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authorAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-desktop>2010-01-16 23:16:29 +0100
committerAndreas Rumpf <andreas@andreas-desktop>2010-01-16 23:16:29 +0100
commit6c5693e6339f08af2de2af3578ac048187625a23 (patch)
parent0bcdab83953075526c0298e025c8feec75b19d90 (diff)
implemented extended quoting rules
11 files changed, 317 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/doc/manual.txt b/doc/manual.txt
index 8a1d9110c..d2bfde138 100755
--- a/doc/manual.txt
+++ b/doc/manual.txt
@@ -215,7 +215,15 @@ String literals can also be delimited by three double quotes
 Literals in this form may run for several lines, may contain ``"`` and do not
 interpret any escape sequences.
 For convenience, when the opening ``"""`` is immediately followed by a newline,
-the newline is not included in the string.
+the newline is not included in the string. The ending of the string literal is
+defined by the pattern ``"""[^"]``, so this:
+.. code-block:: nimrod 
+  """"long string within quotes""""
+  "long string within quotes"
 Raw string literals
@@ -230,6 +238,19 @@ convenient for regular expressions or Windows paths:
   var f = openFile(r"C:\texts\text.txt") # a raw string, so ``\t`` is no tab
+To produce a single ``"`` within a raw string literal, it has to be doubled:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  r"a""b"
+  a"b
+``r""""`` is not possible with this notation, because the three leading 
+quotes introduce a triple quoted string literal. 
 Generalized raw string literals
@@ -291,8 +312,8 @@ prefix), binary (prefix ``0b``), octal (prefix ``0o``) and hexadecimal
 There exists a literal for each numerical type that is
 defined. The suffix starting with an apostrophe ('\'') is called a
-`type suffix`:idx:. Literals without a type prefix are of the type ``int``,
-unless the literal contains a dot or an ``E`` in which case it is of
+`type suffix`:idx:. Literals without a type suffix are of the type ``int``,
+unless the literal contains a dot or ``E|e`` in which case it is of
 type ``float``.
 The type suffixes are:
diff --git a/doc/nimrodc.txt b/doc/nimrodc.txt
index d35ea68c8..79ce06ad1 100755
--- a/doc/nimrodc.txt
+++ b/doc/nimrodc.txt
@@ -42,12 +42,16 @@ Configuration file
 The default configuration file is ``nimrod.cfg``. The ``nimrod`` executable
 looks for it in the following directories (in this order):
-1. ``/home/$user/.config/nimrod.cfg`` (UNIX) or ``$APPDATA/nimrod.cfg`` (Windows)
+1. ``/home/$user/.config/nimrod.cfg`` (UNIX) or ``%APPDATA%/nimrod.cfg`` (Windows)
 2. ``$nimrod/config/nimrod.cfg`` (UNIX, Windows)
 3. ``/etc/nimrod.cfg`` (UNIX)
 The search stops as soon as a configuration file has been found. The reading
 of ``nimrod.cfg`` can be suppressed by the ``--skipCfg`` command line option.
+**Note:** The *project file name* is the name of the ``.nim`` file that is 
+passed as a command line argument to the compiler. 
 Configuration settings can be overwritten in a project specific
 configuration file that is read automatically. This specific file has to
 be in the same directory as the project and be of the same name, except
diff --git a/lib/pure/md5.nim b/lib/pure/md5.nim
index d9bb92949..e75f80b4c 100755
--- a/lib/pure/md5.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/md5.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #            Nimrod's Runtime Library
-#        (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
diff --git a/rod/highlite.nim b/rod/highlite.nim
index 765cfafd8..c2fc95da8 100755
--- a/rod/highlite.nim
+++ b/rod/highlite.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -57,13 +57,12 @@ proc getSourceLanguage(name: string): TSourceLanguage =
   result = langNone
 proc initGeneralTokenizer(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, buf: string) = 
-  var pos: int
   g.buf = cstring(buf)
   g.kind = low(TTokenClass)
   g.start = 0
   g.length = 0
   g.state = low(TTokenClass)
-  pos = 0                     # skip initial whitespace:
+  var pos = 0                     # skip initial whitespace:
   while g.buf[pos] in {' ', '\x09'..'\x0D'}: inc(pos)
   g.pos = pos
@@ -71,8 +70,7 @@ proc deinitGeneralTokenizer(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
 proc nimGetKeyword(id: string): TTokenClass = 
-  var i: PIdent
-  i = getIdent(id)
+  var i = getIdent(id)
   if ( >= ord(tokKeywordLow) - ord(tkSymbol)) and
       ( <= ord(tokKeywordHigh) - ord(tkSymbol)): 
     result = gtKeyword
@@ -80,8 +78,7 @@ proc nimGetKeyword(id: string): TTokenClass =
     result = gtIdentifier
 proc nimNumberPostfix(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int = 
-  var pos: int
-  pos = position
+  var pos = position
   if g.buf[pos] == '\'': 
     case g.buf[pos]
@@ -99,10 +96,8 @@ proc nimNumberPostfix(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
   result = pos
 proc nimNumber(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int = 
-  const 
-    decChars = {'0'..'9', '_'}
-  var pos: int
-  pos = position
+  const decChars = {'0'..'9', '_'}
+  var pos = position
   g.kind = gtDecNumber
   while g.buf[pos] in decChars: inc(pos)
   if g.buf[pos] == '.': 
@@ -121,10 +116,7 @@ proc nimNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
     hexChars = {'0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f', '_'}
     octChars = {'0'..'7', '_'}
     binChars = {'0'..'1', '_'}
-  var 
-    pos: int
-    id: string
-  pos = g.pos
+  var pos = g.pos
   g.start = g.pos
   if g.state == gtStringLit: 
     g.kind = gtStringLit
@@ -161,7 +153,7 @@ proc nimNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
       g.kind = gtComment
       while not (g.buf[pos] in {'\0', '\x0A', '\x0D'}): inc(pos)
     of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF': 
-      id = ""
+      var id = ""
       while g.buf[pos] in scanner.SymChars + {'_'}: 
         add(id, g.buf[pos])
@@ -175,14 +167,17 @@ proc nimNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
             of '\"': 
-              if (g.buf[pos] == '\"') and (g.buf[pos + 1] == '\"'): 
+              if g.buf[pos] == '\"' and g.buf[pos+1] == '\"' and 
+                  g.buf[pos+2] != '\"': 
                 inc(pos, 2)
             else: inc(pos)
           g.kind = gtRawData
-          while not (g.buf[pos] in {'\0', '\"', '\x0A', '\x0D'}): inc(pos)
+          while not (g.buf[pos] in {'\0', '\x0A', '\x0D'}): 
+            if g.buf[pos] == '"' and g.buf[pos+1] != '"': break
+            inc(pos)
           if g.buf[pos] == '\"': inc(pos)
         g.kind = nimGetKeyword(id)
@@ -228,7 +223,8 @@ proc nimNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
           of '\"': 
-            if (g.buf[pos] == '\"') and (g.buf[pos + 1] == '\"'): 
+            if g.buf[pos] == '\"' and g.buf[pos+1] == '\"' and 
+                g.buf[pos+2] != '\"': 
               inc(pos, 2)
           else: inc(pos)
@@ -263,10 +259,8 @@ proc nimNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer) =
   g.pos = pos
 proc generalNumber(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int = 
-  const 
-    decChars = {'0'..'9'}
-  var pos: int
-  pos = position
+  const decChars = {'0'..'9'}
+  var pos = position
   g.kind = gtDecNumber
   while g.buf[pos] in decChars: inc(pos)
   if g.buf[pos] == '.': 
@@ -284,12 +278,9 @@ proc generalStrLit(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
     decChars = {'0'..'9'}
     hexChars = {'0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'}
-  var 
-    pos: int
-    c: Char
-  pos = position
+  var pos = position
   g.kind = gtStringLit
-  c = g.buf[pos]
+  var c = g.buf[pos]
   inc(pos)                    # skip " or '
   while true: 
     case g.buf[pos]
@@ -316,12 +307,11 @@ proc generalStrLit(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, position: int): int =
   result = pos
 proc isKeyword(x: openarray[string], y: string): int = 
-  var a, b, mid, c: int
-  a = 0
-  b = len(x) - 1
+  var a = 0
+  var b = len(x) - 1
   while a <= b: 
-    mid = (a + b) div 2
-    c = cmp(x[mid], y)
+    var mid = (a + b) div 2
+    var c = cmp(x[mid], y)
     if c < 0: 
       a = mid + 1
     elif c > 0: 
@@ -331,12 +321,11 @@ proc isKeyword(x: openarray[string], y: string): int =
   result = - 1
 proc isKeywordIgnoreCase(x: openarray[string], y: string): int = 
-  var a, b, mid, c: int
-  a = 0
-  b = len(x) - 1
+  var a = 0
+  var b = len(x) - 1
   while a <= b: 
-    mid = (a + b) div 2
-    c = cmpIgnoreCase(x[mid], y)
+    var mid = (a + b) div 2
+    var c = cmpIgnoreCase(x[mid], y)
     if c < 0: 
       a = mid + 1
     elif c > 0: 
@@ -357,10 +346,7 @@ proc clikeNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, keywords: openarray[string],
     octChars = {'0'..'7'}
     binChars = {'0'..'1'}
     symChars = {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
-  var 
-    pos, nested: int
-    id: string
-  pos = g.pos
+  var pos = g.pos
   g.start = g.pos
   if g.state == gtStringLit: 
     g.kind = gtStringLit
@@ -400,7 +386,7 @@ proc clikeNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, keywords: openarray[string],
         while not (g.buf[pos] in {'\0', '\x0A', '\x0D'}): inc(pos)
       elif g.buf[pos] == '*': 
         g.kind = gtLongComment
-        nested = 0
+        var nested = 0
         while true: 
           case g.buf[pos]
@@ -426,7 +412,7 @@ proc clikeNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, keywords: openarray[string],
         g.kind = gtOperator
     of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '\x80'..'\xFF': 
-      id = ""
+      var id = ""
       while g.buf[pos] in SymChars: 
         add(id, g.buf[pos])
@@ -542,4 +528,4 @@ proc getNextToken(g: var TGeneralTokenizer, lang: TSourceLanguage) =
   of langC: cNextToken(g)
   of langJava: javaNextToken(g)
   else: InternalError("getNextToken")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rod/lexbase.nim b/rod/lexbase.nim
index 0c16e986f..4f946b35f 100755
--- a/rod/lexbase.nim
+++ b/rod/lexbase.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2008 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ proc FillBuffer(L: var TBaseLexer) =
   toCopy = L.BufLen - L.sentinel - 1
   assert(toCopy >= 0)
   if toCopy > 0: 
-    MoveMem(L.buf, addr(L.buf[L.sentinel + 1]), toCopy * chrSize) # "moveMem" handles overlapping regions
+    MoveMem(L.buf, addr(L.buf[L.sentinel + 1]), toCopy * chrSize) 
+    # "moveMem" handles overlapping regions
   charsRead = LLStreamRead(, addr(L.buf[toCopy]), 
                            (L.sentinel + 1) * chrSize) div chrSize
   s = toCopy + charsRead
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ proc skip_UTF_8_BOM(L: var TBaseLexer) =
     inc(L.bufpos, 3)
     inc(L.lineStart, 3)
-proc openBaseLexer(L: var TBaseLexer, inputstream: PLLStream, bufLen: int = 8192) = 
+proc openBaseLexer(L: var TBaseLexer, inputstream: PLLStream, bufLen = 8192) = 
   assert(bufLen > 0)
   L.bufpos = 0
   L.bufLen = bufLen
@@ -158,13 +159,12 @@ proc getColNumber(L: TBaseLexer, pos: int): int =
   result = abs(pos - L.lineStart)
 proc getCurrentLine(L: TBaseLexer, marker: bool = true): string = 
-  var i: int
   result = ""
-  i = L.lineStart
+  var i = L.lineStart
   while not (L.buf[i] in {CR, LF, EndOfFile}): 
     add(result, L.buf[i])
   result = result & "\n"
   if marker: 
     result = result & RepeatChar(getColNumber(L, L.bufpos)) & '^' & "\n"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rod/pnimsyn.nim b/rod/pnimsyn.nim
index d8846dff1..766e01671 100755
--- a/rod/pnimsyn.nim
+++ b/rod/pnimsyn.nim
@@ -113,9 +113,8 @@ proc parLineInfo(p: TParser): TLineInfo =
   result = getLineInfo(p.lex^)
 proc indAndComment(p: var TParser, n: PNode) = 
-  var info: TLineInfo
   if p.tok.tokType == tkInd: 
-    info = parLineInfo(p)
+    var info = parLineInfo(p)
     if p.tok.tokType == tkComment: skipComment(p, n)
     else: liMessage(info, errInvalidIndentation)
diff --git a/rod/rnimsyn.nim b/rod/rnimsyn.nim
index c7f8ea11f..6a0de3182 100755
--- a/rod/rnimsyn.nim
+++ b/rod/rnimsyn.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ const
   LineCommentColumn = 30
 proc InitSrcGen(g: var TSrcGen, renderFlags: TRenderFlags) = 
-  g.comStack = @ []
-  g.tokens = @ []
+  g.comStack = @[]
+  g.tokens = @[]
   g.indent = 0
   g.lineLen = 0
   g.pos = 0
@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ proc InitSrcGen(g: var TSrcGen, renderFlags: TRenderFlags) =
   g.pendingNL = - 1
 proc addTok(g: var TSrcGen, kind: TTokType, s: string) = 
-  var length: int
-  length = len(g.tokens)
+  var length = len(g.tokens)
   setlen(g.tokens, length + 1)
   g.tokens[length].kind = kind
   g.tokens[length].length = int16(len(s))
@@ -128,15 +127,11 @@ proc makeNimString(s: string): string =
   add(result, '\"')
 proc putComment(g: var TSrcGen, s: string) = 
-  var 
-    i, j, ind, comIndent: int
-    isCode: bool
-    com: string
-  i = 0
-  comIndent = 1
-  isCode = (len(s) >= 2) and (s[0 + 1] != ' ')
-  ind = g.lineLen
-  com = ""
+  var i = 0
+  var comIndent = 1
+  var isCode = (len(s) >= 2) and (s[0 + 1] != ' ')
+  var ind = g.lineLen
+  var com = ""
   while true: 
     case s[i]
     of '\0': 
@@ -167,7 +162,7 @@ proc putComment(g: var TSrcGen, s: string) =
       # we may break the comment into a multi-line comment if the line
       # gets too long:
       # compute length of the following word:
-      j = i
+      var j = i
       while s[j] > ' ': inc(j)
       if not isCode and (g.lineLen + (j - i) > MaxLineLen): 
         put(g, tkComment, com)
@@ -181,10 +176,9 @@ proc putComment(g: var TSrcGen, s: string) =
 proc maxLineLength(s: string): int = 
-  var i, linelen: int
   result = 0
-  i = 0
-  lineLen = 0
+  var i = 0
+  var lineLen = 0
   while true: 
     case s[i]
     of '\0': 
@@ -203,12 +197,9 @@ proc maxLineLength(s: string): int =
 proc putRawStr(g: var TSrcGen, kind: TTokType, s: string) = 
-  var 
-    i, hi: int
-    str: string
-  i = 0
-  hi = len(s) + 0 - 1
-  str = ""
+  var i = 0
+  var hi = len(s) + 0 - 1
+  var str = ""
   while i <= hi: 
     case s[i]
     of '\x0D': 
@@ -237,8 +228,7 @@ proc containsNL(s: string): bool =
   result = false
 proc pushCom(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) = 
-  var length: int
-  length = len(g.comStack)
+  var length = len(g.comStack)
   setlen(g.comStack, length + 1)
   g.comStack[length] = n
@@ -258,15 +248,15 @@ proc shouldRenderComment(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode): bool =
         (renderDocComments in g.flags) and startsWith(n.comment, "##")
 proc gcom(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) = 
-  var ml: int
   assert(n != nil)
   if shouldRenderComment(g, n): 
     if (g.pendingNL < 0) and (len(g.buf) > 0) and (g.buf[len(g.buf)] != ' '): 
-      put(g, tkSpaces, Space) # Before long comments we cannot make sure that a newline is generated,
-                              # because this might be wrong. But it is no problem in practice.
+      put(g, tkSpaces, Space) 
+      # Before long comments we cannot make sure that a newline is generated,
+      # because this might be wrong. But it is no problem in practice.
     if (g.pendingNL < 0) and (len(g.buf) > 0) and
         (g.lineLen < LineCommentColumn): 
-      ml = maxLineLength(n.comment)
+      var ml = maxLineLength(n.comment)
       if ml + LineCommentColumn <= maxLineLen: 
         put(g, tkSpaces, repeatChar(LineCommentColumn - g.lineLen))
     putComment(g, n.comment)  #assert(g.comStack[high(g.comStack)] = n);
@@ -285,30 +275,18 @@ proc litAux(n: PNode, x: biggestInt, size: int): string =
 proc atom(n: PNode): string = 
   var f: float32
   case n.kind
-  of nkEmpty: 
-    result = ""
-  of nkIdent: 
-    result = n.ident.s
-  of nkSym: 
-    result =
-  of nkStrLit: 
-    result = makeNimString(n.strVal)
-  of nkRStrLit: 
-    result = "r\"" & n.strVal & '\"'
-  of nkTripleStrLit: 
-    result = "\"\"\"" & n.strVal & "\"\"\""
-  of nkCharLit: 
-    result = '\'' & toNimChar(chr(int(n.intVal))) & '\''
-  of nkIntLit: 
-    result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 4)
-  of nkInt8Lit: 
-    result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 1) & "\'i8"
-  of nkInt16Lit: 
-    result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 2) & "\'i16"
-  of nkInt32Lit: 
-    result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 4) & "\'i32"
-  of nkInt64Lit: 
-    result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 8) & "\'i64"
+  of nkEmpty: result = ""
+  of nkIdent: result = n.ident.s
+  of nkSym: result =
+  of nkStrLit: result = makeNimString(n.strVal)
+  of nkRStrLit: result = "r\"" & replace(n.strVal, "\"", "\"\"")  & '\"'
+  of nkTripleStrLit: result = "\"\"\"" & n.strVal & "\"\"\""
+  of nkCharLit: result = '\'' & toNimChar(chr(int(n.intVal))) & '\''
+  of nkIntLit: result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 4)
+  of nkInt8Lit: result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 1) & "\'i8"
+  of nkInt16Lit: result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 2) & "\'i16"
+  of nkInt32Lit: result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 4) & "\'i32"
+  of nkInt64Lit: result = litAux(n, n.intVal, 8) & "\'i64"
   of nkFloatLit: 
     if n.flags * {nfBase2, nfBase8, nfBase16} == {}: result = $(n.floatVal)
     else: result = litAux(n, (cast[PInt64](addr(n.floatVal)))^ , 8)
@@ -323,8 +301,7 @@ proc atom(n: PNode): string =
       result = $(n.floatVal) & "\'f64"
       result = litAux(n, (cast[PInt64](addr(n.floatVal)))^ , 8) & "\'f64"
-  of nkNilLit: 
-    result = "nil"
+  of nkNilLit: result = "nil"
   of nkType: 
     if (n.typ != nil) and (n.typ.sym != nil): result =
     else: result = "[type node]"
@@ -346,142 +323,87 @@ proc lsons(n: PNode, start: int = 0, theEnd: int = - 1): int =
 proc lsub(n: PNode): int = 
   # computes the length of a tree
-  var L: int
-  if n == nil: 
-    return 0
-  if n.comment != nil: 
-    return maxLineLen + 1
+  if n == nil: return 0
+  if n.comment != nil: return maxLineLen + 1
   case n.kind
   of nkTripleStrLit: 
     if containsNL(n.strVal): result = maxLineLen + 1
     else: result = len(atom(n))
   of nkEmpty..pred(nkTripleStrLit), succ(nkTripleStrLit)..nkNilLit: 
     result = len(atom(n))
-  of nkCall, nkBracketExpr, nkConv: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1) + 2
-  of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkHiddenCallConv: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[1])
-  of nkCast: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lsub(n.sons[1]) + len("cast[]()")
-  of nkAddr: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("addr()")
-  of nkHiddenAddr, nkHiddenDeref: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0])
-  of nkCommand: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1) + 1
-  of nkExprEqExpr, nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 3
-  of nkPar, nkCurly, nkBracket: 
-    result = lcomma(n) + 2
-  of nkSymChoice: 
-    result = lsons(n) + len("()") + sonsLen(n) - 1
-  of nkTupleTy: 
-    result = lcomma(n) + len("tuple[]")
-  of nkDotExpr: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 1
-  of nkBind: 
-    result = lsons(n) + len("bind_")
-  of nkCheckedFieldExpr: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0])
-  of nkLambda: 
-    result = lsons(n) + len("lambda__=_")
+  of nkCall, nkBracketExpr, nkConv: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1) + 2
+  of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkHiddenCallConv: result = lsub(n[1])
+  of nkCast: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lsub(n.sons[1]) + len("cast[]()")
+  of nkAddr: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("addr()")
+  of nkHiddenAddr, nkHiddenDeref: result = lsub(n.sons[0])
+  of nkCommand: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1) + 1
+  of nkExprEqExpr, nkAsgn, nkFastAsgn: result = lsons(n) + 3
+  of nkPar, nkCurly, nkBracket: result = lcomma(n) + 2
+  of nkSymChoice: result = lsons(n) + len("()") + sonsLen(n) - 1
+  of nkTupleTy: result = lcomma(n) + len("tuple[]")
+  of nkDotExpr: result = lsons(n) + 1
+  of nkBind: result = lsons(n) + len("bind_")
+  of nkCheckedFieldExpr: result = lsub(n.sons[0])
+  of nkLambda: result = lsons(n) + len("lambda__=_")
   of nkConstDef, nkIdentDefs: 
     result = lcomma(n, 0, - 3)
-    L = sonsLen(n)
+    var L = sonsLen(n)
     if n.sons[L - 2] != nil: result = result + lsub(n.sons[L - 2]) + 2
     if n.sons[L - 1] != nil: result = result + lsub(n.sons[L - 1]) + 3
-  of nkVarTuple: 
-    result = lcomma(n, 0, - 3) + len("() = ") + lsub(lastSon(n))
-  of nkChckRangeF: 
-    result = len("chckRangeF") + 2 + lcomma(n)
-  of nkChckRange64: 
-    result = len("chckRange64") + 2 + lcomma(n)
-  of nkChckRange: 
-    result = len("chckRange") + 2 + lcomma(n)
+  of nkVarTuple: result = lcomma(n, 0, - 3) + len("() = ") + lsub(lastSon(n))
+  of nkChckRangeF: result = len("chckRangeF") + 2 + lcomma(n)
+  of nkChckRange64: result = len("chckRange64") + 2 + lcomma(n)
+  of nkChckRange: result = len("chckRange") + 2 + lcomma(n)
   of nkObjDownConv, nkObjUpConv, nkStringToCString, nkCStringToString, 
     result = 2
     if sonsLen(n) >= 1: result = result + lsub(n.sons[0])
     result = result + lcomma(n, 1)
-  of nkExprColonExpr: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 2
-  of nkInfix: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 2
-  of nkPrefix: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 1
-  of nkPostfix: 
-    result = lsons(n)
-  of nkCallStrLit: 
-    result = lsons(n)
-  of nkPragmaExpr: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1)
-  of nkRange: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 2
-  of nkDerefExpr: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + 2
-  of nkAccQuoted: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + 2
+  of nkExprColonExpr: result = lsons(n) + 2
+  of nkInfix: result = lsons(n) + 2
+  of nkPrefix: result = lsons(n) + 1
+  of nkPostfix: result = lsons(n)
+  of nkCallStrLit: result = lsons(n)
+  of nkPragmaExpr: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1)
+  of nkRange: result = lsons(n) + 2
+  of nkDerefExpr: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + 2
+  of nkAccQuoted: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + 2
   of nkIfExpr: 
     result = lsub(n.sons[0].sons[0]) + lsub(n.sons[0].sons[1]) + lsons(n, 1) +
-  of nkElifExpr: 
-    result = lsons(n) + len("_elif_:_")
-  of nkElseExpr: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("_else:_") # type descriptions
-  of nkTypeOfExpr: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("type_")
-  of nkRefTy: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("ref_")
-  of nkPtrTy: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("ptr_")
-  of nkVarTy: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("var_")
-  of nkDistinctTy: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("Distinct_")
-  of nkTypeDef: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 3
-  of nkOfInherit: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("of_")
-  of nkProcTy: 
-    result = lsons(n) + len("proc_")
-  of nkEnumTy: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1) + len("enum_")
-  of nkEnumFieldDef: 
-    result = lsons(n) + 3
+  of nkElifExpr: result = lsons(n) + len("_elif_:_")
+  of nkElseExpr: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("_else:_") # type descriptions
+  of nkTypeOfExpr: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("type_")
+  of nkRefTy: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("ref_")
+  of nkPtrTy: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("ptr_")
+  of nkVarTy: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("var_")
+  of nkDistinctTy: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("Distinct_")
+  of nkTypeDef: result = lsons(n) + 3
+  of nkOfInherit: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("of_")
+  of nkProcTy: result = lsons(n) + len("proc_")
+  of nkEnumTy: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + lcomma(n, 1) + len("enum_")
+  of nkEnumFieldDef: result = lsons(n) + 3
   of nkVarSection: 
     if sonsLen(n) > 1: result = maxLineLen + 1
     else: result = lsons(n) + len("var_")
-  of nkReturnStmt: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("return_")
-  of nkRaiseStmt: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("raise_")
-  of nkYieldStmt: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("yield_")
-  of nkDiscardStmt: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("discard_")
-  of nkBreakStmt: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("break_")
-  of nkContinueStmt: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("continue_")
-  of nkPragma: 
-    result = lcomma(n) + 4
-  of nkCommentStmt: 
-    result = len(n.comment)
-  of nkOfBranch: 
-    result = lcomma(n, 0, - 2) + lsub(lastSon(n)) + len("of_:_")
-  of nkElifBranch: 
-    result = lsons(n) + len("elif_:_")
-  of nkElse: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("else:_")
-  of nkFinally: 
-    result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("finally:_")
-  of nkGenericParams: 
-    result = lcomma(n) + 2
+  of nkReturnStmt: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("return_")
+  of nkRaiseStmt: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("raise_")
+  of nkYieldStmt: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("yield_")
+  of nkDiscardStmt: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("discard_")
+  of nkBreakStmt: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("break_")
+  of nkContinueStmt: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("continue_")
+  of nkPragma: result = lcomma(n) + 4
+  of nkCommentStmt: result = len(n.comment)
+  of nkOfBranch: result = lcomma(n, 0, - 2) + lsub(lastSon(n)) + len("of_:_")
+  of nkElifBranch: result = lsons(n) + len("elif_:_")
+  of nkElse: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("else:_")
+  of nkFinally: result = lsub(n.sons[0]) + len("finally:_")
+  of nkGenericParams: result = lcomma(n) + 2
   of nkFormalParams: 
     result = lcomma(n, 1) + 2
     if n.sons[0] != nil: result = result + lsub(n.sons[0]) + 2
   of nkExceptBranch: 
-    result = lcomma(n, 0, - 2) + lsub(lastSon(n)) + len("except_:_")
+    result = lcomma(n, 0, -2) + lsub(lastSon(n)) + len("except_:_")
   else: result = maxLineLen + 1
 proc fits(g: TSrcGen, x: int): bool = 
@@ -509,15 +431,12 @@ proc gsub(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) =
 proc hasCom(n: PNode): bool = 
   result = false
   if n == nil: return 
-  if n.comment != nil: 
-    return true
+  if n.comment != nil: return true
   case n.kind
-  of nkEmpty..nkNilLit: 
-    nil
+  of nkEmpty..nkNilLit: nil
     for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
-      if hasCom(n.sons[i]): 
-        return true
+      if hasCom(n.sons[i]): return true
 proc putWithSpace(g: var TSrcGen, kind: TTokType, s: string) = 
   put(g, kind, s)
@@ -525,12 +444,9 @@ proc putWithSpace(g: var TSrcGen, kind: TTokType, s: string) =
 proc gcommaAux(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, ind: int, start: int = 0, 
                theEnd: int = - 1) = 
-  var 
-    sublen: int
-    c: bool
   for i in countup(start, sonsLen(n) + theEnd): 
-    c = i < sonsLen(n) + theEnd
-    sublen = lsub(n.sons[i]) + ord(c)
+    var c = i < sonsLen(n) + theEnd
+    var sublen = lsub(n.sons[i]) + ord(c)
     if not fits(g, sublen) and (ind + sublen < maxLineLen): optNL(g, ind)
     gsub(g, n.sons[i])
     if c: 
@@ -550,19 +466,17 @@ proc gcomma(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext, start: int = 0,
   gcommaAux(g, n, ind, start, theEnd)
 proc gcomma(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, start: int = 0, theEnd: int = - 1) = 
-  var ind: int
-  ind = g.lineLen
+  var ind = g.lineLen
   if ind > maxLineLen div 2: ind = g.indent + longIndentWid
   gcommaAux(g, n, ind, start, theEnd)
 proc gsons(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext, start: int = 0, 
            theEnd: int = - 1) = 
-  for i in countup(start, sonsLen(n) + theEnd): 
-    gsub(g, n.sons[i], c)
+  for i in countup(start, sonsLen(n) + theEnd): gsub(g, n.sons[i], c)
-proc gsection(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext, kind: TTokType, k: string) = 
-  if sonsLen(n) == 0: 
-    return                    # empty var sections are possible
+proc gsection(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext, kind: TTokType, 
+              k: string) = 
+  if sonsLen(n) == 0: return # empty var sections are possible
   putWithSpace(g, kind, k)
@@ -600,7 +514,6 @@ proc gstmts(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext) =
 proc gif(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) = 
     c: TContext
-    length: int
   gsub(g, n.sons[0].sons[0])
   putWithSpace(g, tkColon, ":")
@@ -608,7 +521,7 @@ proc gif(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) =
     incl(c.flags, rfLongMode)
   gcoms(g)                    # a good place for comments
   gstmts(g, n.sons[0].sons[1], c)
-  length = sonsLen(n)
+  var length = sonsLen(n)
   for i in countup(1, length - 1): 
     gsub(g, n.sons[i], c)
@@ -636,10 +549,8 @@ proc gtry(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) =
   gsons(g, n, c, 1)
 proc gfor(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) = 
-  var 
-    c: TContext
-    length: int
-  length = sonsLen(n)
+  var c: TContext
+  var length = sonsLen(n)
   putWithSpace(g, tkFor, "for")
   if longMode(n) or
@@ -665,18 +576,16 @@ proc gmacro(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) =
   gsons(g, n, c, 1)
 proc gcase(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) = 
-  var 
-    c: TContext
-    length, last: int
+  var c: TContext
-  length = sonsLen(n)
-  if n.sons[length - 1].kind == nkElse: last = - 2
-  else: last = - 1
+  var length = sonsLen(n)
+  var last = if n.sons[length-1].kind == nkElse: -2 else: -1
   if longMode(n, 0, last): incl(c.flags, rfLongMode)
   putWithSpace(g, tkCase, "case")
   gsub(g, n.sons[0])
+  last = 0
   gsons(g, n, c, 1, last)
   if last == - 2: 
@@ -722,10 +631,8 @@ proc gasm(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) =
   gsub(g, n.sons[1])
 proc gident(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode) = 
-  var 
-    s: string
-    t: TTokType
-  s = atom(n)
+  var t: TTokType
+  var s = atom(n)
   if (s[0] in scanner.SymChars): 
     if (n.kind == nkIdent): 
       if ( < ord(tokKeywordLow) - ord(tkSymbol)) or
@@ -747,36 +654,21 @@ proc gsub(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext) =
   if n == nil: return 
   if n.comment != nil: pushCom(g, n)
   case n.kind                 # atoms:
-  of nkTripleStrLit: 
-    putRawStr(g, tkTripleStrLit, n.strVal)
-  of nkEmpty, nkType: 
-    put(g, tkInvalid, atom(n))
-  of nkSym, nkIdent: 
-    gident(g, n)
-  of nkIntLit: 
-    put(g, tkIntLit, atom(n))
-  of nkInt8Lit: 
-    put(g, tkInt8Lit, atom(n))
-  of nkInt16Lit: 
-    put(g, tkInt16Lit, atom(n))
-  of nkInt32Lit: 
-    put(g, tkInt32Lit, atom(n))
-  of nkInt64Lit: 
-    put(g, tkInt64Lit, atom(n))
-  of nkFloatLit: 
-    put(g, tkFloatLit, atom(n))
-  of nkFloat32Lit: 
-    put(g, tkFloat32Lit, atom(n))
-  of nkFloat64Lit: 
-    put(g, tkFloat64Lit, atom(n))
-  of nkStrLit: 
-    put(g, tkStrLit, atom(n))
-  of nkRStrLit: 
-    put(g, tkRStrLit, atom(n))
-  of nkCharLit: 
-    put(g, tkCharLit, atom(n))
-  of nkNilLit: 
-    put(g, tkNil, atom(n))    # complex expressions
+  of nkTripleStrLit: putRawStr(g, tkTripleStrLit, n.strVal)
+  of nkEmpty, nkType: put(g, tkInvalid, atom(n))
+  of nkSym, nkIdent: gident(g, n)
+  of nkIntLit: put(g, tkIntLit, atom(n))
+  of nkInt8Lit: put(g, tkInt8Lit, atom(n))
+  of nkInt16Lit: put(g, tkInt16Lit, atom(n))
+  of nkInt32Lit: put(g, tkInt32Lit, atom(n))
+  of nkInt64Lit: put(g, tkInt64Lit, atom(n))
+  of nkFloatLit: put(g, tkFloatLit, atom(n))
+  of nkFloat32Lit: put(g, tkFloat32Lit, atom(n))
+  of nkFloat64Lit: put(g, tkFloat64Lit, atom(n))
+  of nkStrLit: put(g, tkStrLit, atom(n))
+  of nkRStrLit: put(g, tkRStrLit, atom(n))
+  of nkCharLit: put(g, tkCharLit, atom(n))
+  of nkNilLit: put(g, tkNil, atom(n))    # complex expressions
   of nkCall, nkConv, nkDotCall: 
     if sonsLen(n) >= 1: gsub(g, n.sons[0])
     put(g, tkParLe, "(")
@@ -785,11 +677,10 @@ proc gsub(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext) =
   of nkCallStrLit: 
     gsub(g, n.sons[0])
     if n.sons[1].kind == nkRStrLit: 
-      put(g, tkRStrLit, '\"' & n.sons[1].strVal & '\"')
+      put(g, tkRStrLit, '\"' & replace(n[1].strVal, "\"", "\"\"") & '\"')
       gsub(g, n.sons[0])
-  of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkHiddenCallConv: 
-    gsub(g, n.sons[0])
+  of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkHiddenCallConv: gsub(g, n.sons[0])
   of nkCast: 
     put(g, tkCast, "cast")
     put(g, tkBracketLe, "[")
@@ -878,7 +769,7 @@ proc gsub(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext) =
     gsub(g, n.sons[codePos])
   of nkConstDef, nkIdentDefs: 
     gcomma(g, n, 0, - 3)
-    L = sonsLen(n)
+    var L = sonsLen(n)
     if n.sons[L - 2] != nil: 
       putWithSpace(g, tkColon, ":")
       gsub(g, n.sons[L - 2])
@@ -919,8 +810,8 @@ proc gsub(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext) =
     gsub(g, n.sons[1])
   of nkDerefExpr: 
     gsub(g, n.sons[0])
-    putWithSpace(g, tkHat, "^") # unfortunately this requires a space, because ^. would be
-                                # only one operator
+    putWithSpace(g, tkHat, "^") 
+    # unfortunately this requires a space, because ^. would be only one operator
   of nkAccQuoted: 
     put(g, tkAccent, "`")
     gsub(g, n.sons[0])
@@ -996,28 +887,20 @@ proc gsub(g: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, c: TContext) =
     put(g, tkSpaces, Space)
     putWithSpace(g, tkEquals, "=")
     gsub(g, n.sons[1])
-  of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr: 
-    gstmts(g, n, emptyContext)
+  of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr: gstmts(g, n, emptyContext)
   of nkIfStmt: 
     putWithSpace(g, tkIf, "if")
     gif(g, n)
   of nkWhenStmt, nkRecWhen: 
     putWithSpace(g, tkWhen, "when")
     gif(g, n)
-  of nkWhileStmt: 
-    gwhile(g, n)
-  of nkCaseStmt, nkRecCase: 
-    gcase(g, n)
-  of nkMacroStmt: 
-    gmacro(g, n)
-  of nkTryStmt: 
-    gtry(g, n)
-  of nkForStmt: 
-    gfor(g, n)
-  of nkBlockStmt, nkBlockExpr: 
-    gblock(g, n)
-  of nkAsmStmt: 
-    gasm(g, n)
+  of nkWhileStmt: gwhile(g, n)
+  of nkCaseStmt, nkRecCase: gcase(g, n)
+  of nkMacroStmt: gmacro(g, n)
+  of nkTryStmt: gtry(g, n)
+  of nkForStmt: gfor(g, n)
+  of nkBlockStmt, nkBlockExpr: gblock(g, n)
+  of nkAsmStmt: gasm(g, n)
   of nkProcDef: 
     putWithSpace(g, tkProc, "proc")
     gproc(g, n)
@@ -1170,8 +1053,7 @@ proc renderModule(n: PNode, filename: string, renderFlags: TRenderFlags = {}) =
     if n.sons[i] != nil: 
       case n.sons[i].kind
       of nkTypeSection, nkConstSection, nkVarSection, nkCommentStmt: putNL(g)
-      else: 
-        nil
+      else: nil
   if open(f, filename, fmWrite): 
     write(f, g.buf)
@@ -1182,10 +1064,9 @@ proc initTokRender(r: var TSrcGen, n: PNode, renderFlags: TRenderFlags = {}) =
   gsub(r, n)
 proc getNextTok(r: var TSrcGen, kind: var TTokType, literal: var string) = 
-  var length: int
   if r.idx < len(r.tokens): 
     kind = r.tokens[r.idx].kind
-    length = r.tokens[r.idx].length
+    var length = r.tokens[r.idx].length
     literal = copy(r.buf, r.pos + 0, r.pos + 0 + length - 1)
     inc(r.pos, length)
diff --git a/rod/scanner.nim b/rod/scanner.nim
index 9382c7621..8ee7d44b4 100755
--- a/rod/scanner.nim
+++ b/rod/scanner.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -52,15 +52,18 @@ type
     tkImplies, tkImport, tkIn, tkInclude, tkIs, tkIsnot, tkIterator, tkLambda, 
     tkMacro, tkMethod, tkMod, tkNil, tkNot, tkNotin, tkObject, tkOf, tkOr, 
     tkOut, tkProc, tkPtr, tkRaise, tkRef, tkReturn, tkShl, tkShr, tkTemplate, 
-    tkTry, tkTuple, tkType, tkVar, tkWhen, tkWhile, tkWith, tkWithout, tkXor, tkYield, #[[[end]]]
+    tkTry, tkTuple, tkType, tkVar, tkWhen, tkWhile, tkWith, tkWithout, tkXor,
+    tkYield, #[[[end]]]
     tkIntLit, tkInt8Lit, tkInt16Lit, tkInt32Lit, tkInt64Lit, tkFloatLit, 
     tkFloat32Lit, tkFloat64Lit, tkStrLit, tkRStrLit, tkTripleStrLit, 
     tkCallRStrLit, tkCallTripleStrLit, tkCharLit, tkParLe, tkParRi, tkBracketLe, 
-    tkBracketRi, tkCurlyLe, tkCurlyRi, tkBracketDotLe, tkBracketDotRi, # [. and  .]
+    tkBracketRi, tkCurlyLe, tkCurlyRi, 
+    tkBracketDotLe, tkBracketDotRi, # [. and  .]
     tkCurlyDotLe, tkCurlyDotRi, # {.  and  .}
     tkParDotLe, tkParDotRi,   # (. and .)
     tkComma, tkSemiColon, tkColon, tkEquals, tkDot, tkDotDot, tkHat, tkOpr, 
-    tkComment, tkAccent, tkInd, tkSad, tkDed, # pseudo token types used by the source renderers:
+    tkComment, tkAccent, tkInd, tkSad, 
+    tkDed, # pseudo token types used by the source renderers:
     tkSpaces, tkInfixOpr, tkPrefixOpr, tkPostfixOpr
   TTokTypes* = set[TTokType]
@@ -70,16 +73,18 @@ const
   tokOperators*: TTokTypes = {tkOpr, tkSymbol, tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkIn, 
     tkIs, tkIsNot, tkEquals, tkDot, tkHat, tkNot, tkAnd, tkOr, tkXor, tkShl, 
     tkShr, tkDiv, tkMod, tkNotIn}
-  TokTypeToStr*: array[TTokType, string] = ["tkInvalid", "[EOF]", "tkSymbol", #[[[cog
-                                                                              #cog.out(strings)
-                                                                              #]]]
+  TokTypeToStr*: array[TTokType, string] = ["tkInvalid", "[EOF]", 
+    "tkSymbol", #[[[cog
+                #cog.out(strings)
+                #]]]
     "addr", "and", "as", "asm", "bind", "block", "break", "case", "cast", 
     "const", "continue", "converter", "discard", "distinct", "div", "elif", 
     "else", "end", "enum", "except", "finally", "for", "from", "generic", "if", 
     "implies", "import", "in", "include", "is", "isnot", "iterator", "lambda", 
     "macro", "method", "mod", "nil", "not", "notin", "object", "of", "or", 
     "out", "proc", "ptr", "raise", "ref", "return", "shl", "shr", "template", 
-    "try", "tuple", "type", "var", "when", "while", "with", "without", "xor", "yield", #[[[end]]]
+    "try", "tuple", "type", "var", "when", "while", "with", "without", "xor",
+    "yield", #[[[end]]]
     "tkIntLit", "tkInt8Lit", "tkInt16Lit", "tkInt32Lit", "tkInt64Lit", 
     "tkFloatLit", "tkFloat32Lit", "tkFloat64Lit", "tkStrLit", "tkRStrLit", 
     "tkTripleStrLit", "tkCallRStrLit", "tkCallTripleStrLit", "tkCharLit", "(", 
@@ -213,17 +218,13 @@ proc lexMessage(L: TLexer, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string = "") =
   msgs.liMessage(getLineInfo(L), msg, arg)
 proc lexMessagePos(L: var TLexer, msg: TMsgKind, pos: int, arg: string = "") = 
-  var info: TLineInfo
-  info = newLineInfo(L.filename, L.linenumber, pos - L.lineStart)
+  var info = newLineInfo(L.filename, L.linenumber, pos - L.lineStart)
   msgs.liMessage(info, msg, arg)
 proc matchUnderscoreChars(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, chars: TCharSet) = 
   # matches ([chars]_)*
-  var 
-    pos: int
-    buf: cstring
-  pos = L.bufpos              # use registers for pos, buf
-  buf = L.buf
+  var pos = L.bufpos              # use registers for pos, buf
+  var buf = L.buf
   while true: 
     if buf[pos] in chars: 
       add(tok.literal, buf[pos])
@@ -252,11 +253,12 @@ proc GetNumber(L: var TLexer): TToken =
   result.tokType = tkIntLit   # int literal until we know better
   result.literal = ""
   result.base = base10        # BUGFIX
-  pos = L.bufpos              # make sure the literal is correct for error messages:
+  pos = L.bufpos     # make sure the literal is correct for error messages:
   matchUnderscoreChars(L, result, {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'})
   if (L.buf[L.bufpos] == '.') and (L.buf[L.bufpos + 1] in {'0'..'9'}): 
     add(result.literal, '.')
-    inc(L.bufpos)             #matchUnderscoreChars(L, result, ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'])
+    inc(L.bufpos) 
+    #matchUnderscoreChars(L, result, ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'])
     matchUnderscoreChars(L, result, {'0'..'9'})
     if L.buf[L.bufpos] in {'e', 'E'}: 
       add(result.literal, 'e')
@@ -355,19 +357,15 @@ proc GetNumber(L: var TLexer): TToken =
           else: break 
       else: InternalError(getLineInfo(L), "getNumber")
       case result.tokType
-      of tkIntLit, tkInt64Lit: 
-        result.iNumber = xi
-      of tkInt8Lit: 
-        result.iNumber = biggestInt(int8(toU8(int(xi))))
-      of tkInt16Lit: 
-        result.iNumber = biggestInt(toU16(int(xi)))
-      of tkInt32Lit: 
-        result.iNumber = biggestInt(toU32(xi))
+      of tkIntLit, tkInt64Lit: result.iNumber = xi
+      of tkInt8Lit: result.iNumber = biggestInt(int8(toU8(int(xi))))
+      of tkInt16Lit: result.iNumber = biggestInt(toU16(int(xi)))
+      of tkInt32Lit: result.iNumber = biggestInt(toU32(xi))
       of tkFloat32Lit: 
-        result.fNumber = (cast[PFloat32](addr(xi)))^ # note: this code is endian neutral!
-                                                     # XXX: Test this on big endian machine!
-      of tkFloat64Lit: 
-        result.fNumber = (cast[PFloat64](addr(xi)))^ 
+        result.fNumber = (cast[PFloat32](addr(xi)))^ 
+        # note: this code is endian neutral!
+        # XXX: Test this on big endian machine!
+      of tkFloat64Lit: result.fNumber = (cast[PFloat64](addr(xi)))^ 
       else: InternalError(getLineInfo(L), "getNumber")
     elif isFloatLiteral(result.literal) or (result.tokType == tkFloat32Lit) or
         (result.tokType == tkFloat64Lit): 
@@ -380,12 +378,9 @@ proc GetNumber(L: var TLexer): TToken =
           result.tokType = tkInt64Lit
         elif result.tokType != tkInt64Lit: 
           lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber, result.literal)
-  except EInvalidValue: 
-    lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber, result.literal)
-  except EOverflow: 
-    lexMessage(L, errNumberOutOfRange, result.literal)
-  except EOutOfRange: 
-    lexMessage(L, errNumberOutOfRange, result.literal)
+  except EInvalidValue: lexMessage(L, errInvalidNumber, result.literal)
+  except EOverflow: lexMessage(L, errNumberOutOfRange, result.literal)
+  except EOutOfRange: lexMessage(L, errNumberOutOfRange, result.literal)
   L.bufpos = endpos
 proc handleHexChar(L: var TLexer, xi: var int) = 
@@ -472,23 +467,22 @@ proc HandleCRLF(L: var TLexer, pos: int): int =
   else: result = pos
 proc getString(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, rawMode: bool) = 
-  var 
-    line, line2, pos: int
-    c: Char
-    buf: cstring
-  pos = L.bufPos + 1          # skip "
-  buf = L.buf                 # put `buf` in a register
-  line = L.linenumber         # save linenumber for better error message
-  if (buf[pos] == '\"') and (buf[pos + 1] == '\"'): 
+  var pos = L.bufPos + 1          # skip "
+  var buf = L.buf                 # put `buf` in a register
+  var line = L.linenumber         # save linenumber for better error message
+  if buf[pos] == '\"' and buf[pos+1] == '\"': 
     tok.tokType = tkTripleStrLit # long string literal:
     inc(pos, 2)               # skip ""
-                              # skip leading newline:
+    # skip leading newline:
     pos = HandleCRLF(L, pos)
     buf = L.buf
     while true: 
       case buf[pos]
       of '\"': 
-        if (buf[pos + 1] == '\"') and (buf[pos + 2] == '\"'): break 
+        if buf[pos+1] == '\"' and buf[pos+2] == '\"' and
+            buf[pos+3] != '\"': 
+          L.bufpos = pos + 3 # skip the three """
+          break 
         add(tok.literal, '\"')
       of CR, LF: 
@@ -496,7 +490,7 @@ proc getString(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, rawMode: bool) =
         buf = L.buf
         tok.literal = tok.literal & tnl
       of lexbase.EndOfFile: 
-        line2 = L.linenumber
+        var line2 = L.linenumber
         L.LineNumber = line
         lexMessagePos(L, errClosingTripleQuoteExpected, L.lineStart)
         L.LineNumber = line2
@@ -504,20 +498,23 @@ proc getString(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, rawMode: bool) =
         add(tok.literal, buf[pos])
-    L.bufpos = pos + 3 # skip the three """
     # ordinary string literal
     if rawMode: tok.tokType = tkRStrLit
     else: tok.tokType = tkStrLit
     while true: 
-      c = buf[pos]
+      var c = buf[pos]
       if c == '\"': 
-        inc(pos)              # skip '"'
-        break 
-      if c in {CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile}: 
+        if rawMode and buf[pos+1] == '\"':
+          inc(pos, 2)
+          add(tok.literal, '"')
+        else:
+          inc(pos) # skip '"'
+          break
+      elif c in {CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile}: 
         lexMessage(L, errClosingQuoteExpected)
-      if (c == '\\') and not rawMode: 
+      elif (c == '\\') and not rawMode: 
         L.bufPos = pos
         getEscapedChar(L, tok)
         pos = L.bufPos
@@ -527,29 +524,23 @@ proc getString(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, rawMode: bool) =
     L.bufpos = pos
 proc getCharacter(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
-  var c: Char
   Inc(L.bufpos)               # skip '
-  c = L.buf[L.bufpos]
+  var c = L.buf[L.bufpos]
   case c
   of '\0'..Pred(' '), '\'': lexMessage(L, errInvalidCharacterConstant)
   of '\\': getEscapedChar(L, tok)
-    tok.literal = c & ""
+    tok.literal = $c
   if L.buf[L.bufpos] != '\'': lexMessage(L, errMissingFinalQuote)
   inc(L.bufpos)               # skip '
 proc getSymbol(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
-  var 
-    pos: int
-    c: Char
-    buf: cstring
-    h: THash                  # hashing algorithm inlined
-  h = 0
-  pos = L.bufpos
-  buf = L.buf
+  var h: THash = 0
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf
   while true: 
-    c = buf[pos]
+    var c = buf[pos]
     case c
     of 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '\x80'..'\xFF': 
       h = h +% Ord(c)
@@ -560,8 +551,7 @@ proc getSymbol(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
       h = h +% Ord(c)
       h = h +% h shl 10
       h = h xor (h shr 6)
-    of '_': 
-      nil
+    of '_': nil
     else: break 
   h = h +% h shl 3
@@ -580,16 +570,11 @@ proc getSymbol(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
     else: tok.tokType = tkCallTripleStrLit
 proc getOperator(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
-  var 
-    pos: int
-    c: Char
-    buf: cstring
-    h: THash                  # hashing algorithm inlined
-  pos = L.bufpos
-  buf = L.buf
-  h = 0
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf
+  var h: THash = 0
   while true: 
-    c = buf[pos]
+    var c = buf[pos]
     if c in OpChars: 
       h = h +% Ord(c)
       h = h +% h shl 10
@@ -606,9 +591,8 @@ proc getOperator(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   L.bufpos = pos
 proc handleIndentation(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, indent: int) = 
-  var i: int
   tok.indent = indent
-  i = high(L.indentStack)
+  var i = high(L.indentStack)
   if indent > L.indentStack[i]: 
     tok.tokType = tkInd
   elif indent == L.indentStack[i]: 
@@ -625,22 +609,19 @@ proc handleIndentation(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken, indent: int) =
       lexMessage(L, errInvalidIndentation)
 proc scanComment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
-  var 
-    buf: cstring
-    pos, col: int
-    indent: int
-  pos = L.bufpos
-  buf = L.buf # a comment ends if the next line does not start with the # on the same
-              # column after only whitespace
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf 
+  # a comment ends if the next line does not start with the # on the same
+  # column after only whitespace
   tok.tokType = tkComment
-  col = getColNumber(L, pos)
+  var col = getColNumber(L, pos)
   while true: 
     while not (buf[pos] in {CR, LF, lexbase.EndOfFile}): 
       add(tok.literal, buf[pos])
     pos = handleCRLF(L, pos)
     buf = L.buf
-    indent = 0
+    var indent = 0
     while buf[pos] == ' ': 
@@ -654,11 +635,8 @@ proc scanComment(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   L.bufpos = pos
 proc skip(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
-  var 
-    buf: cstring
-    indent, pos: int
-  pos = L.bufpos
-  buf = L.buf
+  var pos = L.bufpos
+  var buf = L.buf
   while true: 
     case buf[pos]
     of ' ': 
@@ -669,7 +647,7 @@ proc skip(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
     of CR, LF: 
       pos = HandleCRLF(L, pos)
       buf = L.buf
-      indent = 0
+      var indent = 0
       while buf[pos] == ' ': 
@@ -681,7 +659,6 @@ proc skip(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
   L.bufpos = pos
 proc rawGetTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) = 
-  var c: Char
   if L.dedent > 0: 
@@ -691,10 +668,10 @@ proc rawGetTok(L: var TLexer, tok: var TToken) =
       tok.tokType = tkDed
-  skip(L, tok)                # skip
-                              # got an documentation comment or tkIndent, return that:
+  skip(L, tok)
+  # got an documentation comment or tkIndent, return that:
   if tok.toktype != tkInvalid: return 
-  c = L.buf[L.bufpos]
+  var c = L.buf[L.bufpos]
   if c in SymStartChars - {'r', 'R', 'l'}: 
     getSymbol(L, tok)
   elif c in {'0'..'9'}: 
diff --git a/tests/tassert.nim b/tests/tassert.nim
index 1eff23502..9fd18e9bd 100755
--- a/tests/tassert.nim
+++ b/tests/tassert.nim
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ proc callC() = callA()


 except EAssertionFailed:

-  write(stdout, "assertion failure!\n")

+  write(stdout, "assertion failure!")


-  write(stdout, "unknown exception!\n")

+  write(stdout, "unknown exception!")


-  system.write(stdout, "this shall be always written\n")

+  system.write(stdout, "this shall be always written")



+assert(false) #OUT assertion failure!this shall be always written

diff --git a/tests/tinvalidnewseq.nim b/tests/tinvalidnewseq.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e2a3736c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tinvalidnewseq.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import regexprs, strutils
+  TURL = tuple[protocol, subdomain, domain, port: string, path: seq[string]]
+proc parseURL(url: string): TURL =
+  #([a-zA-Z]+://)?(\w+?\.)?(\w+)(\.\w+)(:[0-9]+)?(/.+)?
+  var pattern: string = r"([a-zA-Z]+://)?(\w+?\.)?(\w+)(\.\w+)(:[0-9]+)?(/.+)?"
+  var m: array[0..6, string] #Array with the matches
+  newSeq(m, 7) #ERROR
+  discard regexprs.match(url, pattern, m)
+  result = (protocol: m[1], subdomain: m[2], domain: m[3] & m[4], 
+            port: m[5], path: m[6].split('/'))
+var r: TUrl
+r = parseUrl(r"")
diff --git a/tests/tstrlits.nim b/tests/tstrlits.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..48ae08212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tstrlits.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# Test the new different string literals
+  tripleEmpty = """"long string"""""""" # "long string """""
+  rawQuote = r"a"""
+  raw = r"abc""def"
+#OUT a""long string"""""abc"def