discard """
outputsub: '''Success'''
cmd: '''nim c --gc:arc --threads:on $file'''
disabled: "bsd"
# bug #13936
import std/atomics
const MemBlockSize = 256
ChannelSPSCSingle* = object
full{.align: 128.}: Atomic[bool]
itemSize*: uint8
buffer*{.align: 8.}: UncheckedArray[byte]
proc `=copy`(
dest: var ChannelSPSCSingle,
source: ChannelSPSCSingle
) {.error: "A channel cannot be copied".}
proc initialize*(chan: var ChannelSPSCSingle, itemsize: SomeInteger) {.inline.} =
## If ChannelSPSCSingle is used intrusive another data structure
## be aware that it should be the last part due to ending by UncheckedArray
## Also due to 128 bytes padding, it automatically takes half
## of the default MemBlockSize
assert itemsize.int in 0 .. int high(uint8)
assert itemSize.int +
sizeof(chan.itemsize) +
sizeof(chan.full) < MemBlockSize
chan.itemSize = uint8 itemsize
chan.full.store(false, moRelaxed)
func isEmpty*(chan: var ChannelSPSCSingle): bool {.inline.} =
not chan.full.load(moAcquire)
func tryRecv*[T](chan: var ChannelSPSCSingle, dst: var T): bool {.inline.} =
## Try receiving the item buffered in the channel
## Returns true if successful (channel was not empty)
## ⚠ Use only in the consumer thread that reads from the channel.
assert (sizeof(T) == chan.itemsize.int) or
# Support dummy object
(sizeof(T) == 0 and chan.itemsize == 1)
let full = chan.full.load(moAcquire)
if not full:
return false
dst = cast[ptr T](chan.buffer.addr)[]
chan.full.store(false, moRelease)
return true
func trySend*[T](chan: var ChannelSPSCSingle, src: sink T): bool {.inline.} =
## Try sending an item into the channel
## Reurns true if successful (channel was empty)
## ⚠ Use only in the producer thread that writes from the channel.
assert (sizeof(T) == chan.itemsize.int) or
# Support dummy object
(sizeof(T) == 0 and chan.itemsize == 1)
let full = chan.full.load(moAcquire)
if full:
return false
cast[ptr T](chan.buffer.addr)[] = src
chan.full.store(true, moRelease)
return true
# Sanity checks
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
when isMainModule:
when not compileOption("threads"):
{.error: "This requires --threads:on compilation flag".}
template sendLoop[T](chan: var ChannelSPSCSingle,
data: sink T,
body: untyped): untyped =
while not chan.trySend(data):
template recvLoop[T](chan: var ChannelSPSCSingle,
data: var T,
body: untyped): untyped =
while not chan.tryRecv(data):
ThreadArgs = object
ID: WorkerKind
chan: ptr ChannelSPSCSingle
WorkerKind = enum
template Worker(id: WorkerKind, body: untyped): untyped {.dirty.} =
if args.ID == id:
proc thread_func(args: ThreadArgs) =
# Worker RECEIVER:
# ---------
# <- chan
# <- chan
# <- chan
# Worker SENDER:
# ---------
# chan <- 42
# chan <- 53
# chan <- 64
var val: int
for j in 0 ..< 10:
# Busy loop, in prod we might want to yield the core/thread timeslice
echo " Receiver got: ", val
doAssert val == 42 + j*11
doAssert args.chan.full.load(moRelaxed) == false
for j in 0 ..< 10:
let val = 42 + j*11
# Busy loop, in prod we might want to yield the core/thread timeslice
echo "Sender sent: ", val
proc main() =
echo "Testing if 2 threads can send data"
echo "-----------------------------------"
var threads: array[2, Thread[ThreadArgs]]
var chan = cast[ptr ChannelSPSCSingle](allocShared(MemBlockSize))
chan[].initialize(itemSize = sizeof(int))
createThread(threads[0], thread_func, ThreadArgs(ID: Receiver, chan: chan))
createThread(threads[1], thread_func, ThreadArgs(ID: Sender, chan: chan))
echo "-----------------------------------"
echo "Success"