What most programming languages call `methods`:idx: or `functions`:idx: are
called `procedures`:idx: in Nim (which is the correct terminology). A
procedure declaration defines an identifier and associates it with a block
of code.
A procedure may call itself recursively. A parameter may be given a default
value that is used if the caller does not provide a value for this parameter.
If the proc declaration has no body, it is a `forward`:idx: declaration. If
the proc returns a value, the procedure body can access an implicitly declared
variable named `result`:idx: that represents the return value. Procs can be
overloaded. The overloading resolution algorithm tries to find the proc that is
the best match for the arguments. Example:
.. code-block:: nim
proc toLower(c: char): char = # toLower for characters
if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
result = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A')))
result = c
proc toLower(s: string): string = # toLower for strings
result = newString(len(s))
for i in 0..len(s) - 1:
result[i] = toLower(s[i]) # calls toLower for characters; no recursion!
Calling a procedure can be done in many different ways:
.. code-block:: nim
proc callme(x, y: int, s: string = "", c: char, b: bool = false) = ...
# call with positional arguments # parameter bindings:
callme(0, 1, "abc", '\t', true) # (x=0, y=1, s="abc", c='\t', b=true)
# call with named and positional arguments:
callme(y=1, x=0, "abd", '\t') # (x=0, y=1, s="abd", c='\t', b=false)
# call with named arguments (order is not relevant):
callme(c='\t', y=1, x=0) # (x=0, y=1, s="", c='\t', b=false)
# call as a command statement: no () needed:
callme 0, 1, "abc", '\t'
A procedure cannot modify its parameters (unless the parameters have the type
`Operators`:idx: are procedures with a special operator symbol as identifier:
.. code-block:: nim
proc `$` (x: int): string =
# converts an integer to a string; this is a prefix operator.
result = intToStr(x)
Operators with one parameter are prefix operators, operators with two
parameters are infix operators. (However, the parser distinguishes these from
the operator's position within an expression.) There is no way to declare
postfix operators: all postfix operators are built-in and handled by the
grammar explicitly.
Any operator can be called like an ordinary proc with the '`opr`'
notation. (Thus an operator can have more than two parameters):
.. code-block:: nim
proc `*+` (a, b, c: int): int =
# Multiply and add
result = a * b + c
assert `*+`(3, 4, 6) == `*`(a, `+`(b, c))
Export marker
If a declared symbol is marked with an `asterisk`:idx: it is exported from the
current module:
.. code-block:: nim
proc exportedEcho*(s: string) = echo s
proc `*`*(a: string; b: int): string =
result = newStringOfCap(a.len * b)
for i in 1..b: result.add a
var exportedVar*: int
const exportedConst* = 78
ExportedType* = object
exportedField*: int
Method call syntax
For object oriented programming, the syntax ``obj.method(args)`` can be used
instead of ``method(obj, args)``. The parentheses can be omitted if there are no
remaining arguments: ``obj.len`` (instead of ``len(obj)``).
This method call syntax is not restricted to objects, it can be used
to supply any type of first argument for procedures:
.. code-block:: nim
echo("abc".len) # is the same as echo(len("abc"))
echo({'a', 'b', 'c'}.card)
stdout.writeln("Hallo") # the same as writeln(stdout, "Hallo")
Another way to look at the method call syntax is that it provides the missing
postfix notation.
See also: `Limitations of the method call syntax`_.
