discard """
action: "run"
output: '''Received (name: "Foo", species: "Bar")'''
# issue #7632
import genericstrformat
doAssert works(5) == "formatted 5"
doAssert fails0(6) == "formatted 6"
doAssert fails(7) == "formatted 7"
doAssert fails2[0](8) == "formatted 8"
# other tests
import strformat
type Obj = object
proc `$`(o: Obj): string = "foobar"
# for custom types, formatValue needs to be overloaded.
template formatValue(result: var string; value: Obj; specifier: string) =
result.formatValue($value, specifier)
var o: Obj
doAssert fmt"{o}" == "foobar"
doAssert fmt"{o:10}" == "foobar "
# see issue #7933
var str = "abc"
doAssert fmt">7.1 :: {str:>7.1}" == ">7.1 :: a"
doAssert fmt">7.2 :: {str:>7.2}" == ">7.2 :: ab"
doAssert fmt">7.3 :: {str:>7.3}" == ">7.3 :: abc"
doAssert fmt">7.9 :: {str:>7.9}" == ">7.9 :: abc"
doAssert fmt">7.0 :: {str:>7.0}" == ">7.0 :: "
doAssert fmt" 7.1 :: {str:7.1}" == " 7.1 :: a "
doAssert fmt" 7.2 :: {str:7.2}" == " 7.2 :: ab "
doAssert fmt" 7.3 :: {str:7.3}" == " 7.3 :: abc "
doAssert fmt" 7.9 :: {str:7.9}" == " 7.9 :: abc "
doAssert fmt" 7.0 :: {str:7.0}" == " 7.0 :: "
doAssert fmt"^7.1 :: {str:^7.1}" == "^7.1 :: a "
doAssert fmt"^7.2 :: {str:^7.2}" == "^7.2 :: ab "
doAssert fmt"^7.3 :: {str:^7.3}" == "^7.3 :: abc "
doAssert fmt"^7.9 :: {str:^7.9}" == "^7.9 :: abc "
doAssert fmt"^7.0 :: {str:^7.0}" == "^7.0 :: "
str = "äöüe\u0309\u0319o\u0307\u0359"
doAssert fmt"^7.1 :: {str:^7.1}" == "^7.1 :: ä "
doAssert fmt"^7.2 :: {str:^7.2}" == "^7.2 :: äö "
doAssert fmt"^7.3 :: {str:^7.3}" == "^7.3 :: äöü "
doAssert fmt"^7.0 :: {str:^7.0}" == "^7.0 :: "
# this is actually wrong, but the unicode module has no support for graphemes
doAssert fmt"^7.4 :: {str:^7.4}" == "^7.4 :: äöüe "
doAssert fmt"^7.9 :: {str:^7.9}" == "^7.9 :: äöüe\u0309\u0319o\u0307\u0359"
# see issue #7932
doAssert fmt"{15:08}" == "00000015" # int, works
doAssert fmt"{1.5:08}" == "000001.5" # float, works
doAssert fmt"{1.5:0>8}" == "000001.5" # workaround using fill char works for positive floats
doAssert fmt"{-1.5:0>8}" == "0000-1.5" # even that does not work for negative floats
doAssert fmt"{-1.5:08}" == "-00001.5" # works
doAssert fmt"{1.5:+08}" == "+00001.5" # works
doAssert fmt"{1.5: 08}" == " 00001.5" # works
# only add explicitly requested sign if value != -0.0 (neg zero)
doAssert fmt"{-0.0:g}" == "-0"
doassert fmt"{-0.0:+g}" == "-0"
doassert fmt"{-0.0: g}" == "-0"
doAssert fmt"{0.0:g}" == "0"
doAssert fmt"{0.0:+g}" == "+0"
doAssert fmt"{0.0: g}" == " 0"
# seq format
let data1 = [1'i64, 10000'i64, 10000000'i64]
let data2 = [10000000'i64, 100'i64, 1'i64]
proc formatValue(result: var string; value: (array|seq|openArray); specifier: string) =
result.add "["
for i, it in value:
if i != 0:
result.add ", "
result.formatValue(it, specifier)
result.add "]"
doAssert fmt"data1: {data1:8} #" == "data1: [ 1, 10000, 10000000] #"
doAssert fmt"data2: {data2:8} =" == "data2: [10000000, 100, 1] ="
# custom format Value
Vec2[T] = object
x,y: T
proc formatValue[T](result: var string; value: Vec2[T]; specifier: string) =
result.add '['
result.formatValue value.x, specifier
result.add ", "
result.formatValue value.y, specifier
result.add "]"
let v1 = Vec2[float32](x:1.0, y: 2.0)
let v2 = Vec2[int32](x:1, y: 1337)
doAssert fmt"v1: {v1:+08} v2: {v2:>4}" == "v1: [+0000001, +0000002] v2: [ 1, 1337]"
# bug #11012
Animal = object
name, species: string
AnimalRef = ref Animal
proc print_object(animalAddr: AnimalRef) =
echo fmt"Received {animalAddr[]}"
print_object(AnimalRef(name: "Foo", species: "Bar"))
# bug #11723
let pos: Positive = 64
doAssert fmt"{pos:3}" == " 64"
doAssert fmt"{pos:3b}" == "1000000"
doAssert fmt"{pos:3d}" == " 64"
doAssert fmt"{pos:3o}" == "100"
doAssert fmt"{pos:3x}" == " 40"
doAssert fmt"{pos:3X}" == " 40"
let nat: Natural = 64
doAssert fmt"{nat:3}" == " 64"
doAssert fmt"{nat:3b}" == "1000000"
doAssert fmt"{nat:3d}" == " 64"
doAssert fmt"{nat:3o}" == "100"
doAssert fmt"{nat:3x}" == " 40"
doAssert fmt"{nat:3X}" == " 40"
# bug #12612
proc my_proc =
const value = "value"
const a = &"{value}"
assert a == value
template fmt(pattern: string; openCloseChar: char): untyped =
fmt(pattern, openCloseChar, openCloseChar)
testInt = 123
testStr = "foobar"
testFlt = 3.141592
doAssert ">><<".fmt('<', '>') == "><"
doAssert " >> << ".fmt('<', '>') == " > < "
doAssert "<<>>".fmt('<', '>') == "<>"
doAssert " << >> ".fmt('<', '>') == " < > "
doAssert "''".fmt('\'') == "'"
doAssert "''''".fmt('\'') == "''"
doAssert "'' ''".fmt('\'') == "' '"
doAssert "<testInt>".fmt('<', '>') == "123"
doAssert "<testInt>".fmt('<', '>') == "123"
doAssert "'testFlt:1.2f'".fmt('\'') == "3.14"
doAssert "<testInt><testStr>".fmt('<', '>') == "123foobar"
doAssert """ ""{"123+123"}"" """.fmt('"') == " \"{246}\" "
doAssert "(((testFlt:1.2f)))((111))".fmt('(', ')') == "(3.14)(111)"
doAssert """(()"foo" & "bar"())""".fmt(')', '(') == "(foobar)"
doAssert "{}abc`testStr' `testFlt:1.2f' `1+1' ``".fmt('`', '\'') == "{}abcfoobar 3.14 2 `"
doAssert """x = '"foo" & "bar"'
y = '123 + 111'
z = '3 in {2..7}'
""".fmt('\'') ==
"""x = foobar
y = 234
z = true