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path: root/lib/system/debugger.nim
blob: b18c61755be1f4cddbff7baa201afe491a21f925 (plain) (tree)




















































#            Nim's Runtime Library
#        (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This file implements basic features for any debugger.

  VarSlot* {.compilerproc, final.} = object ## a slot in a frame
    address*: pointer ## the variable's address
    typ*: PNimType    ## the variable's type
    name*: cstring    ## the variable's name; for globals this is ""

  PExtendedFrame = ptr ExtendedFrame
  ExtendedFrame = object  # If the debugger is enabled the compiler
                           # provides an extended frame. Of course
                           # only slots that are
                           # needed are allocated and not 10_000,
                           # except for the global data description.
    f: TFrame
    slots: array[0..10_000, VarSlot]
{.deprecated: [TVarSlot: VarSlot, TExtendedFrame: ExtendedFrame].}

  dbgGlobalData: ExtendedFrame  # this reserves much space, but
                                # for now it is the most practical way

proc dbgRegisterGlobal(name: cstring, address: pointer,
                       typ: PNimType) {.compilerproc.} =
  let i = dbgGlobalData.f.len
  if i >= high(dbgGlobalData.slots):
    #debugOut("[Warning] cannot register global ")
  dbgGlobalData.slots[i].name = name
  dbgGlobalData.slots[i].typ = typ
  dbgGlobalData.slots[i].address = address

proc getLocal*(frame: PFrame; slot: int): VarSlot {.inline.} =
  ## retrieves the meta data for the local variable at `slot`. CAUTION: An
  ## invalid `slot` value causes a corruption!
  result = cast[PExtendedFrame](frame).slots[slot]

proc getGlobalLen*(): int {.inline.} =
  ## gets the number of registered globals.
  result = dbgGlobalData.f.len

proc getGlobal*(slot: int): VarSlot {.inline.} =
  ## retrieves the meta data for the global variable at `slot`. CAUTION: An
  ## invalid `slot` value causes a corruption!
  result = dbgGlobalData.slots[slot]

# ------------------- breakpoint support ------------------------------------

  Breakpoint* = object   ## represents a break point
    low*, high*: int     ## range from low to high; if disabled
                         ## both low and high are set to their negative values
    filename*: cstring   ## the filename of the breakpoint

  dbgBP: array[0..127, Breakpoint] # breakpoints
  dbgBPlen: int
  dbgBPbloom: int64  # we use a bloom filter to speed up breakpoint checking

  dbgFilenames*: array[0..300, cstring] ## registered filenames;
                                        ## 'nil' terminated
  dbgFilenameLen: int

proc dbgRegisterFilename(filename: cstring) {.compilerproc.} =
  # XXX we could check for duplicates here for DLL support
  dbgFilenames[dbgFilenameLen] = filename
  inc dbgFilenameLen

proc dbgRegisterBreakpoint(line: int,
                           filename, name: cstring) {.compilerproc.} =
  let x = dbgBPlen
  if x >= high(dbgBP):
    #debugOut("[Warning] cannot register breakpoint")
  dbgBP[x].filename = filename
  dbgBP[x].low = line
  dbgBP[x].high = line
  dbgBPbloom = dbgBPbloom or line

proc addBreakpoint*(filename: cstring, lo, hi: int): bool =
  let x = dbgBPlen
  if x >= high(dbgBP): return false
  result = true
  dbgBP[x].filename = filename
  dbgBP[x].low = lo
  dbgBP[x].high = hi
  for line in lo..hi: dbgBPbloom = dbgBPbloom or line

  FileSystemCaseInsensitive = defined(windows) or defined(dos) or defined(os2)

proc fileMatches(c, bp: cstring): bool =
  # bp = breakpoint filename
  # c = current filename
  # we consider it a match if bp is a suffix of c
  # and the character for the suffix does not exist or
  # is one of: \  /  :
  # depending on the OS case does not matter!
  var blen: int = c_strlen(bp)
  var clen: int = c_strlen(c)
  if blen > clen: return false
  # check for \ /  :
  if clen-blen-1 >= 0 and c[clen-blen-1] notin {'\\', '/', ':'}:
    return false
  var i = 0
  while i < blen:
    var x = bp[i]
    var y = c[i+clen-blen]
    when FileSystemCaseInsensitive:
      if x >= 'A' and x <= 'Z': x = chr(ord(x) - ord('A') + ord('a'))
      if y >= 'A' and y <= 'Z': y = chr(ord(y) - ord('A') + ord('a'))
    if x != y: return false
  return true

proc canonFilename*(filename: cstring): cstring =
  ## returns 'nil' if the filename cannot be found.
  for i in 0 .. <dbgFilenameLen:
    result = dbgFilenames[i]
    if fileMatches(result, filename): return result
  result = nil

iterator listBreakpoints*(): ptr Breakpoint =
  ## lists all breakpoints.
  for i in 0..dbgBPlen-1: yield addr(dbgBP[i])

proc isActive*(b: ptr Breakpoint): bool = b.low > 0
proc flip*(b: ptr Breakpoint) =
  ## enables or disables 'b' depending on its current state.
  b.low = -b.low; b.high = -b.high

proc checkBreakpoints*(filename: cstring, line: int): ptr Breakpoint =
  ## in which breakpoint (if any) we are.
  if (dbgBPbloom and line) != line: return nil
  for b in listBreakpoints():
    if line >= b.low and line <= b.high and filename == b.filename: return b

# ------------------- watchpoint support ------------------------------------

  Hash = int
  Watchpoint {.pure, final.} = object
    name: cstring
    address: pointer
    typ: PNimType
    oldValue: Hash
{.deprecated: [THash: Hash, TWatchpoint: Watchpoint].}

  watchpoints: array [0..99, Watchpoint]
  watchpointsLen: int

proc `!&`(h: Hash, val: int): Hash {.inline.} =
  result = h +% val
  result = result +% result shl 10
  result = result xor (result shr 6)

proc `!$`(h: Hash): Hash {.inline.} =
  result = h +% h shl 3
  result = result xor (result shr 11)
  result = result +% result shl 15

proc hash(data: pointer, size: int): Hash =
  var h: Hash = 0
  var p = cast[cstring](data)
  var i = 0
  var s = size
  while s > 0:
    h = h !& ord(p[i])
  result = !$h

proc hashGcHeader(data: pointer): Hash =
  const headerSize = sizeof(int)*2
  result = hash(cast[pointer](cast[int](data) -% headerSize), headerSize)

proc genericHashAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, shallow: bool,
                    h: Hash): Hash
proc genericHashAux(dest: pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, shallow: bool,
                    h: Hash): Hash =
  var d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
  case n.kind
  of nkSlot:
    result = genericHashAux(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), n.typ, shallow, h)
  of nkList:
    result = h
    for i in 0..n.len-1:
      result = result !& genericHashAux(dest, n.sons[i], shallow, result)
  of nkCase:
    result = h !& hash(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), n.typ.size)
    var m = selectBranch(dest, n)
    if m != nil: result = genericHashAux(dest, m, shallow, result)
  of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "genericHashAux")

proc genericHashAux(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType, shallow: bool,
                    h: Hash): Hash =
  sysAssert(mt != nil, "genericHashAux 2")
  case mt.kind
  of tyString:
    var x = cast[PPointer](dest)[]
    result = h
    if x != nil:
      let s = cast[NimString](x)
      when defined(trackGcHeaders):
        result = result !& hashGcHeader(x)
        result = result !& hash(x, s.len)
  of tySequence:
    var x = cast[PPointer](dest)
    var dst = cast[ByteAddress](cast[PPointer](dest)[])
    result = h
    if dst != 0:
      when defined(trackGcHeaders):
        result = result !& hashGcHeader(cast[PPointer](dest)[])
        for i in 0..cast[PGenericSeq](dst).len-1:
          result = result !& genericHashAux(
            cast[pointer](dst +% i*% mt.base.size +% GenericSeqSize),
            mt.base, shallow, result)
  of tyObject, tyTuple:
    # we don't need to copy m_type field for tyObject, as they are equal anyway
    result = genericHashAux(dest, mt.node, shallow, h)
  of tyArray, tyArrayConstr:
    let d = cast[ByteAddress](dest)
    result = h
    for i in 0..(mt.size div mt.base.size)-1:
      result = result !& genericHashAux(cast[pointer](d +% i*% mt.base.size),
                                        mt.base, shallow, result)
  of tyRef:
    when defined(trackGcHeaders):
      var s = cast[PPointer](dest)[]
      if s != nil:
        result = result !& hashGcHeader(s)
      if shallow:
        result = h !& hash(dest, mt.size)
        result = h
        var s = cast[PPointer](dest)[]
        if s != nil:
          result = result !& genericHashAux(s, mt.base, shallow, result)
    result = h !& hash(dest, mt.size) # hash raw bits

proc genericHash(dest: pointer, mt: PNimType): int =
  result = genericHashAux(dest, mt, false, 0)

proc dbgRegisterWatchpoint(address: pointer, name: cstring,
                           typ: PNimType) {.compilerproc.} =
  let L = watchPointsLen
  for i in 0.. <L:
    if watchPoints[i].name == name:
      # address may have changed:
      watchPoints[i].address = address
  if L >= watchPoints.high:
    #debugOut("[Warning] cannot register watchpoint")
  watchPoints[L].name = name
  watchPoints[L].address = address
  watchPoints[L].typ = typ
  watchPoints[L].oldValue = genericHash(address, typ)
  inc watchPointsLen

proc dbgUnregisterWatchpoints*() =
  watchPointsLen = 0

  dbgLineHook*: proc () {.nimcall.}
    ## set this variable to provide a procedure that should be called before
    ## each executed instruction. This should only be used by debuggers!
    ## Only code compiled with the ``debugger:on`` switch calls this hook.

  dbgWatchpointHook*: proc (watchpointName: cstring) {.nimcall.}

proc checkWatchpoints =
  let L = watchPointsLen
  for i in 0.. <L:
    let newHash = genericHash(watchPoints[i].address, watchPoints[i].typ)
    if newHash != watchPoints[i].oldValue:
      watchPoints[i].oldValue = newHash

proc endb(line: int, file: cstring) {.compilerproc, noinline.} =
  # This proc is called before every Nim code line!
  if framePtr == nil: return
  if dbgWatchpointHook != nil: checkWatchpoints()
  framePtr.line = line # this is done here for smaller code size!
  framePtr.filename = file
  if dbgLineHook != nil: dbgLineHook()

include "system/endb"