Nim has no need for *get-properties*: Ordinary get-procedures that are called
with the *method call syntax* achieve the same. But setting a value is
different; for this a special setter syntax is needed:
.. code-block:: nim
TSocket* = object of TObject
FHost: int # cannot be accessed from the outside of the module
# the `F` prefix is a convention to avoid clashes since
# the accessors are named `host`
proc `host=`*(s: var TSocket, value: int) {.inline.} =
## setter of hostAddr
s.FHost = value
proc host*(s: TSocket): int {.inline.} =
## getter of hostAddr
s: TSocket = 34 # same as `host=`(s, 34)
Command invocation syntax
Routines can be invoked without the ``()`` if the call is syntatically
a statement. This command invocation syntax also works for
expressions, but then only a single argument may follow. This restriction
means ``echo f 1, f 2`` is parsed as ``echo(f(1), f(2))`` and not as
``echo(f(1, f(2)))``. The method call syntax may be used to provide one
more argument in this case:
.. code-block:: nim
proc optarg(x: int, y: int = 0): int = x + y
proc singlearg(x: int): int = 20*x
echo optarg 1, " ", singlearg 2 # prints "1 40"
let fail = optarg 1, optarg 8 # Wrong. Too many arguments for a command call
let x = optarg(1, optarg 8) # traditional procedure call with 2 arguments
let y = 1.optarg optarg 8 # same thing as above, w/o the parenthesis
assert x == y
The command invocation syntax also can't have complex expressions as arguments.
For example: (`anonymous procs`_), ``if``, ``case`` or ``try``. The (`do
notation`_) is limited, but usable for a single proc (see the example in the
corresponding section). Function calls with no arguments still needs () to
distinguish between a call and the function itself as a first class value.
Procedures can appear at the top level in a module as well as inside other
scopes, in which case they are called nested procs. A nested proc can access
local variables from its enclosing scope and if it does so it becomes a
closure. Any captured variables are stored in a hidden additional argument
to the closure (its environment) and they are accessed by reference by both
the closure and its enclosing scope (i.e. any modifications made to them are
visible in both places). The closure environment may be allocated on the heap
or on the stack if the compiler determines that this would be safe.
Anonymous Procs
Procs can also be treated as expressions, in which case it's allowed to omit
the proc's name.
.. code-block:: nim
var cities = @["Frankfurt", "Tokyo", "New York"]
cities.sort(proc (x,y: string): int =
cmp(x.len, y.len))
Procs as expressions can appear both as nested procs and inside top level
executable code.
Do notation
**Note:** The future of the ``do`` notation is uncertain.
As a special more convenient notation, proc expressions involved in procedure
calls can use the ``do`` keyword:
.. code-block:: nim
sort(cities) do (x,y: string) -> int:
cmp(x.len, y.len)
# Less parenthesis using the method plus command syntax:
cities = do (x:string) -> string:
"City of " & x
``do`` is written after the parentheses enclosing the regular proc params.
The proc expression represented by the do block is appended to them.
More than one ``do`` block can appear in a single call:
.. code-block:: nim
proc performWithUndo(task: proc(), undo: proc()) = ...
performWithUndo do:
# multiple-line block of code
# to perform the task
# code to undo it
Nonoverloadable builtins
The following builtin procs cannot be overloaded for reasons of implementation
simplicity (they require specialized semantic checking)::
declared, defined, definedInScope, compiles, low, high, sizeOf,
is, of, shallowCopy, getAst, astToStr, spawn, procCall
Thus they act more like keywords than like ordinary identifiers; unlike a
keyword however, a redefinition may `shadow`:idx: the definition in
the ``system`` module. From this list the following should not be written in dot
notation ``x.f`` since ``x`` cannot be type checked before it gets passed
to ``f``::
declared, defined, definedInScope, compiles, getAst, astToStr
Var parameters
The type of a parameter may be prefixed with the ``var`` keyword:
.. code-block:: nim
proc divmod(a, b: int; res, remainder: var int) =
res = a div b
remainder = a mod b
x, y: int
divmod(8, 5, x, y) # modifies x and y
assert x == 1
assert y == 3
In the example, ``res`` and ``remainder`` are `var parameters`.
Var parameters can be modified by the procedure and the changes are
visible to the caller. The argument passed to a var parameter has to be
an l-value. Var parameters are implemented as hidden pointers. The
above example is equivalent to:
.. code-block:: nim
proc divmod(a, b: int; res, remainder: ptr int) =
res[] = a div b
remainder[] = a mod b
x, y: int
divmod(8, 5, addr(x), addr(y))
assert x == 1
assert y == 3
In the examples, var parameters or pointers are used to provide two
return values. This can be done in a cleaner way by returning a tuple:
.. code-block:: nim
proc divmod(a, b: int): tuple[res, remainder: int] =
(a div b, a mod b)
var t = divmod(8, 5)
assert t.res == 1
assert t.remainder == 3
One can use `tuple unpacking`:idx: to access the tuple's fields:
.. code-block:: nim
var (x, y) = divmod(8, 5) # tuple unpacking
assert x == 1
assert y == 3
**Note**: ``var`` parameters are never necessary for efficient parameter
passing. Since non-var parameters cannot be modified the compiler is always
free to pass arguments by reference if it considers it can speed up execution.
Var return type
A proc, converter or iterator may return a ``var`` type which means that the
returned value is an l-value and can be modified by the caller:
.. code-block:: nim
var g = 0
proc WriteAccessToG(): var int =
result = g
WriteAccessToG() = 6
assert g == 6
It is a compile time error if the implicitly introduced pointer could be
used to access a location beyond its lifetime:
.. code-block:: nim
proc WriteAccessToG(): var int =
var g = 0
result = g # Error!
For iterators, a component of a tuple return type can have a ``var`` type too:
.. code-block:: nim
iterator mpairs(a: var seq[string]): tuple[key: int, val: var string] =
for i in 0..a.high:
yield (i, a[i])
In the standard library every name of a routine that returns a ``var`` type
starts with the prefix ``m`` per convention.
Overloading of the subscript operator
The ``[]`` subscript operator for arrays/openarrays/sequences can be overloaded.
Procedures always use static dispatch. Multi-methods use dynamic
.. code-block:: nim
Expression = object ## abstract base class for an expression
Literal = object of Expression
x: int
PlusExpr = object of Expression
a, b: ref Expression
method eval(e: ref Expression): int =
# override this base method
quit "to override!"
method eval(e: ref Literal): int = return e.x
method eval(e: ref PlusExpr): int =
# watch out: relies on dynamic binding
result = eval(e.a) + eval(e.b)
proc newLit(x: int): ref Literal =
result.x = x
proc newPlus(a, b: ref Expression): ref PlusExpr =
result.a = a
result.b = b
echo eval(newPlus(newPlus(newLit(1), newLit(2)), newLit(4)))
In the example the constructors ``newLit`` and ``newPlus`` are procs
because they should use static binding, but ``eval`` is a method because it
requires dynamic binding.
In a multi-method all parameters that have an object type are used for the
.. code-block:: nim
Thing = object
Unit = object of Thing
x: int
method collide(a, b: Thing) {.inline.} =
quit "to override!"
method collide(a: Thing, b: Unit) {.inline.} =
echo "1"
method collide(a: Unit, b: Thing) {.inline.} =
echo "2"
a, b: Unit
collide(a, b) # output: 2
Invocation of a multi-method cannot be ambiguous: collide 2 is preferred over
collide 1 because the resolution works from left to right.
In the example ``Unit, Thing`` is preferred over ``Thing, Unit``.
**Performance note**: Nim does not produce a virtual method table, but
generates dispatch trees. This avoids the expensive indirect branch for method
calls and enables inlining. However, other optimizations like compile time
evaluation or dead code elimination do not work with methods.
Iterators and the for statement
The `for`:idx: statement is an abstract mechanism to iterate over the elements
of a container. It relies on an `iterator`:idx: to do so. Like ``while``
statements, ``for`` statements open an `implicit block`:idx:, so that they
can be left with a ``break`` statement.
The ``for`` loop declares iteration variables - their scope reaches until the
end of the loop body. The iteration variables' types are inferred by the
return type of the iterator.
