# The Nimrod Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# This file implements the evaluator for Nimrod code.
# The evaluator is very slow, but simple. Since this
# is used mainly for evaluating macros and some other
# stuff at compile time, performance is not that
# important.
strutils, magicsys, lists, options, ast, astalgo, trees, treetab, nimsets,
msgs, os, condsyms, idents, rnimsyn, types, passes, semfold
PStackFrame* = ref TStackFrame
TStackFrame*{.final.} = object
mapping*: TIdNodeTable # mapping from symbols to nodes
prc*: PSym # current prc; proc that is evaluated
call*: PNode
next*: PStackFrame # for stacking
params*: TNodeSeq # parameters passed to the proc
TEvalContext* = object of passes.TPassContext
module*: PSym
tos*: PStackFrame # top of stack
lastException*: PNode
optEval*: bool # evaluation done for optimization purposes
PEvalContext* = ref TEvalContext
TEvalFlag = enum
efNone, efLValue
TEvalFlags = set[TEvalFlag]
proc newStackFrame*(): PStackFrame
proc pushStackFrame*(c: PEvalContext, t: PStackFrame)
proc popStackFrame*(c: PEvalContext)
proc newEvalContext*(module: PSym, filename: string, optEval: bool): PEvalContext
proc eval*(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode
# eval never returns nil! This simplifies the code a lot and
# makes it faster too.
proc evalConstExpr*(module: PSym, e: PNode): PNode
proc evalPass*(): TPass
# implementation
evalMaxIterations = 10000000 # max iterations of all loops
evalMaxRecDepth = 100000 # max recursion depth for evaluation
var emptyNode: PNode
proc newStackFrame(): PStackFrame =
result.params = @[]
proc newEvalContext(module: PSym, filename: string,
optEval: bool): PEvalContext =
result.module = module
result.optEval = optEval
proc pushStackFrame(c: PEvalContext, t: PStackFrame) =
t.next = c.tos
c.tos = t
proc popStackFrame(c: PEvalContext) =
if (c.tos == nil): InternalError("popStackFrame")
c.tos = c.tos.next
proc evalAux(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode
proc stackTraceAux(x: PStackFrame) =
if x != nil:
messageOut(`%`("file: $1, line: $2",
[toFilename(x.call.info), $(toLineNumber(x.call.info))]))
proc stackTrace(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string = "") =
messageOut("stack trace: (most recent call last)")
liMessage(n.info, msg, arg)
proc isSpecial(n: PNode): bool =
result = (n.kind == nkExceptBranch)
# or (n.kind == nkEmpty)
# XXX this does not work yet! Better to compile too much than to compile to
# few programs
proc evalIf(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
var i = 0
var length = sonsLen(n)
while (i < length) and (sonsLen(n.sons[i]) >= 2):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i].sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if (result.kind == nkIntLit) and (result.intVal != 0):
return evalAux(c, n.sons[i].sons[1], {})
if (i < length) and (sonsLen(n.sons[i]) < 2):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i].sons[0], {})
result = emptyNode
proc evalCase(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var res = result
result = emptyNode
for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1):
if n.sons[i].kind == nkOfBranch:
for j in countup(0, sonsLen(n.sons[i]) - 2):
if overlap(res, n.sons[i].sons[j]):
return evalAux(c, lastSon(n.sons[i]), {})
result = evalAux(c, lastSon(n.sons[i]), {})
gWhileCounter: int # Use a counter to prevent endless loops!
# We make this counter global, because otherwise
# nested loops could make the compiler extremely slow.
gNestedEvals: int # count the recursive calls to ``evalAux`` to prevent
# endless recursion
proc evalWhile(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
while true:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if getOrdValue(result) == 0: break
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
case result.kind
of nkBreakStmt:
if result.sons[0] == nil:
result = emptyNode # consume ``break`` token
of nkExceptBranch, nkReturnToken:
if gWhileCounter <= 0:
stackTrace(c, n, errTooManyIterations)
proc evalBlock(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if result.kind == nkBreakStmt:
if result.sons[0] != nil:
assert(result.sons[0].kind == nkSym)
if n.sons[0] != nil:
assert(n.sons[0].kind == nkSym)
if result.sons[0].sym.id == n.sons[0].sym.id: result = emptyNode
result = emptyNode # consume ``break`` token
proc evalFinally(c: PEvalContext, n, exc: PNode): PNode =
var finallyNode = lastSon(n)
if finallyNode.kind == nkFinally:
result = evalAux(c, finallyNode, {})
if result.kind != nkExceptBranch: result = exc
result = exc
proc evalTry(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
case result.kind
of nkBreakStmt, nkReturnToken:
of nkExceptBranch:
if sonsLen(result) >= 1:
# creating a nkExceptBranch without sons means that it could not be
# evaluated
var exc = result
var i = 1
var length = sonsLen(n)
while (i < length) and (n.sons[i].kind == nkExceptBranch):
var blen = sonsLen(n.sons[i])
if blen == 1:
# general except section:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i].sons[0], {})
exc = result
for j in countup(0, blen - 2):
assert(n.sons[i].sons[j].kind == nkType)
if exc.typ.id == n.sons[i].sons[j].typ.id:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i].sons[blen - 1], {})
exc = result
result = evalFinally(c, n, exc)
else: result = evalFinally(c, n, emptyNode)
proc getNullValue(typ: PType, info: TLineInfo): PNode =
var t = skipTypes(typ, abstractRange)
result = emptyNode
case t.kind
of tyBool, tyChar, tyInt..tyInt64:
result = newNodeIT(nkIntLit, info, t)
of tyFloat..tyFloat128:
result = newNodeIt(nkFloatLit, info, t)
of tyVar, tyPointer, tyPtr, tyRef, tyCString, tySequence, tyString, tyExpr,
tyStmt, tyTypeDesc:
result = newNodeIT(nkNilLit, info, t)
of tyObject:
result = newNodeIT(nkPar, info, t)
internalError(info, "init to implement") # XXX
of tyArray, tyArrayConstr:
result = newNodeIT(nkBracket, info, t)
for i in countup(0, int(lengthOrd(t)) - 1):
addSon(result, getNullValue(elemType(t), info))
of tyTuple:
result = newNodeIT(nkPar, info, t)
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(t) - 1):
addSon(result, getNullValue(t.sons[i], info))
else: InternalError("getNullValue")
proc evalVar(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
var a = n.sons[i]
if a.kind == nkCommentStmt: continue
assert(a.kind == nkIdentDefs)
assert(a.sons[0].kind == nkSym)
var v = a.sons[0].sym
if a.sons[2] != nil:
result = evalAux(c, a.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
result = getNullValue(a.sons[0].typ, a.sons[0].info)
IdNodeTablePut(c.tos.mapping, v, result)
result = emptyNode
proc evalCall(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var prc = result
# bind the actual params to the local parameter of a new binding
var d = newStackFrame()
d.call = n
if prc.kind == nkSym:
d.prc = prc.sym
if not (prc.sym.kind in {skProc, skConverter}):
InternalError(n.info, "evalCall")
setlen(d.params, sonsLen(n))
for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
d.params[i] = result
if n.typ != nil: d.params[0] = getNullValue(n.typ, n.info)
pushStackFrame(c, d)
result = evalAux(c, prc, {})
if result.kind == nkExceptBranch: return
if n.typ != nil: result = d.params[0]
proc aliasNeeded(n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): bool =
result = efLValue in flags or n.typ == nil or
n.typ.kind in {tyExpr, tyStmt, tyTypeDesc}
proc evalVariable(c: PStackFrame, sym: PSym, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
