# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf, Dominik Picheta
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module implements a simple logger.
## It has been designed to be as simple as possible to avoid bloat.
## If this library does not fulfill your needs, write your own.
## Basic usage
## ===========
## To get started, first create a logger:
## .. code-block::
## import logging
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## The logger that was created above logs to the console, but this module
## also provides loggers that log to files, such as the
## `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_. Creating custom loggers is also possible by
## inheriting from the `Logger<#Logger>`_ type.
## Once a logger has been created, call its `log proc
## <#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_ to log a message:
## .. code-block::
## logger.log(lvlInfo, "a log message")
## # Output: INFO a log message
## The ``INFO`` within the output is the result of a format string being
## prepended to the message, and it will differ depending on the message's
## level. Format strings are `explained in more detail
## here<#basic-usage-format-strings>`_.
## There are six logging levels: debug, info, notice, warn, error, and fatal.
## They are described in more detail within the `Level enum's documentation
## <#Level>`_. A message is logged if its level is at or above both the logger's
## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter. The latter can be changed
## with the `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
## **Warning:**
## * For loggers that log to a console or to files, only error and fatal
## messages will cause their output buffers to be flushed immediately.
## Use the `flushFile proc <io.html#flushFile,File>`_ to flush the buffer
## manually if needed.
## Handlers
## --------
## When using multiple loggers, calling the log proc for each logger can
## become repetitive. Instead of doing that, register each logger that will be
## used with the `addHandler proc<#addHandler,Logger>`_, which is demonstrated
## in the following example:
## .. code-block::
## import logging
## var consoleLog = newConsoleLogger()
## var fileLog = newFileLogger("errors.log", levelThreshold=lvlError)
## var rollingLog = newRollingFileLogger("rolling.log")
## addHandler(consoleLog)
## addHandler(fileLog)
## addHandler(rollingLog)
## After doing this, use either the `log template
## <#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_ or one of the level-specific templates,
## such as the `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_, to log messages
## to all registered handlers at once.
## .. code-block::
## # This example uses the loggers created above
## log(lvlError, "an error occurred")
## error("an error occurred") # Equivalent to the above line
## info("something normal happened") # Will not be written to errors.log
## Note that a message's level is still checked against each handler's
## ``levelThreshold`` and the global log filter.
## Format strings
## --------------
## Log messages are prefixed with format strings. These strings contain
## placeholders for variables, such as ``$time``, that are replaced with their
## corresponding values, such as the current time, before they are prepended to
## a log message. Characters that are not part of variables are unaffected.
## The format string used by a logger can be specified by providing the `fmtStr`
## argument when creating the logger or by setting its `fmtStr` field afterward.
## If not specified, the `default format string<#defaultFmtStr>`_ is used.
## The following variables, which must be prefixed with a dollar sign (``$``),
## are available:
## ============ =======================
## Variable Output
## ============ =======================
## $date Current date
## $time Current time
## $datetime $dateT$time
## $app `os.getAppFilename()<os.html#getAppFilename>`_
## $appname Base name of ``$app``
## $appdir Directory name of ``$app``
## $levelid First letter of log level
## $levelname Log level name
## ============ =======================
## Note that ``$app``, ``$appname``, and ``$appdir`` are not supported when
## using the JavaScript backend.
## The following example illustrates how to use format strings:
## .. code-block::
## import logging
## var logger = newConsoleLogger(fmtStr="[$time] - $levelname: ")
## logger.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
## # Output: [19:50:13] - INFO: this is a message
## Notes when using multiple threads
## ---------------------------------
## There are a few details to keep in mind when using this module within
## multiple threads:
## * The global log filter is actually a thread-local variable, so it needs to
## be set in each thread that uses this module.
## * The list of registered handlers is also a thread-local variable. If a
## handler will be used in multiple threads, it needs to be registered in
## each of those threads.
## See also
## ========
## * `strutils module<strutils.html>`_ for common string functions
## * `strformat module<strformat.html>`_ for string interpolation and formatting
## * `strscans module<strscans.html>`_ for ``scanf`` and ``scanp`` macros, which
## offer easier substring extraction than regular expressions
import strutils, times
when not defined(js):
