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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2019-03-27 14:40:47 +0100
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2019-03-27 15:08:32 +0100
commit3cb645ab500487b62d82c9d02c0e7f21b2cf1413 (patch)
parent4d0f05a98a91e83c05ba1a328ecaff02911d3842 (diff)
move more stuff into manual_experimental
2 files changed, 380 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/doc/manual.rst b/doc/manual.rst
index 59bec9c90..8771f8fe9 100644
--- a/doc/manual.rst
+++ b/doc/manual.rst
@@ -6842,15 +6842,14 @@ To enable thread support the ``--threads:on`` command line switch needs to
 be used. The ``system`` module then contains several threading primitives.
 See the `threads <threads.html>`_ and `channels <channels.html>`_ modules
 for the low level thread API. There are also high level parallelism constructs
-available. See `spawn <#parallel-amp-spawn>`_ for further details.
+available. See `spawn <manual_experimental.html#parallel-amp-spawn>`_ for
+further details.
 Nim's memory model for threads is quite different than that of other common
 programming languages (C, Pascal, Java): Each thread has its own (garbage
 collected) heap and sharing of memory is restricted to global variables. This
 helps to prevent race conditions. GC efficiency is improved quite a lot,
 because the GC never has to stop other threads and see what they reference.
-Memory allocation requires no lock at all! This design easily scales to massive
-multicore processors that are becoming the norm.
 Thread pragma
@@ -6876,9 +6875,8 @@ directly or indirectly through a call to a GC unsafe proc.
 The `gcsafe`:idx: annotation can be used to mark a proc to be gcsafe,
 otherwise this property is inferred by the compiler. Note that ``noSideEffect``
 implies ``gcsafe``. The only way to create a thread is via ``spawn`` or
-``createThread``. ``spawn`` is usually the preferable method. Either way
-the invoked proc must not use ``var`` parameters nor must any of its parameters
-contain a ``ref`` or ``closure`` type. This enforces
+``createThread``. The invoked proc must not use ``var`` parameters nor must
+any of its parameters contain a ``ref`` or ``closure`` type. This enforces
 the *no heap sharing restriction*.
 Routines that are imported from C are always assumed to be ``gcsafe``.
@@ -6928,379 +6926,3 @@ in one thread cannot affect any other thread. However, an *unhandled* exception
 in one thread terminates the whole *process*!
-Parallel & Spawn
-Nim has two flavors of parallelism:
-1) `Structured`:idx: parallelism via the ``parallel`` statement.
-2) `Unstructured`:idx: parallelism via the standalone ``spawn`` statement.
-Nim has a builtin thread pool that can be used for CPU intensive tasks. For
-IO intensive tasks the ``async`` and ``await`` features should be
-used instead. Both parallel and spawn need the `threadpool <threadpool.html>`_
-module to work.
-Somewhat confusingly, ``spawn`` is also used in the ``parallel`` statement
-with slightly different semantics. ``spawn`` always takes a call expression of
-the form ``f(a, ...)``. Let ``T`` be ``f``'s return type. If ``T`` is ``void``
-then ``spawn``'s return type is also ``void`` otherwise it is ``FlowVar[T]``.
-Within a ``parallel`` section sometimes the ``FlowVar[T]`` is eliminated
-to ``T``. This happens when ``T`` does not contain any GC'ed memory.
-The compiler can ensure the location in ``location = spawn f(...)`` is not
-read prematurely within a ``parallel`` section and so there is no need for
-the overhead of an indirection via ``FlowVar[T]`` to ensure correctness.
-**Note**: Currently exceptions are not propagated between ``spawn``'ed tasks!
-Spawn statement
-`spawn`:idx: can be used to pass a task to the thread pool:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  import threadpool
-  proc processLine(line: string) =
-    discard "do some heavy lifting here"
-  for x in lines("myinput.txt"):
-    spawn processLine(x)
-  sync()
-For reasons of type safety and implementation simplicity the expression
-that ``spawn`` takes is restricted:
-* It must be a call expression ``f(a, ...)``.
-* ``f`` must be ``gcsafe``.
-* ``f`` must not have the calling convention ``closure``.
-* ``f``'s parameters may not be of type ``var``.
-  This means one has to use raw ``ptr``'s for data passing reminding the
-  programmer to be careful.
-* ``ref`` parameters are deeply copied which is a subtle semantic change and
-  can cause performance problems but ensures memory safety. This deep copy
-  is performed via ``system.deepCopy`` and so can be overridden.
