# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module contains various string utility routines.
## See the module `re <re.html>`_ for regular expression support.
## See the module `pegs <pegs.html>`_ for PEG support.
## This module is available for the `JavaScript target
## <backends.html#the-javascript-target>`_.
import parseutils
{.deadCodeElim: on.}
{.push debugger:off .} # the user does not want to trace a part
# of the standard library!
include "system/inclrtl"
TCharSet* {.deprecated.} = set[char] # for compatibility with Nim
Whitespace* = {' ', '\t', '\v', '\r', '\l', '\f'}
## All the characters that count as whitespace.
Letters* = {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'}
## the set of letters
Digits* = {'0'..'9'}
## the set of digits
HexDigits* = {'0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'}
## the set of hexadecimal digits
IdentChars* = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_'}
## the set of characters an identifier can consist of
IdentStartChars* = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_'}
## the set of characters an identifier can start with
NewLines* = {'\13', '\10'}
## the set of characters a newline terminator can start with
AllChars* = {'\x00'..'\xFF'}
## A set with all the possible characters.
## Not very useful by its own, you can use it to create *inverted* sets to
## make the `find() proc <#find,string,set[char],int>`_ find **invalid**
## characters in strings. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## let invalid = AllChars - Digits
## doAssert "01234".find(invalid) == -1
## doAssert "01A34".find(invalid) == 2
proc toLower*(c: char): char {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuToLowerChar".} =
## Converts `c` into lower case.
## This works only for the letters ``A-Z``. See `unicode.toLower
## <unicode.html#toLower>`_ for a version that works for any Unicode
## character.
if c in {'A'..'Z'}:
result = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A')))
result = c
proc toLower*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuToLowerStr".} =
## Converts `s` into lower case.
## This works only for the letters ``A-Z``. See `unicode.toLower
## <unicode.html#toLower>`_ for a version that works for any Unicode
## character.
result = newString(len(s))
for i in 0..len(s) - 1:
result[i] = toLower(s[i])
proc toUpper*(c: char): char {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuToUpperChar".} =
## Converts `c` into upper case.
## This works only for the letters ``A-Z``. See `unicode.toUpper
## <unicode.html#toUpper>`_ for a version that works for any Unicode
## character.
if c in {'a'..'z'}:
result = chr(ord(c) - (ord('a') - ord('A')))
result = c
proc toUpper*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuToUpperStr".} =
## Converts `s` into upper case.
## This works only for the letters ``A-Z``. See `unicode.toUpper
## <unicode.html#toUpper>`_ for a version that works for any Unicode
## character.
result = newString(len(s))
for i in 0..len(s) - 1:
result[i] = toUpper(s[i])
proc capitalize*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuCapitalize".} =
## Converts the first character of `s` into upper case.
## This works only for the letters ``A-Z``.
result = toUpper(s[0]) & substr(s, 1)
proc normalize*(s: string): string {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuNormalize".} =
## Normalizes the string `s`.
## That means to convert it to lower case and remove any '_'. This is needed
## for Nim identifiers for example.
result = newString(s.len)
var j = 0
for i in 0..len(s) - 1:
if s[i] in {'A'..'Z'}:
result[j] = chr(ord(s[i]) + (ord('a') - ord('A')))
inc j
elif s[i] != '_':
result[j] = s[i]
inc j
if j != s.len: setLen(result, j)
proc cmpIgnoreCase*(a, b: string): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuCmpIgnoreCase", procvar.} =
## Compares two strings in a case insensitive manner. Returns:
## | 0 iff a == b
## | < 0 iff a < b
## | > 0 iff a > b
var i = 0
var m = min(a.len, b.len)
while i < m:
result = ord(toLower(a[i])) - ord(toLower(b[i]))
if result != 0: return
result = a.len - b.len
{.push checks: off, line_trace: off .} # this is a hot-spot in the compiler!
# thus we compile without checks here
proc cmpIgnoreStyle*(a, b: string): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuCmpIgnoreStyle", procvar.} =
## Compares two strings normalized (i.e. case and
## underscores do not matter). Returns:
## | 0 iff a == b
## | < 0 iff a < b
## | > 0 iff a > b
var i = 0
var j = 0
while true:
while a[i] == '_': inc(i)
while b[j] == '_': inc(j) # BUGFIX: typo
var aa = toLower(a[i])
var bb = toLower(b[j])
result = ord(aa) - ord(bb)
if result != 0 or aa == '\0': break
proc strip*(s: string, leading = true, trailing = true, chars: set[char] = Whitespace): string
{.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuStrip".} =
## Strips `chars` from `s` and returns the resulting string.
## If `leading` is true, leading `chars` are stripped.
## If `trailing` is true, trailing `chars` are stripped.
first = 0
last = len(s)-1
if leading:
while s[first] in chars: inc(first)
if trailing:
while last >= 0 and s[last] in chars: dec(last)
result = substr(s, first, last)
proc toOctal*(c: char): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuToOctal".} =
## Converts a character `c` to its octal representation.
## The resulting string may not have a leading zero. Its length is always
## exactly 3.
result = newString(3)
var val = ord(c)
for i in countdown(2, 0):
result[i] = chr(val mod 8 + ord('0'))
