Nimrod Backend Integration
:Author: Puppet Master
:Version: |nimrodversion|
.. contents::
"Heresy grows from idleness." -- Unknown.
The `Nimrod Compiler User Guide <nimrodc.html>`_ documents the typical
compiler invocation, using the ``compile`` or ``c`` command to transform a
``.nim`` file into one or more ``.c`` files which are then compiled with the
platform's C compiler into a static binary. However there are other commands
to compile to C++, Objective-C or JavaScript. This document tries to
concentrate in a single place all the backend and interfacing options.
The Nimrod compiler supports mainly two backend families: the C, C++ and
Objective-C targets and the JavaScript target. `The C like targets`_ creates
source files which can be compiled into a library or a final executable. `The
JavaScript target`_ can generate a ``.js`` file which you reference from an
HTML file or create a `standalone nodejs program <http://nodejs.org>`_.
On top of generating libraries or standalone applications, Nimrod offers
bidirectional interfacing with the backend targets through generic and
specific pragmas.
The C like targets
The commands to compile to either C, C++ or Objective-C are:
//compileToC, cc compile project with C code generator
//compileToCpp, cpp compile project to C++ code
//compileToOC, objc compile project to Objective C code
The most significant difference between these commands is that if you look
into the ``nimcache`` directory you will find ``.c``, ``.cpp`` or ``.m``
files, other than that all of them will produce a native binary for your
project. This allows you to take the generated code and place it directly
into a project using any of these languages. Here are some typical command
line invocations::
$ nimrod c hallo.nim
$ nimrod cpp hallo.nim
$ nimrod objc hallo.nim
The compiler commands select the target backend, but if needed you can
`specify additional switches for cross compilation
<nimrodc.html#cross-compilation>`_ to select the target CPU, operative system
or compiler/linker commands.
The JavaScript target
Nimrod can also generate `JavaScript`:idx: code through the ``js`` command.
However, the JavaScript code generator is experimental!
Nimrod targets JavaScript 1.5 which is supported by any widely used browser.
Since JavaScript does not have a portable means to include another module,
Nimrod just generates a long ``.js`` file.
Features or modules that the JavaScript platform does not support are not
available. This includes:
* manual memory management (``alloc``, etc.)
* casting and other unsafe operations (``cast`` operator, ``zeroMem``, etc.)
* file management
* most modules of the Standard library
* proper 64 bit integer arithmetic
* unsigned integer arithmetic
However, the modules `strutils <strutils.html>`_, `math <math.html>`_, and
`times <times.html>`_ are available! To access the DOM, use the `dom
<dom.html>`_ module that is only available for the JavaScript platform.
To compile a Nimrod module into a ``.js`` file use the ``js`` command; the
default is a ``.js`` file that is supposed to be referenced in an ``.html``
file. However, you can also run the code with `nodejs`:idx:, a `software
platform for easily building fast, scalable network applications
nimrod js -d:nodejs -r examples/hallo.nim
Nimrod offers bidirectional interfacing with the target backend. This means
that you can call backend code from Nimrod and Nimrod code can be called by
the backend code. Usually the direction of which calls which depends on your
software architecture (is Nimrod your main program or is Nimrod providing a
Nimrod code calling the backend
Nimrod code can interface with the backend through the `Foreign function
interface <manual.html#foreign-function-interface>`_ mainly through the
`importc pragma <manual.html#importc-pragma>`_. The ``importc`` pragma is the
*generic* way of making backend symbols available in Nimrod and is available
in all the target backends (JavaScript too). The C++ or Objective-C backends
have their respective `ImportCpp <nimrodc.html#importcpp-pragma>`_ and
`ImportObjC <nimrodc.html#importobjc-pragma>`_ pragmas to call methods from
Whenever you use any of these pragmas you need to integrate native code into
your final binary. In the case of JavaScript this is no problem at all, the
same html file which hosts the generated JavaScript will likely provide other
JavaScript functions which you are importing with ``importc``.
However, for the C like targets you need to link external code either
statically or dynamically. The preferred way of integrating native code is to
use dynamic linking because it allows you to compile Nimrod programs without
the need for having the related development libraries installed. This is done
through the `dynlib pragma for import
<manual.html#dynlib-pragma-for-import>`_, though more specific control can be
gained using the `dynlib module <dynlib.html>`_.
The `dynlibOverride <nimrodc.html#dynliboverride>`_ command line switch allows
to avoid dynamic linking if you need to statically link something instead.