# We need to return a node to the actual value,
# which can be modified.
var x = c
while x != nil:
if sfResult in sym.flags:
result = x.params[0]
if result == nil: result = emptyNode
result = IdNodeTableGet(x.mapping, sym)
if not aliasNeeded(result, flags): result = copyTree(result)
if result != nil: return
x = x.next
result = emptyNode
proc evalArrayAccess(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], flags)
if isSpecial(result): return
var x = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var idx = getOrdValue(result)
result = emptyNode
case x.kind
of nkBracket, nkPar, nkMetaNode:
if (idx >= 0) and (idx < sonsLen(x)): result = x.sons[int(idx)]
else: stackTrace(c, n, errIndexOutOfBounds)
if not aliasNeeded(result, flags): result = copyTree(result)
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
if efLValue in flags:
InternalError(n.info, "cannot evaluate write access to char")
result = newNodeIT(nkCharLit, x.info, getSysType(tyChar))
if (idx >= 0) and (idx < len(x.strVal)):
result.intVal = ord(x.strVal[int(idx) + 0])
elif idx == len(x.strVal):
stackTrace(c, n, errIndexOutOfBounds)
else: stackTrace(c, n, errNilAccess)
proc evalFieldAccess(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
# a real field access; proc calls have already been
# transformed
# XXX: field checks!
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], flags)
if isSpecial(result): return
var x = result
if x.kind != nkPar: InternalError(n.info, "evalFieldAccess")
var field = n.sons[1].sym
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
if x.sons[i].kind != nkExprColonExpr:
InternalError(n.info, "evalFieldAccess")
if x.sons[i].sons[0].sym.name.id == field.name.id:
result = x.sons[i].sons[1]
if not aliasNeeded(result, flags): result = copyTree(result)
stackTrace(c, n, errFieldXNotFound, field.name.s)
result = emptyNode
proc evalAsgn(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var x = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
x.kind = result.kind
x.typ = result.typ
case x.kind
of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit:
x.intVal = result.intVal
of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit:
x.floatVal = result.floatVal
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
x.strVal = result.strVal
if not (x.kind in {nkEmpty..nkNilLit}):
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(result) - 1): addSon(x, result.sons[i])
result = emptyNode
proc evalSwap(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var x = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
if (x.kind != result.kind):
stackTrace(c, n, errCannotInterpretNodeX, $n.kind)
case x.kind
of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit:
var tmpi = x.intVal
x.intVal = result.intVal
result.intVal = tmpi
of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit:
var tmpf = x.floatVal
x.floatVal = result.floatVal
result.floatVal = tmpf
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
var tmps = x.strVal
x.strVal = result.strVal
result.strVal = tmps
var tmpn = copyTree(x)
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(result) - 1): addSon(x, result.sons[i])
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(tmpn) - 1): addSon(result, tmpn.sons[i])
result = emptyNode
proc evalSym(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
case n.sym.kind
of skProc, skConverter, skMacro: result = n.sym.ast.sons[codePos]
of skVar, skForVar, skTemp: result = evalVariable(c.tos, n.sym, flags)
of skParam:
# XXX what about LValue?
result = c.tos.params[n.sym.position + 1]
of skConst: result = n.sym.ast
stackTrace(c, n, errCannotInterpretNodeX, $n.sym.kind)
result = emptyNode
if result == nil: stackTrace(c, n, errCannotInterpretNodeX, n.sym.name.s)
proc evalIncDec(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, sign: biggestInt): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
case a.kind
of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: a.intval = a.intVal + sign * getOrdValue(b)
else: internalError(n.info, "evalIncDec")
result = emptyNode
proc getStrValue(n: PNode): string =
case n.kind
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: result = n.strVal
InternalError(n.info, "getStrValue")
result = ""
proc evalEcho(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
Write(stdout, getStrValue(result))
writeln(stdout, "")
result = emptyNode
proc evalExit(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
liMessage(n.info, hintQuitCalled)
proc evalOr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if result.kind != nkIntLit: InternalError(n.info, "evalOr")
if result.intVal == 0: result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
proc evalAnd(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if result.kind != nkIntLit: InternalError(n.info, "evalAnd")
if result.intVal != 0: result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
proc evalNoOpt(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = newNodeI(nkExceptBranch, n.info)
# creating a nkExceptBranch without sons means that it could not be evaluated
proc evalNew(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
if c.optEval:
result = evalNoOpt(c, n)
var t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar)
result = newNodeIT(nkRefTy, n.info, t)
addSon(result, getNullValue(t.sons[0], n.info))
proc evalDeref(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
case result.kind
of nkNilLit: stackTrace(c, n, errNilAccess)
of nkRefTy:
# XXX efLValue?
result = result.sons[0]
else: InternalError(n.info, "evalDeref " & $result.kind)
proc evalAddr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
var t = newType(tyPtr, c.module)
addSon(t, a.typ)
result = newNodeIT(nkRefTy, n.info, t)
addSon(result, a)
proc evalConv(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
# hm, I cannot think of any conversions that need to be handled here...
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
result.typ = n.typ
proc evalCheckedFieldAccess(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode,
flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], flags)
proc evalUpConv(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], flags)
if isSpecial(result): return
var dest = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractPtrs)
var src = skipTypes(result.typ, abstractPtrs)
if inheritanceDiff(src, dest) > 0:
stackTrace(c, n, errInvalidConversionFromTypeX, typeToString(src))
proc evalRangeChck(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var x = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
if leValueConv(a, x) and leValueConv(x, b):
result = x # a <= x and x <= b
result.typ = n.typ
stackTrace(c, n, errGenerated, `%`(msgKindToString(errIllegalConvFromXtoY), [
typeToString(n.sons[0].typ), typeToString(n.typ)]))
proc evalConvStrToCStr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
result.typ = n.typ
proc evalConvCStrToStr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
result.typ = n.typ
proc evalRaise(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
if n.sons[0] != nil:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkExceptBranch, n.info, a.typ)
addSon(result, a)
c.lastException = result
elif c.lastException != nil:
result = c.lastException
stackTrace(c, n, errExceptionAlreadyHandled)
result = newNodeIT(nkExceptBranch, n.info, nil)
addSon(result, nil)
proc evalReturn(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
if n.sons[0] != nil:
result = evalAsgn(c, n.sons[0])
if isSpecial(result): return
result = newNodeIT(nkReturnToken, n.info, nil)
proc evalProc(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
if n.sons[genericParamsPos] == nil:
if (resultPos < sonsLen(n)) and (n.sons[resultPos] != nil):
var v = n.sons[resultPos].sym
result = getNullValue(v.typ, n.info)
IdNodeTablePut(c.tos.mapping, v, result)
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[codePos], {})
if result.kind == nkReturnToken:
result = IdNodeTableGet(c.tos.mapping, v)
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[codePos], {})
if result.kind == nkReturnToken:
result = emptyNode
result = emptyNode
proc evalHigh(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
case skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).kind
of tyOpenArray, tySequence: result = newIntNodeT(sonsLen(result), n)
of tyString: result = newIntNodeT(len(result.strVal) - 1, n)
else: InternalError(n.info, "evalHigh")
proc evalIs(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
result = newIntNodeT(ord(inheritanceDiff(result.typ, n.sons[2].typ) >= 0), n)
proc evalSetLengthStr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
case a.kind
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit:
var newLen = int(getOrdValue(b))
setlen(a.strVal, newLen)
else: InternalError(n.info, "evalSetLengthStr")
result = emptyNode
proc evalSetLengthSeq(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
if a.kind != nkBracket: InternalError(n.info, "evalSetLengthSeq")
var newLen = int(getOrdValue(b))
var oldLen = sonsLen(a)
setlen(a.sons, newLen)
for i in countup(oldLen, newLen - 1):
a.sons[i] = getNullValue(skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar), n.info)
result = emptyNode
proc evalNewSeq(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
var t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar)
if a.kind == nkEmpty: InternalError(n.info, "first parameter is empty")
a.kind = nkBracket
a.info = n.info
a.typ = t
for i in countup(0, int(getOrdValue(b)) - 1):
addSon(a, getNullValue(t.sons[0], n.info))
result = emptyNode
proc evalAssert(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if getOrdValue(result) != 0: result = emptyNode
else: stackTrace(c, n, errAssertionFailed)
proc evalIncl(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
if not inSet(a, b): addSon(a, copyTree(b))
result = emptyNode
proc evalExcl(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = newNodeIT(nkCurly, n.info, n.sons[1].typ)
addSon(b, result)
var r = diffSets(a, b)
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(r) - 1): addSon(a, r.sons[i])
result = emptyNode