val = val div 8
iterator split*(s: string, seps: set[char] = Whitespace): string =
## Splits the string `s` into substrings using a group of separators.
## Substrings are separated by a substring containing only `seps`. Note
## that whole sequences of characters found in ``seps`` will be counted as
## a single split point and leading/trailing separators will be ignored.
## The following example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## for word in split(" this is an example "):
## writeln(stdout, word)
## ...generates this output:
## .. code-block::
## "this"
## "is"
## "an"
## "example"
## And the following code:
## .. code-block:: nim
## for word in split(";;this;is;an;;example;;;", {';'}):
## writeln(stdout, word)
## ...produces the same output as the first example. The code:
## .. code-block:: nim
## let date = "2012-11-20T22:08:08.398990"
## let separators = {' ', '-', ':', 'T'}
## for number in split(date, separators):
## writeln(stdout, number)
## ...results in:
## .. code-block::
## "2012"
## "11"
## "20"
## "22"
## "08"
## "08.398990"
var last = 0
assert(not ('\0' in seps))
while last < len(s):
while s[last] in seps: inc(last)
var first = last
while last < len(s) and s[last] notin seps: inc(last) # BUGFIX!
if first <= last-1:
yield substr(s, first, last-1)
iterator split*(s: string, sep: char): string =
## Splits the string `s` into substrings using a single separator.
## Substrings are separated by the character `sep`.
## Unlike the version of the iterator which accepts a set of separator
## characters, this proc will not coalesce groups of the
## separator, returning a string for each found character. The code:
## .. code-block:: nim
## for word in split(";;this;is;an;;example;;;", ';'):
## writeln(stdout, word)
## Results in:
## .. code-block::
## ""
## ""
## "this"
## "is"
## "an"
## ""
## "example"
## ""
## ""
## ""
var last = 0
assert('\0' != sep)
if len(s) > 0:
# `<=` is correct here for the edge cases!
while last <= len(s):
var first = last
while last < len(s) and s[last] != sep: inc(last)
yield substr(s, first, last-1)
iterator split*(s: string, sep: string): string =
## Splits the string `s` into substrings using a string separator.
## Substrings are separated by the string `sep`.
var last = 0
if len(s) > 0:
while last <= len(s):
var first = last
while last < len(s) and s.substr(last, last + <sep.len) != sep:
yield substr(s, first, last-1)
inc(last, sep.len)
iterator splitLines*(s: string): string =
## Splits the string `s` into its containing lines.
## Every `character literal <manual.html#character-literals>`_ newline
## combination (CR, LF, CR-LF) is supported. The result strings contain no
## trailing ``\n``.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## for line in splitLines("\nthis\nis\nan\n\nexample\n"):
## writeln(stdout, line)
## Results in:
## .. code-block:: nim
## ""
## "this"
## "is"
## "an"
## ""
## "example"
## ""
var first = 0
var last = 0
while true:
while s[last] notin {'\0', '\c', '\l'}: inc(last)
yield substr(s, first, last-1)
# skip newlines:
if s[last] == '\l': inc(last)
elif s[last] == '\c':
if s[last] == '\l': inc(last)
else: break # was '\0'
first = last
proc splitLines*(s: string): seq[string] {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuSplitLines".} =
## The same as the `splitLines <#splitLines.i,string>`_ iterator, but is a
## proc that returns a sequence of substrings.
proc countLines*(s: string): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuCountLines".} =
## Returns the number of new line separators in the string `s`.
## This is the same as ``len(splitLines(s))``, but much more efficient
## because it doesn't modify the string creating temporal objects. Every
## `character literal <manual.html#character-literals>`_ newline combination
## (CR, LF, CR-LF) is supported.
## Despite its name this proc might not actually return the *number of lines*
## in `s` because the concept of what a line is can vary. For example, a
## string like ``Hello world`` is a line of text, but the proc will return a
## value of zero because there are no newline separators. Also, text editors
## usually don't count trailing newline characters in a text file as a new
## empty line, but this proc will.
var i = 0
while i < s.len:
case s[i]
of '\c':
if s[i+1] == '\l': inc i
inc result
of '\l': inc result
else: discard
inc i
proc split*(s: string, seps: set[char] = Whitespace): seq[string] {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuSplitCharSet".} =
## The same as the `split iterator <#split.i,string,set[char]>`_, but is a
## proc that returns a sequence of substrings.
accumulateResult(split(s, seps))
proc split*(s: string, sep: char): seq[string] {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuSplitChar".} =
## The same as the `split iterator <#split.i,string,char>`_, but is a proc
## that returns a sequence of substrings.
accumulateResult(split(s, sep))
proc split*(s: string, sep: string): seq[string] {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuSplitString".} =
## Splits the string `s` into substrings using a string separator.
## Substrings are separated by the string `sep`. This is a wrapper around the
## `split iterator <#split.i,string,string>`_.
accumulateResult(split(s, sep))
proc toHex*(x: BiggestInt, len: Positive): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuToHex".} =
## Converts `x` to its hexadecimal representation.
## The resulting string will be exactly `len` characters long. No prefix like
## ``0x`` is generated. `x` is treated as an unsigned value.
HexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
n = x
result = newString(len)
for j in countdown(len-1, 0):
result[j] = HexChars[n and 0xF]
n = n shr 4
# handle negative overflow
if n == 0 and x < 0: n = -1
proc intToStr*(x: int, minchars: Positive = 1): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuIntToStr".} =
## Converts `x` to its decimal representation.
## The resulting string will be minimally `minchars` characters long. This is
## achieved by adding leading zeros.
result = $abs(x)
for i in 1 .. minchars - len(result):
result = '0' & result
if x < 0:
result = '-' & result
proc parseInt*(s: string): int {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuParseInt".} =
## Parses a decimal integer value contained in `s`.
## If `s` is not a valid integer, `ValueError` is raised.
var L = parseutils.parseInt(s, result, 0)
if L != s.len or L == 0:
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid integer: " & s)
proc parseBiggestInt*(s: string): BiggestInt {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuParseBiggestInt".} =
## Parses a decimal integer value contained in `s`.
## If `s` is not a valid integer, `ValueError` is raised.
var L = parseutils.parseBiggestInt(s, result, 0)
if L != s.len or L == 0:
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid integer: " & s)
proc parseFloat*(s: string): float {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuParseFloat".} =
## Parses a decimal floating point value contained in `s`. If `s` is not
## a valid floating point number, `ValueError` is raised. ``NAN``,
## ``INF``, ``-INF`` are also supported (case insensitive comparison).
var L = parseutils.parseFloat(s, result, 0)
if L != s.len or L == 0:
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid float: " & s)
proc parseHexInt*(s: string): int {.noSideEffect, procvar,
rtl, extern: "nsuParseHexInt".} =
## Parses a hexadecimal integer value contained in `s`.
## If `s` is not a valid integer, `ValueError` is raised. `s` can have one
## of the following optional prefixes: ``0x``, ``0X``, ``#``. Underscores
## within `s` are ignored.
var i = 0
if s[i] == '0' and (s[i+1] == 'x' or s[i+1] == 'X'): inc(i, 2)
elif s[i] == '#': inc(i)
while true:
case s[i]
of '_': inc(i)
of '0'..'9':
result = result shl 4 or (ord(s[i]) - ord('0'))
of 'a'..'f':
result = result shl 4 or (ord(s[i]) - ord('a') + 10)
of 'A'..'F':
result = result shl 4 or (ord(s[i]) - ord('A') + 10)
of '\0': break
else: raise newException(ValueError, "invalid integer: " & s)
proc parseBool*(s: string): bool =
## Parses a value into a `bool`.
## If ``s`` is one of the following values: ``y, yes, true, 1, on``, then
## returns `true`. If ``s`` is one of the following values: ``n, no, false,
## 0, off``, then returns `false`. If ``s`` is something else a
## ``ValueError`` exception is raised.
case normalize(s)
of "y", "yes", "true", "1", "on": result = true
of "n", "no", "false", "0", "off": result = false
else: raise newException(ValueError, "cannot interpret as a bool: " & s)
proc parseEnum*[T: enum](s: string): T =
## Parses an enum ``T``.
## Raises ``ValueError`` for an invalid value in `s`. The comparison is
## done in a style insensitive way.
for e in low(T)..high(T):
if cmpIgnoreStyle(s, $e) == 0:
return e
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid enum value: " & s)
proc parseEnum*[T: enum](s: string, default: T): T =
## Parses an enum ``T``.
## Uses `default` for an invalid value in `s`. The comparison is done in a
## style insensitive way.
for e in low(T)..high(T):
if cmpIgnoreStyle(s, $e) == 0:
return e
result = default
proc repeat*(c: char, count: Natural): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuRepeatChar".} =
## Returns a string of length `count` consisting only of
## the character `c`. You can use this proc to left align strings. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## proc tabexpand(indent: int, text: string, tabsize: int = 4) =
## echo '\t'.repeat(indent div tabsize), ' '.repeat(indent mod tabsize), text
## tabexpand(4, "At four")
## tabexpand(5, "At five")
## tabexpand(6, "At six")
result = newString(count)
for i in 0..count-1: result[i] = c
proc repeat*(s: string, n: Natural): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuRepeatStr".} =
## Returns String `s` concatenated `n` times. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## echo "+++ STOP ".repeat(4), "+++"
result = newStringOfCap(n * s.len)
for i in 1..n: result.add(s)
template spaces*(n: Natural): string = repeat(' ',n)
## Returns a String with `n` space characters. You can use this proc
## to left align strings. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## let
## width = 15
## text1 = "Hello user!"
## text2 = "This is a very long string"
## echo text1 & spaces(max(0, width - text1.len)) & "|"
## echo text2 & spaces(max(0, width - text2.len)) & "|"
proc repeatChar*(count: Natural, c: char = ' '): string {.deprecated.} = repeat(c, count)
## deprecated: use repeat() or spaces()
proc repeatStr*(count: Natural, s: string): string {.deprecated.} = repeat(s, count)
## deprecated: use repeat(string, count) or string.repeat(count)
proc align*(s: string, count: Natural, padding = ' '): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuAlignString".} =
