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authorAraq <>2016-12-31 01:53:59 +0100
committerAraq <>2016-12-31 02:04:27 +0100
commit763c783bdf8e267ac2697899d6c6cbe882edb4a6 (patch)
parent6f260dd45c4a4bafc0471d32bd10559ec2786d6b (diff)
added distros.nim stdlib module for NimScript/Nimble support
4 files changed, 236 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/nims.rst b/doc/nims.rst
index 12d86a905..967dd4149 100644
--- a/doc/nims.rst
+++ b/doc/nims.rst
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ following modules are available:
 * `strutils <strutils.html>`_
 * `ospaths <ospaths.html>`_
 * `math <math.html>`_
+* `distros <distros.html>`_
 The `system <system.html>`_ module in NimScript mode additionally supports
 these operations: `nimscript <nimscript.html>`_.
@@ -72,6 +73,10 @@ done:
     setCommand "nop"
+Look at the module `distros <distros.html>`_ for some support of the
+OS's native package managers.
 Nimble integration
diff --git a/lib/pure/distros.nim b/lib/pure/distros.nim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a8aefddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pure/distros.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2016 Andreas Rumpf
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## This module implements the basics for Linux distribution ("distro")
+## detection and the OS's native package manager. Its primary purpose is in
+## producing output for Nimble packages like::
+##  To complete the installation, run:
+##  sudo apt-get libblas-dev
+##  sudo apt-get libvoodoo
+from strutils import contains, toLowerAscii
+when not defined(nimscript):
+  from osproc import execProcess
+  Distribution* {.pure.} = enum ## an enum so that the poor programmer
+                                ## cannot introduce typos
+    Windows ## some version of Windows
+    Posix   ## some Posix system
+    MacOSX  ## some version of OSX
+    Linux   ## some version of Linux
+    Ubuntu
+    Debian
+    Gentoo
+    Fedora
+    RedHat
+    OpenSUSE
+    Manjaro
+    Elementary
+    Zorin
+    CentOS
+    Deepin
+    ArchLinux
+    Antergos
+    PCLinuxOS
+    Mageia
+    LXLE
+    Solus
+    Lite
+    Slackware
+    Androidx86
+    Puppy
+    Peppermint
+    Tails
+    AntiX
+    Kali
+    SparkyLinux
+    Apricity
+    BlackLab
+    Bodhi
+    TrueOS
+    ArchBang
+    KaOS
+    WattOS
+    Korora
+    Simplicity
+    RemixOS
+    OpenMandriva
+    Netrunner
+    Alpine
+    BlackArch
+    Ultimate
+    Gecko
+    Parrot
+    GhostBSD
+    Sabayon
+    Salix
+    Q4OS
+    ClearOS
+    Container
+    ROSA
+    Zenwalk
+    Parabola
+    ChaletOS
+    BackBox
+    MXLinux
+    Vector
+    Maui
+    Qubes
+    RancherOS
+    Oracle
+    TinyCore
+    Robolinux
+    Trisquel
+    Voyager
+    Clonezilla
+    SteamOS
+    Absolute
+    NixOS
+    Arya
+    Porteus
+    AVLinux
+    Elive
+    Bluestar
+    SliTaz
+    Solaris
+    Chakra
+    Wifislax
+    Scientific
+    ExTiX
+    Rockstor
+    GoboLinux
+    BSD
+    FreeBSD
+    OpenBSD
+    DragonFlyBSD
+  LacksDevPackages* = {Distribution.Gentoo, Distribution.Slackware,
+    Distribution.ArchLinux}
+var unameRes: string ## we cache the result of the 'uname -a' execution for
+                     ## faster platform detections.
