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authormetagn <>2024-09-18 18:37:18 +0300
committerGitHub <>2024-09-18 17:37:18 +0200
commit1660ddf98a6b6fbd8f05b58bbc540bc57523b31c (patch)
parentc759d7abd1b4181fb4931bc95148beac3051bf91 (diff)
make `var`/pointer types not match if base type has to be converted (#24130)
split again from #24038, fixes

`var`/pointer types are no longer implicitly convertible to each other
if their element types either:

* require an int conversion or another conversion operation as long as
it's not to `openarray`,
* are subtypes with pointer indirection,

Previously any conversion below a subrange match would match if the
element type wasn't a pointer type, then it would error later in

Different from #24038 in that the preview define that made subrange
matches also fail to match is removed for a simpler diff so that it can
be backported.
7 files changed, 394 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/sigmatch.nim b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
index a48e79b7c..873eefd76 100644
--- a/compiler/sigmatch.nim
+++ b/compiler/sigmatch.nim
@@ -1125,9 +1125,21 @@ proc inferStaticsInRange(c: var TCandidate,
     doInferStatic(lowerBound, getInt(upperBound) + 1 - lengthOrd(c.c.config, concrete))
 template subtypeCheck() =
-  if result <= isSubrange and f.last.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {
-      tyRef, tyPtr, tyVar, tyLent, tyOwned}:
+  case result
+  of isIntConv:
     result = isNone
+  of isSubrange:
+    discard # XXX should be isNone with preview define, warnings
+  of isConvertible:
+    if f.last.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind != tyOpenArray:
+      # exclude var openarray which compiler supports
+      result = isNone
+  of isSubtype:
+    if f.last.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {
+        tyRef, tyPtr, tyVar, tyLent, tyOwned}:
+      # compiler can't handle subtype conversions with pointer indirection
+      result = isNone
+  else: discard
 proc isCovariantPtr(c: var TCandidate, f, a: PType): bool =
   # this proc is always called for a pair of matching types
diff --git a/testament/important_packages.nim b/testament/important_packages.nim
index efec04b3c..af8c6b888 100644
--- a/testament/important_packages.nim
+++ b/testament/important_packages.nim
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ pkg "ssostrings"
 pkg "stew"
 pkg "stint", "nim c stint.nim"
 pkg "strslice"
-pkg "strunicode", "nim c -r --mm:refc src/strunicode.nim"
+pkg "strunicode", "nimble uninstall -i -y normalize; nimble install -y normalize@#HEAD; nimble install --depsOnly -y; nim c -r --mm:refc src/strunicode.nim"
 pkg "supersnappy"
 pkg "synthesis"
 pkg "taskpools"
diff --git a/tests/errmsgs/t22097.nim b/tests/errmsgs/t22097.nim
index b50db08a3..bb24ee8d3 100644
--- a/tests/errmsgs/t22097.nim
+++ b/tests/errmsgs/t22097.nim
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 discard """
-  errormsg: "for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed; but 'uint16(x)' is immutable"
+  errormsg: "type mismatch: got <uint8>"
 proc toUInt16(x: var uint16) =
 var x = uint8(1)
-toUInt16 x
\ No newline at end of file
+toUInt16 x
diff --git a/tests/int/twrongexplicitvarconv.nim b/tests/int/twrongexplicitvarconv.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79f770e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/int/twrongexplicitvarconv.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+discard """
+  action: reject
+  nimout: '''
+  but expression 'int(a)' is immutable, not 'var'
+proc `++`(n: var int) =
+  n += 1
+var a: int32 = 15
+++int(a) #[tt.Error
+^ type mismatch: got <int>]#
+echo a
diff --git a/tests/int/twrongvarconv.nim b/tests/int/twrongvarconv.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db6ac2c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/int/twrongvarconv.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+proc `++`(n: var int) =
+  n += 1
+var a: int32 = 15
+++a #[tt.Error
+^ type mismatch: got <int32>]#
+echo a
diff --git a/tests/overload/mvaruintconv.nim b/tests/overload/mvaruintconv.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b889c90cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/overload/mvaruintconv.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+  std/[macros, tables, hashes]
+  macros
+  FieldDescription* = object
+    name*: NimNode
+    isPublic*: bool
+    isDiscriminator*: bool
+    typ*: NimNode
+    pragmas*: NimNode
+    caseField*: NimNode
+    caseBranch*: NimNode
+{.push raises: [].}
+func isTuple*(t: NimNode): bool =
+  t.kind == nnkBracketExpr and t[0].kind == nnkSym and eqIdent(t[0], "tuple")
+macro isTuple*(T: type): untyped =
+  newLit(isTuple(getType(T)[1]))
+proc collectFieldsFromRecList(result: var seq[FieldDescription],
+                              n: NimNode,
+                              parentCaseField: NimNode = nil,
+                              parentCaseBranch: NimNode = nil,
+                              isDiscriminator = false) =
+  case n.kind
+  of nnkRecList:
+    for entry in n:
+      collectFieldsFromRecList result, entry,
+                               parentCaseField, parentCaseBranch
+  of nnkRecWhen:
+    for branch in n:
+      case branch.kind:
+      of nnkElifBranch:
+        collectFieldsFromRecList result, branch[1],
+                                 parentCaseField, parentCaseBranch
+      of nnkElse:
+        collectFieldsFromRecList result, branch[0],
+                                 parentCaseField, parentCaseBranch
+      else:
+        doAssert false
+  of nnkRecCase:
+    collectFieldsFromRecList result, n[0],
+                             parentCaseField,
+                             parentCaseBranch,
+                             isDiscriminator = true
+    for i in 1 ..< n.len:
+      let branch = n[i]
+      case branch.kind
+      of nnkOfBranch:
+        collectFieldsFromRecList result, branch[^1], n[0], branch
+      of nnkElse:
+        collectFieldsFromRecList result, branch[0], n[0], branch
+      else:
+        doAssert false
+  of nnkIdentDefs:
+    let fieldType = n[^2]
+    for i in 0 ..< n.len - 2:
+      var field: FieldDescription
+ = n[i]
+      field.typ = fieldType
+      field.caseField = parentCaseField
+      field.caseBranch = parentCaseBranch
+      field.isDiscriminator = isDiscriminator
+      if == nnkPragmaExpr:
+        field.pragmas =[1]
+ =[0]
+      if == nnkPostfix:
+        field.isPublic = true
+ =[1]
+      result.add field
+  of nnkSym:
+    result.add FieldDescription(
+      name: n,
+      typ: getType(n),
+      caseField: parentCaseField,
+      caseBranch: parentCaseBranch,
+      isDiscriminator: isDiscriminator)
+  of nnkNilLit, nnkDiscardStmt, nnkCommentStmt, nnkEmpty:
+    discard
+  else:
+    doAssert false, "Unexpected nodes in recordFields:\n" & n.treeRepr
+proc collectFieldsInHierarchy(result: var seq[FieldDescription],
+                              objectType: NimNode) =
+  var objectType = objectType
+  objectType.expectKind {nnkObjectTy, nnkRefTy}
+  if objectType.kind == nnkRefTy:
+    objectType = objectType[0]
+  objectType.expectKind nnkObjectTy
+  var baseType = objectType[1]
+  if baseType.kind != nnkEmpty:
+    baseType.expectKind nnkOfInherit
+    baseType = baseType[0]
+    baseType.expectKind nnkSym
+    baseType = getImpl(baseType)
+    baseType.expectKind nnkTypeDef
+    baseType = baseType[2]
+    baseType.expectKind {nnkObjectTy, nnkRefTy}
+    collectFieldsInHierarchy result, baseType
+  let recList = objectType[2]
+  collectFieldsFromRecList result, recList
+proc recordFields*(typeImpl: NimNode): seq[FieldDescription] =
+  if typeImpl.isTuple:
+    for i in 1 ..< typeImpl.len:
+      result.add FieldDescription(typ: typeImpl[i], name: ident("Field" & $(i - 1)))
+    return
+  let objectType = case typeImpl.kind
+    of nnkObjectTy: typeImpl
+    of nnkTypeDef: typeImpl[2]
+    else:
+      macros.error("object type expected", typeImpl)
+      return
+  collectFieldsInHierarchy(result, objectType)
+macro field*(obj: typed, fieldName: static string): untyped =
+  newDotExpr(obj, ident fieldName)
+proc skipPragma*(n: NimNode): NimNode =
+  if n.kind == nnkPragmaExpr: n[0]
+  else: n
diff --git a/tests/overload/tvaruintconv.nim b/tests/overload/tvaruintconv.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87ebd285d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/overload/tvaruintconv.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+discard """
+  action: compile
+# failed with "for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed; but 'uint64(result)' is immutable"
+  std/[typetraits, macros]
+  DefaultFlavor = object
+template serializationFormatImpl(Name: untyped) {.dirty.} =
+  type Name = object
+template serializationFormat(Name: untyped) =
+  serializationFormatImpl(Name)
+template setReader(Format, FormatReader: distinct type) =
+  when arity(FormatReader) > 1:
+    template Reader(T: type Format, F: distinct type = DefaultFlavor): type = FormatReader[F]
+  else:
+    template ReaderType(T: type Format): type = FormatReader
+    template Reader(T: type Format): type = FormatReader
+template useDefaultReaderIn(T: untyped, Flavor: type) =
+  mixin Reader
+  template readValue(r: var Reader(Flavor), value: var T) =
+    mixin readRecordValue
+    readRecordValue(r, value)
+import mvaruintconv
+  FieldTag[RecordType: object; fieldName: static string] = distinct void
