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authorringabout <>2022-12-01 04:52:36 +0800
committerGitHub <>2022-11-30 21:52:36 +0100
commit17ac8c31bf1d3a4db283f58fa0eb673ad1450411 (patch)
parenta7133e05948c25f196b9a7ce17b46790a0bdb122 (diff)
move `smtp` to nimble packages (#20953)
* move `smtp` to nimble packages

* fixes

* install smtp

* yes
6 files changed, 3 insertions, 367 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index fbf7e46ad..9ebc3bdaa 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
   `colPaleVioletRed` and `colMediumPurple` have also been changed to match the CSS color standard.
 - Fixed `lists.SinglyLinkedList` being broken after removing the last node ([#19353](
 - The `md5` module now works at compile time and in JavaScript.
-- `std/smtp` sends `ehlo` first. If the mail server does not understand, it sends `helo` as a fallback.
 - Changed `mimedb` to use an `OrderedTable` instead of `OrderedTableRef` to support `const` tables.
 - `strutils.find` now uses and defaults to `last = -1` for whole string searches,
   making limiting it to just the first char (`last = 0`) valid.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index cf78164c9..887488625 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -326,9 +326,6 @@ Internet Protocols and Support
   This module implements a selector API with backends specific to each OS.
   Currently, epoll on Linux and select on other operating systems.
-* [smtp](smtp.html)
-  This module implements a simple SMTP client.
 * [uri](uri.html)
   This module provides functions for working with URIs.
diff --git a/koch.nim b/koch.nim
index 5348f4ca4..766c8b223 100644
--- a/koch.nim
+++ b/koch.nim
@@ -544,6 +544,8 @@ proc runCI(cmd: string) =
   ## build nimble early on to enable remainder to depend on it if needed
   kochExecFold("Build Nimble", "nimble")
+  execFold("Install smtp", "nimble install smtp -y")
   let batchParam = "--batch:$1" % "NIM_TESTAMENT_BATCH".getEnv("_")
   if getEnv("NIM_TEST_PACKAGES", "0") == "1":
     nimCompileFold("Compile testament", "testament/testament.nim", options = "-d:release")
diff --git a/lib/pure/smtp.nim b/lib/pure/smtp.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c869a06..000000000
--- a/lib/pure/smtp.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-#            Nim's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2012 Dominik Picheta
-#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
-#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## This module implements the SMTP client protocol as specified by RFC 5321,
-## this can be used to send mail to any SMTP Server.
-## This module also implements the protocol used to format messages,
-## as specified by RFC 2822.
-## Example gmail use:
-## .. code-block:: Nim
-##   var msg = createMessage("Hello from Nim's SMTP",
-##                           "Hello!.\n Is this awesome or what?",
-##                           @[""])
-##   let smtpConn = newSmtp(useSsl = true, debug=true)
-##   smtpConn.connect("", Port 465)
-##   smtpConn.auth("username", "password")
-##   smtpConn.sendmail("", @[""], $msg)
-## Example for startTls use:
-## .. code-block:: Nim
-##   var msg = createMessage("Hello from Nim's SMTP",
-##                           "Hello!.\n Is this awesome or what?",
-##                           @[""])
-##   let smtpConn = newSmtp(debug=true)
-##   smtpConn.connect("", Port 2525)
-##   smtpConn.startTls()
-##   smtpConn.auth("username", "password")
-##   smtpConn.sendmail("", @[""], $msg)
-## For SSL support this module relies on OpenSSL. If you want to
-## enable SSL, compile with `-d:ssl`.
-import net, strutils, strtabs, base64, os, strutils
-import asyncnet, asyncdispatch
-when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
-  import std/assertions
-export Port
-  Message* = object
-    msgTo: seq[string]
-    msgCc: seq[string]
-    msgSubject: string
-    msgOtherHeaders: StringTableRef
-    msgBody: string
-  ReplyError* = object of IOError
-  SmtpBase[SocketType] = ref object
-    sock: SocketType
-    address: string
-    debug: bool
-  Smtp* = SmtpBase[Socket]
-  AsyncSmtp* = SmtpBase[AsyncSocket]
-proc containsNewline(xs: seq[string]): bool =
-  for x in xs:
-    if x.contains({'\c', '\L'}):
-      return true
-proc debugSend*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp, cmd: string) {.multisync.} =
-  ## Sends `cmd` on the socket connected to the SMTP server.
-  ##
-  ## If the `smtp` object was created with `debug` enabled,
-  ## debugSend will invoke `echo("C:" & cmd)` before sending.
-  ##
-  ## This is a lower level proc and not something that you typically
-  ## would need to call when using this module. One exception to
-  ## this is if you are implementing any
-  ## `SMTP extensions<>`_.
-  if smtp.debug:
-    echo("C:" & cmd)
-  await smtp.sock.send(cmd)
-proc debugRecv*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp): Future[string] {.multisync.} =
-  ## Receives a line of data from the socket connected to the
-  ## SMTP server.
-  ##
-  ## If the `smtp` object was created with `debug` enabled,
-  ## debugRecv will invoke `echo("S:" & result.string)` after
-  ## the data is received.
-  ##
-  ## This is a lower level proc and not something that you typically
-  ## would need to call when using this module. One exception to
-  ## this is if you are implementing any
-  ## `SMTP extensions<>`_.
-  ##
-  ## See `checkReply(reply)<#checkReply,AsyncSmtp,string>`_.
-  result = await smtp.sock.recvLine()
-  if smtp.debug:
-    echo("S:" & result)
-proc quitExcpt(smtp: Smtp, msg: string) =
-  smtp.debugSend("QUIT")
-  raise newException(ReplyError, msg)
-const compiledWithSsl = defined(ssl)
-when not defined(ssl):
-  let defaultSSLContext: SslContext = nil
-  var defaultSSLContext {.threadvar.}: SslContext
-  proc getSSLContext(): SslContext =
-    if defaultSSLContext == nil:
-      defaultSSLContext = newContext(verifyMode = CVerifyNone)
-    result = defaultSSLContext
-proc createMessage*(mSubject, mBody: string, mTo, mCc: seq[string],
-                otherHeaders: openArray[tuple[name, value: string]]): Message =
-  ## Creates a new MIME compliant message.
-  ##
-  ## You need to make sure that `mSubject`, `mTo` and `mCc` don't contain
-  ## any newline characters. Failing to do so will raise `AssertionDefect`.
-  doAssert(not mSubject.contains({'\c', '\L'}),
-           "'mSubject' shouldn't contain any newline characters")
-  doAssert(not (mTo.containsNewline() or mCc.containsNewline()),
-           "'mTo' and 'mCc' shouldn't contain any newline characters")
-  result.msgTo = mTo
-  result.msgCc = mCc
-  result.msgSubject = mSubject
-  result.msgBody = mBody
-  result.msgOtherHeaders = newStringTable()
-  for n, v in items(otherHeaders):
-    result.msgOtherHeaders[n] = v
-proc createMessage*(mSubject, mBody: string, mTo,
-                    mCc: seq[string] = @[]): Message =
-  ## Alternate version of the above.
-  ##
-  ## You need to make sure that `mSubject`, `mTo` and `mCc` don't contain
-  ## any newline characters. Failing to do so will raise `AssertionDefect`.
-  doAssert(not mSubject.contains({'\c', '\L'}),
-           "'mSubject' shouldn't contain any newline characters")
-  doAssert(not (mTo.containsNewline() or mCc.containsNewline()),
-           "'mTo' and 'mCc' shouldn't contain any newline characters")
-  result.msgTo = mTo
-  result.msgCc = mCc
-  result.msgSubject = mSubject
-  result.msgBody = mBody
-  result.msgOtherHeaders = newStringTable()
-proc `$`*(msg: Message): string =
-  ## stringify for `Message`.
-  result = ""
-  if msg.msgTo.len() > 0:
-    result = "TO: " & msg.msgTo.join(", ") & "\c\L"
-  if msg.msgCc.len() > 0:
-    result.add("CC: " & msg.msgCc.join(", ") & "\c\L")
-  # TODO: Folding? i.e when a line is too long, shorten it...
-  result.add("Subject: " & msg.msgSubject & "\c\L")
-  for key, value in pairs(msg.msgOtherHeaders):
-    result.add(key & ": " & value & "\c\L")
-  result.add("\c\L")
-  result.add(msg.msgBody)
-proc newSmtp*(useSsl = false, debug = false, sslContext: SslContext = nil): Smtp =
-  ## Creates a new `Smtp` instance.
