# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## Nim's standard random number generator. Based on the ``xoroshiro128+`` (xor/rotate/shift/rotate) library.
## * More information: http://xoroshiro.di.unimi.it/
## * C implementation: http://xoroshiro.di.unimi.it/xoroshiro128plus.c
## Do not use this module for cryptographic use!
include "system/inclrtl"
{.push debugger:off.}
# XXX Expose RandomGenState
when defined(JS):
type ui = uint32
const randMax = 4_294_967_295u32
type ui = uint64
const randMax = 18_446_744_073_709_551_615u64
RandomGenState = object
a0, a1: ui
when defined(JS):
var state = RandomGenState(
a0: 0x69B4C98Cu32,
a1: 0xFED1DD30u32) # global for backwards compatibility
# racy for multi-threading but good enough for now:
var state = RandomGenState(
a0: 0x69B4C98CB8530805u64,
a1: 0xFED1DD3004688D67CAu64) # global for backwards compatibility
proc rotl(x, k: ui): ui =
result = (x shl k) or (x shr (ui(64) - k))
proc next(s: var RandomGenState): uint64 =
let s0 = s.a0
var s1 = s.a1
result = s0 + s1
s1 = s1 xor s0
s.a0 = rotl(s0, 55) xor s1 xor (s1 shl 14) # a, b
s.a1 = rotl(s1, 36) # c
proc skipRandomNumbers(s: var RandomGenState) =
## This is the jump function for the generator. It is equivalent
## to 2^64 calls to next(); it can be used to generate 2^64
## non-overlapping subsequences for parallel computations.
when defined(JS):
const helper = [0xbeac0467u32, 0xd86b048bu32]
const helper = [0xbeac0467eba5facbu64, 0xd86b048b86aa9922u64]
s0 = ui 0
s1 = ui 0
for i in 0..high(helper):
for b in 0..< 64:
if (helper[i] and (ui(1) shl ui(b))) != 0:
s0 = s0 xor s.a0
s1 = s1 xor s.a1
discard next(s)
s.a0 = s0
s.a1 = s1
proc random*(max: int): int {.benign.} =
## Returns a random number in the range 0..max-1. The sequence of
## random number is always the same, unless `randomize` is called
## which initializes the random number generator with a "random"
## number, i.e. a tickcount.
while true:
let x = next(state)
if x < randMax - (randMax mod ui(max)):
return int(x mod uint64(max))
proc random*(max: float): float {.benign.} =
## Returns a random number in the range 0..<max. The sequence of
## random number is always the same, unless `randomize` is called
## which initializes the random number generator with a "random"
## number, i.e. a tickcount.
let x = next(state)
when defined(JS):
result = (float(x) / float(high(uint32))) * max
let u = (0x3FFu64 shl 52u64) or (x shr 12u64)
result = (cast[float](u) - 1.0) * max
proc random*[T](x: HSlice[T, T]): T =
## For a slice `a .. b` returns a value in the range `a .. b-1`.
result = T(random(x.b - x.a)) + x.a
proc random*[T](a: openArray[T]): T =
## returns a random element from the openarray `a`.
result = a[random(a.low..a.len)]
proc randomize*(seed: int64) {.benign.} =
## Initializes the random number generator with a specific seed.
state.a0 = ui(seed shr 16)
state.a1 = ui(seed and 0xffff)
discard next(state)
proc shuffle*[T](x: var openArray[T]) =
## Will randomly swap the positions of elements in a sequence.
for i in countdown(x.high, 1):
let j = random(i + 1)
swap(x[i], x[j])
when not defined(nimscript):
import times
proc randomize*() {.benign.} =
## Initializes the random number generator with a "random"
## number, i.e. a tickcount. Note: Does not work for NimScript.
when defined(JS):
proc getMil(t: Time): int {.importcpp: "getTime", nodecl.}
randomize(getMil times.getTime())
let time = int64(times.epochTime() * 1_000_000_000)
when isMainModule:
proc main =
var occur: array[1000, int]
var x = 8234
for i in 0..100_000:
x = random(len(occur)) # myrand(x)
inc occur[x]
for i, oc in occur:
if oc < 69:
doAssert false, "too few occurrences of " & $i
elif oc > 130:
doAssert false, "too many occurrences of " & $i
var a = [0, 1]
doAssert a[0] == 1
doAssert a[1] == 0