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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2018-05-13 08:51:11 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2018-05-13 08:51:11 +0200
commit342e50e26c7023a8ac6829b02d27c3810cb45d05 (patch)
parent8ca5b71c6aead09fe78b31f4863d2b2c083ad075 (diff)
compiler compiles again; simple programs do work
4 files changed, 152 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main.nim b/compiler/main.nim
index f23a3a88e..b9afc6a8d 100644
--- a/compiler/main.nim
+++ b/compiler/main.nim
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ import
   cgen, jsgen, json, nversion,
   platform, nimconf, importer, passaux, depends, vm, vmdef, types, idgen,
   docgen2, service, parser, modules, ccgutils, sigmatch, ropes,
-  modulegraphs, tables, rod
+  modulegraphs, tables, rod, configuration
-from magicsys import systemModule, resetSysTypes
+from magicsys import resetSysTypes
 proc rodPass =
   if gSymbolFiles in {enabledSf, writeOnlySf}:
@@ -46,54 +46,55 @@ proc commandGenDepend(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
   compileProject(graph, cache)
-  writeDepsFile(graph, gProjectFull)
-  generateDot(gProjectFull)
-  execExternalProgram("dot -Tpng -o" & changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "png") &
-      ' ' & changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "dot"))
+  let project = graph.config.projectFull
+  writeDepsFile(graph, project)
+  generateDot(project)
+  execExternalProgram(graph.config, "dot -Tpng -o" & changeFileExt(project, "png") &
+      ' ' & changeFileExt(project, "dot"))
 proc commandCheck(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
-  msgs.gErrorMax = high(int)  # do not stop after first error
-  defineSymbol("nimcheck")
+  graph.config.errorMax = high(int)  # do not stop after first error
+  defineSymbol(graph.config.symbols, "nimcheck")
   semanticPasses()            # use an empty backend for semantic checking only
   compileProject(graph, cache)
 proc commandDoc2(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache; json: bool) =
-  msgs.gErrorMax = high(int)  # do not stop after first error
+  graph.config.errorMax = high(int)  # do not stop after first error
   if json: registerPass(docgen2JsonPass)
   else: registerPass(docgen2Pass)
   compileProject(graph, cache)
-  finishDoc2Pass(gProjectName)
+  finishDoc2Pass(graph.config.projectName)
 proc commandCompileToC(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
-  extccomp.initVars()
+  let conf = graph.config
+  extccomp.initVars(conf)
   compileProject(graph, cache)
-  cgenWriteModules(graph.backend, graph.config)
+  cgenWriteModules(graph.backend, conf)
   if gCmd != cmdRun:
-    let proj = changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "")
-    extccomp.callCCompiler(proj)
-    extccomp.writeJsonBuildInstructions(proj)
+    let proj = changeFileExt(conf.projectFull, "")
+    extccomp.callCCompiler(conf, proj)
+    extccomp.writeJsonBuildInstructions(conf, proj)
     if optGenScript in gGlobalOptions:
-      writeDepsFile(graph, toGeneratedFile(proj, ""))
+      writeDepsFile(graph, toGeneratedFile(conf, proj, ""))
 proc commandJsonScript(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
-  let proj = changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "")
-  extccomp.runJsonBuildInstructions(proj)
+  let proj = changeFileExt(graph.config.projectFull, "")
+  extccomp.runJsonBuildInstructions(graph.config, proj)
 proc commandCompileToJS(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
   #incl(gGlobalOptions, optSafeCode)
   setTarget(osJS, cpuJS)
-  defineSymbol("nimrod") # 'nimrod' is always defined