-* For *safe* data exchange between ``f`` and the caller a global ``TChannel``
-  needs to be used. However, since spawn can return a result, often no further
-  communication is required.
-``spawn`` executes the passed expression on the thread pool and returns
-a `data flow variable`:idx: ``FlowVar[T]`` that can be read from. The reading
-with the ``^`` operator is **blocking**. However, one can use ``blockUntilAny`` to
-wait on multiple flow variables at the same time:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  import threadpool, ...
-  # wait until 2 out of 3 servers received the update:
-  proc main =
-    var responses = newSeq[FlowVarBase](3)
-    for i in 0..2:
-      responses[i] = spawn tellServer(Update, "key", "value")
-    var index = blockUntilAny(responses)
-    assert index >= 0
-    responses.del(index)
-    discard blockUntilAny(responses)
-Data flow variables ensure that no data races
-are possible. Due to technical limitations not every type ``T`` is possible in
-a data flow variable: ``T`` has to be of the type ``ref``, ``string``, ``seq``
-or of a type that doesn't contain a type that is garbage collected. This
-restriction is not hard to work-around in practice.
-Parallel statement
-.. code-block:: nim
-    :test: "nim c --threads:on $1"
-  # Compute PI in an inefficient way
-  import strutils, math, threadpool
-  {.experimental: "parallel".}
-  proc term(k: float): float = 4 * math.pow(-1, k) / (2*k + 1)
-  proc pi(n: int): float =
-    var ch = newSeq[float](n+1)
-    parallel:
-      for k in
-        ch[k] = spawn term(float(k))
-    for k in
-      result += ch[k]
-  echo formatFloat(pi(5000))
-The parallel statement is the preferred mechanism to introduce parallelism in a
-Nim program. A subset of the Nim language is valid within a ``parallel``
-section. This subset is checked during semantic analysis to be free of data
-races. A sophisticated `disjoint checker`:idx: ensures that no data races are
-possible even though shared memory is extensively supported!
-The subset is in fact the full language with the following
-restrictions / changes:
-* ``spawn`` within a ``parallel`` section has special semantics.
-* Every location of the form ``a[i]`` and ``a[i..j]`` and ``dest`` where
-  ``dest`` is part of the pattern ``dest = spawn f(...)`` has to be
-  provably disjoint. This is called the *disjoint check*.
-* Every other complex location ``loc`` that is used in a spawned
-  proc (``spawn f(loc)``) has to be immutable for the duration of
-  the ``parallel`` section. This is called the *immutability check*. Currently
-  it is not specified what exactly "complex location" means. We need to make
-  this an optimization!
-* Every array access has to be provably within bounds. This is called
-  the *bounds check*.
-* Slices are optimized so that no copy is performed. This optimization is not
-  yet performed for ordinary slices outside of a ``parallel`` section.
-Guards and locks
-Apart from ``spawn`` and ``parallel`` Nim also provides all the common low level
-concurrency mechanisms like locks, atomic intrinsics or condition variables.
-Nim significantly improves on the safety of these features via additional
-1) A `guard`:idx: annotation is introduced to prevent data races.
-2) Every access of a guarded memory location needs to happen in an
-   appropriate `locks`:idx: statement.
-3) Locks and routines can be annotated with `lock levels`:idx: to allow
-   potential deadlocks to be detected during semantic analysis.
-Guards and the locks section
-Protecting global variables
-Object fields and global variables can be annotated via a ``guard`` pragma:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  var glock: TLock
-  var gdata {.guard: glock.}: int
-The compiler then ensures that every access of ``gdata`` is within a ``locks``
-.. code-block:: nim
-  proc invalid =
-    # invalid: unguarded access:
-    echo gdata
-  proc valid =
-    # valid access:
-    {.locks: [glock].}:
-      echo gdata
-Top level accesses to ``gdata`` are always allowed so that it can be initialized
-conveniently. It is *assumed* (but not enforced) that every top level statement
-is executed before any concurrent action happens.
-The ``locks`` section deliberately looks ugly because it has no runtime
-semantics and should not be used directly! It should only be used in templates
-that also implement some form of locking at runtime:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  template lock(a: TLock; body: untyped) =
-    pthread_mutex_lock(a)
-    {.locks: [a].}:
-      try:
-        body
-      finally:
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(a)
-The guard does not need to be of any particular type. It is flexible enough to
-model low level lockfree mechanisms:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  var dummyLock {.compileTime.}: int
-  var atomicCounter {.guard: dummyLock.}: int
-  template atomicRead(x): untyped =
-    {.locks: [dummyLock].}:
-      memoryReadBarrier()
-      x
-  echo atomicRead(atomicCounter)
-The ``locks`` pragma takes a list of lock expressions ``locks: [a, b, ...]``
-in order to support *multi lock* statements. Why these are essential is
-explained in the `lock levels <#guards-and-locks-lock-levels>`_ section.
