# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## The ``gentabs`` module implements an efficient hash table that is a
## key-value mapping. The keys are required to be strings, but the values
## may be any Nim or user defined type. This module supports matching
## of keys in case-sensitive, case-insensitive and style-insensitive modes.
os, hashes, strutils
GenTableMode* = enum ## describes the table's key matching mode
modeCaseSensitive, ## case sensitive matching of keys
modeCaseInsensitive, ## case insensitive matching of keys
modeStyleInsensitive ## style sensitive matching of keys
GenKeyValuePair[T] = tuple[key: string, val: T]
GenKeyValuePairSeq[T] = seq[GenKeyValuePair[T]]
GenTable*[T] = object of RootObj
counter: int
data: GenKeyValuePairSeq[T]
mode: GenTableMode
PGenTable*[T] = ref GenTable[T] ## use this type to declare hash tables
{.deprecated: [TGenTableMode: GenTableMode, TGenKeyValuePair: GenKeyValuePair,
TGenKeyValuePairSeq: GenKeyValuePairSeq, TGenTable: GenTable].}
growthFactor = 2
startSize = 64
proc len*[T](tbl: PGenTable[T]): int {.inline.} =
## returns the number of keys in `tbl`.
result = tbl.counter
iterator pairs*[T](tbl: PGenTable[T]): tuple[key: string, value: T] =
## iterates over any (key, value) pair in the table `tbl`.
for h in 0..high(tbl.data):
if not isNil(tbl.data[h].key):
yield (tbl.data[h].key, tbl.data[h].val)
proc myhash[T](tbl: PGenTable[T], key: string): Hash =
case tbl.mode
of modeCaseSensitive: result = hashes.hash(key)
of modeCaseInsensitive: result = hashes.hashIgnoreCase(key)
of modeStyleInsensitive: result = hashes.hashIgnoreStyle(key)
proc myCmp[T](tbl: PGenTable[T], a, b: string): bool =
case tbl.mode
of modeCaseSensitive: result = cmp(a, b) == 0
of modeCaseInsensitive: result = cmpIgnoreCase(a, b) == 0
of modeStyleInsensitive: result = cmpIgnoreStyle(a, b) == 0
proc mustRehash(length, counter: int): bool =
assert(length > counter)
result = (length * 2 < counter * 3) or (length - counter < 4)
proc newGenTable*[T](mode: GenTableMode): PGenTable[T] =
## creates a new generic hash table that is empty.
result.mode = mode
result.counter = 0
newSeq(result.data, startSize)
proc nextTry(h, maxHash: Hash): Hash {.inline.} =
result = ((5 * h) + 1) and maxHash
proc rawGet[T](tbl: PGenTable[T], key: string): int =
var h: Hash
h = myhash(tbl, key) and high(tbl.data) # start with real hash value
while not isNil(tbl.data[h].key):
if myCmp(tbl, tbl.data[h].key, key):
return h
h = nextTry(h, high(tbl.data))
result = - 1
proc rawInsert[T](tbl: PGenTable[T], data: var GenKeyValuePairSeq[T],
key: string, val: T) =
var h: Hash
h = myhash(tbl, key) and high(data)
while not isNil(data[h].key):
h = nextTry(h, high(data))
data[h].key = key
data[h].val = val
proc enlarge[T](tbl: PGenTable[T]) =
var n: GenKeyValuePairSeq[T]
newSeq(n, len(tbl.data) * growthFactor)
for i in countup(0, high(tbl.data)):
if not isNil(tbl.data[i].key):
rawInsert[T](tbl, n, tbl.data[i].key, tbl.data[i].val)
swap(tbl.data, n)
proc hasKey*[T](tbl: PGenTable[T], key: string): bool =
## returns true iff `key` is in the table `tbl`.
result = rawGet(tbl, key) >= 0
proc `[]`*[T](tbl: PGenTable[T], key: string): T =
## retrieves the value at ``tbl[key]``. If `key` is not in `tbl`,
## default(T) is returned and no exception is raised. One can check
## with ``hasKey`` whether the key exists.
var index = rawGet(tbl, key)
if index >= 0: result = tbl.data[index].val
proc `[]=`*[T](tbl: PGenTable[T], key: string, val: T) =
## puts a (key, value)-pair into `tbl`.
var index = rawGet(tbl, key)
if index >= 0:
tbl.data[index].val = val
if mustRehash(len(tbl.data), tbl.counter): enlarge(tbl)
rawInsert(tbl, tbl.data, key, val)
when isMainModule:
# Verify tables of integer values (string keys)
var x = newGenTable[int](modeCaseInsensitive)
x["one"] = 1
x["two"] = 2
x["three"] = 3
x["four"] = 4
x["five"] = 5
assert(len(x) == 5) # length procedure works
assert(x["one"] == 1) # case-sensitive lookup works
assert(x["ONE"] == 1) # case-insensitive should work for this table
assert(x["one"]+x["two"] == 3) # make sure we're getting back ints
assert(x.hasKey("one")) # hasKey should return 'true' for a key
# of "one"...
assert(not x.hasKey("NOPE")) # ...but key "NOPE" is not in the table.
for k,v in pairs(x): # make sure the 'pairs' iterator works
# Verify a table of user-defined types
MyType = tuple[first, second: string] # a pair of strings
{.deprecated: [TMyType: MyType].}
var y = newGenTable[MyType](modeCaseInsensitive) # hash table where each
# value is MyType tuple
#var junk: MyType = ("OK", "Here")
#echo junk.first, " ", junk.second
y["Hello"] = ("Hello", "World")
y["Goodbye"] = ("Goodbye", "Everyone")
#y["Hello"] = MyType( ("Hello", "World") )
#y["Goodbye"] = MyType( ("Goodbye", "Everyone") )
assert( not isNil(y["Hello"].first) )
assert( y["Hello"].first == "Hello" )
assert( y["Hello"].second == "World" )
# Verify table of tables
var z: PGenTable[ PGenTable[int] ] # hash table where each value is
# a hash table of ints
z = newGenTable[PGenTable[int]](modeCaseInsensitive)
z["first"] = newGenTable[int](modeCaseInsensitive)
z["first"]["one"] = 1
z["first"]["two"] = 2
z["first"]["three"] = 3
z["second"] = newGenTable[int](modeCaseInsensitive)
z["second"]["red"] = 10
z["second"]["blue"] = 20
assert(len(z) == 2) # length of outer table
assert(len(z["first"]) == 3) # length of "first" table
assert(len(z["second"]) == 2) # length of "second" table
assert( z["first"]["one"] == 1) # retrieve from first inner table
assert( z["second"]["red"] == 10) # retrieve from second inner table
when false:
# disabled: depends on hash order:
var output = ""
for k, v in pairs(z):
output.add( "$# ($#) ->\L" % [k,$len(v)] )
for k2,v2 in pairs(v):
output.add( " $# <-> $#\L" % [k2,$v2] )
let expected = unindent """
first (3) ->
two <-> 2
three <-> 3
one <-> 1
second (2) ->
red <-> 10
blue <-> 20
assert output == expected