# Nimrod's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## The ``parsecfg`` module implements a high performance configuration file
## parser. The configuration file's syntax is similar to the Windows ``.ini``
## format, but much more powerful, as it is not a line based parser. String
## literals, raw string literals and triple quoted string literals are supported
## as in the Nimrod programming language.
## This is an example of how a configuration file may look like:
## .. include:: doc/mytest.cfg
## :literal:
## The file ``tests/tparscfg.nim`` demonstrates how to use the
## configuration file parser:
## .. code-block:: nimrod
## :file: tests/tparscfg.nim
hashes, strutils, lexbase, streams
TCfgEventKind* = enum ## enumation of all events that may occur when parsing
cfgEof, ## end of file reached
cfgSectionStart, ## a ``[section]`` has been parsed
cfgKeyValuePair, ## a ``key=value`` pair has been detected
cfgOption, ## a ``--key=value`` command line option
cfgError ## an error ocurred during parsing
TCfgEvent* = object of TObject ## describes a parsing event
case kind*: TCfgEventKind ## the kind of the event
of cfgEof: nil
of cfgSectionStart:
section*: string ## `section` contains the name of the
## parsed section start (syntax: ``[section]``)
of cfgKeyValuePair, cfgOption:
key*, value*: string ## contains the (key, value) pair if an option
## of the form ``--key: value`` or an ordinary
## ``key= value`` pair has been parsed.
## ``value==""`` if it was not specified in the
## configuration file.
of cfgError: ## the parser encountered an error: `msg`
msg*: string ## contains the error message. No exceptions
## are thrown if a parse error occurs.
TTokKind = enum
tkInvalid, tkEof,
tkSymbol, tkEquals, tkColon, tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkDashDash
TToken {.final.} = object # a token
kind: TTokKind # the type of the token
literal: string # the parsed (string) literal
TParserState = enum
startState # , commaState # not yet used
TCfgParser* = object of TBaseLexer ## the parser object.
tok: TToken
state: TParserState
filename: string
proc open*(c: var TCfgParser, input: PStream, filename: string)
## initializes the parser with an input stream. `Filename` is only used
## for nice error messages.
proc close*(c: var TCfgParser)
## closes the parser `c` and its associated input stream.
proc next*(c: var TCfgParser): TCfgEvent
## retrieves the first/next event. This controls the parser.
proc getColumn*(c: TCfgParser): int
## get the current column the parser has arrived at.
proc getLine*(c: TCfgParser): int
## get the current line the parser has arrived at.
proc getFilename*(c: TCfgParser): string
## get the filename of the file that the parser processes.
proc errorStr*(c: TCfgParser, msg: string): string
## returns a properly formated error message containing current line and
## column information.
# implementation
SymChars: TCharSet = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
proc rawGetTok(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken)
proc open(c: var TCfgParser, input: PStream, filename: string) =
lexbase.open(c, input)
c.filename = filename
c.state = startState
c.tok.kind = tkInvalid
c.tok.literal = ""
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
proc close(c: var TCfgParser) =
proc getColumn(c: TCfgParser): int =
result = getColNumber(c, c.bufPos)
proc getLine(c: TCfgParser): int =
result = c.linenumber
proc getFilename(c: TCfgParser): string =
result = c.filename
proc handleHexChar(c: var TCfgParser, xi: var int) =
case c.buf[c.bufpos]
of '0'..'9':
xi = (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('0'))
of 'a'..'f':
xi = (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('a') + 10)
of 'A'..'F':
xi = (xi shl 4) or (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('A') + 10)
proc handleDecChars(c: var TCfgParser, xi: var int) =
while c.buf[c.bufpos] in {'0'..'9'}:
xi = (xi * 10) + (ord(c.buf[c.bufpos]) - ord('0'))
proc getEscapedChar(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken) =
inc(c.bufpos) # skip '\'
case c.buf[c.bufpos]
of 'n', 'N':
add(tok.literal, "\n")
of 'r', 'R', 'c', 'C':
add(tok.literal, '\c')
of 'l', 'L':
add(tok.literal, '\L')
of 'f', 'F':
add(tok.literal, '\f')
of 'e', 'E':
add(tok.literal, '\e')
of 'a', 'A':
add(tok.literal, '\a')
of 'b', 'B':
add(tok.literal, '\b')
of 'v', 'V':
add(tok.literal, '\v')
of 't', 'T':
add(tok.literal, '\t')
of '\'', '\"':
add(tok.literal, c.buf[c.bufpos])
of '\\':
add(tok.literal, '\\')
of 'x', 'X':
var xi = 0
handleHexChar(c, xi)
handleHexChar(c, xi)
add(tok.literal, Chr(xi))
of '0'..'9':
var xi = 0
handleDecChars(c, xi)
if (xi <= 255): add(tok.literal, Chr(xi))
else: tok.kind = tkInvalid
else: tok.kind = tkInvalid
proc HandleCRLF(c: var TCfgParser, pos: int): int =
case c.buf[pos]
of '\c': result = lexbase.HandleCR(c, pos)
of '\L': result = lexbase.HandleLF(c, pos)
else: result = pos
proc getString(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken, rawMode: bool) =
var pos = c.bufPos + 1 # skip "
var buf = c.buf # put `buf` in a register
tok.kind = tkSymbol
if (buf[pos] == '\"') and (buf[pos + 1] == '\"'):
# long string literal:
inc(pos, 2) # skip ""
# skip leading newline:
pos = HandleCRLF(c, pos)
buf = c.buf
while true:
case buf[pos]
of '\"':
if (buf[pos + 1] == '\"') and (buf[pos + 2] == '\"'): break
add(tok.literal, '\"')
of '\c', '\L':
pos = HandleCRLF(c, pos)
buf = c.buf
add(tok.literal, "\n")
of lexbase.EndOfFile:
tok.kind = tkInvalid
add(tok.literal, buf[pos])
c.bufpos = pos + 3 # skip the three """
# ordinary string literal
while true:
var ch = buf[pos]
if ch == '\"':
inc(pos) # skip '"'
if ch in {'\c', '\L', lexbase.EndOfFile}:
tok.kind = tkInvalid
if (ch == '\\') and not rawMode:
c.bufPos = pos
getEscapedChar(c, tok)
pos = c.bufPos
add(tok.literal, ch)
c.bufpos = pos
proc getSymbol(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken) =
var pos = c.bufpos
var buf = c.buf
while true:
add(tok.literal, buf[pos])
if not (buf[pos] in SymChars): break
c.bufpos = pos
tok.kind = tkSymbol
proc skip(c: var TCfgParser) =
var pos = c.bufpos
var buf = c.buf
while true:
case buf[pos]
of ' ', '\t':
of '#', ';':
while not (buf[pos] in {'\c', '\L', lexbase.EndOfFile}): inc(pos)
of '\c', '\L':
pos = HandleCRLF(c, pos)
buf = c.buf
break # EndOfFile also leaves the loop
c.bufpos = pos
proc rawGetTok(c: var TCfgParser, tok: var TToken) =
tok.kind = tkInvalid
setlen(tok.literal, 0)
case c.buf[c.bufpos]
of '=':
tok.kind = tkEquals
tok.literal = "="
of '-':
if c.buf[c.bufPos] == '-': inc(c.bufPos)
tok.kind = tkDashDash
tok.literal = "--"
of ':':
tok.kind = tkColon
tok.literal = ":"
of 'r', 'R':
if c.buf[c.bufPos + 1] == '\"':
getString(c, tok, true)
getSymbol(c, tok)
of '[':
tok.kind = tkBracketLe
tok.literal = "]"
of ']':
tok.kind = tkBracketRi
tok.literal = "]"
of '\"':
getString(c, tok, false)
of lexbase.EndOfFile:
tok.kind = tkEof
tok.literal = "[EOF]"
else: getSymbol(c, tok)
proc errorStr(c: TCfgParser, msg: string): string =
result = `%`("$1($2, $3) Error: $4",
[c.filename, $getLine(c), $getColumn(c), msg])
proc getKeyValPair(c: var TCfgParser, kind: TCfgEventKind): TCfgEvent =
if c.tok.kind == tkSymbol:
result.kind = kind
result.key = c.tok.literal
result.value = ""
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
if c.tok.kind in {tkEquals, tkColon}:
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
if c.tok.kind == tkSymbol:
result.value = c.tok.literal
result.kind = cfgError
result.msg = errorStr(c, "symbol expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
result.kind = cfgError
result.msg = errorStr(c, "symbol expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
proc next(c: var TCfgParser): TCfgEvent =
case c.tok.kind
of tkEof:
result.kind = cfgEof
of tkDashDash:
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
result = getKeyValPair(c, cfgOption)
of tkSymbol:
result = getKeyValPair(c, cfgKeyValuePair)
of tkBracketLe:
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
if c.tok.kind == tkSymbol:
result.kind = cfgSectionStart
result.section = c.tok.literal
result.kind = cfgError
result.msg = errorStr(c, "symbol expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
if c.tok.kind == tkBracketRi:
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)
result.kind = cfgError
result.msg = errorStr(c, "\']\' expected, but found: " & c.tok.literal)
of tkInvalid, tkEquals, tkColon, tkBracketRi:
result.kind = cfgError
result.msg = errorStr(c, "invalid token: " & c.tok.literal)
rawGetTok(c, c.tok)