-  new result
-  result.debug = debug
-  result.sock = newSocket()
-  if useSsl:
-    when compiledWithSsl:
-      if sslContext == nil:
-        getSSLContext().wrapSocket(result.sock)
-      else:
-        sslContext.wrapSocket(result.sock)
-    else:
-      {.error: "SMTP module compiled without SSL support".}
-proc newAsyncSmtp*(useSsl = false, debug = false, sslContext: SslContext = nil): AsyncSmtp =
-  ## Creates a new `AsyncSmtp` instance.
-  new result
-  result.debug = debug
-  result.sock = newAsyncSocket()
-  if useSsl:
-    when compiledWithSsl:
-      if sslContext == nil:
-        getSSLContext().wrapSocket(result.sock)
-      else:
-        sslContext.wrapSocket(result.sock)
-    else:
-      {.error: "SMTP module compiled without SSL support".}
-proc quitExcpt(smtp: AsyncSmtp, msg: string): Future[void] =
-  var retFuture = newFuture[void]()
-  var sendFut = smtp.debugSend("QUIT")
-  sendFut.callback =
-    proc () =
-, msg))
-  return retFuture
-proc checkReply*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp, reply: string) {.multisync.} =
-  ## Calls `debugRecv<#debugRecv,AsyncSmtp>`_ and checks that the received
-  ## data starts with `reply`. If the received data does not start
-  ## with `reply`, then a `QUIT` command will be sent to the SMTP
-  ## server and a `ReplyError` exception will be raised.
-  ##
-  ## This is a lower level proc and not something that you typically
-  ## would need to call when using this module. One exception to
-  ## this is if you are implementing any
-  ## `SMTP extensions<>`_.
-  var line = await smtp.debugRecv()
-  if not line.startsWith(reply):
-    await quitExcpt(smtp, "Expected " & reply & " reply, got: " & line)
-proc helo*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp) {.multisync.} =
-  # Sends the HELO request
-  await smtp.debugSend("HELO " & smtp.address & "\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("250")
-proc recvEhlo(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp): Future[bool] {.multisync.} =
-  ## Skips "250-" lines, read until "250 " found.
-  ## Return `true` if server supports `EHLO`, false otherwise.
-  while true:
-    var line = await smtp.sock.recvLine()
-    if smtp.debug:
-      echo("S:" & line)
-    if line.startsWith("250-"): continue
-    elif line.startsWith("250 "): return true # last line
-    else: return false
-proc ehlo*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp): Future[bool] {.multisync.} =
-  ## Sends EHLO request.
-  await smtp.debugSend("EHLO " & smtp.address & "\c\L")
-  return await smtp.recvEhlo()
-proc connect*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp,
-              address: string, port: Port) {.multisync.} =
-  ## Establishes a connection with a SMTP server.
-  ## May fail with ReplyError or with a socket error.
-  smtp.address = address
-  await smtp.sock.connect(address, port)
-  await smtp.checkReply("220")
-  let speaksEsmtp = await smtp.ehlo()
-  if not speaksEsmtp:
-    await smtp.helo()
-proc startTls*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp, sslContext: SslContext = nil) {.multisync.} =
-  ## Put the SMTP connection in TLS (Transport Layer Security) mode.
-  ## May fail with ReplyError
-  await smtp.debugSend("STARTTLS\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("220")
-  when compiledWithSsl:
-    if sslContext == nil:
-      getSSLContext().wrapConnectedSocket(smtp.sock, handshakeAsClient)
-    else:
-      sslContext.wrapConnectedSocket(smtp.sock, handshakeAsClient)
-    let speaksEsmtp = await smtp.ehlo()
-    if not speaksEsmtp:
-      await smtp.helo()
-  else:
-    {.error: "SMTP module compiled without SSL support".}
-proc auth*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp, username, password: string) {.multisync.} =
-  ## Sends an AUTH command to the server to login as the `username`
-  ## using `password`.
-  ## May fail with ReplyError.
