NimMajor* {.intdefine.}: int = 2
## is the major number of Nim's version. Example:
## ```nim
## when (NimMajor, NimMinor, NimPatch) >= (1, 3, 1): discard
## ```
# see also std/private/since
NimMinor* {.intdefine.}: int = 1
## is the minor number of Nim's version.
## Odd for devel, even for releases.
NimPatch* {.intdefine.}: int = 1
## is the patch number of Nim's version.
## Odd for devel, even for releases.
{.push profiler: off.}
let nimvm* {.magic: "Nimvm", compileTime.}: bool = false
## May be used only in `when` expression.
## It is true in Nim VM context and false otherwise.
isMainModule* {.magic: "IsMainModule".}: bool = false
## True only when accessed in the main module. This works thanks to
## compiler magic. It is useful to embed testing code in a module.
CompileDate* {.magic: "CompileDate".}: string = "0000-00-00"
## The date (in UTC) of compilation as a string of the form
## `YYYY-MM-DD`. This works thanks to compiler magic.
CompileTime* {.magic: "CompileTime".}: string = "00:00:00"
## The time (in UTC) of compilation as a string of the form
## `HH:MM:SS`. This works thanks to compiler magic.
proc defined*(x: untyped): bool {.magic: "Defined", noSideEffect, compileTime.}
## Special compile-time procedure that checks whether `x` is
## defined.
## `x` is an external symbol introduced through the compiler's
## `-d:x switch <nimc.html#compiler-usage-compileminustime-symbols>`_ to enable
## build time conditionals:
## ```nim
## when not defined(release):
## # Do here programmer friendly expensive sanity checks.
## # Put here the normal code
## ```
## See also:
## * `compileOption <#compileOption,string>`_ for `on|off` options
## * `compileOption <#compileOption,string,string>`_ for enum options
## * `define pragmas <manual.html#implementation-specific-pragmas-compileminustime-define-pragmas>`_
proc declared*(x: untyped): bool {.magic: "Declared", noSideEffect, compileTime.}
## Special compile-time procedure that checks whether `x` is
## declared. `x` has to be an identifier or a qualified identifier.
## This can be used to check whether a library provides a certain
## feature or not:
## ```nim
## when not declared(strutils.toUpper):
## # provide our own toUpper proc here, because strutils is
## # missing it.
## ```
## See also:
## * `declaredInScope <#declaredInScope,untyped>`_
proc declaredInScope*(x: untyped): bool {.magic: "DeclaredInScope", noSideEffect, compileTime.}
## Special compile-time procedure that checks whether `x` is
## declared in the current scope. `x` has to be an identifier.
proc compiles*(x: untyped): bool {.magic: "Compiles", noSideEffect, compileTime.} =
## Special compile-time procedure that checks whether `x` can be compiled
## without any semantic error.
## This can be used to check whether a type supports some operation:
## ```nim
## when compiles(3 + 4):
## echo "'+' for integers is available"
## ```
proc astToStr*[T](x: T): string {.magic: "AstToStr", noSideEffect.}
## Converts the AST of `x` into a string representation. This is very useful
## for debugging.
proc runnableExamples*(rdoccmd = "", body: untyped) {.magic: "RunnableExamples".} =
## A section you should use to mark `runnable example`:idx: code with.
## - In normal debug and release builds code within
## a `runnableExamples` section is ignored.
## - The documentation generator is aware of these examples and considers them
## part of the `##` doc comment. As the last step of documentation
## generation each runnableExample is put in its own file `$file_examples$i.nim`,
## compiled and tested. The collected examples are
## put into their own module to ensure the examples do not refer to
## non-exported symbols.
proc timesTwo*(x: int): int =
## This proc doubles a number.
# at module scope
const exported* = 123
assert timesTwo(5) == 10
block: # at block scope
defer: echo "done"
runnableExamples "-d:foo -b:cpp":
import std/compilesettings
assert querySetting(backend) == "cpp"
assert defined(foo)
runnableExamples "-r:off": ## this one is only compiled
import std/browsers
openDefaultBrowser ""
2 * x
proc compileOption*(option: string): bool {.
magic: "CompileOption", noSideEffect.} =
## Can be used to determine an `on|off` compile-time option.
## See also:
## * `compileOption <#compileOption,string,string>`_ for enum options
## * `defined <#defined,untyped>`_
## * `std/compilesettings module <compilesettings.html>`_
static: doAssert not compileOption("floatchecks")
{.push floatChecks: on.}
static: doAssert compileOption("floatchecks")
# floating point NaN and Inf checks enabled in this scope
proc compileOption*(option, arg: string): bool {.
magic: "CompileOptionArg", noSideEffect.} =
## Can be used to determine an enum compile-time option.
## See also:
## * `compileOption <#compileOption,string>`_ for `on|off` options
## * `defined <#defined,untyped>`_
## * `std/compilesettings module <compilesettings.html>`_
when compileOption("opt", "size") and compileOption("gc", "boehm"):
discard "compiled with optimization for size and uses Boehm's GC"
template currentSourcePath*: string = instantiationInfo(-1, true).filename
## Returns the full file-system path of the current source.
## To get the directory containing the current source, use it with
## `os.parentDir() <os.html#parentDir%2Cstring>`_ as `currentSourcePath.parentDir()`.
## The path returned by this template is set at compile time.
## See the docstring of `macros.getProjectPath() <macros.html#getProjectPath>`_
## for an example to see the distinction between the `currentSourcePath`
## and `getProjectPath`.
## See also:
## * `getCurrentDir proc <os.html#getCurrentDir>`_
proc slurp*(filename: string): string {.magic: "Slurp".}
## This is an alias for `staticRead <#staticRead,string>`_.
proc staticRead*(filename: string): string {.magic: "Slurp".}
## Compile-time `readFile <syncio.html#readFile,string>`_ proc for easy
## `resource`:idx: embedding:
## The maximum file size limit that `staticRead` and `slurp` can read is
## near or equal to the *free* memory of the device you are using to compile.
## ```nim
## const myResource = staticRead"mydatafile.bin"
## ```
## `slurp <#slurp,string>`_ is an alias for `staticRead`.
proc gorge*(command: string, input = "", cache = ""): string {.
magic: "StaticExec".} = discard
## This is an alias for `staticExec <#staticExec,string,string,string>`_.
proc staticExec*(command: string, input = "", cache = ""): string {.
magic: "StaticExec".} = discard
## Executes an external process at compile-time and returns its text output
## (stdout + stderr).
## If `input` is not an empty string, it will be passed as a standard input
## to the executed program.
## ```nim
## const buildInfo = "Revision " & staticExec("git rev-parse HEAD") &
## "\nCompiled on " & staticExec("uname -v")
## ```
## `gorge <#gorge,string,string,string>`_ is an alias for `staticExec`.
## Note that you can use this proc inside a pragma like
## `passc <manual.html#implementation-specific-pragmas-passc-pragma>`_ or
## `passl <manual.html#implementation-specific-pragmas-passl-pragma>`_.
## If `cache` is not empty, the results of `staticExec` are cached within
## the `nimcache` directory. Use `--forceBuild` to get rid of this caching
## behaviour then. `command & input & cache` (the concatenated string) is
## used to determine whether the entry in the cache is still valid. You can
## use versioning information for `cache`:
## ```nim
## const stateMachine = staticExec("dfaoptimizer", "input", "0.8.0")
## ```
proc gorgeEx*(command: string, input = "", cache = ""): tuple[output: string,
exitCode: int] =
## Similar to `gorge <#gorge,string,string,string>`_ but also returns the
## precious exit code.