# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
import ast, types, msgs, osproc, streams, options, idents, securehash
proc readOutput(p: Process): string =
result = ""
var output = p.outputStream
while not output.atEnd:
if result.len > 0:
result.setLen(result.len - "\n".len)
discard p.waitForExit
proc opGorge*(cmd, input, cache: string): string =
if cache.len > 0:# and optForceFullMake notin gGlobalOptions:
let h = secureHash(cmd & "\t" & input & "\t" & cache)
let filename = options.toGeneratedFile("gorge_" & $h, "txt")
var f: File
if open(f, filename):
result = f.readAll
var readSuccessful = false
var p = startProcess(cmd, options={poEvalCommand, poStderrToStdout})
if input.len != 0:
result = p.readOutput
readSuccessful = true
writeFile(filename, result)
except IOError, OSError:
if not readSuccessful: result = ""
var p = startProcess(cmd, options={poEvalCommand, poStderrToStdout})
if input.len != 0:
result = p.readOutput
except IOError, OSError:
result = ""
proc opSlurp*(file: string, info: TLineInfo, module: PSym): string =
let filename = file.findFile
result = readFile(filename)
# we produce a fake include statement for every slurped filename, so that
# the module dependencies are accurate:
appendToModule(module, newNode(nkIncludeStmt, info, @[
newStrNode(nkStrLit, filename)]))
except IOError:
localError(info, errCannotOpenFile, file)
result = ""
proc atomicTypeX(name: string; t: PType; info: TLineInfo): PNode =
let sym = newSym(skType, getIdent(name), t.owner, info)
sym.typ = t
result = newSymNode(sym)
result.typ = t
proc mapTypeToAst(t: PType, info: TLineInfo; allowRecursion=false): PNode
proc mapTypeToBracket(name: string; t: PType; info: TLineInfo): PNode =
result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, info, t)
result.add atomicTypeX(name, t, info)
for i in 0 .. < t.len:
if t.sons[i] == nil:
let void = atomicTypeX("void", t, info)
void.typ = newType(tyEmpty, t.owner)
result.add void
result.add mapTypeToAst(t.sons[i], info)
proc mapTypeToAst(t: PType, info: TLineInfo; allowRecursion=false): PNode =
template atomicType(name): expr = atomicTypeX(name, t, info)
case t.kind
of tyNone: result = atomicType("none")
of tyBool: result = atomicType("bool")
of tyChar: result = atomicType("char")
of tyNil: result = atomicType("nil")
of tyExpr: result = atomicType("expr")
of tyStmt: result = atomicType("stmt")
of tyEmpty: result = atomicType"void"
of tyArrayConstr, tyArray:
result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, info, t)
result.add atomicType("array")
result.add mapTypeToAst(t.sons[0], info)
result.add mapTypeToAst(t.sons[1], info)
of tyTypeDesc:
if t.base != nil:
result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, info, t)
result.add atomicType("typeDesc")
result.add mapTypeToAst(t.base, info)
result = atomicType"typeDesc"
of tyGenericInvocation:
result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, info, t)
for i in 0 .. < t.len:
result.add mapTypeToAst(t.sons[i], info)
of tyGenericInst, tyGenericBody, tyOrdinal, tyUserTypeClassInst:
result = mapTypeToAst(t.lastSon, info)
of tyDistinct:
if allowRecursion:
result = mapTypeToBracket("distinct", t, info)
result = atomicType(t.sym.name.s)
of tyGenericParam, tyForward: result = atomicType(t.sym.name.s)
of tyObject:
if allowRecursion:
result = newNodeIT(nkObjectTy, info, t)
if t.sons[0] == nil:
result.add ast.emptyNode
result.add mapTypeToAst(t.sons[0], info)
result.add copyTree(t.n)
result = atomicType(t.sym.name.s)
of tyEnum:
result = newNodeIT(nkEnumTy, info, t)
result.add copyTree(t.n)
of tyTuple: result = mapTypeToBracket("tuple", t, info)
of tySet: result = mapTypeToBracket("set", t, info)
of tyPtr: result = mapTypeToBracket("ptr", t, info)
of tyRef: result = mapTypeToBracket("ref", t, info)
of tyVar: result = mapTypeToBracket("var", t, info)
of tySequence: result = mapTypeToBracket("seq", t, info)
of tyProc: result = mapTypeToBracket("proc", t, info)
of tyOpenArray: result = mapTypeToBracket("openArray", t, info)
of tyRange:
result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, info, t)
result.add atomicType("range")
result.add t.n.sons[0].copyTree
result.add t.n.sons[1].copyTree
of tyPointer: result = atomicType"pointer"
of tyString: result = atomicType"string"
of tyCString: result = atomicType"cstring"
of tyInt: result = atomicType"int"
of tyInt8: result = atomicType"int8"
of tyInt16: result = atomicType"int16"
of tyInt32: result = atomicType"int32"
of tyInt64: result = atomicType"int64"
of tyFloat: result = atomicType"float"
of tyFloat32: result = atomicType"float32"
of tyFloat64: result = atomicType"float64"
of tyFloat128: result = atomicType"float128"
of tyUInt: result = atomicType"uint"
of tyUInt8: result = atomicType"uint8"
of tyUInt16: result = atomicType"uint16"
of tyUInt32: result = atomicType"uint32"
of tyUInt64: result = atomicType"uint64"
of tyBigNum: result = atomicType"bignum"
of tyConst: result = mapTypeToBracket("const", t, info)
of tyMutable: result = mapTypeToBracket("mutable", t, info)
of tyVarargs: result = mapTypeToBracket("varargs", t, info)
of tyIter: result = mapTypeToBracket("iter", t, info)
of tyProxy: result = atomicType"error"
of tyBuiltInTypeClass: result = mapTypeToBracket("builtinTypeClass", t, info)
of tyUserTypeClass:
result = mapTypeToBracket("concept", t, info)
result.add t.n.copyTree
of tyCompositeTypeClass: result = mapTypeToBracket("compositeTypeClass", t, info)
of tyAnd: result = mapTypeToBracket("and", t, info)
of tyOr: result = mapTypeToBracket("or", t, info)
of tyNot: result = mapTypeToBracket("not", t, info)
of tyAnything: result = atomicType"anything"
of tyStatic, tyFromExpr, tyFieldAccessor:
result = newNodeIT(nkBracketExpr, info, t)
result.add atomicType("static")
if t.n != nil:
result.add t.n.copyTree
proc opMapTypeToAst*(t: PType; info: TLineInfo): PNode =
result = mapTypeToAst(t, info, true)