# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module contains basic operating system facilities like
## retrieving environment variables, reading command line arguments,
## working with directories, running shell commands, etc.
{.deadCodeElim: on.}
{.push debugger: off.}
include "system/inclrtl"
strutils, times
when defined(windows):
import winlean
elif defined(posix):
import posix
{.error: "OS module not ported to your operating system!".}
include "system/ansi_c"
ReadEnvEffect* = object of ReadIOEffect ## effect that denotes a read
## from an environment variable
WriteEnvEffect* = object of WriteIOEffect ## effect that denotes a write
## to an environment variable
ReadDirEffect* = object of ReadIOEffect ## effect that denotes a write
## operation to the directory structure
WriteDirEffect* = object of WriteIOEffect ## effect that denotes a write operation to
## the directory structure
OSErrorCode* = distinct int32 ## Specifies an OS Error Code.
{.deprecated: [FReadEnv: ReadEnvEffect, FWriteEnv: WriteEnvEffect,
FReadDir: ReadDirEffect,
FWriteDir: WriteDirEffect,
TOSErrorCode: OSErrorCode
doslike = defined(windows) or defined(OS2) or defined(DOS)
# DOS-like filesystem
when defined(Nimdoc): # only for proper documentation:
CurDir* = '.'
## The constant string used by the operating system to refer to the
## current directory.
## For example: '.' for POSIX or ':' for the classic Macintosh.
ParDir* = ".."
## The constant string used by the operating system to refer to the
## parent directory.
## For example: ".." for POSIX or "::" for the classic Macintosh.
DirSep* = '/'
## The character used by the operating system to separate pathname
## components, for example, '/' for POSIX or ':' for the classic
## Macintosh.
AltSep* = '/'
## An alternative character used by the operating system to separate
## pathname components, or the same as `DirSep` if only one separator
## character exists. This is set to '/' on Windows systems where `DirSep`
## is a backslash.
PathSep* = ':'
## The character conventionally used by the operating system to separate
## search patch components (as in PATH), such as ':' for POSIX or ';' for
## Windows.
FileSystemCaseSensitive* = true
## True if the file system is case sensitive, false otherwise. Used by
## `cmpPaths` to compare filenames properly.
ExeExt* = ""
## The file extension of native executables. For example:
## "" for POSIX, "exe" on Windows.
ScriptExt* = ""
## The file extension of a script file. For example: "" for POSIX,
## "bat" on Windows.
DynlibFormat* = "lib$1.so"
## The format string to turn a filename into a `DLL`:idx: file (also
## called `shared object`:idx: on some operating systems).
elif defined(macos):
CurDir* = ':'
ParDir* = "::"
DirSep* = ':'
AltSep* = Dirsep
PathSep* = ','
FileSystemCaseSensitive* = false
ExeExt* = ""
ScriptExt* = ""
DynlibFormat* = "$1.dylib"
# MacOS paths
# ===========
# MacOS directory separator is a colon ":" which is the only character not
# allowed in filenames.
# A path containing no colon or which begins with a colon is a partial path.
# E.g. ":kalle:petter" ":kalle" "kalle"
# All other paths are full (absolute) paths. E.g. "HD:kalle:" "HD:"
# When generating paths, one is safe if one ensures that all partial paths
# begin with a colon, and all full paths end with a colon.
# In full paths the first name (e g HD above) is the name of a mounted
# volume.
# These names are not unique, because, for instance, two diskettes with the
# same names could be inserted. This means that paths on MacOS are not
# waterproof. In case of equal names the first volume found will do.
# Two colons "::" are the relative path to the parent. Three is to the
# grandparent etc.
elif doslike:
CurDir* = '.'
ParDir* = ".."
DirSep* = '\\' # seperator within paths
AltSep* = '/'
PathSep* = ';' # seperator between paths
FileSystemCaseSensitive* = false
ExeExt* = "exe"
ScriptExt* = "bat"
DynlibFormat* = "$1.dll"
elif defined(PalmOS) or defined(MorphOS):
DirSep* = '/'
AltSep* = Dirsep
PathSep* = ';'
ParDir* = ".."
FileSystemCaseSensitive* = false
ExeExt* = ""
ScriptExt* = ""
DynlibFormat* = "$1.prc"
elif defined(RISCOS):
DirSep* = '.'
AltSep* = '.'
ParDir* = ".." # is this correct?
PathSep* = ','
FileSystemCaseSensitive* = true
ExeExt* = ""
ScriptExt* = ""
DynlibFormat* = "lib$1.so"
else: # UNIX-like operating system
CurDir* = '.'
ParDir* = ".."
DirSep* = '/'
AltSep* = DirSep
PathSep* = ':'
FileSystemCaseSensitive* = true
ExeExt* = ""
ScriptExt* = ""
DynlibFormat* = when defined(macosx): "lib$1.dylib" else: "lib$1.so"
when defined(posix):
when NoFakeVars:
const pathMax = 5000 # doesn't matter really. The concept of PATH_MAX
# doesn't work anymore on modern OSes.
pathMax {.importc: "PATH_MAX", header: "<stdlib.h>".}: cint
ExtSep* = '.'
## The character which separates the base filename from the extension;
## for example, the '.' in ``os.nim``.
proc osErrorMsg*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", deprecated.} =
## Retrieves the operating system's error flag, ``errno``.
## On Windows ``GetLastError`` is checked before ``errno``.
## Returns "" if no error occurred.
## **Deprecated since version 0.9.4**: use the other ``osErrorMsg`` proc.
result = ""
when defined(Windows):
var err = getLastError()
if err != 0'i32:
when useWinUnicode:
var msgbuf: WideCString
if formatMessageW(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200,
nil, err, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
result = $msgbuf
if msgbuf != nil: localFree(cast[pointer](msgbuf))
var msgbuf: cstring
if formatMessageA(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200,
nil, err, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
result = $msgbuf
if msgbuf != nil: localFree(msgbuf)
if errno != 0'i32:
result = $os.strerror(errno)
{.push warning[deprecated]: off.}
proc raiseOSError*(msg: string = "") {.noinline, rtl, extern: "nos$1",
deprecated.} =
## raises an OSError exception with the given message ``msg``.
## If ``msg == ""``, the operating system's error flag
## (``errno``) is converted to a readable error message. On Windows
## ``GetLastError`` is checked before ``errno``.
## If no error flag is set, the message ``unknown OS error`` is used.
## **Deprecated since version 0.9.4**: use the other ``raiseOSError`` proc.
if len(msg) == 0:
var m = osErrorMsg()
raise newException(OSError, if m.len > 0: m else: "unknown OS error")
raise newException(OSError, msg)
when not defined(nimfix):
{.deprecated: [osError: raiseOSError].}
proc `==`*(err1, err2: OSErrorCode): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$`*(err: OSErrorCode): string {.borrow.}
proc osErrorMsg*(errorCode: OSErrorCode): string =
## Converts an OS error code into a human readable string.
## The error code can be retrieved using the ``osLastError`` proc.
## If conversion fails, or ``errorCode`` is ``0`` then ``""`` will be
## returned.
## On Windows, the ``-d:useWinAnsi`` compilation flag can be used to
## make this procedure use the non-unicode Win API calls to retrieve the
## message.
result = ""
when defined(Windows):
if errorCode != OSErrorCode(0'i32):
when useWinUnicode:
var msgbuf: WideCString
if formatMessageW(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200,
nil, errorCode.int32, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
result = $msgbuf
if msgbuf != nil: localFree(cast[pointer](msgbuf))
var msgbuf: cstring
if formatMessageA(0x00000100 or 0x00001000 or 0x00000200,
nil, errorCode.int32, 0, addr(msgbuf), 0, nil) != 0'i32:
result = $msgbuf
if msgbuf != nil: localFree(msgbuf)
if errorCode != OSErrorCode(0'i32):
result = $os.strerror(errorCode.int32)
proc raiseOSError*(errorCode: OSErrorCode) =
## Raises an ``OSError`` exception. The ``errorCode`` will determine the
## message, ``osErrorMsg`` will be used to get this message.
## The error code can be retrieved using the ``osLastError`` proc.
## If the error code is ``0`` or an error message could not be retrieved,
## the message ``unknown OS error`` will be used.
var e: ref OSError; new(e)
e.errorCode = errorCode.int32
e.msg = osErrorMsg(errorCode)
if e.msg == "":
e.msg = "unknown OS error"
raise e
{.push stackTrace:off.}
proc osLastError*(): OSErrorCode =
## Retrieves the last operating system error code.
## This procedure is useful in the event when an OS call fails. In that case
## this procedure will return the error code describing the reason why the
## OS call failed. The ``OSErrorMsg`` procedure can then be used to convert
## this code into a string.
## **Warning**:
## The behaviour of this procedure varies between Windows and POSIX systems.
## On Windows some OS calls can reset the error code to ``0`` causing this
## procedure to return ``0``. It is therefore advised to call this procedure
## immediately after an OS call fails. On POSIX systems this is not a problem.
when defined(windows):
result = OSErrorCode(getLastError())
result = OSErrorCode(errno)
proc unixToNativePath*(path: string, drive=""): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Converts an UNIX-like path to a native one.
## On an UNIX system this does nothing. Else it converts
## '/', '.', '..' to the appropriate things.
## On systems with a concept of "drives", `drive` is used to determine
## which drive label to use during absolute path conversion.
## `drive` defaults to the drive of the current working directory, and is
## ignored on systems that do not have a concept of "drives".
when defined(unix):
result = path
var start: int
if path[0] == '/':
# an absolute path
when doslike:
if drive != "":
result = drive & ":" & DirSep
result = $DirSep
elif defined(macos):
result = "" # must not start with ':'
result = $DirSep
start = 1
elif path[0] == '.' and path[1] == '/':
# current directory
result = $CurDir
start = 2
result = ""
start = 0
var i = start
while i < len(path): # ../../../ --> ::::
if path[i] == '.' and path[i+1] == '.' and path[i+2] == '/':
# parent directory
when defined(macos):
if result[high(result)] == ':':
add result, ':'
add result, ParDir
add result, ParDir & DirSep
inc(i, 3)
elif path[i] == '/':
add result, DirSep
add result, path[i]
when defined(windows):
when useWinUnicode:
template wrapUnary(varname, winApiProc, arg: expr) {.immediate.} =
var varname = winApiProc(newWideCString(arg))
template wrapBinary(varname, winApiProc, arg, arg2: expr) {.immediate.} =
var varname = winApiProc(newWideCString(arg), arg2)
proc findFirstFile(a: string, b: var TWIN32_FIND_DATA): THandle =
result = findFirstFileW(newWideCString(a), b)
template findNextFile(a, b: expr): expr = findNextFileW(a, b)
template getCommandLine(): expr = getCommandLineW()
template getFilename(f: expr): expr =
template findFirstFile(a, b: expr): expr = findFirstFileA(a, b)
template findNextFile(a, b: expr): expr = findNextFileA(a, b)
template getCommandLine(): expr = getCommandLineA()
template getFilename(f: expr): expr = $f.cFilename
proc skipFindData(f: TWIN32_FIND_DATA): bool {.inline.} =
# Note - takes advantage of null delimiter in the cstring
const dot = ord('.')
result = f.cFileName[0].int == dot and (f.cFileName[1].int == 0 or
f.cFileName[1].int == dot and f.cFileName[2].int == 0)
proc existsFile*(filename: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## Returns true if the file exists, false otherwise.
when defined(windows):
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(a, getFileAttributesW, filename)
var a = getFileAttributesA(filename)
if a != -1'i32:
result = (a and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0'i32
var res: TStat
return stat(filename, res) >= 0'i32 and S_ISREG(res.st_mode)
proc existsDir*(dir: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## Returns true iff the directory `dir` exists. If `dir` is a file, false
## is returned.
when defined(windows):
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(a, getFileAttributesW, dir)
var a = getFileAttributesA(dir)
if a != -1'i32:
result = (a and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0'i32
var res: TStat
return stat(dir, res) >= 0'i32 and S_ISDIR(res.st_mode)
proc symlinkExists*(link: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## Returns true iff the symlink `link` exists. Will return true
## regardless of whether the link points to a directory or file.
when defined(windows):
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(a, getFileAttributesW, link)
var a = getFileAttributesA(link)
if a != -1'i32:
result = (a and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0'i32
var res: TStat
return lstat(link, res) >= 0'i32 and S_ISLNK(res.st_mode)
proc fileExists*(filename: string): bool {.inline.} =
## Synonym for existsFile
proc dirExists*(dir: string): bool {.inline.} =
## Synonym for existsDir
proc getLastModificationTime*(file: string): Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Returns the `file`'s last modification time.
when defined(posix):
var res: TStat
if stat(file, res) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
return res.st_mtime
var h = findFirstFile(file, f)
if h == -1'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
result = winTimeToUnixTime(rdFileTime(f.ftLastWriteTime))
proc getLastAccessTime*(file: string): Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Returns the `file`'s last read or write access time.
when defined(posix):
var res: TStat
if stat(file, res) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
return res.st_atime
var h = findFirstFile(file, f)
if h == -1'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
result = winTimeToUnixTime(rdFileTime(f.ftLastAccessTime))
proc getCreationTime*(file: string): Time {.rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Returns the `file`'s creation time.
## Note that under posix OS's, the returned time may actually be the time at
## which the file's attribute's were last modified.
when defined(posix):
var res: TStat
if stat(file, res) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
return res.st_ctime
var h = findFirstFile(file, f)
if h == -1'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
result = winTimeToUnixTime(rdFileTime(f.ftCreationTime))
proc fileNewer*(a, b: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Returns true if the file `a` is newer than file `b`, i.e. if `a`'s
## modification time is later than `b`'s.
when defined(posix):
result = getLastModificationTime(a) - getLastModificationTime(b) >= 0
# Posix's resolution sucks so, we use '>=' for posix.
result = getLastModificationTime(a) - getLastModificationTime(b) > 0
proc getCurrentDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [].} =
## Returns the `current working directory`:idx:.
const bufsize = 512 # should be enough
when defined(windows):
when useWinUnicode:
var res = newWideCString("", bufsize)
var L = getCurrentDirectoryW(bufsize, res)
if L == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
result = res$L
result = newString(bufsize)
var L = getCurrentDirectoryA(bufsize, result)
if L == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
setLen(result, L)
result = newString(bufsize)
if getcwd(result, bufsize) != nil:
setLen(result, c_strlen(result))
proc setCurrentDir*(newDir: string) {.inline, tags: [].} =
## Sets the `current working directory`:idx:; `OSError` is raised if
## `newDir` cannot been set.
when defined(Windows):
when useWinUnicode:
if setCurrentDirectoryW(newWideCString(newDir)) == 0'i32:
if setCurrentDirectoryA(newDir) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if chdir(newDir) != 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
proc joinPath*(head, tail: string): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Joins two directory names to one.
## For example on Unix:
## .. code-block:: nim
## joinPath("usr", "lib")
## results in:
## .. code-block:: nim
## "usr/lib"
## If head is the empty string, tail is returned. If tail is the empty
## string, head is returned with a trailing path separator. If tail starts
## with a path separator it will be removed when concatenated to head. Other
## path separators not located on boundaries won't be modified. More
## examples on Unix:
## .. code-block:: nim
## assert joinPath("usr", "") == "usr/"
## assert joinPath("", "lib") == "lib"
## assert joinPath("", "/lib") == "/lib"
## assert joinPath("usr/", "/lib") == "usr/lib"
if len(head) == 0:
result = tail
elif head[len(head)-1] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
if tail[0] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
result = head & substr(tail, 1)
result = head & tail
if tail[0] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
result = head & tail
result = head & DirSep & tail
proc joinPath*(parts: varargs[string]): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nos$1OpenArray".} =
## The same as `joinPath(head, tail)`, but works with any number of directory
## parts. You need to pass at least one element or the proc will assert in
## debug builds and crash on release builds.
result = parts[0]
for i in 1..high(parts):
result = joinPath(result, parts[i])
proc `/` * (head, tail: string): string {.noSideEffect.} =
## The same as ``joinPath(head, tail)``
## Here are some examples for Unix:
## .. code-block:: nim
## assert "usr" / "" == "usr/"
## assert "" / "lib" == "lib"
## assert "" / "/lib" == "/lib"
## assert "usr/" / "/lib" == "usr/lib"
return joinPath(head, tail)
proc splitPath*(path: string): tuple[head, tail: string] {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Splits a directory into (head, tail), so that
## ``head / tail == path`` (except for edge cases like "/usr").
## Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## splitPath("usr/local/bin") -> ("usr/local", "bin")
## splitPath("usr/local/bin/") -> ("usr/local/bin", "")
## splitPath("bin") -> ("", "bin")
## splitPath("/bin") -> ("", "bin")
## splitPath("") -> ("", "")
var sepPos = -1
for i in countdown(len(path)-1, 0):
if path[i] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
sepPos = i
if sepPos >= 0:
result.head = substr(path, 0, sepPos-1)
result.tail = substr(path, sepPos+1)
result.head = ""
result.tail = path
proc parentDirPos(path: string): int =
var q = 1
if len(path) >= 1 and path[len(path)-1] in {DirSep, AltSep}: q = 2
for i in countdown(len(path)-q, 0):
if path[i] in {DirSep, AltSep}: return i
result = -1
proc parentDir*(path: string): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Returns the parent directory of `path`.
## This is often the same as the ``head`` result of ``splitPath``.
## If there is no parent, "" is returned.
## | Example: ``parentDir("/usr/local/bin") == "/usr/local"``.
## | Example: ``parentDir("/usr/local/bin/") == "/usr/local"``.
let sepPos = parentDirPos(path)
if sepPos >= 0:
result = substr(path, 0, sepPos-1)
result = ""
proc isRootDir*(path: string): bool {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Checks whether a given `path` is a root directory
result = parentDirPos(path) < 0
iterator parentDirs*(path: string, fromRoot=false, inclusive=true): string =
## Walks over all parent directories of a given `path`
## If `fromRoot` is set, the traversal will start from the file system root
## diretory. If `inclusive` is set, the original argument will be included
## in the traversal.
## Relative paths won't be expanded by this proc. Instead, it will traverse
## only the directories appearing in the relative path.
if not fromRoot:
var current = path
if inclusive: yield path
while true:
if current.isRootDir: break
current = current.parentDir
yield current
for i in countup(0, path.len - 2): # ignore the last /
# deal with non-normalized paths such as /foo//bar//baz
if path[i] in {DirSep, AltSep} and
(i == 0 or path[i-1] notin {DirSep, AltSep}):
yield path.substr(0, i)
if inclusive: yield path
proc `/../` * (head, tail: string): string {.noSideEffect.} =
## The same as ``parentDir(head) / tail`` unless there is no parent directory.
## Then ``head / tail`` is performed instead.
let sepPos = parentDirPos(head)
if sepPos >= 0:
result = substr(head, 0, sepPos-1) / tail
result = head / tail
proc normExt(ext: string): string =
if ext == "" or ext[0] == ExtSep: result = ext # no copy needed here
else: result = ExtSep & ext
proc searchExtPos(s: string): int =
# BUGFIX: do not search until 0! .DS_Store is no file extension!
result = -1
for i in countdown(len(s)-1, 1):
if s[i] == ExtSep:
result = i
elif s[i] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
break # do not skip over path
proc splitFile*(path: string): tuple[dir, name, ext: string] {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Splits a filename into (dir, filename, extension).
## `dir` does not end in `DirSep`.
## `extension` includes the leading dot.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## var (dir, name, ext) = splitFile("usr/local/nimc.html")
## assert dir == "usr/local"
## assert name == "nimc"
## assert ext == ".html"
## If `path` has no extension, `ext` is the empty string.
## If `path` has no directory component, `dir` is the empty string.
## If `path` has no filename component, `name` and `ext` are empty strings.
if path.len == 0 or path[path.len-1] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
result = (path, "", "")
var sepPos = -1
var dotPos = path.len
for i in countdown(len(path)-1, 0):
if path[i] == ExtSep:
if dotPos == path.len and i > 0 and
path[i-1] notin {DirSep, AltSep}: dotPos = i
elif path[i] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
sepPos = i
result.dir = substr(path, 0, sepPos-1)
result.name = substr(path, sepPos+1, dotPos-1)
result.ext = substr(path, dotPos)
proc extractFilename*(path: string): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Extracts the filename of a given `path`. This is the same as
## ``name & ext`` from ``splitFile(path)``.
if path.len == 0 or path[path.len-1] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
result = ""
result = splitPath(path).tail
proc expandFilename*(filename: string): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## Returns the full path of `filename`, raises OSError in case of an error.
when defined(windows):
const bufsize = 3072'i32
when useWinUnicode:
var unused: WideCString
var res = newWideCString("", bufsize div 2)
var L = getFullPathNameW(newWideCString(filename), bufsize, res, unused)
if L <= 0'i32 or L >= bufsize:
result = res$L
var unused: cstring
result = newString(bufsize)
var L = getFullPathNameA(filename, bufsize, result, unused)
if L <= 0'i32 or L >= bufsize: raiseOSError(osLastError())
setLen(result, L)
# careful, realpath needs to take an allocated buffer according to Posix:
result = newString(pathMax)
var r = realpath(filename, result)
if r.isNil: raiseOSError(osLastError())
setLen(result, c_strlen(result))
proc changeFileExt*(filename, ext: string): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Changes the file extension to `ext`.
## If the `filename` has no extension, `ext` will be added.
## If `ext` == "" then any extension is removed.
## `Ext` should be given without the leading '.', because some
## filesystems may use a different character. (Although I know
## of none such beast.)
var extPos = searchExtPos(filename)
if extPos < 0: result = filename & normExt(ext)
else: result = substr(filename, 0, extPos-1) & normExt(ext)
proc addFileExt*(filename, ext: string): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Adds the file extension `ext` to `filename`, unless
## `filename` already has an extension.
## `Ext` should be given without the leading '.', because some
## filesystems may use a different character.
## (Although I know of none such beast.)
var extPos = searchExtPos(filename)
if extPos < 0: result = filename & normExt(ext)
else: result = filename
proc cmpPaths*(pathA, pathB: string): int {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Compares two paths.
## On a case-sensitive filesystem this is done
## case-sensitively otherwise case-insensitively. Returns:
## | 0 iff pathA == pathB
## | < 0 iff pathA < pathB
## | > 0 iff pathA > pathB
if FileSystemCaseSensitive:
result = cmp(pathA, pathB)
result = cmpIgnoreCase(pathA, pathB)
proc isAbsolute*(path: string): bool {.rtl, noSideEffect, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Checks whether a given `path` is absolute.
## On Windows, network paths are considered absolute too.
when doslike:
var len = len(path)
result = (len > 1 and path[0] in {'/', '\\'}) or
(len > 2 and path[0] in Letters and path[1] == ':')
elif defined(macos):
result = path.len > 0 and path[0] != ':'
elif defined(RISCOS):
result = path[0] == '$'
elif defined(posix):
result = path[0] == '/'
when defined(Windows):
proc openHandle(path: string, followSymlink=true): THandle =
if not followSymlink:
when useWinUnicode:
result = createFileW(
newWideCString(path), 0'i32,
nil, OPEN_EXISTING, flags, 0
result = createFileA(
path, 0'i32,
nil, OPEN_EXISTING, flags, 0
proc sameFile*(path1, path2: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## Returns True if both pathname arguments refer to the same physical
## file or directory. Raises an exception if any of the files does not
## exist or information about it can not be obtained.
## This proc will return true if given two alternative hard-linked or
## sym-linked paths to the same file or directory.
when defined(Windows):
var success = true
var f1 = openHandle(path1)
var f2 = openHandle(path2)
var lastErr: OSErrorCode
if getFileInformationByHandle(f1, addr(fi1)) != 0 and
getFileInformationByHandle(f2, addr(fi2)) != 0:
result = fi1.dwVolumeSerialNumber == fi2.dwVolumeSerialNumber and
fi1.nFileIndexHigh == fi2.nFileIndexHigh and
fi1.nFileIndexLow == fi2.nFileIndexLow
lastErr = osLastError()
success = false
lastErr = osLastError()
success = false
discard closeHandle(f1)
discard closeHandle(f2)
if not success: raiseOSError(lastErr)
var a, b: TStat
if stat(path1, a) < 0'i32 or stat(path2, b) < 0'i32:
result = a.st_dev == b.st_dev and a.st_ino == b.st_ino
proc sameFileContent*(path1, path2: string): bool {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
## Returns True if both pathname arguments refer to files with identical
## binary content.
bufSize = 8192 # 8K buffer
a, b: File
if not open(a, path1): return false
if not open(b, path2):
return false
var bufA = alloc(bufSize)
var bufB = alloc(bufSize)
while true:
var readA = readBuffer(a, bufA, bufSize)
var readB = readBuffer(b, bufB, bufSize)
if readA != readB:
result = false
if readA == 0:
result = true
result = equalMem(bufA, bufB, readA)
if not result: break
if readA != bufSize: break # end of file
FilePermission* = enum ## file access permission; modelled after UNIX
fpUserExec, ## execute access for the file owner
fpUserWrite, ## write access for the file owner
fpUserRead, ## read access for the file owner
fpGroupExec, ## execute access for the group
fpGroupWrite, ## write access for the group
fpGroupRead, ## read access for the group
fpOthersExec, ## execute access for others
fpOthersWrite, ## write access for others
fpOthersRead ## read access for others
{.deprecated: [TFilePermission: FilePermission].}
proc getFilePermissions*(filename: string): set[FilePermission] {.
rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## retrieves file permissions for `filename`. `OSError` is raised in case of
## an error. On Windows, only the ``readonly`` flag is checked, every other
## permission is available in any case.
when defined(posix):
var a: TStat
if stat(filename, a) < 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
result = {}
if (a.st_mode and S_IRUSR) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpUserRead)
if (a.st_mode and S_IWUSR) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpUserWrite)
if (a.st_mode and S_IXUSR) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpUserExec)
if (a.st_mode and S_IRGRP) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpGroupRead)
if (a.st_mode and S_IWGRP) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpGroupWrite)
if (a.st_mode and S_IXGRP) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpGroupExec)
if (a.st_mode and S_IROTH) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpOthersRead)
if (a.st_mode and S_IWOTH) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpOthersWrite)
if (a.st_mode and S_IXOTH) != 0'i32: result.incl(fpOthersExec)
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(res, getFileAttributesW, filename)
var res = getFileAttributesA(filename)
if res == -1'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if (res and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) != 0'i32:
result = {fpUserExec, fpUserRead, fpGroupExec, fpGroupRead,
fpOthersExec, fpOthersRead}
result = {fpUserExec..fpOthersRead}
proc setFilePermissions*(filename: string, permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirEffect].} =
## sets the file permissions for `filename`. `OSError` is raised in case of
## an error. On Windows, only the ``readonly`` flag is changed, depending on
## ``fpUserWrite``.
when defined(posix):
var p = 0'i32
if fpUserRead in permissions: p = p or S_IRUSR
if fpUserWrite in permissions: p = p or S_IWUSR
if fpUserExec in permissions: p = p or S_IXUSR
if fpGroupRead in permissions: p = p or S_IRGRP
if fpGroupWrite in permissions: p = p or S_IWGRP
if fpGroupExec in permissions: p = p or S_IXGRP
if fpOthersRead in permissions: p = p or S_IROTH
if fpOthersWrite in permissions: p = p or S_IWOTH
if fpOthersExec in permissions: p = p or S_IXOTH
if chmod(filename, p) != 0: raiseOSError(osLastError())
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(res, getFileAttributesW, filename)
var res = getFileAttributesA(filename)
if res == -1'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if fpUserWrite in permissions:
when useWinUnicode:
wrapBinary(res2, setFileAttributesW, filename, res)
var res2 = setFileAttributesA(filename, res)
if res2 == - 1'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
proc copyFile*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].} =
## Copies a file from `source` to `dest`.
## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. On the Windows platform this proc will
## copy the source file's attributes into dest. On other platforms you need
## to use `getFilePermissions() <#getFilePermissions>`_ and
## `setFilePermissions() <#setFilePermissions>`_ to copy them by hand (or use
## the convenience `copyFileWithPermissions() <#copyFileWithPermissions>`_
## proc), otherwise `dest` will inherit the default permissions of a newly
## created file for the user. If `dest` already exists, the file attributes
## will be preserved and the content overwritten.
when defined(Windows):
when useWinUnicode:
let s = newWideCString(source)
let d = newWideCString(dest)
if copyFileW(s, d, 0'i32) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if copyFileA(source, dest, 0'i32) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
# generic version of copyFile which works for any platform:
const bufSize = 8000 # better for memory manager
var d, s: File
if not open(s, source): raiseOSError(osLastError())
if not open(d, dest, fmWrite):
var buf = alloc(bufSize)
while true:
var bytesread = readBuffer(s, buf, bufSize)
if bytesread > 0:
var byteswritten = writeBuffer(d, buf, bytesread)
if bytesread != byteswritten:
if bytesread != bufSize: break
proc moveFile*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].} =
## Moves a file from `source` to `dest`. If this fails, `OSError` is raised.
when defined(Windows):
when useWinUnicode:
let s = newWideCString(source)
let d = newWideCString(dest)
if moveFileW(s, d, 0'i32) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if moveFileA(source, dest, 0'i32) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if c_rename(source, dest) != 0'i32:
raise newException(OSError, $strerror(errno))
when not declared(ENOENT) and not defined(Windows):
when NoFakeVars:
const ENOENT = cint(2) # 2 on most systems including Solaris
var ENOENT {.importc, header: "<errno.h>".}: cint
when defined(Windows):
when useWinUnicode:
template deleteFile(file: expr): expr {.immediate.} = deleteFileW(file)
template setFileAttributes(file, attrs: expr): expr {.immediate.} =
setFileAttributesW(file, attrs)
template deleteFile(file: expr): expr {.immediate.} = deleteFileA(file)
template setFileAttributes(file, attrs: expr): expr {.immediate.} =
setFileAttributesA(file, attrs)
proc removeFile*(file: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirEffect].} =
## Removes the `file`. If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This does not fail
## if the file never existed in the first place.
## On Windows, ignores the read-only attribute.
when defined(Windows):
when useWinUnicode:
let f = newWideCString(file)
let f = file
if deleteFile(f) == 0:
if getLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED:
if setFileAttributes(f, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) == 0:
if deleteFile(f) == 0:
if c_remove(file) != 0'i32 and errno != ENOENT:
raise newException(OSError, $strerror(errno))
proc execShellCmd*(command: string): int {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ExecIOEffect].} =
## Executes a `shell command`:idx:.
## Command has the form 'program args' where args are the command
## line arguments given to program. The proc returns the error code
## of the shell when it has finished. The proc does not return until
## the process has finished. To execute a program without having a
## shell involved, use the `execProcess` proc of the `osproc`
## module.
when defined(linux):
result = c_system(command) shr 8
result = c_system(command)
# Environment handling cannot be put into RTL, because the ``envPairs``
# iterator depends on ``environment``.
envComputed {.threadvar.}: bool
environment {.threadvar.}: seq[string]
when defined(windows):
# because we support Windows GUI applications, things get really
# messy here...
when useWinUnicode:
when defined(cpp):
proc strEnd(cstr: WideCString, c = 0'i32): WideCString {.
importcpp: "(NI16*)wcschr((const wchar_t *)#, #)", header: "<string.h>".}
proc strEnd(cstr: WideCString, c = 0'i32): WideCString {.
importc: "wcschr", header: "<string.h>".}
proc strEnd(cstr: cstring, c = 0'i32): cstring {.
importc: "strchr", header: "<string.h>".}
proc getEnvVarsC() =
if not envComputed:
environment = @[]
when useWinUnicode:
env = getEnvironmentStringsW()
e = env
if e == nil: return # an error occurred
while true:
var eend = strEnd(e)
add(environment, $e)
e = cast[WideCString](cast[ByteAddress](eend)+2)
if eend[1].int == 0: break
discard freeEnvironmentStringsW(env)
env = getEnvironmentStringsA()
e = env
if e == nil: return # an error occurred
while true:
var eend = strEnd(e)
add(environment, $e)
e = cast[cstring](cast[ByteAddress](eend)+1)
if eend[1] == '\0': break
discard freeEnvironmentStringsA(env)
envComputed = true
useNSGetEnviron = defined(macosx)
when useNSGetEnviron:
# From the manual:
# Shared libraries and bundles don't have direct access to environ,
# which is only available to the loader ld(1) when a complete program
# is being linked.
# The environment routines can still be used, but if direct access to
# environ is needed, the _NSGetEnviron() routine, defined in
# <crt_externs.h>, can be used to retrieve the address of environ
# at runtime.
proc NSGetEnviron(): ptr cstringArray {.
importc: "_NSGetEnviron", header: "<crt_externs.h>".}
var gEnv {.importc: "environ".}: cstringArray
proc getEnvVarsC() =
# retrieves the variables of char** env of C's main proc
if not envComputed:
environment = @[]
when useNSGetEnviron:
var gEnv = NSGetEnviron()[]
var i = 0
while true:
if gEnv[i] == nil: break
add environment, $gEnv[i]
envComputed = true
proc findEnvVar(key: string): int =
var temp = key & '='
for i in 0..high(environment):
if startsWith(environment[i], temp): return i
return -1
proc getEnv*(key: string): TaintedString {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
## Returns the value of the `environment variable`:idx: named `key`.
## If the variable does not exist, "" is returned. To distinguish
## whether a variable exists or it's value is just "", call
## `existsEnv(key)`.
var i = findEnvVar(key)
if i >= 0:
return TaintedString(substr(environment[i], find(environment[i], '=')+1))
var env = c_getenv(key)
if env == nil: return TaintedString("")
result = TaintedString($env)
proc existsEnv*(key: string): bool {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
## Checks whether the environment variable named `key` exists.
## Returns true if it exists, false otherwise.
if c_getenv(key) != nil: return true
else: return findEnvVar(key) >= 0
proc putEnv*(key, val: string) {.tags: [WriteEnvEffect].} =
## Sets the value of the `environment variable`:idx: named `key` to `val`.
## If an error occurs, `EInvalidEnvVar` is raised.
# Note: by storing the string in the environment sequence,
# we guarantee that we don't free the memory before the program
# ends (this is needed for POSIX compliance). It is also needed so that
# the process itself may access its modified environment variables!
var indx = findEnvVar(key)
if indx >= 0:
environment[indx] = key & '=' & val
add environment, (key & '=' & val)
indx = high(environment)
when defined(unix):
if c_putenv(environment[indx]) != 0'i32:
when useWinUnicode:
var k = newWideCString(key)
var v = newWideCString(val)
if setEnvironmentVariableW(k, v) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
if setEnvironmentVariableA(key, val) == 0'i32: raiseOSError(osLastError())
iterator envPairs*(): tuple[key, value: TaintedString] {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
## Iterate over all `environments variables`:idx:. In the first component
## of the tuple is the name of the current variable stored, in the second
## its value.
for i in 0..high(environment):
var p = find(environment[i], '=')
yield (TaintedString(substr(environment[i], 0, p-1)),
TaintedString(substr(environment[i], p+1)))
iterator walkFiles*(pattern: string): string {.tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## Iterate over all the files that match the `pattern`. On POSIX this uses
## the `glob`:idx: call.
## `pattern` is OS dependent, but at least the "\*.ext"
## notation is supported.
when defined(windows):
res: int
res = findFirstFile(pattern, f)
if res != -1:
while true:
if not skipFindData(f) and
(f.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0'i32:
yield splitFile(pattern).dir / extractFilename(getFilename(f))
if findNextFile(res, f) == 0'i32: break
else: # here we use glob
f: TGlob
res: int
f.gl_offs = 0
f.gl_pathc = 0
f.gl_pathv = nil
res = glob(pattern, 0, nil, addr(f))
if res == 0:
for i in 0.. f.gl_pathc - 1:
assert(f.gl_pathv[i] != nil)
yield $f.gl_pathv[i]
PathComponent* = enum ## Enumeration specifying a path component.
pcFile, ## path refers to a file
pcLinkToFile, ## path refers to a symbolic link to a file
pcDir, ## path refers to a directory
pcLinkToDir ## path refers to a symbolic link to a directory
{.deprecated: [TPathComponent: PathComponent].}
iterator walkDir*(dir: string): tuple[kind: PathComponent, path: string] {.
tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## walks over the directory `dir` and yields for each directory or file in
## `dir`. The component type and full path for each item is returned.
## Walking is not recursive.
## Example: This directory structure::
## dirA / dirB / fileB1.txt
## / dirC
## / fileA1.txt
## / fileA2.txt
## and this code:
## .. code-block:: Nim
## for kind, path in walkDir("dirA"):
## echo(path)
## produces this output (but not necessarily in this order!)::
## dirA/dirB
## dirA/dirC
## dirA/fileA1.txt
## dirA/fileA2.txt
when defined(windows):
var h = findFirstFile(dir / "*", f)
if h != -1:
while true:
var k = pcFile
if not skipFindData(f):
if (f.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0'i32:
k = pcDir
if (f.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0'i32:
k = succ(k)
yield (k, dir / extractFilename(getFilename(f)))
if findNextFile(h, f) == 0'i32: break
var d = opendir(dir)
if d != nil:
while true:
var x = readdir(d)
if x == nil: break
var y = $x.d_name
if y != "." and y != "..":
var s: TStat
y = dir / y
var k = pcFile
when defined(linux) or defined(macosx) or defined(bsd):
if x.d_type != DT_UNKNOWN:
if x.d_type == DT_DIR: k = pcDir
if x.d_type == DT_LNK: k = succ(k)
yield (k, y)
if lstat(y, s) < 0'i32: break
if S_ISDIR(s.st_mode): k = pcDir
if S_ISLNK(s.st_mode): k = succ(k)
yield (k, y)
discard closedir(d)
iterator walkDirRec*(dir: string, filter={pcFile, pcDir}): string {.
tags: [ReadDirEffect].} =
## walks over the directory `dir` and yields for each file in `dir`. The
## full path for each file is returned.
## **Warning**:
## Modifying the directory structure while the iterator
## is traversing may result in undefined behavior!
## Walking is recursive. `filter` controls the behaviour of the iterator:
## --------------------- ---------------------------------------------
## filter meaning
## --------------------- ---------------------------------------------
## ``pcFile`` yield real files
## ``pcLinkToFile`` yield symbolic links to files
## ``pcDir`` follow real directories
## ``pcLinkToDir`` follow symbolic links to directories
## --------------------- ---------------------------------------------
var stack = @[dir]
while stack.len > 0:
for k,p in walkDir(stack.pop()):
if k in filter:
case k
of pcFile, pcLinkToFile: yield p
of pcDir, pcLinkToDir: stack.add(p)
proc rawRemoveDir(dir: string) =
when defined(windows):
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(res, removeDirectoryW, dir)
var res = removeDirectoryA(dir)
let lastError = osLastError()
if res == 0'i32 and lastError.int32 != 3'i32 and
lastError.int32 != 18'i32 and lastError.int32 != 2'i32:
if rmdir(dir) != 0'i32 and errno != ENOENT: raiseOSError(osLastError())
proc removeDir*(dir: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [
WriteDirEffect, ReadDirEffect], benign.} =
## Removes the directory `dir` including all subdirectories and files
## in `dir` (recursively).
## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This does not fail if the directory never
## existed in the first place.
for kind, path in walkDir(dir):
case kind
of pcFile, pcLinkToFile, pcLinkToDir: removeFile(path)
of pcDir: removeDir(path)
proc rawCreateDir(dir: string) =
when defined(solaris):
if mkdir(dir, 0o777) != 0'i32 and errno != EEXIST and errno != ENOSYS:
elif defined(unix):
if mkdir(dir, 0o777) != 0'i32 and errno != EEXIST:
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(res, createDirectoryW, dir)
var res = createDirectoryA(dir)
if res == 0'i32 and getLastError() != 183'i32:
proc createDir*(dir: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [WriteDirEffect].} =
## Creates the `directory`:idx: `dir`.
## The directory may contain several subdirectories that do not exist yet.
## The full path is created. If this fails, `OSError` is raised. It does **not**
## fail if the path already exists because for most usages this does not
## indicate an error.
var omitNext = false
when doslike:
omitNext = isAbsolute(dir)
for i in 1.. dir.len-1:
if dir[i] in {DirSep, AltSep}:
if omitNext:
omitNext = false
rawCreateDir(substr(dir, 0, i-1))
proc copyDir*(source, dest: string) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], benign.} =
## Copies a directory from `source` to `dest`.
## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. On the Windows platform this proc will
## copy the attributes from `source` into `dest`. On other platforms created
## files and directories will inherit the default permissions of a newly
## created file/directory for the user. To preserve attributes recursively on
## these platforms use `copyDirWithPermissions() <#copyDirWithPermissions>`_.
for kind, path in walkDir(source):
var noSource = path.substr(source.len()+1)
case kind
of pcFile:
copyFile(path, dest / noSource)
of pcDir:
copyDir(path, dest / noSource)
else: discard
proc createSymlink*(src, dest: string) =
## Create a symbolic link at `dest` which points to the item specified
## by `src`. On most operating systems, will fail if a lonk
## **Warning**:
## Some OS's (such as Microsoft Windows) restrict the creation
## of symlinks to root users (administrators).
when defined(Windows):
let flag = dirExists(src).int32
when useWinUnicode:
var wSrc = newWideCString(src)
var wDst = newWideCString(dest)
if createSymbolicLinkW(wDst, wSrc, flag) == 0 or getLastError() != 0:
if createSymbolicLinkA(dest, src, flag) == 0 or getLastError() != 0:
if symlink(src, dest) != 0:
proc createHardlink*(src, dest: string) =
## Create a hard link at `dest` which points to the item specified
## by `src`.
## **Warning**: Most OS's restrict the creation of hard links to
## root users (administrators) .
when defined(Windows):
when useWinUnicode:
var wSrc = newWideCString(src)
var wDst = newWideCString(dest)
if createHardLinkW(wDst, wSrc, nil) == 0:
if createHardLinkA(dest, src, nil) == 0:
if link(src, dest) != 0:
proc parseCmdLine*(c: string): seq[string] {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nos$1".} =
## Splits a command line into several components;
## This proc is only occasionally useful, better use the `parseopt` module.
## On Windows, it uses the following parsing rules
## (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/17w5ykft.aspx ):
## * Arguments are delimited by white space, which is either a space or a tab.
## * The caret character (^) is not recognized as an escape character or
## delimiter. The character is handled completely by the command-line parser
## in the operating system before being passed to the argv array in the
## program.
## * A string surrounded by double quotation marks ("string") is interpreted
## as a single argument, regardless of white space contained within. A
## quoted string can be embedded in an argument.
## * A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash (\") is interpreted as a
## literal double quotation mark character (").
## * Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they immediately precede
## a double quotation mark.
## * If an even number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark,
## one backslash is placed in the argv array for every pair of backslashes,
## and the double quotation mark is interpreted as a string delimiter.
## * If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark,
## one backslash is placed in the argv array for every pair of backslashes,
## and the double quotation mark is "escaped" by the remaining backslash,
## causing a literal double quotation mark (") to be placed in argv.
## On Posix systems, it uses the following parsing rules:
## Components are separated by whitespace unless the whitespace
## occurs within ``"`` or ``'`` quotes.
result = @[]
var i = 0
var a = ""
while true:
setLen(a, 0)
# eat all delimiting whitespace
while c[i] == ' ' or c[i] == '\t' or c [i] == '\l' or c [i] == '\r' : inc(i)
when defined(windows):
# parse a single argument according to the above rules:
if c[i] == '\0': break
var inQuote = false
while true:
case c[i]
of '\0': break
of '\\':
var j = i
while c[j] == '\\': inc(j)
if c[j] == '"':
for k in 1..(j-i) div 2: a.add('\\')
if (j-i) mod 2 == 0:
i = j
i = j+1
of '"':
if not inQuote: inQuote = true
elif c[i] == '"':
inQuote = false
of ' ', '\t':
if not inQuote: break
case c[i]
of '\'', '\"':
var delim = c[i]
inc(i) # skip ' or "
while c[i] != '\0' and c[i] != delim:
add a, c[i]
if c[i] != '\0': inc(i)
of '\0': break
while c[i] > ' ':
add(a, c[i])
add(result, a)
proc copyFileWithPermissions*(source, dest: string,
ignorePermissionErrors = true) =
## Copies a file from `source` to `dest` preserving file permissions.
## This is a wrapper proc around `copyFile() <#copyFile>`_,
## `getFilePermissions() <#getFilePermissions>`_ and `setFilePermissions()
## <#setFilePermissions>`_ on non Windows platform. On Windows this proc is
## just a wrapper for `copyFile() <#copyFile>`_ since that proc already
## copies attributes.
## On non Windows systems permissions are copied after the file itself has
## been copied, which won't happen atomically and could lead to a race
## condition. If `ignorePermissionErrors` is true, errors while
## reading/setting file attributes will be ignored, otherwise will raise
## `OSError`.
copyFile(source, dest)
when not defined(Windows):
setFilePermissions(dest, getFilePermissions(source))
if not ignorePermissionErrors:
proc copyDirWithPermissions*(source, dest: string,
ignorePermissionErrors = true) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadIOEffect], benign.} =
## Copies a directory from `source` to `dest` preserving file permissions.
## If this fails, `OSError` is raised. This is a wrapper proc around `copyDir()
## <#copyDir>`_ and `copyFileWithPermissions() <#copyFileWithPermissions>`_
## on non Windows platforms. On Windows this proc is just a wrapper for
## `copyDir() <#copyDir>`_ since that proc already copies attributes.
## On non Windows systems permissions are copied after the file or directory
## itself has been copied, which won't happen atomically and could lead to a
## race condition. If `ignorePermissionErrors` is true, errors while
## reading/setting file attributes will be ignored, otherwise will raise
## `OSError`.
when not defined(Windows):
setFilePermissions(dest, getFilePermissions(source))
if not ignorePermissionErrors:
for kind, path in walkDir(source):
var noSource = path.substr(source.len()+1)
case kind
of pcFile:
copyFileWithPermissions(path, dest / noSource, ignorePermissionErrors)
of pcDir:
copyDirWithPermissions(path, dest / noSource, ignorePermissionErrors)
else: discard
proc inclFilePermissions*(filename: string,
permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect].} =
## a convenience procedure for:
## .. code-block:: nim
## setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)+permissions)
setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)+permissions)
proc exclFilePermissions*(filename: string,
permissions: set[FilePermission]) {.
rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadDirEffect, WriteDirEffect].} =
## a convenience procedure for:
## .. code-block:: nim
## setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)-permissions)
setFilePermissions(filename, getFilePermissions(filename)-permissions)
proc getHomeDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
## Returns the home directory of the current user.
## This proc is wrapped by the expandTilde proc for the convenience of
## processing paths coming from user configuration files.
when defined(windows): return string(getEnv("USERPROFILE")) & "\\"
else: return string(getEnv("HOME")) & "/"
proc getConfigDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
## Returns the config directory of the current user for applications.
when defined(windows): return string(getEnv("APPDATA")) & "\\"
else: return string(getEnv("HOME")) & "/.config/"
proc getTempDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadEnvEffect].} =
## Returns the temporary directory of the current user for applications to
## save temporary files in.
when defined(windows): return string(getEnv("TEMP")) & "\\"
else: return "/tmp/"
when defined(nimdoc):
# Common forward declaration docstring block for parameter retrieval procs.
proc paramCount*(): int {.tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
## Returns the number of `command line arguments`:idx: given to the
## application.
## If your binary was called without parameters this will return zero. You
## can later query each individual paramater with `paramStr() <#paramStr>`_
## or retrieve all of them in one go with `commandLineParams()
## <#commandLineParams>`_.
## **Availability**: On Posix there is no portable way to get the command
## line from a DLL and thus the proc isn't defined in this environment. You
## can test for its availability with `declared() <system.html#declared>`_.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## when declared(paramCount):
## # Use paramCount() here
## else:
## # Do something else!
proc paramStr*(i: int): TaintedString {.tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
## Returns the `i`-th `command line argument`:idx: given to the application.
## `i` should be in the range `1..paramCount()`, the `EInvalidIndex`
## exception will be raised for invalid values. Instead of iterating over
## `paramCount() <#paramCount>`_ with this proc you can call the
## convenience `commandLineParams() <#commandLineParams>`_.
## It is possible to call ``paramStr(0)`` but this will return OS specific
## contents (usually the name of the invoked executable). You should avoid
## this and call `getAppFilename() <#getAppFilename>`_ instead.
## **Availability**: On Posix there is no portable way to get the command
## line from a DLL and thus the proc isn't defined in this environment. You
## can test for its availability with `declared() <system.html#declared>`_.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## when declared(paramStr):
## # Use paramStr() here
## else:
## # Do something else!
elif defined(windows):
# Since we support GUI applications with Nim, we sometimes generate
# a WinMain entry proc. But a WinMain proc has no access to the parsed
# command line arguments. The way to get them differs. Thus we parse them
# ourselves. This has the additional benefit that the program's behaviour
# is always the same -- independent of the used C compiler.
ownArgv {.threadvar.}: seq[string]
proc paramCount*(): int {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
# Docstring in nimdoc block.
if isNil(ownArgv): ownArgv = parseCmdLine($getCommandLine())
result = ownArgv.len-1
proc paramStr*(i: int): TaintedString {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
# Docstring in nimdoc block.
if isNil(ownArgv): ownArgv = parseCmdLine($getCommandLine())
return TaintedString(ownArgv[i])
elif not defined(createNimRtl):
# On Posix, there is no portable way to get the command line from a DLL.
cmdCount {.importc: "cmdCount".}: cint
cmdLine {.importc: "cmdLine".}: cstringArray
proc paramStr*(i: int): TaintedString {.tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
# Docstring in nimdoc block.
if i < cmdCount and i >= 0: return TaintedString($cmdLine[i])
raise newException(IndexError, "invalid index")
proc paramCount*(): int {.tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
# Docstring in nimdoc block.
result = cmdCount-1
when declared(paramCount) or defined(nimdoc):
proc commandLineParams*(): seq[TaintedString] =
## Convenience proc which returns the command line parameters.
## This returns **only** the parameters. If you want to get the application
## executable filename, call `getAppFilename() <#getAppFilename>`_.
## **Availability**: On Posix there is no portable way to get the command
## line from a DLL and thus the proc isn't defined in this environment. You
## can test for its availability with `declared() <system.html#declared>`_.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## when declared(commandLineParams):
## # Use commandLineParams() here
## else:
## # Do something else!
result = @[]
for i in 1..paramCount():
when defined(linux) or defined(solaris) or defined(bsd) or defined(aix):
proc getApplAux(procPath: string): string =
result = newString(256)
var len = readlink(procPath, result, 256)
if len > 256:
result = newString(len+1)
len = readlink(procPath, result, len)
setLen(result, len)
when not (defined(windows) or defined(macosx)):
proc getApplHeuristic(): string =
when declared(paramStr):
result = string(paramStr(0))
# POSIX guaranties that this contains the executable
# as it has been executed by the calling process
if len(result) > 0 and result[0] != DirSep: # not an absolute path?
# iterate over any path in the $PATH environment variable
for p in split(string(getEnv("PATH")), {PathSep}):
var x = joinPath(p, result)
if existsFile(x): return x
result = ""
when defined(macosx):
cuint32* {.importc: "unsigned int", nodecl.} = int
## This is the same as the type ``uint32_t`` in *C*.
# a really hacky solution: since we like to include 2 headers we have to
# define two procs which in reality are the same
proc getExecPath1(c: cstring, size: var cuint32) {.
importc: "_NSGetExecutablePath", header: "<sys/param.h>".}
proc getExecPath2(c: cstring, size: var cuint32): bool {.
importc: "_NSGetExecutablePath", header: "<mach-o/dyld.h>".}
proc getAppFilename*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
## Returns the filename of the application's executable.
## This procedure will resolve symlinks.
## **Note**: This does not work reliably on BSD.
# Linux: /proc/<pid>/exe
# Solaris:
# /proc/<pid>/object/a.out (filename only)
# /proc/<pid>/path/a.out (complete pathname)
# *BSD (and maybe Darwin too):
# /proc/<pid>/file
when defined(windows):
when useWinUnicode:
var buf = cast[WideCString](alloc(256*2))
var len = getModuleFileNameW(0, buf, 256)
result = buf$len
result = newString(256)
var len = getModuleFileNameA(0, result, 256)
setlen(result, int(len))
elif defined(linux) or defined(aix):
result = getApplAux("/proc/self/exe")
if result.len == 0: result = getApplHeuristic()
elif defined(solaris):
result = getApplAux("/proc/" & $getpid() & "/path/a.out")
if result.len == 0: result = getApplHeuristic()
elif defined(freebsd):
result = getApplAux("/proc/" & $getpid() & "/file")
if result.len == 0: result = getApplHeuristic()
elif defined(macosx):
var size: cuint32
getExecPath1(nil, size)
result = newString(int(size))
if getExecPath2(result, size):
result = "" # error!
