# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2020 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# Cycle collector based on
# https://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-bacon/Bacon01Concurrent.pdf
# And ideas from Lins' in 2008 by the notion of "critical links", see
# "Cyclic reference counting" by Rafael Dueire Lins
# R.D. Lins / Information Processing Letters 109 (2008) 71–78
type PT = Cell
include cellseqs_v2
colBlack = 0b000
colGray = 0b001
colWhite = 0b010
colPurple = 0b011
isCycleCandidate = 0b100 # cell is marked as a cycle candidate
jumpStackFlag = 0b1000
colorMask = 0b011
logOrc = defined(nimArcIds)
TraceProc = proc (p, env: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
DisposeProc = proc (p: pointer) {.nimcall, benign.}
template color(c): untyped = c.rc and colorMask
template setColor(c, col) =
when col == colBlack:
c.rc = c.rc and not colorMask
c.rc = c.rc and not colorMask or col
proc nimIncRefCyclic(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
let h = head(p)
inc h.rc, rcIncrement
#h.setColor colPurple # mark as potential cycle!
h.setColor colBlack
useJumpStack = false # for thavlak the jump stack doesn't improve the performance at all
GcEnv = object
traceStack: CellSeq
when useJumpStack:
jumpStack: CellSeq # Lins' jump stack in order to speed up traversals
toFree: CellSeq
freed, touched: int
proc trace(s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2; j: var GcEnv) {.inline.} =
if desc.traceImpl != nil:
var p = s +! sizeof(RefHeader)
cast[TraceProc](desc.traceImpl)(p, addr(j))
when logOrc:
proc writeCell(msg: cstring; s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2) =
cfprintf(cstderr, "%s %s %ld root index: %ld; RC: %ld; color: %ld\n",
msg, desc.name, s.refId, s.rootIdx, s.rc shr rcShift, s.color)
proc free(s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2) {.inline.} =
when traceCollector:
cprintf("[From ] %p rc %ld color %ld\n", s, s.rc shr rcShift, s.color)
let p = s +! sizeof(RefHeader)
when logOrc: writeCell("free", s, desc)
if desc.disposeImpl != nil:
when false:
cstderr.rawWrite desc.name
cstderr.rawWrite " "
if desc.disposeImpl == nil:
cstderr.rawWrite "lacks dispose"
if desc.traceImpl != nil:
cstderr.rawWrite ", but has trace\n"
cstderr.rawWrite ", and lacks trace\n"
cstderr.rawWrite "has dispose!\n"
proc nimTraceRef(q: pointer; desc: PNimTypeV2; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl, inline.} =
let p = cast[ptr pointer](q)
if p[] != nil:
var j = cast[ptr GcEnv](env)
j.traceStack.add(head p[], desc)
proc nimTraceRefDyn(q: pointer; env: pointer) {.compilerRtl, inline.} =
let p = cast[ptr pointer](q)
if p[] != nil:
var j = cast[ptr GcEnv](env)
j.traceStack.add(head p[], cast[ptr PNimTypeV2](p[])[])
template orcAssert(cond, msg) =
when logOrc:
if not cond:
cfprintf(cstderr, "[Bug!] %s\n", msg)
quit 1
roots {.threadvar.}: CellSeq
proc unregisterCycle(s: Cell) =
# swap with the last element. O(1)
let idx = s.rootIdx
when false:
if idx >= roots.len or idx < 0:
cprintf("[Bug!] %ld\n", idx)
quit 1
roots.d[idx] = roots.d[roots.len-1]
roots.d[idx][0].rootIdx = idx
dec roots.len
proc scanBlack(s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2; j: var GcEnv) =