## Aligns a string `s` with `padding`, so that it is of length `count`.
## `padding` characters (by default spaces) are added before `s` resulting in
## right alignment. If ``s.len >= count``, no spaces are added and `s` is
## returned unchanged. If you need to left align a string use the `repeatChar
## proc <#repeatChar>`_. Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## assert align("abc", 4) == " abc"
## assert align("a", 0) == "a"
## assert align("1232", 6) == " 1232"
## assert align("1232", 6, '#') == "##1232"
if s.len < count:
result = newString(count)
let spaces = count - s.len
for i in 0..spaces-1: result[i] = padding
for i in spaces..count-1: result[i] = s[i-spaces]
result = s
iterator tokenize*(s: string, seps: set[char] = Whitespace): tuple[
token: string, isSep: bool] =
## Tokenizes the string `s` into substrings.
## Substrings are separated by a substring containing only `seps`.
## Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## for word in tokenize(" this is an example "):
## writeln(stdout, word)
## Results in:
## .. code-block:: nim
## (" ", true)
## ("this", false)
## (" ", true)
## ("is", false)
## (" ", true)
## ("an", false)
## (" ", true)
## ("example", false)
## (" ", true)
var i = 0
while true:
var j = i
var isSep = s[j] in seps
while j < s.len and (s[j] in seps) == isSep: inc(j)
if j > i:
yield (substr(s, i, j-1), isSep)
i = j
proc wordWrap*(s: string, maxLineWidth = 80,
splitLongWords = true,
seps: set[char] = Whitespace,
newLine = "\n"): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuWordWrap".} =
## Word wraps `s`.
result = newStringOfCap(s.len + s.len shr 6)
var spaceLeft = maxLineWidth
var lastSep = ""
for word, isSep in tokenize(s, seps):
if isSep:
lastSep = word
spaceLeft = spaceLeft - len(word)
if len(word) > spaceLeft:
if splitLongWords and len(word) > maxLineWidth:
result.add(substr(word, 0, spaceLeft-1))
var w = spaceLeft+1
var wordLeft = len(word) - spaceLeft
while wordLeft > 0:
var L = min(maxLineWidth, wordLeft)
spaceLeft = maxLineWidth - L
result.add(substr(word, w, w+L-1))
inc(w, L)
dec(wordLeft, L)
spaceLeft = maxLineWidth - len(word)
spaceLeft = spaceLeft - len(word)
result.add(lastSep & word)
proc unindent*(s: string, eatAllIndent = false): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuUnindent".} =
## Unindents `s`.
result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
var i = 0
var pattern = true
var indent = 0
while s[i] == ' ': inc i
var level = if i == 0: -1 else: i
while i < s.len:
if s[i] == ' ':
if i > 0 and s[i-1] in {'\l', '\c'}:
pattern = true
indent = 0
if pattern:
if indent > level and not eatAllIndent:
if level < 0: level = indent
# a space somewhere: do not delete
pattern = false
inc i
proc startsWith*(s, prefix: string): bool {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuStartsWith".} =
## Returns true iff ``s`` starts with ``prefix``.
## If ``prefix == ""`` true is returned.
var i = 0
while true:
if prefix[i] == '\0': return true
if s[i] != prefix[i]: return false
proc endsWith*(s, suffix: string): bool {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuEndsWith".} =
## Returns true iff ``s`` ends with ``suffix``.
## If ``suffix == ""`` true is returned.
var i = 0
var j = len(s) - len(suffix)
while i+j <% s.len:
if s[i+j] != suffix[i]: return false
if suffix[i] == '\0': return true
proc continuesWith*(s, substr: string, start: Natural): bool {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuContinuesWith".} =
## Returns true iff ``s`` continues with ``substr`` at position ``start``.
## If ``substr == ""`` true is returned.
var i = 0
while true:
if substr[i] == '\0': return true
if s[i+start] != substr[i]: return false
proc addSep*(dest: var string, sep = ", ", startLen: Natural = 0)
{.noSideEffect, inline.} =
## Adds a separator to `dest` only if its length is bigger than `startLen`.
## A shorthand for:
## .. code-block:: nim
## if dest.len > startLen: add(dest, sep)
## This is often useful for generating some code where the items need to
## be *separated* by `sep`. `sep` is only added if `dest` is longer than
## `startLen`. The following example creates a string describing
## an array of integers:
## .. code-block:: nim
## var arr = "["
## for x in items([2, 3, 5, 7, 11]):
## addSep(arr, startLen=len("["))
## add(arr, $x)
## add(arr, "]")
if dest.len > startLen: add(dest, sep)
proc allCharsInSet*(s: string, theSet: set[char]): bool =
## Returns true iff each character of `s` is in the set `theSet`.
for c in items(s):
if c notin theSet: return false
return true
proc abbrev*(s: string, possibilities: openArray[string]): int =
## Returns the index of the first item in `possibilities` if not ambiguous.
## Returns -1 if no item has been found and -2 if multiple items match.
result = -1 # none found
for i in 0..possibilities.len-1:
if possibilities[i].startsWith(s):
if possibilities[i] == s:
# special case: exact match shouldn't be ambiguous
return i
if result >= 0: return -2 # ambiguous
result = i
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc join*(a: openArray[string], sep: string): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuJoinSep".} =
## Concatenates all strings in `a` separating them with `sep`.
if len(a) > 0:
var L = sep.len * (a.len-1)
for i in 0..high(a): inc(L, a[i].len)
result = newStringOfCap(L)
add(result, a[0])
for i in 1..high(a):
add(result, sep)
add(result, a[i])
result = ""
proc join*(a: openArray[string]): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuJoin".} =
## Concatenates all strings in `a`.
if len(a) > 0:
var L = 0
for i in 0..high(a): inc(L, a[i].len)
result = newStringOfCap(L)
for i in 0..high(a): add(result, a[i])
result = ""
SkipTable = array[char, int]
proc preprocessSub(sub: string, a: var SkipTable) =
var m = len(sub)
for i in 0..0xff: a[chr(i)] = m+1
for i in 0..m-1: a[sub[i]] = m-i
proc findAux(s, sub: string, start: int, a: SkipTable): int =
# Fast "quick search" algorithm:
m = len(sub)
n = len(s)
# search:
var j = start
while j <= n - m:
block match:
for k in 0..m-1:
if sub[k] != s[k+j]: break match
return j
inc(j, a[s[j+m]])
return -1
proc find*(s, sub: string, start: Natural = 0): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuFindStr".} =
## Searches for `sub` in `s` starting at position `start`.
## Searching is case-sensitive. If `sub` is not in `s`, -1 is returned.
var a {.noinit.}: SkipTable
preprocessSub(sub, a)
result = findAux(s, sub, start, a)
proc find*(s: string, sub: char, start: Natural = 0): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuFindChar".} =
## Searches for `sub` in `s` starting at position `start`.
## Searching is case-sensitive. If `sub` is not in `s`, -1 is returned.
for i in start..len(s)-1:
if sub == s[i]: return i
return -1
proc find*(s: string, chars: set[char], start: Natural = 0): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuFindCharSet".} =
## Searches for `chars` in `s` starting at position `start`.
## If `s` contains none of the characters in `chars`, -1 is returned.
for i in start..s.len-1:
if s[i] in chars: return i
return -1
proc rfind*(s, sub: string, start: int = -1): int {.noSideEffect.} =
## Searches for `sub` in `s` in reverse, starting at `start` and going
## backwards to 0.
## Searching is case-sensitive. If `sub` is not in `s`, -1 is returned.
let realStart = if start == -1: s.len else: start
for i in countdown(realStart-sub.len, 0):
for j in 0..sub.len-1:
result = i
if sub[j] != s[i+j]:
result = -1
if result != -1: return
return -1
proc rfind*(s: string, sub: char, start: int = -1): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl.} =
## Searches for `sub` in `s` in reverse starting at position `start`.
## Searching is case-sensitive. If `sub` is not in `s`, -1 is returned.
let realStart = if start == -1: s.len-1 else: start
for i in countdown(realStart, 0):
if sub == s[i]: return i
return -1
proc count*(s: string, sub: string, overlapping: bool = false): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuCountString".} =
## Count the occurrences of a substring `sub` in the string `s`.
## Overlapping occurrences of `sub` only count when `overlapping`
## is set to true.
var i = 0
while true:
i = s.find(sub, i)
if i < 0:
if overlapping:
inc i
i += sub.len
inc result
proc count*(s: string, sub: char): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuCountChar".} =
## Count the occurrences of the character `sub` in the string `s`.
for c in s:
if c == sub:
inc result
proc count*(s: string, subs: set[char]): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuCountCharSet".} =
## Count the occurrences of the group of character `subs` in the string `s`.
for c in s:
if c in subs:
inc result
proc quoteIfContainsWhite*(s: string): string {.deprecated.} =
## Returns ``'"' & s & '"'`` if `s` contains a space and does not
## start with a quote, else returns `s`.
## **DEPRECATED** as it was confused for shell quoting function. For this
## application use `osproc.quoteShell <osproc.html#quoteShell>`_.
if find(s, {' ', '\t'}) >= 0 and s[0] != '"':
result = '"' & s & '"'
result = s
proc contains*(s: string, c: char): bool {.noSideEffect.} =
## Same as ``find(s, c) >= 0``.
return find(s, c) >= 0
proc contains*(s, sub: string): bool {.noSideEffect.} =
## Same as ``find(s, sub) >= 0``.
return find(s, sub) >= 0
proc contains*(s: string, chars: set[char]): bool {.noSideEffect.} =
## Same as ``find(s, chars) >= 0``.
return find(s, chars) >= 0
proc replace*(s, sub: string, by = ""): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuReplaceStr".} =
## Replaces `sub` in `s` by the string `by`.
var a {.noinit.}: SkipTable
result = ""
preprocessSub(sub, a)
var i = 0
while true:
var j = findAux(s, sub, i, a)
if j < 0: break
add result, substr(s, i, j - 1)
add result, by
i = j + len(sub)
# copy the rest:
add result, substr(s, i)
proc replace*(s: string, sub, by: char): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuReplaceChar".} =
## Replaces `sub` in `s` by the character `by`.
## Optimized version of `replace <#replace,string,string>`_ for characters.
result = newString(s.len)
var i = 0
while i < s.len:
if s[i] == sub: result[i] = by
else: result[i] = s[i]
proc replaceWord*(s, sub: string, by = ""): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuReplaceWord".} =
