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authorAndreas Rumpf <>2016-05-29 21:01:15 +0200
committerAndreas Rumpf <>2016-05-29 21:01:15 +0200
commit552b13efe4d65c2381d74d4fcaf9237a8730db1c (patch)
parente65c89ee28a8b03e00f5dba9ff181918764d72c0 (diff)
fixes #3729
2 files changed, 372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/vm/meta.nim b/tests/vm/meta.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2aa01b5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/vm/meta.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+# meta.nim
+import tables
+import macros
+  NodeSeq* = seq[NimNode]
+  Ident* = tuple[name: string, exported: bool]
+  Bracket* = seq[Ident]
+  Field* = tuple[identifier: Ident, type_name: string, default: string]
+  FieldSeq* = seq[Field]
+  TypeDef* = object
+    identifier*: Ident
+    fields*: FieldSeq
+    is_ref*: bool
+    object_type*: string
+    base_type*: string
+  TypeDefSeq* = seq[TypeDef]
+  Proc* = tuple[identifier: Ident, params: FieldSeq,
+                returns: Ident, generics: FieldSeq, body: NimNode]
+  ProcSeq* = seq[Proc]
+# Ident procs
+proc newIdent*(name: string, exported = false): Ident =
+ = name
+  result.exported = exported
+proc newIdent*(node: NimNode): Ident =
+  case node.kind:
+    of nnkPostfix:
+      result = newIdent(node[1])
+      result.exported = true
+    of nnkIdent, nnkSym:
+ = $(node)
+    else:
+      let msg = "newIdent cannot initialize from node kind: " & $(node.kind)
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+proc render*(i: Ident): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+  if == nil:
+    return newNimNode(nnkEmpty)
+  if i.exported:
+    result = newNimNode(nnkPostfix)
+    result.add(ident "*")
+    result.add(ident
+  else:
+    result = ident
+proc `$`*(identifier: Ident): string =
+converter toString*(x: Ident): string =
+proc newBracket*(node: NimNode): Bracket =
+  result = @[]
+  case node.kind:
+    of nnkBracket:
+      for child in node:
+        if child.kind != nnkIdent:
+          let msg = "Bracket members can only be nnkIdent not kind: " & $(node.kind)
+          raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+        result.add(newIdent(child))
+    else:
+      let msg = "newBracket must initialize from node kind nnkBracket not: " & $(node.kind)
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+# Field procs
+proc newField*(identifier: Ident, type_name: string, default: string = nil): Field =
+  result.identifier = identifier
+  result.type_name = type_name
+  result.default = default
+proc newField*(node: NimNode): Field =
+  case node.kind:
+    of nnkIdentDefs:
+      if node.len > 3:
+        let msg = "newField cannot initialize from nnkIdentDefs with multiple names"
+        raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+      result.identifier = newIdent(node[0])
+      result.type_name = $(node[1])
+      case node[2].kind:
+        of nnkIdent:
+          result.default = $(node[2])
+        else:
+          result.default = nil
+    else:
+      let msg = "newField cannot initialize from node kind: " & $(node.kind)
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+# FieldSeq procs
+proc newFieldSeq*(node: NimNode): FieldSeq =
+  result = @[]
+  case node.kind:
+    of nnkIdentDefs:
+      let
+        type_name = $(node[node.len - 2])
+        default_node = node[node.len - 1]
+      var default: string
+      case default_node.kind:
+        of nnkIdent:
+          default = $(default_node)
+        else:
+          default = nil
+      for i in 0..node.len - 3:
+        let name = newIdent(node[i])
+        result.add(newField(name, type_name, default))
+    of nnkRecList, nnkVarSection, nnkGenericParams:
+      for child in node:
+        result = result & newFieldSeq(child)
+    else:
+      let msg = "newFieldSeq cannot initialize from node kind: " & $(node.kind)
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+proc render*(f: Field): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+  let identifier = f.identifier.render()
+  let type_name = if f.type_name != nil: ident(f.type_name) else: newEmptyNode()
+  let default = if f.default != nil: ident(f.default) else: newEmptyNode()
+  newIdentDefs(identifier, type_name, default)
