError and c.config.suggestVersion == 0:
# consider 'foo.|' where 'foo' is some not imported module.
let fullPath = findModule(c.config, n.sym.name.s, toFullPath(c.config, n.info))
if fullPath.len == 0:
# error: no known module name:
typ = nil
let m = gImportModule(c.graph, c.module, fileInfoIdx(c.config, fullpath), c.cache)
if m == nil: typ = nil
for it in items(n.sym.tab):
if filterSym(it, field, pm):
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, it, isLocal=false, ideSug, n.info, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, -100))
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, m, isLocal=false, ideMod, n.info, 100, PrefixMatch.None,
c.inTypeContext > 0, -99))
if typ == nil:
# a module symbol has no type for example:
if n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skModule:
if n.sym == c.module:
# all symbols accessible, because we are in the current module:
for it in items(c.topLevelScope.symbols):
if filterSym(it, field, pm):
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, it, isLocal=false, ideSug, n.info, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, -99))
for it in items(n.sym.tab):
if filterSym(it, field, pm):
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, it, isLocal=false, ideSug, n.info, 100, pm, c.inTypeContext > 0, -99))
# fallback:
suggestEverything(c, n, field, outputs)
elif typ.kind == tyEnum and n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skType:
# look up if the identifier belongs to the enum:
var t = typ
while t != nil:
suggestSymList(c, t.n, field, n.info, outputs)
t = t.sons[0]
suggestOperations(c, n, field, typ, outputs)
let orig = typ # skipTypes(typ, {tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink})
typ = skipTypes(typ, {tyGenericInst, tyVar, tyLent, tyPtr, tyRef, tyAlias, tySink})
if typ.kind == tyObject:
var t = typ
while true:
suggestObject(c, t.n, field, n.info, outputs)
if t.sons[0] == nil: break
t = skipTypes(t.sons[0], skipPtrs)
elif typ.kind == tyTuple and typ.n != nil:
suggestSymList(c, typ.n, field, n.info, outputs)
suggestOperations(c, n, field, orig, outputs)
if typ != orig:
suggestOperations(c, n, field, typ, outputs)
TCheckPointResult* = enum
cpNone, cpFuzzy, cpExact
proc inCheckpoint*(current, trackPos: TLineInfo): TCheckPointResult =
if current.fileIndex == trackPos.fileIndex:
if current.line == trackPos.line and
abs(current.col-trackPos.col) < 4:
return cpExact
if current.line >= trackPos.line:
return cpFuzzy
proc isTracked*(current, trackPos: TLineInfo, tokenLen: int): bool =
if current.fileIndex==trackPos.fileIndex and current.line==trackPos.line:
let col = trackPos.col
if col >= current.col and col <= current.col+tokenLen-1:
return true
when defined(nimsuggest):
# Since TLineInfo defined a == operator that doesn't include the column,
# we map TLineInfo to a unique int here for this lookup table:
proc infoToInt(info: TLineInfo): int64 =
info.fileIndex.int64 + info.line.int64 shl 32 + info.col.int64 shl 48
proc addNoDup(s: PSym; info: TLineInfo) =
# ensure nothing gets too slow:
if s.allUsages.len > 500: return
let infoAsInt = info.infoToInt
for infoB in s.allUsages:
if infoB.infoToInt == infoAsInt: return
proc findUsages(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; usageSym: var PSym) =
if conf.suggestVersion == 1:
if usageSym == nil and isTracked(info, conf.m.trackPos, s.name.s.len):
usageSym = s
suggestResult(conf, symToSuggest(conf, s, isLocal=false, ideUse, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
elif s == usageSym:
if conf.lastLineInfo != info:
suggestResult(conf, symToSuggest(conf, s, isLocal=false, ideUse, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
conf.lastLineInfo = info
when defined(nimsuggest):
proc listUsages*(conf: ConfigRef; s: PSym) =
#echo "usages ", len(s.allUsages)
for info in s.allUsages:
let x = if info == s.info and info.col == s.info.col: ideDef else: ideUse
suggestResult(conf, symToSuggest(conf, s, isLocal=false, x, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
proc findDefinition(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
if s.isNil: return
if isTracked(info, conf.m.trackPos, s.name.s.len):
suggestResult(conf, symToSuggest(conf, s, isLocal=false, ideDef, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
proc ensureIdx[T](x: var T, y: int) =
if x.len <= y: x.setLen(y+1)
proc ensureSeq[T](x: var seq[T]) =
if x == nil: newSeq(x, 0)
proc suggestSym*(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; usageSym: var PSym; isDecl=true) {.inline.} =
## misnamed: should be 'symDeclared'
when defined(nimsuggest):
if conf.suggestVersion == 0:
if s.allUsages.isNil:
s.allUsages = @[info]
if conf.ideCmd == ideUse:
findUsages(conf, info, s, usageSym)
elif conf.ideCmd == ideDef:
findDefinition(conf, info, s)
elif conf.ideCmd == ideDus and s != nil:
if isTracked(info, conf.m.trackPos, s.name.s.len):
suggestResult(conf, symToSuggest(conf, s, isLocal=false, ideDef, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
findUsages(conf, info, s, usageSym)
elif conf.ideCmd == ideHighlight and info.fileIndex == conf.m.trackPos.fileIndex:
suggestResult(conf, symToSuggest(conf, s, isLocal=false, ideHighlight, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
elif conf.ideCmd == ideOutline and info.fileIndex == conf.m.trackPos.fileIndex and
suggestResult(conf, symToSuggest(conf, s, isLocal=false, ideOutline, info, 100, PrefixMatch.None, false, 0))
proc warnAboutDeprecated(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym) =
if s.kind in routineKinds:
let n = s.ast[pragmasPos]
if n.kind != nkEmpty:
for it in n:
if whichPragma(it) == wDeprecated and it.safeLen == 2 and
it[1].kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}:
message(conf, info, warnDeprecated, it[1].strVal & "; " & s.name.s)
message(conf, info, warnDeprecated, s.name.s)
proc markUsed(conf: ConfigRef; info: TLineInfo; s: PSym; usageSym: var PSym) =
incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
if s.kind == skEnumField and s.owner != nil:
incl(s.owner.flags, sfUsed)
if {sfDeprecated, sfError} * s.flags != {}:
if sfDeprecated in s.flags: warnAboutDeprecated(conf, info, s)
if sfError in s.flags: localError(conf, info, "usage of '$1' is a user-defined error" % s.name.s)
when defined(nimsuggest):
suggestSym(conf, info, s, usageSym, false)
proc useSym*(conf: ConfigRef; sym: PSym; usageSym: var PSym): PNode =
result = newSymNode(sym)
markUsed(conf, result.info, sym, usageSym)
proc safeSemExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode =
# use only for idetools support!
result = c.semExpr(c, n)
except ERecoverableError:
result = c.graph.emptyNode
proc sugExpr(c: PContext, n: PNode, outputs: var Suggestions) =
if n.kind == nkDotExpr:
var obj = safeSemExpr(c, n.sons[0])
# it can happen that errnously we have collected the fieldname
# of the next line, so we check the 'field' is actually on the same
# line as the object to prevent this from happening:
let prefix = if n.len == 2 and n[1].info.line == n[0].info.line and
not c.config.m.trackPosAttached: n[1] else: nil
suggestFieldAccess(c, obj, prefix, outputs)
#if optIdeDebug in gGlobalOptions:
# echo "expression ", renderTree(obj), " has type ", typeToString(obj.typ)
let prefix = if c.config.m.trackPosAttached: nil else: n
suggestEverything(c, n, prefix, outputs)
proc suggestExprNoCheck*(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
# This keeps semExpr() from coming here recursively:
if c.compilesContextId > 0: return
var outputs: Suggestions = @[]
if c.config.ideCmd == ideSug:
sugExpr(c, n, outputs)
elif c.config.ideCmd == ideCon:
if n.kind in nkCallKinds:
var a = copyNode(n)
var x = safeSemExpr(c, n.sons[0])
if x.kind == nkEmpty or x.typ == nil: x = n.sons[0]
addSon(a, x)
for i in 1..sonsLen(n)-1:
# use as many typed arguments as possible:
var x = safeSemExpr(c, n.sons[i])
if x.kind == nkEmpty or x.typ == nil: break
addSon(a, x)
suggestCall(c, a, n, outputs)
if outputs.len > 0 and c.config.ideCmd in {ideSug, ideCon, ideDef}:
produceOutput(outputs, c.config)
proc suggestExpr*(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
if exactEquals(c.config.m.trackPos, n.info): suggestExprNoCheck(c, n)
proc suggestDecl*(c: PContext, n: PNode; s: PSym) =
let attached = c.config.m.trackPosAttached
if attached: inc(c.inTypeContext)
if attached: dec(c.inTypeContext)
suggestExpr(c, n)
proc suggestStmt*(c: PContext, n: PNode) =
suggestExpr(c, n)
proc suggestEnum*(c: PContext; n: PNode; t: PType) =
var outputs: Suggestions = @[]
suggestSymList(c, t.n, nil, n.info, outputs)
produceOutput(outputs, c.config)
if outputs.len > 0: suggestQuit()
proc suggestSentinel*(c: PContext) =
if c.config.ideCmd != ideSug or c.module.position != c.config.m.trackPos.fileIndex.int32: return
if c.compilesContextId > 0: return
var outputs: Suggestions = @[]
# suggest everything:
var isLocal = true
var scopeN = 0
for scope in walkScopes(c.currentScope):
if scope == c.topLevelScope: isLocal = false
dec scopeN
for it in items(scope.symbols):
var pm: PrefixMatch
if filterSymNoOpr(it, nil, pm):
outputs.add(symToSuggest(c.config, it, isLocal = isLocal, ideSug,
newLineInfo(c.config.m.trackPos.fileIndex, -1, -1), 0,
PrefixMatch.None, false, scopeN))
produceOutput(outputs, c.config)