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authorMiran <>2019-04-10 15:55:57 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2019-04-10 15:55:57 +0200
commit1494d88fa27a31b46884799b2ff9712c73937551 (patch)
parent2608bc369e5df6535528eb1987eb33b85e532141 (diff)
rst: parse brackets individually, fixes #10475 (#10997)
2 files changed, 29 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
index 6e4e3f5dd..26222d951 100644
--- a/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
+++ b/lib/packages/docutils/rst.nim
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ const
   TokType = enum
     tkEof, tkIndent, tkWhite, tkWord, tkAdornment, tkPunct, tkOther
-  Token = object             # a RST token
-    kind*: TokType           # the type of the token
+  Token = object              # a RST token
+    kind*: TokType            # the type of the token
     ival*: int                # the indentation or parsed integer value
     symbol*: string           # the parsed symbol as string
     line*, col*: int          # line and column of the token
@@ -153,6 +153,14 @@ proc getAdornment(L: var Lexer, tok: var Token) =
   inc(L.col, pos - L.bufpos)
   L.bufpos = pos
+proc getBracket(L: var Lexer, tok: var Token) =
+  tok.kind = tkPunct
+  tok.line = L.line
+  tok.col = L.col
+  add(tok.symbol, L.buf[L.bufpos])
+  inc L.col
+  inc L.bufpos
 proc getIndentAux(L: var Lexer, start: int): int =
   var pos = start
   # skip the newline (but include it in the token!)
@@ -205,11 +213,13 @@ proc rawGetTok(L: var Lexer, tok: var Token) =
       rawGetTok(L, tok)       # ignore spaces before \n
   of '\x0D', '\x0A':
     getIndent(L, tok)
-  of '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.',
-     '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '[', '\\', ']', '^', '_', '`', '{',
-     '|', '}', '~':
+  of '!', '\"', '#', '$', '%', '&', '\'',  '*', '+', ',', '-', '.',
+     '/', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', '\\', '^', '_', '`',
+     '|', '~':
     getAdornment(L, tok)
     if len(tok.symbol) <= 3: tok.kind = tkPunct
+  of '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}':
+    getBracket(L, tok)
     tok.line = L.line
     tok.col = L.col
@@ -837,7 +847,8 @@ proc parseInline(p: var RstParser, father: PRstNode) =
       var n = newRstNode(rnSubstitutionReferences)
       parseUntil(p, n, "|", false)
       add(father, n)
-    elif roSupportMarkdown in p.s.options and p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "[" and
+    elif roSupportMarkdown in p.s.options and
+        p.tok[p.idx].symbol == "[" and p.tok[p.idx+1].symbol != "[" and
         parseMarkdownLink(p, father):
       discard "parseMarkdownLink already processed it"
diff --git a/tests/stdlib/trstgen.nim b/tests/stdlib/trstgen.nim
index fd89f68af..8fdbf3911 100644
--- a/tests/stdlib/trstgen.nim
+++ b/tests/stdlib/trstgen.nim
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ outputsub: ""
 # tests for rstgen module.
 import ../../lib/packages/docutils/rstgen
+import ../../lib/packages/docutils/rst
 import unittest
 suite "YAML syntax highlighting":
@@ -141,3 +142,14 @@ suite "YAML syntax highlighting":
   <span class="DecNumber">-4</span>
 <span class="StringLit"></span><span class="Punctuation">:</span>
   <span class="StringLit">?not a map key</span></pre>"""
+  test "Markdown links":
+    let
+      a = rstToHtml("(( [Nim]( ))", {roSupportMarkdown}, defaultConfig())
+      b = rstToHtml("(([Nim](", {roSupportMarkdown}, defaultConfig())
+      c = rstToHtml("[[Nim](]", {roSupportMarkdown}, defaultConfig())
+    assert a == """(( <a class="reference external" href="">Nim</a> ))"""
+    assert b == """((<a class="reference external" href="">Nim</a>))"""
+    assert c == """[<a class="reference external" href="">Nim</a>]"""