+proc render*(fs: FieldSeq): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+  result = newNimNode(nnkRecList)
+  for field in fs:
+    result.add(field.render())
+# TypeDef procs
+proc newTypeDef*(identifier: Ident, is_ref = false,
+                object_type = "object",
+                base_type: string = nil): TypeDef {.compileTime.} =
+  result.identifier = identifier
+  result.fields = @[]
+  result.is_ref = is_ref
+  result.object_type = "object"
+  result.base_type = base_type
+proc newTypeDef*(node: NimNode): TypeDef {.compileTime.} =
+  case node.kind:
+    of nnkTypeDef:
+      result.identifier = newIdent($(node[0]))
+      var object_node: NimNode
+      case node[2].kind:
+        of nnkRefTy:
+          object_node = node[2][0]
+          result.is_ref = true
+        of nnkObjectTy:
+          object_node = node[2]
+          result.is_ref = false
+        else:
+          let msg = "newTypeDef could not parse RefTy/ObjectTy, found: " & $(node[2].kind)
+          raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+      case object_node[1].kind:
+        of nnkOfInherit:
+          result.base_type = $(object_node[1][0])
+        else:
+          result.base_type = "object"
+      result.fields = newFieldSeq(object_node[2])
+    else:
+      let msg = "newTypeDef cannot initialize from node kind: " & $(node.kind)
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+proc render*(typedef: TypeDef): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+  result = newNimNode(nnkTypeDef)
+  result.add(typedef.identifier.render)
+  result.add(newEmptyNode())
+  let object_node = newNimNode(nnkObjectTy)
+  object_node.add(newEmptyNode())
+  if typedef.base_type == nil:
+    object_node.add(newEmptyNode())
+  else:
+    var base_type = newNimNode(nnkOfInherit)
+    base_type.add(ident(typedef.base_type))
+    object_node.add(base_type)
+  let fields = typedef.fields.render()
+  object_node.add(fields)
+  if typedef.is_ref:
+    let ref_node = newNimNode(nnkRefTy)
+    ref_node.add(object_node)
+    result.add(ref_node)
+  else:
+    result.add(object_node)
+proc newTypeDefSeq*(node: NimNode): TypeDefSeq =
+  result = @[]
+  case node.kind:
+    of nnkTypeSection:
+      for child in node:
+        result.add(newTypeDef(child))
+    else:
+      let msg = "newTypeSection could not parse TypeDef, found: " & $(node.kind)
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+proc render*(typeseq: TypeDefSeq): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+  result = newNimNode(nnkTypeSection)
+  for typedef in typeseq:
+    result.add(typedef.render())
+proc newProc*(identifier: Ident, params: FieldSeq = nil,
+              returns: Ident, generics: FieldSeq = nil): Proc =
+  result.identifier = identifier
+  result.params = params
+  result.returns = returns
+  result.generics = generics
+proc newProc*(node: NimNode): Proc =
+  case node.kind:
+    of nnkProcDef, nnkMethodDef:
+      result.identifier = newIdent(node[0])
+      case node[2].kind:
+        of nnkGenericParams:
+          result.generics = newFieldSeq(node[2])
+        else: result.generics = nil
+      let formal_params = node[3]
+      case formal_params[0].kind:
+        of nnkIdent:
+          result.returns = newIdent(formal_params[0])
+        else: discard
+      result.params = @[]
+      for i in 1..formal_params.len - 1:
+        let param = formal_params[i]
+        for field in newFieldSeq(param):
+          result.params.add(field)
+      result.body = node[6]
+    else:
+      let msg = "newProc cannot initialize from node kind: " & $(node.kind)
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+proc render*(procdef: Proc): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
+  result = newNimNode(nnkProcDef)
+  result.add(procdef.identifier.render())
+  result.add(newEmptyNode())
+  result.add(newEmptyNode())
+  let formal_params = newNimNode(nnkFormalParams)
+  formal_params.add(procdef.returns.render())
+  for param in procdef.params:
+    formal_params.add(param.render())
+  result.add(formal_params)
+  result.add(newEmptyNode())
+  result.add(newEmptyNode())
+  result.add(procdef.body)
diff --git a/tests/vm/tcomponent.nim b/tests/vm/tcomponent.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efeba2a6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/vm/tcomponent.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+discard """
+  output: '''`:)` @ 0,0
+FOO: blah'''
+# magic.nim
+# bug #3729
+import macros, sequtils, tables
+import strutils
+import future, meta
+  Component = object
+    fields: FieldSeq
+    field_index: seq[string]
+    procs: ProcSeq
+    procs_index: seq[string]
+  Registry = object
+    field_index: seq[string]
+    procs_index: seq[string]
+    components: Table[string, Component]
+    builtin: Component
+proc newRegistry(): Registry =
+  result.field_index = @[]
+  result.procs_index = @[]
+  result.components = initTable[string, Component]()
+var registry {.compileTime.} = newRegistry()
+proc validateComponent(r: var Registry, name: string, c: Component) =
+  if r.components.hasKey(name):
+    let msg = "`component` macro cannot consume duplicated identifier: " & name
+    raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+  for field_name in c.field_index:
+    if r.field_index.contains(field_name):
+      let msg = "`component` macro cannot delcare duplicated field: " & field_name
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+    r.field_index.add(field_name)
+  for proc_name in c.procs_index:
+    if r.procs_index.contains(proc_name):
+      let msg = "`component` macro cannot delcare duplicated proc: " & proc_name
+      raise newException(ValueError, msg)
+    r.procs_index.add(proc_name)
+proc addComponent(r: var Registry, name: string, c: Component) =
+  r.validateComponent(name, c)
+  r.components.add(name, c)
+proc parse_component(body: NimNode): Component =
+  result.field_index = @[]
+  result.procs_index = @[]
+  for node in body:
+    case node.kind:
+      of nnkVarSection:
+        result.fields = newFieldSeq(node)
+        for field in result.fields:
+          result.field_index.add(
+      of nnkMethodDef, nnkProcDef:
+        let new_proc = meta.newProc(node)
+        result.procs = result.procs & @[new_proc]
+        for procdef in result.procs:
+          result.procs_index.add(
+      else: discard
+macro component*(name: expr, body: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
+  let component = parse_component(body)
+  registry.addComponent($name, component)
+  parseStmt("discard")
+macro component_builtins(body: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =
+  let builtin = parse_component(body)
+  registry.field_index = builtin.field_index
+  registry.procs_index = builtin.procs_index
+  registry.builtin = builtin
+proc bind_methods*(component: var Component, identifier: Ident): seq[NimNode] =
+  result = @[]
+  for procdef in component.procs.mitems:
+    let this_field = newField(newIdent("this"), identifier)
+    procdef.params.insert(this_field, 0)
+    result.add(procdef.render())
+macro bind_components*(type_name, component_names: expr): stmt {.immediate.} =
+  result = newStmtList()
+  let identifier = newIdent(type_name)
+  let components = newBracket(component_names)
+  var entity_type = newTypeDef(identifier, true, "object", "RootObj")
+  entity_type.fields = registry.builtin.fields
+  for component_name, component in registry.components:
+    if components.contains(newIdent(component_name)):
+      entity_type.fields = entity_type.fields & component.fields
+  # TODO why doesn't the following snippet work instead of the one above?
+  # for name in components:
+  #   echo "Registering $1 to $2" % [,]
+  #   let component = registry.components[]
+  #   entity_type.fields = entity_type.fields & component.fields
+  let type_section: TypeDefSeq = @[entity_type]
+  result.add type_section.render
+  var builtin = registry.builtin
+  let builtin_methods = bind_methods(builtin, identifier)
+  for builtin_proc in builtin_methods:
+    result.add(builtin_proc)
+  echo "SIGSEV here"
+  for component in registry.components.mvalues():
+    for method_proc in bind_methods(component, identifier):
+      result.add(method_proc)
+  proc foo(msg: string) =
+    echo "FOO: $1" % msg
+component position:
+  var x*, y*: int
+component name:
+  var name*: string
+  proc render*(x, y: int) = echo "`$1` @ $2,$3" % [, $x, $y]
+bind_components(Entity, [position, name])
+var e = new(Entity) = ":)"
+e.render(e.x, e.y)"blah")