-Protecting general locations
-The ``guard`` annotation can also be used to protect fields within an object.
-The guard then needs to be another field within the same object or a
-global variable.
-Since objects can reside on the heap or on the stack this greatly enhances the
-expressivity of the language:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  type
-    ProtectedCounter = object
-      v {.guard: L.}: int
-      L: TLock
-  proc incCounters(counters: var openArray[ProtectedCounter]) =
-    for i in 0..counters.high:
-      lock counters[i].L:
-        inc counters[i].v
-The access to field ``x.v`` is allowed since its guard ``x.L``  is active.
-After template expansion, this amounts to:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  proc incCounters(counters: var openArray[ProtectedCounter]) =
-    for i in 0..counters.high:
-      pthread_mutex_lock(counters[i].L)
-      {.locks: [counters[i].L].}:
-        try:
-          inc counters[i].v
-        finally:
-          pthread_mutex_unlock(counters[i].L)
-There is an analysis that checks that ``counters[i].L`` is the lock that
-corresponds to the protected location ``counters[i].v``. This analysis is called
-`path analysis`:idx: because it deals with paths to locations
-like ``obj.field[i].fieldB[j]``.
-The path analysis is **currently unsound**, but that doesn't make it useless.
-Two paths are considered equivalent if they are syntactically the same.
-This means the following compiles (for now) even though it really should not:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  {.locks: [a[i].L].}:
-    inc i
-    access a[i].v
-Lock levels
-Lock levels are used to enforce a global locking order in order to detect
-potential deadlocks during semantic analysis. A lock level is an constant
-integer in the range 0..1_000. Lock level 0 means that no lock is acquired at
-If a section of code holds a lock of level ``M`` than it can also acquire any
-lock of level ``N < M``. Another lock of level ``M`` cannot be acquired. Locks
-of the same level can only be acquired *at the same time* within a
-single ``locks`` section:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  var a, b: TLock[2]
-  var x: TLock[1]
-  # invalid locking order: TLock[1] cannot be acquired before TLock[2]:
-  {.locks: [x].}:
-    {.locks: [a].}:
-      ...
-  # valid locking order: TLock[2] acquired before TLock[1]:
-  {.locks: [a].}:
-    {.locks: [x].}:
-      ...
-  # invalid locking order: TLock[2] acquired before TLock[2]:
-  {.locks: [a].}:
-    {.locks: [b].}:
-      ...
-  # valid locking order, locks of the same level acquired at the same time:
-  {.locks: [a, b].}:
-    ...
-Here is how a typical multilock statement can be implemented in Nim. Note how
-the runtime check is required to ensure a global ordering for two locks ``a``
-and ``b`` of the same lock level:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  template multilock(a, b: ptr TLock; body: untyped) =
-    if cast[ByteAddress](a) < cast[ByteAddress](b):
-      pthread_mutex_lock(a)
-      pthread_mutex_lock(b)
-    else:
-      pthread_mutex_lock(b)
-      pthread_mutex_lock(a)
-    {.locks: [a, b].}:
-      try:
-        body
-      finally:
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(a)
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(b)
-Whole routines can also be annotated with a ``locks`` pragma that takes a lock
-level. This then means that the routine may acquire locks of up to this level.
-This is essential so that procs can be called within a ``locks`` section:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  proc p() {.locks: 3.} = discard
-  var a: TLock[4]
-  {.locks: [a].}:
-    # p's locklevel (3) is strictly less than a's (4) so the call is allowed:
-    p()
-As usual ``locks`` is an inferred effect and there is a subtype
-relation: ``proc () {.locks: N.}`` is a subtype of ``proc () {.locks: M.}``
-iff (M <= N).
-The ``locks`` pragma can also take the special value ``"unknown"``. This
-is useful in the context of dynamic method dispatching. In the following
-example, the compiler can infer a lock level of 0 for the ``base`` case.
