# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2015 Nim Contributors
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## A higher level `ODBC` database wrapper.
## This is the same interface that is implemented for other databases.
## This has NOT yet been (extensively) tested agains ODBC drivers for
## Teradata, Oracle, Sybase, MSSqlvSvr, et. al. databases
## Currently all queries are ANSI calls, not Unicode.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## import db_odbc, math
## let theDb = open("localhost", "nim", "nim", "test")
## theDb.exec(sql"Drop table if exists myTestTbl")
## theDb.exec(sql("create table myTestTbl (" &
## " Name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, " &
## " i INT(11), " &
## " f DECIMAL(18,10))"))
## theDb.exec(sql"START TRANSACTION")
## for i in 1..1000:
## theDb.exec(sql"INSERT INTO myTestTbl (name,i,f) VALUES (?,?,?)",
## "Item#" & $i, i, sqrt(i.float))
## theDb.exec(sql"COMMIT")
## for x in theDb.fastRows(sql"select * from myTestTbl"):
## echo x
## let id = theDb.tryInsertId(sql"INSERT INTO myTestTbl (name,i,f) VALUES (?,?,?)",
## "Item#1001", 1001, sqrt(1001.0))
## echo "Inserted item: ", theDb.getValue(sql"SELECT name FROM myTestTbl WHERE id=?", id)
## theDb.close()
import strutils, odbcsql
import db_common
export db_common
OdbcConnTyp = tuple[hDb: SqlHDBC, env: SqlHEnv, stmt: SqlHStmt]
DbConn* = OdbcConnTyp ## encapsulates a database connection
Row* = seq[string] ## a row of a dataset. NULL database values will be
## converted to nil.
InstantRow* = tuple[row: seq[string], len: int] ## a handle that can be
## used to get a row's
## column text on demand
{.deprecated: [TRow: Row, TSqlQuery: SqlQuery, TDbConn: DbConn].}
buf: array[0..4096, char]
proc properFreeResult(hType: int, sqlres: var SqlHandle) {.
tags: [WriteDbEffect], raises: [].} =
discard SQLFreeHandle(hType.TSqlSmallInt, sqlres)
sqlres = nil
except: discard
proc getErrInfo(db: var DbConn): tuple[res: int, ss, ne, msg: string] {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect], raises: [].} =
## Returns ODBC error information
sqlState: array[0..512, char]
nativeErr: array[0..512, char]
errMsg: array[0..512, char]
retSz: TSqlSmallInt = 0
res: TSqlSmallInt = 0
sqlState[0] = '\0'
nativeErr[0] = '\0'
errMsg[0] = '\0'
res = SQLErr(db.env, db.hDb, db.stmt,
511.TSqlSmallInt, retSz.addr.PSQLSMALLINT)
return (res.int, $sqlState, $nativeErr, $errMsg)
proc dbError*(db: var DbConn) {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError] .} =
## Raises an `[DbError]` exception with ODBC error information
e: ref DbError
ss, ne, msg: string = ""
isAnError = false
res: int = 0
prevSs = ""
while true:
prevSs = ss
(res, ss, ne, msg) = db.getErrInfo()
if prevSs == ss:
# sqlState of 00000 is not an error
elif ss == "00000":
elif ss == "01000":
echo "\nWarning: ", ss, " ", msg
isAnError = true
echo "\nError: ", ss, " ", msg
if isAnError:
e.msg = "ODBC Error"
if db.stmt != nil:
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, db.hDb)
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, db.env)
raise e
proc SqlCheck(db: var DbConn, resVal: TSqlSmallInt) {.raises: [DbError]} =
## Wrapper that checks if ``resVal`` is not SQL_SUCCESS and if so, raises [EDb]
if resVal != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError(db)
proc SqlGetDBMS(db: var DbConn): string {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [] .} =
## Returns the ODBC SQL_DBMS_NAME string
SQL_DBMS_NAME = 17.SqlUSmallInt
sz: TSqlSmallInt = 0
buf[0] = '\0'
db.SqlCheck(SQLGetInfo(db.hDb, SQL_DBMS_NAME, cast[SqlPointer](buf.addr),
4095.TSqlSmallInt, sz.addr))
except: discard
return $buf.cstring
proc dbQuote*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect.} =
## DB quotes the string.
result = "'"
for c in items(s):
if c == '\'': add(result, "''")
else: add(result, c)
add(result, '\'')
proc dbFormat(formatstr: SqlQuery, args: varargs[string]): string {.