-  defineSymbol("ecmascript") # For backward compatibility
-  defineSymbol("js")
+  defineSymbol(graph.config.symbols, "ecmascript") # For backward compatibility
+  defineSymbol(graph.config.symbols, "js")
   compileProject(graph, cache)
@@ -101,19 +102,19 @@ proc commandCompileToJS(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
 proc interactivePasses(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
   #incl(gGlobalOptions, optSafeCode)
   #setTarget(osNimrodVM, cpuNimrodVM)
-  initDefines()
-  defineSymbol("nimscript")
-  when hasFFI: defineSymbol("nimffi")
+  initDefines(graph.config.symbols)
+  defineSymbol(graph.config.symbols, "nimscript")
+  when hasFFI: defineSymbol(graph.config.symbols, "nimffi")
 proc commandInteractive(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
-  msgs.gErrorMax = high(int)  # do not stop after first error
+  graph.config.errorMax = high(int)  # do not stop after first error
   interactivePasses(graph, cache)
   compileSystemModule(graph, cache)
-  if commandArgs.len > 0:
-    discard graph.compileModule(fileInfoIdx(gProjectFull), cache, {})
+  if graph.config.commandArgs.len > 0:
+    discard graph.compileModule(fileInfoIdx(graph.config, graph.config.projectFull), cache, {})
     var m = graph.makeStdinModule()
     incl(m.flags, sfMainModule)
@@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ proc evalNim(graph: ModuleGraph; nodes: PNode, module: PSym; cache: IdentCache)
   carryPasses(graph, nodes, module, cache, evalPasses)
 proc commandEval(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache; exp: string) =
-  if systemModule == nil:
+  if graph.systemModule == nil:
     interactivePasses(graph, cache)
     compileSystemModule(graph, cache)
   let echoExp = "echo \"eval\\t\", " & "repr(" & exp & ")"
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ proc commandEval(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache; exp: string) =
     makeStdinModule(graph), cache)
 proc commandScan(cache: IdentCache, config: ConfigRef) =
-  var f = addFileExt(mainCommandArg(), NimExt)
+  var f = addFileExt(mainCommandArg(config), NimExt)
   var stream = llStreamOpen(f, fmRead)
   if stream != nil:
@@ -147,37 +148,32 @@ proc commandScan(cache: IdentCache, config: ConfigRef) =
       if tok.tokType == tkEof: break
-    rawMessage(errCannotOpenFile, f)
+    rawMessage(config, errGenerated, "cannot open file: " & f)
-  SimulateCaasMemReset = false
   PrintRopeCacheStats = false
 proc mainCommand*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
-  when SimulateCaasMemReset:
-    gGlobalOptions.incl(optCaasEnabled)
+  let conf = graph.config
   # In "nim serve" scenario, each command must reset the registered passes
   gLastCmdTime = epochTime()
-  searchPaths.add(options.libpath)
-  when false: # gProjectFull.len != 0:
-    # current path is always looked first for modules
-    prependStr(searchPaths, gProjectPath)
+  conf.searchPaths.add(conf.libpath)
-  case command.normalize
+  case conf.command.normalize
   of "c", "cc", "compile", "compiletoc":
     # compile means compileToC currently
     gCmd = cmdCompileToC
     commandCompileToC(graph, cache)
   of "cpp", "compiletocpp":
     gCmd = cmdCompileToCpp
-    defineSymbol("cpp")
+    defineSymbol(graph.config.symbols, "cpp")
     commandCompileToC(graph, cache)
   of "objc", "compiletooc":
     gCmd = cmdCompileToOC
-    defineSymbol("objc")
+    defineSymbol(graph.config.symbols, "objc")
     commandCompileToC(graph, cache)
   of "run":
     gCmd = cmdRun
@@ -185,69 +181,68 @@ proc mainCommand*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
       commandCompileToC(graph, cache)
-      rawMessage(errInvalidCommandX, command)
