discard """
outputsub: '''ObjectAssignmentDefect'''
exitcode: "1"
import verylongnamehere, verylongnamehere,
verylongnamehereverylongnamehereverylong, namehere, verylongnamehere
proc `[]=`() = discard "index setter"
proc `putter=`() = discard cast[pointer](cast[int](buffer) + size)
(not false)
let expr = if true: "true" else: "false"
var body = newNimNode(nnkIfExpr).add(
infix(newDotExpr(ident("a"), ident("kind")), "==", newDotExpr(ident("b"),
# comment
var x = 1
GeneralTokenizer* = object of RootObj ## comment here
kind*: TokenClass ## and here
start*, length*: int ## you know how it goes...
buf: cstring
pos: int # other comment here.
state: TokenClass
var x*: string
var y: seq[string] #[ yay inline comments. So nice I have to care bout these. ]#
echo "#", x, "##", y, "#" & "string" & $test
echo (tup, here)
echo(argA, argB)
import macros
## A documentation comment here.
## That spans multiple lines.
## And is not to be touched.
const numbers = [4u8, 5'u16, 89898_00]
macro m(n): untyped =
result = foo"string literal"
{.push m.}
proc p() = echo "p", 1+4 * 5, if true: 5 else: 6
proc q(param: var ref ptr string) =
if true:
echo a and b or not c and not -d
when false:
# bug #4766
Plain = ref object
Wrapped[T] = object
value: T
converter toWrapped[T](value: T): Wrapped[T] =
Wrapped[T](value: value)
let result = Plain()
discard $result
when false:
# bug #3670
template someTempl(someConst: bool) =
when someConst:
var a: int
if true:
when not someConst:
var a: int
a = 5
# The Nim Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2018 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## Layouter for nimpretty. Still primitive but useful.
import idents, lexer, lineinfos, llstream, options, msgs, strutils
from os import changeFileExt
MaxLineLen = 80
LineCommentColumn = 30
SplitKind = enum
splitComma, splitParLe, splitAnd, splitOr, splitIn, splitBinary
Emitter* = object
f: PLLStream
config: ConfigRef
fid: FileIndex
lastTok: TTokType
inquote {.pragmaHereWrongCurlyEnd.}: bool
col, lastLineNumber, lineSpan, indentLevel: int
content: string
fixedUntil: int # marks where we must not go in the content
altSplitPos: array[SplitKind, int] # alternative split positions
proc openEmitter*[T, S](em: var Emitter; config: ConfigRef;
fileIdx: FileIndex) {.pragmaHereWrongCurlyEnd.} =
let outfile = changeFileExt(config.toFullPath(fileIdx), ".pretty.nim")
em.f = llStreamOpen(outfile, fmWrite)
em.config = config
em.fid = fileIdx
em.lastTok = tkInvalid
em.inquote = false
em.col = 0
em.content = newStringOfCap(16_000)
if em.f == nil:
rawMessage(config, errGenerated, "cannot open file: " & outfile)
proc closeEmitter*(em: var Emitter) {.inline.} =
em.f.llStreamWrite em.content
proc countNewlines(s: string): int =
result = 0
for i in 0..<s.len:
if s[i+1] == '\L': inc result
proc calcCol(em: var Emitter; s: string) =
var i = s.len-1
em.col = 0
while i >= 0 and s[i] != '\L':
dec i
inc em.col
template wr(x) =
em.content.add x
inc em.col, x.len
template goodCol(col): bool = col in 40..MaxLineLen
const splitters = {tkComma, tkSemicolon, tkParLe, tkParDotLe,
tkBracketLe, tkBracketLeColon, tkCurlyDotLe,
template rememberSplit(kind) =
if goodCol(em.col):
em.altSplitPos[kind] = em.content.len
proc softLinebreak(em: var Emitter; lit: string) =