noSideEffect.} =
## Replace any ``?`` placeholders with `args`,
## and quotes the arguments
result = ""
var a = 0
for c in items(string(formatstr)):
if c == '?':
if args[a] == nil:
add(result, "NULL")
add(result, dbQuote(args[a]))
add(result, c)
proc prepareFetch(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
# Prepare a statement, execute it and fetch the data to the driver
# ready for retrieval of the data
# Used internally by iterators and retrieval procs
# requires calling
# properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
# when finished
db.SqlCheck(SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.hDb, db.stmt))
var q = dbFormat(query, args)
db.SqlCheck(SQLPrepare(db.stmt, q.PSQLCHAR, q.len.TSqlSmallInt))
proc prepareFetchDirect(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
# Prepare a statement, execute it and fetch the data to the driver
# ready for retrieval of the data
# Used internally by iterators and retrieval procs
# requires calling
# properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
# when finished
db.SqlCheck(SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.hDb, db.stmt))
var q = dbFormat(query, args)
db.SqlCheck(SQLExecDirect(db.stmt, q.PSQLCHAR, q.len.TSqlSmallInt))
proc tryExec*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: varargs[string, `$`]): bool {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [].} =
## Tries to execute the query and returns true if successful, false otherwise.
res:TSqlSmallInt = -1
db.prepareFetchDirect(query, args)
rCnt = -1
res = SQLRowCount(db.stmt, rCnt)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError(db)
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
except: discard
return res == SQL_SUCCESS
proc rawExec(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
db.prepareFetchDirect(query, args)
proc exec*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Executes the query and raises EDB if not successful.
db.prepareFetchDirect(query, args)
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
proc newRow(L: int): Row {.noSideEFfect.} =
newSeq(result, L)
for i in 0..L-1: result[i] = ""
iterator fastRows*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): Row {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Executes the query and iterates over the result dataset.
## This is very fast, but potentially dangerous. Use this iterator only
## if you require **ALL** the rows.
## Breaking the fastRows() iterator during a loop may cause a driver error
## for subsequenct queries
## Rows are retrieved from the server at each iteration.
rowRes: Row
sz: TSqlSmallInt = 0
cCnt: TSqlSmallInt = 0.TSqlSmallInt
rCnt = -1
db.prepareFetch(query, args)
db.SqlCheck(SQLNumResultCols(db.stmt, cCnt))
db.SqlCheck(SQLRowCount(db.stmt, rCnt))
rowRes = newRow(cCnt)
for rNr in 1..rCnt:
for colId in 1..cCnt:
buf[0] = '\0'
db.SqlCheck(SQLGetData(db.stmt, colId.SqlUSmallInt, SQL_C_CHAR,
cast[cstring](buf.addr), 4095.TSqlSmallInt, sz.addr))
rowRes[colId-1] = $buf.cstring
db.SqlCheck(SQLFetchScroll(db.stmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1))
yield rowRes
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
iterator instantRows*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): InstantRow
{.tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect].} =
## Same as fastRows but returns a handle that can be used to get column text
## on demand using []. Returned handle is valid only within the interator body.
rowRes: Row
sz: TSqlSmallInt = 0
cCnt: TSqlSmallInt = 0.TSqlSmallInt
rCnt = -1
db.prepareFetch(query, args)
db.SqlCheck(SQLNumResultCols(db.stmt, cCnt))
db.SqlCheck(SQLRowCount(db.stmt, rCnt))
rowRes = newRow(cCnt)
for rNr in 1..rCnt:
for colId in 1..cCnt:
buf[0] = '\0'
db.SqlCheck(SQLGetData(db.stmt, colId.SqlUSmallInt, SQL_C_CHAR,
cast[cstring](buf.addr), 4095.TSqlSmallInt, sz.addr))
rowRes[colId-1] = $buf.cstring
db.SqlCheck(SQLFetchScroll(db.stmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1))
yield (row: rowRes, len: cCnt.int)
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
proc `[]`*(row: InstantRow, col: int): string {.inline.} =
## Returns text for given column of the row
proc len*(row: InstantRow): int {.inline.} =
## Returns number of columns in the row
proc getRow*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): Row {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Retrieves a single row. If the query doesn't return any rows, this proc
## will return a Row with empty strings for each column.
sz: TSqlSmallInt = 0.TSqlSmallInt
cCnt: TSqlSmallInt = 0.TSqlSmallInt
rCnt = -1
result = @[]
db.prepareFetch(query, args)
db.SqlCheck(SQLNumResultCols(db.stmt, cCnt))
db.SqlCheck(SQLRowCount(db.stmt, rCnt))
for colId in 1..cCnt:
db.SqlCheck(SQLGetData(db.stmt, colId.SqlUSmallInt, SQL_C_CHAR,
cast[cstring](buf.addr), 4095.TSqlSmallInt, sz.addr))
db.SqlCheck(SQLFetchScroll(db.stmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1))
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
proc getAllRows*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): seq[Row] {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Executes the query and returns the whole result dataset.