+template uname(): untyped =
+  const cmd = "uname -a"
+  if unameRes.len == 0:
+    unameRes = (when defined(nimscript): gorge(cmd) else: execProcess(cmd))
+  unameRes
+proc detectOsImpl(d: Distribution): bool =
+  case d
+  of Distribution.Windows: ## some version of Windows
+    result = defined(windows)
+  of Distribution.Posix: result = defined(posix)
+  of Distribution.MacOSX: result = defined(macosx)
+  of Distribution.Linux: result = defined(linux)
+  of Distribution.Ubuntu, Distribution.Gentoo, Distribution.FreeBSD,
+     Distribution.OpenBSD, Distribution.Fedora:
+    result = ("-" & $d & " ") in uname()
+  of Distribution.RedHat:
+    result = "Red Hat" in uname()
+  of Distribution.BSD: result = defined(bsd)
+  of Distribution.ArchLinux:
+    result = "arch" in toLowerAscii(uname())
+  of Distribution.OpenSUSE:
+    result = "suse" in toLowerAscii(uname())
+  of Distribution.GoboLinux:
+    result = "-Gobo " in uname()
+  of Distribution.OpenMandriva:
+    result = "mandriva" in toLowerAscii(uname())
+  of Distribution.Solaris:
+    let uname = toLowerAscii(uname())
+    result = ("sun" in uname) or ("solaris" in uname)
+  else:
+    result = toLowerAscii($d) in toLowerAscii(uname())
+template detectOs*(d: untyped): bool =
+  detectOsImpl(Distribution.d)
+when not defined(nimble):
+  var foreignDeps: seq[string] = @[]
+proc foreignCmd*(cmd: string; requiresSudo=false) =
+  let c = (if requiresSudo: "sudo " else: "") & cmd
+  when defined(nimble):
+    nimscriptapi.foreignDeps.add(c)
+  else:
+    foreignDeps.add(c)
+proc foreignDepInstallCmd*(foreignPackageName: string): (string, bool) =
+  ## returns the distro's native command line to install 'foreignPackageName'
+  ## and whether it requires root/admin rights.
+  let p = foreignPackageName
+  when defined(windows):
+    result = ("Chocolatey install " & p, false)
+  elif defined(bsd):
+    result = ("ports install " & p, true)
+  elif defined(linux):
+    if detectOs(Ubuntu) or detectOs(Elementary) or detectOs(Debian) or
+        detectOs(KNOPPIX) or detectOs(SteamOS):
+      result = ("apt-get install " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(Gentoo):
+      result = ("emerge install " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(Fedora):
+      result = ("yum install " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(RedHat):
+      result = ("rpm install " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(OpenSUSE):
+      result = ("yast -i " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(Slackware):
+      result = ("installpkg " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(OpenMandriva):
+      result = ("urpmi " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(ZenWalk):
+      result = ("netpkg install " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(NixOS):
+      result = ("nix-env -i " & p, false)
+    elif detectOs(Solaris):
+      result = ("pkg install " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(PCLinuxOS):
+      result = ("rpm -ivh " & p, true)
+    elif detectOs(ArchLinux):
+      result = ("pacman -S " & p, true)
+  else:
+    result = ("brew install " & p, true)
+proc foreignDep*(foreignPackageName: string) =
+  let (installCmd, sudo) = foreignDepInstallCmd(foreignPackageName)
+  foreignCmd installCmd, sudo
+proc echoForeignDeps*() =
+  ## Writes the list of registered foreign deps to stdout.
+  echo "To finish the installation, run:"
+  for d in foreignDeps:
+    echo d
+when isMainModule:
+  foreignDep("libblas-dev")
+  foreignDep "libfoo"
+  echoForeignDeps()
diff --git a/web/news/e029_version_0_16_0.rst b/web/news/e029_version_0_16_0.rst
index b68266414..a1cc54417 100644
--- a/web/news/e029_version_0_16_0.rst
+++ b/web/news/e029_version_0_16_0.rst
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ Library Additions
   ``terminalWidthIoctl`` and ``terminalSize`` to the ``terminal``
   `(doc) <>`_ module.
+- Added new module ``distros``
+  `(doc) <>`_  that can be used in Nimble
+  packages to aid in supporting the OS's native package managers.
 Tool Additions
diff --git a/web/website.ini b/web/website.ini
index 3b8203cc0..b929712bf 100644
--- a/web/website.ini
+++ b/web/website.ini
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ srcdoc2: "pure/nativesockets;pure/asynchttpserver;pure/net;pure/selectors;pure/f
 srcdoc2: "deprecated/pure/ftpclient"
 srcdoc2: "pure/asyncfile;pure/asyncftpclient"
 srcdoc2: "pure/md5;pure/rationals"
-srcdoc2: "posix/posix"
+srcdoc2: "posix/posix;distros"
 srcdoc2: "pure/fenv;pure/securehash;impure/rdstdin"
 srcdoc2: "pure/basic2d;pure/basic3d;pure/mersenne;pure/coro;pure/httpcore"