+      rawMessage(conf, errGenerated, "'run' command not available; rebuild with -d:tinyc")
   of "js", "compiletojs":
     gCmd = cmdCompileToJS
     commandCompileToJS(graph, cache)
   of "doc0":
-    wantMainModule()
+    wantMainModule(conf)
     gCmd = cmdDoc
     loadConfigs(DocConfig, cache)
-    commandDoc()
+    commandDoc(conf)
   of "doc2", "doc":
     gCmd = cmdDoc
     loadConfigs(DocConfig, cache)
-    defineSymbol("nimdoc")
+    defineSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimdoc")
     commandDoc2(graph, cache, false)
   of "rst2html":
     gCmd = cmdRst2html
     loadConfigs(DocConfig, cache)
-    commandRst2Html()
+    commandRst2Html(conf)
   of "rst2tex":
     gCmd = cmdRst2tex
     loadConfigs(DocTexConfig, cache)
-    commandRst2TeX()
+    commandRst2TeX(conf)
   of "jsondoc0":
-    wantMainModule()
+    wantMainModule(conf)
     gCmd = cmdDoc
     loadConfigs(DocConfig, cache)
-    wantMainModule()
-    defineSymbol("nimdoc")
-    commandJson()
+    wantMainModule(conf)
+    defineSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimdoc")
+    commandJson(conf)
   of "jsondoc2", "jsondoc":
     gCmd = cmdDoc
     loadConfigs(DocConfig, cache)
-    wantMainModule()
-    defineSymbol("nimdoc")
+    wantMainModule(conf)
+    defineSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimdoc")
     commandDoc2(graph, cache, true)
   of "ctags":
-    wantMainModule()
+    wantMainModule(conf)
     gCmd = cmdDoc
     loadConfigs(DocConfig, cache)
-    wantMainModule()
-    defineSymbol("nimdoc")
-    commandTags()
+    defineSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimdoc")
+    commandTags(conf)
   of "buildindex":
     gCmd = cmdDoc
     loadConfigs(DocConfig, cache)
-    commandBuildIndex()
+    commandBuildIndex(conf)
   of "gendepend":
     gCmd = cmdGenDepend
     commandGenDepend(graph, cache)
   of "dump":
     gCmd = cmdDump
-    if getConfigVar("dump.format") == "json":
-      wantMainModule()
+    if getConfigVar(conf, "dump.format") == "json":
+      wantMainModule(conf)
       var definedSymbols = newJArray()
-      for s in definedSymbolNames(): definedSymbols.elems.add(%s)
+      for s in definedSymbolNames(conf.symbols): definedSymbols.elems.add(%s)
       var libpaths = newJArray()
-      for dir in searchPaths: libpaths.elems.add(%dir)
+      for dir in conf.searchPaths: libpaths.elems.add(%dir)
       var dumpdata = % [
         (key: "version", val: %VersionAsString),
-        (key: "project_path", val: %gProjectFull),
+        (key: "project_path", val: %conf.projectFull),
         (key: "defined_symbols", val: definedSymbols),
         (key: "lib_paths", val: libpaths)
@@ -256,27 +251,27 @@ proc mainCommand*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
       msgWriteln("-- list of currently defined symbols --",
                  {msgStdout, msgSkipHook})
-      for s in definedSymbolNames(): msgWriteln(s, {msgStdout, msgSkipHook})
+      for s in definedSymbolNames(conf.symbols): msgWriteln(s, {msgStdout, msgSkipHook})
       msgWriteln("-- end of list --", {msgStdout, msgSkipHook})
-      for it in searchPaths: msgWriteln(it)
+      for it in conf.searchPaths: msgWriteln(it)
   of "check":
     gCmd = cmdCheck
     commandCheck(graph, cache)
   of "parse":
     gCmd = cmdParse
-    wantMainModule()
-    discard parseFile(FileIndex gProjectMainIdx, cache, graph.config)
+    wantMainModule(conf)
+    discard parseFile(FileIndex conf.projectMainIdx, cache, conf)
   of "scan":
     gCmd = cmdScan
-    wantMainModule()
-    commandScan(cache, graph.config)
+    wantMainModule(conf)
+    commandScan(cache, conf)
     msgWriteln("Beware: Indentation tokens depend on the parser's state!")