rowRes: Row
sz: TSqlSmallInt = 0
cCnt: TSqlSmallInt = 0.TSqlSmallInt
rCnt = -1
db.prepareFetch(query, args)
db.SqlCheck(SQLNumResultCols(db.stmt, cCnt))
db.SqlCheck(SQLRowCount(db.stmt, rCnt))
result = @[]
for rNr in 1..rCnt:
rowRes = @[]
buf[0] = '\0'
for colId in 1..cCnt:
db.SqlCheck(SQLGetData(db.stmt, colId.SqlUSmallInt, SQL_C_CHAR,
cast[SqlPointer](buf.addr), 4095.TSqlSmallInt, sz.addr))
db.SqlCheck(SQLFetchScroll(db.stmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1))
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
iterator rows*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): Row {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Same as `fastRows`, but slower and safe.
## This retrieves ALL rows into memory before
## iterating through the rows.
## Large dataset queries will impact on memory usage.
for r in items(getAllRows(db, query, args)): yield r
proc getValue*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): string {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [].} =
## Executes the query and returns the first column of the first row of the
## result dataset. Returns "" if the dataset contains no rows or the database
## value is NULL.
result = ""
result = getRow(db, query, args)[0]
except: discard
proc tryInsertId*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64 {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [].} =
## Executes the query (typically "INSERT") and returns the
## generated ID for the row or -1 in case of an error.
if not tryExec(db, query, args):
result = -1'i64
echo "DBMS: ",SqlGetDBMS(db).toLower()
result = -1'i64
case SqlGetDBMS(db).toLower():
of "postgresql":
result = getValue(db, sql"SELECT LASTVAL();", []).parseInt
of "mysql":
result = getValue(db, sql"SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();", []).parseInt
of "sqlite":
result = getValue(db, sql"SELECT LAST_INSERT_ROWID();", []).parseInt
of "microsoft sql server":
result = getValue(db, sql"SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();", []).parseInt
of "oracle":
result = getValue(db, sql"SELECT id.currval FROM DUAL;", []).parseInt
else: result = -1'i64
except: discard
proc insertId*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64 {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Executes the query (typically "INSERT") and returns the
## generated ID for the row.
result = tryInsertID(db, query, args)
if result < 0: dbError(db)
proc execAffectedRows*(db: var DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[string, `$`]): int64 {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Runs the query (typically "UPDATE") and returns the
## number of affected rows
result = -1
var res = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.hDb, db.stmt.SqlHandle)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError(db)
var q = dbFormat(query, args)
res = SQLPrepare(db.stmt, q.PSQLCHAR, q.len.TSqlSmallInt)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError(db)
rawExec(db, query, args)
var rCnt = -1
result = SQLRowCount(db.hDb, rCnt)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError(db)
properFreeResult(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
result = rCnt
proc close*(db: var DbConn) {.
tags: [WriteDbEffect], raises: [].} =
## Closes the database connection.
if db.hDb != nil:
var res = SQLDisconnect(db.hDb)
if db.stmt != nil:
res = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, db.stmt)
res = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, db.hDb)
res = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, db.env)
db = (hDb: nil, env: nil, stmt: nil)
proc open*(connection, user, password, database: string): DbConn {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Opens a database connection.
## Raises `EDb` if the connection could not be established.
## Currently the database parameter is ignored,
## but included to match ``open()`` in the other db_xxxxx library modules.
val: TSqlInteger = SQL_OV_ODBC3
resLen = 0
result = (hDb: nil, env: nil, stmt: nil)
# allocate environment handle
var res = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, result.env, result.env)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError("Error: unable to initialise ODBC environment.")
res = SQLSetEnvAttr(result.env,
val, resLen.TSqlInteger)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError("Error: unable to set ODBC driver version.")
# allocate hDb handle
res = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, result.env, result.hDb)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS: dbError("Error: unable to allocate connection handle.")
# Connect: connection = dsn str,
res = SQLConnect(result.hDb,
connection.PSQLCHAR , connection.len.TSqlSmallInt,
user.PSQLCHAR, user.len.TSqlSmallInt,
password.PSQLCHAR, password.len.TSqlSmallInt)
if res != SQL_SUCCESS:
proc setEncoding*(connection: DbConn, encoding: string): bool {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect], raises: [DbError].} =
## Currently not implemented for ODBC.
## Sets the encoding of a database connection, returns true for
## success, false for failure.
#result = set_character_set(connection, encoding) == 0
dbError("setEncoding() is currently not implemented by the db_odbc module")