+func declval*(T: type): T {.compileTime.} =
+  default(ptr T)[]
+macro enumAllSerializedFieldsImpl(T: type, body: untyped): untyped =
+  var typeAst = getType(T)[1]
+  var typeImpl: NimNode
+  let isSymbol = not typeAst.isTuple
+  if not isSymbol:
+    typeImpl = typeAst
+  else:
+    typeImpl = getImpl(typeAst)
+  result = newStmtList()
+  var i = 0
+  for field in recordFields(typeImpl):
+    let
+      fieldIdent =
+      realFieldName = newLit($fieldIdent.skipPragma)
+      fieldName = realFieldName
+      fieldIndex = newLit(i)
+    let fieldNameDefs =
+      if isSymbol:
+        quote:
+          const fieldName {.inject, used.} = `fieldName`
+          const realFieldName {.inject, used.} = `realFieldName`
+      else:
+        quote:
+          const fieldName {.inject, used.} = $`fieldIndex`
+          const realFieldName {.inject, used.} = $`fieldIndex`
+    let field =
+      if isSymbol:
+        quote do: declval(`T`).`fieldIdent`
+      else:
+        quote do: declval(`T`)[`fieldIndex`]
+    result.add quote do:
+      block:
+        `fieldNameDefs`
+        template FieldType: untyped {.inject, used.} = typeof(`field`)
+        `body`
+  # echo repr(result)
+template enumAllSerializedFields(T: type, body): untyped =
+  enumAllSerializedFieldsImpl(T, body)
+  FieldReader[RecordType, Reader] = tuple[
+    fieldName: string,
+    reader: proc (rec: var RecordType, reader: var Reader)
+                 {.gcsafe, nimcall.}
+  ]
+proc totalSerializedFieldsImpl(T: type): int =
+  mixin enumAllSerializedFields
+  enumAllSerializedFields(T): inc result
+template totalSerializedFields(T: type): int =
+  (static(totalSerializedFieldsImpl(T)))
+template GetFieldType(FT: type FieldTag): type =
+  typeof field(declval(FT.RecordType), FT.fieldName)
+proc makeFieldReadersTable(RecordType, ReaderType: distinct type,
+                           numFields: static[int]):
+                           array[numFields, FieldReader[RecordType, ReaderType]] =
+  mixin enumAllSerializedFields, handleReadException
+  var idx = 0
+  enumAllSerializedFields(RecordType):
+    proc readField(obj: var RecordType, reader: var ReaderType)
+                  {.gcsafe, nimcall.} =
+      mixin readValue
+      type F = FieldTag[RecordType, realFieldName]
+      field(obj, realFieldName) = reader.readValue(GetFieldType(F))
+    result[idx] = (fieldName, readField)
+    inc idx
+proc fieldReadersTable(RecordType, ReaderType: distinct type): auto =
+  mixin readValue
+  type T = RecordType
+  const numFields = totalSerializedFields(T)
+  var tbl {.threadvar.}: ref array[numFields, FieldReader[RecordType, ReaderType]]
+  if tbl == nil:
+    tbl = new typeof(tbl)
+    tbl[] = makeFieldReadersTable(RecordType, ReaderType, numFields)
+  return addr(tbl[])
+proc readValue(reader: var auto, T: type): T =
+  mixin readValue
+  reader.readValue(result)
+template decode(Format: distinct type,
+                 input: string,
+                 RecordType: distinct type): auto =
+  mixin Reader
+  block:  #
+    var reader: Reader(Format)
+    reader.readValue(RecordType)
+template readValue(Format: type,
+                    ValueType: type): untyped =
+  mixin Reader, init, readValue
+  var reader: Reader(Format)
+  readValue reader, ValueType
+template parseArrayImpl(numElem: untyped,
+                        actionValue: untyped) =
+  actionValue
+serializationFormat Json
+template createJsonFlavor(FlavorName: untyped,
+                           skipNullFields = false) {.dirty.} =
+  type FlavorName = object
+  template Reader(T: type FlavorName): type = Reader(Json, FlavorName)
+  JsonReader[Flavor = DefaultFlavor] = object
+Json.setReader JsonReader
+template parseArray(r: var JsonReader; body: untyped) =
+  parseArrayImpl(idx): body
+template parseArray(r: var JsonReader; idx: untyped; body: untyped) =
+  parseArrayImpl(idx): body
+proc readRecordValue[T](r: var JsonReader, value: var T) =
+  type
+    ReaderType {.used.} = type r
+    T = type value
+  discard T.fieldReadersTable(ReaderType)
+proc readValue[T](r: var JsonReader, value: var T) =
+  mixin readValue
+  when value is seq:
+    r.parseArray:
+      readValue(r, value[0])
+  elif value is object:
+    readRecordValue(r, value)
+  RemoteSignerInfo = object
+    id: uint32
+  RemoteKeystore = object
+proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader, value: var RemoteKeystore) =
+  discard reader.readValue(seq[RemoteSignerInfo])
+createJsonFlavor RestJson
+useDefaultReaderIn(RemoteSignerInfo, RestJson)
+proc readValue(reader: var JsonReader[RestJson], value: var uint64) =
+  discard reader.readValue(string)
+discard Json.decode("", RemoteKeystore)
+block:  #
+  var reader: Reader(RestJson)
+  discard reader.readValue(RemoteSignerInfo)