if result.len > 0:
result = result.expandFilename
# little heuristic that may work on other POSIX-like systems:
result = string(getEnv("_"))
if result.len == 0: result = getApplHeuristic()
proc getApplicationFilename*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", deprecated.} =
## Returns the filename of the application's executable.
## **Deprecated since version 0.8.12**: use ``getAppFilename``
## instead.
result = getAppFilename()
proc getApplicationDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", deprecated.} =
## Returns the directory of the application's executable.
## **Deprecated since version 0.8.12**: use ``getAppDir``
## instead.
result = splitFile(getAppFilename()).dir
proc getAppDir*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
## Returns the directory of the application's executable.
## **Note**: This does not work reliably on BSD.
result = splitFile(getAppFilename()).dir
proc sleep*(milsecs: int) {.rtl, extern: "nos$1", tags: [TimeEffect].} =
## sleeps `milsecs` milliseconds.
when defined(windows):
var a, b: Ttimespec
a.tv_sec = Time(milsecs div 1000)
a.tv_nsec = (milsecs mod 1000) * 1000 * 1000
discard posix.nanosleep(a, b)
proc getFileSize*(file: string): BiggestInt {.rtl, extern: "nos$1",
tags: [ReadIOEffect].} =
## returns the file size of `file`. Can raise ``OSError``.
when defined(windows):
var resA = findFirstFile(file, a)
if resA == -1: raiseOSError(osLastError())
result = rdFileSize(a)
var f: File
if open(f, file):
result = getFileSize(f)
else: raiseOSError(osLastError())
proc expandTilde*(path: string): string {.tags: [ReadEnvEffect].}
proc findExe*(exe: string): string {.tags: [ReadDirEffect, ReadEnvEffect].} =
## Searches for `exe` in the current working directory and then
## in directories listed in the ``PATH`` environment variable.
## Returns "" if the `exe` cannot be found. On DOS-like platforms, `exe`
## is added the `ExeExt <#ExeExt>`_ file extension if it has none.
result = addFileExt(exe, os.ExeExt)
if existsFile(result): return
var path = string(os.getEnv("PATH"))
for candidate in split(path, PathSep):
when defined(windows):
var x = candidate / result
var x = expandTilde(candidate) / result
if existsFile(x): return x
result = ""
proc expandTilde*(path: string): string =
## Expands a path starting with ``~/`` to a full path.
## If `path` starts with the tilde character and is followed by `/` or `\\`
## this proc will return the reminder of the path appended to the result of
## the getHomeDir() proc, otherwise the input path will be returned without
## modification.
## The behaviour of this proc is the same on the Windows platform despite not
## having this convention. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## let configFile = expandTilde("~" / "appname.cfg")
## echo configFile
## # --> C:\Users\amber\appname.cfg
if len(path) > 1 and path[0] == '~' and (path[1] == '/' or path[1] == '\\'):
result = getHomeDir() / path[2..len(path)-1]
result = path
when defined(Windows):
DeviceId* = int32
FileId* = int64
DeviceId* = TDev
FileId* = Tino
FileInfo* = object
## Contains information associated with a file object.
id*: tuple[device: DeviceId, file: FileId] # Device and file id.
kind*: PathComponent # Kind of file object - directory, symlink, etc.
size*: BiggestInt # Size of file.
permissions*: set[FilePermission] # File permissions
linkCount*: BiggestInt # Number of hard links the file object has.
lastAccessTime*: Time # Time file was last accessed.
lastWriteTime*: Time # Time file was last modified/written to.
creationTime*: Time # Time file was created. Not supported on all systems!
template rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, formalInfo): expr =
## Transforms the native file info structure into the one nim uses.
## 'rawInfo' is either a 'TBY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION' structure on Windows,
## or a 'TStat' structure on posix
when defined(Windows):
template toTime(e): expr = winTimeToUnixTime(rdFileTime(e))
template merge(a, b): expr = a or (b shl 32)
formalInfo.id.device = rawInfo.dwVolumeSerialNumber
formalInfo.id.file = merge(rawInfo.nFileIndexLow, rawInfo.nFileIndexHigh)
formalInfo.size = merge(rawInfo.nFileSizeLow, rawInfo.nFileSizeHigh)
formalInfo.linkCount = rawInfo.nNumberOfLinks
formalInfo.lastAccessTime = toTime(rawInfo.ftLastAccessTime)
formalInfo.lastWriteTime = toTime(rawInfo.ftLastWriteTime)
formalInfo.creationTime = toTime(rawInfo.ftCreationTime)
# Retrieve basic permissions
if (rawInfo.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) != 0'i32:
formalInfo.permissions = {fpUserExec, fpUserRead, fpGroupExec,
fpGroupRead, fpOthersExec, fpOthersRead}
result.permissions = {fpUserExec..fpOthersRead}
# Retrieve basic file kind
result.kind = pcFile
if (rawInfo.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0'i32:
formalInfo.kind = pcDir
if (rawInfo.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0'i32:
formalInfo.kind = succ(result.kind)
template checkAndIncludeMode(rawMode, formalMode: expr) =
if (rawInfo.st_mode and rawMode) != 0'i32:
formalInfo.id = (rawInfo.st_dev, rawInfo.st_ino)
formalInfo.size = rawInfo.st_size
formalInfo.linkCount = rawInfo.st_Nlink
formalInfo.lastAccessTime = rawInfo.st_atime
formalInfo.lastWriteTime = rawInfo.st_mtime
formalInfo.creationTime = rawInfo.st_ctime
result.permissions = {}
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IRUSR, fpUserRead)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IWUSR, fpUserWrite)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IXUSR, fpUserExec)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IRGRP, fpGroupRead)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IWGRP, fpGroupWrite)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IXGRP, fpGroupExec)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IROTH, fpOthersRead)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IWOTH, fpOthersWrite)
checkAndIncludeMode(S_IXOTH, fpOthersExec)
formalInfo.kind = pcFile
if S_ISDIR(rawInfo.st_mode): formalInfo.kind = pcDir
if S_ISLNK(rawInfo.st_mode): formalInfo.kind.inc()
proc getFileInfo*(handle: FileHandle): FileInfo =
## Retrieves file information for the file object represented by the given
## handle.
## If the information cannot be retrieved, such as when the file handle
## is invalid, an error will be thrown.
# Done: ID, Kind, Size, Permissions, Link Count
when defined(Windows):
# We have to use the super special '_get_osfhandle' call (wrapped above)
# To transform the C file descripter to a native file handle.
var realHandle = get_osfhandle(handle)
if getFileInformationByHandle(realHandle, addr rawInfo) == 0:
rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, result)
var rawInfo: TStat
if fstat(handle, rawInfo) < 0'i32:
rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, result)
proc getFileInfo*(file: File): FileInfo =
if file.isNil:
raise newException(IOError, "File is nil")
result = getFileInfo(file.getFileHandle())
proc getFileInfo*(path: string, followSymlink = true): FileInfo =
## Retrieves file information for the file object pointed to by `path`.
## Due to intrinsic differences between operating systems, the information
## contained by the returned `FileInfo` structure will be slightly different
## across platforms, and in some cases, incomplete or inaccurate.
## When `followSymlink` is true, symlinks are followed and the information
## retrieved is information related to the symlink's target. Otherwise,
## information on the symlink itself is retrieved.
## If the information cannot be retrieved, such as when the path doesn't
## exist, or when permission restrictions prevent the program from retrieving
## file information, an error will be thrown.
when defined(Windows):
handle = openHandle(path, followSymlink)
if getFileInformationByHandle(handle, addr rawInfo) == 0:
rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, result)
discard closeHandle(handle)
var rawInfo: TStat
if followSymlink:
if stat(path, rawInfo) < 0'i32:
if lstat(path, rawInfo) < 0'i32:
rawToFormalFileInfo(rawInfo, result)
proc isHidden*(path: string): bool =
## Determines whether a given path is hidden or not. Returns false if the
## file doesn't exist. The given path must be accessible from the current
## working directory of the program.
## On Windows, a file is hidden if the file's 'hidden' attribute is set.
## On Unix-like systems, a file is hidden if it starts with a '.' (period)
## and is not *just* '.' or '..' ' ."
when defined(Windows):
when useWinUnicode:
wrapUnary(attributes, getFileAttributesW, path)
var attributes = getFileAttributesA(path)
if attributes != -1'i32:
result = (attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) != 0'i32
if fileExists(path):
fileName = extractFilename(path)
nameLen = len(fileName)
if nameLen == 2:
result = (fileName[0] == '.') and (fileName[1] != '.')
elif nameLen > 2:
result = (fileName[0] == '.') and (fileName[3] != '.')