An iterator is similar to a procedure, except that it can be called in the
context of a ``for`` loop. Iterators provide a way to specify the iteration over
an abstract type. A key role in the execution of a ``for`` loop plays the
``yield`` statement in the called iterator. Whenever a ``yield`` statement is
reached the data is bound to the ``for`` loop variables and control continues
in the body of the ``for`` loop. The iterator's local variables and execution
state are automatically saved between calls. Example:
.. code-block:: nim
# this definition exists in the system module
iterator items*(a: string): char {.inline.} =
var i = 0
while i < len(a):
yield a[i]
for ch in items("hello world"): # `ch` is an iteration variable
The compiler generates code as if the programmer would have written this:
.. code-block:: nim
var i = 0
while i < len(a):
var ch = a[i]
If the iterator yields a tuple, there can be as many iteration variables
as there are components in the tuple. The i'th iteration variable's type is
the type of the i'th component. In other words, implicit tuple unpacking in a
for loop context is supported.
Implict items/pairs invocations
If the for loop expression ``e`` does not denote an iterator and the for loop
has exactly 1 variable, the for loop expression is rewritten to ``items(e)``;
ie. an ``items`` iterator is implicitly invoked:
.. code-block:: nim
for x in [1,2,3]: echo x
If the for loop has exactly 2 variables, a ``pairs`` iterator is implicitly
Symbol lookup of the identifiers ``items``/``pairs`` is performed after
the rewriting step, so that all overloadings of ``items``/``pairs`` are taken
into account.
First class iterators
There are 2 kinds of iterators in Nim: *inline* and *closure* iterators.
An `inline iterator`:idx: is an iterator that's always inlined by the compiler
leading to zero overhead for the abstraction, but may result in a heavy
increase in code size. Inline iterators are second class citizens;
They can be passed as parameters only to other inlining code facilities like
templates, macros and other inline iterators.
In contrast to that, a `closure iterator`:idx: can be passed around more freely:
.. code-block:: nim
iterator count0(): int {.closure.} =
yield 0
iterator count2(): int {.closure.} =
var x = 1
yield x
inc x
yield x
proc invoke(iter: iterator(): int {.closure.}) =
for x in iter(): echo x
Closure iterators have other restrictions than inline iterators:
1. ``yield`` in a closure iterator can not occur in a ``try`` statement.
2. For now, a closure iterator cannot be evaluated at compile time.
3. ``return`` is allowed in a closure iterator (but rarely useful).
4. Both inline and closure iterators cannot be recursive.
Iterators that are neither marked ``{.closure.}`` nor ``{.inline.}`` explicitly
default to being inline, but that this may change in future versions of the
The ``iterator`` type is always of the calling convention ``closure``
implicitly; the following example shows how to use iterators to implement
a `collaborative tasking`:idx: system:
.. code-block:: nim
# simple tasking:
Task = iterator (ticker: int)
iterator a1(ticker: int) {.closure.} =
echo "a1: A"
echo "a1: B"
echo "a1: C"
echo "a1: D"
iterator a2(ticker: int) {.closure.} =
echo "a2: A"
echo "a2: B"
echo "a2: C"
proc runTasks(t: varargs[Task]) =
var ticker = 0
while true:
let x = t[ticker mod t.len]
if finished(x): break
inc ticker
runTasks(a1, a2)
The builtin ``system.finished`` can be used to determine if an iterator has
finished its operation; no exception is raised on an attempt to invoke an
iterator that has already finished its work.
Closure iterators are *resumable functions* and so one has to provide the
arguments to every call. To get around this limitation one can capture
parameters of an outer factory proc:
.. code-block:: nim
proc mycount(a, b: int): iterator (): int =
result = iterator (): int =
var x = a
while x <= b:
yield x
inc x
let foo = mycount(1, 4)
for f in foo():
echo f
Implicit return type
Since inline interators must always produce values that will be consumed in
a for loop, the compiler will implicity use the ``auto`` return type if no
type is given by the user. In contrast, since closure iterators can be used
as a collaborative tasking system, ``void`` is a valid return type for them.
A converter is like an ordinary proc except that it enhances
the "implicitly convertible" type relation (see `Convertible relation`_):
.. code-block:: nim
# bad style ahead: Nim is not C.
converter toBool(x: int): bool = x != 0
if 4:
echo "compiles"
A converter can also be explicitly invoked for improved readability. Note that
implicit converter chaining is not supported: If there is a converter from
type A to type B and from type B to type C the implicit conversion from A to C
is not provided.