# The Nimrod Compiler
# (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
# This module handles the reading of the config file.
llstream, nversion, commands, os, strutils, msgs, platform, condsyms, scanner,
options, idents, wordrecg
proc LoadConfig*(project: string)
proc LoadSpecialConfig*(configfilename: string)
# implementation
# ---------------- configuration file parser -----------------------------
# we use Nimrod's scanner here to safe space and work
proc ppGetTok(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken) =
# simple filter
rawGetTok(L, tok^ )
while (tok.tokType == tkInd) or (tok.tokType == tkSad) or
(tok.tokType == tkDed) or (tok.tokType == tkComment):
rawGetTok(L, tok^ )
proc parseExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken): bool
proc parseAtom(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken): bool =
if tok.tokType == tkParLe:
ppGetTok(L, tok)
result = parseExpr(L, tok)
if tok.tokType == tkParRi: ppGetTok(L, tok)
else: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "\')\'")
elif tok.ident.id == ord(wNot):
ppGetTok(L, tok)
result = not parseAtom(L, tok)
result = isDefined(tok.ident) #condsyms.listSymbols();
#writeln(tok.ident.s + ' has the value: ', result);
ppGetTok(L, tok)
proc parseAndExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken): bool =
var b: bool
result = parseAtom(L, tok)
while tok.ident.id == ord(wAnd):
ppGetTok(L, tok) # skip "and"
b = parseAtom(L, tok)
result = result and b
proc parseExpr(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken): bool =
var b: bool
result = parseAndExpr(L, tok)
while tok.ident.id == ord(wOr):
ppGetTok(L, tok) # skip "or"
b = parseAndExpr(L, tok)
result = result or b
proc EvalppIf(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken): bool =
ppGetTok(L, tok) # skip 'if' or 'elif'
result = parseExpr(L, tok)
if tok.tokType == tkColon: ppGetTok(L, tok)
else: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "\':\'")
var condStack: seq[bool]
condStack = @ []
proc doEnd(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken) =
if high(condStack) < 0: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@if")
ppGetTok(L, tok) # skip 'end'
setlen(condStack, high(condStack))
TJumpDest = enum
jdEndif, jdElseEndif
proc jumpToDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken, dest: TJumpDest)
proc doElse(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken) =
if high(condStack) < 0: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@if")
ppGetTok(L, tok)
if tok.tokType == tkColon: ppGetTok(L, tok)
if condStack[high(condStack)]: jumpToDirective(L, tok, jdEndif)
proc doElif(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken) =
var res: bool
if high(condStack) < 0: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@if")
res = EvalppIf(L, tok)
if condStack[high(condStack)] or not res: jumpToDirective(L, tok, jdElseEndif)
else: condStack[high(condStack)] = true
proc jumpToDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken, dest: TJumpDest) =
var nestedIfs: int
nestedIfs = 0
while True:
if (tok.ident != nil) and (tok.ident.s == "@"):
ppGetTok(L, tok)
case whichKeyword(tok.ident)
of wIf:
of wElse:
if (dest == jdElseEndif) and (nestedIfs == 0):
doElse(L, tok)
of wElif:
if (dest == jdElseEndif) and (nestedIfs == 0):
doElif(L, tok)
of wEnd:
if nestedIfs == 0:
doEnd(L, tok)
if nestedIfs > 0: Dec(nestedIfs)
ppGetTok(L, tok)
elif tok.tokType == tkEof:
lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@end")
ppGetTok(L, tok)
proc parseDirective(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken) =
res: bool
key: string
ppGetTok(L, tok) # skip @
case whichKeyword(tok.ident)
of wIf:
setlen(condStack, len(condStack) + 1)
res = EvalppIf(L, tok)
condStack[high(condStack)] = res
if not res:
jumpToDirective(L, tok, jdElseEndif)
of wElif:
doElif(L, tok)
of wElse:
doElse(L, tok)
of wEnd:
doEnd(L, tok)
of wWrite:
ppGetTok(L, tok)
ppGetTok(L, tok)
of wPutEnv:
ppGetTok(L, tok)
key = tokToStr(tok)
ppGetTok(L, tok)
os.putEnv(key, tokToStr(tok))
ppGetTok(L, tok)
of wPrependEnv:
ppGetTok(L, tok)
key = tokToStr(tok)
ppGetTok(L, tok)
os.putEnv(key, tokToStr(tok) & os.getenv(key))
ppGetTok(L, tok)
of wAppendenv:
ppGetTok(L, tok)
key = tokToStr(tok)
ppGetTok(L, tok)
os.putEnv(key, os.getenv(key) & tokToStr(tok))
ppGetTok(L, tok)
else: lexMessage(L, errInvalidDirectiveX, tokToStr(tok))
proc confTok(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken) =
ppGetTok(L, tok)
while (tok.ident != nil) and (tok.ident.s == "@"):
parseDirective(L, tok) # else: give the token to the parser
proc checkSymbol(L: TLexer, tok: PToken) =
if not (tok.tokType in {tkSymbol..pred(tkIntLit), tkStrLit..tkTripleStrLit}):
lexMessage(L, errIdentifierExpected, tokToStr(tok))
proc parseAssignment(L: var TLexer, tok: PToken) =
s, val: string
info: TLineInfo
if (tok.ident.id == getIdent("-").id) or (tok.ident.id == getIdent("--").id):
confTok(L, tok) # skip unnecessary prefix
info = getLineInfo(L) # safe for later in case of an error
checkSymbol(L, tok)
s = tokToStr(tok)
confTok(L, tok) # skip symbol
val = ""
while tok.tokType == tkDot:
add(s, '.')
confTok(L, tok)
checkSymbol(L, tok)
add(s, tokToStr(tok))
confTok(L, tok)
if tok.tokType == tkBracketLe:
# BUGFIX: val, not s!
# BUGFIX: do not copy '['!
confTok(L, tok)
checkSymbol(L, tok)
add(val, tokToStr(tok))
confTok(L, tok)
if tok.tokType == tkBracketRi: confTok(L, tok)
else: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "\']\'")
add(val, ']')
if (tok.tokType == tkColon) or (tok.tokType == tkEquals):
if len(val) > 0:
add(val, ':') # BUGFIX
confTok(L, tok) # skip ':' or '='
checkSymbol(L, tok)
add(val, tokToStr(tok))
confTok(L, tok) # skip symbol
while (tok.ident != nil) and (tok.ident.id == getIdent("&").id):
confTok(L, tok)
checkSymbol(L, tok)
add(val, tokToStr(tok))
confTok(L, tok)
processSwitch(s, val, passPP, info)
proc readConfigFile(filename: string) =
L: TLexer
tok: PToken
stream: PLLStream
stream = LLStreamOpen(filename, fmRead)
if stream != nil:
openLexer(L, filename, stream)
tok.tokType = tkEof # to avoid a pointless warning
confTok(L, tok) # read in the first token
while tok.tokType != tkEof: parseAssignment(L, tok)
if len(condStack) > 0: lexMessage(L, errTokenExpected, "@end")
if gVerbosity >= 1: rawMessage(hintConf, filename)
proc getConfigPath(filename: string): string =
# try local configuration file:
result = joinPath(getConfigDir(), filename)
if not ExistsFile(result):
# try standard configuration file (installation did not distribute files
# the UNIX way)
result = joinPath([getPrefixDir(), "config", filename])
if not ExistsFile(result):
result = "/etc/" & filename
proc LoadSpecialConfig(configfilename: string) =
if not (optSkipConfigFile in gGlobalOptions):
proc LoadConfig(project: string) =
var conffile, prefix: string
# set default value (can be overwritten):
if libpath == "":
# choose default libpath:
prefix = getPrefixDir()
if (prefix == "/usr"): libpath = "/usr/lib/nimrod"
elif (prefix == "/usr/local"): libpath = "/usr/local/lib/nimrod"
else: libpath = joinPath(prefix, "lib")
LoadSpecialConfig("nimrod.cfg") # read project config file:
if not (optSkipProjConfigFile in gGlobalOptions) and (project != ""):
conffile = changeFileExt(project, "cfg")
if existsFile(conffile): readConfigFile(conffile)