# The Nim Tester
# (c) Copyright 2019 Leorize
# Look at license.txt for more info.
# All rights reserved.
import base64, json, httpclient, os, strutils, uri
import specs
CacheSize = 8 # How many results should be cached before uploading to
# Azure Pipelines. This prevents throttling that might arise.
proc getAzureEnv(env: string): string =
# Conversion rule at:
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/process/variables#set-variables-in-pipeline
env.toUpperAscii().replace('.', '_').getEnv
template getRun(): string =
## Get the test run attached to this instance
template setRun(id: string) =
## Attach a test run to this instance and its future children
putEnv(RunIdEnv, id)
template delRun() =
## Unattach the test run associtated with this instance and its future children
template warning(args: varargs[untyped]) =
## Add a warning to the current task
stderr.writeLine "##vso[task.logissue type=warning;]", args
ownRun = not existsEnv RunIdEnv
## Whether the test run is owned by this instance
accessToken = getAzureEnv("System.AccessToken")
## Access token to Azure Pipelines
active = false ## Whether the backend should be activated
requestBase: Uri ## Base URI for all API requests
requestHeaders: HttpHeaders ## Headers required for all API requests
results: JsonNode ## A cache for test results before uploading
proc request(api: string, httpMethod: HttpMethod, body = ""): Response {.inline.} =
let client = newHttpClient(timeout = 3000)
defer: close client
result = client.request($(requestBase / api), httpMethod, body, requestHeaders)
if result.code != Http200:
raise newException(CatchableError, "Request failed")
proc init*() =
## Initialize the Azure Pipelines backend.
## If an access token is provided and no test run is associated with the
## current instance, this proc will create a test run named after the current
## Azure Pipelines' job name, then associate it to the current testament
## instance and its future children. Should this fail, the backend will be
## disabled.
if isAzure and accessToken.len > 0:
active = true
requestBase = parseUri(getAzureEnv("System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri")) /
getAzureEnv("System.TeamProjectId") / "_apis" ? {"api-version": "5.0"}
requestHeaders = newHttpHeaders {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Basic " & encode(':' & accessToken),
"Content-Type": "application/json"
results = newJArray()
if ownRun:
let resp = request(
$ %* {
"automated": true,
"build": { "id": getAzureEnv("Build.BuildId") },
"buildPlatform": hostCPU,
"controller": "nim-testament",
"name": getAzureEnv("Agent.JobName")
setRun $resp.body.parseJson["id"].getInt
warning "Couldn't create test run for Azure Pipelines integration"
# Set run id to empty to prevent child processes from trying to request
# for yet another test run id, which wouldn't be shared with other
# instances.
setRun ""
active = false
elif getRun().len == 0:
# Disable integration if there aren't any valid test run id
active = false
proc uploadAndClear() =
## Upload test results from cache to Azure Pipelines. Then clear the cache
## after.
if results.len > 0:
discard request("test/runs/" & getRun() & "/results", HttpPost, $results)
for i in results:
warning "Couldn't log test result to Azure Pipelines: ",
i["automatedTestName"], ", outcome: ", i["outcome"]
results = newJArray()
proc finalize*() {.noconv.} =
## Finalize the Azure Pipelines backend.
## If a test run has been associated and is owned by this instance, it will
## be marked as complete.
if active:
if ownRun:
discard request("test/runs/" & getRun(), HttpPatch,
$ %* {"state": "Completed"})
warning "Couldn't update test run ", getRun(), " on Azure Pipelines"
proc addTestResult*(name, category: string; durationInMs: int; errorMsg: string;
outcome: TResultEnum) =
if not active:
let outcome = case outcome
of reSuccess: "Passed"
of reDisabled, reJoined: "NotExecuted"
else: "Failed"
results.add(%* {
"automatedTestName": name,
"automatedTestStorage": category,
"durationInMs": durationInMs,
"errorMessage": errorMsg,
"outcome": outcome,
"testCaseTitle": name
if results.len > CacheSize: