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authorAraq <>2016-09-02 01:22:59 +0200
committerAraq <>2016-09-02 01:22:59 +0200
commit7332266c7ee53bf19cf3ac65285dad4cff5daec0 (patch)
parent11f7eb2d9b2ff22053aa6e3d442f43922842d5e6 (diff)
parente4ddcd836ce723859b71d2d52be85e8eaed7e119 (diff)
Merge branch 'devel' of into c-blake-devel
2 files changed, 53 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/posix/termios.nim b/lib/posix/termios.nim
index c3934c6a9..1fbccba9c 100644
--- a/lib/posix/termios.nim
+++ b/lib/posix/termios.nim
@@ -259,3 +259,13 @@ proc tcFlow*(fd: cint; action: cint): cint {.importc: "tcflow",
 # Get process group ID for session leader for controlling terminal FD.
 proc tcGetSid*(fd: cint): Pid {.importc: "tcgetsid", header: "<termios.h>".}
+# Window size ioctl.  Should work on on any Unix that xterm has been ported to.
+var TIOCGWINSZ*{.importc, header: "<sys/ioctl.h>".}: culong
+type IOctl_WinSize* {.importc: "struct winsize", header: "<sys/ioctl.h>",
+                      final, pure.} = object
+  ws_row*, ws_col*, ws_xpixel*, ws_ypixel*: cushort
+proc ioctl*(fd: cint, request: culong, reply: ptr IOctl_WinSize): int {.
+  importc: "ioctl", header: "<stdio.h>", varargs.}
diff --git a/lib/pure/terminal.nim b/lib/pure/terminal.nim
index 1f34ec07e..d4734c3e3 100644
--- a/lib/pure/terminal.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/terminal.nim
@@ -60,6 +60,21 @@ when defined(windows):
     lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo: ptr CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO): WINBOOL{.stdcall,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo".}
+  proc terminalWidthIoctl*(handles: openArray[Handle]): int =
+    for h in handles:
+      if getConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, addr csbi) != 0:
+        return int(csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1)
+    return 0
+  proc terminalWidth*(): int =
+    var w: int = 0
+    w = terminalWidthIoctl([ getStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),
+                             getStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),
+                             getStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) ] )
+    if w > 0: return w
+    return 80
   proc setConsoleCursorPosition(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE,
                                 dwCursorPosition: COORD): WINBOOL{.
       stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "SetConsoleCursorPosition".}
@@ -123,7 +138,7 @@ when defined(windows):
     if f == stderr: hStderr else: hStdout
-  import termios
+  import termios, posix, os, parseutils
   proc setRaw(fd: FileHandle, time: cint = TCSAFLUSH) =
     var mode: Termios
@@ -137,6 +152,33 @@ else:
     mode.c_cc[VTIME] = 0.cuchar
     discard fd.tcsetattr(time, addr mode)
+  proc terminalWidthIoctl*(fds: openArray[int]): int =
+    ## Returns terminal width from first fd that supports the ioctl.
+    var win: IOctl_WinSize
+    for fd in fds:
+      if ioctl(cint(fd), TIOCGWINSZ, addr win) != -1:
+        return int(win.ws_col)
+    return 0
+  var L_ctermid{.importc, header: "<stdio.h>".}: cint
+  proc terminalWidth*(): int =
+    ## Returns some reasonable terminal width from either standard file
+    ## descriptors, controlling terminal, environment variables or tradition.
+    var w = terminalWidthIoctl([0, 1, 2])   #Try standard file descriptors
+    if w > 0: return w
+    var cterm = newString(L_ctermid)        #Try controlling tty
+    var fd = open(ctermid(cstring(cterm)), O_RDONLY)
+    if fd != -1:
+      w = terminalWidthIoctl([ int(fd) ])
+    discard close(fd)
+    if w > 0: return w
+    var s = getEnv("COLUMNS")               #Try standard env var
+    if len(s) > 0 and parseInt(string(s), w) > 0 and w > 0:
+      return w
+    return 80                               #Finally default to venerable value
 proc setCursorPos*(f: File, x, y: int) =
   ## Sets the terminal's cursor to the (x,y) position.
   ## (0,0) is the upper left of the screen.