# Nim Tester
# (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
import sequtils, parseutils, strutils, os, streams, parsecfg,
tables, hashes, sets
import compiler/platform
type TestamentData* = ref object
# better to group globals under 1 object; could group the other ones here too
batchArg*: string
testamentNumBatch*: int
testamentBatch*: int
let testamentData0* = TestamentData()
var compilerPrefix* = findExe("nim")
let isTravis* = existsEnv("TRAVIS")
let isAppVeyor* = existsEnv("APPVEYOR")
let isAzure* = existsEnv("TF_BUILD")
var skips*: seq[string]
TTestAction* = enum
actionRun = "run"
actionCompile = "compile"
actionReject = "reject"
TOutputCheck* = enum
ocIgnore = "ignore"
ocEqual = "equal"
ocSubstr = "substr"
TResultEnum* = enum
reNimcCrash, # nim compiler seems to have crashed
reMsgsDiffer, # error messages differ
reFilesDiffer, # expected and given filenames differ
reLinesDiffer, # expected and given line numbers differ
reExitcodesDiffer, # exit codes of program or of valgrind differ
reInstallFailed # package installation failed
reBuildFailed # package building failed
reDisabled, # test is disabled
reJoined, # test is disabled because it was joined into the megatest
reSuccess # test was successful
reInvalidSpec # test had problems to parse the spec
TTarget* = enum
targetC = "c"
targetCpp = "cpp"
targetObjC = "objc"
targetJS = "js"
InlineError* = object
kind*: string
msg*: string
line*, col*: int
ValgrindSpec* = enum
disabled, enabled, leaking
TSpec* = object
# xxx make sure `isJoinableSpec` takes into account each field here.
action*: TTestAction
file*, cmd*: string
filename*: string ## Test filename (without path).
input*: string
outputCheck*: TOutputCheck
sortoutput*: bool
output*: string
line*, column*: int
exitCode*: int
msg*: string
ccodeCheck*: seq[string]
maxCodeSize*: int
err*: TResultEnum
inCurrentBatch*: bool
targets*: set[TTarget]
matrix*: seq[string]
nimout*: string
nimoutFull*: bool # whether nimout is all compiler output or a subset
parseErrors*: string # when the spec definition is invalid, this is not empty.
unjoinable*: bool
unbatchable*: bool
# whether this test can be batchable via `NIM_TESTAMENT_BATCH`; only very
# few tests are not batchable; the ones that are not could be turned batchable
# by making the dependencies explicit
useValgrind*: ValgrindSpec
timeout*: float # in seconds, fractions possible,
# but don't rely on much precision
inlineErrors*: seq[InlineError] # line information to error message
debugInfo*: string # debug info to give more context
proc getCmd*(s: TSpec): string =
if s.cmd.len == 0:
result = compilerPrefix & " $target --hints:on -d:testing --nimblePath:build/deps/pkgs2 $options $file"
result = s.cmd
targetToExt*: array[TTarget, string] = ["nim.c", "nim.cpp", "nim.m", "js"]
targetToCmd*: array[TTarget, string] = ["c", "cpp", "objc", "js"]
proc defaultOptions*(a: TTarget): string =
case a
of targetJS: "-d:nodejs"
# once we start testing for `nim js -d:nimbrowser` (eg selenium or similar),
# we can adapt this logic; or a given js test can override with `-u:nodejs`.
else: ""
when not declared(parseCfgBool):
# candidate for the stdlib:
proc parseCfgBool(s: string): bool =
case normalize(s)
of "y", "yes", "true", "1", "on": result = true
of "n", "no", "false", "0", "off": result = false
else: raise newException(ValueError, "cannot interpret as a bool: " & s)
proc addLine*(self: var string; pieces: varargs[string]) =
for piece in pieces:
self.add piece
self.add "\n"
inlineErrorKindMarker = "tt."