   of "secret":
     gCmd = cmdInteractive
     commandInteractive(graph, cache)
   of "e":
-    commandEval(graph, cache, mainCommandArg())
+    commandEval(graph, cache, mainCommandArg(conf))
   of "nop", "help":
     # prevent the "success" message:
     gCmd = cmdDump
@@ -284,18 +279,18 @@ proc mainCommand*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
     gCmd = cmdJsonScript
     commandJsonScript(graph, cache)
-    rawMessage(errInvalidCommandX, command)
+    rawMessage(conf, errGenerated, "invalid command: " & conf.command)
-  if msgs.gErrorCounter == 0 and
+  if conf.errorCounter == 0 and
      gCmd notin {cmdInterpret, cmdRun, cmdDump}:
     when declared(system.getMaxMem):
       let usedMem = formatSize(getMaxMem()) & " peakmem"
       let usedMem = formatSize(getTotalMem())
-    rawMessage(hintSuccessX, [$graph.config.linesCompiled,
+    rawMessage(conf, hintSuccessX, [$conf.linesCompiled,
                formatFloat(epochTime() - gLastCmdTime, ffDecimal, 3),
-               if condSyms.isDefined("release"): "Release Build"
+               if isDefined(conf, "release"): "Release Build"
                else: "Debug Build"])
   when PrintRopeCacheStats:
@@ -306,9 +301,6 @@ proc mainCommand*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
     echo "  efficiency: ", formatFloat(1-(gCacheMisses.float/gCacheTries.float),
                                        ffDecimal, 3)
-  when SimulateCaasMemReset:
-    resetMemory()
+  resetAttributes(conf)
-  resetAttributes()
-proc mainCommand*() = mainCommand(newModuleGraph(newConfigRef()), newIdentCache())
+#proc mainCommand*() = mainCommand(newModuleGraph(newConfigRef()), newIdentCache())
diff --git a/compiler/modules.nim b/compiler/modules.nim
index 47da90c5a..3da1bbbc7 100644
--- a/compiler/modules.nim
+++ b/compiler/modules.nim
@@ -115,22 +115,23 @@ proc includeModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; s: PSym, fileIdx: FileIndex;
 proc compileSystemModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache) =
   if graph.systemModule == nil:
-    systemFileIdx = fileInfoIdx(graph.config.libpath / "system.nim")
+    systemFileIdx = fileInfoIdx(graph.config, graph.config.libpath / "system.nim")
     discard graph.compileModule(systemFileIdx, cache, {sfSystemModule})
 proc wantMainModule*(conf: ConfigRef) =
   if conf.projectFull.len == 0:
-    fatal(gCmdLineInfo, errCommandExpectsFilename)
-  conf.projectMainIdx = int32 addFileExt(conf.projectFull, NimExt).fileInfoIdx
+    fatal(conf, newLineInfo(conf, "command line", 1, 1), errGenerated, "command expects a filename")
+  conf.projectMainIdx = int32 fileInfoIdx(conf, addFileExt(conf.projectFull, NimExt))
 passes.gIncludeFile = includeModule
 passes.gImportModule = importModule
 proc compileProject*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache;
                      projectFileIdx = InvalidFileIDX) =
-  wantMainModule(graph.config)
-  let systemFileIdx = fileInfoIdx(graph.config.libpath / "system.nim")
-  let projectFile = if projectFileIdx == InvalidFileIDX: FileIndex(gProjectMainIdx) else: projectFileIdx
+  let conf = graph.config
+  wantMainModule(conf)
+  let systemFileIdx = fileInfoIdx(conf, conf.libpath / "system.nim")
+  let projectFile = if projectFileIdx == InvalidFileIDX: FileIndex(conf.projectMainIdx) else: projectFileIdx
   graph.importStack.add projectFile
   if projectFile == systemFileIdx:
     discard graph.compileModule(projectFile, cache, {sfMainModule, sfSystemModule})
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ proc compileProject*(graph: ModuleGraph; cache: IdentCache;
     discard graph.compileModule(projectFile, cache, {sfMainModule})
 proc makeModule*(graph: ModuleGraph; filename: string): PSym =
-  result = graph.newModule(fileInfoIdx filename)
+  result = graph.newModule(fileInfoIdx(graph.config, filename)) = getID()
 proc makeStdinModule*(graph: ModuleGraph): PSym = graph.makeModule"stdin"
diff --git a/compiler/nim.nim b/compiler/nim.nim
index b39eefd65..d8402a2af 100644
--- a/compiler/nim.nim
+++ b/compiler/nim.nim
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ when defined(i386) and defined(windows) and defined(vcc):
   commands, lexer, condsyms, options, msgs, nversion, nimconf, ropes,
   extccomp, strutils, os, osproc, platform, main, parseopt, service,
-  nodejs, scriptconfig, idents, modulegraphs
+  nodejs, scriptconfig, idents, modulegraphs, configuration
 when hasTinyCBackend:
   import tccgen
@@ -37,69 +37,70 @@ proc prependCurDir(f: string): string =
     result = f
-proc handleCmdLine(cache: IdentCache; config: ConfigRef) =
+proc handleCmdLine(cache: IdentCache; conf: ConfigRef) =
+  condsyms.initDefines(conf.symbols)
   if paramCount() == 0:
-    writeCommandLineUsage(config.helpWritten)
+    writeCommandLineUsage(conf.helpWritten)
     # Process command line arguments:
-    processCmdLine(passCmd1, "", config)
-    if gProjectName == "-":
-      gProjectName = "stdinfile"
-      gProjectFull = "stdinfile"
-      gProjectPath = canonicalizePath getCurrentDir()
-      gProjectIsStdin = true
-    elif gProjectName != "":
+    processCmdLine(passCmd1, "", conf)
+    if conf.projectName == "-":
+      conf.projectName = "stdinfile"
+      conf.projectFull = "stdinfile"
+      conf.projectPath = canonicalizePath(conf, getCurrentDir())
+      conf.projectIsStdin = true
+    elif conf.projectName != "":
-        gProjectFull = canonicalizePath(gProjectName)
+        conf.projectFull = canonicalizePath(conf, conf.projectName)
       except OSError:
-        gProjectFull = gProjectName
-      let p = splitFile(gProjectFull)
+        conf.projectFull = conf.projectName
+      let p = splitFile(conf.projectFull)
       let dir = if p.dir.len > 0: p.dir else: getCurrentDir()
-      gProjectPath = canonicalizePath dir
-      gProjectName =
+      conf.projectPath = canonicalizePath(conf, dir)
+      conf.projectName =
-      gProjectPath = canonicalizePath getCurrentDir()
-    loadConfigs(DefaultConfig, config) # load all config files
-    let scriptFile = gProjectFull.changeFileExt("nims")
+      conf.projectPath = canonicalizePath(conf, getCurrentDir())
+    loadConfigs(DefaultConfig, conf) # load all config files
+    let scriptFile = conf.projectFull.changeFileExt("nims")
     if fileExists(scriptFile):
-      runNimScript(cache, scriptFile, freshDefines=false, config)
+      runNimScript(cache, scriptFile, freshDefines=false, conf)
       # 'nim foo.nims' means to just run the NimScript file and do nothing more:
-      if scriptFile == gProjectFull: return
-    elif fileExists(gProjectPath / "config.nims"):
+      if scriptFile == conf.projectFull: return
+    elif fileExists(conf.projectPath / "config.nims"):
       # directory wide NimScript file
-      runNimScript(cache, gProjectPath / "config.nims", freshDefines=false, config)
+      runNimScript(cache, conf.projectPath / "config.nims", freshDefines=false, conf)
     # now process command line arguments again, because some options in the
     # command line can overwite the config file's settings
-    extccomp.initVars()
-    processCmdLine(passCmd2, "", config)
-    if options.command == "":
-      rawMessage(errNoCommand, command)
-    mainCommand(newModuleGraph(config), cache)
-    if optHints in gOptions and hintGCStats in gNotes: echo(GC_getStatistics())
+    extccomp.initVars(conf)
+    processCmdLine(passCmd2, "", conf)
+    if conf.command == "":
+      rawMessage(conf, errGenerated, "command missing")
+    mainCommand(newModuleGraph(conf), cache)
+    if optHints in gOptions and hintGCStats in conf.notes: echo(GC_getStatistics())
-    if msgs.gErrorCounter == 0:
+    if conf.errorCounter == 0:
       when hasTinyCBackend:
         if gCmd == cmdRun:
       if optRun in gGlobalOptions:
         if gCmd == cmdCompileToJS:
           var ex: string
-          if options.outFile.len > 0:
-            ex = options.outFile.prependCurDir.quoteShell
+          if conf.outFile.len > 0:
+            ex = conf.outFile.prependCurDir.quoteShell
             ex = quoteShell(
-              completeCFilePath(changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "js").prependCurDir))
-          execExternalProgram(findNodeJs() & " " & ex & ' ' & config.arguments)
+              completeCFilePath(conf, changeFileExt(conf.projectFull, "js").prependCurDir))
+          execExternalProgram(conf, findNodeJs() & " " & ex & ' ' & conf.arguments)
           var binPath: string
-          if options.outFile.len > 0:
+          if conf.outFile.len > 0:
             # If the user specified an outFile path, use that directly.
-            binPath = options.outFile.prependCurDir
+            binPath = conf.outFile.prependCurDir
             # Figure out ourselves a valid binary name.
-            binPath = changeFileExt(gProjectFull, ExeExt).prependCurDir
+            binPath = changeFileExt(conf.projectFull, ExeExt).prependCurDir
           var ex = quoteShell(binPath)
-          execExternalProgram(ex & ' ' & config.arguments)
+          execExternalProgram(conf, ex & ' ' & conf.arguments)
 when declared(GC_setMaxPause):
   GC_setMaxPause 2_000
@@ -107,10 +108,10 @@ when declared(GC_setMaxPause):
 when compileOption("gc", "v2") or compileOption("gc", "refc"):
   # the new correct mark&sweet collector is too slow :-/
 when not defined(selftest):
-  handleCmdLine(newIdentCache(), newConfigRef())
+  let conf = newConfigRef()
+  handleCmdLine(newIdentCache(), conf)
   when declared(GC_setMaxPause):
     echo GC_getStatistics()
-  msgQuit(int8(msgs.gErrorCounter > 0))
+  msgQuit(int8(conf.errorCounter > 0))
diff --git a/compiler/scriptconfig.nim b/compiler/scriptconfig.nim
index 0cd5d1be2..30e5e4803 100644
--- a/compiler/scriptconfig.nim
+++ b/compiler/scriptconfig.nim
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   ast, modules, idents, passes, passaux, condsyms,
   options, nimconf, sem, semdata, llstream, vm, vmdef, commands, msgs,
-  os, times, osproc, wordrecg, strtabs, modulegraphs
+  os, times, osproc, wordrecg, strtabs, modulegraphs, configuration
 # we support 'cmpIgnoreStyle' natively for efficiency:
 from strutils import cmpIgnoreStyle, contains
@@ -26,11 +26,12 @@ proc listDirs(a: VmArgs, filter: set[PathComponent]) =
   setResult(a, result)
 proc setupVM*(module: PSym; cache: IdentCache; scriptName: string;
-              config: ConfigRef): PEvalContext =
+              graph: ModuleGraph): PEvalContext =
   # For Nimble we need to export 'setupVM'.
-  result = newCtx(module, cache, config)
+  result = newCtx(module, cache, graph)
   result.mode = emRepl
+  let conf = graph.config
   # captured vars:
   var errorMsg: string
@@ -98,13 +99,13 @@ proc setupVM*(module: PSym; cache: IdentCache; scriptName: string;
   cbconf thisDir:
     setResult(a, vthisDir)
   cbconf put:
-    options.setConfigVar(getString(a, 0), getString(a, 1))
+    options.setConfigVar(conf, getString(a, 0), getString(a, 1))
   cbconf get:
-    setResult(a, options.getConfigVar(a.getString 0))
+    setResult(a, options.getConfigVar(conf, a.getString 0))
   cbconf exists:
-    setResult(a, options.existsConfigVar(a.getString 0))
+    setResult(a, options.existsConfigVar(conf, a.getString 0))
   cbconf nimcacheDir:
-    setResult(a, options.getNimcacheDir())
+    setResult(a, options.getNimcacheDir(conf))
   cbconf paramStr:
     setResult(a, os.paramStr(int a.getInt 0))
   cbconf paramCount:
@@ -114,67 +115,66 @@ proc setupVM*(module: PSym; cache: IdentCache; scriptName: string;
   cbconf cmpIgnoreCase:
     setResult(a, strutils.cmpIgnoreCase(a.getString 0, a.getString 1))
   cbconf setCommand:
-    options.command = a.getString 0
+    conf.command = a.getString 0
     let arg = a.getString 1
     if arg.len > 0:
-      gProjectName = arg
+      conf.projectName = arg
       let path =
-        if gProjectName.isAbsolute: gProjectName
-        else: gProjectPath / gProjectName
+        if conf.projectName.isAbsolute: conf.projectName
+        else: conf.projectPath / conf.projectName
-        gProjectFull = canonicalizePath(path)
+        conf.projectFull = canonicalizePath(conf, path)
       except OSError:
-        gProjectFull = path
+        conf.projectFull = path
   cbconf getCommand:
-    setResult(a, options.command)
+    setResult(a, conf.command)
   cbconf switch:
-    processSwitch(a.getString 0, a.getString 1, passPP,, config)
+    processSwitch(a.getString 0, a.getString 1, passPP,, conf)
   cbconf hintImpl:
     processSpecificNote(a.getString 0, wHint, passPP,,
-      a.getString 1, config)
+      a.getString 1, conf)
   cbconf warningImpl:
     processSpecificNote(a.getString 0, wWarning, passPP,,
-      a.getString 1, config)
+      a.getString 1, conf)
   cbconf patchFile:
     let key = a.getString(0) & "_" & a.getString(1)
     var val = a.getString(2).addFileExt(NimExt)
     if {'$', '~'} in val:
-      val = pathSubs(val, vthisDir)
+      val = pathSubs(conf, val, vthisDir)
     elif not isAbsolute(val):
       val = vthisDir / val
-    gModuleOverrides[key] = val
+    conf.moduleOverrides[key] = val
   cbconf selfExe:
     setResult(a, os.getAppFilename())
   cbconf cppDefine:
-    if config != nil:
-      options.cppDefine(config, a.getString(0))
+    options.cppDefine(conf, a.getString(0))
 proc runNimScript*(cache: IdentCache; scriptName: string;
-                   freshDefines=true; config: ConfigRef) =
-  rawMessage(hintConf, scriptName)
+                   freshDefines=true; conf: ConfigRef) =
+  rawMessage(conf, hintConf, scriptName)
   passes.gIncludeFile = includeModule
   passes.gImportModule = importModule
-  let graph = newModuleGraph(config)
-  if freshDefines: initDefines()
+  let graph = newModuleGraph(conf)
+  if freshDefines: initDefines(conf.symbols)
-  defineSymbol("nimscript")
-  defineSymbol("nimconfig")
+  defineSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimscript")
+  defineSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimconfig")
-  searchPaths.add(options.libpath)
+  conf.searchPaths.add(conf.libpath)
   var m = graph.makeModule(scriptName)
   incl(m.flags, sfMainModule)
-  vm.globalCtx = setupVM(m, cache, scriptName, config)
+  vm.globalCtx = setupVM(m, cache, scriptName, graph)
   discard graph.processModule(m, llStreamOpen(scriptName, fmRead), nil, cache)
   # ensure we load 'system.nim' again for the real non-config stuff!
-  resetSystemArtifacts()
+  resetSystemArtifacts(graph)
   vm.globalCtx = nil
   # do not remove the defined symbols
-  undefSymbol("nimscript")
-  undefSymbol("nimconfig")
+  undefSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimscript")
+  undefSymbol(conf.symbols, "nimconfig")