Nimrod wrappers designed to statically link source files can use the `compile
pragma <nimrodc.html#compile-pragma>`_ if there are few sources or providing
them along the Nimrod code is easier than using a system library. Libraries
installed on the host system can be linked in with the `PassL pragma
To wrap native code, take a look at the `c2nim tool <c2nim.html>`_ which helps
with the process of scanning and transforming header files into a Nimrod
C invocation example
Create a ``logic.c`` file with the following content:
.. code-block:: c
int addTwoIntegers(int a, int b)
return a + b;
Create a ``calculator.nim`` file with the following content:
.. code-block:: nimrod
{.compile: "logic.c".}
proc addTwoIntegers(a, b: cint): cint {.importc.}
when isMainModule:
echo addTwoIntegers(3, 7)
With these two files in place, you can run ``nimrod c -r calculator.nim`` and
the Nimrod compiler will compile the ``logic.c`` file in addition to
``calculator.nim`` and link both into an executable, which outputs ``10`` when
run. Another way to link the C file statically and get the same effect would
be remove the line with the ``compile`` pragma and run the following typical
Unix commands::
$ gcc -c logic.c
$ ar rvs mylib.a logic.o
$ nimrod c --passL:mylib.a -r calculator.nim
Just like in this example we pass the path to the ``mylib.a`` library (and we
could as well pass ``logic.o``) we could be passing switches to link any other
static C library.
JavaScript invocation example
Create a ``host.html`` file with the following content:
.. code-block::
<script type="text/javascript">
function addTwoIntegers(a, b)
return a + b;
<script type="text/javascript" src="calculator.js"></script>
Create a ``calculator.nim`` file with the following content (or reuse the one
from the previous section):
.. code-block:: nimrod
proc addTwoIntegers(a, b: int): int {.importc.}
when isMainModule:
echo addTwoIntegers(3, 7)
Compile the Nimrod code to JavaScript with ``nimrod js -o:calculator.js
calculator.nim`` and open ``host.html`` in a browser. If the browser supports
javascript, you should see the value ``10``. In JavaScript the `echo proc
<system.html#echo>`_ will modify the HTML DOM and append the string. Use the
`dom module <dom.html>`_ for specific DOM querying and modification procs.
Backend code calling Nimrod
Backend code can interface with Nimrod code exposed through the `exportc
pragma <manual.html#exportc-pragma>`_. The ``exportc`` pragma is the *generic*
way of making Nimrod symbols available to the backends. By default the Nimrod
compiler will mangle all the Nimrod symbols to avoid any name collision, so
the most significant thing the ``exportc`` pragma does is maintain the Nimrod
symbol name, or if specified, use an alternative symbol for the backend in
case the symbol rules don't match.
The JavaScript target doesn't have any further interfacing considerations
since it also has garbage collection, but the C targets require you to
initialize Nimrod's internals, which is done calling a ``NimMain`` function.
Also, C code requires you to specify a forward declaration for functions or
the compiler will asume certain types for the return value and parameters
which will likely make your program crash at runtime.
The Nimrod compiler can generate a C interface header through the ``--header``
command line switch. The generated header will contain all the exported
symbols and the ``NimMain`` proc which you need to call before any other
Nimrod code.
Nimrod invocation example from C
Create a ``fib.nim`` file with the following content:
.. code-block:: nimrod
proc fib(a: cint): cint {.exportc.} =
if a <= 2:
result = 1
result = fib(a - 1) + fib(a - 2)
Create a ``maths.c`` file with the following content:
.. code-block:: c
#include "fib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
for (int f = 0; f < 10; f++)
printf("Fib of %d is %d\n", f, fib(f));
return 0;
Now you can run the following Unix like commands to first generate C sources
form the Nimrod code, then link them into a static binary along your main C
$ nimrod c --noMain --noLinking --header:fib.h fib.nim
$ gcc -o m -Inimcache -Ipath/to/nimrod/lib nimcache/*.c maths.c
The first command runs the Nimrod compiler with three special options to avoid
generating a ``main()`` function in the generated files, avoid linking the
object files into a final binary, and explicitly generate a header file for C
integration. All the generated files are placed into the ``nimcache``
directory. That's why the next command compiles the ``maths.c`` source plus
all the ``.c`` files form ``nimcache``. In addition to this path, you also
have to tell the C compiler where to find Nimrod's ``nimbase.h`` header file.
Instead of depending on the generation of the individual ``.c`` files you can
also ask the Nimrod compiler to generate a statically linked library::
$ nimrod c --app:staticLib --noMain --header fib.nim
$ gcc -o m -Inimcache -Ipath/to/nimrod/lib libfib.nim.a maths.c
The Nimrod compiler will handle linking the source files generated in the
``nimcache`` directory into the ``libfib.nim.a`` static library, which you can
then link into your C program. Note that these commands are generic and will
vary for each system. For instance, on Linux systems you will likely need to
use ``-ldl`` too to link in required dlopen functionality.
Nimrod invocation example from JavaScript
Create a ``mhost.html`` file with the following content:
.. code-block::
<script type="text/javascript" src="fib.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Fib for 9 is " + fib(9));
Create a ``fib.nim`` file with the following content (or reuse the one
from the previous section):
.. code-block:: nimrod
proc fib(a: cint): cint {.exportc.} =
if a <= 2:
result = 1
result = fib(a - 1) + fib(a - 2)
Compile the Nimrod code to JavaScript with ``nimrod js -o:fib.js fib.nim`` and
open ``mhost.html`` in a browser. If the browser supports javascript, you
should see an alert box displaying the text ``Fib for 9 is 34``. As mentioned
earlier, JavaScript doesn't require an initialisation call to ``NimMain`` or
similar function and you can call the exported Nimrod proc directly.
Memory management
In the previous sections the ``NimMain()`` function reared its head. Since
JavaScript already provides automatic memory management, you can freely pass
objects between the two language without problems. In C and derivate languages
you need to be careful about what you do and how you share memory. The
previous examples only dealt with simple scalar values, but passing a Nimrod
string to C, or reading back a C string in Nimrod already requires you to be
aware of who controls what to avoid crashing.
Strings and C strings
The manual mentions that `Nimrod strings are implicitly convertible to
cstrings <manual.html#cstring-type>`_ which makes interaction usually
painless. Most C functions accepting a Nimrod string converted to a
``cstring`` will likely not need to keep this string around and by the time
they return the string won't be needed any more. However, for the rare cases
where a Nimrod string has to be preserved and made available to the C backend
as a ``cstring``, you will need to manually prevent the string data from being
freed with `GC_ref <system.html#GC_ref>`_ and `GC_unref
A similar thing happens with C code invoking Nimrod code which returns a
``cstring``. Consider the following proc:
.. code-block:: nimrod
proc gimme(): cstring {.exportc.} =
result = "Hey there C code! " & $random(100)
Since Nimrod's garbage collector is not aware of the C code, once the
``gimme`` proc has finished it can reclaim the memory of the ``cstring``.
However, from a practical standpoint, the C code invoking the ``gimme``
function directly will be able to use it since Nimrod's garbage collector has
not had a chance to run *yet*. This gives you enough time to make a copy for
the C side of the program, as calling any further Nimrod procs *might* trigger
garbage collection making the previously returned string garbage. Or maybe you
are `triggering yourself the collection <gc.html>`_.
Custom data types
Just like strings, custom data types that are to be shared between Nimrod and
the backend will need careful consideration of who controlls who. If you want
to hand a Nimrod reference to C code, you will need to use `GC_ref
<system.html#GC_ref>`_ to mark the reference as used, so it does not get
freed. And for the C backend you will need to expose the `GC_unref
<system.html#GC_unref>`_ proc to clean up this memory when it is not required
any more.
Again, if you are wrapping a library which *mallocs* and *frees* data
structures, you need to expose the appropriate *free* function to Nimrod so
you can clean it up. And of course, once cleaned you should avoid accessing it
from Nimrod (or C for that matter). Typically C data structures have their own
``malloc_structure`` and ``free_structure`` specific functions, so wrapping
these for the Nimrod side should be enough.
Thread coordination
When the ``NimMain()`` function is called Nimrod initializes the garbage
collector to the current thread, which is usually the main thread of your
application. If your C code later spawns a different thread and calls Nimrod
code, the garbage collector will fail to work properly and you will crash.
As long as you don't use the threadvar emulation Nimrod uses native thread
variables, of which you get a fresh version whenever you create a thread. You
can then attach a GC to this thread via
.. code-block:: nimrod
At the moment this support is still experimental so you need to expose these
functions yourself or submit patches to request a public API.
It is **not** safe to disable the garbage collector and enable it after the
call from your background thread even if the code you are calling is short