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authorArne Döring <>2020-03-11 01:01:25 +0100
committerGitHub <>2020-03-11 01:01:25 +0100
commit2f557652d41dea81e43d36c3e89258ece620609e (patch)
parente64f1c7ee4a25a1df837617f4a79ce7e515b9e0d (diff)
fix operators containing percent for VM usage (#13536)
* fixes #13513
* merge tarithmetics in tarithm
11 files changed, 165 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ast.nim b/compiler/ast.nim
index 43ea2b39c..b82002b06 100644
--- a/compiler/ast.nim
+++ b/compiler/ast.nim
@@ -617,7 +617,6 @@ type
     mEqI, mLeI, mLtI,
     mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64,
     mLeU, mLtU,
-    mLeU64, mLtU64,
     mEqEnum, mLeEnum, mLtEnum,
     mEqCh, mLeCh, mLtCh,
     mEqB, mLeB, mLtB,
@@ -687,7 +686,6 @@ const
     mEqI, mLeI, mLtI,
     mEqF64, mLeF64, mLtF64,
     mLeU, mLtU,
-    mLeU64, mLtU64,
     mEqEnum, mLeEnum, mLtEnum,
     mEqCh, mLeCh, mLtCh,
     mEqB, mLeB, mLtB,
diff --git a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
index 277913b17..f133b97a2 100644
--- a/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
+++ b/compiler/ccgexprs.nim
@@ -605,8 +605,6 @@ proc binaryArith(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) =
   of mLtF64: applyFormat("($1 < $2)")
   of mLeU: applyFormat("((NU$3)($1) <= (NU$3)($2))")
   of mLtU: applyFormat("((NU$3)($1) < (NU$3)($2))")
-  of mLeU64: applyFormat("((NU64)($1) <= (NU64)($2))")
-  of mLtU64: applyFormat("((NU64)($1) < (NU64)($2))")
   of mEqEnum: applyFormat("($1 == $2)")
   of mLeEnum: applyFormat("($1 <= $2)")
   of mLtEnum: applyFormat("($1 < $2)")
diff --git a/compiler/forloops.nim b/compiler/forloops.nim
index 729afb920..ee91000d4 100644
--- a/compiler/forloops.nim
+++ b/compiler/forloops.nim
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import ast, astalgo
   someCmp = {mEqI, mEqF64, mEqEnum, mEqCh, mEqB, mEqRef, mEqProc,
-    mLeI, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeU64, mLeEnum,
-    mLeCh, mLeB, mLePtr, mLtI, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtU64, mLtEnum,
+    mLeI, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeEnum,
+    mLeCh, mLeB, mLePtr, mLtI, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtEnum,
     mLtCh, mLtB, mLtPtr}
 proc isCounter(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} =
diff --git a/compiler/guards.nim b/compiler/guards.nim
index 97dc4f418..5d0fa64eb 100644
--- a/compiler/guards.nim
+++ b/compiler/guards.nim
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ const
     mEqStr, mEqSet, mEqCString}
   # set excluded here as the semantics are vastly different:
-  someLe = {mLeI, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeU64, mLeEnum,
+  someLe = {mLeI, mLeF64, mLeU, mLeEnum,
             mLeCh, mLeB, mLePtr, mLeStr}
-  someLt = {mLtI, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtU64, mLtEnum,
+  someLt = {mLtI, mLtF64, mLtU, mLtEnum,
             mLtCh, mLtB, mLtPtr, mLtStr}
   someLen = {mLengthOpenArray, mLengthStr, mLengthArray, mLengthSeq}
diff --git a/compiler/jsgen.nim b/compiler/jsgen.nim
index 1130e35f8..e63ce7489 100644
--- a/compiler/jsgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/jsgen.nim
@@ -371,69 +371,67 @@ type
 const # magic checked op; magic unchecked op;
   jsMagics: TMagicOps = [
     mAddI: ["addInt", ""],
-    ["subInt", ""], # SubI
-    ["mulInt", ""], # MulI
-    ["divInt", ""], # DivI
-    ["modInt", ""], # ModI
-    ["addInt", ""], # Succ
-    ["subInt", ""], # Pred
-    ["", ""], # AddF64
-    ["", ""], # SubF64
-    ["", ""], # MulF64
-    ["", ""], # DivF64
-    ["", ""], # ShrI
-    ["", ""], # ShlI
-    ["", ""], # AshrI
-    ["", ""], # BitandI
-    ["", ""], # BitorI
-    ["", ""], # BitxorI
-    ["nimMin", "nimMin"], # MinI
-    ["nimMax", "nimMax"], # MaxI
-    ["", ""], # addU
-    ["", ""], # subU
-    ["", ""], # mulU
-    ["", ""], # divU
-    ["", ""], # modU
-    ["", ""], # EqI
-    ["", ""], # LeI
-    ["", ""], # LtI
-    ["", ""], # EqF64
-    ["", ""], # LeF64
-    ["", ""], # LtF64
-    ["", ""], # leU
-    ["", ""], # ltU
-    ["", ""], # leU64
-    ["", ""], # ltU64
-    ["", ""], # EqEnum
-    ["", ""], # LeEnum
-    ["", ""], # LtEnum
-    ["", ""], # EqCh
-    ["", ""], # LeCh
-    ["", ""], # LtCh
-    ["", ""], # EqB
-    ["", ""], # LeB
-    ["", ""], # LtB
-    ["", ""], # EqRef
-    ["", ""], # LePtr
-    ["", ""], # LtPtr
-    ["", ""], # Xor
-    ["", ""], # EqCString
-    ["", ""], # EqProc
-    ["negInt", ""], # UnaryMinusI
-    ["negInt64", ""], # UnaryMinusI64
-    ["absInt", ""], # AbsI
-    ["", ""], # Not
-    ["", ""], # UnaryPlusI
-    ["", ""], # BitnotI
-    ["", ""], # UnaryPlusF64
-    ["", ""], # UnaryMinusF64
-    ["nimCharToStr", "nimCharToStr"],
-    ["nimBoolToStr", "nimBoolToStr"],
-    ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
-    ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
-    ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
-    ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
-    ["", ""]]
+    mSubI: ["subInt", ""],
+    mMulI: ["mulInt", ""],
+    mDivI: ["divInt", ""],
+    mModI: ["modInt", ""],
+    mSucc: ["addInt", ""],
+    mPred: ["subInt", ""],
+    mAddF64: ["", ""],
+    mSubF64: ["", ""],
+    mMulF64: ["", ""],
+    mDivF64: ["", ""],
+    mShrI: ["", ""],
+    mShlI: ["", ""],
+    mAshrI: ["", ""],
+    mBitandI: ["", ""],
+    mBitorI: ["", ""],
+    mBitxorI: ["", ""],
+    mMinI: ["nimMin", "nimMin"],
+    mMaxI: ["nimMax", "nimMax"],
+    mAddU: ["", ""],
+    mSubU: ["", ""],
+    mMulU: ["", ""],
+    mDivU: ["", ""],
+    mModU: ["", ""],
+    mEqI: ["", ""],
+    mLeI: ["", ""],
+    mLtI: ["", ""],
+    mEqF64: ["", ""],
+    mLeF64: ["", ""],
+    mLtF64: ["", ""],
+    mLeU: ["", ""],
+    mLtU: ["", ""],
+    mEqEnum: ["", ""],
+    mLeEnum: ["", ""],
+    mLtEnum: ["", ""],
+    mEqCh: ["", ""],
+    mLeCh: ["", ""],
+    mLtCh: ["", ""],
+    mEqB: ["", ""],
+    mLeB: ["", ""],
+    mLtB: ["", ""],
+    mEqRef: ["", ""],
+    mLePtr: ["", ""],
+    mLtPtr: ["", ""],
+    mXor: ["", ""],
+    mEqCString: ["", ""],
+    mEqProc: ["", ""],
+    mUnaryMinusI: ["negInt", ""],
+    mUnaryMinusI64: ["negInt64", ""],
+    mAbsI: ["absInt", ""],
+    mNot: ["", ""],
+    mUnaryPlusI: ["", ""],
+    mBitnotI: ["", ""],
+    mUnaryPlusF64: ["", ""],
+    mUnaryMinusF64: ["", ""],
+    mCharToStr: ["nimCharToStr", "nimCharToStr"],
+    mBoolToStr: ["nimBoolToStr", "nimBoolToStr"],
+    mIntToStr: ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
+    mInt64ToStr: ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
+    mFloatToStr: ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
+    mCStrToStr: ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr"],
+    mStrToStr: ["", ""]]
 proc needsTemp(p: PProc; n: PNode): bool =
   # check if n contains a call to determine
@@ -575,8 +573,6 @@ proc arithAux(p: PProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, op: TMagic) =
   of mLtF64: applyFormat("($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)")
   of mLeU: applyFormat("($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)")
   of mLtU: applyFormat("($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)")
-  of mLeU64: applyFormat("($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)")
-  of mLtU64: applyFormat("($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)")
   of mEqEnum: applyFormat("($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)")
   of mLeEnum: applyFormat("($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)")
   of mLtEnum: applyFormat("($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)")
diff --git a/compiler/semfold.nim b/compiler/semfold.nim
index b20616e1d..54850fcfe 100644
--- a/compiler/semfold.nim
+++ b/compiler/semfold.nim
@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ proc evalOp(m: TMagic, n, a, b, c: PNode; g: ModuleGraph): PNode =
   of mLtStr: result = newIntNodeT(toInt128(ord(getStr(a) < getStr(b))), n, g)
   of mLeStr: result = newIntNodeT(toInt128(ord(getStr(a) <= getStr(b))), n, g)
   of mEqStr: result = newIntNodeT(toInt128(ord(getStr(a) == getStr(b))), n, g)
-  of mLtU, mLtU64:
+  of mLtU:
     result = newIntNodeT(toInt128(ord(`<%`(toInt64(getOrdValue(a)), toInt64(getOrdValue(b))))), n, g)
-  of mLeU, mLeU64:
+  of mLeU:
     result = newIntNodeT(toInt128(ord(`<=%`(toInt64(getOrdValue(a)), toInt64(getOrdValue(b))))), n, g)
   of mBitandI, mAnd: result = newIntNodeT(bitand(a.getInt, b.getInt), n, g)
   of mBitorI, mOr: result = newIntNodeT(bitor(getInt(a), getInt(b)), n, g)
diff --git a/compiler/vmgen.nim b/compiler/vmgen.nim
index 75f673c0b..5b355bcab 100644
--- a/compiler/vmgen.nim
+++ b/compiler/vmgen.nim
@@ -1071,8 +1071,8 @@ proc genMagic(c: PCtx; n: PNode; dest: var TDest; m: TMagic) =
   of mEqF64: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcEqFloat)
   of mLeF64: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLeFloat)
   of mLtF64: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLtFloat)
-  of mLePtr, mLeU, mLeU64: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLeu)
-  of mLtPtr, mLtU, mLtU64: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLtu)
+  of mLePtr, mLeU: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLeu)
+  of mLtPtr, mLtU: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcLtu)
   of mEqProc, mEqRef:
     genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcEqRef)
   of mXor: genBinaryABC(c, n, dest, opcXor)
diff --git a/lib/system/arithmetics.nim b/lib/system/arithmetics.nim
index 757a813e8..710566a6d 100644
--- a/lib/system/arithmetics.nim
+++ b/lib/system/arithmetics.nim
@@ -342,45 +342,6 @@ proc `xor`*(x, y: int16): int16 {.magic: "BitxorI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `xor`*(x, y: int32): int32 {.magic: "BitxorI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `xor`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.magic: "BitxorI", noSideEffect.}
-  IntMax32 = int|int8|int16|int32
-proc `+%`*(x, y: IntMax32): IntMax32 {.magic: "AddU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `+%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.magic: "AddU", noSideEffect.}
-  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and adds them.
-  ##
-  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
-  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
-proc `-%`*(x, y: IntMax32): IntMax32 {.magic: "SubU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `-%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.magic: "SubU", noSideEffect.}
-  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and subtracts them.
-  ##
-  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
-  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
-proc `*%`*(x, y: IntMax32): IntMax32 {.magic: "MulU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `*%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.magic: "MulU", noSideEffect.}
-  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and multiplies them.
-  ##
-  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
-  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
-proc `/%`*(x, y: IntMax32): IntMax32 {.magic: "DivU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `/%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.magic: "DivU", noSideEffect.}
-  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and divides them.
-  ##
-  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
-  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
-proc `%%`*(x, y: IntMax32): IntMax32 {.magic: "ModU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `%%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.magic: "ModU", noSideEffect.}
-  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and compute the modulo of `x` and `y`.
-  ##
-  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
-  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
 # unsigned integer operations:
 proc `not`*(x: uint): uint {.magic: "BitnotI", noSideEffect.}
   ## Computes the `bitwise complement` of the integer `x`.
@@ -461,8 +422,60 @@ proc `mod`*(x, y: uint16): uint16 {.magic: "ModU", noSideEffect.}
 proc `mod`*(x, y: uint32): uint32 {.magic: "ModU", noSideEffect.}
 proc `mod`*(x, y: uint64): uint64 {.magic: "ModU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `+%`*(x, y: int): int {.inline.} =
+  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and adds them.
+  ##
+  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
+  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
+  cast[int](cast[uint](x) + cast[uint](y))
+proc `+%`*(x, y: int8): int8 {.inline.}   = cast[int8](cast[uint8](x) + cast[uint8](y))
+proc `+%`*(x, y: int16): int16 {.inline.} = cast[int16](cast[uint16](x) + cast[uint16](y))
+proc `+%`*(x, y: int32): int32 {.inline.} = cast[int32](cast[uint32](x) + cast[uint32](y))
+proc `+%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.inline.} = cast[int64](cast[uint64](x) + cast[uint64](y))
+proc `-%`*(x, y: int): int {.inline.} =
+  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and subtracts them.
+  ##
+  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
+  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
+  cast[int](cast[uint](x) - cast[uint](y))
+proc `-%`*(x, y: int8): int8 {.inline.}   = cast[int8](cast[uint8](x) - cast[uint8](y))
+proc `-%`*(x, y: int16): int16 {.inline.} = cast[int16](cast[uint16](x) - cast[uint16](y))
+proc `-%`*(x, y: int32): int32 {.inline.} = cast[int32](cast[uint32](x) - cast[uint32](y))
+proc `-%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.inline.} = cast[int64](cast[uint64](x) - cast[uint64](y))
+proc `*%`*(x, y: int): int {.inline.} =
+  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and multiplies them.
+  ##
+  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
+  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
+  cast[int](cast[uint](x) * cast[uint](y))
+proc `*%`*(x, y: int8): int8 {.inline.}   = cast[int8](cast[uint8](x) * cast[uint8](y))
+proc `*%`*(x, y: int16): int16 {.inline.} = cast[int16](cast[uint16](x) * cast[uint16](y))
+proc `*%`*(x, y: int32): int32 {.inline.} = cast[int32](cast[uint32](x) * cast[uint32](y))
+proc `*%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.inline.} = cast[int64](cast[uint64](x) * cast[uint64](y))
+proc `/%`*(x, y: int): int {.inline.} =
+  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and divides them.
+  ##
+  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
+  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
+  cast[int](cast[uint](x) div cast[uint](y))
+proc `/%`*(x, y: int8): int8 {.inline.}   = cast[int8](cast[uint8](x) div cast[uint8](y))
+proc `/%`*(x, y: int16): int16 {.inline.} = cast[int16](cast[uint16](x) div cast[uint16](y))
+proc `/%`*(x, y: int32): int32 {.inline.} = cast[int32](cast[uint32](x) div cast[uint32](y))
+proc `/%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.inline.} = cast[int64](cast[uint64](x) div cast[uint64](y))
+proc `%%`*(x, y: int): int {.inline.} =
+  ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and compute the modulo of `x` and `y`.
+  ##
+  ## The result is truncated to fit into the result.
+  ## This implements modulo arithmetic. No overflow errors are possible.
+  cast[int](cast[uint](x) mod cast[uint](y))
+proc `%%`*(x, y: int8): int8 {.inline.}   = cast[int8](cast[uint8](x) mod cast[uint8](y))
+proc `%%`*(x, y: int16): int16 {.inline.} = cast[int16](cast[uint16](x) mod cast[uint16](y))
+proc `%%`*(x, y: int32): int32 {.inline.} = cast[int32](cast[uint32](x) mod cast[uint32](y))
+proc `%%`*(x, y: int64): int64 {.inline.} = cast[int64](cast[uint64](x) mod cast[uint64](y))
 proc `+=`*[T: SomeInteger](x: var T, y: T) {.
   magic: "Inc", noSideEffect.}
diff --git a/lib/system/comparisons.nim b/lib/system/comparisons.nim
index 787820989..60ac554a6 100644
--- a/lib/system/comparisons.nim
+++ b/lib/system/comparisons.nim
@@ -161,16 +161,37 @@ proc `<`*(x, y: int16): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<`*(x, y: int32): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `<`*(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "LtI", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<=`*(x, y: uint): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
+  ## Returns true if ``x <= y``.
+proc `<=`*(x, y: uint8): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<=`*(x, y: uint16): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<=`*(x, y: uint32): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<=`*(x, y: uint64): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<`*(x, y: uint): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
+  ## Returns true if ``x < y``.
+proc `<`*(x, y: uint8): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<`*(x, y: uint16): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<`*(x, y: uint32): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<`*(x, y: uint64): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<=%`*(x, y: IntMax32): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<=%`*(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "LeU64", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<=%`*(x, y: int): bool {.inline.} =
   ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and compares them.
   ## Returns true if ``unsigned(x) <= unsigned(y)``.
+  cast[uint](x) <= cast[uint](y)
+proc `<=%`*(x, y: int8): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint8](x) <= cast[uint8](y)
+proc `<=%`*(x, y: int16): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint16](x) <= cast[uint16](y)
+proc `<=%`*(x, y: int32): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint32](x) <= cast[uint32](y)
+proc `<=%`*(x, y: int64): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint64](x) <= cast[uint64](y)
-proc `<%`*(x, y: IntMax32): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<%`*(x, y: int64): bool {.magic: "LtU64", noSideEffect.}
+proc `<%`*(x, y: int): bool {.inline.} =
   ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and compares them.
   ## Returns true if ``unsigned(x) < unsigned(y)``.
+  cast[uint](x) < cast[uint](y)
+proc `<%`*(x, y: int8): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint8](x) < cast[uint8](y)
+proc `<%`*(x, y: int16): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint16](x) < cast[uint16](y)
+proc `<%`*(x, y: int32): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint32](x) < cast[uint32](y)
+proc `<%`*(x, y: int64): bool {.inline.} = cast[uint64](x) < cast[uint64](y)
 template `>=%`*(x, y: untyped): untyped = y <=% x
   ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and compares them.
@@ -180,7 +201,6 @@ template `>%`*(x, y: untyped): untyped = y <% x
   ## Treats `x` and `y` as unsigned and compares them.
   ## Returns true if ``unsigned(x) > unsigned(y)``.
 proc `==`*(x, y: uint): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
   ## Compares two unsigned integers for equality.
 proc `==`*(x, y: uint8): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
@@ -189,21 +209,6 @@ proc `==`*(x, y: uint32): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
 proc `==`*(x, y: uint64): bool {.magic: "EqI", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<=`*(x, y: uint): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
-  ## Returns true if ``x <= y``.
-proc `<=`*(x, y: uint8): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<=`*(x, y: uint16): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<=`*(x, y: uint32): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<=`*(x, y: uint64): bool {.magic: "LeU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<`*(x, y: uint): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
-  ## Returns true if ``unsigned(x) < unsigned(y)``.
-proc `<`*(x, y: uint8): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<`*(x, y: uint16): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<`*(x, y: uint32): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
-proc `<`*(x, y: uint64): bool {.magic: "LtU", noSideEffect.}
 {.push stackTrace: off.}
 proc min*(x, y: int): int {.magic: "MinI", noSideEffect.} =
diff --git a/tests/arithm/tarithm.nim b/tests/arithm/tarithm.nim
index fcb78bd7a..99306b3e8 100644
--- a/tests/arithm/tarithm.nim
+++ b/tests/arithm/tarithm.nim
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ int32
+tUnsignedOps OK
+nimout: "tUnsignedOps OK"
 import typetraits
@@ -167,3 +169,19 @@ block tissue12177:
   echo(a - b)
   echo(a * b)
   echo(a div b)
+block tUnsignedOps:
+  proc testUnsignedOps() =
+    let a: int8 = -128
+    let b: int8 = 127
+    doAssert b +% 1 == -128
+    doAssert b -% -1 == -128
+    doAssert b *% 2 == -2
+    doAssert a /% 4 == 32
+    doAssert a %% 7 == 2
+    echo "tUnsignedOps OK"
+  testUnsignedOps()
+  static:
+    testUnsignedOps()
diff --git a/tests/pragmas/t6448.nim b/tests/pragmas/t6448.nim
index ab2e3811f..6efb56e08 100644
--- a/tests/pragmas/t6448.nim
+++ b/tests/pragmas/t6448.nim
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 discard """
-  errormsg: '''ambiguous call; both foobar.async'''
+  errormsg: '''ambiguous call'''
   line: 10
   disabled: "32bit"