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path: root/tools/website.tmpl
blob: 3209aac51ec4fe72aeda840a2128816ea0bff1af (plain) (tree)




































#? stdtmpl | standard
#proc generateHTMLPage(c: var TConfigData, currentTab, content, rss: string): string =
#  result = ""
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/style.css" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="assets/images/favicon.ico">
  #if len(rss) > 0:
    <link href="$rss" title="Recent changes" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate">
  #end if
    <header id="head">
      <div class="page-layout tall">
        <div id="head-logo"></div>
        <a id="head-logo-link" href="index.html"></a>
        <nav id="head-links">
      #for i in 0.. c.tabs.len-1:
      # let t = c.tabs[i].val
      # if t != "index" and t != "community" and t != "news":
      #   let name = c.tabs[i].key
      #   if currentTab == t:
            <a class="active"
      #   else:
      #   end if
      #   if t.contains('.'):
            href="${t}" title = "$c.projectName - $name">$name</a>
      #   else:
            href="${t}.html" title = "$c.projectName - $name">$name</a>
      #   end if
      # end if
      #end for

#  if currentTab == "index":
    <section id="neck" class="home">
#  else:
    <section id="neck">
#  end
      <div class="page-layout tall">
        <div id="glow-arrow"></div>

#  if currentTab == "index":
        <div id="slideshow">
          <!-- slides -->
          <div id="slide0" class="active">
            <h2><a name="why-should-i-be-excited">Why should I be excited?</a></h2>
            <span class="desc">Nim is the only language that leverages automated proof technology to perform a <i>disjoint check</i> for your parallel code. Working on disjoint data means no locking is required and yet data races are impossible:</span><br><br>
<span class="kwd">parallel</span>:
<span class="tab">  </span><span class="kwd">var</span> i = <span class="val">0</span>
<span class="tab">  </span><span class="kwd">while</span> i <= a.high:
<span class="tab">  <span class="tab">  </span></span></span><span class="kwd">spawn</span> f(a[i])
<span class="tab">  <span class="tab">  </span></span></span><span class="kwd">spawn</span> f(a[i+<span class="val">1</span>])
<span class="tab">  <span class="tab">  </span></span></span><span class="cmt"># ERROR: cannot prove a[i] is disjoint from a[i+1]</span>
<span class="tab">  <span class="tab">  </span></span></span><span class="cmt"># BUT: replace 'i += 1' with 'i += 2' and the code compiles!</span>
<span class="tab end">  <span class="tab end">  </span></span>i += <span class="val">1</span>
          <div id="slide1">
              <h2>Nim is simple..</h2>
<span class="cmt"># compute average line length</span>
<span class="kwd">var</span>
<span class="tab">  </span>sum = <span class="val">0</span>
<span class="tab end">  </span>count = <span class="val">0</span>

<span class="kwd">for</span> line <span class="kwd">in</span> stdin.lines:
<span class="tab">  </span>sum += line.len
<span class="tab end">  </span>count += <span class="val">1</span>

echo(<span class="val">"Average line length: "</span>,
  <span class="kwd">if</span> count &gt; <span class="val">0</span>: sum / count <span class="kwd">else</span>: <span class="val">0</span>)
               <h2>..and type safe...</h2>
<span class="cmt"># create and greet someone</span>
<span class="kwd">type</span> <span class="def">Person</span> = <span class="kwd">object</span>
<span class="tab">  </span>name: <span class="typ">string</span>
<span class="tab end">  </span>age: <span class="typ">int</span>

<span class="kwd">proc</span> <span class="def">greet</span>(p: <span class="typ">Person</span>) =
<span class="tab">  </span>echo <span class="val">"Hi, I'm "</span>,, <span class="val">"."</span>
<span class="tab end">  </span>echo <span class="val">"I am "</span>, p.age, <span class="val">" years old."</span>

<span class="kwd">let</span> p = <span class="typ">Person</span>(name:<span class="val">"Jon"</span>, age:<span class="val">18</span>)
p.greet() <span class="cmt"># or greet(p)</span>
          <div id="slide2" class="">
              <h2>C FFI is easy in Nim..</h2>
<span class="cmt"># declare a C procedure..</span>
<span class="kwd">proc</span> <span class="def">unsafeScanf</span>(f: <span class="typ">File</span>, s: <span class="typ">cstring</span>)
<span class="tab">  </span>{.varargs,
<span class="tab">    </span>importc: <span class="val">"fscanf"</span>,
<span class="tab end">    </span>header: <span class="val">"&lt;stdio.h&gt;"</span>.}

<span class="cmt"># ..and use it...</span>
<span class="kwd">var</span> x: <span class="typ">cint</span>
stdin.unsafeScanf(<span class="val">"%d"</span>, <span class="kwd">addr</span> x)
              <p><span class="desc"><b>Compile and run with:</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&#36; nim c -r example.nim</span></p>
              <h2>..and DSLs are too...</h2>
<span class="cmt"># a simple html server</span>
<span class="kwd">import</span>
  jester, asyncdispatch, htmlgen

<span class="kwd">routes</span>:
<span class="tab">  </span><span class="kwd">get</span> <span class="val">"/"</span>:
<span class="tab end">  <span class="tab end">  </span></span><span class="kwd">resp</span> h1(<span class="val">"Hello world"</span>)

              <p><span class="desc"><b>View in browser at:</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;localhost:5000</span></p>
        <div id="slideshow-nav">
          <div id="slideControl0" onclick="slideshow_click(0)" class="active"></div>
          <div id="slideControl1" onclick="slideshow_click(1)"></div>
          <div id="slideControl2" onclick="slideshow_click(2)"></div>
#  end
        <aside id="sidebar">

#  if len(c.links) > 0:
          <h3>More Links</h3>
          <div id="sidebar-links">
#         for i in 0..c.links.len-1:
          <a href="${c.links[i].val}" id="${c.links[i].id}">${c.links[i].key}</a>
#         end for
#  end if
#  if len(c.ticker) > 0:
					<h3 class="blue">Latest News</h3>
					<div id="sidebar-news">
#  end if

		<section id="body">
			<div id="body-border"></div>
			<div id="glow-line"></div>
			<div class="page-layout">
				<article id="content" class="page">

		<!--- #foot --->
		<footer id="foot" class="home">
			<div class="page-layout tall">
				<div id="foot-links">
						<a href="documentation.html">Stable Documentation</a>
						<a href="learn.html">Learning Resources</a>
					<!--	<a href="">Development Documentation</a> -->
						<a href="">Issues &amp; Requests</a>
						<a href="">User Forum</a>
            <a href="">Online IRC</a>
            <a href="">IRC Logs</a>
				<div id="foot-legal">
					<h4>Written in Nim - Powered by <a href="">Jester</a></h4>
					Web Design by <a href="">Philip Witte</a> &amp; <a href="">Dominik Picheta</a><br>
					Copyright © 2015 - <a href="">Andreas Rumpf</a> &amp; <a href="">Contributors</a>

#  if currentTab == "index":
  <script src="assets/index.js"></script>
# end if
#  if c.gaId != nil:
    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

    ga('create', '${c.gaId}', '');
    ga('send', 'pageview');
#  end if