-However, one of the overloaded methods calls a procvar which is
-potentially locking. Thus, the lock level of calling ``g.testMethod``
-cannot be inferred statically, leading to compiler warnings. By using
-``{.locks: "unknown".}``, the base method can be marked explicitly as
-having unknown lock level as well:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  type SomeBase* = ref object of RootObj
-  type SomeDerived* = ref object of SomeBase
-    memberProc*: proc ()
-  method testMethod(g: SomeBase) {.base, locks: "unknown".} = discard
-  method testMethod(g: SomeDerived) =
-    if g.memberProc != nil:
-      g.memberProc()
-Taint mode
-The Nim compiler and most parts of the standard library support
-a taint mode. Input strings are declared with the `TaintedString`:idx:
-string type declared in the ``system`` module.
-If the taint mode is turned on (via the ``--taintMode:on`` command line
-option) it is a distinct string type which helps to detect input
-validation errors:
-.. code-block:: nim
-  echo "your name: "
-  var name: TaintedString = stdin.readline
-  # it is safe here to output the name without any input validation, so
-  # we simply convert `name` to string to make the compiler happy:
-  echo "hi, ", name.string
-If the taint mode is turned off, ``TaintedString`` is simply an alias for
diff --git a/doc/manual_experimental.rst b/doc/manual_experimental.rst
index 624c19271..95eab0100 100644
--- a/doc/manual_experimental.rst
+++ b/doc/manual_experimental.rst
@@ -1230,3 +1230,379 @@ constraints affect ordinary overloading resolution then:
 However, the constraints ``alias`` and ``noalias`` are not available in
 ordinary routines.
+Parallel & Spawn
+Nim has two flavors of parallelism:
+1) `Structured`:idx: parallelism via the ``parallel`` statement.
+2) `Unstructured`:idx: parallelism via the standalone ``spawn`` statement.
+Nim has a builtin thread pool that can be used for CPU intensive tasks. For
+IO intensive tasks the ``async`` and ``await`` features should be
+used instead. Both parallel and spawn need the `threadpool <threadpool.html>`_
+module to work.
+Somewhat confusingly, ``spawn`` is also used in the ``parallel`` statement
+with slightly different semantics. ``spawn`` always takes a call expression of
+the form ``f(a, ...)``. Let ``T`` be ``f``'s return type. If ``T`` is ``void``
+then ``spawn``'s return type is also ``void`` otherwise it is ``FlowVar[T]``.
+Within a ``parallel`` section sometimes the ``FlowVar[T]`` is eliminated
+to ``T``. This happens when ``T`` does not contain any GC'ed memory.
+The compiler can ensure the location in ``location = spawn f(...)`` is not
+read prematurely within a ``parallel`` section and so there is no need for
+the overhead of an indirection via ``FlowVar[T]`` to ensure correctness.
+**Note**: Currently exceptions are not propagated between ``spawn``'ed tasks!
+Spawn statement
+`spawn`:idx: can be used to pass a task to the thread pool:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  import threadpool
+  proc processLine(line: string) =
+    discard "do some heavy lifting here"
+  for x in lines("myinput.txt"):
+    spawn processLine(x)
+  sync()
+For reasons of type safety and implementation simplicity the expression
+that ``spawn`` takes is restricted:
+* It must be a call expression ``f(a, ...)``.
+* ``f`` must be ``gcsafe``.
+* ``f`` must not have the calling convention ``closure``.
+* ``f``'s parameters may not be of type ``var``.
+  This means one has to use raw ``ptr``'s for data passing reminding the
+  programmer to be careful.
+* ``ref`` parameters are deeply copied which is a subtle semantic change and
+  can cause performance problems but ensures memory safety. This deep copy
+  is performed via ``system.deepCopy`` and so can be overridden.
+* For *safe* data exchange between ``f`` and the caller a global ``TChannel``
+  needs to be used. However, since spawn can return a result, often no further
+  communication is required.
+``spawn`` executes the passed expression on the thread pool and returns
+a `data flow variable`:idx: ``FlowVar[T]`` that can be read from. The reading
+with the ``^`` operator is **blocking**. However, one can use ``blockUntilAny`` to
+wait on multiple flow variables at the same time:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  import threadpool, ...
+  # wait until 2 out of 3 servers received the update:
+  proc main =
+    var responses = newSeq[FlowVarBase](3)
+    for i in 0..2:
+      responses[i] = spawn tellServer(Update, "key", "value")
+    var index = blockUntilAny(responses)
+    assert index >= 0
+    responses.del(index)
+    discard blockUntilAny(responses)
+Data flow variables ensure that no data races
+are possible. Due to technical limitations not every type ``T`` is possible in
+a data flow variable: ``T`` has to be of the type ``ref``, ``string``, ``seq``
+or of a type that doesn't contain a type that is garbage collected. This
+restriction is not hard to work-around in practice.
+Parallel statement
+.. code-block:: nim
+    :test: "nim c --threads:on $1"
+  # Compute PI in an inefficient way
+  import strutils, math, threadpool
+  {.experimental: "parallel".}
+  proc term(k: float): float = 4 * math.pow(-1, k) / (2*k + 1)
+  proc pi(n: int): float =
+    var ch = newSeq[float](n+1)
+    parallel:
+      for k in
+        ch[k] = spawn term(float(k))
+    for k in
+      result += ch[k]
+  echo formatFloat(pi(5000))
+The parallel statement is the preferred mechanism to introduce parallelism in a
+Nim program. A subset of the Nim language is valid within a ``parallel``
+section. This subset is checked during semantic analysis to be free of data
+races. A sophisticated `disjoint checker`:idx: ensures that no data races are
+possible even though shared memory is extensively supported!
+The subset is in fact the full language with the following
+restrictions / changes:
+* ``spawn`` within a ``parallel`` section has special semantics.
+* Every location of the form ``a[i]`` and ``a[i..j]`` and ``dest`` where
+  ``dest`` is part of the pattern ``dest = spawn f(...)`` has to be
+  provably disjoint. This is called the *disjoint check*.
+* Every other complex location ``loc`` that is used in a spawned
+  proc (``spawn f(loc)``) has to be immutable for the duration of
+  the ``parallel`` section. This is called the *immutability check*. Currently
+  it is not specified what exactly "complex location" means. We need to make
+  this an optimization!
+* Every array access has to be provably within bounds. This is called
+  the *bounds check*.
+* Slices are optimized so that no copy is performed. This optimization is not
+  yet performed for ordinary slices outside of a ``parallel`` section.
+Guards and locks
+Apart from ``spawn`` and ``parallel`` Nim also provides all the common low level
+concurrency mechanisms like locks, atomic intrinsics or condition variables.
+Nim significantly improves on the safety of these features via additional
+1) A `guard`:idx: annotation is introduced to prevent data races.
+2) Every access of a guarded memory location needs to happen in an
+   appropriate `locks`:idx: statement.
+3) Locks and routines can be annotated with `lock levels`:idx: to allow
+   potential deadlocks to be detected during semantic analysis.
+Guards and the locks section
+Protecting global variables
+Object fields and global variables can be annotated via a ``guard`` pragma:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  var glock: TLock
+  var gdata {.guard: glock.}: int
+The compiler then ensures that every access of ``gdata`` is within a ``locks``
+.. code-block:: nim
+  proc invalid =
+    # invalid: unguarded access:
+    echo gdata
+  proc valid =
+    # valid access:
+    {.locks: [glock].}:
+      echo gdata
+Top level accesses to ``gdata`` are always allowed so that it can be initialized
+conveniently. It is *assumed* (but not enforced) that every top level statement
+is executed before any concurrent action happens.
+The ``locks`` section deliberately looks ugly because it has no runtime
+semantics and should not be used directly! It should only be used in templates
+that also implement some form of locking at runtime:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  template lock(a: TLock; body: untyped) =
+    pthread_mutex_lock(a)
+    {.locks: [a].}:
+      try:
+        body
+      finally:
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(a)
+The guard does not need to be of any particular type. It is flexible enough to
+model low level lockfree mechanisms:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  var dummyLock {.compileTime.}: int
+  var atomicCounter {.guard: dummyLock.}: int
+  template atomicRead(x): untyped =
+    {.locks: [dummyLock].}:
+      memoryReadBarrier()
+      x
+  echo atomicRead(atomicCounter)
+The ``locks`` pragma takes a list of lock expressions ``locks: [a, b, ...]``
+in order to support *multi lock* statements. Why these are essential is
+explained in the `lock levels <#guards-and-locks-lock-levels>`_ section.
+Protecting general locations
+The ``guard`` annotation can also be used to protect fields within an object.
+The guard then needs to be another field within the same object or a
+global variable.
+Since objects can reside on the heap or on the stack this greatly enhances the
+expressivity of the language:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  type
+    ProtectedCounter = object
+      v {.guard: L.}: int
+      L: TLock
+  proc incCounters(counters: var openArray[ProtectedCounter]) =
+    for i in 0..counters.high:
+      lock counters[i].L:
+        inc counters[i].v
+The access to field ``x.v`` is allowed since its guard ``x.L``  is active.