import os
Level* = enum
## Enumeration of logging levels.
## Debug messages represent the lowest logging level, and fatal error
## messages represent the highest logging level. ``lvlAll`` can be used
## to enable all messages, while ``lvlNone`` can be used to disable all
## messages.
## Typical usage for each logging level, from lowest to highest, is
## described below:
## * **Debug** - debugging information helpful only to developers
## * **Info** - anything associated with normal operation and without
## any particular importance
## * **Notice** - more important information that users should be
## notified about
## * **Warn** - impending problems that require some attention
## * **Error** - error conditions that the application can recover from
## * **Fatal** - fatal errors that prevent the application from continuing
## It is completely up to the application how to utilize each level.
## Individual loggers have a ``levelThreshold`` field that filters out
## any messages with a level lower than the threshold. There is also
## a global filter that applies to all log messages, and it can be changed
## using the `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
lvlAll, ## All levels active
lvlDebug, ## Debug level and above are active
lvlInfo, ## Info level and above are active
lvlNotice, ## Notice level and above are active
lvlWarn, ## Warn level and above are active
lvlError, ## Error level and above are active
lvlFatal, ## Fatal level and above are active
lvlNone ## No levels active; nothing is logged
LevelNames*: array[Level, string] = [
] ## Array of strings representing each logging level.
defaultFmtStr* = "$levelname " ## \
## The default format string.
verboseFmtStr* = "$levelid, [$datetime] -- $appname: " ## \
## A more verbose format string.
## This string can be passed as the ``frmStr`` argument to procs that create
## new loggers, such as the `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_.
## If a different format string is preferred, refer to the
## `documentation about format strings<#basic-usage-format-strings>`_
## for more information, including a list of available variables.
Logger* = ref object of RootObj
## The abstract base type of all loggers.
## Custom loggers should inherit from this type. They should also provide
## their own implementation of the
## `log method<#log.e,Logger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_.
## See also:
## * `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_
## * `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_
## * `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_
levelThreshold*: Level ## Only messages that are at or above this
## threshold will be logged
fmtStr*: string ## Format string to prepend to each log message;
## defaultFmtStr is the default
ConsoleLogger* = ref object of Logger
## A logger that writes log messages to the console.
## Create a new ``ConsoleLogger`` with the `newConsoleLogger proc
## <#newConsoleLogger>`_.
## See also:
## * `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_
## * `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_
useStderr*: bool ## If true, writes to stderr; otherwise, writes to stdout
when not defined(js):
FileLogger* = ref object of Logger
## A logger that writes log messages to a file.
## Create a new ``FileLogger`` with the `newFileLogger proc
## <#newFileLogger,File>`_.
## **Note:** This logger is not available for the JavaScript backend.
## See also:
## * `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_
## * `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_
file*: File ## The wrapped file
RollingFileLogger* = ref object of FileLogger
## A logger that writes log messages to a file while performing log
## rotation.
## Create a new ``RollingFileLogger`` with the `newRollingFileLogger proc
## <#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,int,int>`_.
## **Note:** This logger is not available for the JavaScript backend.
## See also:
## * `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_
## * `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_
maxLines: int # maximum number of lines
curLine : int
baseName: string # initial filename
baseMode: FileMode # initial file mode
logFiles: int # how many log files already created, e.g. basename.1, basename.2...
bufSize: int # size of output buffer (-1: use system defaults, 0: unbuffered, >0: fixed buffer size)
level {.threadvar.}: Level ## global log filter
handlers {.threadvar.}: seq[Logger] ## handlers with their own log levels
proc substituteLog*(frmt: string, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
## Formats a log message at the specified level with the given format string.
## The `format variables<#basic-usage-format-strings>`_ present within
## ``frmt`` will be replaced with the corresponding values before being
## prepended to ``args`` and returned.
## Unless you are implementing a custom logger, there is little need to call
## this directly. Use either a logger's log method or one of the logging
## templates.
## See also:
## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the ConsoleLogger
## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the FileLogger
## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the RollingFileLogger
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
doAssert substituteLog(defaultFmtStr, lvlInfo, "a message") == "INFO a message"
doAssert substituteLog("$levelid - ", lvlError, "an error") == "E - an error"
var msgLen = 0
for arg in args:
msgLen += arg.len
result = newStringOfCap(frmt.len + msgLen + 20)
var i = 0
while i < frmt.len:
if frmt[i] != '$':
var v = ""
let app = when defined(js): "" else: getAppFilename()
while frmt[i] in IdentChars:
case v
of "date": result.add(getDateStr())
of "time": result.add(getClockStr())
of "datetime": result.add(getDateStr() & "T" & getClockStr())
of "app": result.add(app)
of "appdir":
when not defined(js): result.add(app.splitFile.dir)
of "appname":
when not defined(js): result.add(app.splitFile.name)
of "levelid": result.add(LevelNames[level][0])
of "levelname": result.add(LevelNames[level])
else: discard
for arg in args:
method log*(logger: Logger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) {.
raises: [Exception], gcsafe,
tags: [TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], base.} =
## Override this method in custom loggers. The default implementation does
## nothing.
## See also:
## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the ConsoleLogger
## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the FileLogger
## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the RollingFileLogger
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
method log*(logger: ConsoleLogger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs to the console with the given `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_ only.