-  await smtp.debugSend("AUTH LOGIN\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("334") # TODO: Check whether it's asking for the "Username:"
-                               # i.e "334 VXNlcm5hbWU6"
-  await smtp.debugSend(encode(username) & "\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("334") # TODO: Same as above, only "Password:" (I think?)
-  await smtp.debugSend(encode(password) & "\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("235") # Check whether the authentication was successful.
-proc sendMail*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp, fromAddr: string,
-               toAddrs: seq[string], msg: string) {.multisync.} =
-  ## Sends `msg` from `fromAddr` to the addresses specified in `toAddrs`.
-  ## Messages may be formed using `createMessage` by converting the
-  ## Message into a string.
-  ##
-  ## You need to make sure that `fromAddr` and `toAddrs` don't contain
-  ## any newline characters. Failing to do so will raise `AssertionDefect`.
-  doAssert(not (toAddrs.containsNewline() or fromAddr.contains({'\c', '\L'})),
-           "'toAddrs' and 'fromAddr' shouldn't contain any newline characters")
-  await smtp.debugSend("MAIL FROM:<" & fromAddr & ">\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("250")
-  for address in items(toAddrs):
-    await smtp.debugSend("RCPT TO:<" & address & ">\c\L")
-    await smtp.checkReply("250")
-  # Send the message
-  await smtp.debugSend("DATA " & "\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("354")
-  await smtp.sock.send(msg & "\c\L")
-  await smtp.debugSend(".\c\L")
-  await smtp.checkReply("250")
-proc close*(smtp: Smtp | AsyncSmtp) {.multisync.} =
-  ## Disconnects from the SMTP server and closes the socket.
-  await smtp.debugSend("QUIT\c\L")
-  smtp.sock.close()
-when not defined(testing) and isMainModule:
-  # To test with a real SMTP service, create a smtp.ini file, e.g.:
-  # username = ""
-  # password = ""
-  # smtphost = ""
-  # port = 465
-  # use_tls = true
-  # sender = ""
-  # recipient = ""
-  import parsecfg
-  proc `[]`(c: Config, key: string): string = c.getSectionValue("", key)
-  let
-    conf = loadConfig("smtp.ini")
-    msg = createMessage("Hello from Nim's SMTP!",
-      "Hello!\n Is this awesome or what?", @[conf["recipient"]])
-  assert conf["smtphost"] != ""
-  proc async_test() {.async.} =
-    let client = newAsyncSmtp(
-      conf["use_tls"].parseBool,
-      debug = true
-    )
-    await client.connect(conf["smtphost"], conf["port"].parseInt.Port)
-    await client.auth(conf["username"], conf["password"])
-    await client.sendMail(conf["sender"], @[conf["recipient"]], $msg)
-    await client.close()
-    echo "async email sent"
-  proc sync_test() =
-    var smtpConn = newSmtp(
-      conf["use_tls"].parseBool,
-      debug = true
-    )
-    smtpConn.connect(conf["smtphost"], conf["port"].parseInt.Port)
-    smtpConn.auth(conf["username"], conf["password"])
-    smtpConn.sendMail(conf["sender"], @[conf["recipient"]], $msg)
-    smtpConn.close()
-    echo "sync email sent"
-  waitFor async_test()
-  sync_test()
diff --git a/tests/effects/tstrict_funcs_imports.nim b/tests/effects/tstrict_funcs_imports.nim
index ba6dde2fe..8e60f0a26 100644
--- a/tests/effects/tstrict_funcs_imports.nim
+++ b/tests/effects/tstrict_funcs_imports.nim
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ import
-  smtp,
diff --git a/tests/js/tstdlib_imports.nim b/tests/js/tstdlib_imports.nim
index ed01ff6a4..f122d2592 100644
--- a/tests/js/tstdlib_imports.nim
+++ b/tests/js/tstdlib_imports.nim
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import std/[
   # Internet protocols:
   cookies, httpcore, mimetypes, uri,
   # fails due to FFI: asyncdispatch, asyncfile, asyncftpclient, asynchttpserver,
-  # asyncnet, cgi, httpclient, nativesockets, net, selectors, smtp
+  # asyncnet, cgi, httpclient, nativesockets, net, selectors
   # works but no need to test: asyncstreams, asyncfutures
   # Threading: