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authordef <>2015-02-04 21:56:45 +0100
committerdef <>2015-02-04 21:57:24 +0100
commit1c34f30bbb4e6c12e48814e7524e7e5faba72970 (patch)
parent416456cefef9120019924067adeb814b0ceaaf79 (diff)
Clean up tests/manyloc
named_argument_bug still fails
13 files changed, 113 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/chipmunk/chipmunk.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/chipmunk/chipmunk.nim
index d079a2e72..08f1dad50 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/chipmunk/chipmunk.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/chipmunk/chipmunk.nim
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ type
     contacts*: PContact
     stamp*: TTimestamp
     handler*: PCollisionHandler
-    swappedColl*: bool32
+    swappedColl*: Bool32
     state*: TArbiterState
   PCollisionHandler* = ptr TCollisionHandler
   TCollisionHandler*{.pf.} = object 
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ type
   #/ Collision begin event function callback type.
   #/ Returning false from a begin callback causes the collision to be ignored until
   #/ the the separate callback is called when the objects stop colliding.
-  TCollisionBeginFunc* = proc (arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace; data: pointer): Bool{.
+  TCollisionBeginFunc* = proc (arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace; data: pointer): bool{.
   #/ Collision pre-solve event function callback type.
   #/ Returning false from a pre-step callback causes the collision to be ignored until the next step.
@@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ type
   PSpatialIndex = ptr TSpatialIndex
   TSpatialIndex{.pf.} = object 
     klass: PSpatialIndexClass
-    bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc
+    bbfun: TSpatialIndexBBFunc
     staticIndex: PSpatialIndex
     dynamicIndex: PSpatialIndex
   TSpatialIndexDestroyImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex){.cdecl.}
   TSpatialIndexCountImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex): cint{.cdecl.}
   TSpatialIndexEachImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; 
-                                 func: TSpatialIndexIteratorFunc; data: pointer){.
+                                 fun: TSpatialIndexIteratorFunc; data: pointer){.
   TSpatialIndexContainsImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; 
                                      hashid: THashValue): Bool32 {.cdecl.}
@@ -161,15 +161,15 @@ type
   TSpatialIndexReindexObjectImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; 
       obj: pointer; hashid: THashValue){.cdecl.}
   TSpatialIndexReindexQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; 
-      func: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; data: pointer){.cdecl.}
+      fun: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; data: pointer){.cdecl.}
   TSpatialIndexPointQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; point: TVector; 
-                                       func: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; 
+                                       fun: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; 
                                        data: pointer){.cdecl.}
   TSpatialIndexSegmentQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; 
-      a: TVector; b: TVector; t_exit: CpFloat; func: TSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc; 
+      a: TVector; b: TVector; t_exit: CpFloat; fun: TSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc; 
       data: pointer){.cdecl.}
   TSpatialIndexQueryImpl* = proc (index: PSpatialIndex; obj: pointer; 
-                                  bb: TBB; func: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; 
+                                  bb: TBB; fun: TSpatialIndexQueryFunc; 
                                   data: pointer){.cdecl.}
   PSpatialIndexClass* = ptr TSpatialIndexClass
   TSpatialIndexClass*{.pf.} = object 
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ type
   TShapeCacheDataImpl* = proc (shape: PShape; p: TVector; rot: TVector): TBB{.cdecl.}
   TShapeDestroyImpl* = proc (shape: PShape){.cdecl.}
-  TShapePointQueryImpl* = proc (shape: PShape; p: TVector): bool32 {.cdecl.}
+  TShapePointQueryImpl* = proc (shape: PShape; p: TVector): Bool32 {.cdecl.}
   TShapeSegmentQueryImpl* = proc (shape: PShape; a: TVector; b: TVector; 
                                   info: PSegmentQueryInfo){.cdecl.}
   PShapeClass* = ptr TShapeClass
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ defGetter(PSpace, CpFloat, currDt, CurrentTimeStep)
 #/ returns true from inside a callback and objects cannot be added/removed.
-proc isLocked*(space: PSpace): Bool{.inline.} = 
+proc isLocked*(space: PSpace): bool{.inline.} = 
   result = space.locked.bool
 #/ Set a default collision handler for this space.
@@ -478,24 +478,24 @@ proc removeBody*(space: PSpace; body: PBody){.
 proc RemoveConstraint*(space: PSpace; constraint: PConstraint){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceRemoveConstraint", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Test if a collision shape has been added to the space.
-proc containsShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape): Bool{.
+proc containsShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape): bool{.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceContainsShape", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Test if a rigid body has been added to the space.
-proc containsBody*(space: PSpace; body: PBody): Bool{.
+proc containsBody*(space: PSpace; body: PBody): bool{.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceContainsBody", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Test if a constraint has been added to the space.
-proc containsConstraint*(space: PSpace; constraint: PConstraint): Bool{.
+proc containsConstraint*(space: PSpace; constraint: PConstraint): bool{.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceContainsConstraint", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Schedule a post-step callback to be called when cpSpaceStep() finishes.
 #/ @c obj is used a key, you can only register one callback per unique value for @c obj
-proc addPostStepCallback*(space: PSpace; func: TPostStepFunc; 
+proc addPostStepCallback*(space: PSpace; fun: TPostStepFunc; 
                                obj: pointer; data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceAddPostStepCallback", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Query the space at a point and call @c func for each shape found.
 proc pointQuery*(space: PSpace; point: TVector; layers: TLayers; 
-                      group: TGroup; func: TSpacePointQueryFunc; data: pointer){.