+After template expansion, this amounts to:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  proc incCounters(counters: var openArray[ProtectedCounter]) =
+    for i in 0..counters.high:
+      pthread_mutex_lock(counters[i].L)
+      {.locks: [counters[i].L].}:
+        try:
+          inc counters[i].v
+        finally:
+          pthread_mutex_unlock(counters[i].L)
+There is an analysis that checks that ``counters[i].L`` is the lock that
+corresponds to the protected location ``counters[i].v``. This analysis is called
+`path analysis`:idx: because it deals with paths to locations
+like ``obj.field[i].fieldB[j]``.
+The path analysis is **currently unsound**, but that doesn't make it useless.
+Two paths are considered equivalent if they are syntactically the same.
+This means the following compiles (for now) even though it really should not:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  {.locks: [a[i].L].}:
+    inc i
+    access a[i].v
+Lock levels
+Lock levels are used to enforce a global locking order in order to detect
+potential deadlocks during semantic analysis. A lock level is an constant
+integer in the range 0..1_000. Lock level 0 means that no lock is acquired at
+If a section of code holds a lock of level ``M`` than it can also acquire any
+lock of level ``N < M``. Another lock of level ``M`` cannot be acquired. Locks
+of the same level can only be acquired *at the same time* within a
+single ``locks`` section:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  var a, b: TLock[2]
+  var x: TLock[1]
+  # invalid locking order: TLock[1] cannot be acquired before TLock[2]:
+  {.locks: [x].}:
+    {.locks: [a].}:
+      ...
+  # valid locking order: TLock[2] acquired before TLock[1]:
+  {.locks: [a].}:
+    {.locks: [x].}:
+      ...
+  # invalid locking order: TLock[2] acquired before TLock[2]:
+  {.locks: [a].}:
+    {.locks: [b].}:
+      ...
+  # valid locking order, locks of the same level acquired at the same time:
+  {.locks: [a, b].}:
+    ...
+Here is how a typical multilock statement can be implemented in Nim. Note how
+the runtime check is required to ensure a global ordering for two locks ``a``
+and ``b`` of the same lock level:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  template multilock(a, b: ptr TLock; body: untyped) =
+    if cast[ByteAddress](a) < cast[ByteAddress](b):
+      pthread_mutex_lock(a)
+      pthread_mutex_lock(b)
+    else:
+      pthread_mutex_lock(b)
+      pthread_mutex_lock(a)
+    {.locks: [a, b].}:
+      try:
+        body
+      finally:
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(a)
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(b)
+Whole routines can also be annotated with a ``locks`` pragma that takes a lock
+level. This then means that the routine may acquire locks of up to this level.
+This is essential so that procs can be called within a ``locks`` section:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  proc p() {.locks: 3.} = discard
+  var a: TLock[4]
+  {.locks: [a].}:
+    # p's locklevel (3) is strictly less than a's (4) so the call is allowed:
+    p()
+As usual ``locks`` is an inferred effect and there is a subtype
+relation: ``proc () {.locks: N.}`` is a subtype of ``proc () {.locks: M.}``
+iff (M <= N).
+The ``locks`` pragma can also take the special value ``"unknown"``. This
+is useful in the context of dynamic method dispatching. In the following
+example, the compiler can infer a lock level of 0 for the ``base`` case.
+However, one of the overloaded methods calls a procvar which is
+potentially locking. Thus, the lock level of calling ``g.testMethod``
+cannot be inferred statically, leading to compiler warnings. By using
+``{.locks: "unknown".}``, the base method can be marked explicitly as
+having unknown lock level as well:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  type SomeBase* = ref object of RootObj
+  type SomeDerived* = ref object of SomeBase
+    memberProc*: proc ()
+  method testMethod(g: SomeBase) {.base, locks: "unknown".} = discard
+  method testMethod(g: SomeDerived) =
+    if g.memberProc != nil:
+      g.memberProc()
+Taint mode
+The Nim compiler and most parts of the standard library support
+a taint mode. Input strings are declared with the `TaintedString`:idx:
+string type declared in the ``system`` module.
+If the taint mode is turned on (via the ``--taintMode:on`` command line
+option) it is a distinct string type which helps to detect input
+validation errors:
+.. code-block:: nim
+  echo "your name: "
+  var name: TaintedString = stdin.readline
+  # it is safe here to output the name without any input validation, so
+  # we simply convert `name` to string to make the compiler happy:
+  echo "hi, ", name.string
+If the taint mode is turned off, ``TaintedString`` is simply an alias for