inlineErrorMarker = "#[" & inlineErrorKindMarker
proc extractErrorMsg(s: string; i: int; line: var int; col: var int; spec: var TSpec): int =
## Extract inline error messages.
## Can parse a single message for a line:
## .. code-block:: nim
## proc generic_proc*[T] {.no_destroy, userPragma.} = #[tt.Error
## ^ 'generic_proc' should be: 'genericProc' [Name] ]#
## Can parse multiple messages for a line when they are separated by ';':
## .. code-block:: nim
## proc generic_proc*[T] {.no_destroy, userPragma.} = #[tt.Error
## ^ 'generic_proc' should be: 'genericProc' [Name]; tt.Error
## ^ 'no_destroy' should be: 'nodestroy' [Name]; tt.Error
## ^ 'userPragma' should be: 'user_pragma' [template declared in mstyleCheck.nim(10, 9)] [Name] ]#
## .. code-block:: nim
## proc generic_proc*[T] {.no_destroy, userPragma.} = #[tt.Error
## ^ 'generic_proc' should be: 'genericProc' [Name];
## tt.Error ^ 'no_destroy' should be: 'nodestroy' [Name];
## tt.Error ^ 'userPragma' should be: 'user_pragma' [template declared in mstyleCheck.nim(10, 9)] [Name] ]#
result = i + len(inlineErrorMarker)
inc col, len(inlineErrorMarker)
let msgLine = line
var msgCol = -1
var msg = ""
var kind = ""
template parseKind =
while result < s.len and s[result] in IdentChars:
kind.add s[result]
inc result
inc col
if kind notin ["Hint", "Warning", "Error"]:
spec.parseErrors.addLine "expected inline message kind: Hint, Warning, Error"
template skipWhitespace =
while result < s.len and s[result] in Whitespace:
if s[result] == '\n':
col = 1
inc line
inc col
inc result
template parseCaret =
if result < s.len and s[result] == '^':
msgCol = col
inc result
inc col
spec.parseErrors.addLine "expected column marker ('^') for inline message"
template isMsgDelimiter: bool =
s[result] == ';' and
let nextTokenIdx = result + 1 + parseutils.skipWhitespace(s, result + 1)
if s.len > nextTokenIdx + len(inlineErrorKindMarker) and
s[nextTokenIdx..(nextTokenIdx + len(inlineErrorKindMarker) - 1)] == inlineErrorKindMarker:
template trimTrailingMsgWhitespace =
while msg.len > 0 and msg[^1] in Whitespace:
setLen msg, msg.len - 1
template addInlineError =
doAssert msg[^1] notin Whitespace
if kind == "Error": spec.action = actionReject
spec.inlineErrors.add InlineError(kind: kind, msg: msg, line: msgLine, col: msgCol)
while result < s.len-1:
if s[result] == '\n':
if result > 0 and s[result - 1] == '\r':
msg[^1] = '\n'
msg.add '\n'
inc result
inc line
col = 1
elif isMsgDelimiter():
inc result
inc result, len(inlineErrorKindMarker)
inc col, 1 + len(inlineErrorKindMarker)
kind.setLen 0
msg.setLen 0
elif s[result] == ']' and s[result+1] == '#':
inc result, 2
inc col, 2
msg.add s[result]
inc result
inc col
if spec.inlineErrors.len > 0:
spec.unjoinable = true
proc extractSpec(filename: string; spec: var TSpec): string =
tripleQuote = "\"\"\""
specStart = "discard " & tripleQuote
var s = readFile(filename)
var i = 0
var a = -1
var b = -1
var line = 1
var col = 1
while i < s.len:
if (i == 0 or s[i-1] != ' ') and s.continuesWith(specStart, i):
# `s[i-1] == '\n'` would not work because of `tests/stdlib/tbase64.nim` which contains BOM (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark)
const lineMax = 10
if a != -1:
raise newException(ValueError, "testament spec violation: duplicate `specStart` found: " & $(filename, a, b, line))
elif line > lineMax:
# not overly restrictive, but prevents mistaking some `specStart` as spec if deeep inside a test file
raise newException(ValueError, "testament spec violation: `specStart` should be before line $1, or be indented; info: $2" % [$lineMax, $(filename, a, b, line)])
