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authorErwan Ameil <>2014-10-12 23:30:32 +0200
committerErwan Ameil <>2014-10-12 23:30:32 +0200
commit679aefd89c6b0ba74270c5651f26d362935d31da (patch)
parent5272213da4b0701890d8a42fb292962704f0b99d (diff)
Prettify compiler output for verbosity=1
Long lines displaying the invocation of the c compiler are replaced
with short, readable lines.
2 files changed, 43 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/extccomp.nim b/compiler/extccomp.nim
index 7d9744bc5..b5519216e 100644
--- a/compiler/extccomp.nim
+++ b/compiler/extccomp.nim
@@ -412,8 +412,12 @@ proc addFileToLink*(filename: string) =
   prependStr(toLink, filename)
   # BUGFIX: was ``appendStr``
-proc execExternalProgram*(cmd: string) = 
-  if optListCmd in gGlobalOptions or gVerbosity > 0: msgWriteln(cmd)
+proc execExternalProgram*(cmd: string, prettyCmd = "") =
+  if optListCmd in gGlobalOptions or gVerbosity > 0:
+    if prettyCmd != "":
+      msgWriteln(prettyCmd)
+    else:
+      msgWriteln(cmd)
   if execCmd(cmd) != 0: rawMessage(errExecutionOfProgramFailed, "")
 proc generateScript(projectFile: string, script: PRope) = 
@@ -566,14 +570,16 @@ proc addExternalFileToCompile*(filename: string) =
   if optForceFullMake in gGlobalOptions or externalFileChanged(filename):
     appendStr(externalToCompile, filename)
-proc compileCFile(list: TLinkedList, script: var PRope, cmds: var TStringSeq, 
-                  isExternal: bool) = 
+proc compileCFile(list: TLinkedList, script: var PRope, cmds: var TStringSeq,
+                  prettyCmds: var TStringSeq, isExternal: bool) =
   var it = PStrEntry(list.head)
   while it != nil: 
     inc(fileCounter)          # call the C compiler for the .c file:
     var compileCmd = getCompileCFileCmd(, isExternal)
     if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: 
       add(cmds, compileCmd)
+      let (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(
+      add(prettyCmds, "CC: " & name)
     if optGenScript in gGlobalOptions: 
       app(script, compileCmd)
       app(script, tnl)
@@ -589,19 +595,22 @@ proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
   var c = cCompiler
   var script: PRope = nil
   var cmds: TStringSeq = @[]
-  compileCFile(toCompile, script, cmds, false)
-  compileCFile(externalToCompile, script, cmds, true)
+  var prettyCmds: TStringSeq = @[]
+  compileCFile(toCompile, script, cmds, prettyCmds, false)
+  compileCFile(externalToCompile, script, cmds, prettyCmds, true)
+  if gVerbosity != 1:
+      prettyCmds = @[]
   if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: 
     if gNumberOfProcessors == 0: gNumberOfProcessors = countProcessors()
     var res = 0
     if gNumberOfProcessors <= 1: 
       for i in countup(0, high(cmds)): res = max(execCmd(cmds[i]), res)
     elif optListCmd in gGlobalOptions or gVerbosity > 0: 
-      res = execProcesses(cmds, {poEchoCmd, poUseShell, poParentStreams}, 
-                          gNumberOfProcessors)
+      res = execProcesses(cmds, {poEchoCmd, poUseShell, poParentStreams},
+                          gNumberOfProcessors, prettyCmds)
-      res = execProcesses(cmds, {poUseShell, poParentStreams}, 
-                          gNumberOfProcessors)
+      res = execProcesses(cmds, {poUseShell, poParentStreams},
+                          gNumberOfProcessors, prettyCmds)
     if res != 0:
       if gNumberOfProcessors <= 1:
         rawMessage(errExecutionOfProgramFailed, [])
@@ -622,7 +631,6 @@ proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
     if optGenStaticLib in gGlobalOptions:
       linkCmd = CC[c].buildLib % ["libfile", (libNameTmpl() % gProjectName),
                                   "objfiles", objfiles]
-      if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: execExternalProgram(linkCmd)
       var linkerExe = getConfigVar(c, ".linkerexe")
       if len(linkerExe) == 0: linkerExe = c.getLinkerExe
@@ -654,7 +662,11 @@ proc callCCompiler*(projectfile: string) =
           "objfiles", objfiles, "exefile", exefile,
           "nimrod", quoteShell(getPrefixDir()),
           "lib", quoteShell(libpath)])
-      if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: execExternalProgram(linkCmd)
+    if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions:
+      if gVerbosity == 1:
+        execExternalProgram(linkCmd, "[Linking]")
+      else:
+        execExternalProgram(linkCmd)
     linkCmd = ""
   if optGenScript in gGlobalOptions:
diff --git a/lib/pure/osproc.nim b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
index f47df73ca..56b758ad8 100644
--- a/lib/pure/osproc.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
@@ -235,22 +235,32 @@ proc countProcessors*(): int {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} =
 proc execProcesses*(cmds: openArray[string],
                     options = {poStdErrToStdOut, poParentStreams},
-                    n = countProcessors()): int {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1",
+                    n = countProcessors(),
+                    prettyCmds: openArray[string] = @[]): int
+                    {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1",
                     tags: [ExecIOEffect, TimeEffect, ReadEnvEffect]} =
   ## executes the commands `cmds` in parallel. Creates `n` processes
   ## that execute in parallel. The highest return value of all processes
-  ## is returned.
+  ## is returned. If `prettyCmds` are provided, prints them on the console
+  ## instead of the real commands (for prettier output).
+  var options = options
   when defined(posix):
     # poParentStreams causes problems on Posix, so we simply disable it:
-    var options = options - {poParentStreams}
+    options = options - {poParentStreams}
   assert n > 0
+  var usePrettyPrintouts = false
+  if prettyCmds.len == cmds.len:
+    options = options - {poEchoCmd}
+    usePrettyPrintouts = true
   if n > 1:
     var q: seq[Process]
     newSeq(q, n)
     var m = min(n, cmds.len)
     for i in 0..m-1:
       q[i] = startCmd(cmds[i], options=options)
+      if usePrettyPrintouts:
+        echo prettyCmds[i]
     when defined(noBusyWaiting):
       var r = 0
       for i in m..high(cmds):
@@ -264,6 +274,8 @@ proc execProcesses*(cmds: openArray[string],
         result = max(waitForExit(q[r]), result)
         if q[r] != nil: close(q[r])
         q[r] = startCmd(cmds[i], options=options)
+        if usePrettyPrintouts:
+          echo prettyCmds[i]
         r = (r + 1) mod n
       var i = m
@@ -275,6 +287,8 @@ proc execProcesses*(cmds: openArray[string],
             result = max(waitForExit(q[r]), result)
             if q[r] != nil: close(q[r])
             q[r] = startCmd(cmds[i], options=options)
+            if usePrettyPrintouts:
+              echo prettyCmds[i]
             if i > high(cmds): break
     for j in 0..m-1:
@@ -283,6 +297,8 @@ proc execProcesses*(cmds: openArray[string],
     for i in 0..high(cmds):
       var p = startCmd(cmds[i], options=options)
+      if usePrettyPrintouts:
+        echo prettyCmds[i]
       result = max(waitForExit(p), result)