## This method ignores the list of registered handlers.
## Whether the message is logged depends on both the ConsoleLogger's
## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter set using the
## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
## **Note:** Only error and fatal messages will cause the output buffer
## to be flushed immediately. Use the `flushFile proc
## <io.html#flushFile,File>`_ to flush the buffer manually if needed.
## See also:
## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the FileLogger
## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the RollingFileLogger
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var consoleLog = newConsoleLogger()
## consoleLog.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
## consoleLog.log(lvlError, "error code is: ", 404)
if level >= logging.level and level >= logger.levelThreshold:
let ln = substituteLog(logger.fmtStr, level, args)
when defined(js):
let cln: cstring = ln
{.emit: "console.log(`cln`);".}
var handle = stdout
if logger.useStderr:
handle = stderr
writeLine(handle, ln)
if level in {lvlError, lvlFatal}: flushFile(handle)
except IOError:
proc newConsoleLogger*(levelThreshold = lvlAll, fmtStr = defaultFmtStr, useStderr=false): ConsoleLogger =
## Creates a new `ConsoleLogger<#ConsoleLogger>`_.
## By default, log messages are written to ``stdout``. If ``useStderr`` is
## true, they are written to ``stderr`` instead.
## For the JavaScript backend, log messages are written to the console,
## and ``useStderr`` is ignored.
## See also:
## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,File>`_ that uses a file handle
## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,FileMode,int>`_
## that accepts a filename
## * `newRollingFileLogger proc<#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,int,int>`_
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var normalLog = newConsoleLogger()
## var formatLog = newConsoleLogger(fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
## var errorLog = newConsoleLogger(levelThreshold=lvlError, useStderr=true)
new result
result.fmtStr = fmtStr
result.levelThreshold = levelThreshold
result.useStderr = useStderr
when not defined(js):
method log*(logger: FileLogger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs a message at the specified level using the given
## `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_ only.
## This method ignores the list of registered handlers.
## Whether the message is logged depends on both the FileLogger's
## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter set using the
## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
## **Notes:**
## * Only error and fatal messages will cause the output buffer
## to be flushed immediately. Use the `flushFile proc
## <io.html#flushFile,File>`_ to flush the buffer manually if needed.
## * This method is not available for the JavaScript backend.
## See also:
## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the ConsoleLogger
## * `log method<#log.e,RollingFileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the RollingFileLogger
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var fileLog = newFileLogger("messages.log")
## fileLog.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
## fileLog.log(lvlError, "error code is: ", 404)
if level >= logging.level and level >= logger.levelThreshold:
writeLine(logger.file, substituteLog(logger.fmtStr, level, args))
if level in {lvlError, lvlFatal}: flushFile(logger.file)
proc defaultFilename*(): string =
## Returns the filename that is used by default when naming log files.
## **Note:** This proc is not available for the JavaScript backend.
var (path, name, _) = splitFile(getAppFilename())
result = changeFileExt(path / name, "log")
proc newFileLogger*(file: File,
levelThreshold = lvlAll,
fmtStr = defaultFmtStr): FileLogger =
## Creates a new `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_ that uses the given file handle.
## **Note:** This proc is not available for the JavaScript backend.
## See also:
## * `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_
## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,FileMode,int>`_
## that accepts a filename
## * `newRollingFileLogger proc<#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,int,int>`_
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var messages = open("messages.log", fmWrite)
## var formatted = open("formatted.log", fmWrite)
## var errors = open("errors.log", fmWrite)
## var normalLog = newFileLogger(messages)
## var formatLog = newFileLogger(formatted, fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
## var errorLog = newFileLogger(errors, levelThreshold=lvlError)
result.file = file
result.levelThreshold = levelThreshold
result.fmtStr = fmtStr
proc newFileLogger*(filename = defaultFilename(),
mode: FileMode = fmAppend,
levelThreshold = lvlAll,
fmtStr = defaultFmtStr,
bufSize: int = -1): FileLogger =
## Creates a new `FileLogger<#FileLogger>`_ that logs to a file with the
## given filename.
## ``bufSize`` controls the size of the output buffer that is used when
## writing to the log file. The following values can be provided:
## * ``-1`` - use system defaults
## * ``0`` - unbuffered
## * ``> 0`` - fixed buffer size
## **Note:** This proc is not available for the JavaScript backend.
## See also:
## * `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_
## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,File>`_ that uses a file handle
## * `newRollingFileLogger proc<#newRollingFileLogger,FileMode,int,int>`_
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var normalLog = newFileLogger("messages.log")
## var formatLog = newFileLogger("formatted.log", fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
## var errorLog = newFileLogger("errors.log", levelThreshold=lvlError)
let file = open(filename, mode, bufSize = bufSize)
newFileLogger(file, levelThreshold, fmtStr)
# ------
proc countLogLines(logger: RollingFileLogger): int =
result = 0
let fp = open(logger.baseName, fmRead)
for line in fp.lines():
proc countFiles(filename: string): int =
# Example: file.log.1
result = 0
var (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(filename)
if dir == "":
dir = "."
for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
if kind == pcFile:
let llfn = name & ext & ExtSep
if path.extractFilename.startsWith(llfn):
let numS = path.extractFilename[llfn.len .. ^1]
let num = parseInt(numS)
if num > result:
result = num
except ValueError: discard
proc newRollingFileLogger*(filename = defaultFilename(),
mode: FileMode = fmReadWrite,
levelThreshold = lvlAll,
fmtStr = defaultFmtStr,
maxLines = 1000,
bufSize: int = -1): RollingFileLogger =
## Creates a new `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_.
## Once the current log file being written to contains ``maxLines`` lines,
## a new log file will be created, and the old log file will be renamed.
## ``bufSize`` controls the size of the output buffer that is used when
## writing to the log file. The following values can be provided:
## * ``-1`` - use system defaults
## * ``0`` - unbuffered
## * ``> 0`` - fixed buffer size
## **Note:** This proc is not available in the JavaScript backend.
## See also:
## * `newConsoleLogger proc<#newConsoleLogger>`_
## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,File>`_ that uses a file handle
## * `newFileLogger proc<#newFileLogger,FileMode,int>`_
## that accepts a filename
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var normalLog = newRollingFileLogger("messages.log")
## var formatLog = newRollingFileLogger("formatted.log", fmtStr=verboseFmtStr)
## var shortLog = newRollingFileLogger("short.log", maxLines=200)
## var errorLog = newRollingFileLogger("errors.log", levelThreshold=lvlError)
result.levelThreshold = levelThreshold
result.fmtStr = fmtStr
result.maxLines = maxLines
result.bufSize = bufSize
result.file = open(filename, mode, bufSize=result.bufSize)
result.curLine = 0
result.baseName = filename
result.baseMode = mode
result.logFiles = countFiles(filename)
if mode == fmAppend:
# We need to get a line count because we will be appending to the file.
result.curLine = countLogLines(result)
proc rotate(logger: RollingFileLogger) =
let (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(logger.baseName)
for i in countdown(logger.logFiles, 0):
let srcSuff = if i != 0: ExtSep & $i else: ""
moveFile(dir / (name & ext & srcSuff),
dir / (name & ext & ExtSep & $(i+1)))
method log*(logger: RollingFileLogger, level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs a message at the specified level using the given
## `RollingFileLogger<#RollingFileLogger>`_ only.
## This method ignores the list of registered handlers.
## Whether the message is logged depends on both the RollingFileLogger's
## ``levelThreshold`` field and the global log filter set using the
## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
## **Notes:**
## * Only error and fatal messages will cause the output buffer
## to be flushed immediately. Use the `flushFile proc
## <io.html#flushFile,File>`_ to flush the buffer manually if needed.
## * This method is not available for the JavaScript backend.
## See also:
## * `log method<#log.e,ConsoleLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the ConsoleLogger
## * `log method<#log.e,FileLogger,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## for the FileLogger
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var rollingLog = newRollingFileLogger("messages.log")
## rollingLog.log(lvlInfo, "this is a message")
## rollingLog.log(lvlError, "error code is: ", 404)
if level >= logging.level and level >= logger.levelThreshold:
if logger.curLine >= logger.maxLines:
logger.curLine = 0
logger.file = open(logger.baseName, logger.baseMode, bufSize = logger.bufSize)
writeLine(logger.file, substituteLog(logger.fmtStr, level, args))
if level in {lvlError, lvlFatal}: flushFile(logger.file)
# --------
proc logLoop(level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
for logger in items(handlers):
if level >= logger.levelThreshold:
log(logger, level, args)
template log*(level: Level, args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs a message at the specified level to all registered handlers.