# XXX Use an algorithm that is outlined here:
# https://llvm.org/devmtg/2013-04/jasper-slides.pdf
# +2 because we blindly assume a comma or ' &' might follow
if not em.inquote and em.col+lit.len+2 >= MaxLineLen:
if em.lastTok in splitters:
em.col = 0
for i in 1..em.indentLevel+2: wr(" ")
# search backwards for a good split position:
for a in em.altSplitPos:
if a > em.fixedUntil:
let ws = "\L" & repeat(' ', em.indentLevel+2)
em.col = em.content.len - a
em.content.insert(ws, a)
proc emitTok*(em: var Emitter; L: TLexer; tok: TToken) =
template endsInWhite(em): bool =
em.content.len > 0 and em.content[em.content.high] in {' ', '\L'}
template endsInAlpha(em): bool =
em.content.len > 0 and em.content[em.content.high] in SymChars+{'_'}
proc emitComment(em: var Emitter; tok: TToken) =
let lit = strip fileSection(em.config, em.fid, tok.commentOffsetA,
em.lineSpan = countNewlines(lit)
if em.lineSpan > 0: calcCol(em, lit)
if not endsInWhite(em):
wr(" ")
if em.lineSpan == 0 and max(em.col, LineCommentColumn) + lit.len <= MaxLineLen:
for i in 1 .. LineCommentColumn - em.col: wr(" ")
wr lit
var preventComment = case tok.tokType
of tokKeywordLow..tokKeywordHigh:
if endsInAlpha(em): wr(" ")
case tok.tokType
of tkAnd: rememberSplit(splitAnd)
of tkOr: rememberSplit(splitOr)
of tkIn: rememberSplit(splitIn)
else: 90
"case returns value"
if tok.tokType == tkComment and tok.line == em.lastLineNumber and
tok.indent >= 0:
# we have an inline comment so handle it before the indentation token:
emitComment(em, tok)
preventComment = true
em.fixedUntil = em.content.high
elif tok.indent >= 0:
em.indentLevel = tok.indent
# remove trailing whitespace:
while em.content.len > 0 and em.content[em.content.high] == ' ':
setLen(em.content, em.content.len-1)
for i in 2..tok.line - em.lastLineNumber: wr("\L")
em.col = 0
for i in 1..tok.indent:
wr(" ")
em.fixedUntil = em.content.high
case tok.tokType
of tokKeywordLow..tokKeywordHigh:
if endsInAlpha(em): wr(" ")
case tok.tokType
of tkAnd: rememberSplit(splitAnd)
of tkOr: rememberSplit(splitOr)
of tkIn: rememberSplit(splitIn)
else: discard
of tkColon:
wr(" ")
of tkSemicolon,
wr(" ")
of tkParLe, tkParRi, tkBracketLe,
tkBracketRi, tkCurlyLe, tkCurlyRi,
tkBracketDotLe, tkBracketDotRi,
tkCurlyDotLe, tkCurlyDotRi,
tkParDotLe, tkParDotRi,
tkColonColon, tkDot, tkBracketLeColon:
if tok.tokType in splitters:
of tkEquals:
if not em.endsInWhite: wr(" ")
wr(" ")
of tkOpr, tkDotDot:
if not em.endsInWhite: wr(" ")
template isUnary(tok): bool =
tok.strongSpaceB == 0 and tok.strongSpaceA > 0
if not isUnary(tok) or em.lastTok in {tkOpr, tkDotDot}:
wr(" ")
of tkAccent:
em.inquote = not em.inquote
of tkComment:
if not preventComment:
emitComment(em, tok)
of tkIntLit..tkStrLit, tkRStrLit, tkTripleStrLit, tkGStrLit, tkGTripleStrLit, tkCharLit:
let lit = fileSection(em.config, em.fid, tok.offsetA, tok.offsetB)
softLinebreak(em, lit)
if endsInAlpha(em) and tok.tokType notin {tkGStrLit, tkGTripleStrLit}: wr(" ")
em.lineSpan = countNewlines(lit)
if em.lineSpan > 0: calcCol(em, lit)
wr lit
of tkEof: discard
let lit = if tok.ident != nil: tok.ident.s else: tok.literal
softLinebreak(em, lit)
if endsInAlpha(em): wr(" ")
wr lit
em.lastTok = tok.tokType
em.lastLineNumber = tok.line + em.lineSpan
em.lineSpan = 0
proc starWasExportMarker*(em: var Emitter) =
if em.content.endsWith(" * "):
setLen(em.content, em.content.len-3)
dec em.col, 2
Thing = ref object
grade: string
# this name is great
name: string
proc f() =
var c: char