## Replaces `sub` in `s` by the string `by`.
## Each occurrence of `sub` has to be surrounded by word boundaries
## (comparable to ``\\w`` in regular expressions), otherwise it is not
## replaced.
const wordChars = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '\128'..'\255'}
var a {.noinit.}: SkipTable
result = ""
preprocessSub(sub, a)
var i = 0
while true:
var j = findAux(s, sub, i, a)
if j < 0: break
# word boundary?
if (j == 0 or s[j-1] notin wordChars) and
(j+sub.len >= s.len or s[j+sub.len] notin wordChars):
add result, substr(s, i, j - 1)
add result, by
i = j + len(sub)
add result, substr(s, i, j)
i = j + 1
# copy the rest:
add result, substr(s, i)
proc delete*(s: var string, first, last: int) {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuDelete".} =
## Deletes in `s` the characters at position `first` .. `last`.
## This modifies `s` itself, it does not return a copy.
var i = first
var j = last+1
var newLen = len(s)-j+i
while i < newLen:
s[i] = s[j]
setLen(s, newLen)
proc parseOctInt*(s: string): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuParseOctInt".} =
## Parses an octal integer value contained in `s`.
## If `s` is not a valid integer, `ValueError` is raised. `s` can have one
## of the following optional prefixes: ``0o``, ``0O``. Underscores within
## `s` are ignored.
var i = 0
if s[i] == '0' and (s[i+1] == 'o' or s[i+1] == 'O'): inc(i, 2)
while true:
case s[i]
of '_': inc(i)
of '0'..'7':
result = result shl 3 or (ord(s[i]) - ord('0'))
of '\0': break
else: raise newException(ValueError, "invalid integer: " & s)
proc toOct*(x: BiggestInt, len: Positive): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuToOct".} =
## Converts `x` into its octal representation.
## The resulting string is always `len` characters long. No leading ``0o``
## prefix is generated.
mask: BiggestInt = 7
shift: BiggestInt = 0
assert(len > 0)
result = newString(len)
for j in countdown(len-1, 0):
result[j] = chr(int((x and mask) shr shift) + ord('0'))
shift = shift + 3
mask = mask shl 3
proc toBin*(x: BiggestInt, len: Positive): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuToBin".} =
## Converts `x` into its binary representation.
## The resulting string is always `len` characters long. No leading ``0b``
## prefix is generated.
mask: BiggestInt = 1
shift: BiggestInt = 0
assert(len > 0)
result = newString(len)
for j in countdown(len-1, 0):
result[j] = chr(int((x and mask) shr shift) + ord('0'))
shift = shift + 1
mask = mask shl 1
proc insertSep*(s: string, sep = '_', digits = 3): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuInsertSep".} =
## Inserts the separator `sep` after `digits` digits from right to left.
## Even though the algorithm works with any string `s`, it is only useful
## if `s` contains a number.
## Example: ``insertSep("1000000") == "1_000_000"``
var L = (s.len-1) div digits + s.len
result = newString(L)
var j = 0
for i in countdown(len(s)-1, 0):
if j == digits:
result[L] = sep
j = 0
result[L] = s[i]
proc escape*(s: string, prefix = "\"", suffix = "\""): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuEscape".} =
## Escapes a string `s`.
## This does these operations (at the same time):
## * replaces any ``\`` by ``\\``
## * replaces any ``'`` by ``\'``
## * replaces any ``"`` by ``\"``
## * replaces any other character in the set ``{'\0'..'\31', '\128'..'\255'}``
## by ``\xHH`` where ``HH`` is its hexadecimal value.
## The procedure has been designed so that its output is usable for many
## different common syntaxes. The resulting string is prefixed with
## `prefix` and suffixed with `suffix`. Both may be empty strings.
result = newStringOfCap(s.len + s.len shr 2)
for c in items(s):
case c
of '\0'..'\31', '\128'..'\255':
add(result, "\\x")
add(result, toHex(ord(c), 2))
of '\\': add(result, "\\\\")
of '\'': add(result, "\\'")
of '\"': add(result, "\\\"")
else: add(result, c)
add(result, suffix)
proc unescape*(s: string, prefix = "\"", suffix = "\""): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuUnescape".} =
## Unescapes a string `s`.
## This complements `escape <#escape>`_ as it performs the opposite
## operations.
## If `s` does not begin with ``prefix`` and end with ``suffix`` a
## ValueError exception will be raised.
result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
var i = 0
if not s.startsWith(prefix):
raise newException(ValueError,
"String does not start with a prefix of: " & prefix)
while true:
if i == s.len-suffix.len: break
case s[i]
of '\\':
case s[i+1]:
of 'x':
inc i
var c: int
i += parseutils.parseHex(s, c, i)
inc(i, 2)
of '\\':
of '\'':
of '\"':
else: result.add("\\" & s[i+1])
of '\0': break
if not s.endsWith(suffix):
raise newException(ValueError,
"String does not end with a suffix of: " & suffix)
proc validIdentifier*(s: string): bool {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuValidIdentifier".} =
## Returns true if `s` is a valid identifier.
## A valid identifier starts with a character of the set `IdentStartChars`
## and is followed by any number of characters of the set `IdentChars`.
if s[0] in IdentStartChars:
for i in 1..s.len-1:
if s[i] notin IdentChars: return false
return true
proc editDistance*(a, b: string): int {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuEditDistance".} =
## Returns the edit distance between `a` and `b`.
## This uses the `Levenshtein`:idx: distance algorithm with only a linear
## memory overhead. This implementation is highly optimized!
var len1 = a.len
var len2 = b.len
if len1 > len2:
# make `b` the longer string
return editDistance(b, a)
# strip common prefix:
var s = 0
while a[s] == b[s] and a[s] != '\0':
# strip common suffix:
while len1 > 0 and len2 > 0 and a[s+len1-1] == b[s+len2-1]:
# trivial cases:
if len1 == 0: return len2
if len2 == 0: return len1
# another special case:
if len1 == 1:
for j in s..len2-1:
if a[s] == b[j]: return len2 - 1
return len2
var half = len1 shr 1
# initalize first row:
#var row = cast[ptr array[0..high(int) div 8, int]](alloc(len2*sizeof(int)))
var row: seq[int]
newSeq(row, len2)
var e = s + len2 - 1 # end marker
for i in 1..len2 - half - 1: row[i] = i
row[0] = len1 - half - 1
for i in 1 .. len1 - 1:
var char1 = a[i + s - 1]
var char2p: int
var D, x: int
var p: int
if i >= len1 - half:
# skip the upper triangle:
var offset = i - len1 + half
char2p = offset
p = offset
var c3 = row[p] + ord(char1 != b[s + char2p])
x = row[p] + 1
D = x
if x > c3: x = c3
row[p] = x
p = 1
char2p = 0
D = i
x = i
if i <= half + 1:
# skip the lower triangle:
e = len2 + i - half - 2
# main:
while p <= e:
var c3 = D + ord(char1 != b[char2p + s])
if x > c3: x = c3
D = row[p] + 1
if x > D: x = D
row[p] = x
# lower triangle sentinel:
if i <= half:
var c3 = D + ord(char1 != b[char2p + s])
if x > c3: x = c3
row[p] = x
result = row[e]
# floating point formating:
proc c_sprintf(buf, frmt: cstring) {.header: "<stdio.h>", importc: "sprintf",
varargs, noSideEffect.}
FloatFormatMode* = enum ## the different modes of floating point formating
ffDefault, ## use the shorter floating point notation
ffDecimal, ## use decimal floating point notation
ffScientific ## use scientific notation (using ``e`` character)
{.deprecated: [TFloatFormat: FloatFormatMode].}
proc formatBiggestFloat*(f: BiggestFloat, format: FloatFormatMode = ffDefault,
precision: range[0..32] = 16): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsu$1".} =
## Converts a floating point value `f` to a string.
## If ``format == ffDecimal`` then precision is the number of digits to
## be printed after the decimal point.
## If ``format == ffScientific`` then precision is the maximum number
## of significant digits to be printed.
## `precision`'s default value is the maximum number of meaningful digits
## after the decimal point for Nim's ``biggestFloat`` type.
## If ``precision == 0``, it tries to format it nicely.
const floatFormatToChar: array[FloatFormatMode, char] = ['g', 'f', 'e']
frmtstr {.noinit.}: array[0..5, char]
buf {.noinit.}: array[0..2500, char]
frmtstr[0] = '%'
if precision > 0:
frmtstr[1] = '#'
frmtstr[2] = '.'
frmtstr[3] = '*'
frmtstr[4] = floatFormatToChar[format]
frmtstr[5] = '\0'
c_sprintf(buf, frmtstr, precision, f)
frmtstr[1] = floatFormatToChar[format]
frmtstr[2] = '\0'
c_sprintf(buf, frmtstr, f)
result = $buf
proc formatFloat*(f: float, format: FloatFormatMode = ffDefault,
precision: range[0..32] = 16): string {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsu$1".} =
## Converts a floating point value `f` to a string.
## If ``format == ffDecimal`` then precision is the number of digits to
## be printed after the decimal point.
## If ``format == ffScientific`` then precision is the maximum number
## of significant digits to be printed.
## `precision`'s default value is the maximum number of meaningful digits
## after the decimal point for Nim's ``float`` type.
result = formatBiggestFloat(f, format, precision)
proc formatSize*(bytes: BiggestInt, decimalSep = '.'): string =
## Rounds and formats `bytes`. Examples:
## .. code-block:: nim
## formatSize(1'i64 shl 31 + 300'i64) == "2.204GB"
## formatSize(4096) == "4KB"
template frmt(a, b, c: expr): expr =
let bs = $b
insertSep($a) & decimalSep & bs.substr(0, 2) & c
let gigabytes = bytes shr 30
let megabytes = bytes shr 20
let kilobytes = bytes shr 10
if gigabytes != 0:
result = frmt(gigabytes, megabytes, "GB")
elif megabytes != 0:
result = frmt(megabytes, kilobytes, "MB")
elif kilobytes != 0:
result = frmt(kilobytes, bytes, "KB")
result = insertSep($bytes) & "B"
proc findNormalized(x: string, inArray: openArray[string]): int =
var i = 0
while i < high(inArray):
if cmpIgnoreStyle(x, inArray[i]) == 0: return i
inc(i, 2) # incrementing by 1 would probably lead to a
# security hole...
return -1
proc invalidFormatString() {.noinline.} =
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid format string")
proc addf*(s: var string, formatstr: string, a: varargs[string, `$`]) {.
noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nsuAddf".} =
## The same as ``add(s, formatstr % a)``, but more efficient.
const PatternChars = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '\128'..'\255', '_'}
var i = 0
var num = 0
while i < len(formatstr):
if formatstr[i] == '$':
case formatstr[i+1] # again we use the fact that strings
# are zero-terminated here
of '#':
if num >% a.high: invalidFormatString()
add s, a[num]
inc i, 2
inc num
of '$':
add s, '$'
inc(i, 2)
of '1'..'9', '-':
var j = 0
inc(i) # skip $
var negative = formatstr[i] == '-'
if negative: inc i
while formatstr[i] in Digits:
j = j * 10 + ord(formatstr[i]) - ord('0')
let idx = if not negative: j-1 else: a.len-j
if idx >% a.high: invalidFormatString()
add s, a[idx]
of '{':
var j = i+1
while formatstr[j] notin {'\0', '}'}: inc(j)
var x = findNormalized(substr(formatstr, i+2, j-1), a)
if x >= 0 and x < high(a): add s, a[x+1]
else: invalidFormatString()
i = j+1
of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\128'..'\255', '_':
var j = i+1
while formatstr[j] in PatternChars: inc(j)
var x = findNormalized(substr(formatstr, i+1, j-1), a)
if x >= 0 and x < high(a): add s, a[x+1]
else: invalidFormatString()
i = j
add s, formatstr[i]
proc `%` *(formatstr: string, a: openArray[string]): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuFormatOpenArray".} =
## Interpolates a format string with the values from `a`.
## The `substitution`:idx: operator performs string substitutions in
## `formatstr` and returns a modified `formatstr`. This is often called
## `string interpolation`:idx:.
## This is best explained by an example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## "$1 eats $2." % ["The cat", "fish"]
## Results in:
## .. code-block:: nim
## "The cat eats fish."
## The substitution variables (the thing after the ``$``) are enumerated
## from 1 to ``a.len``.
## To produce a verbatim ``$``, use ``$$``.
## The notation ``$#`` can be used to refer to the next substitution
## variable:
## .. code-block:: nim
## "$# eats $#." % ["The cat", "fish"]
## Substitution variables can also be words (that is
## ``[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*``) in which case the arguments in `a` with even
## indices are keys and with odd indices are the corresponding values.
## An example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## "$animal eats $food." % ["animal", "The cat", "food", "fish"]
## Results in:
## .. code-block:: nim
## "The cat eats fish."
## The variables are compared with `cmpIgnoreStyle`. `ValueError` is
## raised if an ill-formed format string has been passed to the `%` operator.
result = newStringOfCap(formatstr.len + a.len shl 4)
addf(result, formatstr, a)
proc `%` *(formatstr, a: string): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuFormatSingleElem".} =
## This is the same as ``formatstr % [a]``.
result = newStringOfCap(formatstr.len + a.len)
addf(result, formatstr, [a])
proc format*(formatstr: string, a: varargs[string, `$`]): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuFormatVarargs".} =
## This is the same as ``formatstr % a`` except that it supports
## auto stringification.
result = newStringOfCap(formatstr.len + a.len)
addf(result, formatstr, a)
when isMainModule:
doAssert align("abc", 4) == " abc"
doAssert align("a", 0) == "a"
doAssert align("1232", 6) == " 1232"
doAssert align("1232", 6, '#') == "##1232"
inp = """ this is a long text -- muchlongerthan10chars and here
it goes"""
outp = " this is a\nlong text\n--\nmuchlongerthan10chars\nand here\nit goes"
doAssert wordWrap(inp, 10, false) == outp
doAssert formatBiggestFloat(0.00000000001, ffDecimal, 11) == "0.00000000001"
doAssert formatBiggestFloat(0.00000000001, ffScientific, 1) in
["1.0e-11", "1.0e-011"]
doAssert "$# $3 $# $#" % ["a", "b", "c"] == "a c b c"
when not defined(testing):
echo formatSize(1'i64 shl 31 + 300'i64) # == "4,GB"
echo formatSize(1'i64 shl 31)
doAssert "$animal eats $food." % ["animal", "The cat", "food", "fish"] ==
"The cat eats fish."
doAssert "-ld a-ldz -ld".replaceWord("-ld") == " a-ldz "
doAssert "-lda-ldz -ld abc".replaceWord("-ld") == "-lda-ldz abc"
type MyEnum = enum enA, enB, enC, enuD, enE
doAssert parseEnum[MyEnum]("enu_D") == enuD
doAssert parseEnum("invalid enum value", enC) == enC
doAssert count("foofoofoo", "foofoo") == 1
doAssert count("foofoofoo", "foofoo", overlapping = true) == 2
doAssert count("foofoofoo", 'f') == 3
doAssert count("foofoofoobar", {'f','b'}) == 4
doAssert strip(" foofoofoo ") == "foofoofoo"
doAssert strip("sfoofoofoos", chars = {'s'}) == "foofoofoo"
doAssert strip("barfoofoofoobar", chars = {'b', 'a', 'r'}) == "foofoofoo"
doAssert strip("stripme but don't strip this stripme",
chars = {'s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'p', 'm', 'e'}) == " but don't strip this "
doAssert strip("sfoofoofoos", leading = false, chars = {'s'}) == "sfoofoofoo"
doAssert strip("sfoofoofoos", trailing = false, chars = {'s'}) == "foofoofoos"