+                      group: TGroup; fun: TSpacePointQueryFunc; data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpacePointQuery", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Query the space at a point and return the first shape found. Returns NULL if no shapes were found.
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ proc pointQueryFirst*(space: PSpace; point: TVector; layers: TLayers;
 #/ Perform a directed line segment query (like a raycast) against the space calling @c func for each shape intersected.
 proc segmentQuery*(space: PSpace; start: TVector; to: TVector; 
                     layers: TLayers; group: TGroup; 
-                    func: TSpaceSegmentQueryFunc; data: pointer){.
+                    fun: TSpaceSegmentQueryFunc; data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceSegmentQuery", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Perform a directed line segment query (like a raycast) against the space and return the first shape hit. Returns NULL if no shapes were hit.
 proc segmentQueryFirst*(space: PSpace; start: TVector; to: TVector; 
@@ -517,26 +517,26 @@ proc segmentQueryFirst*(space: PSpace; start: TVector; to: TVector;
 #/ Perform a fast rectangle query on the space calling @c func for each shape found.
 #/ Only the shape's bounding boxes are checked for overlap, not their full shape.
 proc BBQuery*(space: PSpace; bb: TBB; layers: TLayers; group: TGroup; 
-                   func: TSpaceBBQueryFunc; data: pointer){.
+                   fun: TSpaceBBQueryFunc; data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceBBQuery", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Query a space for any shapes overlapping the given shape and call @c func for each shape found.
-proc shapeQuery*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape; func: TSpaceShapeQueryFunc; data: pointer): Bool {.
+proc shapeQuery*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape; fun: TSpaceShapeQueryFunc; data: pointer): bool {.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceShapeQuery", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Call cpBodyActivate() for any shape that is overlaps the given shape.
 proc activateShapesTouchingShape*(space: PSpace; shape: PShape){.
     cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceActivateShapesTouchingShape", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Call @c func for each body in the space.
-proc eachBody*(space: PSpace; func: TSpaceBodyIteratorFunc; data: pointer){.
+proc eachBody*(space: PSpace; fun: TSpaceBodyIteratorFunc; data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceEachBody", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Call @c func for each shape in the space.
-proc eachShape*(space: PSpace; func: TSpaceShapeIteratorFunc; 
+proc eachShape*(space: PSpace; fun: TSpaceShapeIteratorFunc; 
                      data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceEachShape", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Call @c func for each shape in the space.
-proc eachConstraint*(space: PSpace; func: TSpaceConstraintIteratorFunc; 
+proc eachConstraint*(space: PSpace; fun: TSpaceConstraintIteratorFunc; 
                           data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceEachConstraint", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Update the collision detection info for the static shapes in the space.
@@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ proc dist*(v1, v2: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} =
 proc distsq*(v1, v2: TVector): CpFloat {.inline.} = 
   result = (v1 - v2).lenSq  #vlengthsq(vsub(v1, v2))
 #/ Returns true if the distance between v1 and v2 is less than dist.
-proc near*(v1, v2: TVector; dist: CpFloat): Bool{.inline.} = 
+proc near*(v1, v2: TVector; dist: CpFloat): bool{.inline.} = 
   result = v1.distSq(v2) < dist * dist
@@ -706,13 +706,13 @@ proc Sleep*(body: PBody){.importc: "cpBodySleep", dynlib: Lib.}
 proc SleepWithGroup*(body: PBody; group: PBody){.
     importc: "cpBodySleepWithGroup", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Returns true if the body is sleeping.
-proc isSleeping*(body: PBody): Bool {.inline.} = 
+proc isSleeping*(body: PBody): bool {.inline.} = 
   return body.node.root != nil
 #/ Returns true if the body is static.
 proc isStatic*(body: PBody): bool {.inline.} = 
   return body.node.idleTime == CpInfinity
 #/ Returns true if the body has not been added to a space.
-proc isRogue*(body: PBody): Bool {.inline.} = 
+proc isRogue*(body: PBody): bool {.inline.} = 
   return == nil
 # #define CP_DefineBodyStructGetter(type, member, name) \
@@ -808,15 +808,15 @@ proc kineticEnergy*(body: PBOdy): CpFloat =
   result = ( * body.m) + (body.w * body.w * body.i)
 #/ Call @c func once for each shape attached to @c body and added to the space.
-proc eachShape*(body: PBody; func: TBodyShapeIteratorFunc; 
+proc eachShape*(body: PBody; fun: TBodyShapeIteratorFunc; 
                       data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpBodyEachShape", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Call @c func once for each constraint attached to @c body and added to the space.
-proc eachConstraint*(body: PBody; func: TBodyConstraintIteratorFunc; 
+proc eachConstraint*(body: PBody; fun: TBodyConstraintIteratorFunc; 
                            data: pointer) {.
   cdecl, importc: "cpBodyEachConstraint", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Call @c func once for each arbiter that is currently active on the body.
-proc eachArbiter*(body: PBody; func: TBodyArbiterIteratorFunc; 
+proc eachArbiter*(body: PBody; fun: TBodyArbiterIteratorFunc; 
                         data: pointer){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpBodyEachArbiter", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Allocate a spatial hash.
@@ -824,10 +824,10 @@ proc SpaceHashAlloc*(): PSpaceHash{.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceHashAlloc", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Initialize a spatial hash. 
 proc SpaceHashInit*(hash: PSpaceHash; celldim: CpFloat; numcells: cint; 
-                    bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{.
+                    bbfun: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceHashInit", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Allocate and initialize a spatial hash.
-proc SpaceHashNew*(celldim: CpFloat; cells: cint; bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; 
+proc SpaceHashNew*(celldim: CpFloat; cells: cint; bbfun: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; 
                    staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{.
   cdecl, importc: "cpSpaceHashNew", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Change the cell dimensions and table size of the spatial hash to tune it.
@@ -842,18 +842,18 @@ proc SpaceHashResize*(hash: PSpaceHash; celldim: CpFloat; numcells: cint){.
 #/ Allocate a bounding box tree.
 proc BBTreeAlloc*(): PBBTree{.cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeAlloc", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Initialize a bounding box tree.
-proc BBTreeInit*(tree: PBBTree; bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; 
+proc BBTreeInit*(tree: PBBTree; bbfun: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; 
                  staticIndex: ptr TSpatialIndex): ptr TSpatialIndex{.cdecl, 
     importc: "cpBBTreeInit", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Allocate and initialize a bounding box tree.
-proc BBTreeNew*(bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{.
+proc BBTreeNew*(bbfun: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: PSpatialIndex): PSpatialIndex{.
     cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeNew", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Perform a static top down optimization of the tree.
 proc BBTreeOptimize*(index: PSpatialIndex){.
   cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeOptimize", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Set the velocity function for the bounding box tree to enable temporal coherence.
-proc BBTreeSetVelocityFunc*(index: PSpatialIndex; func: TBBTreeVelocityFunc){.
+proc BBTreeSetVelocityFunc*(index: PSpatialIndex; fun: TBBTreeVelocityFunc){.
     cdecl, importc: "cpBBTreeSetVelocityFunc", dynlib: Lib.}
 #MARK: Single Axis Sweep
@@ -864,12 +864,12 @@ proc Sweep1DAlloc*(): ptr TSweep1D{.cdecl, importc: "cpSweep1DAlloc",
                                     dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Initialize a 1D sort and sweep broadphase.
-proc Sweep1DInit*(sweep: ptr TSweep1D; bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; 
+proc Sweep1DInit*(sweep: ptr TSweep1D; bbfun: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; 
                   staticIndex: ptr TSpatialIndex): ptr TSpatialIndex{.cdecl, 
     importc: "cpSweep1DInit", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Allocate and initialize a 1D sort and sweep broadphase.
-proc Sweep1DNew*(bbfunc: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: ptr TSpatialIndex): ptr TSpatialIndex{.
+proc Sweep1DNew*(bbfun: TSpatialIndexBBFunc; staticIndex: ptr TSpatialIndex): ptr TSpatialIndex{.
     cdecl, importc: "cpSweep1DNew", dynlib: Lib.}
@@ -1359,7 +1359,7 @@ defCProp(SlideJoint, TVector, anchr2, Anchr2)
 defCProp(SlideJoint, CpFloat, min, Min)
 defCProp(SlideJoint, CpFloat, max, Max)
-proc pivotJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass {.
+proc PivotJointGetClass*(): PConstraintClass {.
   cdecl, importc: "cpPivotJointGetClass", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ Allocate a pivot joint
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/enet/enet.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/enet/enet.nim
index df1b743ee..93857207a 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/enet/enet.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/enet/enet.nim
 const Lib = "|.0.3)"
-{.deadCodeElim: ON.}
+{.deadCodeElim: on.}
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/genpacket/genpacket_enet.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/genpacket/genpacket_enet.nim
index 44d00db53..4f2fb1ea3 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/genpacket/genpacket_enet.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/genpacket/genpacket_enet.nim
@@ -9,15 +9,6 @@ template defPacketImports*(): stmt {.immediate, dirty.} =
   import macros, macro_dsl, estreams
   from strutils import format
-proc `$`*[T](x: seq[T]): string =
-  result = "[seq len="
-  result.add($x.len)
-  result.add ':'
-  for i in 0.. <len(x):
-    result.add "   "
-    result.add($x[i])
-  result.add ']'
 macro defPacket*(typeNameN: expr, typeFields: expr): stmt {.immediate.} = 
   result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
@@ -293,4 +284,4 @@ when isMainModule:
   for itm in test.x:
-  echo(repr(
\ No newline at end of file
+  echo(repr(
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim
index 0d09d40e3..1071ec767 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml.nim
@@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ type
   TTransform* {.pf.} = object
     matrix*: array[0..8, cfloat]
   TColor* {.pf.} = object 
-    r*: Uint8
-    g*: Uint8
-    b*: Uint8
-    a*: Uint8
+    r*: uint8
+    g*: uint8
+    b*: uint8
+    a*: uint8
   PFloatRect* = ptr TFloatRect
   TFloatRect*{.pf.} = object 
     left*: cfloat
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ proc close*(window: PRenderWindow) {.
 proc isOpen*(window: PRenderWindow): bool {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_isOpen", dynlib: LibG.}
-#void sfRenderWindow_setIcon(sfRenderWindow* renderWindow, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const sfUint8* pixels);
+#void sfRenderWindow_setIcon(sfRenderWindow* renderWindow, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const sfuint8* pixels);
 #proc setIcon*(window: PRenderWindow, width, height: cint, pixels: seq[uint8]) {.
 #  cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_setIcon", dynlib: LibG.}
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ proc capture*(window: PRenderWindow): PImage {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfRenderWindow_capture", dynlib: LibG.}
 #Construct a new render texture
-proc newRenderTexture*(width, height: cint; depthBuffer: Bool): PRenderTexture {.
