# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# Compilerprocs for strings that do not depend on the string implementation.
import std/private/digitsutils
proc cmpStrings(a, b: string): int {.inline, compilerproc.} =
let alen = a.len
let blen = b.len
let minlen = min(alen, blen)
if minlen > 0:
result = c_memcmp(unsafeAddr a[0], unsafeAddr b[0], cast[csize_t](minlen)).int
if result == 0:
result = alen - blen
result = alen - blen
proc eqStrings(a, b: string): bool {.inline, compilerproc.} =
let alen = a.len
let blen = b.len
if alen == blen:
if alen == 0: return true
return equalMem(unsafeAddr(a[0]), unsafeAddr(b[0]), alen)
proc hashString(s: string): int {.compilerproc.} =
# the compiler needs exactly the same hash function!
# this used to be used for efficient generation of string case statements
var h = 0'u
for i in 0..len(s)-1:
h = h + uint(s[i])
h = h + h shl 10
h = h xor (h shr 6)
h = h + h shl 3
h = h xor (h shr 11)
h = h + h shl 15
result = cast[int](h)
proc eqCstrings(a, b: cstring): bool {.inline, compilerproc.} =
if pointer(a) == pointer(b): result = true
elif a.isNil or b.isNil: result = false
else: result = c_strcmp(a, b) == 0
proc hashCstring(s: cstring): int {.compilerproc.} =
# the compiler needs exactly the same hash function!
# this used to be used for efficient generation of cstring case statements
if s.isNil: return 0
var h : uint = 0
var i = 0
while true:
let c = s[i]
if c == '\0': break
h = h + uint(c)
h = h + h shl 10
h = h xor (h shr 6)
inc i
h = h + h shl 3
h = h xor (h shr 11)
h = h + h shl 15
result = cast[int](h)
proc c_strtod(buf: cstring, endptr: ptr cstring): float64 {.
importc: "strtod", header: "<stdlib.h>", noSideEffect.}
IdentChars = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_'}
powtens = [1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9,
1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
1e20, 1e21, 1e22]
{.push staticBoundChecks: off.}
proc nimParseBiggestFloat(s: openArray[char], number: var BiggestFloat,
): int {.compilerproc.} =
# This routine attempt to parse float that can parsed quickly.
# i.e. whose integer part can fit inside a 53bits integer.
# their real exponent must also be <= 22. If the float doesn't follow
# these restrictions, transform the float into this form:
# INTEGER * 10 ^ exponent and leave the work to standard `strtod()`.
# This avoid the problems of decimal character portability.
# see: http://www.exploringbinary.com/fast-path-decimal-to-floating-point-conversion/
i = 0
sign = 1.0
kdigits, fdigits = 0
exponent = 0
integer = uint64(0)
fracExponent = 0
expSign = 1
firstDigit = -1
hasSign = false
# Sign?
if i < s.len and (s[i] == '+' or s[i] == '-'):
hasSign = true
if s[i] == '-':
sign = -1.0
# NaN?
if i+2 < s.len and (s[i] == 'N' or s[i] == 'n'):
if s[i+1] == 'A' or s[i+1] == 'a':
if s[i+2] == 'N' or s[i+2] == 'n':
if i+3 >= s.len or s[i+3] notin IdentChars:
number = NaN
return i+3
return 0
# Inf?
if i+2 < s.len and (s[i] == 'I' or s[i] == 'i'):
if s[i+1] == 'N' or s[i+1] == 'n':
if s[i+2] == 'F' or s[i+2] == 'f':
if i+3 >= s.len or s[i+3] notin IdentChars:
number = Inf*sign
return i+3
return 0
if i < s.len and s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
firstDigit = (s[i].ord - '0'.ord)
# Integer part?
while i < s.len and s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
integer = integer * 10'u64 + (s[i].ord - '0'.ord).uint64
while i < s.len and s[i] == '_': inc(i)
# Fractional part?
if i < s.len and s[i] == '.':
# if no integer part, Skip leading zeros
if kdigits <= 0:
while i < s.len and s[i] == '0':
while i < s.len and s[i] == '_': inc(i)
if firstDigit == -1 and i < s.len and s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
firstDigit = (s[i].ord - '0'.ord)
# get fractional part
while i < s.len and s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
integer = integer * 10'u64 + (s[i].ord - '0'.ord).uint64
while i < s.len and s[i] == '_': inc(i)
# if has no digits: return error
if kdigits + fdigits <= 0 and
(i == 0 or # no char consumed (empty string).
(i == 1 and hasSign)): # or only '+' or '-
return 0
if i+1 < s.len and s[i] in {'e', 'E'}:
if s[i] == '+' or s[i] == '-':
if s[i] == '-':
expSign = -1
if s[i] notin {'0'..'9'}:
return 0
while i < s.len and s[i] in {'0'..'9'}:
exponent = exponent * 10 + (ord(s[i]) - ord('0'))
while i < s.len and s[i] == '_': inc(i) # underscores are allowed and ignored
var realExponent = expSign*exponent - fracExponent
let expNegative = realExponent < 0
var absExponent = abs(realExponent)
# if exponent greater than can be represented: +/- zero or infinity
if absExponent > 999:
if expNegative:
number = 0.0*sign
number = Inf*sign
return i
# if integer is representable in 53 bits: fast path
# max fast path integer is 1<<53 - 1 or 8999999999999999 (16 digits)
let digits = kdigits + fdigits
if digits <= 15 or (digits <= 16 and firstDigit <= 8):
# max float power of ten with set bits above the 53th bit is 10^22
if absExponent <= 22:
if expNegative:
number = sign * integer.float / powtens[absExponent]
number = sign * integer.float * powtens[absExponent]
return i
# if exponent is greater try to fit extra exponent above 22 by multiplying
# integer part is there is space left.
let slop = 15 - kdigits - fdigits
if absExponent <= 22 + slop and not expNegative:
number = sign * integer.float * powtens[slop] * powtens[absExponent-slop]
return i
# if failed: slow path with strtod.
var t: array[500, char] # flaviu says: 325 is the longest reasonable literal
var ti = 0
let maxlen = t.high - "e+000".len # reserve enough space for exponent
let endPos = i
result = endPos
i = 0
# re-parse without error checking, any error should be handled by the code above.
if i < endPos and s[i] == '.': i.inc
while i < endPos and s[i] in {'0'..'9','+','-'}:
if ti < maxlen:
t[ti] = s[i]; inc(ti)
while i < endPos and s[i] in {'.', '_'}: # skip underscore and decimal point
# insert exponent
t[ti] = 'E'
t[ti] = if expNegative: '-' else: '+'
inc(ti, 4)
# insert adjusted exponent
t[ti-1] = ('0'.ord + absExponent mod 10).char
absExponent = absExponent div 10
t[ti-2] = ('0'.ord + absExponent mod 10).char
absExponent = absExponent div 10
t[ti-3] = ('0'.ord + absExponent mod 10).char
number = c_strtod(cast[cstring](addr t), nil)
{.pop.} # staticBoundChecks
proc nimBoolToStr(x: bool): string {.compilerRtl.} =
return if x: "true" else: "false"
proc nimCharToStr(x: char): string {.compilerRtl.} =
result = newString(1)
result[0] = x
when defined(gcDestructors):
proc GC_getStatistics*(): string =
result = "[GC] total memory: "
result.addInt getTotalMem()
result.add "\n[GC] occupied memory: "
result.addInt getOccupiedMem()
result.add '\n'
#"[GC] cycle collections: " & $gch.stat.cycleCollections & "\n" &