## Whether the message is logged depends on both the FileLogger's
## `levelThreshold` field and the global log filter set using the
## `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_.
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## addHandler(logger)
## log(lvlInfo, "This is an example.")
## See also:
## * `debug template<#debug.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `info template<#info.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `notice template<#notice.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `warn template<#warn.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `fatal template<#fatal.t,varargs[string,]>`_
bind logLoop
bind `%`
bind logging.level
if level >= logging.level:
logLoop(level, args)
template debug*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs a debug message to all registered handlers.
## Debug messages are typically useful to the application developer only,
## and they are usually disabled in release builds, although this template
## does not make that distinction.
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## addHandler(logger)
## debug("myProc called with arguments: foo, 5")
## See also:
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `info template<#info.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `notice template<#notice.t,varargs[string,]>`_
log(lvlDebug, args)
template info*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs an info message to all registered handlers.
## Info messages are typically generated during the normal operation
## of an application and are of no particular importance. It can be useful to
## aggregate these messages for later analysis.
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## addHandler(logger)
## info("Application started successfully.")
## See also:
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `debug template<#debug.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `notice template<#notice.t,varargs[string,]>`_
log(lvlInfo, args)
template notice*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs an notice to all registered handlers.
## Notices are semantically very similar to info messages, but they are meant
## to be messages that the user should be actively notified about, depending
## on the application.
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## addHandler(logger)
## notice("An important operation has completed.")
## See also:
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `debug template<#debug.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `info template<#info.t,varargs[string,]>`_
log(lvlNotice, args)
template warn*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs a warning message to all registered handlers.
## A warning is a non-error message that may indicate impending problems or
## degraded performance.
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## addHandler(logger)
## warn("The previous operation took too long to process.")
## See also:
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `fatal template<#fatal.t,varargs[string,]>`_
log(lvlWarn, args)
template error*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs an error message to all registered handlers.
## Error messages are for application-level error conditions, such as when
## some user input generated an exception. Typically, the application will
## continue to run, but with degraded functionality or loss of data, and
## these effects might be visible to users.
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## addHandler(logger)
## error("An exception occurred while processing the form.")
## See also:
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `warn template<#warn.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `fatal template<#fatal.t,varargs[string,]>`_
log(lvlError, args)
template fatal*(args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
## Logs a fatal error message to all registered handlers.
## Fatal error messages usually indicate that the application cannot continue
## to run and will exit due to a fatal condition. This template only logs the
## message, and it is the application's responsibility to exit properly.
## **Examples:**
## .. code-block::
## var logger = newConsoleLogger()
## addHandler(logger)
## fatal("Can't open database -- exiting.")
## See also:
## * `log template<#log.t,Level,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `warn template<#warn.t,varargs[string,]>`_
## * `error template<#error.t,varargs[string,]>`_
log(lvlFatal, args)
proc addHandler*(handler: Logger) =
## Adds a logger to the list of registered handlers.
## **Warning:** The list of handlers is a thread-local variable. If the given
## handler will be used in multiple threads, this proc should be called in
## each of those threads.
## See also:
## * `getHandlers proc<#getHandlers>`_
var logger = newConsoleLogger()
doAssert logger in getHandlers()
proc getHandlers*(): seq[Logger] =
## Returns a list of all the registered handlers.
## See also:
## * `addHandler proc<#addHandler,Logger>`_
return handlers
proc setLogFilter*(lvl: Level) =
## Sets the global log filter.
## Messages below the provided level will not be logged regardless of an
## individual logger's ``levelThreshold``. By default, all messages are
## logged.
## **Warning:** The global log filter is a thread-local variable. If logging
## is being performed in multiple threads, this proc should be called in each
## thread unless it is intended that different threads should log at different
## logging levels.
## See also:
## * `getLogFilter proc<#getLogFilter>`_
doAssert getLogFilter() == lvlError
level = lvl
proc getLogFilter*(): Level =
## Gets the global log filter.
## See also:
## * `setLogFilter proc<#setLogFilter,Level>`_
return level
# --------------
when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
var L = newConsoleLogger()
when not defined(js):
var fL = newFileLogger("test.log", fmtStr = verboseFmtStr)
var rL = newRollingFileLogger("rolling.log", fmtStr = verboseFmtStr)
for i in 0 .. 25:
info("hello", i)
var nilString: string
info "hello ", nilString