i += specStart.len
a = i
elif a > -1 and b == -1 and s.continuesWith(tripleQuote, i):
b = i
i += tripleQuote.len
elif s[i] == '\n':
inc line
inc i
col = 1
elif s.continuesWith(inlineErrorMarker, i):
i = extractErrorMsg(s, i, line, col, spec)
inc col
inc i
if a >= 0 and b > a:
result = s.substr(a, b-1).multiReplace({"'''": tripleQuote, "\\31": "\31"})
elif a >= 0:
raise newException(ValueError, "testament spec violation: `specStart` found but not trailing `tripleQuote`: $1" % $(filename, a, b, line))
result = ""
proc parseTargets*(value: string): set[TTarget] =
for v in value.normalize.splitWhitespace:
case v
of "c": result.incl(targetC)
of "cpp", "c++": result.incl(targetCpp)
of "objc": result.incl(targetObjC)
of "js": result.incl(targetJS)
else: raise newException(ValueError, "invalid target: '$#'" % v)
proc initSpec*(filename: string): TSpec =
result.file = filename
proc isCurrentBatch*(testamentData: TestamentData; filename: string): bool =
if testamentData.testamentNumBatch != 0:
hash(filename) mod testamentData.testamentNumBatch == testamentData.testamentBatch
proc parseSpec*(filename: string): TSpec =
result.file = filename
result.filename = extractFilename(filename)
let specStr = extractSpec(filename, result)
var ss = newStringStream(specStr)
var p: CfgParser
open(p, ss, filename, 1)
var flags: HashSet[string]
var nimoutFound = false
while true:
var e = next(p)
case e.kind
of cfgKeyValuePair:
let key = e.key.normalize
const whiteListMulti = ["disabled", "ccodecheck"]
## list of flags that are correctly handled when passed multiple times
## (instead of being overwritten)
if key notin whiteListMulti:
doAssert key notin flags, $(key, filename)
flags.incl key
case key
of "action":
case e.value.normalize
of "compile":
result.action = actionCompile
of "run":
result.action = actionRun
of "reject":
result.action = actionReject
result.parseErrors.addLine "cannot interpret as action: ", e.value
of "file":
if result.msg.len == 0 and result.nimout.len == 0:
result.parseErrors.addLine "errormsg or msg needs to be specified before file"
result.file = e.value
of "line":
if result.msg.len == 0 and result.nimout.len == 0:
result.parseErrors.addLine "errormsg, msg or nimout needs to be specified before line"
discard parseInt(e.value, result.line)
of "column":
if result.msg.len == 0 and result.nimout.len == 0:
result.parseErrors.addLine "errormsg or msg needs to be specified before column"
discard parseInt(e.value, result.column)
of "output":
if result.outputCheck != ocSubstr:
result.outputCheck = ocEqual
result.output = e.value
of "input":
result.input = e.value
of "outputsub":
result.outputCheck = ocSubstr
result.output = strip(e.value)
of "sortoutput":
result.sortoutput = parseCfgBool(e.value)
result.parseErrors.addLine getCurrentExceptionMsg()
of "exitcode":
discard parseInt(e.value, result.exitCode)
result.action = actionRun
of "errormsg":
result.msg = e.value
result.action = actionReject
of "nimout":
result.nimout = e.value
nimoutFound = true
of "nimoutfull":
result.nimoutFull = parseCfgBool(e.value)
of "batchable":
result.unbatchable = not parseCfgBool(e.value)
of "joinable":
result.unjoinable = not parseCfgBool(e.value)
of "valgrind":
when defined(linux) and sizeof(int) == 8:
result.useValgrind = if e.value.normalize == "leaks": leaking
else: ValgrindSpec(parseCfgBool(e.value))
result.unjoinable = true
if result.useValgrind != disabled:
result.outputCheck = ocSubstr
# Windows lacks valgrind. Silly OS.
# Valgrind only supports OSX <= 17.x
result.useValgrind = disabled
of "disabled":
let value = e.value.normalize
case value
of "y", "yes", "true", "1", "on": result.err = reDisabled
of "n", "no", "false", "0", "off": discard
# These values are defined in `compiler/options.isDefined`
of "win":
when defined(windows): result.err = reDisabled
of "linux":
when defined(linux): result.err = reDisabled
of "bsd":
when defined(bsd): result.err = reDisabled
of "osx":
when defined(osx): result.err = reDisabled
of "unix", "posix":
when defined(posix): result.err = reDisabled
of "freebsd":
when defined(freebsd): result.err = reDisabled
of "littleendian":
when defined(littleendian): result.err = reDisabled
of "bigendian":
when defined(bigendian): result.err = reDisabled
of "cpu8", "8bit":
when defined(cpu8): result.err = reDisabled
of "cpu16", "16bit":
when defined(cpu16): result.err = reDisabled
of "cpu32", "32bit":
when defined(cpu32): result.err = reDisabled
of "cpu64", "64bit":
when defined(cpu64): result.err = reDisabled
# These values are for CI environments
of "travis": # deprecated
if isTravis: result.err = reDisabled
of "appveyor": # deprecated
if isAppVeyor: result.err = reDisabled
of "azure":
if isAzure: result.err = reDisabled
# Check whether the value exists as an OS or CPU that is
# defined in `compiler/platform`.
block checkHost:
for os in platform.OS:
# Check if the value exists as OS.
if value == os.name.normalize:
# The value exists; is it the same as the current host?
if value == hostOS.normalize:
# The value exists and is the same as the current host,
# so disable the test.
result.err = reDisabled
# The value was defined, so there is no need to check further
# values or raise an error.
break checkHost
for cpu in platform.CPU:
# Check if the value exists as CPU.
if value == cpu.name.normalize:
# The value exists; is it the same as the current host?
if value == hostCPU.normalize:
# The value exists and is the same as the current host,
# so disable the test.
result.err = reDisabled
# The value was defined, so there is no need to check further
# values or raise an error.
break checkHost
# The value doesn't exist as an OS, CPU, or any previous value
# defined in this case statement, so raise an error.
result.parseErrors.addLine "cannot interpret as a bool: ", e.value
of "cmd":
if e.value.startsWith("nim "):
result.cmd = compilerPrefix & e.value[3..^1]
result.cmd = e.value
of "ccodecheck":
result.ccodeCheck.add e.value
of "maxcodesize":
discard parseInt(e.value, result.maxCodeSize)
of "timeout":
result.timeout = parseFloat(e.value)
except ValueError:
result.parseErrors.addLine "cannot interpret as a float: ", e.value
of "targets", "target":
result.targets.incl parseTargets(e.value)
except ValueError as e:
result.parseErrors.addLine e.msg
of "matrix":
for v in e.value.split(';'):
result.parseErrors.addLine "invalid key for test spec: ", e.key
of cfgSectionStart:
result.parseErrors.addLine "section ignored: ", e.section
of cfgOption:
result.parseErrors.addLine "command ignored: ", e.key & ": " & e.value
of cfgError:
result.parseErrors.addLine e.msg
of cfgEof:
if skips.anyIt(it in result.file):
result.err = reDisabled
if nimoutFound and result.nimout.len == 0 and not result.nimoutFull:
result.parseErrors.addLine "empty `nimout` is vacuously true, use `nimoutFull:true` if intentional"
result.inCurrentBatch = isCurrentBatch(testamentData0, filename) or result.unbatchable
if not result.inCurrentBatch:
result.err = reDisabled
# Interpolate variables in msgs:
template varSub(msg: string): string =
msg % ["/", $DirSep, "file", result.filename]
except ValueError:
result.parseErrors.addLine "invalid variable interpolation (see 'https://nim-lang.github.io/Nim/testament.html#writing-unitests-output-message-variable-interpolation')"
result.nimout = result.nimout.varSub
result.msg = result.msg.varSub
for inlineError in result.inlineErrors.mitems:
inlineError.msg = inlineError.msg.varSub