# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# Low level system locks and condition vars.
{.push stackTrace: off.}
when defined(windows):
Handle = int
SysLock {.importc: "CRITICAL_SECTION",
header: "<windows.h>", final, pure.} = object # CRITICAL_SECTION in WinApi
DebugInfo: pointer
LockCount: int32
RecursionCount: int32
OwningThread: int
LockSemaphore: int
SpinCount: int
SysCond = Handle
proc initSysLock(L: var SysLock) {.importc: "InitializeCriticalSection",
header: "<windows.h>".}
## Initializes the lock `L`.
proc tryAcquireSysAux(L: var SysLock): int32 {.importc: "TryEnterCriticalSection",
header: "<windows.h>".}
## Tries to acquire the lock `L`.
proc tryAcquireSys(L: var SysLock): bool {.inline.} =
result = tryAcquireSysAux(L) != 0'i32
proc acquireSys(L: var SysLock) {.importc: "EnterCriticalSection",
header: "<windows.h>".}
## Acquires the lock `L`.
proc releaseSys(L: var SysLock) {.importc: "LeaveCriticalSection",
header: "<windows.h>".}
## Releases the lock `L`.
proc deinitSys(L: var SysLock) {.importc: "DeleteCriticalSection",
header: "<windows.h>".}
proc createEvent(lpEventAttributes: pointer,
bManualReset, bInitialState: int32,
lpName: cstring): SysCond {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CreateEventA".}
proc closeHandle(hObject: Handle) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CloseHandle".}
proc waitForSingleObject(hHandle: Handle, dwMilliseconds: int32): int32 {.
stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "WaitForSingleObject", noSideEffect.}
proc signalSysCond(hEvent: SysCond) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "SetEvent".}
proc initSysCond(cond: var SysCond) {.inline.} =
cond = createEvent(nil, 0'i32, 0'i32, nil)
proc deinitSysCond(cond: var SysCond) {.inline.} =
proc waitSysCond(cond: var SysCond, lock: var SysLock) =
discard waitForSingleObject(cond, -1'i32)
proc waitSysCondWindows(cond: var SysCond) =
discard waitForSingleObject(cond, -1'i32)
elif defined(genode):
Header = "genode_cpp/syslocks.h"
SysLock {.importcpp: "Nim::SysLock", pure, final,
header: Header.} = object
SysCond {.importcpp: "Nim::SysCond", pure, final,
header: Header.} = object
proc initSysLock(L: var SysLock) = discard
proc deinitSys(L: var SysLock) = discard
proc acquireSys(L: var SysLock) {.noSideEffect, importcpp.}
proc tryAcquireSys(L: var SysLock): bool {.noSideEffect, importcpp.}
proc releaseSys(L: var SysLock) {.noSideEffect, importcpp.}
proc initSysCond(L: var SysCond) = discard
proc deinitSysCond(L: var SysCond) = discard
proc waitSysCond(cond: var SysCond, lock: var SysLock) {.
noSideEffect, importcpp.}
proc signalSysCond(cond: var SysCond) {.
noSideEffect, importcpp.}
SysLockObj {.importc: "pthread_mutex_t", pure, final,
header: """#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>""".} = object
when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
abi: array[40 div sizeof(clong), clong]
SysLockAttr {.importc: "pthread_mutexattr_t", pure, final
header: """#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>""".} = object
when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
abi: array[4 div sizeof(cint), cint] # actually a cint
SysCondObj {.importc: "pthread_cond_t", pure, final,
header: """#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>""".} = object
when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
abi: array[48 div sizeof(clonglong), clonglong]
SysCondAttr {.importc: "pthread_condattr_t", pure, final
header: """#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>""".} = object
when defined(linux) and defined(amd64):
abi: array[4 div sizeof(cint), cint] # actually a cint
SysLockType = distinct cint
proc initSysLockAux(L: var SysLockObj, attr: ptr SysLockAttr) {.
importc: "pthread_mutex_init", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
proc deinitSysAux(L: var SysLockObj) {.noSideEffect,
importc: "pthread_mutex_destroy", header: "<pthread.h>".}
proc acquireSysAux(L: var SysLockObj) {.noSideEffect,
importc: "pthread_mutex_lock", header: "<pthread.h>".}
proc tryAcquireSysAux(L: var SysLockObj): cint {.noSideEffect,
importc: "pthread_mutex_trylock", header: "<pthread.h>".}
proc releaseSysAux(L: var SysLockObj) {.noSideEffect,
importc: "pthread_mutex_unlock", header: "<pthread.h>".}
when defined(ios):
# iOS will behave badly if sync primitives are moved in memory. In order
# to prevent this once and for all, we're doing an extra malloc when
# initializing the primitive.
SysLock = ptr SysLockObj
SysCond = ptr SysCondObj
when not declared(c_malloc):
proc c_malloc(size: csize_t): pointer {.
importc: "malloc", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
proc c_free(p: pointer) {.
importc: "free", header: "<stdlib.h>".}
proc initSysLock(L: var SysLock, attr: ptr SysLockAttr = nil) =
L = cast[SysLock](c_malloc(csize_t(sizeof(SysLockObj))))
initSysLockAux(L[], attr)
proc deinitSys(L: var SysLock) =
template acquireSys(L: var SysLock) =
template tryAcquireSys(L: var SysLock): bool =
tryAcquireSysAux(L[]) == 0'i32
template releaseSys(L: var SysLock) =
SysLock = SysLockObj
SysCond = SysCondObj
template initSysLock(L: var SysLock, attr: ptr SysLockAttr = nil) =
initSysLockAux(L, attr)
template deinitSys(L: var SysLock) =
template acquireSys(L: var SysLock) =
template tryAcquireSys(L: var SysLock): bool =
tryAcquireSysAux(L) == 0'i32
template releaseSys(L: var SysLock) =
when insideRLocksModule:
let SysLockType_Reentrant{.importc: "PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE",
header: "<pthread.h>".}: SysLockType
proc initSysLockAttr(a: var SysLockAttr) {.
importc: "pthread_mutexattr_init", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
proc setSysLockType(a: var SysLockAttr, t: SysLockType) {.
importc: "pthread_mutexattr_settype", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
proc initSysCondAux(cond: var SysCondObj, cond_attr: ptr SysCondAttr = nil) {.
importc: "pthread_cond_init", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
proc deinitSysCondAux(cond: var SysCondObj) {.noSideEffect,
importc: "pthread_cond_destroy", header: "<pthread.h>".}
proc waitSysCondAux(cond: var SysCondObj, lock: var SysLockObj) {.
importc: "pthread_cond_wait", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
proc signalSysCondAux(cond: var SysCondObj) {.
importc: "pthread_cond_signal", header: "<pthread.h>", noSideEffect.}
when defined(ios):
proc initSysCond(cond: var SysCond, cond_attr: ptr SysCondAttr = nil) =
cond = cast[SysCond](c_malloc(csize_t(sizeof(SysCondObj))))
initSysCondAux(cond[], cond_attr)
proc deinitSysCond(cond: var SysCond) =
template waitSysCond(cond: var SysCond, lock: var SysLock) =
waitSysCondAux(cond[], lock[])
template signalSysCond(cond: var SysCond) =
template initSysCond(cond: var SysCond, cond_attr: ptr SysCondAttr = nil) =
initSysCondAux(cond, cond_attr)
template deinitSysCond(cond: var SysCond) =
template waitSysCond(cond: var SysCond, lock: var SysLock) =
waitSysCondAux(cond, lock)
template signalSysCond(cond: var SysCond) =