var str: string
if c == '\\':
# escape char
str &= c
proc getKeyAndData(cursor: int; op: int):
tuple[key, data: string; success: bool] {.noInit.} =
var keyVal: string
var dataVal: string
#!nimpretty off
when stuff:
echo "so nice"
echo "more"
echo "misaligned"
#!nimpretty on
const test = r"C:\Users\-\Desktop\test.txt"
proc abcdef*[T: not (tuple|object|string|cstring|char|ref|ptr|array|seq|distinct)]() =
# bug #9504
type T2 = a.type
proc fun() =
this one here
proc fun2() =
proc fun3() =
# bug #9673
discard `*`(1, 2)
proc fun4() =
var a = "asdf"
var i = 0
while i < a.len and i < a.len:
# bug #10295
import osproc
let res = execProcess(
"echo | openssl s_client -connect example.com:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates")
let res = execProcess("echo | openssl s_client -connect example.com:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates")
# bug #10177
proc foo*() =
proc foo*[T]() =
# bug #10159
proc fun() =
proc main() =
echo "foo"; echo "bar";
TCallingConvention* = enum
ccDefault, # proc has no explicit calling convention
ccStdCall, # procedure is stdcall
ccCDecl, # cdecl
ccSafeCall, # safecall
ccSysCall, # system call
ccInline, # proc should be inlined
ccNoInline, # proc should not be inlined
ccFastCall, # fastcall (pass parameters in registers)
ccClosure, # proc has a closure
ccNoConvention # needed for generating proper C procs sometimes
proc isValid1*[A](s: HashSet[A]): bool {.deprecated:
"Deprecated since v0.20; sets are initialized by default".} =
## Returns `true` if the set has been initialized (with `initHashSet proc
## <#initHashSet,int>`_ or `init proc <#init,HashSet[A],int>`_).
result = s.data.len > 0
# bug #11468
assert $type(a) == "Option[system.int]"
foo(a, $type(b), c)
foo(type(b), c) # this is ok
proc `<`*[A](s, t: A): bool = discard
proc `==`*[A](s, t: HashSet[A]): bool = discard
proc `<=`*[A](s, t: HashSet[A]): bool = discard
# these are ok:
proc `$`*[A](s: HashSet[A]): string = discard
proc `*`*[A](s1, s2: HashSet[A]): HashSet[A] {.inline.} = discard
proc `-+-`*[A](s1, s2: HashSet[A]): HashSet[A] {.inline.} = discard
# bug #11470
# bug #11467
FirstEnum = enum ## doc comment here
first, ## this is first
second, ## second doc
third, ## third one
fourth ## the last one
SecondEnum = enum ## doc comment here
first, ## this is first
second, ## second doc
third, ## third one
fourth, ## the last one
ThirdEnum = enum ## doc comment here
first ## this is first
second ## second doc
third ## third one
fourth ## the last one
HttpMethod* = enum ## the requested HttpMethod
HttpHead, ## Asks for the response identical to the one that would
## correspond to a GET request, but without the response
## body.
HttpGet, ## Retrieves the specified resource.
HttpPost, ## Submits data to be processed to the identified
## resource. The data is included in the body of the
## request.
HttpPut, ## Uploads a representation of the specified resource.
HttpDelete, ## Deletes the specified resource.
HttpTrace, ## Echoes back the received request, so that a client
## can see what intermediate servers are adding or
## changing in the request.
HttpOptions, ## Returns the HTTP methods that the server supports
## for specified address.
HttpConnect, ## Converts the request connection to a transparent
## TCP/IP tunnel, usually used for proxies.
HttpPatch ## Applies partial modifications to a resource.
HtmlTag* = enum ## list of all supported HTML tags; order will always be
## alphabetically
tagUnknown, ## unknown HTML element
tagA, ## the HTML ``a`` element
tagAbbr, ## the deprecated HTML ``abbr`` element
tagAcronym, ## the HTML ``acronym`` element
tagAddress, ## the HTML ``address`` element
tagApplet, ## the deprecated HTML ``applet`` element
tagArea, ## the HTML ``area`` element
tagArticle, ## the HTML ``article`` element
tagAside, ## the HTML ``aside`` element
tagAudio, ## the HTML ``audio`` element
tagB, ## the HTML ``b`` element
tagBase, ## the HTML ``base`` element
tagBdi, ## the HTML ``bdi`` element
tagBdo, ## the deprecated HTML ``dbo`` element
tagBasefont, ## the deprecated HTML ``basefont`` element
tagBig, ## the HTML ``big`` element
tagBlockquote, ## the HTML ``blockquote`` element
tagBody, ## the HTML ``body`` element
tagBr, ## the HTML ``br`` element
tagButton, ## the HTML ``button`` element
tagCanvas, ## the HTML ``canvas`` element
tagCaption, ## the HTML ``caption`` element
tagCenter, ## the deprecated HTML ``center`` element
tagCite, ## the HTML ``cite`` element
tagCode, ## the HTML ``code`` element
tagCol, ## the HTML ``col`` element
tagColgroup, ## the HTML ``colgroup`` element
tagCommand, ## the HTML ``command`` element
tagDatalist, ## the HTML ``datalist`` element
tagDd, ## the HTML ``dd`` element
tagDel, ## the HTML ``del`` element
tagDetails, ## the HTML ``details`` element
tagDfn, ## the HTML ``dfn`` element
tagDialog, ## the HTML ``dialog`` element
tagDiv, ## the HTML ``div`` element
tagDir, ## the deprecated HTLM ``dir`` element
tagDl, ## the HTML ``dl`` element
tagDt, ## the HTML ``dt`` element
tagEm, ## the HTML ``em`` element
tagEmbed, ## the HTML ``embed`` element
tagFieldset, ## the HTML ``fieldset`` element
tagFigcaption, ## the HTML ``figcaption`` element
tagFigure, ## the HTML ``figure`` element
tagFont, ## the deprecated HTML ``font`` element
tagFooter, ## the HTML ``footer`` element
tagForm, ## the HTML ``form`` element
tagFrame, ## the HTML ``frame`` element
tagFrameset, ## the deprecated HTML ``frameset`` element
tagH1, ## the HTML ``h1`` element
tagH2, ## the HTML ``h2`` element
tagH3, ## the HTML ``h3`` element
tagH4, ## the HTML ``h4`` element
tagH5, ## the HTML ``h5`` element
tagH6, ## the HTML ``h6`` element
tagHead, ## the HTML ``head`` element
tagHeader, ## the HTML ``header`` element
tagHgroup, ## the HTML ``hgroup`` element
tagHtml, ## the HTML ``html`` element
tagHr, ## the HTML ``hr`` element
tagI, ## the HTML ``i`` element
tagIframe, ## the deprecated HTML ``iframe`` element
tagImg, ## the HTML ``img`` element
tagInput, ## the HTML ``input`` element
tagIns, ## the HTML ``ins`` element
tagIsindex, ## the deprecated HTML ``isindex`` element
tagKbd, ## the HTML ``kbd`` element
tagKeygen, ## the HTML ``keygen`` element
tagLabel, ## the HTML ``label`` element
tagLegend, ## the HTML ``legend`` element
tagLi, ## the HTML ``li`` element
tagLink, ## the HTML ``link`` element
tagMap, ## the HTML ``map`` element
tagMark, ## the HTML ``mark`` element
tagMenu, ## the deprecated HTML ``menu`` element
tagMeta, ## the HTML ``meta`` element
tagMeter, ## the HTML ``meter`` element
tagNav, ## the HTML ``nav`` element
tagNobr, ## the deprecated HTML ``nobr`` element
tagNoframes, ## the deprecated HTML ``noframes`` element
tagNoscript, ## the HTML ``noscript`` element
tagObject, ## the HTML ``object`` element
tagOl, ## the HTML ``ol`` element
tagOptgroup, ## the HTML ``optgroup`` element
tagOption, ## the HTML ``option`` element
tagOutput, ## the HTML ``output`` element
tagP, ## the HTML ``p`` element