proc evalAppendStrCh(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
case a.kind
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: add(a.strVal, chr(int(getOrdValue(b))))
else: InternalError(n.info, "evalAppendStrCh")
result = emptyNode
proc evalConStrStr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
# we cannot use ``evalOp`` for this as we can here have more than 2 arguments
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
for i in countup(2, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
a.strVal = getStrValue(a) & getStrValue(result)
result = a
proc evalAppendStrStr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
case a.kind
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: a.strVal = a.strVal & getStrValue(b)
else: InternalError(n.info, "evalAppendStrStr")
result = emptyNode
proc evalAppendSeqElem(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
if a.kind == nkBracket: addSon(a, copyTree(b))
else: InternalError(n.info, "evalAppendSeqElem")
result = emptyNode
proc evalRepr(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
result = newStrNodeT(renderTree(result, {renderNoComments}), n)
proc isEmpty(n: PNode): bool =
result = (n != nil) and (n.kind == nkEmpty)
proc evalMagicOrCall(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
var m = getMagic(n)
case m
of mNone: result = evalCall(c, n)
of mIs: result = evalIs(c, n)
of mSizeOf: internalError(n.info, "sizeof() should have been evaluated")
of mHigh: result = evalHigh(c, n)
of mAssert: result = evalAssert(c, n)
of mExit: result = evalExit(c, n)
of mNew, mNewFinalize: result = evalNew(c, n)
of mNewSeq: result = evalNewSeq(c, n)
of mSwap: result = evalSwap(c, n)
of mInc: result = evalIncDec(c, n, 1)
of ast.mDec: result = evalIncDec(c, n, - 1)
of mEcho: result = evalEcho(c, n)
of mSetLengthStr: result = evalSetLengthStr(c, n)
of mSetLengthSeq: result = evalSetLengthSeq(c, n)
of mIncl: result = evalIncl(c, n)
of mExcl: result = evalExcl(c, n)
of mAnd: result = evalAnd(c, n)
of mOr: result = evalOr(c, n)
of mAppendStrCh: result = evalAppendStrCh(c, n)
of mAppendStrStr: result = evalAppendStrStr(c, n)
of mAppendSeqElem: result = evalAppendSeqElem(c, n)
of mNLen:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkIntLit, n.info, n.typ)
case a.kind
of nkEmpty..nkNilLit: nil
else: result.intVal = sonsLen(a)
of mNChild:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var k = getOrdValue(result)
if not (a.kind in {nkEmpty..nkNilLit}) and (k >= 0) and (k < sonsLen(a)):
result = a.sons[int(k)]
if result == nil: result = newNode(nkEmpty)
stackTrace(c, n, errIndexOutOfBounds)
result = emptyNode
of mNSetChild:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[3], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var k = getOrdValue(b)
if (k >= 0) and (k < sonsLen(a)) and not (a.kind in {nkEmpty..nkNilLit}):
if result.kind == nkEmpty: a.sons[int(k)] = nil
else: a.sons[int(k)] = result
stackTrace(c, n, errIndexOutOfBounds)
result = emptyNode
of mNAdd:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
addSon(a, result)
result = emptyNode
of mNAddMultiple:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(result) - 1): addSon(a, result.sons[i])
result = emptyNode
of mNDel:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[3], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
for i in countup(0, int(getOrdValue(result)) - 1):
delSon(a, int(getOrdValue(b)))
result = emptyNode
of mNKind:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkIntLit, n.info, n.typ)
result.intVal = ord(a.kind)
of mNIntVal:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkIntLit, n.info, n.typ)
case a.kind
of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: result.intVal = a.intVal
else: InternalError(n.info, "no int value")
of mNFloatVal:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkFloatLit, n.info, n.typ)
case a.kind
of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: result.floatVal = a.floatVal
else: InternalError(n.info, "no float value")
of mNSymbol:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
if result.kind != nkSym: InternalError(n.info, "no symbol")
of mNIdent:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if result.kind != nkIdent: InternalError(n.info, "no symbol")
of mNGetType: result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
of mNStrVal:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkStrLit, n.info, n.typ)
case a.kind
of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: result.strVal = a.strVal
else: InternalError(n.info, "no string value")
of mNSetIntVal:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
a.intVal = result.intVal # XXX: exception handling?
result = emptyNode
of mNSetFloatVal:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
a.floatVal = result.floatVal # XXX: exception handling?
result = emptyNode
of mNSetSymbol:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
a.sym = result.sym # XXX: exception handling?
result = emptyNode
of mNSetIdent:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
a.ident = result.ident # XXX: exception handling?
result = emptyNode
of mNSetType:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
a.typ = result.typ # XXX: exception handling?
result = emptyNode
of mNSetStrVal:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
a.strVal = result.strVal # XXX: exception handling?
result = emptyNode
of mNNewNimNode:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var k = getOrdValue(result)
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if result.kind == nkExceptBranch: return
var a = result
if (k < 0) or (k > ord(high(TNodeKind))):
internalError(n.info, "request to create a NimNode with invalid kind")
result = newNodeI(TNodeKind(int(k)),
if a.kind == nkNilLit: n.info else: a.info)
of mNCopyNimNode:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
result = copyNode(result)
of mNCopyNimTree:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
result = copyTree(result)
of mStrToIdent:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if not (result.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}):
InternalError(n.info, "no string node")
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkIdent, n.info, n.typ)
result.ident = getIdent(a.strVal)
of mIdentToStr:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
if result.kind != nkIdent: InternalError(n.info, "no ident node")
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkStrLit, n.info, n.typ)
result.strVal = a.ident.s
of mEqIdent:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
result = newNodeIT(nkIntLit, n.info, n.typ)
if (a.kind == nkIdent) and (b.kind == nkIdent):
if a.ident.id == b.ident.id: result.intVal = 1
of mEqNimrodNode:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {efLValue})
if isSpecial(result): return
var b = result
result = newNodeIT(nkIntLit, n.info, n.typ)
if (a == b) or
(b.kind in {nkNilLit, nkEmpty}) and (a.kind in {nkNilLit, nkEmpty}):
result.intVal = 1
of mNHint:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
liMessage(n.info, hintUser, getStrValue(result))
result = emptyNode
of mNWarning:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
liMessage(n.info, warnUser, getStrValue(result))
result = emptyNode
of mNError:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
stackTrace(c, n, errUser, getStrValue(result))
result = emptyNode
of mConStrStr:
result = evalConStrStr(c, n)
of mRepr:
result = evalRepr(c, n)
of mNewString:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
result = newNodeIT(nkStrLit, n.info, n.typ)
result.strVal = newString(int(getOrdValue(a)))
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[1], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
var a = result
var b: PNode = nil
var cc: PNode = nil
if sonsLen(n) > 2:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[2], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
b = result
if sonsLen(n) > 3:
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[3], {})
if isSpecial(result): return
cc = result
if isEmpty(a) or isEmpty(b) or isEmpty(cc): result = emptyNode
else: result = evalOp(m, n, a, b, cc)
proc evalAux(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode, flags: TEvalFlags): PNode =
result = emptyNode
if gNestedEvals <= 0: stackTrace(c, n, errTooManyIterations)
case n.kind # atoms:
of nkEmpty: result = n
of nkSym: result = evalSym(c, n, flags)
of nkType..pred(nkNilLit): result = copyNode(n)
of nkNilLit: result = n # end of atoms
of nkCall, nkHiddenCallConv, nkMacroStmt, nkCommand, nkCallStrLit:
result = evalMagicOrCall(c, n)
of nkCurly, nkBracket, nkRange:
# flags need to be passed here for mNAddMultiple :-(
# XXX this is not correct in every case!
var a = copyNode(n)
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i], flags)
if isSpecial(result): return
addSon(a, result)
result = a
of nkPar:
var a = copyTree(n)
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i].sons[1], flags)
if isSpecial(result): return
a.sons[i].sons[1] = result
result = a
of nkBracketExpr: result = evalArrayAccess(c, n, flags)
of nkDotExpr: result = evalFieldAccess(c, n, flags)
of nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref: result = evalDeref(c, n, flags)
of nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr: result = evalAddr(c, n, flags)
of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv: result = evalConv(c, n)
of nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn: result = evalAsgn(c, n)
of nkWhenStmt, nkIfStmt, nkIfExpr: result = evalIf(c, n)
of nkWhileStmt: result = evalWhile(c, n)
of nkCaseStmt: result = evalCase(c, n)
of nkVarSection: result = evalVar(c, n)
of nkTryStmt: result = evalTry(c, n)
of nkRaiseStmt: result = evalRaise(c, n)
of nkReturnStmt: result = evalReturn(c, n)
of nkBreakStmt, nkReturnToken: result = n
of nkBlockExpr, nkBlockStmt: result = evalBlock(c, n)
of nkDiscardStmt: result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], {})
of nkCheckedFieldExpr: result = evalCheckedFieldAccess(c, n, flags)
of nkObjDownConv: result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], flags)
of nkObjUpConv: result = evalUpConv(c, n, flags)
of nkChckRangeF, nkChckRange64, nkChckRange: result = evalRangeChck(c, n)
of nkStringToCString: result = evalConvStrToCStr(c, n)
of nkCStringToString: result = evalConvCStrToStr(c, n)
of nkPassAsOpenArray: result = evalAux(c, n.sons[0], flags)
of nkStmtListExpr, nkStmtList, nkModule:
for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1):
result = evalAux(c, n.sons[i], flags)
case result.kind
of nkExceptBranch, nkReturnToken, nkBreakStmt: break
else: nil
of nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkMacroDef, nkCommentStmt, nkPragma,
nkTypeSection, nkTemplateDef, nkConstSection, nkIteratorDef,
nkConverterDef, nkIncludeStmt, nkImportStmt, nkFromStmt:
of nkIdentDefs, nkCast, nkYieldStmt, nkAsmStmt, nkForStmt, nkPragmaExpr,
nkLambda, nkContinueStmt, nkIdent:
stackTrace(c, n, errCannotInterpretNodeX, $n.kind)
else: InternalError(n.info, "evalAux: " & $n.kind)
if result == nil:
InternalError(n.info, "evalAux: returned nil " & $n.kind)
proc eval(c: PEvalContext, n: PNode): PNode =
gWhileCounter = evalMaxIterations
gNestedEvals = evalMaxRecDepth
result = evalAux(c, n, {})
if (result.kind == nkExceptBranch) and (sonsLen(result) >= 1):
stackTrace(c, n, errUnhandledExceptionX, typeToString(result.typ))
proc evalConstExpr(module: PSym, e: PNode): PNode =
var p = newEvalContext(module, "", true)
var s = newStackFrame()
s.call = e
pushStackFrame(p, s)
result = eval(p, e)
if (result != nil) and (result.kind == nkExceptBranch): result = nil
proc myOpen(module: PSym, filename: string): PPassContext =
var c = newEvalContext(module, filename, false)
pushStackFrame(c, newStackFrame())
result = c
proc myProcess(c: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode =
result = eval(PEvalContext(c), n)
proc evalPass(): TPass =
result.open = myOpen
result.close = myProcess
result.process = myProcess
emptyNode = newNode(nkEmpty)