+proc newRenderTexture*(width, height: cint; depthBuffer: bool): PRenderTexture {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfRenderTexture_create", dynlib: LibG.}
 #Destroy an existing render texture
 proc destroy*(renderTexture: PRenderTexture){.
@@ -522,9 +522,9 @@ proc copy*(font: PFont): PFont {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfFont_copy", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc destroy*(font: PFont) {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfFont_destroy", dynlib: LibG.}
-proc getGlyph*(font: PFont, codePoint: Uint32, characterSize: cint, bold: bool): TGlyph{.
+proc getGlyph*(font: PFont, codePoint: uint32, characterSize: cint, bold: bool): TGlyph{.
   cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getGlyph", dynlib: LibG.}
-proc getKerning*(font: PFont, first: Uint32, second: Uint32, characterSize: cint): cint {.
+proc getKerning*(font: PFont, first: uint32, second: uint32, characterSize: cint): cint {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getKerning", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc getLineSpacing*(font: PFont, characterSize: cint): cint {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfFont_getLineSpacing", dynlib: LibG.}
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ proc getInverseTransform*(text: PText): TTransform {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_getInverseTransform", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc setString*(text: PText, string: cstring) {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_setString", dynlib: LibG.}
-proc setUnicodeString*(text: PText, string: ptr Uint32) {.
+proc setUnicodeString*(text: PText, string: ptr uint32) {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_setUnicodeString", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc setFont*(text: PText, font: PFont) {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_setFont", dynlib: LibG.}
@@ -894,13 +894,13 @@ proc setColor*(text: PText, color: TColor) {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_setColor", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc getString*(text: PText): cstring {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_getString", dynlib: LibG.}
-proc getUnicodeString*(text: PText): ptr Uint32 {.cdecl, 
+proc getUnicodeString*(text: PText): ptr uint32 {.cdecl, 
   importc: "sfText_getUnicodeString", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc getFont*(text: PText): PFont {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_getFont", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc getCharacterSize*(text: PText): cint {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_getCharacterSize", dynlib: LibG.}
-proc getStyle*(text: PText): Uint32 {.
+proc getStyle*(text: PText): uint32 {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_getStyle", dynlib: LibG.}
 proc getColor*(text: PText): TColor {.
   cdecl, importc: "sfText_getColor", dynlib: LibG.}
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml_audio.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml_audio.nim
index 3cfd33c02..5aa017ac4 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml_audio.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/dependencies/sfml/sfml_audio.nim
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ proc newSoundBuffer*(stream: PInputStream): PSoundBuffer{.
 #/ \brief Create a new sound buffer and load it from an array of samples in memory
 #/ The assumed format of the audio samples is 16 bits signed integer
-#/ (sfInt16).
+#/ (sfint16).
 #/ \param samples      Pointer to the array of samples in memory
 #/ \param sampleCount  Number of samples in the array
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ proc saveToFile*(soundBuffer: PSoundBuffer; filename: cstring): bool {.
 #/ \brief Get the array of audio samples stored in a sound buffer
 #/ The format of the returned samples is 16 bits signed integer
-#/ (sfInt16). The total number of samples in this array
+#/ (sfint16). The total number of samples in this array
 #/ is given by the sfSoundBuffer_getSampleCount function.
 #/ \param soundBuffer Sound buffer object
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ proc saveToFile*(soundBuffer: PSoundBuffer; filename: cstring): bool {.
 #/ \return Read-only pointer to the array of sound samples
-proc sfSoundBuffer_getSamples*(soundBuffer: PSoundBuffer): ptr Int16{.
+proc sfSoundBuffer_getSamples*(soundBuffer: PSoundBuffer): ptr int16{.
   cdecl, importc: "sfSoundBuffer_getSamples", dynlib: Lib.}
 #/ \brief Get the number of samples stored in a sound buffer
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/enet_server/enet_client.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/enet_server/enet_client.nim
index 0c903a733..5ebbdb88b 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/enet_server/enet_client.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/enet_server/enet_client.nim
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ proc tryLogin*(b: PButton) =
     passwd = u_passwd.getText())
   dirServer.send HLogin, login
 proc tryTransition*(b: PButton) =
+  discard
   #zone.writePkt HZoneJoinReq, myCreds
 proc tryConnect*(b: PButton) =
   if not dirServer.connected:
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/keineschweine.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/keineschweine.nim
index e868b96a5..0a5dc1efc 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/keineschweine.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/keineschweine.nim
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ proc mouseToSpace*(): TVector =
 proc explode*(b: PLiveBullet)
 ## TCollisionBeginFunc
 proc collisionBulletPlayer(arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace; 
-                            data: pointer): Bool{.cdecl.} =
+                            data: pointer): bool{.cdecl.} =
     bullet = cast[PLiveBullet](
     target = cast[PVehicle](
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ proc collisionBulletPlayer(arb: PArbiter; space: PSpace;
 proc angularDampingSim(body: PBody, gravity: TVector, damping, dt: CpFloat){.cdecl.} =
   body.w -= (body.w * 0.98 * dt) 
-  body.updateVelocity(gravity, damping, dt)
+  body.UpdateVelocity(gravity, damping, dt)
 proc initLevel() =
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ proc explode*(b: PLiveBullet) =
   playSound(b.record.explosion.sound, b.body.getPos())
 proc bulletUpdate(body: PBody, gravity: TVector, damping, dt: CpFloat){.cdecl.} =
-  body.updateVelocity(gravity, damping, dt)
+  body.UpdateVelocity(gravity, damping, dt)
 template getPhysical() {.immediate.} =
   result.body = space.addBody(newBody(
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ template getPhysical() {.immediate.} =
-      vectorZero))
+      VectorZero))
 proc newBullet*(record: PBulletRecord; fromPlayer: PPlayer): PLiveBullet =
   new(result, free)
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ when defined(DebugKeys):
     elif keyPressed(KeyH):
       activeVehicle.body.setPos(vector(100.0, 100.0))
-      activeVehicle.body.setVel(vectorZero)
+      activeVehicle.body.setVel(VectorZero)
     elif keyPressed(KeyComma):
       activeVehicle.body.setPos mouseToSpace())
   ingameClient.registerHandler(KeyY, down, proc() =
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ when defined(DebugKeys):
     let body = shape.getBody()
     mouseJoint = space.addConstraint(
-      newPivotJoint(mouseBody, body, vectorZero, body.world2local(point)))
+      newPivotJoint(mouseBody, body, VectorZero, body.world2local(point)))
     mouseJoint.maxForce = 50000.0
     mouseJoint.errorBias = pow(1.0 - 0.15, 60))
@@ -539,15 +539,15 @@ proc mainUpdate(dt: float) =
   elif not activeVehicle.isNil:
     if keyPressed(KeyUp):
-    elif keyPressed(keyDown):
+    elif keyPressed(KeyDown):
     if keyPressed(KeyRight):
     elif keyPressed(KeyLeft):
-    if keyPressed(keyz):
+    if keyPressed(Keyz):
-    elif keyPressed(keyx):
+    elif keyPressed(Keyx):
     if keyPressed(KeyLControl):
       localPlayer.useItem 0
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ proc mainUpdate(dt: float) =
       localPlayer.useItem 2
     if keyPressed(KeyW):
       localPlayer.useItem 3
-    if Keypressed(keyA):
+    if keyPressed(KeyA):
       localPlayer.useItem 4
     if keyPressed(sfml.KeyS):
       localPlayer.useItem 5
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ when isMainModule:
   import parseopt
   localPlayer = newPlayer()
-  LobbyInit()
+  lobbyInit()
   videoMode = getClientSettings().resolution
   window = newRenderWindow(videoMode, "sup", sfDefaultStyle)
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ when isMainModule:
     mouseSprite.setOutlineThickness 1.4
     mouseSprite.setOrigin vec2f(14, 14)
-  LobbyReady()
+  lobbyReady()
   playBtn = specGui.newButton(
     "Unspec - F12", position = vec2f(680.0, 8.0), onClick = proc(b: PButton) =
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/game_objects.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/game_objects.nim
index 37019ebcb..277ffb6cb 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/game_objects.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/game_objects.nim
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ proc newObject*(record: PObjectRecord): PGameObject =
   when false:
     result.sprite = record.anim.spriteSheet.sprite.copy()
   result.body = newBody(result.record.physics.mass, 10.0)
-  result.shape = chipmunk.newCircleShape(result.body, result.record.physics.radius, vectorZero)
+  result.shape = chipmunk.newCircleShape(result.body, result.record.physics.radius, VectorZero)
   result.body.setPos(vector(100, 100))
 proc newObject*(name: string): PGameObject =
   result = newObject(fetchObj(name))
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/gl.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/gl.nim
index 9387b5bc9..c577f3404 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/gl.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/gl.nim
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type
   PGLclampf* = ptr TGLclampf
   PGLdouble* = ptr TGLdouble
   PGLclampd* = ptr TGLclampd
-  PGLvoid* = Pointer
+  PGLvoid* = pointer
   PPGLvoid* = ptr PGLvoid
   TGLenum* = cint
   TGLboolean* = bool
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ const                         # Version
 proc glAccum*(op: TGLenum, value: TGLfloat){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glAccum".}
-proc glAlphaFunc*(func: TGLenum, theref: TGLclampf){.dynlib: dllname, 
+proc glAlphaFunc*(fun: TGLenum, theref: TGLclampf){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glAlphaFunc".}
 proc glAreTexturesResident*(n: TGLsizei, textures: PGLuint, 
                             residences: PGLboolean): TGLboolean{.
