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path: root/doc/grammar.txt
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module ::= ([COMMENT] [SAD] stmt)*

comma ::= ',' [COMMENT] [IND]
operator ::= OP0 | OR | XOR | AND | OP3 | OP4 | OP5 | OP6 | OP7
           | 'is' | 'isnot' | 'in' | 'notin'
           | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' | 'not'

prefixOperator ::= OP0 | OP3 | OP4 | OP5 | OP6 | OP7 | 'not'

optInd ::= [COMMENT] [IND]
optPar ::= [IND] | [SAD]

lowestExpr ::= orExpr (OP0 optInd orExpr)*
orExpr ::= andExpr (OR | 'xor' optInd andExpr)*
andExpr ::= cmpExpr ('and' optInd cmpExpr)*
cmpExpr ::= ampExpr (OP3 | 'is' | 'isnot' | 'in' | 'notin' optInd ampExpr)*
ampExpr ::= plusExpr (OP4 optInd plusExpr)*
plusExpr ::= mulExpr (OP5 optInd mulExpr)*
mulExpr ::= dollarExpr (OP6 | 'div' | 'mod' | 'shl' | 'shr' optInd dollarExpr)*
dollarExpr ::= primary (OP7 optInd primary)*

indexExpr ::= '..' [expr] | expr ['=' expr | '..' expr]

castExpr ::= 'cast' '[' optInd typeDesc optPar ']' '(' optInd expr optPar ')'
addrExpr ::= 'addr' '(' optInd expr optPar ')'
symbol ::= '`' (KEYWORD | IDENT | operator | '(' ')'
               | '[' (',' | ['$'] '..' ['$'])* ']'
               | '=' | literal)+ '`'
         | IDENT
primaryPrefix ::= (prefixOperator | 'bind') optInd
primarySuffix ::= '.' optInd symbol
                | '(' optInd namedExprList optPar ')'
                | '[' optInd [indexExpr (comma indexExpr)* [comma]] optPar ']'
                | '^'
                | pragma

primary ::= primaryPrefix* (symbol | constructor | castExpr | addrExpr)

literal ::= INT_LIT | INT8_LIT | INT16_LIT | INT32_LIT | INT64_LIT
          | FLOAT_LIT | FLOAT32_LIT | FLOAT64_LIT
          | CHAR_LIT
          | NIL

constructor ::= literal
          | '[' optInd colonExprList optPar ']'
          | '{' optInd sliceExprList optPar '}'
          | '(' optInd colonExprList optPar ')'

colonExpr ::= expr [':' expr]
colonExprList ::= [colonExpr (comma colonExpr)* [comma]]

namedExpr ::= expr ['=' expr]
namedExprList ::= [namedExpr (comma namedExpr)* [comma]]

sliceExpr ::= expr ['..' expr]
sliceExprList ::= [sliceExpr (comma sliceExpr)* [comma]]

exprOrType ::= lowestExpr
            | 'if' expr ':' expr ('elif' expr ':' expr)* 'else' ':' expr
            | 'var' exprOrType
            | 'ref' exprOrType
            | 'ptr' exprOrType
            | 'type' exprOrType
            | 'tuple' tupleDesc

expr ::= exprOrType
     | 'proc' paramList [pragma] ['=' stmt] 

qualifiedIdent ::= symbol ['.' symbol]

typeDesc ::= exprOrType
         | 'proc' paramList [pragma]

macroStmt ::= ':' [stmt] ('of' [sliceExprList] ':' stmt
                         |'elif' expr ':' stmt
                         |'except' exceptList ':' stmt )*
                         ['else' ':' stmt]

simpleStmt ::= returnStmt
             | yieldStmt
             | discardStmt
             | raiseStmt
             | breakStmt
             | continueStmt
             | pragma
             | importStmt
             | fromStmt
             | includeStmt
             | exprStmt
complexStmt ::= ifStmt | whileStmt | caseStmt | tryStmt | forStmt
              | blockStmt | asmStmt
              | procDecl | iteratorDecl | macroDecl | templateDecl | methodDecl
              | constSection | typeSection | whenStmt | varSection

indPush ::= IND # and push indentation onto the stack
indPop ::= # pop indentation from the stack

stmt ::= simpleStmt [SAD]
 | indPush (complexStmt | simpleStmt)
  ([SAD] (complexStmt | simpleStmt))*
   DED indPop

exprStmt ::= lowestExpr ['=' expr | [expr (comma expr)*] [macroStmt]]
returnStmt ::= 'return' [expr]
yieldStmt ::= 'yield' expr
discardStmt ::= 'discard' expr
raiseStmt ::= 'raise' [expr]
breakStmt ::= 'break' [symbol]
continueStmt ::= 'continue'
ifStmt ::= 'if' expr ':' stmt ('elif' expr ':' stmt)* ['else' ':' stmt]
whenStmt ::= 'when' expr ':' stmt ('elif' expr ':' stmt)* ['else' ':' stmt]
caseStmt ::= 'case' expr [':'] ('of' sliceExprList ':' stmt)*
                               ('elif' expr ':' stmt)*
                               ['else' ':' stmt]
whileStmt ::= 'while' expr ':' stmt
forStmt ::= 'for' symbol (comma symbol)* 'in' expr ['..' expr] ':' stmt
exceptList ::= [qualifiedIdent (comma qualifiedIdent)*]

tryStmt ::= 'try' ':' stmt
           ('except' exceptList ':' stmt)*
           ['finally' ':' stmt]
asmStmt ::= 'asm' [pragma] (STR_LIT | RSTR_LIT | TRIPLESTR_LIT)
blockStmt ::= 'block' [symbol] ':' stmt
filename ::= symbol | STR_LIT | RSTR_LIT | TRIPLESTR_LIT
importStmt ::= 'import' filename (comma filename)*
includeStmt ::= 'include' filename (comma filename)*
fromStmt ::= 'from' filename 'import' symbol (comma symbol)*

pragma ::= '{.' optInd (colonExpr [comma])* optPar ('.}' | '}')

param ::= symbol (comma symbol)* (':' typeDesc ['=' expr] | '=' expr)
paramList ::= ['(' [param (comma param)*] optPar ')'] [':' typeDesc]

genericParam ::= symbol [':' typeDesc] ['=' expr]
genericParams ::= '[' genericParam (comma genericParam)* optPar ']'

routineDecl := symbol ['*'] [genericParams] paramList [pragma] ['=' stmt]
procDecl ::= 'proc' routineDecl
macroDecl ::= 'macro' routineDecl
iteratorDecl ::= 'iterator' routineDecl
templateDecl ::= 'template' routineDecl
methodDecl ::= 'method' routineDecl

colonAndEquals ::= [':' typeDesc] '=' expr

constDecl ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma] colonAndEquals [COMMENT | IND COMMENT]
            | COMMENT
constSection ::= 'const' indPush constDecl (SAD constDecl)* DED indPop
typeDef ::= typeDesc | objectDef | enumDef | 'distinct' typeDesc

objectField ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma]
objectIdentPart ::= objectField (comma objectField)* ':' typeDesc
                    [COMMENT|IND COMMENT]

objectWhen ::= 'when' expr ':' [COMMENT] objectPart
              ('elif' expr ':' [COMMENT] objectPart)*
              ['else' ':' [COMMENT] objectPart]
objectCase ::= 'case' expr ':' typeDesc [COMMENT]
              ('of' sliceExprList ':' [COMMENT] objectPart)*
              ['else' ':' [COMMENT] objectPart]

objectPart ::= objectWhen | objectCase | objectIdentPart | 'nil'
             | indPush objectPart (SAD objectPart)* DED indPop
tupleDesc ::= '[' optInd [param (comma param)*] optPar ']'

objectDef ::= 'object' [pragma] ['of' typeDesc] objectPart
enumField ::= symbol ['=' expr]
enumDef ::= 'enum' (enumField [comma] [COMMENT | IND COMMENT])+

typeDecl ::= COMMENT
           | symbol ['*'] [genericParams] ['=' typeDef] [COMMENT | IND COMMENT]

typeSection ::= 'type' indPush typeDecl (SAD typeDecl)* DED indPop

colonOrEquals ::= ':' typeDesc ['=' expr] | '=' expr
varField ::= symbol ['*'] [pragma]
varPart ::= symbol (comma symbol)* colonOrEquals [COMMENT | IND COMMENT]
varSection ::= 'var' (varPart
                   | indPush (COMMENT|varPart)
                     (SAD (COMMENT|varPart))* DED indPop)