tagParam, ## the HTML ``param`` element
tagPre, ## the HTML ``pre`` element
tagProgress, ## the HTML ``progress`` element
tagQ, ## the HTML ``q`` element
tagRp, ## the HTML ``rp`` element
tagRt, ## the HTML ``rt`` element
tagRuby, ## the HTML ``ruby`` element
tagS, ## the deprecated HTML ``s`` element
tagSamp, ## the HTML ``samp`` element
tagScript, ## the HTML ``script`` element
tagSection, ## the HTML ``section`` element
tagSelect, ## the HTML ``select`` element
tagSmall, ## the HTML ``small`` element
tagSource, ## the HTML ``source`` element
tagSpan, ## the HTML ``span`` element
tagStrike, ## the deprecated HTML ``strike`` element
tagStrong, ## the HTML ``strong`` element
tagStyle, ## the HTML ``style`` element
tagSub, ## the HTML ``sub`` element
tagSummary, ## the HTML ``summary`` element
tagSup, ## the HTML ``sup`` element
tagTable, ## the HTML ``table`` element
tagTbody, ## the HTML ``tbody`` element
tagTd, ## the HTML ``td`` element
tagTextarea, ## the HTML ``textarea`` element
tagTfoot, ## the HTML ``tfoot`` element
tagTh, ## the HTML ``th`` element
tagThead, ## the HTML ``thead`` element
tagTime, ## the HTML ``time`` element
tagTitle, ## the HTML ``title`` element
tagTr, ## the HTML ``tr`` element
tagTrack, ## the HTML ``track`` element
tagTt, ## the HTML ``tt`` element
tagU, ## the deprecated HTML ``u`` element
tagUl, ## the HTML ``ul`` element
tagVar, ## the HTML ``var`` element
tagVideo, ## the HTML ``video`` element
tagWbr ## the HTML ``wbr`` element
# bug #11469
const lookup: array[32, uint8] = [0'u8, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20, 15,
16, 17, 25, 17, 4, 8, 31, 27, 13, 23]
veryLongVariableName.createVar("future" & $node[1][0].toStrLit, node[1],
futureValue1, futureValue2, node)
veryLongVariableName.createVar("future" & $node[1][0].toStrLit, node[1], futureValue1,
futureValue2, node)
CmdLineKind* = enum ## The detected command line token.
cmdEnd, ## End of command line reached
cmdArgument, ## An argument such as a filename
cmdLongOption, ## A long option such as --option
cmdShortOption ## A short option such as -c
OptParser* = object of RootObj ## \
## Implementation of the command line parser. Here is even more text yad.
## To initialize it, use the
## `initOptParser proc<#initOptParser,string,set[char],seq[string]>`_.
pos*: int
inShortState: bool
allowWhitespaceAfterColon: bool
shortNoVal: set[char]
longNoVal: seq[string]
cmds: seq[string]
idx: int
kind*: CmdLineKind ## The detected command line token
key*, val*: TaintedString ## Key and value pair; the key is the option
## or the argument, and the value is not "" if
## the option was given a value
OptParserDifferently* = object of RootObj ## Implementation of the command line parser.
## To initialize it, use the
## `initOptParser proc<#initOptParser,string,set[char],seq[string]>`_.
pos*: int
inShortState: bool
allowWhitespaceAfterColon: bool
shortNoVal: set[char]
longNoVal: seq[string]
cmds: seq[string]
idx: int
kind*: CmdLineKind ## The detected command line token
key*, val*: TaintedString ## Key and value pair; the key is the option
## or the argument, and the value is not "" if
## the option was given a value
var t = 3
## This MUST be a multiline comment,
## single line comment would be ok.
var x = 7
var t = 3
## another
## multi
## This MUST be a multiline comment,
## single line comment would be ok.
var x = 7
proc newRecordGen(ctx: Context; typ: TypRef): PNode =
result = nkTypeDef.t(
newId(typ.optSym.name, true, pragmas = [id(
if typ.isUnion: "cUnion" else: "cStruct")]),
String `interpolation`:idx: / `format`:idx: inspired by
Python's ``f``-strings.
.. code-block:: nim
import strformat
let msg = "hello"
doAssert fmt"{msg}\n" == "hello\\n"
Because the literal is a raw string literal, the ``\n`` is not interpreted as
an escape sequence.
================= ====================================================
Sign Meaning
================= ====================================================
``+`` Indicates that a sign should be used for both
positive as well as negative numbers.
``-`` Indicates that a sign should be used only for
negative numbers (this is the default behavior).
(space) Indicates that a leading space should be used on
positive numbers.
================= ====================================================
lla = 42394219 - 42429849 + 1293293 - 13918391 + 424242 # this here is an okayish comment
llb = 42394219 - 42429849 + 1293293 - 13918391 +
424242 # this here is a very long comment which should be split
llc = 42394219 - 42429849 + 1293293 - 13918391 + 424242 - 3429424 + 4239489 - 42399
lld = 42394219 - 42429849 + 1293293 - 13918391 + 424242 - 342949924 +
423948999 - 42399
MyLongEnum = enum ## doc comment here
first, ## this is a long comment here, but please align it
secondWithAVeryLongNameMightBreak, ## this is a short one
thirdOne ## it's ok
if true: # just one space before comment
echo 7
# colors.nim:18
proc `==` *(a, b: Color): bool
## Compares two colors.
# colors.nim:18
proc `==` *(a, b: Color): bool {.borrow.}
## Compares two colors.
var rows1 = await pool.rows(sql"""
WHERE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
var rows2 = await pool.rows(sql"""
WHERE fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffgggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeiiiijklm""",
# bug #11699
const keywords = @[
"foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "foo", "bar", "foo",
"bar", "foo", "bar",
"zzz", "ggg", "ddd",
let keywords1 = @[
"foo1", "bar1", "foo2", "bar2", "foo3", "bar3", "foo4", "bar4", "foo5",
"bar5", "foo6", "bar6", "foo7",
"zzz", "ggg", "ddd",
let keywords2 = @[
"foo1", "bar1", "foo2", "bar2", "foo3", "bar3", "foo4", "bar4", "foo5",
"bar5", "foo6", "bar6", "foo7",
"foo1", "bar1", "foo2", "bar2", "foo3", "bar3", "foo4", "bar4", "foo5",
"bar5", "foo6", "bar6", "foo7",
"zzz", "ggg", "ddd",
if true:
let keywords3 = @[
"foo1", "bar1", "foo2", "bar2", "foo3", "bar3", "foo4", "bar4", "foo5",
"bar5", "foo6", "bar6", "foo7",
"zzz", "ggg", "ddd",
const b = true
let fooB =
if true:
if b: 7 else: 8
else: ord(b)
let foo = if cond:
if b: T else: F
else: b
let a =
[[aaadsfas, bbb],
[ccc, ddd]]
let b = [
[aaa, bbb],
[ccc, ddd]
# bug #11616
proc newRecordGen(ctx: Context; typ: TypRef): PNode =
result = nkTypeDef.t(
newId(typ.optSym.name, true, pragmas = [id(if typ.isUnion: "cUnion"
else: "cStruct")]),
proc f =
# doesn't break the code, but leaving indentation as is would be nice.
let x = if true: callingProcWhatever()
else: callingADifferentProc()
EventKind = enum
Stop, StopSuccess, StopError,
SymbolChange, TextChange,
SpinnyEvent = tuple
kind: EventKind
payload: string
EventKind2 = enum
Stop2, StopSuccess2, StopError2,
SymbolChange2, TextChange2,
SpinnyEvent2 = tuple
kind: EventKind
payload: string