@@ -998,7 +998,7 @@ proc glBitmap*(width, height: TGLsizei, xorig, yorig: TGLfloat,
 proc glBlendFunc*(sfactor, dfactor: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glBlendFunc".}
 proc glCallList*(list: TGLuint){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glCallList".}
-proc glCallLists*(n: TGLsizei, atype: TGLenum, lists: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+proc glCallLists*(n: TGLsizei, atype: TGLenum, lists: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glCallLists".}
 proc glClear*(mask: TGLbitfield){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glClear".}
 proc glClearAccum*(red, green, blue, alpha: TGLfloat){.dynlib: dllname, 
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ proc glColorMask*(red, green, blue, alpha: TGLboolean){.dynlib: dllname,
 proc glColorMaterial*(face, mode: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glColorMaterial".}
 proc glColorPointer*(size: TGLint, atype: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, 
-                     pointer: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                     p: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
                                         importc: "glColorPointer".}
 proc glCopyPixels*(x, y: TGLint, width, height: TGLsizei, atype: TGLenum){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glCopyPixels".}
@@ -1084,7 +1084,7 @@ proc glDeleteLists*(list: TGLuint, range: TGLsizei){.dynlib: dllname,
     importc: "glDeleteLists".}
 proc glDeleteTextures*(n: TGLsizei, textures: PGLuint){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glDeleteTextures".}
-proc glDepthFunc*(func: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glDepthFunc".}
+proc glDepthFunc*(fun: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glDepthFunc".}
 proc glDepthMask*(flag: TGLboolean){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glDepthMask".}
 proc glDepthRange*(zNear, zFar: TGLclampd){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glDepthRange".}
@@ -1095,12 +1095,12 @@ proc glDrawArrays*(mode: TGLenum, first: TGLint, count: TGLsizei){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glDrawArrays".}
 proc glDrawBuffer*(mode: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glDrawBuffer".}
 proc glDrawElements*(mode: TGLenum, count: TGLsizei, atype: TGLenum, 
-                     indices: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                     indices: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
                                         importc: "glDrawElements".}
 proc glDrawPixels*(width, height: TGLsizei, format, atype: TGLenum, 
-                   pixels: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glDrawPixels".}
+                   pixels: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glDrawPixels".}
 proc glEdgeFlag*(flag: TGLboolean){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glEdgeFlag".}
-proc glEdgeFlagPointer*(stride: TGLsizei, pointer: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+proc glEdgeFlagPointer*(stride: TGLsizei, p: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glEdgeFlagPointer".}
 proc glEdgeFlagv*(flag: PGLboolean){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glEdgeFlagv".}
 proc glEnable*(cap: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glEnable".}
@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@ proc glGetPixelMapuiv*(map: TGLenum, values: PGLuint){.dynlib: dllname,
     importc: "glGetPixelMapuiv".}
 proc glGetPixelMapusv*(map: TGLenum, values: PGLushort){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glGetPixelMapusv".}
-proc glGetPointerv*(pname: TGLenum, params: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+proc glGetPointerv*(pname: TGLenum, params: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glGetPointerv".}
 proc glGetPolygonStipple*(mask: PGLubyte){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glGetPolygonStipple".}
@@ -1188,10 +1188,10 @@ proc glGetTexGenfv*(coord, pname: TGLenum, params: PGLfloat){.dynlib: dllname,
 proc glGetTexGeniv*(coord, pname: TGLenum, params: PGLint){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glGetTexGeniv".}
 proc glGetTexImage*(target: TGLenum, level: TGLint, format: TGLenum, 
-                    atype: TGLenum, pixels: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                    atype: TGLenum, pixels: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glGetTexImage".}
 proc glGetTexLevelParameterfv*(target: TGLenum, level: TGLint, pname: TGLenum, 
-                               params: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                               params: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glGetTexLevelParameterfv".}
 proc glGetTexLevelParameteriv*(target: TGLenum, level: TGLint, pname: TGLenum, 
                                params: PGLint){.dynlib: dllname, 
@@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ proc glGetTexParameteriv*(target, pname: TGLenum, params: PGLint){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glGetTexParameteriv".}
 proc glHint*(target, mode: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glHint".}
 proc glIndexMask*(mask: TGLuint){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glIndexMask".}
-proc glIndexPointer*(atype: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, pointer: Pointer){.
+proc glIndexPointer*(atype: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, p: pointer){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glIndexPointer".}
 proc glIndexd*(c: TGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glIndexd".}
 proc glIndexdv*(c: PGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glIndexdv".}
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ proc glIndexsv*(c: PGLshort){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glIndexsv".}
 proc glIndexub*(c: TGLubyte){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glIndexub".}
 proc glIndexubv*(c: PGLubyte){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glIndexubv".}
 proc glInitNames*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glInitNames".}
-proc glInterleavedArrays*(format: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, pointer: Pointer){.
+proc glInterleavedArrays*(format: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, p: pointer){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glInterleavedArrays".}
 proc glIsEnabled*(cap: TGLenum): TGLboolean{.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glIsEnabled".}
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ proc glNormal3i*(nx, ny, nz: TGLint){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glNormal3i".}
 proc glNormal3iv*(v: PGLint){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glNormal3iv".}
 proc glNormal3s*(nx, ny, nz: TGLshort){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glNormal3s".}
 proc glNormal3sv*(v: PGLshort){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glNormal3sv".}
-proc glNormalPointer*(atype: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, pointer: Pointer){.
+proc glNormalPointer*(atype: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, p: pointer){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glNormalPointer".}
 proc glOrtho*(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar: TGLdouble){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glOrtho".}
@@ -1360,7 +1360,7 @@ proc glRasterPos4s*(x, y, z, w: TGLshort){.dynlib: dllname,
 proc glRasterPos4sv*(v: PGLshort){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glRasterPos4sv".}
 proc glReadBuffer*(mode: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glReadBuffer".}
 proc glReadPixels*(x, y: TGLint, width, height: TGLsizei, 
-                   format, atype: TGLenum, pixels: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                   format, atype: TGLenum, pixels: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glReadPixels".}
 proc glRectd*(x1, y1, x2, y2: TGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glRectd".}
 proc glRectdv*(v1: PGLdouble, v2: PGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, 
@@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ proc glScissor*(x, y: TGLint, width, height: TGLsizei){.dynlib: dllname,
 proc glSelectBuffer*(size: TGLsizei, buffer: PGLuint){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glSelectBuffer".}
 proc glShadeModel*(mode: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glShadeModel".}
-proc glStencilFunc*(func: TGLenum, theref: TGLint, mask: TGLuint){.
+proc glStencilFunc*(fun: TGLenum, theref: TGLint, mask: TGLuint){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glStencilFunc".}
 proc glStencilMask*(mask: TGLuint){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glStencilMask".}
 proc glStencilOp*(fail, zfail, zpass: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, 
@@ -1424,7 +1424,7 @@ proc glTexCoord4s*(s, t, r, q: TGLshort){.dynlib: dllname,
     importc: "glTexCoord4s".}
 proc glTexCoord4sv*(v: PGLshort){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTexCoord4sv".}
 proc glTexCoordPointer*(size: TGLint, atype: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, 
-                        pointer: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                        p: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glTexCoordPointer".}
 proc glTexEnvf*(target: TGLenum, pname: TGLenum, param: TGLfloat){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTexEnvf".}
@@ -1448,10 +1448,10 @@ proc glTexGeniv*(coord: TGLenum, pname: TGLenum, params: PGLint){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTexGeniv".}
 proc glTexImage1D*(target: TGLenum, level, internalformat: TGLint, 
                    width: TGLsizei, border: TGLint, format, atype: TGLenum, 
-                   pixels: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTexImage1D".}
+                   pixels: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTexImage1D".}
 proc glTexImage2D*(target: TGLenum, level, internalformat: TGLint, 
                    width, height: TGLsizei, border: TGLint, 
-                   format, atype: TGLenum, pixels: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                   format, atype: TGLenum, pixels: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glTexImage2D".}
 proc glTexParameterf*(target: TGLenum, pname: TGLenum, param: TGLfloat){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTexParameterf".}
@@ -1462,11 +1462,11 @@ proc glTexParameteri*(target: TGLenum, pname: TGLenum, param: TGLint){.
 proc glTexParameteriv*(target: TGLenum, pname: TGLenum, params: PGLint){.
     dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTexParameteriv".}
 proc glTexSubImage1D*(target: TGLenum, level, xoffset: TGLint, width: TGLsizei, 
-                      format, atype: TGLenum, pixels: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                      format, atype: TGLenum, pixels: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glTexSubImage1D".}
 proc glTexSubImage2D*(target: TGLenum, level, xoffset, yoffset: TGLint, 
                       width, height: TGLsizei, format, atype: TGLenum, 
-                      pixels: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                      pixels: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
                                         importc: "glTexSubImage2D".}
 proc glTranslated*(x, y, z: TGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTranslated".}
 proc glTranslatef*(x, y, z: TGLfloat){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glTranslatef".}
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ proc glVertex4iv*(v: PGLint){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glVertex4iv".}
 proc glVertex4s*(x, y, z, w: TGLshort){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glVertex4s".}
 proc glVertex4sv*(v: PGLshort){.dynlib: dllname, importc: "glVertex4sv".}
 proc glVertexPointer*(size: TGLint, atype: TGLenum, stride: TGLsizei, 
-                      pointer: Pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
+                      p: pointer){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glVertexPointer".}
 proc glViewport*(x, y: TGLint, width, height: TGLsizei){.dynlib: dllname, 
     importc: "glViewport".}
@@ -1505,28 +1505,28 @@ type
                                      count: TGLsizei)
   PFN_GLVERTEX_POINTER_EXTPROC* = proc (size: TGLint, atype: TGLenum, 
                                         stride, count: TGLsizei, 
-                                        pointer: Pointer)
+                                        p: pointer)
   PFN_GLNORMAL_POINTER_EXTPROC* = proc (atype: TGLenum, stride, count: TGLsizei, 
-                                        pointer: Pointer)
+                                        p: pointer)
   PFN_GLCOLOR_POINTER_EXTPROC* = proc (size: TGLint, atype: TGLenum, 
-                                       stride, count: TGLsizei, pointer: Pointer)
+                                       stride, count: TGLsizei, p: pointer)
   PFN_GLINDEX_POINTER_EXTPROC* = proc (atype: TGLenum, stride, count: TGLsizei, 
-                                       pointer: Pointer)
+                                       p: pointer)
   PFN_GLTEXCOORD_POINTER_EXTPROC* = proc (size: TGLint, atype: TGLenum, 
-      stride, count: TGLsizei, pointer: Pointer)
+      stride, count: TGLsizei, p: pointer)
   PFN_GLEDGEFLAG_POINTER_EXTPROC* = proc (stride, count: TGLsizei, 
       pointer: PGLboolean)
-  PFN_GLGET_POINTER_VEXT_PROC* = proc (pname: TGLenum, params: Pointer)
+  PFN_GLGET_POINTER_VEXT_PROC* = proc (pname: TGLenum, params: pointer)
   PFN_GLARRAY_ELEMENT_ARRAY_EXTPROC* = proc (mode: TGLenum, count: TGLsizei, 
-      pi: Pointer)            # WIN_swap_hint
+      pi: pointer)            # WIN_swap_hint
   PFN_GLADDSWAPHINT_RECT_WINPROC* = proc (x, y: TGLint, width, height: TGLsizei)
   PFN_GLCOLOR_TABLE_EXTPROC* = proc (target, internalFormat: TGLenum, 
                                      width: TGLsizei, format, atype: TGLenum, 
-                                     data: Pointer)
+                                     data: pointer)
   PFN_GLCOLOR_SUBTABLE_EXTPROC* = proc (target: TGLenum, start, count: TGLsizei, 
-                                        format, atype: TGLenum, data: Pointer)
+                                        format, atype: TGLenum, data: pointer)
   PFN_GLGETCOLOR_TABLE_EXTPROC* = proc (target, format, atype: TGLenum, 
-                                        data: Pointer)
+                                        data: pointer)
       params: PGLint)
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/map_filter.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/map_filter.nim
index 54173fa61..966b84b6a 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/map_filter.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/map_filter.nim
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ template filterIt2*(seq, pred: expr, body: stmt): stmt {.immediate, dirty.} =
   for it in items(seq):
     if pred: body
-proc map*[A, B](x: seq[A], func: proc(y: A): B {.closure.}): seq[B] =
+proc map*[A, B](x: seq[A], fun: proc(y: A): B {.closure.}): seq[B] =
   result = @[]
   for item in x.items:
-    result.add func(item)
+    result.add fun(item)
-proc mapInPlace*[A](x: var seq[A], func: proc(y: A): A {.closure.}) =
+proc mapInPlace*[A](x: var seq[A], fun: proc(y: A): A {.closure.}) =
   for i in 0..x.len-1:
-    x[i] = func(x[i])
+    x[i] = fun(x[i])
 template unless*(condition: expr; body: stmt): stmt {.dirty.} =
   if not(condition):
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ when isMainModule:
   var someSeq = @[9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] ## numbers < 6 or even
   filterIt2 someSeq, it < 6 or (it and 1) == 0:
-  echo "-----------"
\ No newline at end of file
+  echo "-----------"
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_assets.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_assets.nim
index ccd1d9280..c5a39550a 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_assets.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_assets.nim
@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ var
   nameToBulletID*: TTable[string, int]
   activeState = Lobby
-proc newSprite(filename: string; errors: var seq[string]): PSpriteSheet
+proc newSprite*(filename: string; errors: var seq[string]): PSpriteSheet
 proc load*(ss: PSpriteSheet): bool {.discardable.}
-proc newSound(filename: string; errors: var seq[string]): PSoundRecord
+proc newSound*(filename: string; errors: var seq[string]): PSoundRecord
 proc load*(s: PSoundRecord): bool {.discardable.}
 proc validateSettings*(settings: PJsonNode; errors: var seq[string]): bool
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ proc importHandling(data: PJsonNode): THandlingRecord
 proc importBullet(data: PJsonNode; errors: var seq[string]): PBulletRecord
 proc importSoul(data: PJsonNode): TSoulRecord
 proc importExplosion(data: PJsonNode; errors: var seq[string]): TExplosionRecord
-proc importSound(data: PJsonNode; errors: var seq[string]; fieldName: string = nil): PSoundRecord
+proc importSound*(data: PJsonNode; errors: var seq[string]; fieldName: string = nil): PSoundRecord
 ## this is the only pipe between lobby and main.nim
 proc getActiveState*(): TGameState =
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ proc importPhys(data: PJsonNode): TPhysicsRecord =
     phys.getField("radius", result.radius)
     phys.getField("mass", result.mass)
   when not defined(NoChipmunk):
-    result.moment = momentForCircle(result.mass, 0.0, result.radius, vectorZero) * MomentMult
+    result.moment = momentForCircle(result.mass, 0.0, result.radius, VectorZero) * MomentMult
 proc importHandling(data: PJsonNode): THandlingRecord =
   result.thrust = 45.0
   result.topSpeed = 100.0 #unused
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_packets.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_packets.nim
index 625436cb6..601054b47 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_packets.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/sg_packets.nim
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ template idpacket(pktName, id, s2c, c2s: expr): stmt {.immediate, dirty.} =
   defPacket(`Sc pktName`, s2c)
   defPacket(`Cs pktName`, c2s)
-forwardPacketT(Uint8, int8)
-forwardPacketT(Uint16, int16)
+forwardPacketT(uint8, int8)
+forwardPacketT(uint16, int16)
 forwardPacketT(TPort, int16)
 idPacket(Login, 'a',
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ defPacket(ScTeamList, tuple[teams: seq[ScTeam]])
 let HTeamChange* = 't'
 idPacket(ZoneQuery, 'Q',
-  tuple[playerCount: Uint16], ##i should include a time here or something
+  tuple[playerCount: uint16], ##i should include a time here or something
   tuple[pad: char = '\0'])
 type SpawnKind = enum
diff --git a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/vehicles.nim b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/vehicles.nim
index edbd84ff9..4b11856c6 100644
--- a/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/vehicles.nim
+++ b/tests/manyloc/keineschweine/lib/vehicles.nim
@@ -9,22 +9,22 @@ proc accel*(obj: PVehicle, dt: float) =
   #  sin(obj.angle) * obj.record.handling.thrust.float * dt)
     vectorForAngle(obj.body.getAngle()) * dt * obj.record.handling.thrust,
-    vectorZero)
+    VectorZero)
 proc reverse*(obj: PVehicle, dt: float) =
   #obj.velocity += vec2f(
   #  -cos(obj.angle) * obj.record.handling.reverse.float * dt,
   #  -sin(obj.angle) * obj.record.handling.reverse.float * dt)
     -vectorForAngle(obj.body.getAngle()) * dt * obj.record.handling.reverse,
-    vectorZero)
+    VectorZero)
 proc strafe_left*(obj: PVehicle, dt: float) =
     vectorForAngle(obj.body.getAngle()).perp() * obj.record.handling.strafe * dt,
-    vectorZero)
+    VectorZero)
 proc strafe_right*(obj: PVehicle, dt: float) =
     vectorForAngle(obj.body.getAngle()).rperp()* obj.record.handling.strafe * dt,
-    vectorZero)
+    VectorZero)
 proc turn_right*(obj: PVehicle, dt: float) =
   #obj.angle = (obj.angle + (obj.record.handling.rotation.float / 10.0 * dt)) mod TAU