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path: root/lib/impure/nre/.gitignore
blob: 3d647a25edaa7841fa5edd9e7e5e9410996be585 (plain) (tree)

# all executables

# Wildcard patterns.
id='n184' href='#n184'>184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350

# This module contains the definitions for structures and externs for
# functions used by frontend postgres applications. It is based on
# Postgresql's libpq-fe.h.
# It is for postgreSQL version 7.4 and higher with support for the v3.0
# connection-protocol.

{.deadCodeElim: on.}

when defined(windows): 
    dllName = "libpq.dll"
elif defined(macosx): 
    dllName = "libpq.dylib"
    dllName = "|)"
  POid* = ptr Oid
  Oid* = int32


  TSockAddr* = array[1..112, int8]
  TPGresAttDesc*{.pure, final.} = object 
    name*: cstring
    adtid*: Oid
    adtsize*: int

  PPGresAttDesc* = ptr TPGresAttDesc
  PPPGresAttDesc* = ptr PPGresAttDesc
  TPGresAttValue*{.pure, final.} = object 
    length*: int32
    value*: cstring

  PPGresAttValue* = ptr TPGresAttValue
  PPPGresAttValue* = ptr PPGresAttValue
  PExecStatusType* = ptr TExecStatusType
  TExecStatusType* = enum 
  TPGlobjfuncs*{.pure, final.} = object 
    fn_lo_open*: Oid
    fn_lo_close*: Oid
    fn_lo_creat*: Oid
    fn_lo_unlink*: Oid
    fn_lo_lseek*: Oid
    fn_lo_tell*: Oid
    fn_lo_read*: Oid
    fn_lo_write*: Oid

  PPGlobjfuncs* = ptr TPGlobjfuncs
  PConnStatusType* = ptr TConnStatusType
  TConnStatusType* = enum 
  TPGconn*{.pure, final.} = object 
    pghost*: cstring
    pgtty*: cstring
    pgport*: cstring
    pgoptions*: cstring
    dbName*: cstring
    status*: TConnStatusType
    errorMessage*: array[0..(ERROR_MSG_LENGTH) - 1, char]
    Pfin*: TFile
    Pfout*: TFile
    Pfdebug*: TFile
    sock*: int32
    laddr*: TSockAddr
    raddr*: TSockAddr
    salt*: array[0..(2) - 1, char]
    asyncNotifyWaiting*: int32
    notifyList*: pointer
    pguser*: cstring
    pgpass*: cstring
    lobjfuncs*: PPGlobjfuncs

  PPGconn* = ptr TPGconn
  TPGresult*{.pure, final.} = object 
    ntups*: int32
    numAttributes*: int32
    attDescs*: PPGresAttDesc
    tuples*: PPPGresAttValue
    tupArrSize*: int32
    resultStatus*: TExecStatusType
    cmdStatus*: array[0..(CMDSTATUS_LEN) - 1, char]
    binary*: int32
    conn*: PPGconn

  PPGresult* = ptr TPGresult
  PPostgresPollingStatusType* = ptr PostgresPollingStatusType
  PostgresPollingStatusType* = enum 
  PPGTransactionStatusType* = ptr PGTransactionStatusType
  PGTransactionStatusType* = enum 
  PPGVerbosity* = ptr PGVerbosity
  PGVerbosity* = enum 
  PpgNotify* = ptr pgNotify
  pgNotify*{.pure, final.} = object 
    relname*: cstring
    be_pid*: int32
    extra*: cstring

  PQnoticeReceiver* = proc (arg: pointer, res: PPGresult){.cdecl.}
  PQnoticeProcessor* = proc (arg: pointer, message: cstring){.cdecl.}
  Ppqbool* = ptr pqbool
  pqbool* = char
  P_PQprintOpt* = ptr PQprintOpt
  PQprintOpt*{.pure, final.} = object 
    header*: pqbool
    align*: pqbool
    standard*: pqbool
    html3*: pqbool
    expanded*: pqbool
    pager*: pqbool
    fieldSep*: cstring
    tableOpt*: cstring
    caption*: cstring
    fieldName*: ptr cstring

  P_PQconninfoOption* = ptr PQconninfoOption
  PQconninfoOption*{.pure, final.} = object 
    keyword*: cstring
    envvar*: cstring
    compiled*: cstring
    val*: cstring
    label*: cstring
    dispchar*: cstring
    dispsize*: int32

  PPQArgBlock* = ptr PQArgBlock
  PQArgBlock*{.pure, final.} = object 
    length*: int32
    isint*: int32
    p*: pointer

proc PQconnectStart*(conninfo: cstring): PPGconn{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQconnectStart".}
proc PQconnectPoll*(conn: PPGconn): PostgresPollingStatusType{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQconnectPoll".}
proc PQconnectdb*(conninfo: cstring): PPGconn{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQconnectdb".}
proc PQsetdbLogin*(pghost: cstring, pgport: cstring, pgoptions: cstring, 
                   pgtty: cstring, dbName: cstring, login: cstring, pwd: cstring): PPGconn{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQsetdbLogin".}
proc PQsetdb*(M_PGHOST, M_PGPORT, M_PGOPT, M_PGTTY, M_DBNAME: cstring): ppgconn
proc PQfinish*(conn: PPGconn){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQfinish".}
proc PQconndefaults*(): PPQconninfoOption{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQconndefaults".}
proc PQconninfoFree*(connOptions: PPQconninfoOption){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQconninfoFree".}
proc PQresetStart*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQresetStart".}
proc PQresetPoll*(conn: PPGconn): PostgresPollingStatusType{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQresetPoll".}
proc PQreset*(conn: PPGconn){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQreset".}
proc PQrequestCancel*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQrequestCancel".}
proc PQdb*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQdb".}
proc PQuser*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQuser".}
proc PQpass*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQpass".}
proc PQhost*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQhost".}
proc PQport*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQport".}
proc PQtty*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQtty".}
proc PQoptions*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQoptions".}
proc PQstatus*(conn: PPGconn): TConnStatusType{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQstatus".}
proc PQtransactionStatus*(conn: PPGconn): PGTransactionStatusType{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQtransactionStatus".}
proc PQparameterStatus*(conn: PPGconn, paramName: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQparameterStatus".}
proc PQprotocolVersion*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQprotocolVersion".}
proc PQerrorMessage*(conn: PPGconn): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQerrorMessage".}
proc PQsocket*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
                                      importc: "PQsocket".}
proc PQbackendPID*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQbackendPID".}
proc PQclientEncoding*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQclientEncoding".}
proc PQsetClientEncoding*(conn: PPGconn, encoding: cstring): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQsetClientEncoding".}
when defined(USE_SSL): 
  # Get the SSL structure associated with a connection  
  proc PQgetssl*(conn: PPGconn): PSSL{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
                                       importc: "PQgetssl".}
proc PQsetErrorVerbosity*(conn: PPGconn, verbosity: PGVerbosity): PGVerbosity{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQsetErrorVerbosity".}
proc PQtrace*(conn: PPGconn, debug_port: TFile){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQtrace".}
proc PQuntrace*(conn: PPGconn){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQuntrace".}
proc PQsetNoticeReceiver*(conn: PPGconn, theProc: PQnoticeReceiver, arg: pointer): PQnoticeReceiver{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQsetNoticeReceiver".}
proc PQsetNoticeProcessor*(conn: PPGconn, theProc: PQnoticeProcessor, 
                           arg: pointer): PQnoticeProcessor{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQsetNoticeProcessor".}
proc PQexec*(conn: PPGconn, query: cstring): PPGresult{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQexec".}
proc PQexecParams*(conn: PPGconn, command: cstring, nParams: int32, 
                   paramTypes: POid, paramValues: cstringArray, 
                   paramLengths, paramFormats: ptr int32, resultFormat: int32): PPGresult{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQexecParams".}
proc PQexecPrepared*(conn: PPGconn, stmtName: cstring, nParams: int32, 
                     paramValues: cstringArray, 
                     paramLengths, paramFormats: ptr int32, resultFormat: int32): PPGresult{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQexecPrepared".}
proc PQsendQuery*(conn: PPGconn, query: cstring): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQsendQuery".}
proc PQsendQueryParams*(conn: PPGconn, command: cstring, nParams: int32, 
                        paramTypes: POid, paramValues: cstringArray, 
                        paramLengths, paramFormats: ptr int32, 
                        resultFormat: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQsendQueryParams".}
proc PQsendQueryPrepared*(conn: PPGconn, stmtName: cstring, nParams: int32, 
                          paramValues: cstringArray, 
                          paramLengths, paramFormats: ptr int32, 
                          resultFormat: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQsendQueryPrepared".}
proc PQgetResult*(conn: PPGconn): PPGresult{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQgetResult".}
proc PQisBusy*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
                                      importc: "PQisBusy".}
proc PQconsumeInput*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQconsumeInput".}
proc PQnotifies*(conn: PPGconn): PPGnotify{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQnotifies".}
proc PQputCopyData*(conn: PPGconn, buffer: cstring, nbytes: int32): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQputCopyData".}
proc PQputCopyEnd*(conn: PPGconn, errormsg: cstring): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQputCopyEnd".}
proc PQgetCopyData*(conn: PPGconn, buffer: cstringArray, async: int32): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQgetCopyData".}
proc PQgetline*(conn: PPGconn, str: cstring, len: int32): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQgetline".}
proc PQputline*(conn: PPGconn, str: cstring): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQputline".}
proc PQgetlineAsync*(conn: PPGconn, buffer: cstring, bufsize: int32): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQgetlineAsync".}
proc PQputnbytes*(conn: PPGconn, buffer: cstring, nbytes: int32): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQputnbytes".}
proc PQendcopy*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
                                       importc: "PQendcopy".}
proc PQsetnonblocking*(conn: PPGconn, arg: int32): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQsetnonblocking".}
proc PQisnonblocking*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQisnonblocking".}
proc PQflush*(conn: PPGconn): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQflush".}
proc PQfn*(conn: PPGconn, fnid: int32, result_buf, result_len: ptr int32, 
           result_is_int: int32, args: PPQArgBlock, nargs: int32): PPGresult{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQfn".}
proc PQresultStatus*(res: PPGresult): TExecStatusType{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQresultStatus".}
proc PQresStatus*(status: TExecStatusType): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQresStatus".}
proc PQresultErrorMessage*(res: PPGresult): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQresultErrorMessage".}
proc PQresultErrorField*(res: PPGresult, fieldcode: int32): cstring{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQresultErrorField".}
proc PQntuples*(res: PPGresult): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
                                        importc: "PQntuples".}
proc PQnfields*(res: PPGresult): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
                                        importc: "PQnfields".}
proc PQbinaryTuples*(res: PPGresult): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQbinaryTuples".}
proc PQfname*(res: PPGresult, field_num: int32): cstring{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQfname".}
proc PQfnumber*(res: PPGresult, field_name: cstring): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQfnumber".}
proc PQftable*(res: PPGresult, field_num: int32): Oid{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQftable".}
proc PQftablecol*(res: PPGresult, field_num: int32): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQftablecol".}
proc PQfformat*(res: PPGresult, field_num: int32): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQfformat".}
proc PQftype*(res: PPGresult, field_num: int32): Oid{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQftype".}
proc PQfsize*(res: PPGresult, field_num: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQfsize".}
proc PQfmod*(res: PPGresult, field_num: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQfmod".}
proc PQcmdStatus*(res: PPGresult): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQcmdStatus".}
proc PQoidStatus*(res: PPGresult): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQoidStatus".}
proc PQoidValue*(res: PPGresult): Oid{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
                                       importc: "PQoidValue".}
proc PQcmdTuples*(res: PPGresult): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQcmdTuples".}
proc PQgetvalue*(res: PPGresult, tup_num: int32, field_num: int32): cstring{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQgetvalue".}
proc PQgetlength*(res: PPGresult, tup_num: int32, field_num: int32): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQgetlength".}
proc PQgetisnull*(res: PPGresult, tup_num: int32, field_num: int32): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQgetisnull".}
proc PQclear*(res: PPGresult){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQclear".}
proc PQfreemem*(p: pointer){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQfreemem".}
proc PQmakeEmptyPGresult*(conn: PPGconn, status: TExecStatusType): PPGresult{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQmakeEmptyPGresult".}
proc PQescapeString*(till, `from`: cstring, len: int): int{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQescapeString".}
proc PQescapeBytea*(bintext: cstring, binlen: int, bytealen: var int): cstring{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQescapeBytea".}
proc PQunescapeBytea*(strtext: cstring, retbuflen: var int): cstring{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQunescapeBytea".}
proc PQprint*(fout: TFile, res: PPGresult, ps: PPQprintOpt){.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQprint".}
proc PQdisplayTuples*(res: PPGresult, fp: TFile, fillAlign: int32, 
                      fieldSep: cstring, printHeader: int32, quiet: int32){.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQdisplayTuples".}
proc PQprintTuples*(res: PPGresult, fout: TFile, printAttName: int32, 
                    terseOutput: int32, width: int32){.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQprintTuples".}
proc lo_open*(conn: PPGconn, lobjId: Oid, mode: int32): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "lo_open".}
proc lo_close*(conn: PPGconn, fd: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "lo_close".}
proc lo_read*(conn: PPGconn, fd: int32, buf: cstring, length: int): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "lo_read".}
proc lo_write*(conn: PPGconn, fd: int32, buf: cstring, length: int): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "lo_write".}
proc lo_lseek*(conn: PPGconn, fd: int32, offset: int32, whence: int32): int32{.
    cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "lo_lseek".}
proc lo_creat*(conn: PPGconn, mode: int32): Oid{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "lo_creat".}
proc lo_tell*(conn: PPGconn, fd: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "lo_tell".}
proc lo_unlink*(conn: PPGconn, lobjId: Oid): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "lo_unlink".}
proc lo_import*(conn: PPGconn, filename: cstring): Oid{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "lo_import".}
proc lo_export*(conn: PPGconn, lobjId: Oid, filename: cstring): int32{.cdecl, 
    dynlib: dllName, importc: "lo_export".}
proc PQmblen*(s: cstring, encoding: int32): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, 
    importc: "PQmblen".}
proc PQenv2encoding*(): int32{.cdecl, dynlib: dllName, importc: "PQenv2encoding".}
proc PQsetdb(M_PGHOST, M_PGPORT, M_PGOPT, M_PGTTY, M_DBNAME: cstring): ppgconn = 
  result = PQsetdbLogin(M_PGHOST, M_PGPORT, M_PGOPT, M_PGTTY, M_DBNAME, "", "")