gtk2, glib2, atk, gdk2, gdk2pixbuf, libglade2, pango,
proc hello(widget: PWidget, data: pointer) {.cdecl.} =
write(stdout, "Hello World\n")
proc delete_event(widget: PWidget, event: PEvent,
data: pointer): bool {.cdecl.} =
# If you return FALSE in the "delete_event" signal handler,
# GTK will emit the "destroy" signal. Returning TRUE means
# you don't want the window to be destroyed.
# This is useful for popping up 'are you sure you want to quit?'
# type dialogs.
write(stdout, "delete event occurred\n")
# Change TRUE to FALSE and the main window will be destroyed with
# a "delete_event".
return false
# Another callback
proc mydestroy(widget: PWidget, data: pointer) {.cdecl.} =
proc mymain() =
# GtkWidget is the storage type for widgets
var window = window_new(gtk2.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
discard g_signal_connect(window, "delete_event",
Gcallback(delete_event), nil)
discard g_signal_connect(window, "destroy", Gcallback(mydestroy), nil)
# Sets the border width of the window.
set_border_width(window, 10)
# Creates a new button with the label "Hello World".
var button = button_new("Hello World")
discard g_signal_connect(button, "clicked", Gcallback(hello), nil)
# This packs the button into the window (a gtk container).
add(window, button)
# The final step is to display this newly created widget.
# and the window