proc scanBlack(s: Cell) =
setColor(s, colBlack)
for t in sons(s):
t.rc = t.rc + rcIncrement
if t.color != colBlack:
s.setColor colBlack
let until = j.traceStack.len
trace(s, desc, j)
when logOrc: writeCell("root still alive", s, desc)
while j.traceStack.len > until:
let (t, desc) = j.traceStack.pop()
inc t.rc, rcIncrement
if t.color != colBlack:
t.setColor colBlack
trace(t, desc, j)
when logOrc: writeCell("child still alive", t, desc)
proc markGray(s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2; j: var GcEnv) =
proc markGray(s: Cell) =
if s.color != colGray:
setColor(s, colGray)
for t in sons(s):
t.rc = t.rc - rcIncrement
if t.color != colGray:
if s.color != colGray:
s.setColor colGray
inc j.touched
orcAssert(j.traceStack.len == 0, "markGray: trace stack not empty")
trace(s, desc, j)
while j.traceStack.len > 0:
let (t, desc) = j.traceStack.pop()
dec t.rc, rcIncrement
when useJumpStack:
if (t.rc shr rcShift) >= 0 and (t.rc and jumpStackFlag) == 0:
t.rc = t.rc or jumpStackFlag
when traceCollector:
cprintf("[Now in jumpstack] %p %ld color %ld in jumpstack %ld\n", t, t.rc shr rcShift, t.color, t.rc and jumpStackFlag)
j.jumpStack.add(t, desc)
if t.color != colGray:
t.setColor colGray
inc j.touched
trace(t, desc, j)
proc scan(s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2; j: var GcEnv) =
proc scan(s: Cell) =
if s.color == colGray:
if s.rc > 0:
for t in sons(s): scan(t)
if s.color == colGray:
if (s.rc shr rcShift) >= 0:
scanBlack(s, desc, j)
# XXX this should be done according to Lins' paper but currently breaks
#when useJumpStack:
# s.setColor colPurple
when useJumpStack:
# first we have to repair all the nodes we have seen
# that are still alive; we also need to mark what they
# refer to as alive:
while j.jumpStack.len > 0:
let (t, desc) = j.jumpStack.pop
# not in jump stack anymore!
t.rc = t.rc and not jumpStackFlag
if t.color == colGray and (t.rc shr rcShift) >= 0:
scanBlack(t, desc, j)
# XXX this should be done according to Lins' paper but currently breaks
#t.setColor colPurple
when traceCollector:
cprintf("[jump stack] %p %ld\n", t, t.rc shr rcShift)
orcAssert(j.traceStack.len == 0, "scan: trace stack not empty")
trace(s, desc, j)
while j.traceStack.len > 0:
let (t, desc) = j.traceStack.pop()
if t.color == colGray:
if (t.rc shr rcShift) >= 0:
scanBlack(t, desc, j)
when useJumpStack:
# first we have to repair all the nodes we have seen
# that are still alive; we also need to mark what they
# refer to as alive:
while j.jumpStack.len > 0:
let (t, desc) = j.jumpStack.pop
# not in jump stack anymore!
t.rc = t.rc and not jumpStackFlag
if t.color == colGray and (t.rc shr rcShift) >= 0:
scanBlack(t, desc, j)
# XXX this should be done according to Lins' paper but currently breaks
#t.setColor colPurple
when traceCollector:
cprintf("[jump stack] %p %ld\n", t, t.rc shr rcShift)
trace(t, desc, j)
when false:
proc writeCell(msg: cstring; s: Cell) =
cfprintf(cstderr, "%s %p root index: %ld; RC: %ld; color: %ld\n",
msg, s, s.rootIdx, s.rc shr rcShift, s.color)
proc collectWhite(s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2; j: var GcEnv) =
proc collectWhite(s: Cell) =
if s.color == colWhite and not buffered(s):
for t in sons(s):
free(s) # watch out, a bug here!
if s.color == colWhite and (s.rc and isCycleCandidate) == 0:
orcAssert(j.traceStack.len == 0, "collectWhite: trace stack not empty")
j.toFree.add(s, desc)
trace(s, desc, j)
while j.traceStack.len > 0:
let (t, desc) = j.traceStack.pop()
if t.color == colWhite and (t.rc and isCycleCandidate) == 0:
j.toFree.add(t, desc)
trace(t, desc, j)
proc collectCyclesBacon(j: var GcEnv) =
# pretty direct translation from
# https://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/files/us-bacon/Bacon01Concurrent.pdf
# Fig. 2. Synchronous Cycle Collection
for s in roots:
for s in roots:
for s in roots:
remove s from roots
s.buffered = false
when logOrc:
for i in 0 ..< roots.len:
writeCell("root", roots.d[i][0], roots.d[i][1])
for i in 0 ..< roots.len:
markGray(roots.d[i][0], roots.d[i][1], j)
for i in 0 ..< roots.len:
scan(roots.d[i][0], roots.d[i][1], j)
init j.toFree
for i in 0 ..< roots.len:
let s = roots.d[i][0]
s.rc = s.rc and not isCycleCandidate
collectWhite(s, roots.d[i][1], j)
for i in 0 ..< j.toFree.len:
free(j.toFree.d[i][0], j.toFree.d[i][1])
inc j.freed, j.toFree.len
deinit j.toFree
#roots.len = 0
defaultThreshold = when defined(nimAdaptiveOrc): 128 else: 10_000
rootsThreshold = defaultThreshold
proc collectCycles() =
## Collect cycles.
when logOrc:
cfprintf(cstderr, "[collectCycles] begin\n")
var j: GcEnv
init j.traceStack
when useJumpStack:
init j.jumpStack
while j.jumpStack.len > 0:
let (t, desc) = j.jumpStack.pop
# not in jump stack anymore!
t.rc = t.rc and not jumpStackFlag
deinit j.jumpStack
deinit j.traceStack
deinit roots
# compute the threshold based on the previous history
# of the cycle collector's effectiveness:
# we're effective when we collected 50% or more of the nodes
# we touched. If we're effective, we can reset the threshold:
if j.freed * 2 >= j.touched:
when defined(nimAdaptiveOrc):
rootsThreshold = max(rootsThreshold div 2, 16)
rootsThreshold = defaultThreshold
#cfprintf(cstderr, "[collectCycles] freed %ld, touched %ld new threshold %ld\n", j.freed, j.touched, rootsThreshold)
elif rootsThreshold < high(int) div 4:
rootsThreshold = rootsThreshold * 3 div 2
when logOrc:
cfprintf(cstderr, "[collectCycles] end; freed %ld new threshold %ld touched: %ld mem: %ld\n", j.freed, rootsThreshold, j.touched,
proc registerCycle(s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2) =
if roots.len >= rootsThreshold:
if roots.d == nil: init(roots)
s.rootIdx = roots.len
add(roots, s, desc)
#writeCell("[added root]", s)
proc GC_fullCollect* =
## Forces a full garbage collection pass. With ``--gc:orc`` triggers the cycle
## collector.
proc GC_enableMarkAndSweep*() =
rootsThreshold = defaultThreshold
proc GC_disableMarkAndSweep*() =
rootsThreshold = high(int)
proc rememberCycle(isDestroyAction: bool; s: Cell; desc: PNimTypeV2) {.noinline.} =
if isDestroyAction:
if (s.rc and isCycleCandidate) != 0:
s.rc = s.rc and not isCycleCandidate
# do not call 'rememberCycle' again unless this cell
# got an 'incRef' event:
#s.setColor colGreen # XXX This is wrong!
if (s.rc and isCycleCandidate) == 0:
s.rc = s.rc or isCycleCandidate
s.setColor colBlack
registerCycle(s, desc)
proc nimDecRefIsLastCyclicDyn(p: pointer): bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
if p != nil:
var cell = head(p)
if (cell.rc and not rcMask) == 0:
result = true
#cprintf("[DESTROY] %p\n", p)
dec cell.rc, rcIncrement
#if cell.color == colPurple:
rememberCycle(result, cell, cast[ptr PNimTypeV2](p)[])
proc nimDecRefIsLastCyclicStatic(p: pointer; desc: PNimTypeV2): bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} =
if p != nil:
var cell = head(p)
if (cell.rc and not rcMask) == 0:
result = true
#cprintf("[DESTROY] %p %s\n", p, desc.name)
dec cell.rc, rcIncrement
#if cell.color == colPurple:
rememberCycle(result, cell, desc)